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archaeological note

Roman Balsamarium Shaped as a

Male Head in Feline-Skin Cap from
the Territory of Southeast Bulgaria
Daniela Agre, Deyan Dichev, and Gennady Agre
Open Access on AJA Online

Includes Supplementary Content on AJA Online

The main objective of this archaeological note is to present to the scientific community
the most comprehensive data available on a spectacular new find from the territory of
the Roman province of Thrace—a brass balsamarium shaped as a male head in a feline-
skin cap. By providing a detailed description of the balsamarium, the results of its metal-
lographic analysis, and an accurate account of its archaeological context and its date, we
hope to clarify some still unsolved problems related to the function and production of
such vessels.1

the kral mezar tumulus

In 2015, an archaeological expedition conducted by Daniela Agre from the
National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences undertook the rescue excavation of a tumulus known as Kral Mezar.
The tumulus is located near the village of Boyanovo, Elkhovo municipality,
in the southeastern part of modern Bulgaria. The shape and dimensions of
the tumulus have changed as a result of post-antique agricultural activities
and numerous episodes of looting. At the beginning of the excavations, the
tumulus had a diameter of about 30 m and a height of about 3 m. Three grave
constructions were discovered dug into the mound: a sarcophagus, a tomb,
and a grave constructed of bricks (fig. 1). A broken column shaft, a Doric
capital, and a base found near the periphery of the tumulus are probably the
remains of a commemorative monument.2
The sarcophagus of marmorized limestone was put into a pit dug in the
tumulus. The lid of the sarcophagus, in the form of a pitched roof, had been

We would like to thank Ivan Krastev from the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for the elemental analysis of the balsamarium and strigil
and Silvia Nikolova from the Institute of Experimental Morphology, Pathology and An-
American Journal of Archaeology thropology with the museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Science for the anthropological
Volume 123, Number 4 analysis of the skeleton found in the grave. We would also like to express our deep grati-
tude to David Saunders, an associate curator in the Department of Antiquities of the J. Paul
October 2019
Getty Museum, for providing us with access to the comprehensive literature collection of
Pages 687–98
the museum. Additional figures can be found with this article’s abstract on AJA Online
DOI: 10.3764/aja.123.4.0687 (www.ajaonline.org). All figures are the authors’.
The shape of the capital and execution of the column suggest a date in the third cen-
www.ajaonline.org tury C.E.

688 Daniela Agre et al. [aja 123

fig. 1. Plan and elevation of the Kral Mezar tumulus near Boyanovo, Bulgaria: a, sarcophagus; b, tomb;
c, brick grave; d, commemorative monument.

