Ch-9 Advance Tax, TDS, TCS
Ch-9 Advance Tax, TDS, TCS
Ch-9 Advance Tax, TDS, TCS
After studying this chapter, you would be able to–
appreciate the modes of recovery of income-tax from an
comprehend and apply the provisions governing deduction
of tax at source from certain specified income and payments;
examine whether tax is deductible in a particular case(s)
considering the provisions of the relevant section;
compute the tax deductible at source in respect of a particular
identify the cases where tax is not required to be deducted
at source and the conditions to be satisfied for this purpose;
Instalments of Common
No deduction of tax Number for TDS
advance tax and due
in certain cases and TCS
[Section 197A] [Section 211] [Section 203A]
Provisions Credit for advance tax
[Section 198 to [Section 219]
Interest on non-payment /
short payment or deferment
of advance tax
[Section 234B & 234C]
Referred to in section 80-IAC, which provides for deduction from gross total income of eligible start-
ups. This section will be dealt with in detail at the Final level.
Referred to in section 80-IAC
(vi) on 6½% Gold Bonds, 1977 or 7% Gold Bonds, 1980, where the bonds
are held by an individual (other than a non-resident), provided that the
holders of the bonds make a written declaration that the total nominal
value of the bonds held by him or on his behalf did not in either case
exceed `10,000 at any time during the period to which the interest
(vii) on any security of the Central Government or a State Government
Note – It may be noted that tax has to be deducted at source in respect
of interest payable on 8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003, or 7.75%
Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2018, only if such interest payable exceeds
` 10,000 during the financial year.
(viii) on any debentures (whether listed or not listed on a recognized stock
exchange) issued by the company in which the public are substantially
interested to a resident individual or HUF. However,
(a) the interest should be paid by the company by an account payee
(b) the amount of such interest or the aggregate thereof paid or likely
to be paid during the financial year by the company to such
resident individual or HUF should not exceed ` 5,000.
(ii) The TDS provisions will not apply to such dividend credited or paid to LIC,
GIC, subsidiaries of GIC or any other insurer provided the shares are
owned by them, or they have full beneficial interest in such shares
3.5 Interest other than interest on securities [Section 194A]
This section deals with the scheme of deduction of tax at source from interest other
than interest on securities. The main provisions are the following:
(1) Applicability of TDS under section 194A
This section applies only to interest, other than “interest on securities”,
credited or paid by assessees other than individuals or Hindu undivided
family. However, an individual or Hindu undivided family whose total sales,
gross receipts or turnover from the business or profession carried on by him
exceed ` 1 crore in case of business and ` 50 lakhs in case of profession
during the immediately preceding financial year is liable to deduct tax at
source under this section.
These provisions apply only to interest paid or credited to residents.
(2) Time of tax deduction at source
The deduction of tax must be made at the time of crediting such interest to
the account of the payee or at the time of its payment in cash or by any other
mode, whichever is earlier.
Where any such interest is credited to any account in the books of account
of the person liable to pay such income, such crediting is deemed to be credit
of such income to the account of the payee and the tax has to be deducted
at source. The account to which such interest is credited may be called
“Interest Payable account” or “Suspense account” or by any other name.
The CBDT has, vide Circular No.3/2010 dated 2.3.2010, given a clarification
regarding deduction of tax at source on payment of interest on time deposits
under section 194A by banks following Core-branch Banking Solutions (CBS)
software. It has been clarified that Explanation to section 194A is not meant
to apply in cases of banks where credit is made to provisioning account on
daily/monthly basis for the purpose of macro monitoring only by the use of
CBS software. It has been further clarified that since no constructive credit to
the depositor’s/payee’s account takes place while calculating interest on time
deposits on daily or monthly basis in the CBS software used by banks, tax
need not be deducted at source on such provisioning of interest by banks for
the purposes of macro monitoring only. In such cases, tax shall be deducted
Examine the TDS implications under section 194A in the cases mentioned hereunder–
(i) On 1.10.2020, Mr. Harish made a six-month fixed deposit of ` 10 lakh@9% p.a.
with ABC Co-operative Bank. The fixed deposit matures on 31.3.2021.
(ii) On 1.6.2020, Mr. Ganesh made three nine months fixed deposits of ` 3 lakh
each, carrying interest@9% with Dwarka Branch, Janakpuri Branch and Rohini
Branch of XYZ Bank, a bank which has adopted CBS. The fixed deposits mature
on 28.2.2021.
(iii) On 1.10.2020, Mr. Rajesh started a six months recurring deposit of ` 2,00,000
per month@8% p.a. with PQR Bank. The recurring deposit matures on
payees. The same rates of TDS would apply for both contractors and sub-
In order to provide more funds at the disposal of the taxpayers for dealing with
the economic situation arising out of COVID-19 pandemic, the rate of TDS u/s
194C has been reduced from 1% to 0.75% (i.e., ¾th of the specified rate) ,
where the payee is an individual or HUF and 2% to 1.5% (i.e., ¾th of the
specified rate) in respect of other payees for the period from 14th May, 2020
to 31st March, 2021 [Section 197B].
The applicable rates of TDS under section 194C are as follows –
TDS rate
Payee From 1.4.2020 From 14.5.2020
to 13.5.2020 to 31.3.2021
Individual HUF contractor/sub- 1% 0.75%
Other than individual/HUF contractor/ 2% 1.5%
Contractor in transport business (if Nil Nil
PAN is furnished)
Sub-contractor in transport business (if Nil Nil
PAN is furnished)
(4) Threshold limit for deduction of tax at source under section 194C
No deduction will be required to be made if the consideration for the contract
does not exceed ` 30,000. However, to prevent the practice of composite
contracts being split up into contracts valued at less than ` 30,000 to avoid
tax deduction, it has been provided that tax will be required to be deducted
at source where the amount credited or paid or likely to be credited or paid
to a contractor or sub-contractor exceeds ` 30,000 in a single payment or
` 1,00,000 in the aggregate during a financial year.
Therefore, even if a single payment to a contractor does not exceed ` 30,000,
TDS provisions under section 194C would be attracted where the aggregate
of the amounts of such sums credited or paid or likely to be credited or paid
to the contractor during the financial year exceeds ` 1,00,000.
is engaged in the
business of plying,
owns ten or hiring or leasing
less goods goods carriages
has furnished a
carriages at any declaration to this
time during the effect along with
previous year his PAN
In order to provide more funds at the disposal of the taxpayers for dealing with
the economic situation arising out of COVID-19 pandemic, the rate of TDS u/s
194D has been reduced from 5% to 3.75% (i.e., ¾th of the specified rate) for
the period from 14th May, 2020 to 31st March, 2021[Section 197B].
