Semaglutide Added To Basal Insulin in Type 2 Diabetes (SUSTAIN 5) : A Randomized, Controlled Trial
Semaglutide Added To Basal Insulin in Type 2 Diabetes (SUSTAIN 5) : A Randomized, Controlled Trial
Semaglutide Added To Basal Insulin in Type 2 Diabetes (SUSTAIN 5) : A Randomized, Controlled Trial
Context: Combination therapy with insulin and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-
1RAs) is important for treating type 2 diabetes (T2D). This trial assesses the efficacy and safety of
semaglutide, a GLP-1RA, as an add-on to basal insulin.
Patients: We studied 397 patients with uncontrolled T2D receiving stable therapy with basal insulin
with or without metformin.
Main Outcome Measures: Primary endpoint was change in glycated Hb (HbA1c) from baseline to
week 30. Confirmatory secondary endpoint was change in body weight from baseline to week 30.
Results: At week 30, mean HbA1c reductions [mean baseline value, 8.4% (67.9 mmol/mol)] with
semaglutide 0.5 and 1.0 mg were 1.4% (15.8 mmol/mol) and 1.8% (20.2 mmol/mol) vs 0.1% (1.0 mmol/
mol) with placebo [estimated treatment difference (ETD) vs placebo, –1.35 (14.8 mmol/mol); 95% CI,
–1.61 to –1.10 and ETD, –1.75% (19.2 mmol/mol); 95% CI, –2.01 to –1.50; both P , 0.0001]. Severe or
blood glucose–confirmed hypoglycemic episodes were reported in 11 patients (17 events) and
14 patients (25 events) with semaglutide 0.5 and 1.0 mg, respectively, vs seven patients (13 events)
with placebo (estimated rate ratio vs placebo, 2.08; 95% CI, 0.67 to 6.51 and estimated rate ratio vs
placebo, 2.41; 95% CI, 0.84 to 6.96 for 0.5 and 1.0 mg; both P = nonsignificant). Mean body weight
decreased with semaglutide 0.5 and 1.0 mg vs placebo from baseline to end of treatment: 3.7, 6.4, and
1.4 kg (ETD, –2.31; 95% CI, –3.33 to –1.29 and ETD, –5.06; 95% CI, –6.08 to –4.04 kg; both P , 0.0001).
Premature treatment discontinuation due to adverse events was higher for semaglutide 0.5 and 1.0 mg
vs placebo (4.5%, 6.1%, and 0.8%), mainly due to gastrointestinal disorders.
ISSN Print 0021-972X ISSN Online 1945-7197 Abbreviations: ADA, American Diabetes Association; AE, adverse event; bpm, beats per
Printed in USA minute; DR, diabetic retinopathy; EAC, Event Adjudication Committee; ETD, estimated
Copyright © 2018 Endocrine Society treatment difference; FPG, fasting plasma glucose; GI, gastrointestinal; GLP-1RA,
This article has been published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist; HbA1c, glycated Hb; SF-36v2, 36-Item Short
License (CC BY; Form; SMBG, self-measured blood glucose; SUSTAIN, Semaglutide Unabated Sustain-
Received 9 January 2018. Accepted 17 April 2018. ability in Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes; T2D, type 2 diabetes.
First Published Online 23 April 2018
doi: 10.1210/jc.2018-00070 J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2018, 103(6):2291–2301 2291
Conclusions: Semaglutide, added to basal insulin, significantly reduced HbA1c and body weight in
patients with uncontrolled T2D vs placebo. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 103: 2291–2301, 2018)
Association (ADA)/European Association for the Study of confirmatory superior hypotheses in a hierarchical testing
Diabetes recommendations (21). strategy. For HbA1c, the superiority of semaglutide vs placebo
was tested first, starting with the highest semaglutide dose level,
Drug administration followed by body weight superiority vs placebo in the same dose
Patients received semaglutide (0.5 or 1.0 mg subcutaneously) order. Based on these assumptions and on a target sample size of
or volume-matched placebo once weekly for 30 weeks followed 390 patients in total, the overall power to simultaneously
by a 5-week follow-up period. Study medication was adminis- demonstrate superiority on change in HbA1c and body weight
tered following a fixed dose-escalation regimen. For 0.5 mg, the for the two dose levels of semaglutide vs placebo was 82% (full
maintenance dose was reached after 4 weeks of 0.25 mg sem- details are in Supplemental Material).
