Hydrogen Peroxide Ear Drops
Hydrogen Peroxide Ear Drops
Hydrogen Peroxide Ear Drops
When instilled in the ear you will feel a warm tingling sensation, and a bubbling/fizzing sound
(sometimes described a little like ‘Rice-Bubbles’).
This solution is safe in all ears even when you have grommets or an eardrum perforation.
Using Eardrops:
• Place your head on side. Use the syringe or dropper to fill up the ear with the solution (around
1-3 ml).
• ‘Pump’ the solution within the ear canal using the ‘triangle’ of skin and cartilage in front to the
ear canal for about 10-15sec.
• Allow it to bubble and fizz.
• Once you are used to the feeling the solution should be left to bubble and fizz in the ear for up
to one minute at a time, although when you first use it you may only tolerate the feeling for a few
• Tip solution out onto a tissue.
• The ear canal will dry itself in the next minute or so.
Frequency of Use:
• If used for treatment of ear infections (outer or middle ear), please use three times a day in
combination with the antibiotic drops prescribed by your doctor. Use the hydrogen peroxide first
and allow a thirty minute gap between it and other drops.
• If you are prone to recurrent outer ear infections (‘otitis externa’), using hydrogen peroxide alone
when you feel the first symptoms of an infection can sometimes avoid the need for antibiotic
drops. Use it three times a day for a week, and see your doctor if symptoms of infection get
• If used to prevent excessive wax buildup, use according to the frequency with which your
ears block. If you need to have then cleaned out three times per year, use hydrogen
peroxide three times/week. Twice yearly = twice weekly, and so on.
• If your ears are blocked by wax, use hydrogen peroxide 2-3 times a day for two weeks before
your appointment to loosen the wax up prior to your appointment. This may remove all the wax
in itself and avoid the need for cleaning altogether.
If your ear symptoms are made worse by hydrogen peroxide drops, or you find them too
painful to use, please stop their use and discuss this with your doctor.
Northern Health
185 Cooper Street
Epping 3076