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MCA 2 Yrs Batch 2020 (22-09-2020)

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I. K.

Gujral Punjab Technical University

Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

Scheme & Syllabus of

Master of Computer Applications
Batch 2020 onwards


Board of Study Computer Applications

Department of Academics
IK Gujral Punjab Technical

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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

MCA Eligibility




Passed BCA/B.Sc(CS/IT)/B.Voc with Computer as a major subject/Bachelor's Degree in

CSE/IT or equivalent degree of minimum three years duration.


Passed B.Sc./ B.Com./ B.A. with Mathematics at l0+2 Level or at Graduation Level
(With additional bridge course as per norms of IKG PTU Jalandhar)/ Bridge course will
be exempted if the candidate apart from above qualification has passed PGDCA
or minimum One Year Diploma in Computer Application/Science/IT or equivalent from
any recognized University/Institution.

Note: The candidate must have obtained at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of
candidates belonging to reserved category) in the qualifying Examination.

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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

Computational Knowledge: Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, computing

specialization, mathematics, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing specialization
to the abstraction and conceptualization of computing models from defined problems and

Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and solve complex computing problem
searching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing
sciences, and relevant domain disciplines.

Design /Development of Solutions: Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing
problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs
with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental

Conduct investigations of complex Computing problems: User search-based knowledge and

research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations.

Professional Ethics: Understand and commit to professional ethics and cyber regulations,
responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practices.

Life-long Learning: Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning
for continual development as a computing professional.

Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the computing
and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team
to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

Communication Efficacy: Communicate effectively with the computing community, and with
society at large, about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write
effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand
clear instructions.

Societal and Environmental Concern: Understand and assess societal, environmental, health,
safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global contexts, and the consequential
responsibilities relevant to professional computing practices.

Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in
diverse teams and in multidisciplinary environments.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Identify a timely opportunity and using innovation to pursue
that opportunity to create value and wealth for the betterment of the individual and society at large.

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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

First Semester
Course Course Type Course Title Load Allocations Marks Distribution Total Credits
Code L T P Internal External Marks
PGCA-B1 Bridge Course* Computer 2 0 0 50 - 50 S/US
Programming using C
PGCA-B2 Bridge Course* Computer Science 2 0 0 50 - 50 S/US
PGCA1917 Core Theory Discrete Structures & 4 0 0 30 70 100 4
PGCA1951 Core Theory 4 0 0 30 70 100 4
Programming in Python
PGCA1952 Core Theory Advanced Data 4 0 0 30 70 100 4
PGCA1953 Core Theory Advanced Database 4 0 0 30 70 100 4
Management System
PGCA1905 Ability Enhancement 3 0 0 30 70 100 3
Compulsory Course
PGCA1954 Core Data Structures using 0 0 4 70 30 100 2
Practical/LaboratoryPython Laboratory
PGCA1955 Core Advanced Database 0 0 4 70 30 100 2
Practical/LaboratoryManagement System
PGCA1908 Ability Enhancement Technical 0 0 2 30 20 50 1
Compulsory Course Communication
(AECC) Laboratory
TOTAL 19 0 10 320 430 750 24
*Bridge courses are not applicable to all the students, please refer MCA eligibility
given above in order to offer bridge courses to students.

Second Semester

Course Course Type Course Title Load Allocations Marks Distribution Total Credits
Code Marks
L T P Internal External
PGCA1909 Core Theory Web Technologies 4 0 0 30 70 100 4
PGCA1920 Core Theory Design & Analysis of 4 0 0 30 70 100 4
PGCA1918 Core Theory Advanced Java 4 0 0 30 70 100 4
PGCA1956 Core Theory Linux Administration 4 0 0 30 70 100 4
PGCA1932 Core Theory Information Security 4 0 0 30 70 100 4
& Cyber Law
PGCA1914 Core Web Technologies 0 0 4 70 30 100 2
Practical/Laboratory Laboratory
PGCA1922 Core Advanced Java 0 0 4 70 30 100 2
Practical/Laboratory Laboratory
PGCA1957 Core Linux Administration 0 0 4 70 30 100 2
Practical/Laboratory Laboratory
TOTAL 20 0 12 360 440 800 26
Students will undergo 4 weeks Summer Training after 2 semester. Examination will be
conducted along with 3rd semester practical.
Course Code: PGCA-B1
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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Course Name: Computer Programming using C

Program: MCA (Bridge Course) L: 2 T: 0 P: 0

Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 2
Semester: 1st Contact hours: 22 hours
Internal max. marks: 50 Theory/Practical: Theory
External max. marks: - Duration of end semester exam (ESE): -
Total marks: 50 Elective status: No

Prerequisite: -NA-
Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course outcomes
CO1 Student should be able to understand the logic building used in Programming.
CO2 Students should be able to write algorithms for solving various real life problems.
CO3 To convert algorithms into programs using C.

Detailed Contents Contact hours


Logic Development: Data Representation, Flowcharts, Problem Analysis,

Decision Trees/Tables, Pseudo code and algorithms. Fundamentals:
Character set, Identifiers and Key Words, Data types, Constants, Variables,
Expressions, Statements, Symbolic Constants.
Operations and Expressions: Arithmetic operators, Unary operators,
Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Assignment and Conditional
Operators, Library functions.


Data Input and Output: formatted & unformatted input output.

Control Statements: While, Do–while and For statements, Nested loops,
If–else, Switch, Break – Continue statements.

Arrays: Defining, processing arrays, passing arrays to a function, multi–
dimensional arrays.
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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

Strings: String declaration, string functions and string manipulation

Program Structure Storage Class: Automatic, external and static variables.

Functions: Brief overview, defining, accessing functions, passing

arguments to function, specifying argument data types, function
prototypes, recursion.

Objects and Classes: Introduction to Object Oriented Concepts, Features

of OOP, Basic of classes and Objects.

Text Books:

1. Programming in ANSI C, E. Balagurusami, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. Programming in C, Third Edition, Stephen G Kochan, Pearson.
3. The C Programming Language, Kernighan & Richie, Second Edition, PHI

Reference Books:
1. Object Oriented Programming, Lafore R, Third Edition, Galgotia Publications
2. Let us C, Yashvant P Kanetkar, Seventh Edition, BPB Publications, New Delhi.
3. Programming in C, Byron S. Gottfried, Second Edition, McGraw Hills.
4. Problem Solving and Programming in C, R.S. Salaria, Second Edition
5. Programming in C, Atul Kahate.
Course Code: PGCA-B2
Course Name: Computer Science Essentials

Program: MCA (Bridge Course) L: 2 T: 0 P: 0

Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 2
Semester: 1st Contact hours: 22 hours
Internal max. marks: 50 Theory/Practical: Theory
External max. marks: - Duration of end semester exam (ESE): -
Total marks: 50 Elective status: No

Prerequisite: -NA-
Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course outcomes
CO1 Understanding the concept of input and output devices of Computers
CO2 Learn the basic concepts of Operating Systems and Database Systems
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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
CO4 Learn basic word processing, Spreadsheet and Presentation Graphics Software skills.