(3) Time of deduction
The deduction is to be made at the time of the credit of the income to the
account of the payee or at the time of making the payment (by whatever
mode) to the payee, whichever is earlier.
(4) Threshold limit
The tax under this section has to be deducted at source only if the amount of
such income or the aggregate of the amounts of such income credited or
paid during the financial year to the account of the payee exceeds ` 15,000.
Deduction u/s 80CCB was available in respect of investment made in notified units of UTI or
Mutual Funds during the PYs 1990-91 and 1991-92
(g) furniture; or
(h) fittings,
whether or not any or all of the above are owned by the payee.
Service tax paid by the tenant doesn’t partake the nature of income of the
landlord. The landlord only acts as a collecting agency for Government for
collection of service tax. Therefore, tax deduction at source under section
194-I would be required to be made on the amount of rent paid/payable
without including the service tax.
Note- It is possible to take a view that the clarification given in Circular
No.4/2008 would apply in the GST regime also.
TDS rate
From From Separate
Nature of payment 1.4.2020 14.5.2020 Limit
to to
13.5.2020 31.3.2021
Fees for technical services (not 2% 1.5% ` 30,000
being professional services)
Fees for professional services 10% 7.5% ` 30,000
Royalty in the nature of 2% 1.5%
consideration for sale, distribution
or exhibition of cinematographic ` 30,000
Other royalty 10% 7.5%
Any remuneration or fees or 10% 7.5% Nil
commission, by whatever name
called, other than those on which
tax is deductible under section 192,
to a director of a company
Non-compete fees 10% 7.5% ` 30,000
In case of a payee, engaged only in the business of operation of call centre, the
tax shall be deducted at source @2% (1.5% during the period from
14.5.2020 to 31.3.2021)
XYZ Ltd. makes a payment of ` 28,000 to Mr. Ganesh on 2.8.2020 towards fees
for professional services and another payment of ` 25,000 to him on the same
date towards fees for technical services. Discuss whether TDS provisions under
section 194J are attracted.
TDS provisions under section 194J would not get attracted, since the limit of
` 30,000 is applicable for fees for professional services and fees for technical services,
separately. It is assumed that there is no other payment to Mr. Ganesh towards fees
for professional services and fees for technical services during the P.Y.2020-21.
(4) Non-applicability of TDS under section 194J
(i) An individual or a Hindu undivided family is not liable to deduct tax at source.
However, an individual or HUF, whose total sales, gross receipts or
turnover from business or profession carried by him exceeds ` 1 crore
in case of business or ` 50 lakhs in case of profession in the financial
year immediately preceding the financial year in which the fees for
professional services or fees for technical services is credited or paid
is required to deduct tax on such fees.
Note - It may be noted that individuals and HUFs are not required to
deduct tax at source under section 194J on royalty and non-compete fees.
(ii) Further, an individual or Hindu Undivided Family, shall not be liable to deduct
income-tax on the sum payable by way of fees for professional services, in
case such sum is credited or paid exclusively for personal purposes.
(5) Meaning of “Professional services”
“Professional services” means services rendered by a person in the course of
carrying on legal, medical, engineering or architectural profession or the
profession of accountancy or technical consultancy or interior decoration or
advertising or such other profession as is notified by the CBDT for the
purposes of section 44AA or of this section.
(7) TPAs liable to deduct tax under section 194J on payment to hospitals on
behalf of insurance companies
The CBDT has, through Circular No.8/2009 dated 24.11.2009, clarified that
TPAs (Third Party Administrator’s) who are making payment on behalf of
insurance companies to hospitals for settlement of medical/insurance claims
etc. under various schemes including cashless schemes are liable to deduct
tax at source under section 194J on all such payments to hospitals etc. This
is because the services rendered by hospitals to various patients are primarily
medical services and, therefore, the provisions of section 194J are applicable
to payments made by TPAs to hospitals etc.
(8) Consideration for use or right to use of computer software is royalty within
the meaning of section 9(1)(vi)
As per section 9(1)(vi), any income payable by way of royalty in respect of any
right, property or information is deemed to accrue or arise in India. The term
“royalty” means consideration for transfer of all or any right in respect of
certain rights, property or information.
The consideration for use or right to use of computer software is royalty by
clarifying that, transfer of all or any rights in respect of any right, property or
information includes and has always included transfer of all or any right for
use or right to use a computer software (including granting of a licence)
irrespective of the medium through which such right is transferred.
Consequently, the provisions of tax deduction at source under section 194J
would be attracted in respect of consideration for use or right to use
computer software since the same falls within the definition of royalty.
Note - For the meaning of the terms “Work”, “Professional services” and “Commission
or brokerage” refer sub-heading “3.7 Payments to contractors and sub-contractors
[Section 194C]”, “3.19 Fees for professional or technical services [Section 194J]” and “3.14
Commission or brokerage [Section 194H]”, respectively.
is liable to deduct tax at source @1% of the gross amount of such sales or
services or both.
In order to provide more funds at the disposal of the taxpayers for dealing with
the economic situation arising out of COVID-19 pandemic, the rate of TDS u/s
194-O for the period upto 31.3.2021 has been reduced from 1% to 0.75% (i.e.,
¾th of the specified rate) [Section 197B].
(2) Time of deduction
The deduction is to be made at the time of credit of amount of such sale or services
or both to the account an e-commerce participant or at the time of payment
thereof to such e-commerce participant by any mode, whichever is earlier.
(3) Deemed credit
Any payment made by a purchaser of goods or recipient of services directly to
an e-commerce participant for the sale of goods or provision of services or both,
facilitated by an e-commerce operator, would be deemed to be amount credited
or paid by the e-commerce operator to the e-commerce participant.
Accordingly, such payment would be included in the gross amount of such sales
or services for the purpose of deduction of income-tax under this section.
(4) Non-applicability of TDS under section 194-O
No tax is required to be deducted under section 194-O in case of any sum
credited or paid to an e-commerce participant, being an individual or HUF,
where the gross amount of such sale or services or both during the previous
year does not exceed ` 5 lakh and such e-commerce participant has furnished
his PAN/ Aadhaar number to e-commerce operator.
