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Name: Okyere Theophilus Kofi

Index Number: 10114725


Chapter 1
1. What does the word “processing” in data processing mean?
“Processing” in data processing mean anything action that produces date into
information, such as analyze date, divide date into category, find the total, average,
means, ratios and trends.

2. Give three examples in which raw data also serves as useful information.
In the retail industry, there have lots of raw date could be very useful, such as
customer’s name, address, education level, or employment experience. All those raw
date in retail also can be information, because we can just use these information
without processing.

3. Give three business examples (not mentioned in the text) of data that must be
processed to provide useful information.
If a businessman want to open a clothing store in China, then he need to process the
date into useful information such as what is the trend color in China, what is the trend
style in China, and what is the trend fabric materials in China.

4. Give three examples of subsystems not operating in the context of IT. Why are
these considered subsystems and not systems?
A system usually includes many subsystems. Subsystems contribute the sub-goal to
meet the main goal of a system. For example, in a restaurant have two waiters, one
chef, one cashier and one manager. The two waiters are responsible of helping
customers, chef is responsible of cooking the food, cashier is responsible for check
out, and the manager is in charge of organizing the team at store. All these roles are
considered subsystems of a large system which is the restaurant business.

5. How do TPSs and DSSs differ?

TPSs do not analyze date nor create any information. A TPS merely records
transactions and channels them into files and database. However, A DSS can help
make decisions, it provides useful information gleaned and process from war date.
DSS is a thing make raw date process into information.

6. What is a problem? Give an example of a business problem and discuss how a

computerbased information system could solve it.
A problem is “any undesirable situation”. Suppose after inventory a store’s inventory
shows it has items available which it does not physically have on hand, which is a
problem. And manager needs to figure out why this is happening, and he need to
adjust it to make it balance. The manager can use retail management system to see
each store book inventory and physical inventory, and to make transfer in order to
balance the book inventory and physical inventory.

7. What is synergy? How is synergy accomplished when a person uses a

computer? Explain the connection between synergy and increased productivity.
Synergy is from Greek means “to work together” is the attainment of output, when
two factors work together, that is greater, or better than the sum of their products
when they were separately. Human can think, then computer can calculate and
perform programmed logical operations extremely rapidly; human have common
sense, computer can store and retrieve date and information extremely rapidly; human
can make decision, computer can performs complex logical and arithmetical functions
accurately; human can instruct the computer what to do, computer execute long,
tedious operations. Human can learn new methods and techniques, computer can
performs routine tasks less expensively than humans; human can accumulate
expertise, and compute are adaptable.

8. “An information system consists of hardware and software.” Why is this

statement inadequate?
An information system has become synonymous with a computer based information
system that computer collect, store, and process date into information according to
instruction people provide via computer programs.

9. In which situations does one need to make a decision? Give three examples not
mentioned in the chapter.
What if we purchase raw materials overseas?
What if we merge our warehouses?
What if we double our shifts and cut our staff?

10. How can a DSS help make decisions?

Organizations often build information systems specifically designed to help make

11. Note the word “support” in decision support systems. Why are these
applications not called decision-making systems?
Because they have neither the time nor the resources to study and absorb long,
detailed reports of data and information, organizations often build information
systems specifically designed to help make decisions.

12. Who is considered a knowledge worker? Will you have a career as a

knowledge worker? Explain.
Hardware and software platforms, products, and applications System analyst – proven
knowledge in advanced operating and personal computer systems; must have a
thorough understanding in multiple

13. What is the most prevalent type of information system? Why is this type of IS
so ubiquitous?
Supply Chain Management System; the term “supply Chain” refers to the sequence of
activities involved in producing and selling a product or service

14. TPSs are usually used at the boundaries of the organization. What are
boundaries in this context? Give three examples of boundaries.
TPSs the pre dominant function of TPSs is to record data collected at boundaries of
organizations in other words the point where organizations transact business with
other parties.
eg. Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)
Credit card processing
POS machines
15. Among IT professionals, the greatest demand is for network administrators
and analysts. Why?
this is because they are among 25 of the best paying jobs.