Detailed Contents Contact hours


Human Computer Interface

Concepts of Hardware and Software; Data and Information.

Devices: Input and output devices (with connections and practical demo),
keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner, OCR, OMR, bar code reader, web
camera, monitor, printer, plotter. (Brief introduction of all)
Memory: Primary, secondary, auxiliary memory, RAM, ROM, cache
memory, hard disks, optical disks.

Data Representation: Bit, Byte, Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal, and Octal

Systems, Conversions and Binary Arithmetic (Addition/ Subtraction/
Multiplication) Applications of IT.


Word processing: Editing features, formatting features, saving, printing,

table handling, page settings, spell-checking, macros, mail-merge, equation

Spreadsheet: Workbook, worksheets, data types, operators, cell formats,

freeze panes, editing features, formatting features, creating formulas, using
formulas, cell references, replication, sorting, filtering, functions, Charts &

Presentation Graphics Software: Templates, views, formatting slide, slides

with graphs, animation, using special features, presenting slide shows.


DBMS: Introduction of DBMS, Data Modeling for a Database, Three level 8

Architecture of DBMS, Components of a DBMS.

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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Fundamentals of Operating system: Introduction to Operating system,
Functions of an operating system. Operating system as a resource manager.
Structure of operating system (Role of kernel and Shell). Views of
operating system. Evolution and types of operating systems.

Data communications concepts: Digital and analog transmissions-Modem,

parallel and serial transmission, synchronous and asynchronous
communication. Modes of communication: Simplex, half duplex, full duplex.
Types of Networks: LAN, MAN, WAN, Topologies.

Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Computers, V Rajaraman,N Adabala, PHI.
2. Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C, Reema Thareja, Oxford University
Press, 2016.
3. Introduction to Information Technology, ITL Education Solutions limited, Pearson
4. Computer Fundamentals, A. Goel, 2010, Pearson Education.
5. Computer Course Windows 10 with MS Office 2016, Satish Jain (Author), BPB

Reference Books:
1. “Introduction to Computers”, Peter Norton

Course Code: PGCA1917

Course Name: Discrete Structures & Optimization

Program: MCA L: 4 T: 0 P: 0
Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 4
Semester: 1st Contact hours: 44 hours
Theory/Practical: Theory Percentage of numerical/design problems: --
Internal max. marks: 30 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): 3hrs
External max. marks: 70 Elective status: Core
Total marks: 100

Prerequisite: Basic Mathematical Knowledge

Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:

CO# Course outcomes

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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
CO1 Apply the operations of sets and use Venn diagrams to solve applied problems; solve
problems using the principle of inclusion-exclusion
CO2 Apply rules of inference, proof by contradiction, proof by cases, and write proofs
using symbolic logic and Boolean Algebra
CO3 Solve counting problems by applying elementary counting techniques using the
product and sum rules, permutations, combinations, the pigeon-hole principle.
CO4 Determine if a given graph is simple or a multigraph, directed or undirected, cyclic
or acyclic, and determine the connectivity of a graph.

Detailed contents Contact hours

Part A 24 Hours

Sets, relations, and functions: Introduction, Combination of Sets, ordered

pairs, proofs of general identities of sets, relations, operations on relations,
properties of relations and functions, Hashing Functions, equivalence
relations, compatibility relations, partial order relations.

Rings and Boolean algebra: Rings, Subrings, Morphism of rings ideals and
quotient rings. Euclidean domains, Integral domains and fields, Boolean
Algebra, Direct product morphisms, Boolean sub-algebra, Boolean Rings,
Application of Boolean algebra (Logic Implications, Logic Gates, Karnaugh

Combinatorial Mathematics: Basic counting principles, Permutations and

combinations, Inclusion and Exclusion, Principle Recurrence relations,
Generating Function, Pigeon Hole Principle, Application
Part B
20 Hours
Monoids and Groups: Groups, Semigroups and monoids, Cyclic
semigraphs and submonoids, Subgroups and Cosets. Congruence relations
on semigroups. Morphisms. Normal subgroups. Dihedral groups.

Graph Theory: Graph- Directed and undirected, Eulerian chains and

cycles, Hamiltonian chains and cycles Trees, Chromatic number
Connectivity, Graph coloring, Plane and connected graphs, Isomorphism
and Homomorphism. Applications.

Text Books:
1. Discrete Mathematics (Schaum series), Lipschutz (McGraw Hill).
2. Applied Discrete Structures for Computer Science, Alan Doerr and Kenneth
Levarseur (Creative Commons) 2012.

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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Reference Books:
1. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Kenneth H Rosen.(McGraw Hill)
2. Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory, Sartha, (Cengage Learning)
3. Elements of discrete mathematics. C L Liu (McGraw Hill)


Course Code: PGCA1951

Course Name: Programming in Python

Program: MCA L: 4 T: 0 P: 0
Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 4
Semester: 1st Contact hours: 44 hours
Theory/Practical: Theory Percentage of numerical/design problems: -
Internal max. marks: 30 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): 3hrs
External max. marks: 70 Elective status: Core
Total marks: 100

Prerequisite: -NA-
Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:

CO# Course Outcomes

CO1 Familiar with Python environment, data types, operators used in Python.
CO2 Compare and contrast Python with other programming languages.
CO3 Learn the use of control structures and numerous native data types with their
CO4 Design user defined functions, modules, and packages and exception handling
CO5 Create and handle files in Python and learn Object Oriented Programming Concepts.

Detailed Contents Contact hours

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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Part- A

Introduction to Python Programming Language: Programming Language,

History and Origin of Python Language, Features of Python, Limitations,
Major Applications of Python, Getting, Installing Python, Setting up Path and
Environment Variables, Running Python, First Python Program, Python
Interactive Help Feature, Python differences from other languages.