aglutide or matching placebo once weekly. For 1.0 mg, the HbA1c, body weight, and other continuous endpoints
maintenance dose was reached after 4 weeks of 0.25 mg, fol- assessed over time were analyzed using a mixed model for
lowed by 4 weeks of 0.5 mg semaglutide or matching placebo repeated measurements, with treatment, country, and stratifi-
once weekly. Trial products were manufactured and supplied by cation variables [HbA1c level at screening (#8.0% or .8.0%)
Novo Nordisk A/S (Bagsvaerd, Denmark). crossed with use of metformin (yes or no)] as fixed factors and
baseline value as covariate, all nested within visit (full details are
in Supplemental Material). Efficacy evaluations were based on
the full analysis set, comprising all randomized patients exposed
The primary outcome was the change in HbA1c from
to at least one dose of trial product. The primary analyses used
baseline to week 30. The confirmatory secondary endpoint was
data collected before initiation of any rescue medication or
the change in body weight from baseline to week 30. Secondary
before premature treatment discontinuation. The robustness of
efficacy endpoints included the proportion of patients who
the analyses of HbA1c and body weight was assessed by han-
achieved HbA1c ,7.0% (53 mmol/mol) (22) or #6.5%
dling missing data in various ways, including a placebo-based
(48 mmol/mol) (23) by end of treatment; HbA1c ,7.0%
multiple imputation model, in which missing data points were
without severe or blood glucose–confirmed symptomatic
imputed as if the patient was receiving placebo. Details of the
hypoglycemic episodes [plasma glucose level ,3.1 mmol/L
sensitivity analyses are included in Supplemental Material.
(56 mg/dL)] and no weight gain at week 30; change from
baseline to week 30 in FPG; SMBG seven-point profiles and
postprandial increments (mean over all meals); insulin dose; Results
body mass index; waist circumference; proportion of patients
who achieved weight loss of $5% and $10% at week 30; and Patient disposition and baseline characteristics
change from baseline to week 30 of systolic and diastolic blood In total, 397 patients were randomized to receive
pressure, fasting lipids, and patient-reported outcomes [36-Item
semaglutide or placebo from 1 December 2014 through
Short Form (SF-36v2) Health Survey and Diabetes Treatment
Satisfaction Questionnaire]. 21 November 2015; 396 patients were exposed to
Safety outcomes after 30 weeks of therapy included the treatment, and 380 patients completed the trial (Sup-
number of treatment-emergent adverse events (AEs), severe or plemental Fig. 2). A total of 23 patients required rescue
blood glucose–confirmed symptomatic hypoglycemic episodes medication: three in the semaglutide 0.5 mg group, one
(according to the ADA classification or blood glucose–confirmed
in the semaglutide 1.0 mg group, and 19 in the placebo
by a plasma glucose value ,3.1 mmol/L with symptoms con-
sistent with hypoglycemia), and pulse rate. Hypoglycemia was group. Baseline characteristics were similar between
assessed as a secondary safety endpoint. When a hypoglycemic treatment groups (Table 1). The mean duration of
episode was suspected, the blood glucose level at the time of the diabetes prior to trial entry was 13.3 years (range, 0.4 to
event was recorded as well as additional information relating to 39.6 years). The majority of patients were receiving in-
the circumstances of the patient. A hypoglycemic episode form sulin glargine therapy at baseline (Table 1).
was completed for each hypoglycemic episode; if the episode
fulfilled the criteria for a serious AE, then an AE form and a safety
Glycemic control
information form were also completed. Hypoglycemic episodes
were classified according to the Novo Nordisk A/S classification Mean HbA1c [baseline 8.4%; SD, 0.83 (67.9 mmol/mol;
and ADA classification guidelines. SD, 9.04)] levels decreased over time (Fig. 1A; Supplemental
An external Event Adjudication Committee (EAC) validated Fig. 3A). At week 30, mean HbA1c values with semaglutide
predefined events of special interest [including those associ- 0.5 and 1.0 mg were 6.9% and 6.5%, vs 8.3% with placebo,
ated with GLP-1RA therapy: acute pancreatitis, neoplasm corresponding to reductions of 1.4% and 1.8% vs 0.1%
(excluding thyroid), and thyroid disease (including neoplasms)]
with placebo [estimated treatment difference (ETD) vs pla-
in an independent, blinded manner (Supplemental Material).