chapter 2
1. In what respect does business strategy resemble military strategy?
In military strategy, business strategy resembles a framework or an approach to
obtaining an advantageous position.
2. Refer to Chapter 1’s discussion of different types of information systems.
Which types of ISs can gain strategic advantage and which cannot? Why?
A company achieves strategic advantage by using strategy to maximize its strengths,
resulting in a competitive advantage. When a business uses a strategy with the intent
to create a market for new products or services, it does not aim to compete with other
organizations because that market does not yet exist OR
Maximizing sales and lowering costs are two strategies in information systems that
help gain strategic advantage because it helps to maximize its strength and results in a
competitive advantage
3. What should an information system achieve for an organization in order to be
considered a strategic information system?
An information system that takes a certain amount of creativities, imaginations, and
vision to identity an opportunity or to create on and act on it, that also helps to seize
4. What strategic goal can an IS attain that does not involve wresting market
share from competitors?
To maximize profits by lowering costs and increasing revenue.
5. What conditions must exist in an organization planning an SIS?
a. The information system must serve an organizational goal rather than simply
provide information,
b. The organization’s IS unit must work with managers of other functional units to
achieve the organizational goal.
6. Sometimes it is difficult to convince top managreement to commit funds to
develop and implement an SIS. Why?
Because these system is not simply reducing costs or increasing output, it might also
change the way an organization does business and because many fundamental
business changes are involved, measuring the financial impact gets more difficult
which leads to management ‘s questioning to commit funds to develop and implement
an SIS.
7. An SIS often offers a corporation short-lived advantages. How so?
Competitors won’t be far behind and they will be trying to create a better product or
solution than you are making.

8. What is re-engineering? Why is re engineering often mentioned along with IT?

Re engineering is the process of elimination of old processes and implementing new
ideas and systems from the ground up. IT is involved because re engineering often
involves new computer systems.

9. Why have most re engineering projects failed? What has eventually affected re
engineering in some companies?
New systems force employees and managers to change their way of work.
10. Software developers have made great efforts to “create a standard.” What
does creating a standard mean in the software industry, and why are companies
doing it?
Creating a standard is a means of locking in clients. This means creating something
that no one else does or has. It is an effective way of capitalizing on a certain market.
11. What should an organization do to sustain the strategic benefits of an IS?
The IS should be continually modified and enhanced. This will create a moving target
for competitors.
12. Adobe encourages PC users to download its Acrobat Reader and Flash
Player free of charge. How does this eventually help Adobe strategically? If they
give the application away, how does their generosity help them make money?

13. Referring to the list of strategic moves (see Figure 2.2), classify the initiatives
of JetBlue.
1) Reducing cost
2) Creating Barriers to new entrants
3) Differentiating products and services
4) Establishing alliances
5) Enhancing products and services
6) Locking in suppliers and buyers

14. What were the reasons for the failure of the original purpose of
FordDirect.com? Who eventually gained from the system and what were the
FordDirect.com failed because it did not carefully considered state laws and it bypass
the Ford dealers. This site also offers used cars for sale which was not Ford originally
wanted to do. Some solace was found in the continued operation of FordDirect.com.

15. The executives of well-established airlines are not less smart than those at
JetBlue, and yet, their larger airlines have not done what JetBlue has done.
Being a new organization, JetBlue was not burdened with old (legacy) ISs and debt.
The older airlines would have to discard their old ISs and spend millions of dollars
investing in new ones. JetBlue had the advantage of being able to immediately invest
in the latest technology.

16. What does the term “first mover” mean?

a company that is the first to introduce a new product, service, or technology: They
got to where they are today by being first movers, and by running fast enough to keep
17. Can a late mover have any strategic advantage with IT? What is the risk that
a late mover takes?
Yes a late mover can have a strategic advantage. A strategic advantage of a late
mover is being able to observe what new methods/technology is adaptable and
efficient rather than taking the risk if bleeding edge and creating its own method
of strategy. Risk of late movers is becoming outdated and forgotten.
18. What does the term “bleeding edge” mean?
Bleeding edge refers to a product or service that is new, experimental, generally
untested and carries a high degree of uncertainty.

