TSNA Self Assessment Tool
TSNA Self Assessment Tool
TSNA Self Assessment Tool
The Department of Education is presently pursuing a package of policy reforms that seeks to improve the quality of basic
education. These policy reforms are expected to create the critical changes necessary to further accelerate, broaden,
deepen and sustain the improved education effort already started. This package of policy reforms is referred to as the
Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA).
One key element in the reform agenda is the establishment of the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
(NCBTS). This is a framework that establishes the competency standards for teacher performance so that teachers,
learners and stakeholders are able to appreciate the complex set of behaviors, attitudes and skills that each teacher
must possess in order to carry out a satisfactory performance of their roles and responsibilities
In response to the need for an instrument that identifies the professional strengths and development needs of the
teachers, the NCBTS-Teachers' Strengths and Needs Assessment (TSNA) was developed and validated through the
AusAID-funded Project STRIVE (Strengthening the Basic Education in the Visayas), in coordination with the EDPITAF
(Educational Development Implementing Task Force), and Regions VI, VII and VIII, Divisions of Negros Occidental,
Bohol and Northern Samar, and further validated by the TEDP-TWG (Teacher Education Development Program-
Technical Working Group at the national level.
This tool is part of the NCBTS-TSNA Package that includes an NCBTS orientation program and resource materials,
structured learning session guides, manual for administration, scoring and interpretation, hard copy and e-versions of the
tool and the monitoring and evaluation scheme and tools for the implementation of the NCBTS-TSNA.
The Teachers’ Strengths & Needs Assessment (TSNA), is seen to be essential in the provision of quality professional
development programs that are aligned to the needs of the programs’ clientele. The TSNA determines the differences
between the actual situation (what is) and the desired condition (what should be) in terms of teacher’s competencies
within the department. In this NCBTS-TSNA the actual situation is described the current competencies as perceived by
the teacher. The profile of the teacher’s current competencies is compared to the NCBTS standards for effective
teaching. This TSNA, therefore, identifies the competency strengths as well as the gap between the expected and the
current teacher’s competencies in terms of Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSAs) that actually define the domains,
strands and performance indicators of the NCBTS.
The TSNA involves three essential stages of training needs analysis: Phase I (Job Analysis for Effective Teaching) is
actually done by analyzing nationally set teacher standards in behavioral terms or by identifying effective teaching
competencies. The DepED Central Office and Regional Offices are tasked to do this phase of the TSNA process. Phase
II (Teacher Trainee Analysis) is the instrumentation to determine the current teacher competency levels in KSA terms
which is done by the individual teacher at the school level. Phase III (Strength-Need analysis) is the analysis of the
strengths and discrepancies between the standards set and the current teachers’ data on their competencies which is
carried out at the school, cluster, District or Division level for their respective purposes related to teacher
An important aspect of the TSNA process is the utilization of its results that will serve as inputs in the preparation of
Individual Plan for Professional Development Plan (IPPD) and in designing programs and activities for teachers at the
school, division and regional levels. The consolidated TSNAs at the school, division and regional level inform the school
improvement plan (SIP), Division Development Plan (DEDP) and the Regional Development Plan (REDP), with respect to
the plans for professional development at the school, division and the regional levels.
Competency Analysis
Data Gathering
KSA Required and
Competency Standards
Current KSA and
Consolidated TSNA
Master Plans
Teacher's IPDP
When established, the TSNA system ensures that “teachers routinely use CBTS in making self-assessments of their
current practices to identify their individual development needs, and that school heads, division and regional offices also
routinely use CBTS in identifying teacher performance factors that affect school-wide learning outcomes” (BESRA PIP,
2006 Version (PIP V.1, p. 21).
In order to realize the commitment to provide quality basic education through the Key Result Thrust (KRT2) of BESRA
emphasizing the Professional Development of Teachers, the TSNA is conducted to gather data on the needs of teachers
for their continuing training and development.
1. Determine the competency gaps or learning needs in terms of KSAs of individual teachers vis-à-vis the standards set
by the NCBTS in each of the seven domains and 23 strands:
1.1. Social Regard for Learning
1.2. Learning Environment
1.3. Diversity of Learners
1.4. Curriculum
1.5. Planning, Assessing and Reporting
1.6. Community Linkages
1.7. Personal Growth and Professional Development
2. Consolidate the TSNA results at the school, cluster, and division levels.
Expected Outputs
Based on the purpose stated above, the TSNA is expected to yield the following specific outputs:
The TSNA tool is anchored on the NCBTS Framework set by the Department of Education. This contains seven
integrated domains for effective teaching which are: Domain 1–Social Regard for Learning; Domain 2–Learning
Environment; Domain 3–Diversity of Learners; Domain 4–Curriculum; Domain 5– Planning, Assessing and Reporting;
Domain 6–Community Linkages; and Domain 7–Personal Growth and Professional Development. Each domain has its
corresponding strands and each strand has performance indicators. A total of seven domains, 23 strands and 80
performance indicators make up the NCBTS competency standards set by the DepED.