Python Data Types & Input/Output: Keywords, Identifiers, Python

Statement, Indentation, Documentation, Variables, Multiple Assignment,
Understanding Data Type, Data Type Conversion, Python Input and Output
Functions, Import command.
Operators and Expressions: Operators in Python, Expressions, Precedence,
Associativity of Operators, Non Associative Operators.

Control Structures: Decision making statements, Python loops, Python

control statements.

Python Native Data Types: Numbers, Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionary,

Functions & Methods of Dictionary, Strings (in detail with their methods and

Part- B

Python Functions: Functions, Advantages of Functions, Built-in Functions,

User defined functions, Anonymous functions, Pass by value Vs. Pass by
Reference, Recursion, Scope and Lifetime of Variables.

Python Modules: Module definition, Need of modules, Creating a module,

Importing module, Path Searching of a Module, Module Reloading, Standard
Modules, Python Packages.
Exception Handling: Exceptions, Built-in exceptions, Exception handling,
User defined exceptions in Python.

File Management in Python: Operations on files (opening, modes,

attributes, encoding, closing), read() & write() methods, tell() & seek()
methods, renaming & deleting files in Python, directories in Python.

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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Classes and Objects: The concept of OOPS in Python, Designing classes,
Creating objects, Accessing attributes, Editing class attributes, Built-in class
attributes, Garbage collection, Destroying objects.

Text Books:
1. Programming in Python, Pooja Sharma, BPB Publications, 2017.
2. Core Python Programming, R. Nageswara Rao, 2nd Edition, Dreamtech.

Reference Books:
1. Python, The complete Reference, Martin C. Brown, Mc Graw Hill Education.
2. Python in a Nutshell, A. Martelli, A. Ravenscroft, S. Holden, OREILLY.

Course Code: PGCA1952
Course Name: Advanced Data Structures

Program: MCA L:4 T:0 P:0

Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 4
Semester: 1st Contact hours: 44 hours
Theory/Practical: Theory Percentage of numerical/design problems: --
Internal max. marks: 30 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): 3hrs
External max. marks: 70 Elective status: Core
Total marks: 100

Prerequisite: -
Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to

CO# Course outcomes
CO1 Choose appropriate data structures and algorithms and use it to design solution for a
specific problem.
CO2 Execute the operations of hashing to retrieve data from data structure.
CO3 Design and analyze programming problem statements
CO4 Come up with analysis of efficiency and proofs of correctness
CO5 Comprehend and select algorithm design approaches in a problem specific manner.

Detailed contents Contact hours

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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Part A 22 Hours

Introduction to Data Structures: Data Structures and its Types, Algorithms,

Time Complexity, Recurrence, Probabilistic Analysis, Amortized Analysis,
Competitive Analysis.

Sorting Algorithms: Quick Sort, Heap Sort, Counting Sort, Bucket Sort,
Multi-way Merge Sort.

Hashing Techniques: Direct Address Tables, Hash Tables, Hash Functions,

Open Addressing, Perfect Hashing.

Advanced Data Structures: AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, B-

trees, Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci heaps, Data Structures for Disjoint Sets.

Part B 22 Hours

Graphs & Algorithms: Graphs Representation, Minimum Spanning Tree (MST),

Single Source Shortest Paths, All Pairs Shortest Paths, Maximum Flow.

String Matching: String, String Length, String Concatenation, String Copy,

String-Matching, Brute Force algorithm, Rabin Karp algorithm, Knuth-
Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm, Boyer–Moore algorithm.

Text Books:
1. Thomas Coremen, “Introduction to Algorithms”, Third edition, Prentice Hall of
India, 2009.

Reference Books:
1. Kleinberg J., Tardos E., “Algorithm Design”, 1st Edition, Pearson, 2012.
2. Aho Alfred V., Hopperoft John E., UIlman Jeffrey D., “Data Structures and
Algorithms”, Addison Wesley, 2001.
3. Seymour Lipschutz, “Data structure”, Indian Adapted Edition, Tata McGraw
Hill, 200


Course Code: PGCA 1953

Course Name: Advanced Database Management System

Program: MCA L: 4 T: 0 P: 0
Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 4
Semester: 1st Contact hours: 44 hours
Theory/Practical: Theory Percentage of numerical/design problems: --
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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Internal max. marks: 30 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): 3hrs
External max. marks: 70 Elective status: Core
Total marks: 100

Prerequisite: -Understanding of Core Java concepts.

Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:

CO# Course outcomes
CO1 Express the basic concepts of DBMS and RDBMS.
CO2 Apply normalization theory to the normalization of a database
CO3 Apply the concept of Transaction Management & Recovery techniques in RDBMS.
CO4 Analyze various advanced databases prevailing in market, Big Data, Temporal
Databases, Parallel and Distributed Databases, XML Database and multidimensional
CO5 Demonstrate No SQL databases (Open Source)

Detailed contents Contact hours

Part A 22 Hours
Need of DBMS over traditional Data storage mechanisms, Basic DBMS
terminologies; Architecture of a DBMS: Data Independence, DBMS
Component Structure, DBMS USERS, various DBMS Data Models,

Conceptual Model: Entity Relationship Model, Importance of ERD,

Symbols (Entity: Types of Entities, week Entity, Composite Entity, Strong
Entity, Attribute: Types of Attribute, Relationship: Type of relationship,
Connectivity, Cardinality).

Normalization and its various forms, Functional Dependencies, Multi-

valued Dependencies, Join Dependencies Database Integrity: Domain,
Entity, Referential Integrity Constraints

Relational Languages : Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus, Query

Execution, optimization and evaluation Plans.

Transaction Management and Concurrency Control techniques,

Database Recovery Management Concepts and methods.

Introduction and Need of Database Administration and activities of

Database administration.

Part B 22 Hours

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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Parallel Databases : Database System Architectures: Centralized and
Client-Server Architectures – Server System Architectures – Parallel
Systems-Parallel Databases: I/O Parallelism – Inter and Intra Query
Parallelism – Inter and Intra operation Parallelism

Distributed Database Concepts : Distributed Data Storage – Distributed

Transactions – Commit Protocols – Concurrency Control – Distributed
Query Processing

Multidimensional Databases and their uses in data analytics.

Temporal Databases : Introduction to Temporality, Temporal relationships,

temporal hierarchies.

Spatial Databases: Spatial data types, spatial relationships, Topological

Relationships, Spatial Data Structures and methods of storage.