(5) Non-applicability of TDS under any other section
A transaction in respect of which tax has been deducted by the e-commerce
operator under this section or which is not liable to tax deduction under this section
on account of the exemption discussed in point (4) above, would not be liable to
tax deduction at source under any other provision of Chapter XVII-B of the Act.
However, this exemption from TDS under Chapter XVII-B would not apply to any
amount or aggregate of amounts received or receivable by an e-commerce
operator for hosting advertisements or providing any other services which are not
in connection with the sale of goods or services referred to in point (1) above.
Specified under section 10(23D)
referred in section 10(44)
6.1 Tax deducted is income received [Section 198]
(1) All sums deducted in accordance with the foregoing provisions shall, for the
purpose of computing the income of an assessee, be deemed to be income
(2) However, the following tax paid or deducted would not be deemed to be
income received by the assessee for the purpose of computing the total
(i) the tax paid by an employer under section 192(1A) on non-monetary
perquisites provided to the employees
(ii) tax deducted under section 194N
6.2 Credit for tax deducted at source [Section 199]
(1) Tax deducted at source in accordance with the above provisions and paid to
the credit of the Central Government shall be treated as payment of tax on
behalf of the-
(i) person from whose income the deduction was made; or
(ii) owner of the security; or
(iii) depositor; or
(iv) owner of property; or
(v) unit-holder; or
(vi) shareholder.
(2) Any sum referred to in section 192(1A) and paid to the Central Government,
shall be treated as the tax paid on behalf of the person in respect of whose
income, such payment of tax has been made.
(3) The CBDT is empowered to frame rules for the purpose of giving credit in
respect of tax deducted or tax paid under Chapter XVII. The CBDT also has
the power to make rules for giving credit to a person other than the persons
mentioned in (1) and (2) above. Further, the CBDT can specify the assessment
year for which such credit may be given.
However, every person responsible for deduction of tax under section 194-IA, 194-
IB or 194M have to furnish to the Principal Director General of Income-tax (Systems)
or Director General of Income-tax (System) or the person authorised by the
Principal Director General of Income-tax (Systems) or the Director General of
Income-tax (Systems) a challan-cum-statement in Form No.26QB, 26QC or 26QD
respectively, within thirty days from the end of the month of deduction of tax.
6.4 Correction of arithmetic mistakes and adjustment of incorrect
claim during computerized processing of TDS statements [Section
(1) At present, all statements of tax deducted at source are filed in an electronic
mode, thereby facilitating computerised processing of these statements.
Therefore, in order to process TDS statements on computer, electronic
processing on the same lines as processing of income-tax returns has been
provided in section 200A.
(2) The following adjustments can be made during the computerized processing
of statement of tax deducted at source or a correction statement –
(i) any arithmetical error in the statement; or
(ii) an incorrect claim, if such incorrect claim is apparent from any
information in the statement.
(3) The term “an incorrect claim apparent from any information in the statement”
shall mean such claim on the basis of an entry, in the statement,–
(i) of an item, which is inconsistent with another entry of the same or some
other item in such statement;
(ii) in respect of rate of deduction of tax at source, where such rate is not
in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
of income; and
(iii) has paid the tax due on the income declared by him in such return of
and the payer furnishes a certificate to this effect from an accountant in such
form as may be prescribed.
(3) Interest Liability
(i) A person deemed to be an assessee-in-default under section 201(1), for
failure to deduct tax or to pay the tax after deduction, is liable to pay
simple interest @ 1% for every month or part of month on the amount
of such tax from the date on which tax was deductible to the date on
which such tax was actually deducted and simple interest @ 1½% for
every month or part of month from the date on which tax was deducted
to the date on which such tax is actually paid [Section 201(1A)].
An amount of ` 40,000 was paid to Mr. X on 1.7.2020 towards fees for
professional services without deduction of tax at source. Subsequently,
another payment of ` 50,000 was due to Mr. X on 28.2.2021, from which
tax@7.5% (amounting to` 6,750) on the entire amount of ` 90,000 was
deducted. However, this tax of ` 6,750 was deposited only on 22.6.2021.
Compute the interest chargeable under section 201(1A).
Interest under section 201(1A) would be computed as follows –
Particulars `
1% on tax deductible but not deducted i.e., 1% on ` 3,000 240
for 8 months
1½% on tax deducted but not deposited i.e. 1½% on ` 6,750 405
for 4 months 6
(ii) Such interest should be paid before furnishing the statements in
accordance with section 200(3).
(iii) Where the payer fails to deduct the whole or any part of the tax on the
amount credited or payment made to a payee and is not deemed to be an
As per TRACES, interest is calculated for 5 months
(ii) the employer has failed to pay the tax wholly or partly, under section
192(1A), as the employee would not have paid tax on such perquisites,
(iii) the deductee is a non-resident as it may not be administratively
possible to recover the tax from the non-resident.
6.6 Deduction only one mode of recovery [Section 202]
(1) Recovery of tax through deduction at source is only one method of recovery.
(2) The Assessing Officer can use any other prescribed methods of recovery in
addition to tax deducted at source.
6.7 Certificate for tax deducted [Section 203]
(1) Every person deducting tax at source have to issue a certificate to the effect
that tax has been deducted and specify the amount so deducted, the rate at
which tax has been deducted and such other particulars as may be prescribed.
(2) Every person, being an employer, referred to in section 192(1A) shall, within such
period, as may be prescribed, furnish to the person in respect of whose income
such payment of tax has been made, a certificate to the effect that tax has been
paid to the Central Government, and specify the amount so paid, the rate at
which the tax has been paid and such other particulars as may be prescribed.
(3) Certificate of TDS to be furnished under section 203 [Rule 31]
The certificate of deduction of tax at source to be furnished under section 203
shall be in Form No.16 in respect of tax deducted or paid under section 192 and
in any other case, Form No.16A.
Form No.16 shall be issued to the employee annually by 15th June of the
financial year immediately following the financial year in which the income
was paid and tax deducted. Form No.16A shall be issued quarterly within 15
days from the due date for furnishing the statement of TDS under Rule 31A.
