Statistic Practice Question
Statistic Practice Question
Statistic Practice Question
1. (a). Find the equation of straight line in general form passing through the point (-2, 4) and (3, -1).
4. (a). Define descriptive and inferential statistics.
(b). Calculate A.M and Mode Comment on the shape of 7the distribution:
C.I. 110-119 120-129 130-139 140-149 150-159 160-169
F 3 8 12 17 6 4
(c). the speed of cars on highway is 60, 65, 62, 60, 70, 68, 72, 65 find average speed using a suitable formula.
1. (a). Find the equation of straight line which passing through the point (3, 5) and (-2, 3)
(b). Find vertex of the parabola y = 2 + 2x2 – 5x. also state which way the parabola opens.
𝑑𝑦 𝑥2 4
2. (a). Find of the functions: i) y = y = ii). Y = √𝑥 4 − 4𝑥 3 + 8𝑥
𝑑𝑥 𝑥+3
(b). Find the value of X for which the function y = 6x – 9x2 -7 has minimum or maximum value.
3. (a). if following matrix is a singular matrix, then find value of:
2 𝑎 −3
“a” [ 1 9 12 ]
2 −5 −3
(b). show that matrix A and B are multiplicative inverse of each other, (hint: A A-1 = 1)
2 −3 −4 2 − 11 −4
A = [0 0 −1 ] , B = [ 0 −6 − 2]
1 −2 1 0 −1 0
4. (a). Following are the result obtained from a data representing the wages of workers. Mean=Rs.750,
Median=Rs.880, Mode=Rs.910, Range=Rs.250, S.D(x) Rs. 15. If wages of each worker is increased by
Rs.50. state what will happen to mean, median, mode, range and S.D (x).
(b). Compute mean and mode of the following data and comment on the shape of distribution:
Weight in lbs. 118-126 127-135 136-144 145-153 154-162 163-171 172-180
No. of workers 3 5 9 12 9 5 3
(c). find Variance of:
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
F 1 5 7 10 7 5 1
5. (a). following are the ages (x) and heights (y) of a class of a students, estimated the heights of a students, estimate the
height of a student whose age is 14 years using regression line.10
Age ( years) 6 7 8 9 10 11
Heights (inch) 46 47 50 51 54 54
(b). Calculate parson’s coefficient of correlation for the following data, also state correlation coefficient if each value of X
and Y is multiplied with 3.
X 4 5 9 14 18 22 24
F 16 22 11 16 7 3 17
(c). find G.M and H.M of the following data if exist: 6, 10, -5, 14, and 5.
6. Following data represents prices and quantities Consumed for four commodities:
Batsman A 60 58 65 62 48 70
Batsman B 90 85 62 70 50 48
Find which batsman has more stable batting performance.
7. (a). in how many ways one can select a group of 3 persons of a random, out of 5 boys and 4 girls. If a group contains.
i) 2 boys and 1 girl.
ii) 2 girls
iii) At most boy.
(b). two card are drawn at random from an ordinary deck of 52 playing cards; find probability of getting.
(i). Both queen (ii). All from same suit (iii). Two spade cards.
(c). A pair of Fair dice is rolled once, draw sample space and find the probability of obtaining a sum of dots equal to a
perfect square.
8. Draw all possible random sample of size 2 without replacement from the population 1, 3, 5, 7. Also verify that simple
mean is unbiased.
(b). A random sample is drawn from a normal population. Construct 95% confidence interval for population means if
sample result are 85, 82, 75, 88.
9. Given two random samples of sizes n1 = 45 and n2 = 60 from two independent and normal population with 𝑥̅ 1 = 11.5
𝑥̅ 2 = 13.2, S1 3.2 and S2 = 3.8. Test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance that µ1 = µ1
(b). find E (x), E (2x-4) and E (x2) of the following probability distribution:
X -2 -1 0 1 2
P(X=x) 1 1 1 1 1
12 4 3 4 12
(c). a die is tossed 180 times with the following results:
Dots 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 28 36 36 30 27 23
In this a fair die? Use 0.01 level significance.