Big Data : introduction: introduction to NOSQL Databases (Open Source


Need and usage of XML Databases: XML Data Model – DTD – XML

Text Books:
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth and S. Sudarshan, “Database System
Concept”, Sixth Edition, 2013, McGraw-Hill
2. Bipin C. Desai, “An Introduction to Database System” , Revised Edition, 2012,
Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd-New Delhi

Reference Books:
1. Ivan Bayross, “SQL, PL/SQL The Programming Language of Oracle”, 4th
Revised Edition,2009, BPB Publications
2. Peter Rob Carlos Coronel, “Database Systems”, Cengage Learning, 8th ed.
3. C.J.Date, A.Kannan, S.Swamynathan, “An Introduction to Database Systems”,
8th Edition, 2006, Pearson Education.


Course Code: PGCA1905

Course Name: Technical Communication

Program: MCA L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 3
Semester: 1st Contact hours: 33 hours
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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Internal max. marks: 30 Theory/Practical: Theory
External max. marks: 70 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): 3hrs
Total marks: 100 Elective status: Ability Enhancement

Prerequisite: -NA-
Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course outcomes
CO1 The objective of the course is to help the students become the independent users of
English language.
CO2 Students will acquire basic proficiency in reading & listening, comprehension, writing
and speaking skills.
CO3 Students will be able to understand spoken and written English language, particularly
the language of their chosen technical field.
CO4 They will be able to converse fluently.
CO5 They will be able to produce on their own clear and coherent texts.

Detailed contents Contact hours

Part A 16 Hours

Basics of Technical Communication: Functions of Communication-

Internal & External Functions, Models-Shannon & Weaver’s model of
communication, Flow, Networks and importance, Barriers to
Communication, Essential of effective communication (7C’s and other
principles), Non-verbal Communication.

Basic Technical Writing: Paragraph writing (descriptive, Imaginative etc.),

Precise writing, reading and comprehension, Letters– Format &various

Part B 17 Hours

Advanced Technical Writing: Memos, Reports, E-Mails & Net etiquettes,

Circulars, Press Release, Newsletters, Notices. Resume Writing, Technical
Proposals, Research Papers, Dissertation and Thesis, Technical Reports,
Instruction Manuals and Technical Descriptions, Creating Indexes, List of
References and Bibliography.

Verbal Communication: Presentation Techniques, Interviews, Group

Discussions, Extempore, Meetings and Conferences.

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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Technical Communication: MS-Word, Adobe Frame maker and ROBO
* Lab Exercises based on Listening and Speaking skills

Text Books:

1. Vandana R Singh, The Written Word, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
2. K K Ramchandran, et al Business Communication, Macmillan, New Delhi.
3. Swati Samantaray, Business Commnication and Commnicative English, Sultan
Chand, New Delhi.
4. S.P. Dhanavel English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and
Engineering (with audio CD).

Course Code: PGCA1954
Course Name: Data Structures using Python Laboratory

Program: MCA L: 0 T: 0 P: 4
Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 2
Semester: 1st Contact hours: 4 hours per week
Theory/Practical: Practical Percentage of numerical/design problems: --
Internal max. marks: 70 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): -
External max. marks: 30 Elective status: Core
Total marks: 100

Prerequisite: -Understanding of concepts of Data Structures

Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:

CO# Course outcomes
CO1 Understand the concept of data structures, python and apply algorithm for solving
problems like Sorting, searching, insertion and deletion of data.
CO2 Implement linear and non-linear data structures for processing of ordered or
unordered data.
CO3 Analyze various algorithms based on their time and space complexity.

1 Write a Python program to create an array of 5 elements and display the array items.
Access each individual element through indexes.
2 Write a Python program to reverse the order of the items in the array.
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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
3 Write a Python program to append a new item to the end of the array.
4 Write a Python program to remove a specified item using the index from an array.
5 Write a Python program to get the length of an array.
6 Write a Python program for binary search.
7 Write a Python program for sequential or linear search.
8 Write a Python program to sort a list of elements using the bubble sort algorithm.
9 Write a Python program to sort a list of elements using the selection sort algorithm.
10 Write a Python program to sort a list of elements using the insertion sort algorithm.
11 Write a Python program to sort a list of elements using the quick sort algorithm.
12 Write a Python program to create a singly linked list, append some items and iterate
through the list.
13 Write a Python program to find the size of a singly linked list.
14 Write a Python program to search a specific item in a singly linked list and return true
if the item is found otherwise return false.
15 Write a Python program to delete the first item from a singly linked list.
16 Write a Python program to create circular single linked lists.
17 Write Python programs to implement stack and its operations using list.
18 Write Python programs to implement queue and its operations using list.
19 Write a Python program to create a Balanced Binary Search Tree (BST) using an array
(given) elements where array elements are sorted in ascending order.
20 Write a Python program to find the kth smallest element in a given a binary search tree.
21 Write a Python program to traverse the binary tree using pre-order, post-order and in-
order traversals.
22 Write a Python program to count the number of nodes in binary search tree.
23 Write a Python program to traverse the graph using Depth First Search and Breadth
First Search
24 Write a Python program to create Red Black Tree and perform operations of Insertion
and Deletion in it.
25 Write a Python program to implement AVL Trees as well as various operations of
searching, insertion and deletion on AVL Trees.

Text Books:
1. Benjamin Baka, David Julian, “Python Data Structures and Algorithms”, Packt
Publishers, 2017.
2. Y Daniel Liang, “Introduction to Programming using Python”, Pearson.
3. Rance D. Necaise, “Data Structures and Algorithms using Python”, Wiley
Student Edition.

Reference Books:

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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
1. Hemant Jain, “Problem Solving in Data Structures and Algorithms using Python:
programming interview guide”, 2016.
2. Zed A. Shaw, “Learn Python the Hard Way: a very simple introduction to the
terrifyingly beautiful world of computers and code”, 3e, Addison-Wesley, 2014.

Course Code: PGCA1955
Course Name: Advanced Database Management System Laboratory

Program: MCA L: 0 T: 0 P: 4
Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 2
Semester: 1st Contact hours: 4 hours per week
Theory/Practical: Practical Percentage of numerical/design problems: --
Internal max. marks: 70 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): -
External max. marks: 30 Elective status: Core
Total marks: 100

Prerequisite: -NA-
Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-
Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:
CO# Course outcomes
CO1 Implement query a database using SQL DML/DDL commands.
CO2 Analyze integrity constraints on a database
CO3 Develop PL/SQL programs including stored procedures, stored functions, cursors
CO4 Design new database and modify existing ones for new applications and reason
about the efficiency of the result.
CO5 Implement various DBA roles/techniques

S.No. Practical Assignments

1. Database design using E-R model and Normalization (Any 3 systems).
2. Implementation of DDL Commands to perform creation of table, alter, modify and
drop column operations.
3. Implementation of Constraint
▪ Check Constraint
▪ Entity Integrity Constraint
▪ Referential Integrity Constraint
▪ Unique Constraint
▪ Null Value Constraint
4. Implementation of DML and DCL Commands.
5. Implementation of Data and Built in Functions in SQL.
6. Implementation of Nested Queries and Join Queries.
7. Implementation of Cursors.
8. Implementation of Procedures and Functions.
9. Implementation of Triggers.
10. Implementation of Embedded SQL.