Form No. 16B, 16C or 16D shall be issued by the every person responsible
for deduction of tax under section 194-IA, 194-IB or 194M to the payee within
fifteen days from the due date for furnishing the challan-cum-statement in
Form No. 26QB, 26QC or 26QD, respectively, under rule 31A.
Note – The entire TDS process can be understood at a glance from the diagram
given in the next page. The reference to Rules and Forms are only for the
information of students. They are, however, not required to memorize the Rule
numbers and Form numbers for examination purposes.
Sections 193, 194A, 194C, 194D, 194E, 194G, Sections 192 7, 192A, 194, 194B, 194BB, 194DA, 194EE,
194H, 194-I/IA/IB/IC, 194J, 194K, 194M, 194O 194F, 194LA, 194N
Deduct tax at the time of credit to the Deduct tax at the time of payment
a/c of the payee or payment, Remittance [Rule 30]
whichever is earlier
Where tax is Where tax is paid (i) Cases (other than # (ii) (iii) (iv) (iv)
paid without accompanied by (ii), (iii) & (iv) u/s u/s u/s u/s
production of an IT challan 192/ 194- 194- 194M
challan 194A/ IA IB
Income/Amt is 194H
credited or paid in
March Any other
On the same day On or before 7 month Qtly payt 30 days from the end of the
days from the 30th On or before 7 7th July/ month of deduction
end of the month April days from the 7th Oct/ 7th
of deduction end of the Jan/ 30th
month of April
PAO/TO/CDDO Furnishing Stt of TDS [Rule 31A] Rule 31A - Furnish Challan-
[Form 24Q/26Q/27Q] cum-stt in Form
Qtr ending Due date 26QB/26QC/26QD with 30
Submit Statement in Form 24G to 30th June 31st July days from the end of the
agency authorised by PDIT (Sys) 30th Sep 31st Oct month of deduction
31st Dec 31st Jan
31St March 31st May
6.8 Person responsible for paying taxes deducted at source [Section 204]
For purposes of deduction of tax at source the expression “person responsible for
paying” means:
(5) Such persons may be required to prepare statement for such period as may
be prescribed in the prescribed form and deliver or cause to be delivered such
statement within the prescribed time to the prescribed income-tax authority
or the person authorized by such authority.
(6) Such statements should be in the prescribed form, containing such particulars
and verified in the prescribed manner.
(7) Such person referred to in (1) and (4) above may also deliver to the prescribed
authority, a correction statement -
(a) for rectification of any mistake; or
(a) to add, delete or update the information furnished in the statement
delivered referred in (2) & (5) above.
6.11 Mandatory requirement of furnishing PAN in all TDS statements,
bills, vouchers and correspondence between deductor and
deductee [Section 206AA]
(1) The non-furnishing of PAN by deductees in many cases have led to delay in
issue of refund on account of problems in the processing of returns of income
and in granting credit for tax deducted at source.
(2) With a view to strengthening the PAN mechanism, section 206AA provides
that any person whose receipts are subject to deduction of tax at source i.e.
the deductee, shall mandatorily furnish his PAN to the deductor failing which
the deductor shall deduct tax at source at higher of the following rates –
(i) the rate prescribed in the Act;
(ii) at the rate in force i.e., the rate mentioned in the Finance Act; or
(iii) at the rate of 20%. [5% in case tax is required to be deducted at
source u/s 194-O]
For instance, in case of rental payment for plant and machinery, where the
payee does not furnish his PAN to the payer, tax would be deductible @20%
instead of @2% prescribed under section 194-I. However, non-furnishing of
PAN by the deductee in case of income by way of winnings from lotteries,
card games etc., would result in tax being deducted at the existing rate of
30% under section 194B. Therefore, wherever tax is deductible at a rate higher
than 20%, this provision would not have any impact.
(10) The amount of advance tax payable by an assessee in the financial year
calculated by -
(i) the assessee himself based on his estimation of current income; or
(ii) the Assessing Officer as a result of an order under section 210(3) or
amended order under section 210(4)
is subject to the provisions of section 209(2), as per which the net agricultural
income has to be considered for the purpose of computing advance tax.
7.3 Instalments of advance tax and due dates
(1) Common advance tax payment schedule for both corporates and non-
corporates (other than assessee computing profits on presumptive basis
under section 44AD(1) or section 44ADA(1)]:
On or before 15th September Not less than 45% of advance tax liability,
as reduced by the amount, if any, paid in
the earlier instalment.
On or before 15th December Not less than 75% of advance tax liability,
as reduced by the amount or amounts, if
any, paid in the earlier instalment or
On or before 15th March The whole amount of advance tax liability
reduced by the amount or amounts, if
any, paid in the earlier instalment or
Note - Any amount paid by way of advance tax on or before 31st March shall also
be treated as advance tax paid during each financial year ending on 31st March.
(2) Advance tax payment by assessees computing profits on presumptive
basis under section 44AD(1)or section 44ADA(1)
An eligible assessee, opting for computation of profits or gains of business
on presumptive basis in respect of eligible business referred to in section
44AD(1) or for computation of profits or gains of profession on presumptive
basis in respect of eligible profession referred to in section 44ADA(1), shall
be required to pay advance tax of the whole amount in one instalment on or
before the 15th March of the financial year.
However, any amount paid by way of advance tax on or before 31st March shall
also be treated as advance tax paid during each financial year ending on 31st
(3) If the last day for payment of any instalment of advance tax is a day on which
the receiving bank is closed, the assessee can make the payment on the next
immediately following working day, and in such cases, the mandatory interest
leviable under sections 234B and 234C would not be charged.
(4) Where advance tax is payable by virtue of the notice of demand issued 8 by
the Assessing Officer, the whole or the appropriate part of the advance tax
under section 156
on or before the dates specified in column (1) is less than the specified
percentage [given in column (2)] of tax due on returned income, then simple
interest@1% per month for the period specified in column (4) on the amount
of shortfall, as per column (3) is leviable under section 234C.
Note – However, if the advance tax paid by the assessee on the current income, on
or before 15th June or 15th September, is not less than 12% or 36% of the tax due
on the returned income, respectively, then, the assessee shall not be liable to pay
any interest on the amount of the shortfall on those dates.
