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Micro Paver

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This report has been prepared by Steven Papaleo of Airplan as part of the 1998 Frank

Magee Scholarship, a company based award.

Airplan is a recognised airport and aviation consultancy providing planning and design
services for airports and aviation infrastructure including advisory services on strategic
planning, aviation policy, regulatory controls, airport privatisation and commercialisation
and airport operations.

The Frank Magee Scholarship has been established in honour of one of Airplan’s
founding members and offers an Airplan team member the opportunity to research or
analyse an area in the airport industry as part of skills development. Competitive
proposals submitted by keen Airplan team members are adjudicated by the company
directors. This year’s scholarship was won by Steven Papaleo who researched and
investigated the current trends and developments in Airport Pavement Maintenance
Management Systems.

Further information on Airplan can be found at: http://www.airplan.com.au



Airport Planning Pty Ltd

ACN 005 119 826
Airport Central Tower Level 3
241 O’Riordan Street
Mascot NSW 2020
Tel: (02) 9667 1055
Fax: (02) 9667 1021
Int +61 2

December 1998

1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 1




SYSTEM............................................................................................................................... 2


3. PMMS SYSTEMS EXAMINED........................................................................ 5

3.1 MicroPAVER...................................................................................................................... 5

3.2 IAPMS .................................................................................................................................. 5

4. MEETINGS WITH AUTHORATIVE BODIES.............................................. 6

4.1 GIBB CONSULTING - MR MARK OLIVER............................................................... 6

4.2 BAA - MR JOHN BARLING ........................................................................................... 7


MacMULLEN ................................................................................................................ 8


ZIMMERMAN.................................................................................................................... 9

4.5 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA - DR SAM CARPENTER.........................10


LABORATORIES (USACERL) - DR MOHAMED SHAHIN..............................10

4.7 COLORADO DIVISION OF AVIATION - MR TRAVIS VALLIN...........................11

5. KEY FINDINGS ............................................................................................... 13





1998 Frank Magee Scholarship - Airport Pavement Maintenance Management Systems

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The author gratefully acknowledges the co-operation and assistance of those

organisations who contributed to the success of the study tour by allowing visits to
their organisations to discuss PMMS.

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This report forms part of the 1998 Frank Magee Scholarship which was awarded to
facilitate research and investigate the current trends and developments in Airport
Pavement Maintenance Management Systems. Pavement Maintenance Management
Systems (PMMS) are becoming more widespread throughout the world, not only in
airport applications but also highway applications. Highway applications are
presently more widespread than airport applications in Australia, with airport
applications being virtually non existent.

After discussion with several overseas organisations, it is evident that the

introduction of a PMMS can be difficult due to the current maintenance philosophy
adopted by many airport managers. It also needs to be understood that the
introduction of a PMMS will take some time and the benefits will not be seen in the
short term.

This report is not intended to discuss in detail the components and operation of a
PMMS. For further information on PMMS refer to Appendix A.

This report has been structured to provide information to organisations who are
involved in the use of PMMS or who are looking to become involved in this area.

Thanks is given to those organisations who contributed to this report by allowing

visits to their organisations to discuss PMMS.

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A Pavement Maintenance Management System (PMMS) provides a systematic,

objective and consistent procedure to evaluate existing and future pavement
condition. A PMMS also provides a means to help manage pavement maintenance
expenditure more economically and efficiently. They provide an objective
approach to pavement management and allow for multiple budget options and
scenarios to be run quickly and assist in project formulation for maintenance and
rehabilitation works.

A PMMS typically uses a pavement rating system, called Pavement Condition Index
(PCI), as the basis from which current and future pavement condition can be
evaluated. From the estimated future pavement condition, multiple budget and
maintenance scenarios can be run to determine the most cost effective maintenance
solutions for the pavements on the airport. More information on PCI surveys is
available in Appendix A.



Within the process of implementing a PMMS there are two distinct areas which
need to be examined. The first is defining the PMMS to be adopted and the second
is the implementation of the PMMS on a pavement network basis.

2.2.1 Selecting a Pavement Maintenance Management System

In this process the decision on which type of PMMS to be used is considered. The
following is a list of the procedures which could be adopted in selecting the PMMS
and procedures to be used to establish the system.

