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Basic Settings For Approval: Short Text

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Basic Settings for Approval

Short text

Define the default currency and the resubmission date for payments.


In this IMG activity, you can define the default currency, resubmission date and whether or not a signature
is needed for payments.


Default Currency

 When a payment batch is evaluated for release (such as dual control, triple control, automatic
release and so on), the total batch amount can be evaluated based on the default currency if the
payments in the batch consist of different currencies or different company code (hence different
local currency).

Default resubmission date

 For resubmission of payments, the resubmission date from the current date can be set.

Sign log

 If the check box is marked, the signature popup appears before the payment batch is approved.


Default Currency = EUR

Default resubmission days = 5

--> The default resubmission date = the current date + 5

BAdI: Additional Fields for BNK_MONI and BNK_APP

You use this Business Add-In (BAdI) in the SAP Bank Communication Management (FIN-FSCM-DM)
component. You can use this BAdI to include additional customer-defined fields in transactions BNK_MONI
(Batch and Payment Monitor) and BNK_APP (Approve Payments). The BAdI is called before the batch
data is displayed.


You have to include the additional fields in an append structure that is appended to either structure
BNK_BTC_HEADER_UI (for the batch header information) or structure BNK_BTC_ITEM_UI (for the
payment information).

Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement
Spot Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).

See also

BAdI methods documentation:



For information on how you implement BAdIs in the Enhancement Framework, see SAP Library for the
SAP NetWeaver Platform in the SAP Help Portal under http://help.sap.com/nw_platform. Choose a
Release and then Application Help. In the SAP Library, choose SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented
View -> Application Server -> Application Server ABAP -> Application Development on AS ABAP -> ABAP
Customer Development -> Enhancement Framework.
BAdI: Automatic Filter for Batches in BNK_MONI and BNK_APP

You use this Business Add-In (BAdI) in the component SAP Bank Communication Management (FIN-
FSCM-BNK). With this BAdI, you can suppress the output of lines in the batch lists in transactions
BNK_MONI and BNK_APP. This filter can, for example, be related to additional authorization checks: The
system only displays a batch in the list to the user if the user is authorized according to the additional

You implement the logic of the enhancement in method UI_FILTER. The parameters of the relevant
interface have the following functions:

 I_CALLER contains the transaction code in the transaction that calls the list.

 IT_BATCH_HEADER contains all of the lines that the system would have displayed in the list but
for the additional check.

 CT_BATCHNO_EXCL is the parameter you fill with the batch numbers in the implementation that
you do not want the system to display to the user in the list.

 C_MESSAGE controls whether a message should inform the user that the system has not
displayed all of the lines in the list in accordance with the selection conditions. If the standard
check has excluded at least one batch from the display, the indicator has already been set.
Message I010 (BNK_GENERAL) is only issued if the indicator is set after you called the BAdI.

Standard settings

The standard logic checks the display authorization with object F_STAT_MON on the basis of the batch
rule. You can enhance this standard check in your implementation.

If, in the standard check, at least one batch has been removed from the list, the system informs the user
about this with message I010 (BNK_GENERAL). You can suppress the output of this message in the

BAdI Implementations

The example class CL_BNK_UI_FILTER_SAMPLE makes the authorization check with object
F_REGU_BUK (activity 23). If the system does not display all of the lines in accordance with the selection
conditions due to this additional authorization check, the user is informed of this (message BNK_GENERAL


For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for
SAP NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.
Rule Maintenance

In this IMG activity, you can define the rules for the kind of grouping you desire for payments. Rules should
be prioritized, so that when there is more than one rule satisfying the criteria for grouping, your priorities
determine the batching rule. Once a rule is defined, click on the maintain button to specify the criteria for
batching rules. Here all attributes of the payment are provided. Only attributes making sense for the
batching rule should be double clicked and then maintained.


Make the settings you require.


Suppose you define rule YCHQ_TRNSF priority 0 and YAMNT_MED priority 1. If a payment satisfies the
criteria for batching, rule YCHQ_TRNSF is selected because of its higher priority.
Additional Criteria for Payment Grouping

In this IMG activity, you can set additional criteria (apart from batching rules) such as requiring all payments
of a batching rule to belong to a certain date. Two grouping fields are provided, one of which you select for
the batching.


Make the settings you require.