(b) Computation of interest under section 234C in case of an assessee who
declares profits and gains in accordance with the provisions of section
44AD(1) or section 44ADA(1):
In case an assessee who declares profits and gains in accordance with the
section 44AD(1) or section 44ADA(1), as the case may be, who is liable to pay
advance tax under section 208 has failed to pay such tax or the advance tax
paid by the assessee on its current income on or before 15th March is less
than the tax due on the returned income, then, the assessee shall be liable to
pay simple interest at the rate of 1% on the amount of the shortfall from the
tax due on the returned income.
From From
Nature of Goods 1.4.2020 14.5.2020
to to
13.5.2020 31.3.2021
(a) Alcoholic liquor for human consumption 1% 1%
(b) Tendu leaves 5% 3.75%
(c) Timber obtained under a forest lease 2.5% 1.875%
(d) Timber obtained by any mode other than 2.5% 1.875%
(e) Any other forest produce not being timber 2.5% 1.875%
or tendu leaves
(f) Scrap 1% 0.75%
(g) Minerals, being coal or lignite or iron ore 1% 0.75%
(ii) Lease or a licence of parking lot, toll plaza or mine or a quarry
Sub-section (1C) provides for collection of tax by every person who grants a
lease or a licence or enters into a contract or otherwise transfers any right or
interest in any
- parking lot or
- toll plaza or
- a mine or a quarry
to another person (other than a public sector company) for the use of such
parking lot or toll plaza or mine or quarry for the purposes of business. The
tax shall be collected as provided, from the licensee or lessee of any such
licence, contract or lease of the specified nature, at the rate of 2%.
In order to provide more funds at the disposal of the taxpayers for dealing with
the economic situation arising out of COVID-19 pandemic, the rate of TCS u/s
206C(1C) has been reduced from 2% to 1.5% (i.e., ¾th of the specified rate) for
the period from 14th May, 2020 to 31st March, 2021 [Section 206C(10A)].
(iii) Sale of motor vehicle of value exceeding ` 10 lakhs
Section 206C(IF) provides that every person, being a seller, who receives any
amount as consideration for sale of a motor vehicle of the value exceeding
` 10 lakhs, shall collect tax from the buyer@1% of the sale consideration.
(iii) 0.5% of
(a) where the amount being remitted out is a loan
the amt
obtained from any financial institution, for the
or agg.
purpose of pursuing any education; and
of amts
(b) the amount or aggregate of the amounts in excess in excess
of ` 7 lakhs is remitted by the buyer in a financial of ` 7
year lakh
(ii) No TCS, if the buyer is liable to deduct tax at source under any other
provision of the Act and has deducted such tax
as defined in Explanation to section 10(20)
Term Meaning
(i) Overseas For section 206C(1G)
tour Any tour package which offers visit to a country/(ies) or
program territory/(ies) outside India. It includes expenses for travel
package or hotel stay or boarding or lodging or any other
expenditure of similar nature or in relation thereto.
[Clause (ii) of Explanation to section 206C(1G)]
(ii) Buyer For section 206C(1H):
A person who purchases any goods but does not include –
(A) the Central Government, a State Government, an
embassy, a High Commission, legation, commission,
consulate and the trade representation of a foreign
State, or
(B) a local authority7; or
(C) a person importing goods into India or any other
person as the Central Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, specify for this
purpose, subject to stipulated conditions.
A. To bring high value transactions within the tax net, section 206C has been
amended to provide that the seller shall collect the tax @ 1%/0.75% from
the purchaser on sale of motor vehicle of the value exceeding ` 10 lakhs.
This is brought to cover all transactions of retail sales and accordingly, it
will not apply on sale of motor vehicles by manufacturers to
Q.2 Whether TCS@1%/0.75% on sale of motor vehicle is applicable only
to luxury cars?
A. No, as per section 206C(1F), the seller shall collect tax@1%/0.75% from
the purchaser on sale of any motor vehicle of the value exceeding ` 10
Q.3 Whether TCS@1%/0.75% is applicable in the case of sale to
Government Departments, Embassies, Consulates and United Nation
Institutions, of motor vehicle or any other goods or provision of
A. Government, institutions notified under United Nations (Privileges and
Immunities) Act 1947, and Embassies, Consulates, High Commission,
Legation, Commission and trade representation of a foreign State shall not
be liable to levy of TCS@1%/0.75% under section 206C(1F).
Q.4 Whether TCS is applicable on each sale of motor vehicle or on
aggregate value of sale during the year?
A. Tax is to be collected at source@1%/0.75% on sale consideration of a
motor vehicle exceeding ` 10 lakhs. It is applicable to each sale and not to
aggregate value of sale made during the year.
Q.5 Whether TCS@1%/0.75% on sale of motor vehicle is applicable in case
of an individual?
A. The definition of "Seller" as given in clause (c) of the Explanation below
sub-section (11) of section 206C shall be applicable in the case of sale of
motor vehicles also.
Q.6 How would the provisions of TCS on sale of motor vehicle be
applicable in a case where part of the payment is made in cash and
part is made by cheque?
A. The provisions of TCS on sale of motor vehicle exceeding ` 10 lakhs is not
dependent on mode of payment. Any sale of motor vehicle exceeding
` 10 lakhs would attract TCS@1%/0.75%.
(1) TDS is tax deduction at source TCS is tax collection at source.
(2) Person responsible for paying is (i) Seller of certain goods is
required to deduct tax at source responsible for collecting tax at
at the prescribed rate. source at the prescribed rate
from the buyer.
(ii) Person who grants licence or
lease (in respect of any parking
lot, toll plaza, mine or quarry)
is responsible for collecting tax
at source at the prescribed rate
from the licensee or lessee, as
the case may be.
(iii) Authorised dealer receiving
amount for remittance out of
India under the LRS of the RBI
or seller of an overseas tour
program package is
responsible for collecting tax at
source at the prescribed rate
from the buyer.
(3) Generally, tax is required to be Generally, tax is required to be
deducted at the time of credit to collected at source at the time of
the account of the payee or at debiting of the amount payable by
the time of payment, whichever the buyer of certain goods to the
is earlier. account of the buyer or at the time
Except in case of TDS on perquisite of ESOP provided by eligible start-up
Section Nature of Threshold Limit for Payer Payee Rate of TDS Time of
payment deduction of tax at deduction
> ` 5,000 in a F.Y., in whichever is
case of interest on earlier.
debentures issued by
a Co. in which the
public are
interested, paid or
credited to a resident
individual or HUF by
an A/c payee cheque.