broken and discarded.3 The sarcophagus dates from ca. were built of irregularly shaped stones, and the super-
150–200 C.E., based on analysis of the archaeological structure was built of brick. It was probably covered
material found in and near it. Because discoveries of by a stone barrel vault. The walls were plastered and
sarcophagi in tumuli in the territory of Roman Thrace painted. The motifs are mostly floral (palmettos, flow-
are extremely rare, it is generally believed that burials ers, tendrils) and geometrical (lines, arcs); the colors
in sarcophagi were foreign to the Thracians.4 include blue (dark and light), yellow, black, white, red,
The much-disturbed tomb had been dug into the and green. The funerary assemblage consists of wom-
central part of the tumulus. The tomb has one cham- en’s textile-making implements (fragmentary bone
ber with an entrance at the south; the foundations spindles and needles and a small glass distaff), some
very small glass beads, numerous fragments of glass
and ceramic vessels, and fragments of clay lamps pro-
duced in Attic workshops. A silver denarius of the em-
Such a burial belongs to Type 8, Variant B, according to the
peror Caracalla minted in 202 C.E. in Rome was found
classification of grave constructions and burial customs in Thra-
ce during the Roman Age (Getov 1970, 6–7). at the level of the tomb’s floor (obverse: ANTONINVS
Getov 1970, 6–7. PIVS AVG, laureate and draped bust of Caracalla to
2019] Roman Balsamarium Shaped as a Male Head from Southeast Bulgaria 689
the right; reverse: PART MAX PONT TR P IIII, two
captives seated at the base of a column with trophy).5
These materials date the tomb to the first quarter of
the third century C.E.
The present note offers a detailed analysis of only
the third burial construction, the brick grave, with par-
ticular emphasis on the metal balsamarium shaped as
a man’s head that was discovered in it. This vessel is a
unique find in the Roman province of Thrace.
the brick grave: construction and
The brick grave (fig. 2) was discovered in the south-
east quadrant of the tumulus. Its interior dimensions
are 2.45 m long x 0.90 m wide x 0.70 m deep. The pit
was dug into the tumulus and was oriented north–
south with a deflection of about 30° to the west. The
grave was built of bricks measuring 0.33 х 0.33 х
0.04 m. A thick layer of white plaster covered the walls
and the gaps between the bricks forming the floor. Im-
prints on the tops of the brick walls show that wooden
beams were laid across the tops of the walls and the
ends of the beams were covered with plaster. The
structure is a brick grave with a flat roof,6 one of the
most popular types of grave constructions in Thrace
during the Roman period and especially in the second
and third centuries C.E.
The burial rite was inhumation. The body was
placed in a wooden coffin, of which several iron nails
are preserved. The body was laid on its back in an out-
stretched position with the arms slightly bent at the el-
bows and the head at the north (see fig. 2). The length
of the preserved skeleton is 1.82 m. Anthropological
analysis revealed that the buried person was a man at
least 35 to 40 years of age.
The grave assemblage consists of metal and glass
objects. A bronze coin of the emperor Caracalla with
a Greek inscription, minted in Hadrianopolis, Thrace,
and dated to 198–217 C.E., was found under the lower
jaw (fig. 3; diam. 18 mm; obverse: AYT K M AYΡ CEY
ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head to the right; reverse:
AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, eagle with folded wings stand-
ing to the right on garlanded altar, head turned back to

Elkhovo, Ethnographic-Archaeological Museum, inv. no.
ЕАМ-Е-Н-3752. Compare http://numismatics.org/ocre/id/,
search: ric.4.crl.65.
Type 9, Variant A, according to the classification of Getov
(1970, 7). fig. 2. The brick grave in the Kral Mezar tumulus.
690 Daniela Agre et al. [aja 123
the left with a wreath in its beak).7 Near the feet of the
deceased, close to the south wall of the grave, a balsa-
marium8 and a strigil9 were found, as were the remains
of two pairs of shoes studded with hobnails. The pre-
served length of the shoes is 27–28 cm.
Two clusters of fragments from glass vessels were
found between the skeleton’s right hip and the west-
ern wall of the grave. After a partial restoration, it was
established that some of the fragments belong to a
glass flask of Isings Form 103.10 Detailed analysis of
the preserved fragments revealed that the body of the
flask has wheel-abraded decoration combining topo- fig. 3. Bronze coin of Caracalla with a Greek inscription, minted
graphical scenes and Latin inscriptions. There is no in Hadrianopolis, Thrace, 198–217 C.E., from the brick grave in
dedicatory inscription. Engraved scenes and inscrip- the Kral Mezar tumulus. Elkhovo, Ethnographic-Archaeological
tions are placed in one row. There are no elements Museum, inv. no. ЕАМ-Е-Н-3753.
representing a harbor. The central image is an open-
fronted temple with statues of two goddesses inside,
probably Minerva and Diana. Because of the penetra-
tion of moisture and the acidity of the soil, the flask’s
bottom has disintegrated into powder.
Until now, only 17 similar flasks have been found.
They belong to the so-called Puteoli-Baiae Group.
Seven are partially preserved; the rest are represented
by a few fragments.11 The motifs depicted on the flasks
are urban views of ancient Puteoli and Baiae, located
on the Bay of Naples, with Latin inscriptions identify-
ing each depicted building. Preliminary examination
of the topographical scenes from the flask shows that
they do not match any of the scenes known from other
flasks of the Puteoli-Baiae Group. If the flask shows a
specific town, it is apparently neither Puteoli nor Baiae.
The strigil found in the grave is fully preserved (fig.
4). The handle and blade are cast in one piece in brass
and worked by hammering and chasing. The blade has
a concave cross-section. The handle is solid and has
a short lengthwise slot for the attachment of a strap.
The length from the end of the handle to the end of fig. 4. Drawing of the strigil from the brick grave in the Kral
the blade is 25.1 cm. This type of strigil is known from Mezar tumulus. Elkhovo, Ethnographic-Archaeological Mu-
seum, inv. no. ЕАМ-879, EAM, Elkhovo.