The domains, strands and performance indicators were translated to specific Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSAs) to
compose the TSNA of
KSA Specifications Tool
thewith 270 KSAs23
the various (S),
clusters as inPERFORMANCE
and 80 the specificationsINDICATORS
below: (P):
The orientation should therefore, involve clusters of School Heads with their respective NCBTS School
Coordinators from Leader Schools and District Supervisors within each Division. The designation of the NCBTS
school coordinator is upon the discretion of the School Head taking into consideration the criteria outlined in the
Orientation Guide contained in the NCBTS-TSNA Package.
The NCBTS-TSNA package has been designed for knowledge building and advocacy on the NCBTS and for the
transfer of the technology to conduct TSNA at the school level. The package provides the participants with: (a) a
deeper understanding of the NCBTS framework, the meaning of the domains, strands, and performance
indicators, and the identification of the KSAs; (b) familiarity with the content of the TSNA tool and its proper
administration to assist schools in the conduct of TSNA.
Schools within the Division are expected to form clusters. Each cluster should designate a Leader School. Leader
School Heads and their respective NCBTS Coordinators become the “Implementers” of the TSNA across the
schools within their clusters. School Heads from within each cluster are convened to go through parallel
knowledge building and to conduct the TSNA for their own teachers. The District Supervisors will take the role of
guiding and monitoring the TSNA system and procedures within the cluster or district.
The TSNA Tool is a self-assessment exercise that is introduced by the School Head/NCBTS Coordinator through an orientation
process in order for the teacher-respondents to understand its importance and thus reflectively respond to the instrument. The Tool
in electronic format (Excel) is contained on a compact disk (CD) with an auto-scoring system. Each teacher may be given an
individual CD or may respond to the TSNA tool from a file installed on a common computer. It takes an average of one hour to
accomplish the instrument. The scores and individual profile of the teacher in the seven domains with corresponding strands and
performance indicators are electronically generated instantly upon completion of the instrument. There is no time limit imposed for
completing the instrument.
Self-Administration of the TSNA Tool
A. The TSNA Responses
The instrument contains clusters of KSAs specific to a particular performance indicator with a common stem: “At what level do I…”
Considering that the NCBTS-TSNA tool is intended for self-assessment and not for performance ratings, the responses to the items
are expressed qualitatively i.e. High (H), Satisfactory (S), Fair (F), and Low (L).
The reference codes presented below guide the respondent in registering her/his self-assessment for each KSA:
Code Interpretation
¨ "Teacher Profile" - pink-colored tab and a data-entry form for teacher respondent's personal and professional data
¨ "Self-Assessment" - green-colored tab is the TSNA instrument
¨ "Summary" - yellow-colored tab displays the result of assessment after all TSNA items have been accomplished
1. Fill in the Teacher Profile. Data provided here shall feed into the Human Resource Information System of DepEd
2. After completing the Teacher Profile, proceed to the Self-Assessment Worksheet by clicking on the "Self Assessment" tab
3. In the Self Assessment worksheet, click on the appropriate checkbox that corresponds to your answer for each KSA
3.1 As a checkbox is ticked, the row color turns blue indicating that the response/answer is accepted
3.2 When more than one answer is provided for one KSA, the row color turns red indicating an erroneous answer
Only one answer must be provided for each KSA, hence only one checkbox ticked.
4. Upon successfully completing all items, message "Click Summary Worksheet to view results" is displayed.
Click Summary Worksheet to view interpretation of assessment results.
Note : Automatic scoring is not enabled when any one of the items in the worksheet has not been answered and/or two
answers were provided for one KSA. In this case, the message "ERROR" is displayed. Review answers giving special
attention to red and grey colored rows.
TSNA results may be interpreted using the scale scores or the percentage scores. Upon completion of the NCBTS-TSNA Tool,
an obtained score whether an average of the domain, strand or performance indicator, is interpreted using the appropriate indices
in the chart below. A score to be interpreted may either be an average of a particular domain, or a strand or a specific performance
indicator as the case may be.