> No threshold
business or
exceeds ` 1 crore
in case of
business or ` 50
Section Nature of Threshold Limit for Payer Payee Rate of TDS Time of
payment deduction of tax at deduction
lakhs in case of
profession during
the immediately
preceding F.Y.
194D Insurance > ` 15,000 in a Any person Any Resident 5% (3.75% At the time of credit
Commission financial year responsible for for the of such income to
paying any period from the account of the
income by way of 14.5.2020 to payee or at the time
remuneration or 31.3.2021) of payment,
reward for whichever is earlier.
soliciting or
194DA Any sum ≥ ` 1,00,000 Any person Any resident 5% of the At the time of
under a Life (aggregate amount of responsible for amount of payment
Insurance payment to a payee in a paying any sum income
Policy financial year) under a LIP, comprised
including the sum (3.75% for
allocated by way the period
of bonus from
14.5.2020 to
194E Payment to - Any person Non-resident 20.8% At the time of credit
non-resident responsible for sportsman (including of such income to
sportsmen or making the (including an health and the account of the
sports payment athelete) or payee or at the time
Section Nature of Threshold Limit for Payer Payee Rate of TDS Time of
payment deduction of tax at deduction
associations of entertainer who education of payment,
income is not a citizen of cess@4%) whichever is earlier.
referred to in India or non-
section resident sports
115BBA association or
194EE Payment of ≥ ` 2,500 in a financial Any person Individual or 10% (7.5% At the time of
deposit under year responsible for HUF for payment payment
National paying to residents
Saving for the
Scheme period from
business or whichever is
profession do not earlier.
exceed ` 1 crore
in case of
business or ` 50
lakhs in case of
profession during
the immediately
preceding F.Y.)
responsible for
commission or
194-I Rent > ` 2,40,000 in a Any person Any resident For P & M or At the time of
financial year (other than an equipment- credit of such
individual or HUF 2% (1.5%*) income to the
whose total sales, account of the
gross receipts or For land or payee or at the
turnover from building, land time of payment,
business or appurtenant whichever is
profession to a building, earlier.
carried on by him furniture or
do not exceed ` 1 fittings -10%
crore in case of (7.5%*)
business or ` 50 Note - The
lakhs in case of rates of 1.5%
Section Nature of Threshold Limit for Payer Payee Rate of TDS Time of
payment deduction of tax at deduction
profession during and 7.5% are
the immediately for the period
preceding F.Y.) from
responsible for 14.5.2020 to
paying rent. 31.3.2021
194-IA Payment on ≥ ` 50 lakh Any person, Resident 1% (0.75% At the time of credit
transfer of (Consideration for being a transferor for the of such sum to the
certain transfer) transferee (other period from account of the
immovable than a person 14.5.2020 to transferor or at the
property other referred to in 31.3.2021) time of payment,
than section 194LA whichever is earlier.
agricultural land)
194-IB Payment of > ` 50,000 for a month Individual/ HUF Any Resident 5% (3.75% At the time of credit
rent by certain or part of a month (other than for the of rent, for the last
individuals or Individual/HUF period from month of the
HUF whose total sales, 14.5.2020 to previous year or the
gross receipts or 31.3.2021) last month of
turnover from tenancy, if the
194-IC Payment No threshold Any person Any Resident 10% (7.5% At the time of
under specified. responsible for for the credit of such
specified paying any sum period from income to the
agreement by way of 14.5.2020 to account of the
referred to in consideration, 31.3.2021) payee or at the
section 45(5A) not being time of payment,
consideration in whichever is
kind, under a earlier.
wherein L or B or
both are handed
over by the
owner for
development of
real estate
Section Nature of Threshold Limit for Payer Payee Rate of TDS Time of
payment deduction of tax at deduction
project, for a
being a share
in L or B or both
in such project,
with payment of
consideration in
194J Fees for > ` 30,000 in a financial Any person, other Any Resident 2% (1.5%*) - At the time of
professional year, for each category than an individual Payee credit of such sum
Notes –
(1) Section 206AA requires furnishing of PAN by the deductee to the deductor, failing which the deductor has to
deduct tax at the higher of the following rates, namely, -
(i) at the rate specified in the relevant provision of the Income-tax Act, 1961; or
(ii) at the rate or rates in force; or
(iii) at the rate of 20% and in case of section 194-O, 5%.
(2) The threshold limit given in column (3) of the table is with respect to each payee.
- toll plaza or
- a mine or a quarry
to another person (other than a public sector company) for the use of
such parking lot or toll plaza or mine or quarry for the purposes of
business. The tax shall be collected as provided, from the licensee or
lessee of any such licence, contract or lease of the specified nature, at
the rate of 2% (1.5% during the period between 14.5.2020 to 31.3.2021),
at the time of debiting of the amount payable by the licensee or lessee
to his account or at the time of receipt of such amount from the
licensee or lessee in cash or by the issue of a cheque or draft or by any
other mode, whichever is earlier
(c) Every person, being a seller, who receives any amount as consideration
for sale of a motor vehicle of the value exceeding ` 10 lakhs, shall, at
the time of receipt of such amount, collect tax from the buyer@1%
(0.75% during the period between 14.5.2020 to 31.3.2021) of the sale
(d) Every person,
- being an authorized dealer, who receives amount under the
Liberalised Remittance Scheme of the RBI for overseas remittance
from a buyer, being a person remitting such amount out of India,
- being seller of an overseas tour programme package who receives
any amount from the buyer who purchases the package
has to collect tax at the rate of 5% of such amount at the time of debiting
of the amount payable by the buyer or at the time of receipt of such
amount from the said buyer by any mode, whichever is earlier.
Rate of TCS in case of collection by an authorized dealer
S. Amount and purpose of remittance Rate of
(i) (a) Where the amount is remitted for a purpose Nil
other than purchase of overseas tour (No tax to
programme package; and be collected
(b) the amount or aggregate of the amounts at source)
being remitted by a buyer is less than ` 7
lakhs in a financial year
Particulars `
2019-20 1,05,00,000
2020-21 95,00,000
Examine whether tax deduction at source provisions are attracted for the below said
expenses incurred during the financial year 2020-21:
Particulars `
Interest paid to UCO Bank on 15.8.2020 41,000
Contract payment to Raj (2 contracts of ` 12,000 each) on 12.12.2020 24,000
Shop rent paid (one payee) on 21.1.2021 2,50,000
Commission paid to Balu on 15.3.2021 7,000
As the turnover of business carried on by Ashwin for F.Y. 2019-20, has exceeded
` 1 crore, he has to comply with the tax deduction provisions during the financial
year 2020-21, subject to, the exemptions provided for under the relevant sections
for applicability of TDS provisions.