Suppose you select VALUT field for batching rule YCHQ_TRNSF. This means that if a batching rule
YCHQ_TRNSF is selected, payments are further batched by the date, so all payments belonging to
YCHQ_TRNSF and of the same date will form a batch.
Payment Medium:Create/Assign Selection Variants
In this activity you can create and assign selection variants for a format. Selection variant maintenance is
a requirement for automatically scheduling the payment media of the Payment Medium Workbench in the
payment program.


1. To assign a selection variant to a format, double-click the required format to select it on the left
side of the screen The payment medium format is displayed on the right side of the screen.

2. Use the possible entries button (F4) to display the existing variants in the Selection variants
field. Select the required variant.

3. You can create an appropriate variant by choosing Variants -> Edit variants, or via the
icon. When you select this function, the selection screen of report program SAPFPAYM appears.
Enter the required selection criteria on this screen, maintain the attributes, and save the variants.
You return to the screen for maintaining selection variants for payment medium formats via Back.

4. Save the selection variant assignment.

5. Transport the selection variant assignment by choosing Variants -> Transport All.

Click on Setting
Define Directories for File Upload

In this Customizing activity, you create directories for the following files:

 Import files
 Archive files

 Error files

You need these directories to automatically upload ISO 20022 CustomerPaymentStatusReport XML
files from the application server directory to update the status of payment batches that were created in SAP
Bank Communication Management.


You use report RBNK_IMPORT_PAYM_STATUS_REPORT for the automatic upload.

See also

For more information about the upload, see the documentation for report

Map External Status to Internal Status


In this IMG activity, you can interpret the status codes from the external world. Any incoming status
message has a code which can be mapped to an internal status based on a company code and house
bank. If an alert needs to be triggered for an external status code, you must define the alert. You can define
the alert category using transaction ALRTCATDEF under classification Map External Status to Internal


Make the settings you require.


External status code = PAIN.002.001.02_RJCT<from SWIFT>

Internal status code = BRE<Rejected by Bank>

Alert category = BNK_REJ.

=> If  a status message with status PAIN.002.001.02_RJCT appears, it will be interpreted as "rejected by
bank" as customized and an alert mail will be sent to the persons responsible.

Create Internal Reason Codes


In this IMG activity, you can create internal reason codes and descriptions. You can later use the values to
map them to external reason codes you receive from external entities, such as banks. Use Customizing
activity Map External to Internal Reason Codes to assign internal to external codes.


Make the settings you require.

Map External Reason Codes to Internal Reason Codes

In this IMG activity, you can interpret the reason codes you receive from external entities, such as banks.
These mappings will be displayed in the Batch and payment monitor (BNK_MONI) transaction with external
reason code and internal description to interpret the codes for your system.


Make the settings you require.

Timeout for Batch Status Update

In this IMG activity you can specify a maximum allowed time interval between two status updates. An alert
will be triggered after the allowed time elapses.


 Enter a maximum allowed time for a particular status transition.  You can specify a particular rule

 You must enter an alert category. The classification of the alert category should be Bank
Communication Management: Alerts for Payment Status.
BAdI: Splitting an Imported File

This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Bank Communication Management (FIN-FSCM-BNK)
component. You must implement this BAdI if a file to be imported contains several XML
CustomerPaymentStatusReport (PSR) files.

The BAdI method SPLIT_PSR_FILE is called directly before the system processes the read file, splitting it
into several XML CustomerPaymentStatusReport (PSR) files. This is necessary because the XSL
transformation in the next processing step of the upload can only deal with one PSR file at a time.


You use report RBNK_IMPORT_PAYM_STATUS_REPORT for the automatic upload.

Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enh. Spot
Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).


You can find an example implementation (CL_BNK_SPLIT_FILE_EXAMPLE) in the BAdI Builder on the
Enh. Sport Element Definitions tab in the Implementation Example Classes section.

See also

For more information about the Upload Payment Status Report, see
For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the enhancement framework, see SAP Library for
SAP NetWeaver Platform on SAP Help Portal at http://help.sap.com/nw_platform. Choose a release and
then Application Help. In SAP Library, choose SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented View ->
Application Server -> Application Server ABAP -> Application Development on AS ABAP -> ABAP
Customer Development -> Enhancement Framework.

BAdI: Actions after Error during Payment File Creation


In this IMG activity, you can define the actions you must take if the payment file creation process ended
with an error.


Make the settings you require.