cebo, –1.35%; 95% CI, –1.61 to –1.10 and ETD, –1.75%;
Statistical analysis 95% CI, –2.01 to –1.50; both P , 0.0001]. The changes
The trial was designed to establish superiority jointly for from baseline in HbA1c in patients with HbA1c #8% at
both doses of semaglutide vs pooled placebo (hereafter referred screening were –0.88% (SD, 0.94), –1.32% (SD, 0.71), and
to as “placebo”) for the change in HbA1c and body weight at
–0.04% (SD, 0.98) with semaglutide 0.5 mg, semaglutide
week 30 with a one-sided a of 2.5%, assuming treatment
differences vs placebo of 0.45% and 2.25 kg for each sem- 1.0 mg, and placebo, respectively, whereas in patients with
aglutide dose level, and SDs of 1.1% and 4.0 kg. The type I error HbA1c .8% the changes were –1.83% (SD, 1.00), –2.19%
probability was controlled at 2.5% (one-sided) across the four (SD, 0.86), and –0.28% (SD, 1.12), respectively.
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2294 Rodbard et al Semaglutide With Basal Insulin in T2D J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2018, 103(6):2291–2301
Abbreviations: IU, international unit; max., maximum; min., minimum; NPH, neutral protamine Hagedorn; y, years.
Randomization was stratified according to HbA1c level at screening (#8.0% or .8.0%) and use of metformin (yes or no).
HbA1c may be outside the range specified in the inclusion criteria because baseline measurement was conducted at randomization visit.
This patient was randomized in error and consequently excluded from the trial.
Significantly more patients achieved an HbA1c target 2.4 mmol/L, compared with 0.5 mmol/L with placebo
of ,7.0% with semaglutide 0.5 mg and 1.0 mg than (ETD, –1.14; 95% CI, –17.5 to –0.54 and ETD, –1.88;
with placebo (61%, 79%, and 11%) (Fig. 2A) and an 95% CI, –2.48 to –1.28; both P , 0.001) (Fig. 1B;
HbA1c target #6.5% with semaglutide 0.5 and 1.0 mg Supplemental Table 3). Both incremental and mean
vs placebo (41%, 61%, and 5%) (Supplemental Fig. seven-point SMBG decreased significantly with sem-
4A). Significantly more patients achieved a composite aglutide 0.5 mg (by 0.8 and 2.5 mmol/L; both P , 0.004)
endpoint of ,7.0% without severe or blood glucose– and 1.0 mg (by 1.2 and 3.0 mmol/L; P , 0.0001 for both)
confirmed symptomatic hypoglycemia and with no vs placebo (reductions of 0.2 and 0.8 mmol/L) (Fig. 4;
weight gain with semaglutide 0.5 and 1.0 mg compared Supplemental Table 3).
with placebo (54%, 67%, and 7%) (Fig. 3). Severe or blood glucose–confirmed hypoglycemic
At week 30, mean FPG values with semaglutide 0.5 episodes were reported in 11 (8.3%) patients (17 events)
and 1.0 mg were 7.0 and 6.3 mmol/L, vs 8.2 mmol/L in the semaglutide 0.5 mg group, in 14 (10.7%) patients
with placebo, corresponding to decreases of 1.6 and (25 events) in the semaglutide 1.0 mg group, and in
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doi: 10.1210/jc.2018-00070 2295
Figure 1. Change in (A) mean HbA1c, (B) fasting plasma glucose, (C) body weight, and (D) time to onset of hypoglycemia over time. Values are
estimated means 6 standard error from a mixed model for repeated measurements analysis using “on-treatment without rescue medication”
data from patients in the full analysis set. The dashed line indicates the overall mean value at baseline. Values in square brackets indicate 95%
CIs. aSignificant at P , 0.0001. bSignificant at P # 0.0002. ETD, estimated treatment difference.