1. What is a supply chain? What is the purpose of supply chain management

A supply chain is the aggregate of business activities from procurement of raw
materials to
delivery of the finished goods to the customer. Some would say that the supply chain
includes billing, collecting, and customer service. SCM systems are linked to each
other and
support SCM.
2. What is the purpose of cost accounting ISs?
Cost accounting ISs help record cost (labor, materials, and other types of cost) so that
managers can determine how much the development or manufacturing of an item or
service will cost their organizations. This helps in pricing. It may also help determine
if the organization is competitive in selling a certain product or service.
3. What is the relationship between CAD and CAM systems?
The technical specifications and electronic drawings that result from computer-aided
design can feed computer-aided manufacturing systems that execute the cutting,
welding, assembly, and other activities involved in manufacturing.
4. What are the concerns in cash management, and how do cash management ISs
help financial managers?
The concern is to have enough cash on hand for operations while gaining the
maximum possible return on cash that is invested for the duration for which it is not
needed for immediate use.Financial ISs help managers plan the allocation of cash to
projects, purchasing, payroll, and other purposes, allowing them to determine how
much cash can be invested for how long to maximize yield while not risking missing
of payments. The systems take into consideration both anticipated cash-in flows (from
sales and investments) and cash-out flows (payments).
5. What is time to market? How have ISs affected time to market?
Time-to-market is the time that elapses between conceiving an idea for a new product
or service and the time the first units can be delivered on the market. ISs help shorten
time-to-market, thereby helping an organization exploit a strategic position.
6. In brief, what is the purpose of customer relationship management systems?
Customer relationship management (CRM) is the combination of practices, strategies
and technologies that companies use to manage and analyze customer interactions and
data throughout the customer life cycle. The goal is to
improve customer service relationships and assist in customer retention and drive
sales growth.
7. What are the typical components of ERP systems?
 Human Resources.
 Customer Relationship Management.
 Business Intelligence.
 Supply Chain Management.
 Inventory Management.
 Financial Management.

8. Although technologically the full linking of the SCM systems of suppliers and
buyers is feasible, many buyers are reluctant to do so. Why?

9. Why do the ERP installation and testing of systems require that experts be
involved? Why does the implementation of so many ERP systems face severe
challenges or totally fail?
EOQ helps minimize problems related to accounting, inventory and helps track and
calculate quantity of goods ordered.

10. What is EOQ? Which two problems do ISs that calculate EOQ help
MRP and MRP II systems help achieve JIT by coordinating and controlling of
production and inventories, providing ease of adaptation to order changes, etc.

11. What is JIT? How do MRP and MRP II systems help achieve JIT?
By helping HR managers post positions vacancy announcements for employees to
peruse and consider from their own PC’s. Many companies refuse to receive paper
applications and resumes; recruiting officers can then use special software to scour a
database for the most qualified employees. Thus the web is a database of qualified

12. For the human resource managers of some organizations the entire Web is a
database of job candidates. How so?
13. What information technologies play a crucial role in marketing?
Customer relationship management.
Supply chain management.
Inventory management.
Financial management.

14. Many sales reps have no offices, yet they have access to huge resources, and
their productivity is great. Explain how that is possible.
Because the sales reps use the computer in all their day to day activities and the grants
then access to huge resources on the internet through a network and also they have
large data files stored in their database. Thus, the computer is their office.

15. What is RFID, and what role does it play in SCM?

RFID is radio frequency identification, denoting technologies that use radio waves to
identify people or objects carrying encoded microchips.
RFID technology allows SCM professionals to maintain a proper record of their
inventory while it is moving through a warehouse and fulfillment process. This helps
in ensuring efficient delivery and also lowers the expenses.

