Cooperative Management
Cooperative Management
Cooperative Management
“Money at the service of life can be managed in the right way by cooperatives, on condition that
it is a real cooperative where capital does not have command over men but men over capital”.
-Pope Francis-
Seventeenth Congress
The Secretaries of the DTI and the Department of the Inferior and local Government
(DILG) shall serve as ex officio
SECTION 8- Term of Office- The Chairperson and members of the Board shall
serve for a term of six (6) years ,without reappointment: Provided ,that the
Chairperson or a Member of the Board who has served the unfinished term of the
one he/she succeeded and has served for less thah one half (1/2) of the full term shall
be eligible for reappointment.
SECTION 9- Removal From Office –The Chairperson and the Members of the
Board may be removed from office for cause.
The person appointed for the unexpired term shall be eligible for reappointment
:Provided ,that the unexpired term is less than one –half of the prescribed term.
SECTION 10-Meetings of the Board-The board shall meet at least once a month for
the transaction of its regular business.
There are five (5) Deputy Administrators appointed by the Board of Directors who
shall assist the Administrator,and who will be charged with the following specific
(a) General Administration and Support Services
(b) Institutional Development
(c) Legal Affairs ;
(d) Registration,Supervison and Examination and
(e) Credit Surety Fund (CSF)
SECTION 31-Effectivity-This Act shall take effect fifteen (15)days after its
publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of general
Pursuant to the authority vested upon the Board of Directors of the CDA
under Section 26 of the Act, otherwise known as the “Cooperative
Development Authority Charter of 2019”, the following Implementing Rules
and Regulations (IRR) are hereby promulgated:
recognizes the right of the cooperatives to initiate and foster within their own
ranks cooperative promotion, organization, training, information gathering,
audit and support services, with government assistance where necessary.
In furtherance of this policy, the National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) shall
include the promotion of growth and expansion of cooperatives as major and
indispensable components of national development plans. The Department of
Finance (DOF) and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) shall
provide the mechanism to ensure availability of resources to implement such
The government and all its branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities
and agencies shall continue to provide technical guidance, financial
assistance and other services to enable the cooperatives to develop into viable
and responsive economic enterprises towards a strong cooperative movement,
free from condition that infringes upon the objectives and character of
cooperatives. The State shall, except as provided in this Act, maintain the
policy of non-interference in the management and operations of cooperatives.
1. Conduct investigations, file necessary charges, discipline, suspend
and/or remove erring officers and members of the cooperative for
violation of cooperative laws, rules, regulations, issuances of the
Authority, the articles of cooperation and by-laws, after due process,
and direct the general assembly to replace the suspended/removed
officers, in accordance with the rules and regulations as may be
promulgated by the Authority;
2. Hear and decide inter-cooperative and intra-cooperative disputes,
controversies and/or conflicts, without prejudice to filing of civil
and/or criminal cases by the parties concerned before the regular
courts: Provided, that all decisions of the Authority are appealable
directly to the Court of Appeals;
3. Adopt and implement a dispute resolution mechanism that will settle
conflicts between and among members, officers, and directors of
cooperatives, and between and among cooperatives in accordance
with Article 137 of R.A. No. 9520, which amended R.A. No. 6938, and
R.A. No. 9285, otherwise known as the "Alternative Dispute
Resolution Act of 2004". However, in case of election related issues,
the aggrieved party may elevate the case for adjudication to the
Authority without undergoing through the alternative dispute
4. Issue cease and desist orders to cooperatives and responsible parties
specified under Article 137 of R.A. No. 9520, and such other orders
and notices to preserve the assets and documents of the cooperatives
subject of the dispute or litigation;
5. Issue subpoena ad testificandum and subpoena duces tecum for the
parties to appear and produce documents in any proceedings of the
Authority and in appropriate cases, order the examination of all
documents, papers, files and records of any cooperative or person
under investigation as may be necessary for the proper disposition of
cases before it;
6. Cite for contempt any person guilty of misconduct in the presence of
the Authority which seriously interrupts any hearing or inquiry and
impose a fine of not more than Five thousand pesos (Php5,000.00) or
imprisonment of not more than ten (10) days, or both. Acts
constituting indirect contempt as defined under Rule 71 of the Rules
of Court shall be punished in accordance with the said Rule;
7. Implement and enforce its decision and orders with the assistance of
deputized law enforcement agencies or the local government unit
concerned as may be necessary;
8. Order the suspension or cancellation of the Certificate of Registration
of cooperatives and/or the revocation of the Letter of Authority
and/or Certificate of Authority to establish and operate satellite or
branch offices, respectively, after due notice and hearing for non-
compliance with lawful orders, rules and regulations of the Authority,
The Secretaries of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) shall serve as ex-officio
members of the board and may designate an alternate in a permanent
capacity with a rank of at least an Assistant Secretary and whose acts shall
be considered as that of the principal.