The electronic version also provides profiles on the categories for Knowledge, Skills and Attitude. Learning needs and
strengths along these dimensions may also be inferred from the TSNA results.
Consolidation of TSNA results is done electronically to report on TSNA of a given school, cluster or Division.
The TSNA Individual Profile is used for the development of the teacher’s IPPD. The identified learning needs therein are appraised
by the teacher while taking into consideration the priorities set by the school for its future development. It is important that the
teachers develop themselves in order to contribute towards addressing the most urgent needs and the priorities identified by the
school. The IPPD is therefore prepared by the teachers to identify their training needs in line with their own priorities and those of
the school. A separate document has been developed detailing the concepts and procedures related to the preparation of IPPDs.
Teacher Profile
10. School Name 11. School ID 12. School Type ✘### Public ### Private
13. Start Date of Teaching Service (YYYY-MM) ### Special Science ### TechVoc
2016 - 6 ### Extension ### Night
Inclusive Dates
Title Sponsoring Agency mm dd yy mm dd yy
32. I certify that the statements made by me in answer to the foregoing questions are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: Signature:
Form No.
No. 2008-001 v2.0
S13 37 balance the use of individual and cooperative learning activities? ✘ ✘ ###
A11 38 see the value in creating individual and cooperative learning activities? ✘ ✘ ###
Strand 2.3 Communicates higher learning expectations to each learner
Indicator 2.3.1 Encourages learners to ask questions
At what level do I ... H S F L
K15 39 know the art of questioning and different techniques of asking higher order questions? ✘ ✘ ###
S14 40 provide opportunities for learners to ask questions? ✘ ✘ ###
S13 41 ask questions that stimulate critical and creative thinking among learners? ✘ ✘ ###
A11 42 show an accepting response/gesture in dealing with questions of learners? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 2.3.2 Provides learners with a variety of learning experience
At what level do I ... H S F L
K16 43 know various strategies that elevate students' level of learning? ✘ ✘ ###
S16 44 provide learners with variety of experiences that enhance learning? ✘ ✘ ###
A13 45 willingly provide learners with a variety of challenging learning activities? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 2.3.3 Provides varied enrichment activities to nurture the desire for further learning
At what level do I ... H S F L
K17 46 understand how enrichment activities enhance the learners' desire to learn? ✘ ✘ ###
K18 47 know ways of motivating the learners to learn further and more effectively? ✘ ✘ ###
S17 48 facilitate varied enrichment activities that are interesting for further learning? ✘ ✘ ###
A14 49 show diligence in making enrichment materials? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 2.3.4 Communicates and maintains high standards of learning performance
At what level do I ... H S F L
K19 50 know the implications of achieving high standards of learning performance for total human development? ✘ ✘ ###
S18 51 help learners maintain high standards of learning? ✘ ✘ ###
A15 52 inspire learners to set high performance targets for themselves? ✘ ✘ ###
Strand 2.4 Establishes and maintains consistent standards of learners' behavior
Indicator 2.4.1 Handles behavior problems quickly and with due respect to children's rights
At what level do I ... H S F L
K20 53 understand the rights and responsibilities of the child as embodied in different laws, e.g. RA 7610, PD 603? ###
✘ ✘
✘ ✘
K21 54 know behavior management techniques for learners with behavioral problems? ###
S19 55 identify learners with behavioral problems? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S20 56 employ appropriate procedures and actions consistently when dealing with learners with behavioral problems? ###
✘ ✘
A16 57 show a compassion and caring attitude in managing behavior problems? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 2.4.2 Gives timely feedback to reinforce appropriate learners' behavior
At what level do I ... H S F L
K22 58 know the concept, importance and techniques of social reinforcement? ✘ ✘ ###
S21 59 provide timely and appropriate reinforcement on learners' behavior? ✘ ✘
✘ ✘ ###
A17 60 believe that positive reinforcement leads to improved learner behavior? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 2.4.3 Guides individual learners requiring development of appropriate social and learning behavior
At what level do I ... H S F L
K24 61 understand the learners' social development stages? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
K25 62 know different strategies that enhance learners' social development? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S22 63 use varied teaching-learning strategies that make use of social interaction? ✘ ✘ ###
A18 64 show patience in managing different social and learning activities? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 2.4.4 Communicates and enforces school policies and procedures for appropriate learner behavior
At what level do I ... H S F L
K26 65 know DepED/school policies and procedures on student discipline? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S23 66 communicate and enforce policies and procedures related to students behavior? ✘ ✘ ###
A19 67 commit to enforcing school policies and procedures? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
Strand 2.5 Creates a healthy psychological climate for learning
Indicator 2.5.1 Encourages free expression of ideas from students
At what level do I ... H S F L
K27 68 know the concepts and principles of democratic expression of ideas? ✘ ✘ ###
S24 69 provide activities that will encourage respect and free expresssion of ideas? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
A20 70 encourage learners to express their ideas freely and responsibly? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 2.5.2 Creates stress-free environment
At what level do I ... H S F L
K28 71 know the the elements and importance of establishing a stress-free learning environment? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S25 72 manage conflicts and other stress-related situations? ✘ ✘ ###
S26 73 ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
initiate and create programs (e.g. child-friendly school system) and activities that promote stress-free environment?