Interest paid to UCO Bank
TDS under section 194A is not attracted in respect of interest paid to a banking
Contract payment of ` 24,000 to Raj for 2 contracts of ` 12,000 each
TDS provisions under section 194C would not be attracted if the amount paid to a
contractor does not exceed ` 30,000 in a single payment or ` 1,00,000 in the
aggregate during the financial year. Therefore, TDS provisions under section 194C
are not attracted in this case.
Shop Rent paid to one payee – Tax has to be deducted@7.5% under section 194-
I as the annual rental payment exceeds ` 2,40,000.
Commission paid to Balu – No, tax has to be deducted under section 194-H in this
case as the commission does not exceed ` 15,000.
Question 2
Compute the amount of tax deduction at source on the following payments made by
M/s. S Ltd. during the financial year 2020-21 as per the provisions of the Income-tax
Act, 1961.
Sr. Date Nature of Payment
(i) 1-10-2020 Payment of ` 2,00,000 to Mr. “R” a transporter who owns
8 goods carriages throughout the previous year and
furnishes a declaration to this effect alongwith his PAN.
(ii) 1-11-2020 Payment of fee for technical services of ` 25,000 and
Royalty of ` 20,000 to Mr. Shyam who is having PAN.
(iii) 30-06-2020 Payment of ` 25,000 to M/s X Ltd. for repair of building.
(iv) 01-01-2021 Payment of ` 2,00,000 made to Mr. A for purchase of
diaries made according to specifications of M/s S Ltd.
However, no material was supplied for such diaries to Mr.
A by M/s S Ltd or its associates.
(v) 01-01-2021 Payment made ` 1,80,000 to Mr. Bharat for compulsory
acquisition of his house as per law of the State
(vi) 01-02-2021 Payment of commission of ` 14,000 to Mr. Y.
(i) No tax is required to be deducted at source under section 194C by M/s S Ltd.
on payment to transporter Mr. R, since he satisfies the following conditions:
(1) He owns ten or less goods carriages at any time during the previous
(2) He is engaged in the business of plying, hiring or leasing goods
(3) He has furnished a declaration to this effect along with his PAN.
(ii) As per section 194J, liability to deduct tax is attracted only in case the
payment made as fees for technical services and royalty, individually, exceeds
` 30,000 during the financial year. In the given case, since, the individual
payments for fee of technical services i.e., ` 25,000 and royalty ` 20,000 is less
than ` 30,000 each, there is no liability to deduct tax at source. It is assumed
that no other payment towards fees for technical services and royalty were
made during the year to Mr. Shyam.
(iii) Provisions of section 194C are not attracted in this case, since the payment
for repair of building on 30.06.2020 to M/s. X Ltd. is less than the threshold
limit of ` 30,000.
(iv) According to section 194C, the definition of “work” does not include the
manufacturing or supply of product according to the specification by
customer in case the material is purchased from a person other than the
customer or associate of such customer.
Therefore, there is no liability to deduct tax at source in respect of payment
of ` 2,00,000 to Mr. A, since the contract is a contract for ‘sale’.
(v) As per section 194LA, any person responsible for payment to a resident, any sum
in the nature of compensation or consideration on account of compulsory
acquisition under any law, of any immovable property, is responsible for
deduction of tax at source if such payment or the aggregate amount of such
payments to the resident during the financial year exceeds ` 2,50,000.
In the given case, no liability to deduct tax at source is attracted as the
payment made does not exceed ` 2,50,000.
(vi) As per section 194H, tax is deductible at source if the amount of commission
or brokerage or the aggregate of the amounts of commission or brokerage
credited or paid during the financial year exceeds ` 15,000.
Since the commission payment made to Mr. Y does not exceed ` 15,000, the
provisions of section 194H are not attracted.
Question 3
Examine the applicability of TDS provisions and TDS amount in the following cases:
(a) Rent paid for hire of machinery by B Ltd. to Mr. Raman ` 2,60,000 on 27.9.2020.
(b) Fee paid on 1.12.2020 to Dr. Srivatsan by Sundar (HUF) ` 35,000 for surgery
performed on a member of the family.
(c) ABC and Co. Ltd. paid ` 19,000 to one of its Directors as sitting fees on
(a) Since the rent paid for hire of machinery by B. Ltd. to Mr. Raman exceeds
` 2,40,000, the provisions of section 194-I for deduction of tax at source are
The rate applicable for deduction of tax at source under section 194-I on rent
paid for hire of plant and machinery is 1.5%, assuming that Mr. Raman had
furnished his permanent account number to B Ltd.
Therefore, the amount of tax to be deducted at source:
= ` 2,60,000 x 1.5% = ` 3,900.
Note: In case Mr. Raman does not furnish his permanent account number to
B Ltd., tax shall be deducted @ 20% on ` 2,60,000, by virtue of provisions of
section 206AA.
(b) As per the provisions of section 194J, a Hindu Undivided Family is required
to deduct tax at source on fees paid for professional services only if the total
sales, gross receipts or turnover form the business or profession exceed ` 1
crore in case of business or ` 50 lakhs in case of profession, as the case may
be, in the financial year preceding the current financial year and such payment
made for professional services is not exclusively for the personal purpose of
any member of Hindu Undivided Family.
Section 194M, provides for deduction of tax at source by a HUF (which is not
required to deduct tax at source under section 194J) in respect of fees for
professional service if such sum or aggregate of such sum exceeds ` 50 lakhs
during the financial year.
In the given case, the fees for professional service to Dr. Srivatsan is paid on
1.12.2020 for a personal purpose, therefore, section 194J is not attracted.
Section 194M would have been attracted, if the payment or aggregate of
payments exceeded ` 50 lakhs in the P.Y.2020-21. However, since the
payment does not exceed ` 50 lakh in this case, there is no liability to deduct
tax at source under section 194M also.
