Thin-Film-Silicon Solar Cells: J. Cárabe and J.J. GANDIA CIEMAT, 22 Avda. Complutense, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
Thin-Film-Silicon Solar Cells: J. Cárabe and J.J. GANDIA CIEMAT, 22 Avda. Complutense, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
Thin-Film-Silicon Solar Cells: J. Cárabe and J.J. GANDIA CIEMAT, 22 Avda. Complutense, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
The traditional development of photovoltaics has been based on crystalline-silicon wafer technology. In the early 1970’s,
however, a new approach arises based on the possibility to grow silicon in the form of a thin film onto a given substrate. Sev-
eral techniques are used for such a deposition, among which plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) is
clearly outstanding given its widespread use and success. More recently, very-high-frequency (VHP PECVD) and hot-wire
CVD have appeared as very promising and fast developing alternatives with important potential and actual advantages.
Thin-film technology introduces completely novel concepts and challenges in silicon photovoltaics. Low-temperature pro-
cesses particularly adequate for large-area devices open up not only very important cost-reduction potential, but also new
possibilities such as making semi-transparent or flexible modules. Additional important features are a highly automated pro-
duction system, an enormous potential for building integration, a good performance at realistic working temperatures
(around 40°C) and an excellent durability in outdoor conditions among others.
Photovoltaics are facing important challenges for the near future. Silicon-wafer technology is evolving towards making
thinner, cheaper, multicrystalline silicon. Thin-film-silicon researchers are in turn striving to make thicker, better, more crys-
talline films. Both ways seem to converge to new-generation photovoltaics in which wafer and thin-film technologies may be
used in a synergistic rather than competing manner. Silicon heterojunction cells (made up of a crystalline silicon absorber
onto which one or more thin-film silicon layers are deposited), such as the well-known HIT cell, are in the forefront of
photovoltaics and may represent a breakthrough in the next few years.
Table 1. Typical values of some parameters for standard PECVD thin-film silicon.
Parameter p-type a-Si:C:B Intrinsic a-Si n-type a-Si:P
Optical (Tauc) gap (eV) 2.0 1.75 1.75
Dark conductivity (S/cm) 10–6 10–10 10–3
Fig. 3. Scheme of the basic steps for fabrication of a thin-film silicon photovoltaic module.
Fig. 5. Band diagram of a p-i-n thin-film silicon solar cell. Wafer (mono- and multicrystalline) silicon dominates the
photovoltaic market. Only about 15% corresponds to
thin-films, new-generation ribbon silicon, and silicon
term has been added on the basis of the superposition prin- heterojunction cells. The situation is summarised in Fig. 6.
ciple With 9% of the total PV market, thin-film silicon commer-
cial products hold a particularly advantageous position in
J = - J L + J S (e qV nkT
- 1), (1) the consumer-electronics sector.
æ E ö
J S = J s* expç - a ÷ , (2)
è kT ø
and n = 18
. .
Table 2. Stable conversion efficiencies of the state-of-the-art thin-film silicon photovoltaic devices.
Single-junction Double-junction Triple-junction
Commercial module 5% to 7% 9%
Table 3. Main thin-film silicon PV manufacturers in the world. photostability and fabrication throughput). This leading
force results in the following targets (taking standard amor-
Europe USA Japan
phous silicon as the reference starting point):
RWE Schott Solar (Germany) Unisolar Fuji • increased crystallinity,
• thicker active layer (~100–101 instead of ~10–1 µm),
Akzo Nobel (Netherlands) BP Solarex Kaneka
• higher growth rates.
