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Nursing Research Prepared by Mark Dave Labergue RN - LPT, REB, REA, REP, MAN, MP (Ue)

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Nursing Research

Prepared by Mark Dave Labergue RN.LPT,REB,REA,REP,MAN,MP(ue)

Research Question Type of Research

What will be the impact of the implementation of pregnancy and family health programs of level II
and III students in Brgy Ugong in Candelaria Quezon after they will step out in the host
What are the differences in managers satisfaction among nurses in different types of hospitals ?
Data collection is done at one point in time from different units.
What is the effect of chronic dementia on the quality of life of long-term care patients over time?
The data will be collected for ten months with 3 weeks interval.
What are the views of the nurse, doctor, and relatives about a client with severe hypothyroidism
who refuses treatment? The data is collected from different people.
What is the lived experience of students who pass the board exam last 2019?

What is the life of the people in a tribe in islands of Tawi Tawi? How they practice their beliefs in
terms of health?
Can weight of the baby be predicted by indicators of frequency of feeding ?

What theory can be created from the phenomena of having AIDS among LGBT community?

Does the introduction of paper less documentation can affect the time of nurses in caring the
patient? The groups will be randomly selected but no control group will be formed.
How do attitude of nursing students correlate to their board rating score during the licensure
Slovins Formula Computation (Round off your answers to the whole number and give me the range of
sample to be used in the following studies)

1. What is the sample size to be generated if the population is 15,000. Use 4% as margin of error.

2. Hegala Community has 29,000 people and it was selected as the focus of the study of Level IV
students of University of the Philippines Manila.Compute the sample size and use 0.05 as margin of

3. What is the sample size to be generated if the population is 20,000. Use 0.03 as margin of error.

4. What is the sample size to be generated if the population is 27,500. Use 5% as margin of error.

5. Atibatog-an Community has 18,500 people and it was selected as the focus of the study of Level III
students of University of the Baguio. Compute the sample size and use 0.05 as margin of error

Please send your answers to reviewcenter.apo@gmail.com with the subject Research Activity Answer
plus your surname

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