Khalitya (Hair Fall) Management - Ayurvedic: Perspective
Khalitya (Hair Fall) Management - Ayurvedic: Perspective
Khalitya (Hair Fall) Management - Ayurvedic: Perspective
Review Article
Ayurveda is a deep ocean of knowledge in which not only systemic disease but also local minor
diseases are described in detail. Hair fall is one of the minor diseases which is affecting approximately
1.7% of the world population and challenging task for physicians. Hair fall has been described in
Ayurveda by the name of khalitya roga under the heading of kshudra roga (minor disease) or
shiroroga (diseases of head & scalp). It is progressing disorder people living in sedentary ways of life,
stress induced hectic schedules along with indiscriminate dietary habits result in many disturbance
and deficiencies in the body which directly reflect in loss of hair. We can reduce & manage this rising
problem of hair fall through modifying life style, purification therapy and medication practicing in
treatment. They are not only minor but also During this process of production of dhatus
mean terrible which, though of a low stature when metabolism of asthi dhatu occur by its
frequently give pricks and embarrassment to own agni & majja dhatu emerges from sara
patient. part and at the same time hair of scalp &
body and nails form as mala. [2] According
MATERIAL AND METHODS to acharya Sharngadhar, Scalp and body
Literature of all the Ayurvedic texts hair are the updhatu of Majja dhatu. [3]
(both brihat-trayi and laghu- trayi), modern Among the all the garbhaj bhava
medicine literature and new researches (factors for development of foetus), hair is
published are studied for this review work. pitraj bhava means structure, colour and
Khalitya and Indralupta: Gradual falling of quantity of progeny are dependent on
hair is known as Khalitya. When pitta paternal side. [4] Hair made up of mainly
combines with vata or kapha dosha to parthiva mahabhoota (earth element). Hair
destroy the hair, it is called khalitya. [7] formation starts during sixth month of
According to Acharya Chraka, The tejas intrauterine life. [5]
dhatu (heat of body) of the body in According to modern science, Hair
association with vayu and other dosha, can be defined as modified epithelial
scorches up the hair-root (scalp) giving structure formed as a result of keratinisation
instantaneous rise to alopecia (khalitya) in of germination cell. Hair is an epidermal
man. One more term used in texts for hair appendage that lies with the dermis. Every
fall is Indralupta. Ruchya and chach are two hair emerges from the hair follicles which
of its synonyms. [8] According to Acharya resembles like a slim pocket insides
kartika, falling of hair from all over the epidermis. Hair is present in every
body is called ruhya. discipline of the epidermis beside the palm,
There are some differences between sole and lips. Hair development undergoes a
khalitya & Indralupta. In khalitya, hair loss repetitive cycle. In the scalp, hair growth
is gradual and generalised over the scalp but cycle has three essential phases: Anagen,
hairs are lost suddenly and patch by patch in Categen and Telogen. The anagen segment
indralupta. When the kapha dosha is a progress phase which most commonly
combines with rakta dhatu it results in lasts 3-5 years. One a healthy scalp, there
degeneration and shutting down completely are roughly 100000 hair & 90% of the
of hair follicles thus leading to baldness. follicles are consistently in the anagen
When Khalitya is due to vata it causes segment of hair development. Categen stage
burning over scalp; when due to pitta it follows this phases, when the follicles
causes sweating and when due to kapha it begins to end up dormant which lasts for 2-3
causes thickening of skin. [8] week. The telogen stage is a dormant stage
or resting interval that lasts 3-4 months.
Origin of hair- When this stage ends, hair falls out. That
Ayurveda mentioned that human body is hair follicle then returns to the anagen stage
made up of main seven dhatus (body & a new hair begins to develop. In this way,
elements) viz. Rasa, Rakta, Mansa, Meda, hair growth cycle continues. 50-60 hairs are
Asthi, Majja and sukra. Majority of lost per day in normal hair growth cycle. [6]
acharyas belief that the production of later
dhatu occurs from former dhatu by the Causes of Khalitya Roga-
function of their respective agni i.e. the Due to usna guna of pitta dosha
rasagni turns the ahara rasa into rasa dhatu individual of pitta prakriti starts hair fall
then raktagni converts part of rasa dhatu in and greying of hair earlier than
rakta and so on. Along with production of individuals of other dosha prakriti. [9]
later dhatu, there is side by side production The hair has tendency to lose its natural
of upadhatu & mala of former dhatu. colour with advancing age. Although,
In hair fall due to premature aging, should be mild and free form chemicals.
