Making Cities Resilient: My City Is Getting Ready!
Making Cities Resilient: My City Is Getting Ready!
Making Cities Resilient: My City Is Getting Ready!
Population: 510,383
There are two physical characteristics of the City that pose danger to its present and future
development. A part of the Valley Fault System, a potential generator of a large magnitude
of earthquake in NCR is located at the eastern part of Makati. Six (6) barangays
(communities) were identified as high risk areas. Second, the western portion of the City is
composed of former tidal flats where seven (7) barangays are flood-prone.
Essential 6: Apply and enforce realistic, risk-compliant building regulations and land use
planning principles
As part of its mandates, the Department of Engineering and Public Works (DEPW) through
its Office of Building Official (OBO) conducts annual inspections of buildings and facilities
within the City to ensure strict compliance with the National Building Code. The Zoning
Division of the Urban Development Department (UDD), on the other hand, handles the
implementation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and Zoning Ordinance to
ensure compliance of new and existing establishments before issuance of new clearances.
Essential 7: Educational programmes and training on DRR are in place in schools and
local communities
Climate change and disaster risk reduction have been integrated in the school curricula at
the elementary and secondary levels. Intensive awareness drive on disaster risk reduction
and preparedness were also being undertaken at the community level especially for those
who are staying at home and out-of-school youth through various IEC (Information
Education Campaign) activities using existing media such as television, radio,
newspapers, and brochures.
“We in Makati have long been taking steps towards disaster risk reduction.
We know that advance planning and preparation is the best way to
minimize, if not totally eliminate, the impact of disaster on members of our
communities, our properties and our economies. We realize that our ability
to mitigate the effects of disasters on our City will impact positively not only
on the safety of both our resident community and our private sector, but on
the national economy as well.”