10. (a). 8 fair coins are tossed together, find the probability of getting at least 2 heads.
(b). the average number of cars arriving at a petrol pump is 2 per minute. What is the probability that at any
randomly selected four minutes interval, exactly 5 cars will arrive at the station.
(c). the marks obtained by candidates are normally distributed with mean 58 and standard deviation 12. Find the
probability that a candidate selected at random gets the marks:
i). Greater than 82
ii). between 70 and 78.
Time: 3 Hours (Regular) Max. Marks: 100
Instructions: Attempt TWO questions from each section.
1. (a). Find the value of X for which the function y = 3x2 = 12x – 7 has minima and / or maxima.
(b). find of any two of the following function:
3 𝑥 2 −3
i). Y = √3𝑥 = 2 ( 2𝑥 2 − 3) ii). Y = √𝑥 4 + 2𝑥 2 − 3𝑥 iii). Y = .
2. (a). find the equation of the straight line passing through the points (-6, -3) and (0, 9) is general
form. Also find slope and y – intercept of the line.
(b). find vertex and root of the parabola y = 5x + 2x2 + 2
3. (a). For the given matrixes verify that (A – B)t = At – Bt
5 −6 1 −1
A = [3 11 ] B = [0 7]
1 8 9 −2
(b). solve the system of equations using Cramer’s rule.
x + 2y – 3z = -4, y – z= -1, 5x + y = 7
4. (a). verify the relationship G.M > H.M using data: 10, 20, 40
(b). Comment on the symmetry of data using the relationship among mean and mode.
Weight in 118 – 126 127 – 135 136 – 144 145 – 153 154 – 162 163 – 171 172 – 180
No. of 3 5 9 12 9 5 3
(c). find Mean and variance of 5x -3
5. (a). A trader sells toys for a different fixed price ‘x’ in each of six weeks. If ‘y’ represent the
number of toys sold in each week. Find the linear regression equation of y on x.
Estimated y at x = 22:
X (Rs.) 19 15 20 25 30 35
Y 68 60 55 48 38 31
(b). Calculation coefficient of rank correlation for the following data:
Individual A B C D E F G H
Rank by judge 6 7 1 5 3 4 8 2
Rank by judge 6 8 2 3 1 7 5 4
(c). Arithmetic mean and standard deviation of 49 observation are found to be 32 and 12 respectively.
Later on, while checking it was discovered that as observation 20 was wrongly entered as 02. Find the
corrected mean and standard deviation of the data.
6. (a). Following data represent prices and quantity consumed for 4 quantities for the year 2015 and
Commodity 2015 2016
Price Qty. Price Qty.
A 12 70 15 74
B 8 82 10 85
C 32 28 38 32
D 58 18 62 20
Compute the price index number of 2016 using:
i) Base year index
ii) Current year index
iii) idal index\
(b). following are the runs scored by two players A and B is a series of one day matches.
Player A 60 58 65 62 48 70
Player B 90 85 62 70 50 48
Find which player has more stable batting performance.
7. (a). In how many ways one can select a group pf three student out of 6 boys and 4 girls. If a group
(b). two cards are drawn at random from an ordinary deck of 52 playing cards: find the probability
of getting: i) both kings ii). All of same suit iii). Two black face card.
(c). A pair of fair dice is rolled once, draw sample space and find ten probability of obtaining an odd
8. (a). draw all possible random samples of size 2 with replacement from the population 1, 2, 5, 6.
Also verify (i). Sample mean is unbiased (ii). V = (𝑥̅ ) =
(b). A random sample is draws from a normal population whose variance is 2.5 construct 96%
confidence interval for population mean if example results are 85,82,75,88,80,83,86,85.
9. (a). ) A same task Is assigned to skilled and unskilled workers. Following are the results obtained
from the samples:
Category No. of Worker Mean Standard
Skilled Worker 13 9.5 min. 1.7 min.
Unskilled Worker 15 12 min. 2.5 min.