16. In the supply chain, shipping software helps mainly in two ways. What are
Shipping is done either by a manufacturer or a hired shipping company.



1. You have decided to buy parts and build your own personal computer. At
the minimum, what are the components that you would need for this
device to be considered a computer?
To build a personal computer, the components that I would need are input
devices such as a keyboard and mouse, a central processing unit, internal
memory, storage and output devices such as a monitor and speaker.

2. Modern CPUs contain cores. What is a core?

A core is usually the basic computation unit of the CPU, it enables your
computer to have more processing capability

3. Multicore CPUs facilitate multithreading. What is multithreading?

Multithreading is a computer technology that allows more than one steam
(thread) of processing at the same time.

4. Most people never get to see a supercomputer, let alone use one. Why?
What are the most frequent uses of this type of computer?
Most people never get the chance to use a supercomputer they are overly
expensive and impractical for most business situations. Universities, research
institutions, government agencies and large corporations engaged in research
and development are most likely to use them.
5. Why are computers designed to work in binary form rather than by using
multiple-value signals? Try to use the analogy of colors to explain your
Computers are designed to work in binary form because of the technology
convergence, it is accessible and create a convenience, which makes it
6. News about the death of mainframe computers has been greatly
exaggerated. Explain.
The death of mainframe computers has been greatly exaggerated because
estimated 40-50 percent of the world’s business resides on mainframes and
approximately 60 percent of all data available on the Internet is stored and
processed on mainframe computers.
7. IT professionals often speak of the merging of technologies. Think of
handheld computers and cell phones. Give an example of such merging.
Examples of merging technologies would be being able to stream videos from
the internet to the television; this is an example of how televisions merge with
8. When a computer is offered for sale, one of its advertised characteristics
is something such as “4 GHz.” What does this mean, and what does it
GHz means gigahertz (seconds, billions of hertz). It measures the timing of a
computer’s operation.
9. Why are computers said to be processing data digitally?
Computers are said to process data digitally as it reads data from machine
reading devices like bar-code reader, credit cards digitally without human
intervention. When computer receives any instruction or signal, first it
converts the instruction in binary signals. The digital binary signals can be
read as 0/1.

10. What is the difference between volatile and nonvolatile memory? Give
one example of volatile memory and one example of nonvolatile memory.
Volatile memory is faster than non-volatile memory. Non-volatile
memory access is slower. RAM (Random Access Memory) is an example of
Volatile Memory. ROM (Read Only Memory) is an example of Non-Volatile

11. What are the main qualities to look for in an LCD monitor?
The main qualities to look for in an LCD are the size, brightness, contrast
ratio, and pixel pitch.

12. Among the external storage devices discussed in this chapter, all but one
store data on the surface of some material, and one in circuitry. Which
one stores data in circuitry?
Motherboard stores data in a circuit.

13. What is DVD technology? How does it differ from CD technology?

DVD stands for digital versatile disc or digital video disk. It is an optical
device that can store a large amount of data. It acts as a medium for
distributing digital data. It uses dual layer disk recording to store data on disk.
DVDs can store up to 9.4GB on both layers.

The CD and DVD are the optical recording medium where CD was devised as

an audio storage format while DVD is used as the universal storage format.
The latter technology DVD can hold data about 7 times more than CD and its
format efficiency is also 32% greater than a CD.

14. What does footprint mean in hardware? When is a footprint important in

the office?
 Footprint is the space occupied by computer and its peripheral devices.
 Hardware footprints are directly proportional to the size of the
computer. A smaller footprint gives more desk space to other devices.

15. What are the most important features to consider before purchasing a
Some important features you should consider are;

 RAM (Random Access Memory).

 Processor.

 Storage

 Screen Size

 Resolution

 Operating system.

16. On a continental tour, a traveling salesperson makes software-based

presentations at every place he stops. He has ensured that there is a PC and
projecting equipment at every site he visits. Occasionally, he needs to change the
content of his presentation. He wants to carry as small a storage device as
possible. What data storage device would you recommend he carry?

