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What Is Email Security?

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What Is Email Security?

Email security can be defined as the use of various techniques to keep sensitive
information in email communication and accounts secure. These precautions
are taken chiefly against unauthorized access, loss, or compromise. It allows an
individual or an organization to protect the overall access to one or more email
addresses or accounts. 
Email security safeguards the content of an email account or service that
generally serves as a popular medium for the spread of malware, spam, and
phishing attacks. This is usually done using deceptive messages to entice
recipients to divulge sensitive information, open attachments, or click on
hyperlinks that install malware on the victim’s device.
Stopping attacks at the entry point:
Email is also a common entry point for attackers looking to gain a foothold in an
enterprise network and breach valuable business data. Hence, email security is
necessary for both individual and business email accounts, and there are
multiple measures organizations should take to enhance email security. Some of
the proactive email security measures, from an end user’s standpoint, include:
1. Strong passwords
2. Password rotations
3. Spam filters
4. Desktop-based anti-virus or anti-spam application
Similarly, a service provider ensures email security by using strong passwords
and access-control mechanisms on an email server. Here, the email messages
are encrypted and digitally-signed as they are placed in the inbox or are in transit
to or from a subscriber’s email address. 
The service provider also implements firewall and software-based spam filtering
applications to restrict unsolicited, untrustworthy, and malicious email messages
from being delivered to a user’s inbox.

Why Is Email Security Important?

Email is a popular attack vector. Therefore, enterprises and individuals must
secure their email accounts against common attacks and attempt to gain
unauthorized access to the communications’ accounts or content. Email security
is significant due to the following plausible reasons:
1. Email is a common target for cyber-criminals.
The first thing that employees get as soon as they join any firm is their official
email account. The employees use their respective email IDs to access the
company information and communicate with fellow employees daily. Every
official communication to or from the company uses email as a medium. 
Therefore, when employees work remotely, as observed in the current COVID-19
pandemic situation, they tend to use their official emails for almost all
communication. Such communications are vulnerable, and the employees are at
the risk of being attacked by cyber-criminals. Cyber-criminals often use phishing,
baits, social engineering, and many other types of attacks to exploit cracks in the
security system.
2. A small loophole can affect the entire organization.
A small loophole in an email’s security can allow deadly malware or spyware to
sneak into the entire communication network, wreaking havoc in the entire
organization. The situation worsens when the organization’s network is hit by
deadly ransomware. 
Even seasoned professionals and experienced employees fall victim to such
tactics. These cyber thieves may also leak sensitive information by bringing it
into the public domain or by selling it to bidders in the case of a personal
3. Crucial for organizations to protect sensitive information.
The company’s confidential information may include highly sensitive information
that can be used against the organization or for criminal purposes. Cyber-
criminals can also target the day-to-day communication and change messages,
which can create miscommunication and compel the communicators (the
employees) to release or hide relevant information. 
Such forgery may result in identity theft that can ultimately cause a breach of
sensitive information. Both employees and organizations have to bear in mind
that cyber-criminals only need a thin crack in the security to jeopardize the entire
4. Below-average standard security measures.
Although email service providers employ standard security measures, cyber-
criminals can easily circumvent many of these measures. Generally, standard
email defenses can only stop threats that are already known to them. In some
situations, the email system also prompts its users to decide whether the
received messages are secure or not and act accordingly. Advanced threat
detection systems currently use artificial intelligence databases, real-time
analysis, and machine learning for better protection. 
However, such sophisticated advanced techniques are not employed under
standard email security measures. That’s why it has become essential for users
to use advanced security measures to identify a wide range of threats well in
advance and stop them from entering the system.
5. Cyber-criminals use sophisticated & advanced methods.
The technological advancement in online security systems can also empower
cyber-criminals and hackers as they tend to use more and more advanced
methods to breach various security firewalls. 
These methods include AI fuzzing (AIF) and machine learning poisoning (MLP),
enabling hackers to automate cyber-attacks. Besides, cyber-criminals can exploit
many cloud vulnerabilities, damaging an organization’s workflow, business,
image, and credibility in the industry. 
All of these threats are grave enough for any organization, and hence it is crucial
to install advanced email security measures. Organizations can also opt for
security service providers who offer potent and improved email and overall online