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11. Consider a Database applications, Design and Develop Conceptual Data Model (E-R
Diagram) with all the necessary entities, attributes, constraints and relationships.
Design and build Relational Data Model for application specifying all possible
12. Implementation of various DBA roles/techniques
▪ Creation of user
▪ Granting of privileges to the users
▪ Creation of roles
▪ Loading of privileges into user defined roles.
▪ Import/Export data between various databases and flat files

Text Books:
1. Ivan Bayross, “SQL, PL/SQL The Programming Language of Oracle”, 4th
Revised Edition,2009, BPB Publications.
2. Steven Feuerstein and Bill Pribyl, “Oracle PL/SQL Programming”, 5th Edition,
2009, O'Reilly Media.

Course Code: PGCA1908
Course Name: Technical Communication Laboratory

Program: MCA L: 0 T: 0 P: 2
Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 1
Semester: 1st Contact hours: 2 hours per week
Internal max. marks: 30 Theory/Practical: Practical
External max. marks: 20 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): -
Total marks: 50 Elective status: Ability Enhancement

Prerequisite: -NA-
Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-

Course Outcomes:
CO# Course outcomes
CO1 The objective of the course is to help the students become the independent users of
English language.
CO2 Students will acquire basic proficiency in listening and speaking skills.
CO3 Students will be able to understand spoken English language, particularly the language
of their chosen technical field.
CO4 They will be able to converse fluently
CO5 They will be able to produce on their own clear and coherent texts.

Interactive practice sessions in Language Lab on Oral Communication
1. Listening Comprehension

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2. Self-Introduction, Group Discussion and Role Play
3. Common Everyday Situations: Conversations and Dialogues
4. Communication at Workplace
5. Interviews
6. Formal Presentations

Text Books:

1. Practical English Usage. Michael Swan. OUP. 1995.

2. Communication Skills. Sanjay Kumar and Pushp Lata. Oxford University
Press. 2011.
3. Exercises in Spoken English. Parts. I-III. CIEFL, Hyderabad. Oxford
University Press.

Course Code: PGCA1909
Course Name: Web Technologies

Program: MCA L: 4 T: 0 P: 0
Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 4
Semester: 2nd Contact hours: 44 hours
Internal max. marks: 30 Theory/Practical: Theory
External max. marks: 70 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): 3hrs
Total marks: 100 Elective status: Core

Prerequisite: Student must have the basic knowledge of any text editor like Notepad,
Notepad++ and Edit plus etc.
Co requisite: Student must know the background of Markup Language.
Additional material required in ESE:
➢ Demonstration of the website of college/ specific department/specific cells etc.
will be presented by the students during the final practical.
➢ Developed Website/s must be made online by the student/s.
➢ Printouts of the Main Page of the website must be arranged on Practical file
during daily lab work and must be submitted in the final examinations.

Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the basics of Internet and Web Services.
CO2 Describe and differentiate Programming Language and Markup Language.
CO3 Connect various web pages and web sites together.
CO4 Capture user input from the remote users.

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CO5 Learn connectivity concepts of Front End and Back End.

Detailed Contents Contact hours


Internet Basics: Basic concepts, communicating on the internet, internet

domains, internet server identities, establishing connectivity on the internet client
IP address, How IP addressing came into existence? A brief overview TCP/IP
and its services, transmission control protocol.

Introduction To HTML: Information Files Creation, Web Server, Web

Client/Browser, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML Tags, Paired Tags,
Singular Tags), Commonly Used HTML Commands (Document Head,
Document Body), Title and Footer, Text Formatting (Paragraph Breaks, Line
Breaks), Emphasizing Material in a Web Page (Heading Styles, Drawing Lines).

Basic Formatting Tags: HTML Basic Tags, Text Formatting (Paragraph

Breaks, Line Breaks), Emphasizing Material in a Web Page (Heading Styles,
Drawing Lines), Text Styles (Bold, Italics, Underline), Other Text Effects
(Centering (Text, Images etc.), Spacing (Indenting Text), HTML Color Coding.

Basic Formatting Tags: HTML Basic Tags, Text Formatting (Paragraph Breaks,
24 hours
Line Breaks), Emphasizing Material in a Web Page (Heading Styles, Drawing
Lines), Text Styles (Bold, Italics, Underline), Other Text Effects (Centering
(Text, Images etc.), Spacing (Indenting Text), HTML Color Coding.

Type of Lists (Unordered List (Bullets), Ordered Lists (Numbering), Definition


Adding Graphics To HTML Documents: Using The Border Attribute, Using

The Width And Height Attribute, Using The Align Attribute, Using The Alt

Tables: Introduction (Header, Data rows, The Caption Tag), Using the Width
and Border Attribute, Using the Cell padding Attribute, Using the Cell spacing
Attribute, Using the BGCOLOR Attribute, Using the COLSPAN and
ROWSPAN Attributes


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Linking Documents: Links (External Document References, Internal Document 20 hours
References), Image As Hyperlinks.

Frames: Introduction to Frames: The<FRAMESET> tag, The <FRAME> tag,

Targeting Named Frames. DHTML: Cascading Style Sheets, Style

Introduction to JavaScript: Introduction to JavaScript: JavaScript in Web

Pages (Netscape and JavaScript, Database Connectivity, Client side JavaScript,
Capturing User Input); The Advantages of JavaScript (an Interpreted Language,
Embedded within HTML, Minimal Syntax -Easy to Learn, Quick Development,
Designed for Simple, Small Programs, Performance, Procedural Capabilities,
Designed for Programming User Events, Easy Debugging and Testing, Platform
Independence/Architecture Neutral); Writing JavaScript into HTML.

Forms Used by a Web Site: The Form Object, The Form Object’s Methods (The
Text Element, The Password Element, The Button Element, The Submit (Button)
Element, The Reset (Button) Element, The Checkbox Element, The Radio
Element, The Text Area Element, The Select and Option Element, The Multi
Choice Select Lists Element) Other Built-In Objects in JavaScript (The String
Object, The Math Object, The Date Object), User Defined Objects (Creating a
User Defined Object, Instances, Objects within Objects).