The sales person should carry a tablet. A tablet is a mobile computing device with a
touch screen technology to execute commands.

Chapter 5
1.Programmers today use a low level programming language such as assembler rather
than a higher

level language because assembler uses shorter codes than machine language and
machine independence.

Rather than having the disadvantages of higher level such as less control over

less efficient memory and program runs slowly.

2.The use of 4GL commands are more like English, it makes development easier and

built around database management system that allows the programmer to create
database structures, populate them with data and manipulate data.

3. Multimedia is a using more than one medium of expression or communication.Five

example of how this technology can be used in training,

customer service, and education are; online classes, training videos, digitized
documents, online shopping email representatives and webcasting

4.Companies’ commission software development projects because some companies

have needs that ready-made

software cannot meet. If needs are not met the managers must have a program
developed, either within the organization or by another organization specializing in
that type of software

5.Office applicants are often called productivity

tools because the purpose of all business software is to make the work of people more

6.An example a model that shows gradual growth of a phenomenon would be a

company’s profit margin across a specific timeframe.

Creating a model that show gradual growth keep a company updated on their progress
or lack thereof.Knowledge of

the profit margin can help you decide what other methods you could use to increase

8.The different media’s in multimedia would be education and research, training,

business and mash ups

9.immersion in VR is a perception of being physically present in a non-physical

world. The perception is

created by surrounding the user of the VR system in images, sound or other stimuli
that provide an engrossing total environment.

10.3-D geographic software is important because it helps with navigation, whereby

one can recognize buildings and landmarks by their similarity to the software images.

is most useful for GPS’s and car rental companies.

11.The main difference between system software and application software is that
system software are primarily designed to manage system-based resources and
operations and

acts as an interface between application software and computer hardware, while

application software are primarily designed to help users perform specific

software provides an interface between the user and the system software.

Chapter 6

1. If all the paths of data communications were visible to the human eye, we
might be overwhelmed. Why? Give some examples.

2. Data communications over long distances is carried out one bit after another.
Why can’t whole bytes be transmitted over a distance one byte per signal?

3. What makes one medium capable of greater data communication speed than

4. Which medium currently enables the fastest data communications?

5. Repeaters are used on many communication lines. What is their purpose?

What does a repeater do?

6. Networking professionals speak of “the last mile.” What is “the last mile,” and
what is its significance?

7. Would an astronomy observatory 20 miles away from a city or town likely be

able to get DSL service? Why?

8. What risks to organizations does the growing use of networks pose?

9. What is a virtual private network? Why is it called “virtual”?

10. What is a network protocol?

11. What are the technical advantages of optical fibers over other
communications media?

12. The same communication medium can trans- port three different services.
This is true of two media. Which media? What are the three services?

13. What is the difference between circuit switching and packet switching?

14. Why does circuit switching accommodate voice communication more

effectively than packet switching?

15. What is VoIP? Since VoIP uses packet switching, why is voice quality better
now than several years ago?

16. What is ADSL? What does the A stand for, and what does it mean in terms of
communicating with the Internet? Why do households receive only ADSL
services and not other DSL services?

17. What is BPL? Why is the technology potentially available to almost every

18. Explain the notions of WAN, LAN, MAN, and PAN.

19. What are hotspots, and how can they help businesspeople?

20. What is the purpose of municipally provided WiMAX, and why is it in

competition with subscriber broadband services?

21. Cellular phones are already wireless. Why should companies be interested in
equipping employees with Wi-Fi-enabled mobile phones?


1. If we are limiting this to machine transferred data then every cell-

phone tower might resemble a shining star if we were able to visualize the data
streams through the air as discrete rays between the tower and each individual phone
in its service area. But the data radiates in all directions rather than as discrete rays, so
our perceptions would probably see an energetic haze that attenuates with distance
from each cell tower.