The said ex-officio members can participate in the deliberation during
Board meetings, but shall have no voting rights. They shall be entitled to
reasonable per diem to be determined by DBM subject to existing rules and
Section 2. Powers and Functions of the Board. - The Board as a collegial
body shall be responsible for policy formulation, strategic planning and
direction setting of the agency and shall exercise the following powers and
a. Formulate policies, rules and regulations consistent with the
provisions of R.A. No. 11364, R.A. No. 9520 and R.A. No. 10744;
b. Adopt implementing rules and regulations for the conduct of the
internal operations of the Authority;
c. Organize the operating structure and functions of the Authority;
d. Approve the work and financial plan of the Authority;
e. Approve annual, medium-term and long-term cooperative
development plans of the Authority consistent with the over-all
socio-economic development policy of the national government;
f. Provide overall direction to the Authority, defining the respective
roles of the national government agencies (NGAS), LGUs, people's
organizations, private sector and non-government organizations
(NGOs) in the promotion and development of the cooperative sector;
g. Conduct regular policy consultations with the cooperative sector,
government agencies, LGUs, people's organizations, private sector,
NGOs, and other stakeholders on the Authority's policies, programs
and initiatives;
h. Decide cases involving cooperatives that are submitted to the Board
for resolution;
i. Authorize the Chairperson or the Administrator to enter into
contracts or agreements in behalf of the Authority;
Section 6. CDA Regional Offices. The Authority shall establish and maintain
extension offices in each of the following administrative regions and shall be
known as: CDA CAR Regional Office, CDA NCR Office, CDA Regional Office I,
CDA Regional Office II, CDA Regional Office III, CDA Regional Office IV-A, CDA
MIMAROPA Regional Office, CDA Regional Office V, CDA Regional Office VI,
CDA Regional Office VII, CDA Regional Office VIII, CDA Regional Office IX,
CDA Regional Office X, CDA Regional Office XI, CDA Regional Office XII, and
CDA Regional Office XIII.
In the case of the NCR, it shall have four (4) field district offices which
shall be referred to as: CDA-NCR Capital District Office, CDA-NCR Northern
District Office, CDA-NCR Eastern District Office and CDA-NCR Southern
District Office. For other regions, the Authority shall likewise establish offices
in each province, highly urbanized and independent component cities in
accordance with applicable laws and in such other places as the proper
conduct of its business shall require. These offices shall be referred to as CDA
Field Offices and will be properly identified by the name of province or city.
Section 7. Staffing Pattern. The Board of Directors shall approve the
organizational structure and staffing pattern complement necessary for the
operationalization of the CDA in accordance with the existing regulations of
the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), the Civil Service
Commission (CSC) and other relevant agencies.