Assuming normality and equality of population variance test the hypothesis that difference between
average of two categories is 2 minutes ( α = 0.02)
(b). Find mean and variance of the following probability distribution:
X -2 -1 0 1 2
1 1 1 1 1
P = (X = X)
12 4 3 4 12
(c).The following table shows the numbers of students assed and failed by three examiners A, B and C.
A B C Totals
Pass 51 48 58 157
Fail 4 14 7 25
Total 55 62 65 182
1. (a). Find equation of straight line passing through (-2, 0) and (0,-3). Also find slope and intercepts.
(b). Find roots and vertex of parabola y = 3 - 4x + x2
2. (a). Find maxima & minima of the function f(x) = x3 - 3x + 2
(b). Differentiate (i) y = √𝑥 3 + 3𝑥 + 1 (ii). y = x3 / (x2 + 2).
3. (a). Find solution of the equations by Cramer’s rule X + 2y = 3, 3x + 4y = 8.
3 4 12 6 2
(b). Given: A = [1 2], B = [ 6 2 1] Find (A x At) + 2B
0 1 2 1 0
4. (a). Table shows the distribution of students according to their weights.
Weight (in Lbs). No. of students
101 – 110 5
111 – 120 10
121 – 130 20
131 – 140 9
141 – 150 6
Total 50
(i). Construct both types (less than and more than) of cumulative frequency distribution.
(ii). Construct relative frequency distribution.
(b). table show the distribution of daily wages (in US $) of a company.
Wages 50 – 74 75 – 99 100 – 125 – 150 – 175 – 200 – 225 – Total
(US $) 124 149 174 199 224 249
No. of 5 8 11 10 7 6 2 1 50
(i). Compute Arithmetic Mean and Mode.
(ii). Comment on the shape of the distribution of wages of worker on the basis of computations in (i).
5. (a) Goals scored by United King Football team in a season were as follows:
No. of goals 0 1 2 3 4 Total
in a match
No. of 27 9 8 5 4 50
matches (f)
Compute standard deviation, Mean and Co-efficient Variation (C.V) and comments on results.
(b). Construct Fisher’s price index No. for the following data using 2015 as the base year:
Commodity Price Quantity
2015 2016 2015 2016
A 64 102 270 320
B 40 70 124 210
C 83 95 130 125
6. (a). table show yield (y) (in bushels / Acre) to the amount of supplies fertilizer (x) (in lbs /acre)
Fertilizer (x) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Yield (y) bushels 40 45 50 65 70 70 80
/ acre
(i). fit a least square regression line y = a + b x on the above data.
(ii). Estimate yield (y) for the application of 350 lbs/acre of fertilizer.
(b). Following are the ranks given by the judges in a naat competition of ABC College:
Judge A 1 6 5 10 3 2 4 9 7 8
Judge B 3 5 8 4 7 10 2 1 6 9
Compute Co-efficient of rank correlation.
7. (i). How many license plates of three letters followed by three digits can be made if the letters and
digits can be repeated?
(ii). Two fair dice are thrown. A prize is won if the total is 10 or dice show same numbers. Find the
probability that a Prize is won?
(iii). random variable x has following probability distribution:
X 1 2 3 4
P(x) 0.1 a 0.3 B
Given that E (x) = 3, find a and b.
(iv).The probability that a student is a smoker is 1/3. Find the probability that out of 5 student Window
only one is smoker.
8. (a). Draw all possible samples of size 2 without replacement from the population of marks obtained
by 5 students in a statistics test: 15, 10, 7, 11, 13 to prove that E(𝑥̅ ) = µ
(b). Two hundred passengers have made reservations for an airplane flight. If the probability that a
passenger who has a reservation will not show up is 0.01. What is the probability that exactly 4 will not
show up?