Text Books:

1. Internet for EveryOne: Alexis Leon, 1st Edition, Leon Techworld, Publication,
2. Greenlaw R; Heppe, “Fundamentals of Internet and WWW”, 2nd Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2007.
3. RajKamal, “Internet& Web Technologies”,edition Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Chris Payne, “Asp in 21 Days”, 2nd Edition, Sams Publishing, 2003 PDCA.
5. A Beginner's Guide to Html Http://www.Ncsa.Nine.Edit/General/Internet/W
E-Books/ Online learning material:

1. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/html/html_tutorial.pdf
2. https://www.w3schools.com/js/
3. https://www.w3schools.com/html/
4. https://www.cs.uct.ac.za/mit_notes/web_programming.html

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5. http://www.pagetutor.com/table_tutor/index.html
Course Code: PGCA1920
Course Name: Design & Analysis of Algorithms

Program: MCA L: 4 T: 0 P: 0
Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 4
Semester: 2nd Contact hours: 44 hours
Theory/Practical: Theory Percentage of numerical/design problems: --
Internal max. marks:30 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): 3hrs
External max. marks: 70 Elective status: Core
Total marks: 100

Prerequisite: - Student must have knowledge about Data Structures.

Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:

CO# Course outcomes
CO1 Categorize problems based on their characteristics and practical importance
CO2 Develop Algorithms using iterative/recursive approach
CO3 Design algorithm using an appropriate design paradigm for solving a given problem
CO4 Classify problems as P, NP or NP Complete

Detailed contents Contact hours

Part A 24 Hours
Algorithms: Analyzing algorithms, order arithmetic, Time and space
complexity of an algorithm, comparing the performance of different
algorithms for the same problem. Different orders of growth. Asymptotic
notation. Polynomial vs. Exponential running time. Principles of Algorithm
Design. Mathematical analysis of Recursive and Non-recursive algorithms.

Basic Algorithm Design Techniques: Divide-and-conquer, Greedy

approach, Randomization and dynamic programming.

Example problems on Backtracking: n-Queens problem, Hamiltonian

Circuit Problem, Subset – Sum Problem. Branch-and- Bound: Assignment
Problem, Knapsack Problem, Traveling Salesperson Problem.
Part B 20 Hours
Sorting and searching: Insertion and selection sort, Binary search in an
ordered array. Sorting algorithms such as Merge sort, Quick sort, Heap sort,
Radix Sort, and Bubble sort with analysis of their running times. Lower
bound on sorting. Exhaustive search and String Matching.

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Graphs and NP-completeness: Graph traversal: Breadth-First Search
(BFS) and Depth-First Search (DFS). Applications of BFS and DFS.
Shortest paths in graphs: Dijkstra algorithm. Definition of class NP, P, NP-
hard and NP-complete problems.

Text Books:
1. Horowitz E., Sahani S., Rajasekharan S.: Computer Algorithms, Galgotia
2. A.V.Aho, J.E.Hopcroft, and J.D.Ullman, The Design and Analysis of Computer
Algorithms, Pearson Education India
3. J.Kleinberg and E.Tardos, Algorithm Design by, Pearson Education India
4. Coremen T.H., Leiserson C.E., and Rivest R.L.: Introduction to Algorithms, PHI

Reference Books:
1. Anany Levitin: Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Pearson
Education, 2nd Edition.
2. Michael T Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia : Algorithm Design, Wiley India
3. R C T Lee, S S Tseng, R C Chang, Y T Tsai : Introduction to Design and
Analysis of Algorithms: A Strategic Approach, Tata McGraw Hill
Course Code: PGCA1918
Course Name: Advanced Java

Program: MCA L: 4 T: 0 P: 0
Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 4
Semester: 2nd Contact hours: 44 hours
Theory/Practical: Theory Percentage of numerical/design problems: --
Internal max. marks: 30 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): 3hrs
External max. marks: 70 Elective status: Core
Total marks: 100

Prerequisite: -Understanding of Core Java concepts.

Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:

CO# Course outcomes
CO1 Learn the advanced features of Java and write the programs.
CO2 Work with API and implement Serialization concept of Java.
CO3 Learn Java Generics and develop Projects.

Detailed contents Contact hours

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Part A 22 Hours
Servlets: The life cycle of Servlet, Java Servlet Development kit, Servlet
API, Reading the servlet parameters, Reading initialization parameters,
Handling HTTP requests and responses, Using cookies, Session tracking and
security issues.
Java Server Pages (JSP): JSP Architecture, Life cycle of JSP, JSP syntax
basics– Directives, Declarations, Scripting, Standard actions, Custom tag
libraries, Implicit objects, Object scope. Synchronization issues, Session
Struts : Introduction to struts framework, understanding basic architecture
of Model, view, controller. Deploying the application in struts with database

Part B 22 Hours
Hibernate : Introduction to hibernate framework, understanding basic
architecture of Model, view, controller. Basic concepts of creating pojo
files, reverse mapping, object creation in hibernate ,database connectivity .

Enterprise Java Bean: The bean developer kit (BDK), Use of JAR files,
The java beans API, Creating a JavaBean, Types of beans, Stateful session
bean, Stateless session bean, Entity bean.
Remote Method Invocation: Defining the remote interface, Implementing
the remote interface, Compiling and executing the server and the client.
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA): Overview of
technical architecture, CORBA basics, CORBA services.

Text Books:
1. Herbert Schildt , “The Complete Reference Java 2” , Tata McGraw -Hill.
2. H.M. Deital, P.J. Dietal and S.E. Santry, “Advanced Java 2 Platform HOW TO
PROGRAM”, Prentice Hall.

Reference Books:
1. Grey Cornell and Hortsmann Cay S., “Core Java”, Sun Microsystems Press.
2. Philip Hanna, “JSP: The Complete Reference”, Tata McGraw –Hill.


Course Code: PGCA1956

Course Name: Linux Administration

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Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Program: MCA L: 4 T: 0 P: 0
Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 4
Semester: 2nd Contact hours: 44 hours
Theory/Practical: Theory Percentage of numerical/design problems: --
Internal max. marks: 30 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): 3hrs
External max. marks: 70 Elective status: Core
Total marks: 100

Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:

CO# Course outcomes
CO1 Understand the technical details of Linux operating system
CO2 Work with various Linux command and understand file hierarchical structuring
CO3 Administrate user, manage and configure packages in Linux
CO4 Know and configure the various internet services.