7 (5.3%) patients (13 events) in the placebo group. The P = 0.2071) for semaglutide 0.5 mg vs placebo and 2.41
estimated rate ratio for events of severe or blood glucose– (95% CI, 0.84 to 6.96; P = 0.1030) for semaglutide 1.0 mg vs
confirmed hypoglycemia was 2.08 (95% CI, 0.67 to 6.51; placebo. Among patients with HbA1c #8.0% at screening,
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2296 Rodbard et al Semaglutide With Basal Insulin in T2D J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2018, 103(6):2291–2301
Figure 3. Patients achieving the composite endpoint target of HbA1c ,7.0% without severe or blood glucose–confirmed symptomatic
hypoglycemia and with no weight gain. Values are observed proportions using “on-treatment without rescue medication” data from patients
in the full analysis set. Missing HbA1c and body weight data were imputed from a mixed model for repeated measurements analysis and
subsequently classified. “Blood glucose-confirmed” defined as blood glucose ,3.1 mmol/L (56 mg/dL). Values in square brackets indicate 95%
CIs. aSignificant at P , 0.0001. EOR, estimated OR.
semaglutide 0.5 and 1.0 mg vs placebo (4.5% and 6.1% to moderate in severity. Pulse rate increased from baseline
compared with 0.8% in the placebo group) and were by 1 beat per minute (bpm) with semaglutide 0.5 mg and
primarily due to gastrointestinal (GI) AEs (Table 2). by 4 bpm with semaglutide 1.0 mg, vs a decrease of 1 bpm
No fatalities were reported during the trial. One pa- with placebo (for semaglutide 1.0 mg vs placebo, P , 0.0001;
tient receiving semaglutide 0.5 mg became pregnant Supplemental Table 3). The proportion of patients with
during the trial and discontinued treatment after 106 days diabetic retinopathy (DR) events was 3.0% with sem-
(fetal exposure was ;9 weeks). A healthy baby was born aglutide 0.5 mg and 0.8% with semaglutide 1.0 mg; there
with no known congenital abnormalities. were no patients with DR events on placebo.
The most frequent AEs with semaglutide were GI AEs Gallbladder-related AEs were reported in four
(Table 2). Nausea was reported in 11.4% of patients semaglutide-treated patients. With semaglutide 0.5 mg,
treated with semaglutide 0.5 mg and in 16.8% treated with cholelithiasis, gallbladder disorder, and blood alkaline
semaglutide 1.0 mg compared with 4.5% receiving pla- phosphatase were reported in three patients; with sem-
cebo. In general, the prevalence of nausea events over time aglutide 1.0 mg, acute cholecystitis was reported in one
with semaglutide treatment was ;3% to 5% throughout patient (Table 2). Mean lipase and amylase activity in-
the study (Supplemental Fig. 7A). The proportions of creased significantly from baseline to end of treat-
patients reporting vomiting were 6.1%, 11.5%, and 3.0% ment with both semaglutide doses compared with placebo
(the prevalence of vomiting events over time is shown in (P , 0.0001 for all) (Supplemental Table 6; Supplemental
Supplemental Fig. 7B), and the proportions reporting di- Fig. 9), although no pancreatitis events were confirmed by
arrhea were 4.5%, 6.9%, and 1.5%. All GI AEs were mild the EAC. Two investigator-reported events were sent for
Figure 4. Observed mean seven-point self-measured blood glucose profile at baseline and at week 30. Values are observed means based on “on-treatment
without rescue medication” data from patients in the full analysis set. Dashed lines represent week 0 data; solid lines represent week 30 data.
Abbreviations: AE, adverse event; BG, blood glucose; EAC, Event Adjudication Committee; GI, gastrointestinal.
Severe, considerable interference with the subject’s daily activities, unacceptable; moderate, marked symptoms, moderate interference with the
subject’s daily activities; mild, no or transient symptoms, no interference with the subject’s daily activities.