9. (a). Construct 95% Confidence interval for the difference in the two population means. Sample data
is as follows:
n1 = 75 n2 = 75
𝑥̅1 = 20 𝑥̅1 = 18
S1 = 2.5 S2 = 2.05
(b). A random sample of 250 girls and 250 boys was taken to know their desire to have a smart mobile
phone. Data is summarize in the table below:
Girls Boys Total
Want a smart phone 80 120 200
Do not want a smart phone 170 130 300
Total 250 250 500
Is the desire to have a smart phone independent of sex (use a = 0.05)
10. (a). A test of breaking strengths of six ropes showed a mean breaking strength of 750 N and a
Standard deviation of 145 N. Can you support the manufacturer's claim of mean breaking strength of
800 N against the alternative that mean breaking strength is less than 800
N. Use a = 0.05.
(b) Four cards are drawn without replacement from 5 black and 5 white cards. What is the probability
of having equal number of cards of each color?
Time: 3 Hours (Regular) Max. Marks: 100
Instructions: Attempt TWO questions from each section.
1. (a). Find the equation of straight line when x-intercept = 3 and y-intercept = 5. Also find slope of the
(b). for the derivatives in each of the problem. (Any TWO).
i. y = 5x3 (3x – 2)
3𝑥 2
ii. y=
iii. 2
√𝑥 + 5
5 6
2 3 4
3. (a). Given, A = [7 8]3x2 and B = [ ]2x3 Find A x B.
1 2 5
2 3
(b). Examine Maximum and Minimum value of the function y = x2 – 27 x + 10
4. Calculate G.M, A.M, H.M and mode for the gives frequency distribution:
X 0 1 2 3 4 5
F 2 2 4 6 8 3
(b). Find Chain index using 2001 base for the production of wheat from the data given below:
Years 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Production 2046 1776 2134 2380 2785 2765 2420 2595 2425
(c). if an inventory buys shares of Rs. 9,000 at a price of Rs. 45 per share of Rs. 9,000 at Rs. 36 per share.
Calculate the average price per share.
6. (a). the following table shows the heights of father and height of son:
Heights of fathers 63 65 66 67 67 68
Heights of Sons 66 68 65 67 69 70
i. Find the Karl person coefficient of correlation.
ii. Find the equation of the regression line of son on father.
(b). the average is 68 and S.d is 8 of marks of section A. The average is 52 S.d is 12 of marks of section B.
which consistent?
7. (a). how many three numbers can be formed from the digit 1,2,5,6 and 9 if each digit can be used only once?
(b). what is the probability of getting a total of 7 or 11, when a pair of dice is tossed?
(c). find 90% confidence interval of the mean of a normal sample of size 8 give the value 9, 14, 10, 12, 7, 13,
11, 12.
8. (a). A type of 200 watt light bulb has been found to have a mean life of 2000 hours & S.d. of 250 hours.
What is the life of fewer than 1920 hours?
(b). find the expected value of X, where X represents the outcome when the die is tossed.
(c). in survey of 400 infants chosen at random, it was found that 190 were girls. Fit test to examine the
hypothesis that boy and girl are equally likely α = 0.05
9. (a). an unbalance coin is tossed 3 times. If “x” is a random variable showing the number of heads then
construct the binomial distribution of “x” if the probability of head is single toss is 2/3.
1. (a). find the distance between the points ( 1, 2) and (4, 5)
(b). find the root of function y = 2x2 -8x + 6.
2. (a). find the equation of straight line passing through the points (3, -2) and (5, 1).
(b). find the derivatives of the functions:
i) Y = √𝑥 2 + 1
ii) Y =
3. (a). solve he equations by Cramer’s rule:
2x – 3y = 1, x + 4y = 6
(b). Give two matrices
1 2 2 1
A=[ ], B = [ ] Show that (A x B)t = Bt x At
4 2 3 2
4. (a). Fill in the blanks:
i. Statistics mainly concern with ……. Data.
ii. Ogive is used to find…….
iii. The standard deviation is positive square root of ……,
iv. The limit of coefficient of correlation is …..,
v. The base year index is always …..,
(b). find mean, mode and comments on the shape of distribution:
C.F. 00 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60
F 12 18 27 20 17 6
5. (a). Calculate Mean absolute deviation about mean:
32, 28, 47, 63, 75, 39, 10, 60, 96
(b). find the variance of the number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
(c). find the coefficient of variation:
X 3 5 7 9 11
F 2 5 10 2 1
6. (a) find the regression line y on x.