burial complexes in Bulgaria that are dated to the sec-

Elkhovo, Ethnographic-Archaeological Museum, inv. no. ond and third centuries C.E.12
ЕАМ-Е-Н-3753. The reverse of this coin is a type not docu-
mented in the standard numismatic references; an example is
The vessel found in the grave, a balsamarium, is
described in Varbanov (2005, 3498; Hadrianopolis). made of brass (an alloy of copper and zinc) and takes
Elkhovo, Ethnographic-Archaeological Museum, inv. no. the form of a man’s head wearing a tight-fitting animal-
ЕАМ-876. skin cap (figs. 5, 6). There is an opening on the top of
Elkhovo, Ethnographic-Archaeological Museum, inv. no.
Isings 1957, 121–22.
Fujii 2009, 136; Popkin 2018. 12
Vagalinsky 1993, 23.
2019] Roman Balsamarium Shaped as a Male Head from Southeast Bulgaria 691

fig. 5. Balsamarium from the brick grave in the Kral Mezar tumulus, front view. Elkhovo, Ethno-
graphic-Archaeological Museum, inv. no. ЕАМ-876.

the head that was covered with a lid (now missing); The balsamarium is made from four parts: the body
the lid was attached to the head by a cylindrical hinge of the vessel in the form of a man’s head, the bottom
(also now missing). On both sides of the opening are produced from a flat metal sheet, the lid (now miss-
lugs that were cast together with the head and intended ing), and the swing handle. The body was made by
for attaching a swing handle. The lugs bear traces of casting, then worked further with chasing, inlays, and
intensive wear, and their loops are now broken. An polishing. The man’s face is modeled with exceptional
arched handle with a round cross-section is inserted skill. It is wide, with regular features, protruding cheek-
into the lugs. One end of the handle is broken. Overall, bones, and slightly sagging cheeks. The face is clean-
the balsamarium is in good condition and has a very shaven except for a small, carefully formed goatee. The
well polished surface covered with a brownish-green large eyes have concave pupils that were probably in-
patina. It measures 12.0 cm high (without lugs) and laid with stone or glass paste, now missing. The man
10.8 cm, maximum, wide (across the front). The mea- has a large aquiline nose that is slightly bent to the left
sured volume of liquid that the Boyanovo balsamarium and has a wide base. A thin and shallow groove outlin-
could contain is 670 ml. ing the mouth probably served to attach a thin layer of
692 Daniela Agre et al. [aja 123

fig. 6. Balsamarium from the brick grave in the Kral Mezar tumulus, left profile.