Section 1. Legal Bases. The legal bases of this Rule are Section 18, Section
4 (a) (b) (aa) (bb) (cc) (dd) (ee) (ii) and Sec. 6 (f) of the Act quoted as follows:
Section 18. Partnership with the Cooperative Sector. A strong
partņership between the Authority and the cooperative sector and
the academe shall be established in implementing the
developmental functions of the Authority as stated herein Section
4, paragraphs (a), (b), (aa), (bb), (cc), (dd), (ee), (ii) and (jj), and Sec
17 of this Act to ensure the maximum participation of the
cooperative sector on matters of government plans, projects and
policies affecting cooperatives.
The Authority, the cooperative sector, and the academe shall
formulate guidelines for the implementation of the partnership that
may give rise to the recognition of apex organizations and a
national alliance representing all types and categories of
cooperatives, as provided for under Sec. 4 (z) of this Act, that shall
function as the overall consultative and coordinating body with the
The Authority shall recognize cooperative unions and federations
under Articles 24 and 25 of RA No. 9520, and issue guidelines to
promote and develop these secondary cooperatives.
Section 4 (a) Develop and formulate, in consultation with the
cooperative sector and other concerned institutions, appropriate
regulations, standards, rules, orders, guidelines and/or circulars
to implement this Act and RA No. 9520 to ensure the effective and
sound operation of cooperatives.
Section 4 (b) Formulate, adopt and implement integrated and
comprehensive plans and programs on cooperative development
consistent with the national policy on cooperatives and establish
an integrated framework on cooperative development for all
government agencies.
Section 1. Legal Bases. The legal bases of this Rule are Sec. 4 (o), Sec. 4 (ii)
and Sec. 17 of the Act quoted as follows:
Sec. 4 (o) Develop and conduct management and training
programs that will provide members of cooperatives with the
entrepreneurial capabilities, managerial expertise, and technical
skills required for efficient operation of their cooperatives and
inculcate in them the true spirit of cooperativism and provide, when
necessary, technical and professional assistance to ensure the
viability and growth of cooperatives with special concern for
Section 1. Legal Basis. The legal basis of this Rule is Sec. 19 of the Act quoted
as follows:
Sec. 19. Cooperatives in the Education System. - The history,
philosophy concepts, values, principles and practices of
cooperatives and their role in nation building, shall be part of the
curriculum of both in formal and non-formal education.
Notwithstanding existing laws, memorandum orders and
directives, cooperativism as a tool for self-empowerment and nation
building shall be included in the curricula of senior students in all
the secondary educational institutions and in the syllabus of any
social and civic studies subject in the K-12 level.
Cooperatives development and administration may be offered as a
field of study in the baccalaureate, post baccalaureate and
masteral programs in SUCs: Provided, that SUCs may also offer the
courses on a non-traditional approach under the equivalency
program of such SUCs accrediting the equivalent training that an
officer has undertaken to the relevant subject offering in the
curriculum: Provided, further that in cases where the SUCs do not
offer a separate academic program in cooperative development and
administration, the SUCS shall include a three-unit subject in the
curricula of accountancy, agribusiness, agriculture, agricultural
economics, business, community development, economics,
education, environmental sciences, social sciences, political
economy and other curricula that can be instrumental in the
development of cooperatives.
Section 2. Promotion and integration of cooperatives in the education
system. The Authority and the concerned stakeholders shall advocate and
conduct activities that will promote cooperatives in educational institutions.
Further, the Authority shall enter into an agreement with the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED), the Department of Education (DepEd) and the
Technical Education and Skill Development Authority (TESDA) for the
purpose of implementing the provisions of Sec.19 of R.A. No.11364.
Section 1. Legal Basis. The legal basis of this Rule is Sec. 4 (n) of the Act
quoted as follows:
Sec 4. (n) Conduct regular inspection or examination of a
cooperative in accordance with the rules and regulations
promulgated by the Authority and, when deemed necessary,
conduct examination and investigation to protect the interest and
welfare of the members of cooperatives and the general public.