X 6 2 10 4 8
Y 9 11 5 8 7
(b). Calculate Karl parson coefficient of correlation:
X 1 2 3 4 5 6
Y 6 4 3 5 4 2
(c). shift the base year from 1991 to 1995:
Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Price index (%) 100 103 105 107 110
7. (a). find the number of permutation of the words.
(i). KARIM
(b). from a group of 5 men and 3 women. How many committees are possible with 2 men and 1 women?
(c). Two unbiased coins are tossed once: Find the probability of : (i) No head (ii). Two tails (iii). All heads
8. (a). a random sample of 36 students selected from different colleges showed an average number of marks 62
with S.D of 5. Construct 95% of confidence interval for the average marks of all students.
(b). A plant manufacture 8% defective items. A sample of 6 selected. What is the probability that:
(i). At most 2 are defective (ii). All are defective
9. (a). Draw all possible samples each of size 2 from population 9, 11, 15, 21. Show that E(𝑥̅ ) = µ
(b). a random variable x follows poison dist. With mean is 1.5 find: (i). P (x ≤ 2) (ii). P (x = 4)
10. (a). A random sample of size 16 was found to have 𝑥̅ = 30 and S = 2.4 test the hypothesis µ = 32 against µ ≠
32 at α = 1%.
(b). Given two random sample of size n1 = 11, n2 = 14, with ̅̅̅
𝑥1 = 75, ̅̅̅
𝑥2 = 80, and S1 = 6.25, S2 = 4.8. test the
hypothesis µ1 = µ2 against µ1 ≠ µ2 at α = 0.05.
Time: 3 Hours (Regular) Max. Marks: 100
Instructions: Attempt TWO questions from each section.
1. (a). find the equation of straight line which passes through the points ( 3, -2) and (-2, 5). Also find distance
between two points.
(b). Find the roots of quadratic equation 5x2 + 4x – 1 = 0
2. (a). (i) Find inverse of A
8 5
A=[ ]
4 4
1 3
3 4 2
(ii). Find AB where A = [ ], B = [2 2]
5 4 2
4 4
(b). find derivative of any two of the following:
4𝑥 3 −2𝑥=1
(i). y = (ii). y = √2𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 + 3
5𝑥 2 −3
(iii). Y = (3x2 – 4)2 (x3 + 3x -4)
3. (a). use creamer’s rule to solve the following equation:
3x – 4y = -6
2x + 3y = 13
1 1 2𝑎
(b). simplify [ + ]÷
𝑎+𝑏 𝑎−𝑏 𝑎2 − 𝑏2
(b).From the given data, calculate the price index. Taken 1967 as base using simple aggregative method.
Commodities Price
1967 1970 1973
A 12.00 15.00 5.60
B 3.00 3.60 3.60
C 5.00 6.00 9.70
5. (a). the frequency distribution of daily wages of productive and non-productive workers a factory are given
as under:
Wages in 51 - 74.99 75 – 9.99 100-124.99 125-149.99 150-174.99 175-199.99 200-224.99
Productive 20 25 43 32 23 6 1
Non 12 25 30 25 30 20 8
Which type of worker have relatively core consistent wage.
(b). Find A.M and H.M of data 3, 4, 9, -5, 7, -2. If calculation is possible gives relation and is not calculated
gives reason?
6. (a). in utopia the whole sale food price index and retail food price index over six years had the following
value in order:
X Whole sale price 100 89 96 97 95 92
Y Retail price 100 97 95 98 94 95
i. Find the value of whole sale price when price retail price is 89.
ii. Find the value of retail price when the whole sale price is 91.
iii. Find the coefficient of correlation between X and Y. also give comment.
(b). the average of 36 value is computed as 60.5. Later on at the of checking it was discovered that one value 25
was wrongly entered in the data while the correct value is 52. Find the correct mean.
7. (a). one card is drawn from the deck of playing card what is the probability that:
i. A card is black or jack.
ii. A red ace
iii. A face card.