There were five events in four patients with semaglutide 0.5 mg.
adjudication: one patient (female, age 47 years) receiv- across the trial. Compared with placebo, severe or blood
ing semaglutide 0.5 mg reported acute pancreatitis, which glucose–confirmed symptomatic episodes were more
led to premature treatment discontinuation (reported on frequent with semaglutide in patients with HbA1c #8.0%
study day 152, concurrent mild vomiting); the second at screening, which might be expected given the im-
patient (male, age 55 years) receiving semaglutide 1.0 mg provements in HbA1c in these patients vs placebo. A
reported elevated lipase but had an elevated level prior greater pre-emptive insulin dose reduction, greater than
to administration of trial product (reported on study day the 20% mandated by the protocol in this trial, may
1, concurrent mild vomiting). be appropriate when titrating from 0.5 to 1.0 mg in
Neoplasms were confirmed by the EAC in four pa- clinical practice.
tients treated with semaglutide 0.5 mg and in one patient In this study population with a mean diabetes dura-
receiving placebo (Table 2). One malignant neoplasm tion of .13 years, the majority of patients in both
(basal cell carcinoma) was reported in a patient treated semaglutide-treatment groups attained an HbA1c target
with semaglutide 1.0 mg. Additionally, one patient of ,7.0%. In addition, significant weight loss was ob-
treated with semaglutide 1.0 mg had confirmed meta- served with both doses of semaglutide vs placebo. The
static pancreatic cancer with an onset date of 65 days improvements (weight reductions of 2.3 to 5.1 kg) with
after the end of treatment. There were no confirmed semaglutide appear to be greater in magnitude than those
thyroid malignancies. previously reported for other long-acting GLP-1RAs
added to basal insulin (weight reductions of 1.0 to
Discussion 1.6 kg), although these are cross-trial observations and
therefore are not directly comparable (8, 24–29).
In patients with T2D inadequately controlled with basal A significantly larger proportion of patients receiv-
insulin, semaglutide provided superior improvements in mean ing semaglutide achieved the composite endpoint of
HbA1c, FPG, and SMBG and superior weight loss compared HbA1c ,7.0% without severe or blood glucose–confirmed
with placebo. There was a low rate of hypoglycemic episodes symptomatic hypoglycemia (plasma glucose level below
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doi: 10.1210/jc.2018-00070 2299
3.1 mmol/L) and without weight gain compared with 30, thereby affecting the patient’s evaluation of the
placebo. This finding is clinically meaningful and especially treatment. Nevertheless, therapies demonstrating in-
promising in a population where hypoglycemia and weight creased treatment satisfaction in T2D could be beneficial,
gain impede insulin titration and glycemic control. particularly because insulin therapy for diabetes is as-
Semaglutide was well tolerated in this trial, with an AE sociated with a high treatment burden and compliance
profile similar to that of other GLP-1RAs. GI symptoms issues (40).
were the most common AEs with semaglutide and were The strengths of this study include its randomized,
responsible for the higher proportion of patients dis- double-blind, placebo-controlled design, which adds
continuing treatment prematurely compared with validity to the evaluation of outcomes. The trial was
placebo. This effect has been noted previously with GLP- conducted in patients with long-standing T2D who were
1RAs, and GI AEs commonly occur early in the course of receiving basal insulin, and, although the majority was
treatment and subside over time (30). Accordingly, in this receiving insulin glargine therapy at baseline, a diverse
study, nausea events in the semaglutide groups occurred range of insulin types was used, reflecting the in-
mainly in the first 8 to 9 weeks of treatment, generally ternational nature of the trial sites in this study.
coinciding with the dose-escalation steps, and declined This was not a treat-to-target study; thus, titration was
gradually thereafter until the end of the trial. Although carried out at the investigators’ discretion, with the ex-
the proportion of patients experiencing an event at least ception of the mandatory dose decrease in patients with
once was ;11% to 17% with semaglutide, the actual HbA1c #8%. The lack of dose uptitration in the placebo
prevalence was ;3% to 5% on any given week. The arm may have been partially responsible for HbA1c and
prevalence of vomiting over time remained #2.5% in FPG levels remaining elevated in this treatment group.
