BSC Syllabus
BSC Syllabus
BSC Syllabus
Course Objective:
1. To Introduce programming language and aware the students about programming paradigm
2. To Focus Fundamentals of Computers and Peripherals
3. To Focus Concept and Methodology of Programming
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to
1. Apply computer programming concepts to new problems or situations.
2. Demonstrate appropriate design, coding, testing, and documenting of computer programs
that implement project specifications and requirements.
3. Develop projects that utilize logical algorithms from specifications and requirements
4. Understand and use the fundamental concepts of data types, structured programming,
algorithmic design, and user interface design.
5. Categorize different programming languages and their uses.
6. Describe how data are represented, manipulated, and stored in a computer.
Module I
Module II
Number Systems & Arithmetic Number System: Positional, Non-positional, binary, octal,
decimal, hexadecimal and their representation; Methods of conversion from one base to another;
Unsigned, Signed, 1’s Complement, 2’s Complement, sign-magnitude and excess notation; range
of values
Module III
Boolean Algebra: Concepts prepositional logic; Two variable Boolean algebra definitions,
postulates, properties, simplification of logical expressions using properties and maps (up to 4-
variables), Minterm, Maxterm, expressions.
Module IV
Module V
Operating systems: What is OS; Concepts of Process, Files, Shell, System Calls. Structures:
Monolithic, Layered, Virtual, Client-Server Model. Concept of Synchronization: Semaphores,
Critical Regions, Monitor etc., Inter Process Communication Mechanisms. Processor; Message
Passing, Scheduling; I/O: Devices and Device Controllers; Interrupt handlers and Device drivers.
Module VI
DATA & FILE STRUCTURES: Definitions: Concepts of data types, Elementary Structure,
Words and their interpretation; Arrays: Types, Memory representation, Address translation,
Functions of single and multi dimensional arrays with examples; Linked Structures: Singly
linked list; List Manipulation with Pointers: Examples involving insertion and deletion of
1. Manvino & Leach, TMH ;Digital Principal and Application. Seventh edition , Tata
McGraw –Hill Inc Newyork ., 2011.
2. Silberschatz, Abraham, Peter B. Galvin, and Greg Gagne. Operating system concepts.
John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
3. Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Structured computer organization. Pearson Education India,
4. E. Balagurusamy, TMH ;Programming in ANSI C.Seventh edition, McGraw –Hill Inc
Newyork ., 2017.
Course Objectives:
1. To apply basic principles of biology, computer science and mathematics to address complex
biological problems
2. To introduces the students to concepts in bioinformatics
3. To understand the computational challenges (and their solutions) in the analysis of large biological
data sets
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to
1. Describe the history, scope and importance of Bioinformatics and role of internet in
2. Explain about the methods to characterise and manage the different types of Biological
3. Overview the structural organisation, structural properties and various techniques
employed in the structure determination of Biological macromolecules – DNA, Protein
and Carbohydrates
4. Interpret about Multiple Sequence Alignment, its significance, algorithms and tools used
for MSA
5. Simplify about microarray data sequence analysis and expression pattern finding tools
6. Explanation about various approaches in protein three dimensional structure prediction
Module V: Gene Expression and and Representation of patterns and relationship (7 Hours)
General introduction to Gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, transcription factors
binding sites. SNP, EST, STS. Introduction to Regular Expression, Hierarchies, and Graphical
models (including Marcov chain and Bayes notes). Genetic variability and connections to
clinical data.
1. Letovsky, Stanley I., ed. Bioinformatics: databases and systems. Springer Science &
Business Media, 2006.
2. Sorin Draghici. Bioinformatics Databases: Design, Implementation, and Usage
(Mathematical & Computational Biology). CRC Press; 1st edition, 2013
3. Arthur M.Lesk. Data base annotation in molecular biology, principles and practices,
Wiley; 1st edition,2004
4. Tao, Jiang, Ying Xu, Michael Q.Zang; Current topics in computational molecular
biology, A Bradford Book. Cambridge 2002
Bioinformatics Lab
0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. To comprehend the utility of tools & databases available in genomic & proteomics
2. To Store and Retrieve Bimolecular related information using online tools
3. To : Understand the principles and applications Computational technologies on new drug discovery
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to
1. Distinguish knowledge and awareness of the basic principles and concepts of
biology, computer science and mathematics.
2. Demonstrate existing software effectively to extract information from large databases
and to use this information in computer modeling
3. Extend problem-solving skills, including the ability to develop new algorithms and
analysis methods
4. Explain the intersection of life and information sciences, the core of shared concepts,
language and skills the ability to speak the language of structure-function
relationships, information theory, gene expression, and database queries
1. Baxevanis, Andreas D., and BF Francis Ouellette. "A Practical Guide to the Analysis of
Genes and Proteins." Second Edition ,Wily Interscience 2019 .
2. Bujnicki, Janusz M.” Practical Bioinformatics” Second edition, Springer .2004.
3. Shui Qing Ye, Bioinformatics .A practical Approach, Fourth edition , Chapman and