BAdI: Enhancement of Enterprise Service CPON


You use this Business Add-In (BAdI) in the SAP Bank Communication Management (FIN-FSCM-DM)
component. You can use the BAdI both to influence finding the batch and the payments in the
CollectivePaymentOrderNotification (CPON) Enterprise Service, and also control whether the system
ignores individual messages.

Standard settings

For more information about the standard settings (filters, single or multiple uses), see the Enhancement
Spot Element Definitions tab in the BAdI Builder (transaction SE18).

See also

BAdI methods documentation:



For information on how you implement BAdIs in the Enhancement Framework, see SAP Library for the
SAP NetWeaver Platform in the SAP Help Portal under http://help.sap.com/nw_platform. Choose a
Release and then Application Help. In the SAP Library, choose SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented
View -> Application Server -> Application Server ABAP -> Application Development on AS ABAP -> ABAP
Customer Development -> Enhancement Framework.

Settings for Bank Statement Monitor

Short text

In this IMG activity, you specify the data that you want to view using the bank statement monitor and how
that data is organized.


You make the required settings for the house bank accounts that you want to view using the bank
statement monitor.


1. Choose New Entries.

2. To ensure the system selects and displays the relevant account in the monitor, enter the
company code, house bank, and house bank account.

3. Activate the status you wish to use to define the account and to display the account in the

o Processing status

o Difference status

o Serial number status

o Reconciliation status

4. In the Interval and Interval Unit fields, define the time period in which you want to receive a bank
statement for this account. (This setting is taken into account when determining the processing
5. Specify where the account should be displayed in the bank statement monitor.

6. When determining the difference status, if you want to define a tolerance between the bank
statement balance and the internal general ledger account balance, enter a specific difference
Note: The account currency is determined automatically from the account data.

7. Save your entries.


You want to display the GIRO account at the top of the monitor for the house bank DB in company code
0001. You also want to display the account status. You wish to receive a new bank statement daily. The
bank statement balance and the internal balance must be the same.

Enter the following data:

 Company Code: 0001

 House bank : DB

 House bank account: GIRO

 Select all bank statuses.

 Interval: 1

 Interval unit: Calendar days

 Define a factory calendar.

 Position: 001

Further notes

For more information, run a search for “bank statement monitor” on the SAP Help Portal at
Mark Rules for Automatic Payments(No Approval)

In this IMG activity,  you can mark the the batching rules that need no approval, meaning that no approval
process is required.


Make the settings you require.

Assign Role to Release Steps

In this IMG activity, you can assign a standard role to the individual release steps of the release procedure
that applies for a certain release object. Processing (users, workplace, organizational units, positions and
so on) is linked to the standard role. The system uses the standard role to find the processors responsible
and, through the SAP Business Workflow, forwards the release object as a work item to them for
processing further.


You have made the settings for the corresponding release object in IMG activity Assign Release Object to
Release Procedure.

Standard settings

SAP does not supply any standard roles for Bank Communication Management.


1. Choose New Entries.

2. Enter the required values in the following fields:
a) Release Object
b) Release Procedure
c) Release Step
3. Assign a standard role to these. You have the following two options for this:
a) The standard role you are assigning is already created and you know its number. Enter
this number. The standard role you are assigning is not yet created.
b) Select the corresponding line.
c) Choose Create Role. This brings you to the Selection of Rule Parameters screen.
d) Select the required parameters, needed to define the standard rules.
e) Choose Generate Rule Now.
f) Choose Copy Generated Rule and save your data.
4. If you wish to assign users/processors to the standard rule you have the following two options:

o From this IMG activity:

a) Select the corresponding line.

b) Choose Display Rule.
c) Choose Continue.
d) Choose Change.
This brings you to the Standard Role: Change screen.
For more information on changing standard roles, refer to the documentation on the SAP
Business Worklfow in the SAP Library. Choose Basis Components -> Business
Management -> SAP Business Workflow -> Role Documentation, or on the corresponding
screens choose Help -> Application Help.

o Via the area menu

Choose Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Development -> Workflow -> Definition Tools ->
Standard Roles -> Change.
This brings you to the Standard Role: Change screen.
For more information on changing standard roles, refer to the documentation on the SAP
Business Workflow in the SAP Library. Choose Basis Components -> Business
Management -> SAP Business Workflow -> Role Documentation, or on the corresponding
screens, choose Help -> Application Help.
Note: When defining rules, make sure there is an 'And' link between the conditions you
define when entering values.
Also note the connection between the release reasons defined in the IMG activity Assign
Release Object to Release Procedure and the exact rule definition. You must ensure that
the system finds a user group for each release object via the standard role/rule, that is,
the rules are defined in such a way that they cover all release reasons.
5. Save your entries.
Define Release Procedure

In this IMG activity, you can make basic settings for the release of a particular release object. Since the
release of release objects is regulated by the SAP Business Workflow, in the group frame release you must
define if and when the system forwards a release object to the release process.