Benefits of Email Security for

In today’s digital world, email has become an indispensable part of our lives, as
almost every communication in an enterprise happens here. Even though emails
are used so freely, it is important for an organization not to become complacent
about protecting the data shared via emails, as they can cause severe damage to
its business. 
With the growing threat of hackers, viruses, spam, phishing, identity theft, and
ransomware attacks, organizations have an added responsibility to secure their
business data and treat email security as a priority. 
Following are some of the benefits of email security for enterprises:
1. Control device access 
Email security can prevent total access to sensitive email attachments on
vulnerable unmanaged devices while permitting full access to secure managed
devices. It ensures that there is control over an email account’s content access,
thereby securing the content communicated during an email message
2. Identify suspicious user behavior
Email security can assist in the assessment of outbound messages for detecting
known spam and threats. This control on outbound email messages can help
discover account compromise or other suspicious user behavior. The right kind
of email security platform should detect and alert users who have started to send
or receive large volumes of outbound email, including bulk messages. Such
activity can be an indicator of compromise. 
3. Improve spam and phishing protection
Powerful phishing protection solutions are required to defend an organization
against ever-evolving phishing attacks. In phishing attacks, hackers send an
email that appears to be from a legitimate sender to deceive the employees into
revealing sensitive information like bank account numbers, account passwords,
or credit card information. Sophisticated email security measures help detect
unwanted spam and unsafe phishing emails, thereby allowing customers to
block or take other actions against suspicious emails.
4. Maintain communication confidentiality
Email security techniques such as email encryption software or programs keep
the confidentiality of email messaging intact. Email encryption is critical,
specifically when sending any confidential information or during sensitive
communications. Thus, email encryption can serve as a tangible investment that
can save the organization from compromising their sensitive data.
5. Protection against zero-day threats
Email security is of paramount importance for protecting an organization against
a zero-day threat, as attacks are generally initiated via a malicious link or rogue
attachment. Preventing a zero-day attack requires multiple layers of protection to
defend against malware, viruses, and spam, as well as targeted attacks such as
phishing, spear-phishing, or a whaling attack. Email security such as a Secure
Email Gateway helps prevent a zero-day attack by providing anti-malware and
anti-spam protection.
6. Real-time threat protection
Email security provides real-time threat protection capability by using a unique
blend of detection technologies, such as machine learning, sandboxing, and
predictive analytics, to effectively stop advanced threats such as ransomware.
7. Stop ransomware attacks and other threats
Ransomware attacks involve gaining access to an organization’s computer
systems or sensitive data and blocking access to the data by or encrypting it.
Attackers allow the organizations to access their data only after making a
payment, or “ransom.” Because ransomware attacks are often initiated via email,
blocking malicious URLs and weaponized attachments is the most effective way
to stop ransomware attacks. That’s why, when email security is in place, it helps
in identifying threats ranging from annoying spam to advanced malware,
phishing, and Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks.

Top 8 Best Practices for Email Security

in 2021
An effective business email security strategy is individual — however, certain
universal concepts and methods can be incorporated by every enterprise in its
approach to combat email threats. The top eight best practices for securing
enterprise email are as follows: 
1. Automated email encryption