reddish metal over both lips. A very small fragment of The precisely rendered details reveal that the cap is
the reddish metal is still preserved in the right corner of represented as made from the head of a feline. The ani-
the mouth (fig. 7).13 The vessel has a low foot formed mal’s muzzle with outlined nostrils and its half-closed
as the man’s neck with the relief folds of a garment eyes are shown at the front part of the cap (online fig.
around the lower part. 1);14 part of the cap representing the lower jaw of the
The man wears a tight-fitting animal-skin cap that animal is shifted forward and covers the man’s tem-
completely covers the top and back parts of the head. poral bones. Sharp canine teeth, one in the upper and
one in the lower jaw of the predator, are incised on
both sides of the man’s forehead. The lugs for attach-
The use of inlay is rather frequent in such vessels. E.g., the ing the handle are formed as the rounded erect ears of
eyes and teeth of the balsamarium in the J. Paul Getty Museum the animal. The animal’s mane is represented by wavy
(Los Angeles, inv. no. 2007.14) are inlaid with silver foil (Tovar
2008, 64); the ends of the cap of balsamarium in the Collection relief lines descending from the lug ears to the top of
Dutuit (Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris,
inv. no. ADUT 86) are inlaid with a copper band (Petit 1980,
157). 14
See AJA Online for online-only figures.
2019] Roman Balsamarium Shaped as a Male Head from Southeast Bulgaria 693
for balm, perfumes, or aromatic oils related to bathing
and to exercising in the palaestra (an open-air space
in a bathing establishment). However, this presumed
function is much debated,15 and many scholars think
that a more general term, such as “anthropomorphic
vessels,” is more appropriate since it designates a for-
mal type rather than a hypothetical function.16
Direct evidence for the use of balsamaria, such as
residue analysis of the contents, is very limited,17 and
no traces of any substances were found in the Boya-
novo vessel during its restoration. The main indirect
argument for their use is the frequent association of
such vessels with strigils or other pieces of toilette
sets in burials. For example, in all burials from Moesia
fig. 7. Small fragment of reddish metal foil preserved in the
right corner of the balsamarium figure’s mouth.
and Thrace containing balsamaria, at least one strigil
was found as well.18 The discovery of the balsamarium
from Boyanovo together with the strigil strengthens
the man’s ears. The surface of the cap is decorated with the case for identifying such vessels as unguent con-
V-shaped incisions representing the animal’s fur and tainers connected to exercise and bathing.
by incised circles with a point in their centers repre-
senting the animal’s coat patterns. The craftsman thus who is represented by the balsamarium
identified the species of the animal as probably a pan- from boyanovo?
ther or a leopard. Anthropomorphic vessels shaped as human busts or
The handle of the balsamarium was fashioned from heads were very popular across the Roman empire,19
a round copper alloy wire by hammering; it is thicker especially among the inhabitants of the Roman prov-
at its center and has hooks at the ends. The surface is inces of Moesia and Thrace.20 Ethnographic types,
worn, but in a few places, an ornament in the form of variously identified as Nubians, Ethiopians, or black
stylized leaves can still be seen. The hooks that attach Africans, are most frequently represented. Another
the handle to the vessel’s lugs are quite worn. The han- favorite theme was the representation of deities; the
dle’s execution appears inferior to that of the body of images of Hercules and of Dionysus and his procession
the vase; it seems possible that this is not the original (thiasos) were among the most popular. The images
handle but a replacement. of young, nude, beardless men resembling depictions
The bottom of the balsamarium is made from a of Antinous, the lover of the emperor Hadrian, also
copper alloy plate, 1–2 mm thick. It was cut to the occur frequently.21
dimensions of the vessel’s foot and then soldered to Much rarer are anthropomorphic vessels that repre-
it. On the bottom, three concentric circles with a dot sent so-called grotesques,22 caricatures of fishermen,
in the center were incised, probably with a lathe (see old women, shepherds, athletes, dwarves, and slaves.
online fig. 2). The five closest analogues to the piece from Boyanovo
The brick grave in the Kral Mezar tumulus, based on
the bronze coin of Caracalla found in the burial (see
fig. 3), is no earlier than 198 C.E., and it probably dates 15
See Mustață (2010, 53) for more on different opinions
in the first quarter of the third century C.E.
about possible functions of such vessels.
Marti 1996, 980.
what was the function of the 17
Residue of the contents of three balsamaria has been ana-
balsamarium from boyanovo? lyzed; see Mustață 2010, 56.
The scholarly community does not agree either 18
Nenova-Merdjanova 1994, 2.
about the name of such vessels or about their func-
Majewski 1963; Marti-Clercx and Mille 2002, 385–88.
Nenova-Merdjanova 1994, 1.
tion. Balsamarium is a modern word, not used in an- 21
Mustață 2010, 52–3.
tiquity by Latin-speaking people. The application of 22
Nenova-Merdjanova 2000; Marti-Clercx and Mille 2002,
the term identifies vessels of this type as containers 392.
694 Daniela Agre et al. [aja 123
have been found among such vessels: Lyon, Musée des cap is emphasized with an inlaid copper band, and,
Beaux-Arts, inv. no. E 408, dated to the second cen- above the wrestler’s temporal bones, the cap is deco-
tury C.E.;23 Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, inv. rated by an inlaid copper cross on each side.30 Based
no. 2007.14, dated to the first century C.E.;24 Paris, on the similarity of the balsamarium from Boyanovo
Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, to these other athlete-head vases, we believe that the
Collection Dutuit, inv. no. ADUT 86, dated to the sec- Boyanovo vase also represents the head of an athlete
ond–third century C.E.;25 no. 155 from the collection (a wrestler or boxer).
of Ch. Haviland, dated to the second century C.E.;26 The presence of such an impressive cap can be ex-
and Cologne, Römisch-Germanisches Museum, inv. plained as an allusion to the skin of the Nemean lion,
no. L2175, dated to the second half of the second a well-known attribute of Hercules, whose cult was es-
century C.E.27 All five are shaped as the heads of men pecially popular during the second century C.E.31 It is
with large, bent or deformed, aquiline noses and clean- probable that the representation of the athlete’s cap as
shaven faces with small goatees, and all wear tight- the skin of a savage feline was meant to suggest the ath-
fitting leather caps. Each of the heads has a long lock lete’s similarity to Hercules and, in this way, to signify
of hair (cirrus) at the back of the head and two more the heroic power and courage possessed by the athlete.
locks, projecting from the top of the cap, that form lugs
for the attachment of the handle. These features—the dating the balsamarium
tight-fitting cap, the deformed nose, and the cirrus— The balsamarium was deposited in a grave dated to
are the most important elements for those who inter- the first quarter of the third century C.E. The handle
pret these heads as images of boxers28 or wrestlers.29 lugs are worn, and the present handle is probably a re-
The two main features distinguishing the Boyanovo placement for an original handle that was damaged or
balsamarium from its closest parallels are, first, the lack lost. This evidence of long use suggests a possession
of the cirrus and the hair locks forming the lugs and, that belonged to the interred person and not a grave
second, the presence of a cap in the form of a menacing gift newly purchased by the dead man’s kin. It is pos-