3. Because of the bandwidth, a medium is a speed at which data is


4. Optical Fibre

5. In networking, a repeater is used to connect two LAN signals. It is not

possible to connect all the devices through wires. Repeater makes it easy to expand
the coverage and access network to a greater scale with the same signal strength.

6. The last mile or last kilometer is a phrase widely used in the

telecommunications, cable television and internet industries to refer to the final leg of
the telecommunications networks that deliver telecommunication services to retail
end-users (customers).

It is an important area of the Internet as it is where content providers have the least
control. It falls prey to artificial congestion, net neutrality infringement, poor
infrastructure, and censorship.

The last mile consists of tier 3 Internet providers. These are the providers an
individual is purchasing an Internet service from. It is discussed as how much
bandwidth you will receive.



9. VPN stands for "Virtual Private Network" and describes the

opportunity to establish a protected network connection when using public networks.
VPNs encrypt your internet traffic and disguise your online identity

10. A network protocol is an established set of rules that determine how

data is transmitted between different devices in the same network. Essentially, it
allows connected devices to communicate with each other, regardless of any
differences in their internal processes, structure or design
11. Secure Communication:Fiber optic cabling is considered one of the
most secure means of communication. The construction of the cabling makes
interception of the transmission signaling extremely difficult.

Electromagnetic Compatibility:

Fiber optic cabling is resistant to many of the outside forces that degrade copper



12 .


A circuit needs to be established to make sure that data transmission takes place.
Each packet containing the information that needs to be processed goes
through the dynamic route.

A uniform path is followed throughout the session. There is no uniform path that is
followed end to end through the session.

It is most ideal for voice communication, while also keeping the delay uniform. It is
used mainly for data transmission as the delay is not uniform.

Without a connection, it cannot exist, as the connection needs to be present on a

physical layer. A connection is not necessary, as it can exist without one too. It needs
to be present on a network layer.

Data to be transmitted is processed at the source itself. Data is processed and

transmitted at the source as well as at each switching station

15. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), also called IP telephony, is a method and
group of technologies for the delivery of voice communications and multimedia
sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet.

17. broadband over power lines: a technology that allows high-speed transmission of
data over ordinary power lines:

BPL can extend internet access to people living in rural areas.

18.A wide area network is a telecommunications network that extends over a large
geographic area for the primary purpose of computer networking. Wide area networks
are often established with leased telecommunication circuits.

A local area network is a computer network that interconnects computers within a

limited area such as a residence, school, laboratory, university campus or office
building. By contrast, a wide area network not only covers a larger geographic
distance, but also generally involves leased telecommunication circuits.

A metropolitan area network (MAN) is similar to a local area network (LAN) but
spans an entire city or campus. MANs are formed by connecting multiple LANs.

A personal area network is a computer network for interconnecting electronic devices

within an individual person's workspace. A PAN provides data transmission among
devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets and personal digital assistants.

19. A hotspot is a physical location where people can access the Internet, typically
using Wi-Fi, via a wireless local area network (WLAN) with a router connected to an
Internet service provider. Most people refer to these locations as “Wi-Fi hotspots” or
“Wi-Fi connections.


(1) . It is easier to organize data and retrieve it when there is little or no

dependence between programs and data. Why is there more such
dependence in a file approach and less in the database approach?
There is more dependence in a file approach and less in database approach
because a file approach has no mechanism for tagging, retrieving and
manipulation of data as database approach does have this mechanism and data
piece are organized about entities.

(2) Spreadsheets have become quite powerful for data management. What can
be done with database management systems that cannot be done with
spreadsheet applications? Give several examples.

A database stores logically related data whiles DBMS helps to control,

manipulate and maintain a database...

(4) DBMSs are usually bundled with powerful programming language modules.

DBMS is the program which is used to build a database, that is a collection of

several data. DBMS has certain features of manipulating the data and populating with

(6) What are the advantages and disadvantages of object-oriented databases?

They do not store records but data object. (ii) There is dependence between app
and data they are simply wrapped together.