Automated Email Encryption
Deploying an automated email encryption solution is one of the best practices in
today’s modern organizations. This encryption solution should analyze all
outbound email traffic to determine whether the material being communicated
over email is sensitive. If the content is sensitive, it needs to be encrypted before
it is emailed to the intended recipient. Such a mechanism will prevent cyber-
attackers from viewing emails, even if they were to intercept them.
Here’s why an enterprise should employ email encryption:
1. To protect confidential information
2. To stay in compliance
3. To avoid additional security breaches
4. To stay authentic
2. Back-up critical files 
Although an effective enterprise email security strategy drastically reduces an
organization’s chances of experiencing a cyber-attack, no security strategy or
potential solution is entirely foolproof. To minimize the potential damage and
devastation in a ransomware attack, enterprises should back up critical files
regularly and automatically.
The organization should be aware that sophisticated ransomware variants may
sit idle for weeks without any activity until triggered, potentially destroying
backups and all the critical files. With advanced technology, threat actors are
also getting smarter as they attack backups to prevent recovery. However, there
are various ways that enterprises can protect their backups, which include:
1. Back-up supplement: Keep additional copies in multiple
2. Isolate backups: The more the barriers between a
compromised system and its backups, the harder it will be for a
ransomware-type threat to attack these backups.
3. Frequent backup tests: Restoration exercises should be
performed regularly to identify any issues or potential
3. Educate employees
Employee education and security awareness training are essential aspects of an
effective enterprise email security strategy. Administrators, IT, and corporate
professionals understand the importance of corporate email security, the value
of sensitive data, and the consequences of a successful phishing attack or
Yet, the employees must share this understanding with their
colleagues. According to a Global report 2018, most insider breaches result from
human error or negligence, and enterprises can mitigate this risk by sharing
knowledge with employees and providing periodic awareness training. 
As employees are an enterprise’s first line of defense, it is important to provide
regular, comprehensive security training. This will not only minimize the risk of
human error but also strengthen this critical defense.
4. Email accounts protection with sender authentication
According to Verizon report 2018, 90% of data breaches involve phishing. Sender
authentication using cryptographic standards and protocols helps prevent
phishing attacks and protect email accounts against other threats like email
spoofing and business email compromise (BEC) by providing a way to verify that
an email actually comes from a legitimate sender. The email authentication
standards commonly used for making this verification possible are:
1. Sender Policy Framework (SPF) – an open standard that
specifies a method for preventing sender address forgery, 
2. Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) – provides an encryption
key and a digital signature that verifies that an email message
was not faked or altered, and
3. Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting &
Conformance (DMARC) – unifies mechanisms used in SPF and
DKIM, allowing domain owners to declare how they would like
an email from that domain to be handled if it fails an
authorization test. 
Like any security aspect, in-depth defense is key to effective protection, and
sender authentication is no exception. Hence, sender authentication should be
implemented as part of a comprehensive cloud email security solution by any
5. Extra protection against credential phishing in Office 365 with multifactor
Microsoft Office 365 is a popular platform among enterprises, and its email
system is now a bigger target for cyber-criminals. According to Cyren and
Osterman Research’s report 2019, 40% of Office 365 customers have
experienced credential theft, despite its security protection. Therefore, additional
protection for Office 365 is required for enterprises to protect from credential
phishing attacks and account takeovers. 
Office 365 email security relies upon in-depth defense. Microsoft’s basic email
security features, including their Microsoft Exchange Online Protection (EOP), are
solely dependent on traditional filtering techniques, which are ineffective against
today’s targeted, sophisticated, and advanced technological attacks. Thus, an
enterprise needs to look for an advanced cloud email security solution that
provides additional layers of intuitive, real-time protection and complements the
default security provided within Office 365.
In situations where a corporate email account’s credentials are successfully
stolen, multifactor authentication (MFA) can prevent an attacker from gaining
access to the account and wreaking havoc in the organization.
6. Secure email gateway
Secure Email Gateway
One of the best practices that organizations should put into effect is
implementing a secure email gateway. An email gateway scans and processes
all incoming and outgoing emails and makes sure that threats are not allowed in.
As the attacks are growing in sophistication, standard security measures, such
as blocking known harmful file attachments, are no longer effective. Hence, a
better solution is to deploy a secure email gateway that uses a multi-layered
approach, wherein all the email traffic passes through the gateway to ensure its
7. Strategize for the worst-case scenario
Having a clear and systematic protocol in place for responding to potential
threats can help minimize the damage. For example, if an employee’s email
account is compromised, all involved parties must know who to notify. To handle
potential cyber-attack, the organization should plan for the worst-case. Do all the
parties need to be aware of how to respond to a threat in the case of a breach?
Acting fast is critically important in the event of a cyber-attack. Having an exact
protocol in place will help eliminate possible confusion or delays – since the
more the delay in action, the greater the damage.
8. Team up with an enterprise-level security provider
Teaming up with an expert in the email security industry provides an excellent
chance for the enterprise to receive next-generation email protection at a
discounted price and other benefits like priority support services, new revenue
opportunities, technical, marketing, and sales training, and additional guidance.
One such enterprise-level security provider is Guardian Digital that provides a
highly advantageous Worldwide Partner Program capable of delivering greater
email security and profit benefits.
In Conclusion
A robust email security system can help both the organizations and employees
create a safe working environment as the email system works in coordination
with the enterprise’s overall workflow and processes. Implementing an effective
enterprise email security strategy may seem complicated and overwhelming, but
prioritizing the fundamentals correctly may prove to be a boon for any
organization. Without appropriate email security measures, an organization will
always be vulnerable to email-borne threats, regardless of other advanced
technology it has deployed.
Trusted systems
One way to enhance the ability of a system to defend against intruders and
malicious programs is to implement trusted system technology.
1. Data access control
Following successful logon, the user has been granted access to one or set of
hosts and applications. This is generally not sufficient for a system that
includes sensitive data in its database. Through the user access control
procedure, a user can be identified to the system. Associated with each user,
there can be a profile that specifies permissible operations and file accesses.
The operating system can then enforce rules based on the user profile. The
database management system, however, must control access to specific
records or even portions of records. The operating system may grant a user
permission to access a file or use an application, following which there are
no further security checks, the database management system must make a
decision on each individual access attempt. That decision will depend not
only on the user‟s identity but also on the specific parts of the data being
accessed and even on the information already divulged to the user.
A general model of access control as exercised by an file or database
management system is that of an access matrix. The basic elements of the
model are as follows:
·        Subject: An entity capable of accessing objects. Generally, the
concept of subject equates with that of process.  
Object: Anything to which access is controlled. Examples include
files, portion of files, programs, and segments of memory.  
·        Access right: The way in which the object is accessed by a subject.
Examples are   read, write and execute.
One axis of the matrix consists of identified subjects that may attempt data access.
Typically, this list will consist of individual users or user groups. The other axis
lists the objects that may be accessed. Objects may be individual data fields. Each
entry in the matrix indicates the access rights of that subject for that object. The
matrix may be decomposed by columns, yielding access control lists. Thus, for
each object, an access control list lists users and their permitted access rights. The
access control list may contain a default, or public, entry.