feline’s skin. Clearly the presence of the second feature sible that the balsamarium was in use for some time,
explains the absence of the first. It is obvious that rep- perhaps as much as 20–25 years, before it was put into
resentation of the vessel’s lugs as hair locks is an artistic the grave. Thus, the balsamarium may have been made
way to rationalize the presence of such alien elements sometime in the last part of the second century C.E. or
on a human head. In our case, the craftsman did not the early part of the third century.
need such a rationalization since he had a much more
convincing element for forming the lugs—the ears of where was the balsamarium made?
the animal. The lack of the cirrus could be explained Although more than 350 ancient Roman anthro-
similarly—an additional lock of human hair would pomorphic vessels are presently known, there is little
contradict the whole impression given by the animal information about the locations of the workshops
skin used for making the cap. It should be mentioned where they were produced. Not one of these vessels
that decorative details can be observed on a strictly has a craftsman’s stamp. Since the practice of stamping
utilitarian cap on the athlete-head vase from the Col- bronze vessels disappeared after the middle years of
lection Dutuit. On that vase, the edge of the wrestler’s the second century C.E.,32 the production of this type
of vessel appears to have begun after this date.
An attempt to identify workshops producing an-
thropomorphic vessels based on the composition of
Boucher 1970, 60.
the metal was undertaken by Valérie Marti-Clercx and
Tovar 2008.
Petit 1980, 157–58. Benoît Mille.33 The results from metallographic analy-
Hôtel Drouot 1922, 34, no. 155. sis of 30 anthropomorphic vessels and figurines found
The balsamarium was found in a tomb in Luxemburger
Strasse, Cologne. Because of its very crude execution, it is
thought to have been made by a provincial craftsman, perhaps 30
Petit 1980, 157–58.
from Cologne (La Baume 1964, 223, no. 204). 31
Rabadjiev 1986, 117.
Tovar 2008. 32
Petrovszky 1993, 181.
Petit 1980, 157–58. 33
Marti-Clercx and Mille 2002.
2019] Roman Balsamarium Shaped as a Male Head from Southeast Bulgaria 695
in both the western and the eastern parts of the empire handle—as follows: on the body, three spots (S1–S3)
(though not in Thrace and Moesia) have shown that on the edge of the left ear of the head; on the bottom,
two types of copper alloys were used in their produc- two spots (S4, S5) between the center and the edge of
tion. The first type contains four components (cop- the bottom; and on the handle, two spots (S6, S7) on
per, tin, lead, and zinc) and is typical only of vessels the upper part of the handle.
found in the western part of the empire. The second Spot 8 is in the right corner of the figure’s mouth
is a tripartite alloy (copper, tin, and lead), typical of (see fig. 7), where preserved traces of reddish foil can
objects found in the eastern empire. Marti-Clercx and be observed. As a reference point, we also selected a
Mille conclude that zinc can be used as evidence for spot on the head where the patina was well preserved
the western origin of a vessel.34 However, the authors (S9). Finally, we analyzed a spot (S10) on the edge
note that the absence of zinc does not require assign- of the handle of the strigil (see fig. 4) that was found
ing an object to the eastern empire because, according in the grave with the balsamarium. The results of the
to an analysis of 167 Roman bronze figurines from the analysis (table 1) show that the body and bottom of
territory of Gaul,35 87 of them were made from the tri- the balsamarium are made of brass (chiefly copper and
partite alloy not containing zinc. zinc) while the handle is bronze (mainly copper and
Marti-Clercx and Mille also mention that, from an tin). The strigil found in the grave is also brass.
iconographical point of view, the vessels produced in Extensive use of brass by the Romans began in the
the eastern workshops depict deities and grotesques first century C.E. This phenomenon might be related
(such as a “Syrian” or a dwarf).36 They describe two to the discovery of the so-called cementation process,
balsamaria from the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon (inv. through which a copper alloy with 23–28% zinc was
nos. Е 408, which has close parallels to the Boyanovo created. In his study of 1,163 copper alloy objects of
vase, and Е 330), as representing “Syrians”; neither the Roman period from northern Britain, Dungworth
balsmarium has a known provenance, and both ves- demonstrated that the most frequently used alloys
sels are made from the tripartite alloy (leaded bronze). were bronze with an average tin content of 9%, brass
We also have information about the elemental with an average zinc content of 18%, and bronze with
composition of another close analogue to the Boya- an average tin content of 2%.38 Dungworth explains
novo vessel, the boxer’s-head balsamarium from the J. that the relatively low percentage of zinc in Roman
Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. According to X-ray brass is due to the evaporation of the volatile zinc when
fluorescence (XRF) analysis, this balsamarium (prob- the fresh brass was melted prior to casting objects.39
ably found in Aleppo, Syria) is made from alloy that The XRF analysis indicates that the body and bot-
“is consistent with leaded bronze from the Graeco- tom of the Boyanovo balsamarium, as well as the
Roman period.”37 strigil, were made from brass with slightly more than
Elemental analysis of the balsamarium from Boya- 18% zinc. The differences observed in the analyses
novo was made using the Fisherscope XDAL XRF of the body, bottom, and strigil occur only in the per-
spectrometer. XRF is a nondestructive technique that centage of lead, which either came with the zinc in the
provides data about the elemental composition of a ore or was deliberately added to the brass in order to
specific part (pointing area) of an object. Because it increase machinability, especially when objects were
is a surface technique, the results may not reflect the to be cast.40
composition of the bulk alloy. For this reason, several The brass composition used for producing the strigil
spots of the balsamarium where the patina is missing is close to that of a strigil from the Roman military
were chosen for analysis. Where possible, the surface settlement at Thamusida, Morocco, dated to the first–
in the selected spots was prepared by mechanical third century C.E.41
cleaning. The areas selected represent the three sur-
viving parts of the balsamarium—body, bottom, and
Dungworth 1997.
Marti-Clercx and Mille 2002, 391–92. 39
Dungworth 1997, 905.
Beck et al. 1985. 40
Dungworth 1995, 94.
Marti-Clercx and Mille 2002, 392. 41
The Thamusida strigil has 78.3% copper and 21.7% zinc
Walton and Svoboda 2007. (Gliozzo et al. 2011, 282, table 3, THAM 100).
696 Daniela Agre et al. [aja 123
table 1. Results of XRF analysis of the balsamarium and strigil from the Kral Mezar tumulus at Boyanovo.
Pointing Area Supplementary
Spot Cu (%) Sn (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
Diam. (mm) Elements (%)
S1, left ear 0.6 77.64 0.0 2.82 18.90 Fe = 0.64
S2, left ear 0.6 79.57 0.0 2.07 17.65 Fe = 0.71
S3, left ear 0.1 79.23 0.0 0.0 20.08 Fe = 0.69
Average for S1–S3 78.813 0.0 1.63 18.877 Fe = 0.68
Fe = 0.58; Co = 0.03
S4, bottom 0.6 75.68 0.0 5.11 18.58
Ni = 0.02
S5, bottom 0.6 79.77 0.0 1.64 18.00 Fe = 0.58; Co = 0.01
Fe = 0.58; Co = 0.02
Average for S4–S5 77.725 0.0 3.375 18.29
Ni = 0.01
S6, handle 0.6 90.32 8.92 0.42 0.0 Fe = 0.34
S7, handle 0.6 89.39 9.77 0.53 0.0 Fe = 0.31
Average for S6–S7 89.855 9.345 0.475 0.0 Fe = 0.325
S8, foil on lips 0.3 93.50 1.88 2.14 0.51 Fe = 0.25; Ca = 1.72
S9, patina 0.6 83.43 0.66 5.29 9.96 Fe = 0.61; Co = 0.05
S10, strigil 0.1 81.40 0.0 0.0 18.60 –