(c) Section 194J provides for deduction of tax at source @7.5% from any sum
paid by way of any remuneration or fees or commission, by whatever name
called, to a resident director, which is not in the nature of salary on which tax
is deductible under section 192. The threshold limit of ` 30,000 upto which
the provisions of tax deduction at source are not attracted in respect of every
other payment covered under section 194J is, however, not applicable in
respect of sum paid to a director.
Therefore, tax@7.5% has to be deducted at source under section 194J in
respect of the sum of ` 19,000 paid by ABC Ltd. to its director.
Therefore, the amount of tax to be deducted at source:
= ` 19,000 x 7.5% = ` 1,425
Question 4
Examine the applicability of tax deduction at source provisions, the rate and amount
of tax deduction in the following cases for the financial year 2020-21:
(1) Payment of ` 27,000 made to Jacques Kallis, a South African cricketer, by an
Indian newspaper agency on 02-07-2020 for contribution of articles in relation
to the sport of cricket.
(2) Payment made by a company to Mr. Ram, sub-contractor, ` 3,00,000 with
outstanding balance of ` 1,20,000 shown in the books as on 31-03-2021.
(3) Winning from horse race ` 1,50,000 paid to Mr. Shyam, an Indian resident.
(4) ` 2,00,000 paid to Mr. A, a resident individual, on 22-02-2021 by the State of
Uttar Pradesh on compulsory acquisition of his urban land.
(1) Section 194E provides that the person responsible for payment of any amount
to a non-resident sportsman who is not a citizen of India for contribution of
articles relating to any game or sport in India in a newspaper has to deduct
tax at source@20%. Further, since Jacques Kallis, a South African cricketer, is
a non-resident, health and education cess @4% on TDS should also be added.
Therefore, tax to be deducted = ` 27,000 x 20.80% = ` 5,616.
(2) Provisions of tax deduction at source under section 194C are attracted in
respect of payment by a company to a sub-contractor. Under section 194C,
tax is deductible at the time of credit or payment, whichever is earlier @ 0.75%
in case the payment is made to an individual.
Since the aggregate amount credited or paid during the year is ` 4,20,000,
tax is deductible @ 0.75% on ` 4,20,000.
Tax to be deducted = ` 4,20,000 x 0.75% = ` 3,150
(3) Under section 194BB, tax is to be deducted at source, if the winnings from
horse races exceed ` 10,000. The rate of deduction of tax at source is 30%.
Hence, tax to be deducted = ` 1,50,000 x 30% = ` 45,000.
(4) As per section 194LA, any person responsible for payment to a resident, any
sum in the nature of compensation or consideration on account of
compulsory acquisition under any law, of any immovable property, is required
to deduct tax at source, if such payment or the aggregate amount of such
payments to the resident during the financial year exceeds ` 2,50,000.
In the given case, there is no liability to deduct tax at source as the payment
made to Mr. A does not exceed ` 2,50,000.
Question 5
Briefly discuss the provisions relating to payment of advance tax on income arising
from capital gains and casual income.
The proviso to section 234C contains the provisions for payment of advance tax in
case of capital gains and casual income.
Advance tax is payable by an assessee on his/its total income, which includes capital
gains and casual income like income from lotteries, crossword puzzles, etc.
Since it is not possible for the assessee to estimate his capital gains, or income from
lotteries etc., it has been provided that if any such income arises after the due date
for any instalment, then, the entire amount of the tax payable (after considering tax
deducted at source) on such capital gains or casual income should be paid in the
remaining instalments of advance tax, which are due.
Where no such instalment is due, the entire tax should be paid by 31st March of
the relevant financial year.
No interest liability on late payment would arise if the entire tax liability is so paid.
Note: In case of casual income the entire tax liability is fully deductible at source
@30% under section 194B and 194BB. Therefore, advance tax liability would arise
only if the surcharge, if any, and health and education cess@4% in respect thereof,
along with tax liability in respect of other income, if any, is ` 10,000 or more.
Question 6
Mr. Jay having total income of ` 8,70,000, did not pay any advance tax during the
previous year 2020-21. He wishes to pay the whole of the tax, along with interest if
any, on filing the return in the month of July, 2021. What is total tax which Mr. Jay
has to deposit as self-assessment tax along with interest, if he files the return on
29.07.2021? Assume that he does not exercise the option under section 115BAC.
Obligation to pay advance tax arises in every case, where the advance tax payable
is ` 10,000 or more. As a consequence of such failure, assessee may be charged
with interest under section 234B and 234C.
In the given case, since Mr. Jay did not deposit any amount of advance tax during
the previous year, he will need to pay the total tax due on his income along with
interest on default of payment of advance tax (section 234B) and interest for
deferment of advance tax (section 234C) before filing of his return.
Total tax due on returned income of ` 8,70,000 is ` 89,960 [(20% of ` 3,70,000 +
` 12,500) + cess@4%]
Interest under section 234B
Interest under section 234B is attracted - a) When the assessee, who is liable to pay
advance tax has failed to pay such tax; or b) Where the advance tax paid by the
assessee is less than 90% of the assessed tax.
Since, Mr. Jay did not pay any amount as advance tax, interest under section 234B at 1%
per month or part of the month will be levied beginning from 1st April of the following
year i.e. 01.04.2021 till the time he deposits the whole tax under self-assessment.
Interest will be levied on tax liability of ` 89,900 (rounded off to nearest hundred,
ignoring fraction) at 1% for four months i.e. from 1st April to 29th July.
The interest under section 234B amount to ` 3,596
Interest under section 234C
Assessees, other than assessee who declares profits and gains in accordance with
provision of section 44AD(1) or section 44ADA(1), are liable to pay advance tax in
4 installments during the previous year. Section 234C is attracted, if the actual
instalment paid by the assessee is the less than the amount required to be paid by
him on such instalments. The interest shall be calculated at 1% per month or part
of the month for short payment or non-payment of each instalment.
In the given scenario, since Mr. Jay, did not deposit any amount as advance tax, the
interest under section 234C is calculated as under –
Date of Instalment Specified Amount due and Period Interest
% of unpaid (rounded @ 1%
estimated off to nearest
tax ` 100, ignoring
15th June 2020 15% 13,400 3 months 402
15 September 2020
45% 40,400 3 months 1,212
15 December 2020
75% 67,400 3 months 2,022
15th March 2021 100% 89,900 1 month 899
Total interest under section 234C 4,535
Mr. Jay needs to pay ` 98,091 as total of tax and interest on or before filing of
return in the month of July, 2021.