(7) What is the relationship between a Web site’s local search engines and online

The relationship between website local search engine is that it links with
the database. This is because the only way organizations can conduct web based
business was to make their database available to people. And for it to be available,
they need an interface which will help an individual search through the database.
(8) When constructing a database, the designer must know what types of
relationships exist between records in different data sets, such as one-to-many or
many-to-many. Give three examples for each of these relationships.

i. Customers & Product: Customers can purchase many products and customers can
purchase many products

ii. Student & course: A student can register for many courses and student can register
many courses.

iii. Professor & Student: A professor can have many students and a student can have
many professors.

(b). i Customer can have many sales

ii. A department can have many employee.

(9) Give an example of a one-to-one relationship in a relational database.

In a school database each student has only one Student ID and each student ID can be
assigned to only one person.

(10) What is a data warehouse? How is it different from a transactional


Is a domain -specific language in programming and designed for managing

data held in relational Database.

(ii) It is popular because they are portable from one OS to another and the
programmer need to force to rewrite statement.

(11) What is a data warehouse? How is it different from a transactional


A data warehouse is large, typically relational database that support

management decision making.

(ii) They are huge collections of historical transactional databases, often along with
other data from outside sources.

(12) Why is it not advisable to query data from transactional databases for
executive decision making the same way you do data warehouses?
This is because transactional databases contain only current and not historical

(13) What are the phases of adding data to a data warehouse?

Extraction, Transforming and Loading.

(14) What does it mean to cleanse data before it is stored in a data warehouse?

All data that expresses the same type of quantities is referred to as cleansed.

(15) What are data marts? How do they differ from data warehouses?

A data mart is focused on single functional area of organization and contain a subset
of data stored in data warehouse

Chapter 8
1. It means allowed
• Content delivery of video clip
• Social Networking business
• E-commerce business
2. Is the most common programming language for creating web
• It convey meaning or content of the data and it contains standardize tags that
formats element of document
3. Extensible Markup Language enables the creation of various types of data
• XML tags define what data element is
4. The domain is linked to the IP address in order for human to remember and
the ip address is used to identify a host on the internet which is understand by the
5. File Transfer Protocol
6. It offers users real-time online interactivity
• Many online business uses post special button in their web pages that allows
shoppers establish real-time personal service and saves telephone cost
7. Is a family of XML file formats that allows automatic download of content
such as news, sports
• It especially for news industry
8. Blogging is webpage that invites surfers to post opinions and artistic work as
well as links to other sites of interest.
• Businesses advertise their product and service
9. Podcasting is publishing sound and video. Radio broadcasting needs radio
wave antenna to be able to listen but podcast is recorded and upload on the internet.
10. Is a small file that website places on visitors hard disk that the website can
remember something about the surfer later.
• It can figure out the visitor preference
• A user is prone to clickstream tracking
11. First party cookie are business with which the user is interacting with directly.
And the third party cookie is an organization that collect information about the user
whenever a user visit the sites that subscribe to the service of these organizations.
• Third party cookies.
12. Is a network used only by employees of an organization
13. Extranet limits site access to the employees of a particular organization
usually business partners
15. Is two or more things are located together or close together
• Colocation allows you to store your equipment in a cabinet located in a secure
data center with public IP address and bandwidth
16. Is the time website or web service is available to users in a given period
• It is important because it the hosting is available
17. It means an individual visits a website once within a month.
18. Is an event where a buyer puts a request for goods and service they need and
the seller bid the price for specific goods and service and at the end the lowest bid win
19. Is the practice of sending mail purporting to be from a reputable company in
order to induce an individual to reveal personal information such as password, credit
card number.
• They are phished by the use of social engineering to make the victim click on
the malicious link
20. Is a computer-simulated representation of world with specific spatial and
physical characteristics and users of the virtual world interact with each other via
representation of themselves
21. An avatar is the three dimensional graphical character that subscribers use to
represent them in the virtual environment

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