For this purpose, cooperative federations, unions, local government
units (LGUS), cooperative development offices (CDOs), and the
alliance of cooperatives representing all types and categories of
cooperatives as the consultative and coordinating body of the
Authority, may be requested by the Authority to assist in the
inspection and examination of cooperative;
Section 2. Regular Inspection or Examination. The Authority shall conduct
a regular inspection of the cooperatives to ensure their compliance to rules,
regulations, issuances and articles of cooperation and bylaws in accordance
with the guidelines to be prescribed by the Authority. Regular examination
shall be conducted as a result of inspection or after evaluation of the
mandatory reports submitted by the cooperatives.
Section 3. Special Examination or Investigation. The Authority shall
conduct examination motu proprio or upon request by government agencies,
or upon written complaint of interested parties in accordance with the
guidelines to be prescribed by the Authority. In the conduct of examination,
the Authority may enlist the assistance of co-regulators, law enforcement
agencies or LGU concerned, as may be deemed necessary.
The Authority shall conduct an investigation upon verified complaint
from any member or officer of a cooperative or upon request or referral from
any government agency in accordance with the guidelines to be prescribed by
the Authority. In the conduct of investigation, the Authority may enlist the
assistance of co-regulators or law enforcement agencies concerned, as may be
deemed necessary.
Section 4. Assistance to the Authority. Upon request of the Authority in
writing, the cooperative federations, unions, the local government units,
cooperative development offices, and the alliance of cooperatives may assist
the Authority in the performance of its powers of inspection and/or
examination pursuant to R.A. No. 11364 and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations. Such assistance shall be by way of providing the relevant
information such as but not limited to research, reports, and financial records
necessary to the inspection and/or examination.
Section 1. Legal Bases. The legal bases of this Rule are Sec. 4 (s) and Sec. 4
(p) of the Act quoted as follows:
Sec 4. (s) Compel the cooperative to call a general or representative
assembly, as deemed necessary, under the supervision of the
Authority with the participation of their respective cooperative
federations or unions, subject to the criteria or conditions to be
defined in the implementing rules and regulations issued for this
Sec. 4 (p) Conduct investigations, file necessary charges,
discipline, suspend and/or remove erring officers and members of
the cooperative for violation of cooperative laws, rules, regulations,
issuances of the Authority, the articles of cooperation and by-laws,
after due process, and direct the general assembly to replace the
suspended/removed officers, in accordance with the rules and
regulations as may be promulgated by the Authority.
Section 2. Instances when the Authority can compel the cooperative to
call for a GA/RA meeting. The Authority shall compel the cooperative to
either call a regular or special GA/RA meeting in any of the following
a. If the cooperative fails to call a regular meeting within the date fixed
in the by-laws, or if not so fixed, within ninety (90) days after the
close of each fiscal year;
b. Upon petition of ten per centum (10%) of all members of the
cooperative who are entitled to vote, and for good cause shown by
giving proper notice as required in R.A. No. 9520 or in the bylaws;
c. To report to the members, the result of any examination, or other
investigation of the cooperative affairs as the Authority decides as
required under Article 34 of R.A. No. 9520; and
d. To replace suspended or removed erring officers as directed by the
Authority in the exercise of its adjudicatory power.
Section 1. Legal Basis. The legal basis of this rule is Sec. 4 (z) of the Act
quoted as follows:
Sec. 4 (z) Recognize sectoral apex organizations and a national
alliance representing all types and categories of cooperatives
which shall function as the overall consultative and coordinating
body with the Authority, for this purpose, the pertinent provisions
of RA No. 9520 are hereby amended accordingly, and the Authority
shall issue the necessary implementing rules and regulations (IRR)
for this provision.
Section 2. Organization and composition of sectoral apex organization.