A21 74 get involved in advocacy activities that create a stress-free environment? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 2.5.3 Takes measures to minimize anxiety and fear of the teacher and/or subject
At what level do I ... H S F L
K29 75 know about child-friendly teaching strategies? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S27 76 encourage learners to develop a positive attitude towards their subject and teacher? ✘ ✘ ###
✘ ✘ ✘
✘ ✘
Strand 3.1 Determines, understands and accepts the learners' diverse background knowledge
and experience
Indicator 3.1.1 Obtains information on the learning styles, multiple intelligences and needs of learners
At what level do I ... H S F L
K30 78 understand the theories and concepts of multiple intelligences and learning styles? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S28 79 identify learning styles and multiple intelligences of learners? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
A23 80 show diligence in obtaining information on different learning needs? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 3.1.2 Designs or selects learning experiences suited to different kinds of learners
At what level do I ... H S F L
K31 81 know techniques and strategies in designing/selecting activities for varied types of learners? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S29 82 utilize varied activities for various types of learners? ✘ ✘ ###
A24 83 show respect and concern for individual differences of students? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 3.1.3 Establishes goals that define appropriate expectations for all learners
At what level do I ... H S F L
K32 84 understand the requirements in setting goals for differentiated learning? ✘ ✘ ###
S30 85 utilize differentiated activities to meet expected learning goals of learners? ✘ ✘ ###
S31 86 assist learners in setting learning goals for themselves? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
A25 87 appreciate the need to consider the differences in experiences and capabilities of learners? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 3.1.4 Paces lessons appropriate to needs and difficulties of learners
At what level do I ... H S F L
K33 88 know teaching principles and strategies for addressing learners' needs and difficulties? ✘ ✘ ###
S32 89 pace lessons according to learners' needs and difficulties? ✘ ✘ ###
A26 90 show flexibility in pacing lessons to support the needs of the learners? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 3.1.5 Initiates other learning approaches for learners whose needs have not been met by usual
At what level do I ... H S F L
K34 91 have the knowledge on teaching principles and strategies for students-at-risk ? ✘ ✘ ###
S34 92 keep track of students at risk? ✘ ###
S35 93 provide appropriate intervention programs for learners-at-risk? ✘ ✘ ###
A27 94 appreciate the need to help students-at-risk? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 3.1.6 Recognizes multi-cultural background of learners when providing learning opportunities
At what level do I ... H S F L
K35 95 know the cultural background of my students and its implications to my teaching? ✘ ✘ ###
S36 96 provide appropriate learning activities to students with different cultural background? ✘ ✘ ###
A28 97 show appreciation for cultural diversities? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 3.1.7 Adopts strategies to address needs of differently-abled students?
At what level do I ... H S F L
K36 98 know the educational psychology of learners with special needs? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S37 99 use appropriate strategies for learners with special needs? ✘ ✘ ###
A29 100 show sensitivity to learners with special needs? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 3.1.8 Makes appropriate adjustments for learners of different socio-economic backgrounds
At what level do I ... H S F L
K37 101 understand the effects of socio-economic status on learning performance? ✘ ✘ ###
S38 102 determine the different socio-economic background of trainers? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S39 103 use techniques to motivate learners of the lower socio-economic status? ✘ ✘ ###
A30 104 show fairness to all learners regardless of their economic status? ✘ ✘ ###
✘ ✘
K43 144 know the learning competencies in my learning areas in order to formulate appropriate instructional objectives?