(b). in how many ways can 2 mangos, 3 black berry and 2 tamarind trees can be planted in a straight line. If one
does not distinguish between of the same kind?
(c). in how many ways can three digit odd numbers can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 if the digit not
8. (a). if A and B are two event. Such that P(A) = 0.5, P(B) = 0.67, P(A/B) = 0.4 find (i). P(A and B) (ii).
P (B/A).
(b). the average number of customer at a window of a certain bank per minute during banking hours is one. Find
the probability that during 4 minutes interval three or more customers appear.
(c). the burning time of an experimental rocket is an random variable having the normal distribution with mean
4.76 seconds & S.D. 0.04 second. What is the chance that this kind of rockets will burn anywhere from 4.70 to
4.82 seconds?
9. (a). consider the following population 3, 5, 9, 7, 4
i. Draw all possible samples of size 2 using without replacement.
ii. Verify that : (a) E(𝑥̅ ) = µ
𝑠2 𝑛
iii. V(𝑥̅ ) = (1 − 𝑓) 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑓 =
𝑛 𝑁
(b). Two independent sample of size 10 and 11 from N (µ1, σ2) and N (µ2, σ2) have sample means 5 and 8 with
sample variance 1 and 2 respectively. Find 95% level of confidence interval for difference between the
population means.
10. (a). Two independent reading of the voltage of a cell were taking and the results were as follows: 1.15, 1.12,
1.11, 1.14, 1.10, 1.05. Test the claim that they average voltage of a cell is exceeds 1.10 with known S.D =
0.04 at 5% level of significance.
(b). the following table gives the no. of air craft accidents that occurred during the various days of the week.
No. of 14 16 8 12 11 9 14
Find whether accidents are uniformly distributed over the week days use α = 0.05
Time: 3 Hours (Private) Max. Marks: 100
Instructions: Attempt TWO questions from each section.
(b). find the 1st and 2nd order derivatives of the given equation: y = (x2 – 3x) (x + 1)
3. (a). solve the equation by using matrix:
(b). for the Matrices:
1 3
3 1 2
A=[ ] and B = [−4 2 ]
5 4 6
2 −4
Find: (i) (AB)t
(ii). 2A + 3Bt
4. (a). the following table shows the distribution of maximum load in tons:
Max. 30 – 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 – 70 70 - 80 80 – 90 90 – 100
No. of 15 13 8 6 15 7 6
Compute arithmetic mean, Geometric mean and harmonic mean.
(b). For the following data:
8 15 53 49 19 62 7 15 95 77
Calculate mean absolute deviation about median.
5. (a). construct the price index number using laspeyre’s passche and fisher’s formulas taking 2009 as base
Commodities Production (1000 tons) Price (Rs.)
2009 2010 2009 2010
A 105 116 18.50 15.60
B 166 134 10.00 10.40
C 97 82 12.90 7.70
Who is more consistent player?
6. The following table the following table shows the chart of price and demand of an item:
A 12 15 18 25 22 18 30
B 65 60 50 41 40 56 45
(i). determine the regression equation of y on x and estimated y when x = 35
(ii). determine co-efficient of correlation.
7. (a) for the number of permutation that can be formed from all the letter of the world PROPOSITION.
(b). two balance dice are rolled once. What is the probability of getting a total of 7 or 11?
(c). A box contains 6 red, 3 black balls. Two balls are drawn in succession. What is the probability that both are
of same color. If 1st ball drawn is.
(i). replaced (ii). not replaced
8. (a). A salesman has estimated that the probability of making a sale when calling on a customer’s 0.5, if this
sales man call 5 customers on a giving day what is the probability of making:
(i). exactly 3 sale (ii) at most 2 sale
(b). the probability that a person dies from repertory infection is 0.003. find the probability more than 2 of
2000such patient may die.
9. (a). the weight of 10 boxes of cereal are:
9.2 8.7 9.1 9.3 9.1 8.8 8.9 9.4 9.3 8.8
Ounces. Find 99% confidence interval for the mean of all such boxes of cereal assuming an approximated
normal distribution.