Detailed contents Contact hours

Part A 22 Hours

Introduction: Linux: The Operating System: Linux Distributions,

Difference Between Linux and Windows, Separation of the GUI and the
Kernel, Understanding Linux Kernel, Installing Linux in a Server
Configuration, Booting and Shutting Down Process, Concept of Root, Basic
commands, working with vi Editor,

Understanding files and File System: Understanding Files and Directories

in Linux, File Structure and hierarchy, File Permissions, File Management
and Manipulation, Managing File System

Managing Packages & Users: Installing and removing Software in Linux,

Getting and Unpacking the Package, Configuring the Package, Compiling
the Package, Installing the Package, Managing Users and Groups

Part B 22 Hours

DNS: Installing a DNS Server, Configuring a DNS Server, DNS Records

Types, Setting Up BIND Database Files, The DNS Toolbox, Configuring
DNS Clients.

Web Server: Understanding the HTTP Protocol, Installing the Apache

HTTP Server, Starting Up and Shutting Down Apache, Configuring Apache

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E-Mail Server: Understanding SMTP, Installing the Postfix Server,
Configuring the Postfix Server, Running the Server, POP and IMAP Basics,
Installing the UW-IMAP and POP3 Server

Samba Server: The Mechanics of SMB, Samba Administration, Using

SWAT, Creating a Share, Mounting Remote Samba Shares, Creating Samba
Users, Using Samba to Authenticate Against a Windows Server

Text Books:

1. Linux Administration: A Beginner’s Guide, Wale Soyinka, McGrawHill

2. UNIX and Linux system administration Handbook Evi Nemeth, Garth
Snyder, Trent R. Hein, Ben Whaley, Dan Mackin, Pearson Education
Reference Books:
1. Linux: The Complete Reference, Sixth Edition, Richard Petersen McGrawHill
2. Linux All-In-One for Dummies, Emmett Dulaney, Wiley India
Course Code: PGCA1932
Course Name: Information Security and Cyber Law

Program: MCA L:4 T:0 P:0

Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 4
Semester: 2nd Contact hours: 44 hours
Theory/Practical: Theory Percentage of numerical/design problems: --
Internal max. marks: 30 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): 3hrs
External max. marks: 70 Elective status: Core
Total marks: 100

Prerequisite: -NA-
Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:

CO# Course outcomes
CO1 Acquire knowledge about various Information Systems.
CO2 Understand the key security requirements of Confidentiality, Integrity
CO3 Demonstrate the concept of Intrusion Detection & Intrusion Prevention.
CO4 Apply Symmetric Encryption techniques.

CO5 Describe the concept of Security policies and Cyber Laws.

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Detailed contents Contact hours

Part A 22 Hours

Introduction to Information System, classification and components of

information system, Computer Security Concepts, CIA (Confidentiality,
integrity and availability),Security Functional Requirements.

User Authentication: Means of Authentication, Password-Based

Authentication, Token-Based Authentication, Biometric Authentication,
Remote User Authentication, Security Issues for User Authentication.

Access Control: Access Control Principles, Subjects, Objects, and Access

Rights, Discretionary Access Control, File Access Control, Role-Based
Access Control.

Database Security: The Need for Database Security, Database Access

Control, Database Encryption.

Malicious Software: Types of Malicious Software (Malware)-Viruses,

Worms,SPAM E-mail, Trojans, Zombie, Bots, Keyloggers, Phishing,
Spyware, Backdoors, Rootkits, Preventive Measures.Denial-of-Service
Attacks: Types of DoS attacks, Defenses Against Denial-of-Service Attacks.

Part B 22 Hours

Intrusion Detection: Intruders, Intrusion Detection, Host-Based Intrusion

Detection, Distributed Host-Based Intrusion Detection, Network-Based
Intrusion Detection, Honeypots.

Firewalls & Intrusion Prevention Systems: The Need for Firewalls,

Firewall Characteristics, Types of Firewalls, Firewall Basing, Intrusion
Prevention Systems.

Cryptographic Algorithms: Symmetric Encryption Principles, Data

Encryption Standards (DES)

Introduction to Internet Security Protocols & Standards: SSL, TLS,

HTTPS, IPv4 and IPv6 Security protocols.
Security Policies and Cyber Laws: Concept of Information Security
Policy, ISO Standards, various Indian Cyber Laws, Information Technology
Act 2000, Electronic Record and E-Governance, Classification and
Provisions of Cyber Crimes, Regulation of Certifying Authorities, Patent,
Copyright, Digital signature, Introduction to Cyberspace.

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Text Books:
1. William Stallings, Lawrie Brown, “Computer Security: Principles & Practice”,
3rd Edition, Pearson, 2015.
2. Surya Prakash Tripathi, Ritendra Goel, Praveen Kumar Shukla, “Introduction to
Information Security and Cyber Laws”, Wiley India, 2014.

Reference Books:
1. Christof Paar , Jan Pelzl, “Understanding Cryptography: A Textbook for
Students and Practitioners”, 1st Edition, Springer, 2010
2. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security Principles and
Practices”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006.
3. Darren Death, “Information Security Handbook”, Packt Publishing, 2017

Course Code: PGCA1914
Course Name: Web Technologies Laboratory

Program: MCA L: 0 T: 0 P: 4
Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 2
Semester: 2nd Contact hours: 4 hours per week
Internal max. marks: 70 Theory/Practical: Practical
External max. marks: 30 Duration of End Semester Exam (ESE): 3hrs
Total marks: 100 Elective status: Core

Prerequisite: Students must have the knowledge of editors like Notepad etc. and basic
understanding of Scripting Language/s.
Co requisite: Knowledge of Networking, Internet, Client Server concepts, Static &
Dynamic environment of the websites etc.
Additional material required in ESE:
➢ Demonstration of the website of college/ specific department/specific cells etc.
will be presented by the students during the final practical.
➢ Developed Website/s must be made online by the student/s.
➢ Printouts of the Main Page of the website must be arranged on Practical file
during daily lab work and must be submitted in the final examinations.

Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand Static and Dynamic concepts of web designing.

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CO2 Develop ability to retrieve data from a database and present it online.
CO3 Design web pages that apply various dynamic effects on the web site.
CO4 Solve complex and large problems using Scripting Language & Markup Language.

Instructions: Instructor can increase/decrease the experiments as per the requirement.