• Establish review team - A team should be established to review what

requirements will be needed for the implementation of the PMMS and to decide
on what role the PMMS will play within the organisational framework. This
team should ideally consist of management together with pavement engineers, so
that balanced decisions can be made between economics and engineering

• Define PMMS requirements - Once the team is established, the PMMS

requirements should be identified so that the most effective system can be
purchased to suit the organisation’s needs and business goals

• Examine types of PMMS available - Once a decision is made on what type of

system is required a market study should be carried out to examine which system
will best suit the needs defined

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• Purchase PMMS - Once a system has been identified as being suitable it should
then be purchased. The support that is available with the system should be
considered when evaluating options because in the early stages of
implementation it will play an important role

• Establish a development team - A development team should be established

which will implement the PMMS into the workplace. This team does not have to
be the same as the review team. It should include the staff who will use the
software and carry out the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) surveys. PCI surveys
should be carried out in accordance with ASTM D5340-93

• Undergo training in the software and PCI procedures - The members of the
development team should undergo training, so that they are well versed in the
software and survey procedures. At least one member of the team should
undergo some form of formal training to ensure that the maximum use of the
software can be obtained

2.2.2 Implementation of a Pavement Maintenance Management System

In this section, the implementation of the PMMS to a specific pavement network is

discussed. There is a systematic procedure which should be followed to implement
a PMMS at a project level. This procedure is used worldwide with very little

• Data collection and pavement network definition - In this step the construction
records for the pavement should be collated for input into the PMMS. This step
can be very time consuming and depends on the availability and quality of
existing information. Once this is established, the pavement network should be
defined in accordance with ASTM D5340-93

• Pavement condition assessment - This step involves visually inspecting the

pavement to set procedures and carrying out other testing which is considered
relevant to establishing the condition of the pavement. Generally, only a PCI
survey is carried out, but testing of the pavement may also be carried out if

• Pavement condition prediction - This involves using the PMMS to calculate the
current pavement condition, as well as predicting what the future pavement
condition will be, through the use of a family of performance prediction curves

• Formulation of maintenance policies - Each airport has its own set of

maintenance procedures and policies which it uses to determine when
maintenance work will need to be carried out.

• Budget formulation and case scenario development - In this step multiple budget
and maintenance scenarios may be run quickly to determine the most cost
effective solutions for the pavement while remaining within varied budget limits

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There are a number of benefits in using a PMMS instead of using engineering

experience and judgement alone. These include:

• Provides a systematic and objective approach to pavement management

• Allows for multiple budget and maintenance scenarios to be run quickly

• Provides the pavement engineer with the current pavement condition and an
estimate of future pavement condition

• Provides a database of pavement condition and construction histories

• Maximises available maintenance funds in a timely and effective manner

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From the research undertaken before embarking on the study tour, it was found that
there are two prime Pavement Maintenance Management Systems in use around the
world for airport applications. These are not the only systems available or in use,
but rather they appear to be the most widely adopted for airport applications. They

• The United States Army Corps of Engineers Research Laboratories (USACERL)

MicroPAVER and

• The Gibb Consulting Integrated Airport Pavement Management System


3.1 MicroPAVER

MicroPAVER is produced by the United States Army Corps of Engineers Research

Laboratories (USACERL). It is relatively inexpensive and is used by BAA, Hong
Kong and a multitude of US airports including O’Hare, Midway, Colorado
Division of Aviation and the Virginia Department of Aviation. MicroPAVER has
support from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), in that the FAA
sponsor some of the developments that are undertaken in MicroPAVER. The
support base associated with MicroPAVER is also quite extensive with both the
American Public Works Association (APWA) and USACERL available to discuss,
assist and solve problems. APWA also have a users group where ideas and
problems can be posted.

MicroPAVER is continuing to develop into a more complete system as sponsorship

is found for projects. New features are continually being developed to make
MicroPAVER a more complete system.


Gibb Consulting produce, develop, market and operate IAPMS. IAPMS is in use at
La Guardia, Newark, JFK, Miami, Bahrain, Rio de Janeiro and London’s Heathrow
and Gatwick airports amongst others. IAPMS is a customisable system able to suit
the clients own specific needs. Gibb offer services such as training, support and
implementation of the system.