The composition of bronze used for producing the pure copper rather than the pink-brown color typical
handle of the Boyanovo balsamarium is fully with the of bronze.
typical alloy containing 9–10% tin used for making A comparison of the elemental composition of the
Roman bronze vessels. The relatively high tin con- Boyanovo balsamarium with that of the anthropomor-
tent provides the elasticity needed for mechanical phic vessels studied by Marti-Clercx and Mille43 shows
processing (especially for hammering). That is why that the composition of the Boyanovo balsamarium
unleaded bronze (i.e., with less than 1% lead, as in the significantly differs not only from the vessels produced
Boyanovo handle) was frequently used for producing in the eastern workshops (made from tripartite alloy
sheets and wires. with less than 1% zinc) but also from those assumed to
The composition of the foil fragment from the be produced in the western workshops (made from a
right corner of the mouth (see fig. 7) corresponds to four-part alloy with 7.7% zinc and 7.6% tin on average).
the composition of bronze alloys with low percent- However, if we accept the conclusion of Marti-Clercx
ages of tin that were widespread in the Roman period. and Mille that zinc can be used as evidence for a west-
Pure copper was rarely used for producing vessels and ern origin, then the presence of zinc in the elemental
adornments during this period.42 Rather, bronze with a composition of the Boyanovo balsamarium should
low percentage of tin (less than 5%) was used because indicate a western origin of the vessel.
such an alloy was very malleable and had the color of An additional argument in favor of the western ori-
gin of the Boyanovo balsamarium is the presence of