Decomposition by rows yields capability tickets. A capability ticket
specifies authorized objects and operations for a user. Each user has a
number of tickets and may be authorized to loan or give them to others.
Because tickets may be dispersed around the system, they present a greater
security problem than access control lists. In particular, the ticket must be
unforgeable. One way to accomplish this is to have the operating system
hold all tickets on behalf of users. These tickets would have to be held in a
region of memory inaccessible to users.
2. The concept of Trusted Systems
When multiple categories or levels of data are defined, the requirement is
referred to as multilevel security. The general statement of the requirement
for multilevel security is that a subject at a high level may not convey
information to a subject at a lower or noncomparable level unless that flow
accurately reflects the will of an authorized user. For implementation
purposes, this requirement is in two parts and is simply stated. A multilevel
secure system must enforce:
·        No read up: A subject can only read an object of less or equal security level. This
is referred to as simple security property.  
·        No write down: A subject can only write into an object of greater or equal
security level.
This is referred to as *-property (star property).  

These two rules, if properly enforced, provide multilevel security.  

3. Reference Monitor concept
The reference monitor is a controlling element in the hardware and operating
system of a computer that regulates the access of subjects to objects on the
basis of security parameters of the subject and object. The reference monitor
has access to a file, known as the security kernel database that lists the
access privileges (security clearance) of each subject and the protection
attributes (classification level) of each object. The reference monitor
enforces the security rules and has the following properties:
Complete  mediation:  The  security  rules  are  enforced  on  every  access,  not 
just,  for example, when a file is opened.  
Isolation:  The  reference  monitor  and  database  are  protected  from 
unauthorised modification.  

Verifiability: The reference monitor‟s correctness must be provable. That is,

it  must be possible to demonstrate mathematically that the reference
monitor enforces the security rules and provides complete mediation and
isolation. Important security events, such as detected security violations and
authorized changes to the security kernel database, are stored in the audit file

Or write below one

Trusted system concepts
The following defines the basic concepts of a trusted system. As administrator, you
must understand these concepts and know where security-relevant information is kept
to run the system properly. This section only introduces these topics; later sections in
this chapter provide further details and describe maintenance procedures.

Trusted computing base

A collection of software called the ``trusted computing base'' (TCB) maintains the
parts of the system that are related to security. The TCB consists of the UNIX system
kernel (the heart of the operating system) and the trusted utilities that reference and
maintain relevant security data. The TCB implements the security policy of the
system. The security policy is a set of rules that oversee and guard interactions
between ``subjects'' (such as processes, which are programs running on the system)
and ``objects'' (such as files, devices, and interprocess communication objects). At the
C2 level, this consists of ``discretionary access control'' (DAC), discussed later in this
section, and object reuse (which dictates that information in a storage object must be
cleared before allocation). Much of the software that you interact with is part of the
system's TCB. SCOadmin provides a menu-driven interface to help you maintain the

On a trusted system, all actions can be traced to a responsible person. Most UNIX
systems lack good accountability because some actions cannot be traced to a person.
For example, pseudo-user accounts, such as lp or cron, run anonymously; their actions
can be discovered only by changes to system information. As described later, a trusted
UNIX system improves accountability by associating each account with a real user,
auditing every action, and associating each action with a specific user on the system.