(b). Draw all possible sample of size 2 without replacement from the population. 2, 3, 5, 7, 9
Verify that the sample mean is an unbiased estimate of the population mean.
10. (a). A random sample of 250 men and 250 women were polled as to their desire concerning the ownership
of T.V sets. Following data resulted:
Classification Men Women
Desire a T.V 80 120
Do not desire a T.V 170 130
Test the hypothesis that the desire to own a T.V set is independent of sex use 0.05 level of significance.
(b). Given two random sample of size n1 = 11, n2 = 14 from two independent normal population with ̅̅̅𝑥1 = 75, 𝑋̅2
=80 S1 = 6.25 and S2 = 4.8.Test at 0.05 level of significance that two population means are equal. Assume that
population variance are equal.
Time: 3 Hours (Regular) Max. Marks: 100
Instructions: Attempt TWO questions from each section.
0 -06 03
7 -13 17
14 -20 20
21 -27 25
28 -34 30
35 -41 05
Compute Mode and Median.
(b). The rate of Inflation in three successive year in a country was 13%, 17% and 21%. Find the average rate of
inflation per year.
5. (a) Compute price index by applying the weighted average of relative method using base year quantities as
Commodity Base Year Current year
Price Quantity Price
A 20 60 15
B 15 30 25
c 12 50 15
D 18 30 20
(b). Coefficient of Variation of two series 1s 60% and 80%. Their standard deviations are 21 and 16. What are
their respective means?
(c). Two sales representatives for manufacture of large- scale. Compute system report the following quarterly
sales for the last year.
Representative 1= 5, 8, 6, 10
Representative 2 = 3, 13, 5, 0
Which one is more consistent?
6. (a). Age and systolic blood pressure of random sample of 8 persons are recorded below:
Age in years 70 30 50 60 45 40 65 50
Blood pressure 160 120 160 170 180 130 140 150
in mm Hg(y)
Find regression line y on x.
(b). if N = 50, ∑ 𝑥 = 75, ∑ 𝑦 = 80, ∑ 𝑥 2 = 130, ∑ 𝑥 𝑦 = 120, find coefficient of correlation.
7. (a). If A and B are two dependent events P(A) = 0.22, P(B) = 0.35, P (A n B) = 0.20. Find P (AU B).
(b). A fair coin is tossed 3 times. Find the probability that exactly two heads appears if head appears on first toss.
(c). A die is tossed only once. What is probability that either a number less than five or an even number occurs
on the die.
8. (a).It is claimed that the average consumption expenditure of the average class Pakistani families (all the same
income and asset level.) is Rs.1050 with a standard deviation of Rs.230. To test this claim a research
organization took a random sample of 36 families. What is the probability that the sample mean will be found
between Rs.980 and Rs.1120.
(b) The contents of 7 similar containers of sulfuric acid are 9.8, 10.2, 10.4, 9.8, 10.0, 10.2 and 9.6 liters. Find a
95% confidence interval for the mean content of all such containers. Assuming an approximate normal
distribution for container contents.
9. (a) The yield of corn in kg I hectare is normally distributed with variance a2 = 14400. For a random sample
of six plots the yields are 1430, 1190, 1280, 1270, 1310 and 1380 kg. Test the hypothesis that mean yield (µ)
is greater than equal to 1350 kg 5% level of significance.
(b). A market researcher believes that in a certain population the proportion of persons preferring brands, A, B,C
and D of tooth paste are 0.30, 0.60, 0.08 and 0.02 respectively. A simple random sample of 600 persons drawn
from the population shows the following preference.
1. (a). Find the distance between the two points (-4,-5) and (-8, -10)
(b). Determine the roots of the following quadratic equation y = x2 + 9x + 18
Write down the equation of straight line passing through the points (o,-a) and (b, o)
2. (a). Find derivatives of any One of the following functions:
(i). Y = (ii). y = e7x
8𝑥 5 +4
(b). Determine the "Maxima" OR "Minima" OR Point of inflexion for: f(x) = y = x2 - 6x + 9
1 𝑥 4 1
3. (a). find x and y if 2A+ B=C where A = [ ] B = [ ] C = [ ]
2 2 𝑦 0
(b). by using any suitable method to solve the system of equation.