There shall be one apex organization for each clustered sectors, as follows:
a. Credit and Financial Services, Banking, and Insurance;
b. Consumers, Marketing, Producers, and Logistics;
Section 1. Legal Bases. The legal bases of this Rule under the Act are Section
4 (a), Sec. 4 (aa), Sec. 4 (cc), Sec. 4 (dd), Sec. 4 (z), Sec. 6 (g), and Sec. 18 (2nd
paragraph) quoted as follows:
Sec. 4 (a) Develop and formulate, in consultation with the
cooperative sector and other concerned institutions, appropriate
regulations, standards, rules, orders, guidelines and/or circulars
to implement this Act and RA No. 9520 to ensure the effective and
sound operation of cooperatives.
Sec. 4 (aa) Establish a consultative mechanism consistent with
Sec. 18 of this Act in order to provide the cooperative sector a
system to ensure participation on matters concerning government
plans, programs, and policies affecting cooperatives.
Sec. 4 (cc) Establish the formation and organization of cooperative
development councils in the national, regional, provincial, city and
municipal levels in order to provide the cooperative movement a
system for policy consultation and program coordination in
accordance with the guidelines to be prescribed by the Authority;
Sec. 4 (dd) Collaborate with concerned agencies that can provide
technical, professional, marketing assistance including trainings
on transfer of technology to ensure the viability, growth,
competitiveness and innovativeness of cooperatives giving special
concern to agrarian reform, agriculture, fishery and the
economically depressed sectors.
Sec. 4(z) Recognize sectoral apex organizations and a national
alliance representing all types and categories of cooperatives
which shall function as the overall consultative and coordinating
body with the Authority, for this purpose, the pertinent provisions
of RA No. 9520 are hereby amended accordingly, and the Authority
shall issue the necessary implementing rules and regulations (IRR)
for this provision.
Sec. 6 (g) Conduct regular policy consultations with the cooperative
sector, government agencies, LGUs, people's organizations, private
sector, NGOs, and other stakeholders on the Authority's policies,
programs and initiatives.
Sec. 18. (par. 2) The Authority, the cooperative sector, and the
academe shall formulate guidelines for the implementation of the
partnership that may give rise to the recognition of apex
organizations and a national alliance representing all types and
categories of cooperatives, as provided for under Sec. 4 (z) of this
Act, that shall function as the overall consultative and coordinating
body with the Authority.
Section 1. Legal Bases. The legal bases of this Rule under the Act are Section
4 (p), Sec. 4(t), Sec. 4 (u), Sec. 4 (v), Sec. 4 (w), Sec. 4 (x), Sec. 4 (y), and Sec.
6 (h) quoted as follows:
Sec 4. (p) Conduct investigations, file necessary charges,
discipline, suspend and/or remove erring officers and members of
the cooperative for violation of cooperative laws, rules, regulations,
issuances of the Authority, the articles of cooperation and by-laws,
after due process, and direct the general assembly to replace the
suspended/removed officers, in accordance with the rules and
regulations as may be promulgated by the Authority.
Sec 4. (t) Hear and decide inter-cooperative and intra-cooperative
disputes, controversies and/or conflicts, without prejudice to filing
b. Election-related complaints;
c. Adverse inspection, examination and/or investigation findings
against the cooperatives, their officers and/or members for violation
of cooperative laws, rules and regulations, issuances of the Authority,
and its articles of cooperation and bylaws; and
d. Other cases falling within the jurisdiction of the Authority and/or
analogous to the foregoing.
Section 3. Procedural guidelines. The CDA Regional Offices and the Central
Office shall exercise primary jurisdiction over cases falling within their
respective area of jurisdiction. Provided, that, decisions of the Regional Offices
shall be appealable to the Central Office which decisions are appealable
directly to the Court of Appeals. Provided finally, that the Authority shall
formulate its rules of procedure for the exercise of its adjudicatory power.