1. Design index page of a book Titled Web Designing.

2. Create a simple HTML page to demonstrate the use of different tags.
3. Display Letter Head of your college on a web page & it must be scrolling Right to
4. Create a link to move within a single page rather than to load another page.
5. Display “Name of University” using different Text formatting Tags.
6. Design Time Table of your department and highlight most important periods.
7. Use Tables to provide layout to your web page.
8. Embed Audio and Video into your web page.
9. Divide a web page vertically and display logo of your college in left pane and logo of
university in right pane.
10. Create Bio- Data of an employee.
11. Design front page of a hospital with different styles.
12. Design a web page and display horizontally two different web pages at a time.

13. Write a program to create a login form. On clicking the submit button, the user should
get navigated to a profile page.
14. Write a HTML code to create a Registration Form. On submitting the form, the user
should be asked to login with the new credentials.
15. Write a HTML code to create website in your college or department and create link
for Tutorial of specific subject.
16. Write a program to perform following operations on two numbers input by the user:
Addition 2) Subtraction 3) Multiplication 4) Division.

17. Design a program to solve quadratic equations.

18. Write a program to determine greatest number of three numbers.

19. Write a script to compute, the Average and Grade of students marks.

20. Design a scientific calculator and make event for each button using scripting
21. Write a script to check whether a number is even or odd?
22. Write a program to show whether a number is prime or not?
23. Write a program to show multiplication table of any number.
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24. Write a program to find the factorial of any number.
25. Write a program to show Fibonacci Series between 0 to 74.

Reference Books:

1. Greenlaw R; Hepp E, “Fundamentals of Internet and www”, 2nd Edition, Tata.

McGraw-Hill, 2007.
2. A Beginner’s Guide to HTML Http://www.Ncsa.Nine.Edit/General/Internet/www/

Online Experiment material:

1. https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_examples.asp
2. https://www.cs.uct.ac.za/mit_notes/web_programming.html

Course Code: PGCA1922
Course Name: Advanced Java Laboratory

Program: MCA L: 0 T: 0 P: 4
Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 2
Semester: 2nd Contact hours: 4 hours per week
Theory/Practical: Practical Percentage of numerical/design problems: --
Internal max. marks: 70 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): -
External max. marks: 30 Elective status: Core
Total marks: 100

Prerequisite: -NA-
Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-
Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:
CO# Course outcomes
CO1 Learn the advanced features of Java and write the programs.
CO2 Work with API and implement Serialization concept of Java.
CO3 Learn Java Generics and develop Projects.
CO4 Understand to use digital marketing for developing effective digital and social media

S.No. Practical Assignments (Java)

1. Create a Servlet to handle HTTP Requests and Responses.
2. Implementation of the concept of Cookies and Session Tracking.
3. Illustrate the concept of JavaServer Pages (JSP).
4. Create a JavaBean by using Bean Developer Kit (BDK).
5. Implementation of various types of beans like Session Bean and Entity Bean.
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6. Introduction to Struts platform with basic connectivity.
7. Deploying first sample program using MVC architecture in struts.
8. Implementing database connectivity in struts.
9. Creating one sample application in struts.
10. Introduction to Hibernate framework.
11. Creating simple Hibernate application.
Practical Assignments (SEO)
12. Take a web site and prepare the SEO report of the website including status of
following factors:
Title tag, meta-description tag, header tags, keyword consistency, number of back
links, robots.txt and xml sitemaps then after going through the steps of SEO prepare
the report.
13. Discuss any five tools to prepare the list of ten organic key words for SEO purpose.
14. Optimize the images in the website using suitable methods and compare the reports
before and after the SEO steps.
15. Write the robot and sitemap file of a website under consideration.

Text Books:
1. Herbert Schildt , “The Complete Reference Java 2” , Tata McGraw -Hill.
2. H.M. Deital, P.J. Dietal and S.E. Santry, “Advanced Java 2 Platform How To
Program”, Prentice Hall.
3. Laudon and Traver, “E-Commerce: Business, Technology & Society”, Pearson
4. Shivani Karwal, “Digital Marketing Handbook: A Guide to search Engine
Optimization, Pay Per Click Marketing, Email Marketing and Content
Marketing”, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 1st edition.
Reference Books:
1. Grey Cornell and Hortsmann Cay S., “Core Java”, Sun Microsystems Press.
2. Philip Hanna, “JSP: The Complete Reference”, Tata McGraw –Hill..


Course Code: PGCA1957

Course Name: Linux System Administration Laboratory

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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards
I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Program: MCA L: 0 T: 0 P: 4
Branch: Computer Applications Credits: 2
Semester: 2nd Contact hours: 4 hours per week
Theory/Practical: Theory Percentage of numerical/design problems: --
Internal max. marks: 70 Duration of end semester exam (ESE): -
External max. marks: 30 Elective status: Core
Total marks: 100

Co requisite: -NA-
Additional material required in ESE: -NA-

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:

CO# Course outcomes
CO1 Install Linux desktop and Linux server operating system.
CO2 Use various commands for performing different operations
CO3 Work with various Linux administration commands
CO4 Install and configure various servers in Linux environment

Lab Practicals

S.No Practical Assignments

1 Installation of Linux operating system.
a. Partitioning drives
b. Configuring boot loader (GRUB/LILO)
c. Network configuration
d. Setting time zones
e. Creating password and user accounts
f. Installing and removing packages
g. Shutting down
2. Working with basic commands
3. Linux system administration
a. Becoming super user
b. Temporarily changing user identity with su command
c. Using graphical administrative tools
d. Administrative commands
e. Administrative configuration files
4. Configuring NICs with Network Device Configuration Utilities (ip and
5. Install and configuring a DNS Server with a domain name of your choice.
6. Install and configuring DHCP server and client
7. Install and configuring Mail Server
8. Install and configuring Apache Web Server for hosting websites

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9. Securing a simple network with Linux firewall (Netfilter/iptables)
10. Setting up Samba Server to share files and printers with Windows-based and
other operating systems

Text Books:
1. Linux Administration: A Beginner’s Guide, Wale Soyinka, McGrawHill
2. UNIX and Linux system administration Handbook Evi Nemeth, Garth
Snyder, Trent R. Hein, Ben Whaley, Dan Mackin, Pearson Education
3. Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible, 3rd Edition Richard
Blum, Christine Bresnahan, Wiley
Reference Books:
1. Linux: The Complete Reference, Sixth Edition, Richard Petersen McGrawHill
2. Linux All-In-One for Dummies, Emmett Dulaney, Wiley India.


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MCA (2 years programme)

Batch 2020 onwards

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