Free-Energy Europe A rough view at the guidelines of both tendencies leads
(Netherlands) to conclude that the following characteristics define the key
silicon material in next-generation photovoltaics:
Intersolar (United Kingdom) Canon
• medium crystallinity (multi- or polycrystalline silicon),
Dunasolar (Hungary) Sharp • medium active-layer thickness, in the range from a few
microns to a few tens of microns,
• high fabrication throughput, either by epitaxy, fast so-
• pumping systems, lidification of melted silicon, fast film growth from gas-
• facades and roofs; solar tiles, semitransparent PV win- eous silicon sources or similar processes.
dows. Whereas it is unclear whether this kind of material will
The latter application is of particular relevance, given be obtained from the evolution of wafer technology, from
the outstanding features of thin-silicon PV technology, that of thin-film technology or even from hybrid ap-
which allow building integration in optimum conditions of proaches, the mutual convergence of these two research
modularity, aesthetics and versatility. The key features be- lines is more and more obvious. Furthermore, the charac-
hind this are: the possibility to make modules on large ar- teristics of new materials impose new limitations to device
eas, with irregular shapes, on flexible or bent surfaces and technology, thus requiring innovative solutions.
even semitransparent. For instance, the use of cheaper, non-highest-quality,
absorbers involves the risk of degradation of minor-
4. Thin-film silicon and new-generation ity-carrier lifetimes associated with high-temperature pro-
photovoltaics cesses such as those used in conventional wafer technology
for the formation of cell emitters. Additionally, the de-
For a long while, wafer and thin-film technologies have crease in active-layer thickness demands a more accurate
evolved as competing options, i.e. as if the solutions to the definition of the junction, and correspondingly, of emitter
technical problems could have come out from only one of thickness.
these two research lines. In the last few years, however, These requirements, added to other factors such as the
new possibilities have arisen on the basis of a number of search for automatic module-assembly approaches, the
technological approaches for the fabrication of inexpensive need to lower costs by simplifying technology and spend-
multicrystalline silicon, for the growth of polycrystalline ing less energy, or the tendency to produce large-area de-
silicon thin films on cheap substrates or for the deposition vices, have led to the development of a new PV sub-field:
of high-quality microcrystalline-silicon thin films at com- that of silicon-heterojunction solar cells (Si HJ). The
petitive growth rates. Among these techniques and materi- low-temperature processes (< 250°C) of this technology are
als are: edge-defined film-fed growth (EFG), string ribbon not only cost-effective by themselves, but also allow for
silicon, Silicon Film™, dendritic web growth, RGS silicon the use of low-cost substrates that cannot be annealed at
foil preparation [10] molecular-beam graphoepitaxial high temperatures, such as silicon ribbon and thin c-Si
growth (MBGE), solid-phase crystallisation (SPC), grown on glass [13].
zone-melting recrystallisation (ZMR), plasma-spray silicon Silicon-heterojunction cells (see Fig. 7), basically made
growth (PSSG), liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) molecu- of a crystalline-silicon (mono- or multi-crystalline) wafer
lar-beam epitaxy (MBE), hot-wire CVD, VHF-PECVD and or ribbon absorber and one or two thin-film-silicon emit-
more [11,12]. ter(s), are excellent examples of technological convergence
Some of these approaches have evolved from a wafer and represent a promising option in seeking breakthroughs
technology as the possible ways to lower costs by produc- in photovoltaics.
ing solar-grade silicon ad hoc rather than consuming mate- Key features of silicon-heterojunction technology are
rial initially devised for the microelectronics industry. As [14]:
compared to CZ mono-c-Si, the subordination to lowering • very simple fabrication process,
costs leads to the following key features: • important cost-reduction capability,
• multicrystalline instead of monocrystalline silicon, • relatively high efficiencies, with a high potential for
• thinner active layers (~101 instead of ~102 µm), significant improvements.
• more efficient use of raw materials. Particularly remarkable is the work done by Sanyo who
The rest of the above mentioned techniques arise from has reported 21% efficiency on solar cells of this kind (so-
the need of the thin-film-silicon technology (basically called HIT) [15]. These solar cells have consequently attracted
PECVD) to overcome certain limitations (defect density, much attention of the international scientific community.