✘ ✘
✘ ✘
S45 145 translate learning competencies into instructional objectives? ###
A36 146 show a reflective attitude in translating learning competencies to instructional objectives? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 4.4.2 Selects, prepares, and utilizes technology and other instructional materials appropriate to
the learners & learning objectives
At what level do I ... H S F L
ICT 147 know various technology and instructional materials appropriate for my learning area? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
ICT 148 select and utilize updated and appropriate technology/instructional materials? ✘ ✘ ###
ICT 149 use appropriate technology resources to achieve curriculum standards and objectives? ✘ ✘ ###
S45 150 prepare adequate and appropriate instructional materials for the learners and the learning objectives? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 151 manifest resourcefulness in preparing instructional materials? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 4.4.3 Provides activities and uses materials which fit the learners' learning styles, goals and culture
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 152 know the principles of instructional material preparation for different types of learners? ✘ ✘ ###
S45 153 use relevant activities and materials suited to the learning styles, goals and culture of the learners? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 154 believe in the need to provide activities and use materials appropriate to the learners? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 4.4.4 Uses a variety of teaching approaches and techniques appropriate to the subject matter
and the learners
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 155 understand the theories, approaches and strategies in teaching the subject area? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S45 156 use variety of teaching strategies and techniques appropriate to the learners and subject matter? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
A36 157 show enthusiasm in using innovative and appropriate teaching techniques? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 4.4.5 Utilizes information derived from assessment to improve teaching and learning
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 158 understand the proper utilization of assessment results to improve teaching and learning? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S45 159 use assessment results in setting learning objectives and learning activities ? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 160 appreciate the value of assessment in improving teaching and learning? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 4.4.6 Provides activities and uses materials which involves students in meaningful learning
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 161 know various educational theories (e.g. constructivism) and their implications to meaningful leaning? ✘ ✘ ###
S45 162 apply relevant teaching approaches to achieve meaningful learning? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 163 use improvised and indigenous materials for meaningful learning? ✘ ✘ ###
164 appreciate teaching approaches to meaningful learning (e.g., constructivism)? ✘ ###
Strand 4.5 Recognizes general learning processes as well as unique processes of individual learners
Indicator 4.5.1 Designs and utilizes teachning methods that take into account the learning process
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 165 know different teaching approaches and strategies suitable to various learners? ✘ ✘ ###
S45 166 have knowledge on general and specific learning processes? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 167 apply teaching-learning methodologies that respond to general and specific learning processes? ✘ ✘ ###
168 recognize the need to design teaching methods apropriate to the learning process? ✘ ✘ ✘
Strand 4.6 Promotes purposive study
Indicator 4.6.1 Cultivates good study habits through appropriate activities and projects
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 169 know the techniques in forming good study habits? ✘ ✘ ###
S45 170 determine the current study habits of my students? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 171 provide appropriate learning tasks and projects that support development of good study habits? ✘ ✘ ###
172 take extra time to help students form good study habits? ✘ ✘
Strand 4.7 Demonstrates skills in the use of ICT in teaching and learning
Indicator 4.7.1 Utilizes ICT to enhance teaching and learning
At what level do I ... H S F L
173 know the nature and operations of ICT systems as they apply to teaching and learning? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
174 understand how ICT-based instructional materials/learning resources support teaching and learning? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
175 understand the process in planning and managing ICT-assisted instruction? ✘ ✘ ✘###
176 design, develop new or modify existing digital/and or non-digital learning resources? ✘ ✘ ###
177 use of ICT resources for planning and designing teaching-learning activities? ✘ ✘ ✘###
178 use ICT tools to process assessment and evaluation data and report results? ✘ ✘ ✘###
179 demonstrate proficiency in the use of computers to support teaching and learning? ✘ ✘ ✘###
180 use ICT tools and resources to improve efficiency and professional practice? ✘ ✘ ###
181 value and practice social responsibility, ethical and legal use of ICT tools and resources? ✘ ✘ ✘###
182 show positive attitude towards the use of ICT in keeping records of the learners? ✘ ✘ ✘###
Strand 5.1 Develops and utilizes creative and appropriate instructional plan
Indicator 5.1.1 Shows proof of instructional planning
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 183 know the elements and process of developing an instructional plan (e.g. daily, weekly, quarterly, yearly)? ✘ ✘ ###
✘ ✘
✘ ✘
S45 184 arrrange sequentially the learning units with reasonable time allotment? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 185 identify appropriate learning objectives, strategies, and accompanying materials in the plan? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 186 identify appropriate and varied assessment procedures? ✘ ✘ ###
187 show enthusiasm in sourcing materials (e.g. lesson plan packages) as guides for instructional planning? ✘ ###
S45 195 construct valid and reliable formative and summative tests? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 196 appreciate the value of testing as a tool to improve instruction and learning performance? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 5.2.2 Employs non-traditional assessment techniques (portfolio,journals, rubric, etc.)