You have made the standard settings for the SAP Business Workflow in the Basis Customizing settings by
choosing Business Management -> SAP Business Workflow -> Maintain Standard Settings for SAP
Business Workflow .

Standard settings

The standard setting supplied for the release objects is no release (radio button is never in the group frame


1. Choose a radio button in the group frame Release.

If you choose always, you must also select a release procedure  for all release objects.

If you choose conditional , you can differentiate the release of the release objects according to
release procedures and release reasons.

2. If you choose Display All , you can check whether release reasons have already been defined
for the release object.

3. Go back.

4. In change mode, choose Execute.

If no release reasons have yet been defined for the release objects, the Customizing: Release
Procedures screen appears.

If release reasons have already been defined for the release objects, the Release Customizing: All
Settings screen appears.

If you choose New Entry or select a line of a release reason, the Customizing: Release
Procedures screen appears.

5. On the Customizing: Release Procedures screen, define or change a release reason for the
selected release object and release procedure by selecting release attributes from the overview
and assigning a lower limit (in the case of intervals, an upper limit, too) and a comparison operator
to every release attribute in the group frame Dynamic Selections.
When you define release reasons, make sure there is an 'And' connector between the conditions
you define when entering values for the release attributes.

Also note the connection between the release reason and the exact rule definition in the
corresponding IMG activity Assign Standard Role to Release Steps. You must ensure that the
system finds a user group for each release object via the standard role/rule, that is, that the rules
are defined in such a way that they cover all release reasons.

6. You assign the comparison operator by double-clicking on the input fields of the release

The release object, release procedure, release reason and release attributes are related as

Release object -> release procedure 1 : 1 .. 3

Release procedure -> release reason 1 : n

Release reason -> release attributes 1 : 1 .. i; i = number of release attributes in the overview

The system assigns the numbers of the release reasons.

If you wish to delete individual release reasons, you must individually delete all release attributes
of this release reason. Note that if you choose Deletion of Entries for Release Object , the system
will delete all release reasons.

7. Choose Execute.

8. Go back to the initial screen of the IMG activity.

If you choose statistical , you must define a fraction of a million that the system is to forward to the
release process, and a release procedure.

If you choose never, you cannot make any more settings.

If you change from always, conditional   or statistical    to never , the system deletes all the settings
for the release object.

9. Save your entries.

Assign Role to Release Steps

In this IMG activity, you can make the following basic settings for the release of a particular release object.
Since the release of release objects is regulated by the SAP Business Workflow in the group frame
release, you must define if and when the system forwards a release object to the release process.


Make the settings you require.

Assign Workflow Template to Release Procedure


In this IMG activity, you can assign a release workflow and a release procedure workflow to every release
procedure of a release object. The release workflow realizes the technical processing of the release in the
system. The release procedure workflows realize the technical processing of the various release
procedures (such as the principle of treble control) in the system.


 You have made the settings for the corresponding release object in IMG activity Assign Release
Object to Release Procedure.

 You have made the settings for the corresponding release object in IMG activity Assign Role to
Release Steps.

 You have made the following settings for the workflows involving deadline monitoring (such as
SAP Workflow 50100061 for release object DEH_ESK) in the customizing settings of the basis
components by choosing Business Management -> SAP Business Workflow -> Basic Settings
(SAP Business Workflow) -> Deadline Monitoring for Work Items -> Schedule Deadline
 You have executed activity Schedule Background Job for Case-Specific Deadline Monitoring by
double clicking on the appropriate line.

 You have executed activity Optional: Schedule Permanent Deadline Monitoring by double clicking
on the appropriate line.

 You have set the Periodic Deadline Monitoring indicator.

 You have entered a value for the Interval Until Next Deadline Check .

Standard settings

Assign a release workflow and a release procedure workflow to the different release procedures of every
release object.

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