Section 1. Legal Bases. The legal bases of this Rule are Sec. 4 (q) and Sec. 4
(r) of the Act quoted as follows:
Sec 4. (q) Order the suspension or cancellation of the Certificate of
Registration of cooperatives and/or the revocation of the Letter of
Authority and/or Certificate of Authority to establish and operate
satellite or branch offices, respectively, after due notice and
hearing for non-compliance with lawful orders, rules and
regulations of the Authority, including the articles of cooperation
and by-laws of the cooperative subject to the conditions as defined
in the implementing rules and regulations of this Act.
Sec 4. (r) Order the dissolution and liquidation of cooperatives as
well as the transfer of all or substantially all of their assets and
Section 2. Suspension or cancellation of Certificate of Registration. The
Authority may suspend, or revoke/cancel, after due notice and hearing, the
certificate of registration of a cooperative on any of the following grounds:
a. Having obtained its registration by fraud;
b. Existing for an illegal purpose;
c. Willful violation, despite notice by the Authority, of the provisions of
R.A. No. 9520 or its bylaws;
d. Willful failure to operate on a cooperative basis;
Section 1. Legal Basis. The legal basis of this Rule is Sec. 4 (u) of the Act
quoted as follows:
Sec 4. (u) Adopt and implement a dispute resolution mechanism
that will settle conflicts between and among members, officers, and
directors of cooperatives, and between and among cooperatives in
accordance with Article 137 of RA No. 9520, which amended RA
No. 6938, and RA No. 9285, otherwise known as the "Alternative
Dispute Resolution Act of 2004". However, in case of election
related issues, the aggrieved party may elevate the case for
adjudication to the Authority without undergoing through the
alternative dispute resolution.
Section 2. Alternative Dispute Resolution. Any dispute, controversy or
claim arising out of or relating to the By-laws of the cooperative, the
cooperative law and related rules, administrative guidelines of the Authority,
including disputes involving members, officers, directors, and committee
members, intra-cooperative disputes and related issues shall be exclusively
referred to and finally resolved by voluntary arbitration under the institutional
rules promulgated by the Authority, after compliance with the conciliation or
mediation mechanisms embodied in the bylaws of the Cooperative.
Section 1. Legal Basis. The legal basis for this Rule is Section 14 of the Act
quoted as follows:
Sec. 14. Registration for Tax Exemption. – The Authority shall
furnish the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), LGUs which include
provinces, highly urbanized and independent cities, and other
concerned agencies a certified list of duly registered cooperatives
for purposes of processing tax exemptions.
Any public official or employee who violates or in any manner
circumvents this provision shall be dealt with in accordance with
Article 140 of RA No. 9520.
Section 2. Submission of list of the duly registered cooperatives with the
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). The Authority shall submit to the BIR,
the Registered Cooperative Master List which shall contain the list of all
registered cooperatives within thirty (30) days after the approval of the Rules.
The Registered Cooperative Master List shall be updated within thirty (30)
days after the close of every calendar year.
Section 3. Submission of list of the duly registered cooperatives with the
LGUs. The Authority shall provide the Local Government Unit (LGU) with an
updated list of registered cooperatives within their jurisdiction within 60 days
from the close of every calendar year.
shall be prohibited.
Section 2. Exception to the use of the word cooperative. Electric
cooperatives registered with the National Electrification Administration (NEA)
under Presidential Decree No. 269, as amended which opt not to register with
the Authority are allowed to retain the word “cooperative” in their registered
Section 3. Penalty. In case of violation, the individual or individuals
concerned, or in the case of an organization, its officers and directors shall,
upon conviction, each suffer the penalty of imprisonment of not less than two
(2) years nor more than five (5) years and a fine not exceeding Twenty
thousand pesos (P20,000.00) or both at the discretion of the court. The
Authority may motu proprio, initiate complaints for violations of this Rule.
Section 1. Legal Basis. The legal basis of this Rule is fourth paragraph of
Sec. 24 of the Act quoted as follows:
Quezon City, Philippines, ______________ 2019.