Rasayana therapy is needed mainly with Decoction or Shampoo made up of herbs
vayasthapana drugs. like Henna, Bringraj, Jatamansi, Shoe
Patient should protect himself from all flower, Triphala, Ghrit Kumari,
the causes mentioned for shiroroga as Shikakai, Motha, Bhrami etc. can be
hair fall numerated under shiroroga used for washing hair.
according to some author. He should Dhoomapana (medicated smoke)–
protect himself from dust, smoke, fog, Along with health of head & senses,
cold water, sunlight etc. he should avoid dhoomapana cures the problem of hair
sleeping in day time and awakening late fall by clearing the dosha from head
night. region and also improves the firmness of
Patients of hair fall must avoid excessive hair on the head, beard & teeth. [21]
use of salt and kshara in his diet. Kshaurakarma – Hair cutting & proper
Harsh Chemical, heating treatment used care of hair of scalp & beard should be
in practice for cosmetic purpose should done regularly. Acharya charaka
be avoided or minimally used. mentioned that everybody should have a
hair - cut, shave and nail cut thrice every
2. Hair Care- Along with these fortnight. [22]
precautions, patients of hair fall need to Ushnishka – The wearing of ushnishka
adopt a healthy life style for care of hair, (turban or cap) on head protect the hair
discussed in Samhita for the health of from wind, heat, dust etc. which is pious
hair are as following. and beneficial for hair. [23] Covering of
Moordha tail (oiling) and paste for head protect are hairs from
local application over scalp – Oil environmental factor.
should be regularly applied on scalp. It
prevents falling of hair, baldness and 3. Purification Procedure
also makes the hair black long and deep (Panchkarma)- For the patient of hair
- rooted. It provides nourishment to the fall Vaman, Virechan, Vasti and Rakta
hair follicles and also gives strength to mokshana should be done according to
the cortex and fibre of hair. [18] Mustard the dosha involve. Because of
oil or Coconut oil can be used on regular involvement of mainly pitta dosha,
basis for the massage oil hair. virechana and rakta mokshan are
Nasya (nasal drop) – Everybody should commonly indicated in falling of hair &
take nasal drop of “Anu tail” every year baldness.
during the rainy, autumn and spring 4. Medicated Oils for shiroabhyanga are
season when the sky is free from cloud. -
Along with many other benefits, it Neeli tail (Sushrut)
prevents hair fall and also accelerates Sairiyaka tail (Sushrut)
the growth of hair. [19] Nasya nourishes Mahaneel tail (A.H.)
the srotas present above the clavicle Snuhyadi tail (Chakradutta)
including the hair follicles which Chandanadhya tail (Chakradutta)
strengthen the hair and reduce falling. Mulethi + amlalaka + milk + tail paka
Snana (taking bath) – Acharya Sushrut (Chakradutta)
mention that the head and hair should
not be washed with warm water or with 5. Pastes for local application over scalp
very cold water. Pouring warm water are -
over head reduces the strength of hair & Madhuka, amalaka + honey (A.S)
eyes. [20] Proper hair wash should be Tila, amalaka + honey + oil(A.S)
done at least three times in a weak.
Shampoos and soaps used for hair wash
Kapikakshu mool + aksha tail in iron Shodhana and nasya karma is a specialised
vessel (A.S) therapy of Ayurveda. Shodhana is a
Dugdhika karveera+ milk (A.S) procedure which takes out the doshas from
Kapalaranjaka lepa (Chakradutta) the nearest route of its vitiation. Rasayana
Bhringpushadi lepa (Chakradutta) therapy has immune-modulators,
Mandoor bhasma + amlaki churna + antioxidant properties and rejuvenating
japapushpa then wash with triphala action which is very beneficial for the hair
kwath fall caused by any chronic illness, pre
Ayas churna + triphala + sour liquid mature aging or nutrition deficiency.
6. Medicated Oils for Nasal medication Khalitya is a wicked disease which
are - needs proper management. Some minor
changes of life style and dietary habits can
Anu tail Nasya (A.S.)
prevent hair fall. Proper hair care life oiling,
Brihatyadi navana (A.S.)
washing, protection from external factors
Sahacharadi navana (A.S.) like environment, chemicals, heating etc is
Nimba tail (Chakradutta) important for preventing hair fall and
Bhrigaraja rasa + mulethi + milk + tail keeping them healthy. Before starting
paka (Chakradutta) treatment of hair fall, physician should
identify the cause and first treatment should
7. Other yoga & Rasayana for the be Nidanparivarjana or management of that
patient of hair fall mentioned in cause. Than after other therapies like
Charaka Samhita are- Abhyang, lepana, shodhan, nasya,
Agastya haritaki Rasayana hould be prescribed accordingly.
Kankarishta In this way, we can treat the khalitya roga
Dwipanchmool ghrita or hair fall effectively.
Amalaki rasayana
Navayas lauha REFERENCES
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How to cite this article: Purwar P, Yadav SS, Gangele P. Khalitya (hair fall) management -
ayurvedic perspective. Int J Health Sci Res. 2019; 9(4):255-260.