4c + 3y - 2z = 4
3x - 2y + 4z = 11
-2x + 5y + 3z = 17
(c). Find A x B of the matrix:
1 3
3 −1 2
A=[ ] B = [−4 2 ]
5 4 −6
2 −4
4. (a). compute median and mode of the following distribution:
Class interval Frequency
20 – 24 09
25 – 29 13
30 – 34 24
35 – 39 38
40 – 44 16
(b). A moderately skewed distribution has Mean = 87, Mode = 96. By using empirical relationship, determine
Median In a class there are 22 girls and 38 boys. The mean score of girls are in an examination is 78 and the
Mean score of boys are in 71. What is the mean score of the entire class?
5. (a). The Mean of the data is 17.2 and the Co-efficient of Variation is computed as 35%. What is the standard
deviation of the data?
(b). Determine the Co-efficient of correlation of the following data and interpret our results :
X 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Y 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
(c) .The Mean, Median and Standard Deviation of a frequency distribution are computed as Mean = 27.2.
Median = 24.6, Standard Deviation = 16.00.
Find: (i) The Co-efficient of skewness of the distribution.
(ii) Is the distribution Positive or Negative Skewed.
6. (a). Given the following data construct Fisher Ideal I. No.
Commodity Base year Current year
A 10 70 08 65
B 20 35 25 50
C 05 40 08 40
D 08 25 12 36
E 40 16 56 12
(b). Write down the properties of Variance and Standard Deviation.
(c). Given: r = - 0.73 𝑥̅ = 110
𝑦̅ = 125
Sx = 10.65 Sy = 15.35
Find TWO lines of Regression.
7. (a) Ten independent readings of the voltage of a cell were taken and the result were as,
1.5, 1.10, 1.12
1.12, 1.05, 1.14
1.11, 1.08
1.14, 1.09
Calculate 95% confidence Interval for mean voltage of the cell assuming an approximate normal distribution.
(b). Two machines are used to cut steel bars of equal length. A random sample of 50 bars cut on machine a
gives a mean of 55.6 inches with a standard deviation of 0.10 inches. Another random sample of 50 bars cut on
machine B gives a mean 55.5 inches with standard deviation of 0.12 inches. At 0.05 level of significance, are
the machines cutting equal length.
8. (a). How many "Five" digit numbers are possible from the digits o, 1, 2, -------- , 7.If each digit is use only
(b) The random variable X has the following probability distribution:
X -2 -1 0 1 2
P(X) 0.05 0.20 0.40 0.20 0.15
Find: (i) P (x 0) (ii). P = (-1 x 1) (iii). P - (-2 < x <2)
(c). A coin and a die are tossed independently. Compute the probability of observing head on the coin and 2 or 4
on the die.
9. (a). A certain manufacturing process yields electrical fuses of which in the long run 15% are defective. Find
the probability that in a sample of 7 fuses there will be
(i) No defective
(ii) At least one defective
(iii) Not more than one defective P(x ≤ 1) .
(b). A contingency table containing sample frequencies are given:
Preference Material Status
Single Married
Candidate A 20 10
Candidate B 20 50
Test the hypotheses that material status and candidate preference are independent at 0.01 level of significance.
(c). A normal random variable x has mean µ = 312 and standard deviation σ = 50.Determine value of x for z=0,
𝑥− µ
1.2, -1.75, 2, -2.33 where Z = .
10. (a). For the following probability distribution, find the mathematical expectation >
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
P(x) 0..01 0.07 0.18 0.34 0.24 0.12 0.03 0.01
(b) Random sample of size 2 are drawn with replacement from a finite population 2, 4, 6.
(i). Construct the sampling distribution of 𝑥.
(ii). verify that µx = µ OR E (𝑥̅ ) = µ.