Dungworth 1997, 905. 43
Marti-Clercx and Mille 2002.
2019] Roman Balsamarium Shaped as a Male Head from Southeast Bulgaria 697
iron in the brass (which, in the balsamarium, is rather and the fact that many balsamaria have been found
high at 0.68%). The zinc carbonate smithsonite ores in Gaul point to one of these workshops as the most
of the western empire could be used directly in the probable place for the production of the Boyanovo
cementation process for making brass, and the small balsamarium.
amount of iron in the ore was likely to be incorpo-
rated into the metal. The zinc ores in the eastern em- Daniela Agre
National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the
pire were the sulfide and sphalerite ores, which had to Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
be carefully refined by a sublimation process before 2 Soborna Street
being used in the cementation process. Only a very 1000 Sofia
small amount of iron was left behind in the sublima- Bulgaria
tion process, and the eastern brass thus had a very low daniela.agre@abv.bg
iron content.44
Deyan Dichev
Another important question that should be an- Ethnographic-Archaeological Museum, Elkhovo
swered in order to identify the location of the work- 4 Shipka Street
shop that produced the Boyanovo balsamarium is 8700 Elkhovo
whether the metal was diluted with scrap copper alloy Bulgaria
or consisted only of fresh (cementation) brass. The dejan.dichev@abv.bg
answer could be found by analyzing the percentage of Gennady Agre
tin in the brass composition. Craddock, who looked Institute of Information and Communication
at a wide selection of Roman copper alloys, has shown Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
that there was an inverse correlation between the zinc 2 Academician G. Bonchev Street
and tin when the zinc content was between 5% and 1113 Sofia
18%, but, interesting to note, when the zinc content
was higher, from 18% to the highest percentage in the
upper 20s, there was no tin.45 The Boyanovo balsa-
marium corresponds to Craddock’s examples that had Works Cited
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gests that the Boyanovo vase is undiluted brass. Later Beck, F., M. Menu, T. Bethoud, and L.-P. Hurtel. 1985. “Mé-
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