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 197 know the concepts, principles and strategies of non-traditional assessment? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S45 198 use appropriate non-traditional assessment techniques? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 199 value the use of non-traditional assessment? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 5.2.3 Interprets and uses assessment results to improve teaching and learning
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 200 know concepts, principles on interpretation and utilization of assessment results? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
A36 201 interpret and use test results to improve teaching and learning? ✘ ✘ ###
202 manifest fairness in the interpretation of test results? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 5.2.4 Identifies teaching-learning difficulties and possible causes and takes appropriate action to
address them
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 203 know the concept and principles of diagnostic testing? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S45 204 know the types of remedial lessons for slow learners? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
A36 205 identify teaching-learning difficulties and possible causes? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
206 manage remediation programs? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 207 manifest willingness and patience in conducting remediation programs? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 5.2.5 Uses tools for addressing authentic learning
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 208 know the concepts and principles of authentic learning assessment? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S45 209 utilize appropriate tools for assessing authentic learning? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
A36 210 enthusiastically develop and use tools for assessing authentic learning? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
Strand 5.3 Monitors regularly and provides feedback on learners' understanding
of content
Indicator 5.3.1 Provides timely and accurate feedback to learners to encourage them to reflect on and
monitor their own learning growth
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 211 know the principles of giving and receiving feedback on learners' progress? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S45 212 use strategies for giving feedback/reporting progress of individual learner? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 213 motivate learners' to reflect and monitor their learning growth? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 214 consistently provide timely and accurate feedback? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 5.3.2 Keeps accurate records of grades/performance levels of learners
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 215 know the current guidelines about the grading system? ✘ ✘ ###
S45 216 maintain accurate and updated learners' records? ✘ ✘ ###
Strand 5.4 Communicates promptly and clearly to learners, parents and superiors about
progress of learners
Indicator 5.4.1 Conducts regular meetings with learners and parents to respect learners' progress
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 217 know the dynamics of communicating learners' progress to students, parents and other stakeholders? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
S45 218 plan and implement a comprehensive program to report learners' progress to students and parents? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
A36 219 manifest accountability and responsibility in communicating the learners' progress to intended stakeholders?
✘ ✘
Indicator 5.4.2 Involves parents to participate in school activities that promote learning
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 220 understand the role and responsibilities of parents in supporting school programs to enhance children's learning
✘ ✘
progress? ###
S45 221 involve parents to participate in school activities that promote their children's learning progress? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 222 establish rapport and a cooperative working relationship with parents? ✘ ✘ ###
Strand 6.1 Establishes learning environment that respond to the aspiration of the community
Indicator 6.1.1 Involves community in sharing accountability for learners' achievement
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 223 know the programs, projects, and thrusts of DepEd on school-community partnership? ✘ ✘ ###
S45 224 involve the community in the programs, projects and thrusts of the school? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
A36 225 promote shared accountability for the learners' achievement? ✘ ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 6.1.2 Uses community resources (human, material) to support learning
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 226 know the various community resources available to enhance learning? ✘ ✘ ###
S45 227 use available community resources (human, material) to support learning? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 228 recognize community resources to support learning? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 6.1.3 Uses community as a laboratory for learning
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 229 know strategies for experiential learning outside the classroom? ✘ ###
S45 230 make use of the community as a laboratory for learning? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 231 appreciate the world as a learning environment? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 6.1.4 Participates in community activities that promote learning
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 232 know the teacher's social responsibility? ✘ ✘ ###
S45 233 link with sectors for involvement in community work? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 234 show enthusiasm in joining community activities? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 6.1.5 Uses community networks to publicize school events and achievements
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 235 know the dynamics of community networking and information dissemination? ✘ ✘ ###
S45 236 communicate the school events/achievements through community networks? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 237 share information on school events/achievements to the community? ✘ ✘ ###
Indicator 6.1.6 Encourages students to apply classroom learning to the community
At what level do I ... H S F L
K43 238 know the social realities outside the classroom to make learning relevant? ✘ ✘ ###
S45 239 provide learning activities ensuring their application to the community? ✘ ✘ ###
A36 240 show sensitivity to the needs of the community? ✘ ✘ ###
Automatic scoring is enabled only after all items have been accomplished Total KSAs###
Please check inputs. Make sure that only one box is ticked for every indicator.