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2009 Affiliate Bully Andre Chaperon All Rights Reserved

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Copyright 2009 / Affiliate Bully (Andre Chaperon) / All Rights Reserved

No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
whatsoever, either electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without
express written, dated and signed permission from the author. All
copyrights are reserved.


The information presented herein represents the views of the author at

the date of publication. Because technologies and conditions perpetually
change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinions
based on the new conditions.

This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not
accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived,
resulting from the use of this information.

While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided
herein, the author and his affiliates do not assume any responsibility for
errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights to people or organizations
are unintentional.


None of the strategies in this product will work unless you pull your finger
out and take action. Knowledge is useless without action. Reading these
pages alone will have a similar effect to not reading them at all, if you
don’t apply an element of action.

Copyright 2009 / Affiliate Bully (Andre Chaperon) / All Rights Reserved
If It Can Be Automated – Automate It!

Copyright 2009 / Affiliate Bully (Andre Chaperon) / All Rights Reserved
There are a few scripts on the market that hook into ClickBank’s API set
and allow for varied levels of automation and management.

These scripts are largely unknown. They haven't been mass-pimped ... yet.

I’ve tested and used most – if not all – of these scripts. My favorite of the
lot happens to also be the cheapest one. Go figure.

It’s a script by Adrian Link and it costs $37.

This is Required Element #1

Purchase it here. You need it before you can continue:


Go get it. I’ll wait ...


OK. Let’s continue.

Copyright 2009 / Affiliate Bully (Andre Chaperon) / All Rights Reserved
What I Use The Script To Do
Here is the workflow for Affiliate Bully Reloaded, found here:

I’ll help illustrate what I’m going to explain next.

You drive targeted traffic (any targeted traffic will do – not just paid traffic
– but it needs to be targeted) to a product presell page.

Mark’s Cash Bootstrap Case Study will show you how to

create one. You can build a single page or a multi-page
presell. Either will work.

Look at point #7 in the diagram above (ignore point #6).

Add a “bonus” for leverage to bribe/persuade the prospect to purchase

your offer instead of from another affiliate.

Incase you haven’t figured it out yet ... this is what us super affiliates
do. We create highly relevant bonuses for the affiliate products we

I do this within the IM niche. I also do it outside of the IM niche.

Even if you operate within a niche where no other affiliate are offering a

Copyright 2009 / Affiliate Bully (Andre Chaperon) / All Rights Reserved
This is your opportunity to really clean up. Bonuses increase conversions.
Make no mistake of that.

If you think creating a bonus is too much work – then you’re probably in
the wrong business.

So Required Element #2 is a bonus.

However ...

There is the problem with creating multiple bonus offers across multiple

It’s a bitch to manage!

Hell ... it’s even a bitch to manage if you only operate in one niche, but
have multiple bonus offers on the go.

Typically – your presell offer needs to explain very clearly what they need
to do AFTER they purchase, to get the bonus. (This can sometimes be
confusing to people in some niches outside of IM.)


After you’ve purchased product XYZ from this page,

you need to email me a copy of your ClickBank
receipt. Send the email to MyPenName@Gmail.com.
I’ll email you the bonus within 48 hours.

Now multiply that by five, or ten. Or more. You would have to do this
manually for EACH bonus offer:

1. Check each Gmail account. If there is a bonus request, you then ...
2. need to manually login to the required ClickBank account to verify that
you were credited for the sale. Then ...
3. you need to remember what pen name you are operating under in that
niche, and email off the bonus to them. Then ...
4. you have to manually put them into your customer autoresponder
list ... which will trigger a followup email sequence.

This is all fine and good if you only have one bonus offer. But when you
have 5, 10, 20 of them ... that becomes a serious management nightmare.

... and your business suddenly becomes way less scalable.

The key here is to totally automate all of this. Like AUTOMATE


Required Element #3 is to pre-configure your autoresponder.

I’ve been using AWeber since 2004. It’s the autoresponder service that I
recommend for most marketers.