both semaglutide groups, and the majority of events Furthermore, because basal insulin was not titrated to
occurred before week 18 of the study. target and because the placebo arm had no active in-
Similarly, the significant increase in pulse rate observed tervention, the comparison of hypoglycemia rates be-
with semaglutide 1.0 mg compared with placebo has been tween the arms and the applicability of the study findings
previously reported in patients treated with GLP-1RAs to clinical practice should be interpreted according to
(31, 32); however, the reasons for this hemodynamic effect these limitations.
are unclear (33). DR AEs in SUSTAIN 5 are discussed in a The relatively short study length was a limitation, and
publication that analyzes DR in the SUSTAIN clinical the blinding aspect of the trial may have been partially
program. An analysis of DR AEs in SUSTAIN 1–5 and the lost due to the incidence of GI AEs and the improved
Japanese trials showed no evidence of increased DR AEs fasting glucose levels over placebo. Because of the re-
with semaglutide vs placebo or active comparators (34). duced insulin dose in the cohort with HbA1c #8% and
One malignant neoplasm (basal cell carcinoma) was re- the subsequent delay before uptitration could be com-
ported in the study in a patient treated with semaglutide menced, the results relating to weight loss and reduced
1.0 mg. In the same treatment group, one patient had insulin requirements should be interpreted in this con-
metastatic pancreatic cancer, although the recorded date text. In addition, the observed decrease in insulin dose
of onset was 65 days after the end of treatment. In and in body weight in the placebo group was un-
published data from the SUSTAIN program, the overall expected, and the reasons for these anomalous effects
incidence of malignant neoplasms was similarly low, with are unclear.
no evident imbalances between semaglutide dose groups In summary, semaglutide, administered subcutane-
or between semaglutide and comparators (35–37). No ously once weekly, provided superior glycemic control
pancreatitis events were confirmed by the EAC, a finding and body weight reductions compared with placebo in
that aligns with a recent meta-analysis of incretin-based patients with T2D receiving basal insulin therapy. No
medications and the reported risk of such events (38). In unexpected safety issues were identified. Semaglutide was
the analysis, which included results from the SUSTAIN 6 well tolerated, with a safety profile similar to that of
trial (39), the relative risk of both acute pancreatitis and other GLP-1RAs.
pancreatic carcinoma was reduced for semaglutide and the
GLP-1RA class overall (38). Acknowledgments
Semaglutide treatment was associated with improve-
We thank the patients, investigators, and trial-site staff who were
ments in treatment satisfaction compared with placebo. involved in the trial; Louise Faerch, Uffe Ploug, and Desirée
However, despite the double-blind study design, the Thielke (all Novo Nordisk employees) for their review of and
substantial differences in efficacy (e.g., weight loss) and input to the manuscript; and Madeleine Nowak (AXON Com-
safety (e.g., GI AEs) between semaglutide and placebo munications) for medical writing and editorial assistance. Key
may have unblinded the study in many patients by week findings from this study were presented in abstract form at the
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2300 Rodbard et al Semaglutide With Basal Insulin in T2D J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2018, 103(6):2291–2301
52nd EASD Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany, 12–16 Ltd; Medical Review Co. Ltd; Mochida Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.;
September 2016. Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation; MSD; Nankodo Co.
Financial Support: This study was funded by Novo Ltd; Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim; Novartis Pharma KK; Novo
Nordisk A/S. Nordisk; Ono Pharmaceutical; Sanofi KK; Sanwa Kagaku
Clinical Trial Information: SUSTAIN 5 Kenkyusho Co.; Shionogi & Co. Ltd; Sumitomo Dainippon
no. NCT02305381 (registered 28 November 2014). Pharma Co.; Taisho Toyama Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.; Takeda
Author Contributions: All authors were site investigators, Pharmaceutical Company; T-Pec Corporation; and Wiley Pub-
except those employed by Novo Nordisk, and took part in the lishing Japan Co. Ltd. P.-L.C. reports being an employee of Novo
conduct of the trial and the data collection. The data were an- Nordisk Inc. while the trial was conducted. N.W. reports being an
alyzed by the statistical group. H.W.R. served as a Principal employee of Novo Nordisk A/S. P.N. reports receiving research
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