On a typical UNIX system, each process has a real and effective user ID as well as a
real and effective group ID. A process with the effective user ID set to root can set
these identifiers to any user. The C2 level of trust requires that the TCB be able to
identify each user uniquely and thus enforce individual accountability. The concept of
user identity is expanded on trusted UNIX systems to add a separate identifier called
the ``login user identifier'' (LUID). The LUID is an indelible stamp on every process
associated with a user. The LUID identifies the user who is responsible for the
process's session. Once stamped, the process's LUID cannot be changed by anyone.
Child processes inherit the LUID of their parent.
Discretionary access control
Discretionary access control (DAC) determines whether a user has access to desired
data. That information is within an ``object'' (file, device, and so on) that the user's
process is trying to use. On most UNIX systems, object protection is enforced through
the relationship between the user and the group of a process and the owner, group and
other mode bits of the object. The protection attributes of these objects are at the
discretion of the object's owner, who can change the protection bits on a file and even
give the file away (change ownership). Your SCO OpenServer system extends the
standard discretionary access control rules used by the UNIX file permissions by
restricting the:

 ability to set the SUID and SGID (set user or group ID on execution) bit on files.
 ability to change ownership of files with chown(C).
 potential misuse of SUID, SGID, and sticky* permissions by clearing these bits
whenever a file is written.

This term comes from an earlier versions of UNIX systems where this
permission bit (also called text-save) caused a file to be held in memory. Thus
the expression ``sticky.''

Object reuse
As required by the C2 level of trust, SCO OpenServer systems always clears the
information in a storage object (memory, whether in RAM or secondary storage)
before re-allocating the resource. This prevents users from gaining access to residual
data belonging to other users.

Authorizations and privileges

Authorizations and privileges are user attributes required to perform certain actions.
Most UNIX systems make all access decisions based on the simple file permissions or
on whether the process making the access is owned by root. The root account can
perform system actions that no other process can. System privileges are associated
with processes and allow a process to perform certain actions if the process has the
requisite privilege. Subsystem authorizations are associated with users. They allow the
user to perform a special action using a subsystem's commands (trusted utilities and
programs). A ``subsystem'' is a related collection of files, devices, and commands that
serve a particular function. For example, the lp subsystem consists of the print spooler
files, the printer devices, and commands such as lpadmin(ADM) that help maintain
the subsystem.
In this way, authorizations allow you to assign ``administrative roles'': users entrusted
with administering specific subsystems (such as the print service).

Privileges are stored in an ``privilege set'' associated with every process. Thi is a list
of privileges which allow a type of action if the privilege is present, and do not allow
the action if the privilege is absent. Privileges are either set by the system defaults or
defined for a specific user.

Identification and authentication (I&A)

When a user logs into a non-trusted UNIX system, limited identification and
authentication (I&A) takes place. The system searches the password database
(/etc/passwd) for the user name. If the user name is found, the system authenticates
the user by comparing the password entered to the encrypted version of the password
in the user's password database entry. Some rules concerning the characteristics of the
password and the ability to change it may be enforced, but these rules have been
shown to be insufficient to guard against penetration.

SCO OpenServer systems extend the standard UNIX system I&A mechanisms. There
are more rules enforcing the types of passwords that can be used. There are new
procedures for generating and changing passwords. The location and protection of
certain parts of the password database differs from that of other UNIX systems. The
administrator also has greater control over the login process. A separate role, called
authentication (or accounts) administrator (with subsystem authorization auth), is
charged with account administration.

Most UNIX systems keep a limited record of system actions with their accounting
subsystem. The accounting subsystem writes a single accounting record upon
completion of each user process. SCO OpenServer systems provide an extensive
series of records that form a ``trail'' of actions. In this trail is a record of every access
between subject and object (successful and unsuccessful) and every change of subject,
object, and system characteristics. The audit subsystem is controlled by a separate role
called audit administrator (with subsystem authorization audit). The audit
administrator decides how much information is recorded, and how reliably it is
recorded and maintains the information once it is collected. The audit subsystem
provides the audit administrator with an extensive history of system actions. This
helps the administrator to identify what happened to the system, when it occurred, and
who was involved.

Protected subsystems
UNIX systems provide the SUID and SGID mechanisms that allow programs to set
the user of group ID of a process with the setuid(S) and setgid(S) system calls and
permission bits described in chown(C). With these you can construct programs that
maintain protected information. This information can only be accessed or modified by
the operations implemented in the programs. The TCB defines several protected
subsystems. Each of these subsystems consists of a collection of private information
(files and/or databases), any related devices, and the utilities and commands used to
maintain that information. The protected subsystems use the SUID/SGID mechanisms
to protect their private files, databases, and devices from unrestricted access. The
trusted system extends the notion of a protected subsystem in several ways:

 It provides more precise control of users and groups who maintain certain
collections of system resources (private information).
 It keeps a separate database of users allowed to run the programs that
maintain the private information.
 It does not require users to log in as the subsystem administrator but rather
uses the database to check the subsystem authorization. This satisfies the full
accountability requirement for all actions performed by subsystem
programs. (If users log in to anonymous accounts to perform system
administration, there is no way to determine who performed a given action.)

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