Copyright 2009 / Affiliate Bully (Andre Chaperon) / All Rights Reserved
Find out more about AWeber, here:

Build a new list in AWeber. Generate the form code, and put it up on your
presell site. Somewhere secure and hidden.

This is where you will automatically send customers to so that they can
add themselves to your bonus/customer list. (More about this shortly.)


Required Element #4 is to configure the ClickBank Automation Script.

When you purchase the script, read the installation and setup manual.
Adrian does a good job of explaining the process. He also offers support
should you get a bit stuck.

Once the script is installed on your domain, here is what you do:

1. Click the “Bonus List Automator” link.

2. Click the “Add New Bonuses” link.

Now you’ll be presented with a screen as illustrated below:

Copyright 2009 / Affiliate Bully (Andre Chaperon) / All Rights Reserved
Step 1 – Vendor ID is the ClickBank vendor ID of the product you’re

So if I were promoting the Truth About Abs:

... the vendor ID would be MIKEGEARY1

Leave the next box blank. Vendor Email is not needed.

Step 2 – Vendor’s Product ID is next.

This is not always obvious to find. But the easiest method is to go to the
vendor’s sales page. Find the order button. Then “mouse over” the button
or link.

In the image below you can see that the Product ID is 3:

Copyright 2009 / Affiliate Bully (Andre Chaperon) / All Rights Reserved

If you can’t easily see the product ID, look at the ClickBank receipt that
you were sent when you purchased the product to check out before you
decided to promote it.

You DO purchase (or ask for a comp copy) of a product

before you promote it, right? :-)

The Product ID will be in the ClickBank receipt email. Or simply shoot the
vendor an email and ask what product ID he’s using for his front-end offer.

Step 3 – Put in the name of the product you’re promoting.

Step 4 – Now enter in your email address. If you’re operating under a pen
name, put that email in here.

Step 5 – Now the name of your bonus/report.

Step 6 – Enter the URL of your bonus squeeze page.

Step 7 – Finally, make sure that the “Status” box is checked.


Next you need to configure the email.

Here’s an example for you:

Copyright 2009 / Affiliate Bully (Andre Chaperon) / All Rights Reserved
That’s it. Simple really.

Now whenever you generate affiliate sale that matches the Vendor ID
and Product ID that you configured in the script, an email will
automatically be emailed to them.

And this typically happens instantly. Right after the sale.

As soon as the customer has finished purchasing the product, along with
the ClickBank order receipt, they’ll also receive your email.

The link in your email of course points to a hidden squeeze page that puts
the customer on your customer autoresponder list.

... where you can then do some serious Autoresponder Madness on their
ass! ;-)

Copyright 2009 / Affiliate Bully (Andre Chaperon) / All Rights Reserved
Item Checklist
What You Need For Total Automation

Copyright 2009 / Affiliate Bully (Andre Chaperon) / All Rights Reserved
1. You need the automation script from Adrian Ling ($37):

2. You need an autoresponder service. I highly recommend AWeber. You

can get a $1 trial account here:

This is all you need for total automation. It’s simple and easy.

Now instead of spending your time checking emails, verifying

commissions, sending emails and adding people to autoresponders ... you
can focus on finding products to promote and creating highly relevant

The On Steroids Version Upgrade

The automation process ends when the customer has been added to your
autoresponder customer list, right?

Not so fast tiger!

Once you have them on a customer sub-list, it’s time to send them more
affiliate offers. Related stuff. Information that is related to what they’ve
just purchased.

There are the normal ways to do this that produce average results.

But that’s not how I “skin the cat”.

I have an advanced way I go about doing this that produces

extraordinary results.

I’ve laid it all out in my Autoresponder Madness Manual. But currently you
can’t purchase it.

The first batch of 100 sold out in one-hour flat.

Here is a backdoor link:


Please don’t share this link. It’s not public. I’m only offering this “backdoor”
access to you because you did something that qualified you to get a copy
of this Bonus Automation Report.

If you want to learn more about what Autoresponder Madness is all about
before you buy (which is a good idea, of course), go here:


... and here:


Copyright 2009 / Affiliate Bully (Andre Chaperon) / All Rights Reserved

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