Food Service Supplies: Item Quantity Unit Price Line Total
Food Service Supplies: Item Quantity Unit Price Line Total
Food Service Supplies: Item Quantity Unit Price Line Total
1. Use a function to calculate the total cost for a list of recently ordered items
2. Use a function to calculate the total items ordered.
3. Use a function to find the most expensive item ordered.
4. Use a function to calculate the days in transit for every item ordered. HINT
5. Use a function to calculate the average days in transit of all items ordered.
e lowest score in cells B3:B17.
lculates the median of the scores in cells B3:B17. Hint: You can find the median function by goi
ells B3:B17.
unctions you just created to cells C18:F20.
Unit 2 Quiz 2 Average
90 80.75
95 96
79 79
95 92
89 88
72 70.75
90 82
87 94
93 90.75
87 81.75
83 77
91 89.25
73 84.5
84 73.25
89 93.25
72 70.75
89 84.5
95 96
n find the median function by going to More Functions > Statistical.