IAPMS uses not only the surface defects determined from PCI surveys but also
utilises a residual life analysis to make a structural analysis of the pavement.
Therefore IAPMS is able to provide both a surface evaluation and structural
analysis of the pavement.

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Meetings were held with a number of organisations in the UK and USA to examine
Airport Pavement Maintenance Management Systems and how they are utilised. The
following is a summary of those discussions.


• Gibb is a multidisciplinary company who provide a range of consulting services

including pavement engineering, design and project management services

• They produce and market the Integrated Airport Pavement Management System

• IAPMS uses both surface evaluation (PCI) and structural analysis (residual life)
in its estimation of future pavement condition

• Data entry is undertaken using a portable computer directly in the field or by

paper methods with data entry input manually in the office

• Training can be provided as required

• Gibb believe in carrying out the PCI survey in one operation because of
logistics. This approach is suited to consulting companies as reports need to be
produced and carrying out the inspection in one operation better facilitates this

• PCI surveys should be carried out every 2-3 years

• PCI survey duration is dependant on the size of the airport and the number of
sections. London Heathrow took 2 surveyors 8 weeks using Husky portable

• Implementation time and cost of a PMMS can vary depending on availability and
quality of records and the size of the airport

• Gibb believe that clients tend not to put much emphasis on management of their
pavements but are starting to realise the benefits of doing so and as a result are
becoming more open to PMMS

• It generally takes several days to produce a report once all the data is collected
and input depending on the number of budget and maintenance scenarios run

• Accurate pavement prediction curves can be established after the initial survey,
if the pavement has a variety of ages. These curves become more accurate as
time goes on and new data is added

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• PMMS in use since 1990 and currently there are 7 UK airports in the BAA

• MicroPAVER is used as their PMMS tool

• Consider that PCI surveys should be carried out every 2-3 years for high use
pavements and every 4-5 years for low use pavements

• Have a three step procedure for approaching pavement management:

• Identify business need - Identify what is the best option to take to achieve
the most cost effective solutions within the available budget

• Identify engineering need - Identify which pavements are in need of repair

or rehabilitation to ensure the pavement is maintained in a sound condition

• Provide a solution - Provide a solution which is able to satisfy both the

above needs

• This approach allows for both economics and engineering to be considered so

that the most cost effective solutions can be provided while maintaining the
pavement in a safe working condition

• BAA do not currently use all features of MicroPAVER. They are implementing
their PMMS in a staged process and are currently at the stage of looking to
implement the budget scenarios module and develop maintenance policies for
the airports

• BAA use Husky portable computers for PCI data collection and input. Paper
recording of data was found to be inefficient. Switching to the portable
computers increased field inspection productivity by 100%. This does not
include the reduced office data entry time

• Currently use Arcview to assist in producing drawings from MicroPAVER.

Arcview can be linked to MicroPAVER and produces drawings quickly. BAA
are investigating if AutoCAD will be able to undertake the same task

• Looking at obtaining one smaller piece of field equipment so that it is easier to

work with in the field. This is believed to be 3-5 years away

• BAA consider PMMS to be a cost effective tool to assist in pavement

management. It can be combined with off the shelf software and has a good
support base which can be utilised when required

• BAA realise that MicroPAVER is only a tool to assist in making decisions on

pavement condition and is not an end in itself

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• 3-5 man days is considered the time it would take to produce a report after a PCI
survey. This does not include any pavement prediction modelling but rather just
the recommendations and comments on pavement condition

• One member of the BAA team has undergone formal training in MicroPAVER
and PCI procedures in the United States. It was felt that this was very beneficial
and was highly recommended

• BAA are researching photographic recognition of surface defects. It is

progressing but there is some trouble with identifying fine cracks. A solution to
this problem is believed to be some 3-5 years away

• Once a pavement has a PCI rating of between 60-65, BAA will have a closer
examination of the pavement with the view of providing some maintenance or
rehabilitation work

• BAA believe that to provide accurate future pavement condition the pavement
prediction family curves need to be as accurate as possible

• Before carrying out any maintenance work, the long term plan for the airport
should be examined to ensure that the pavement will still be in use for some time
into the future

• When considering more than one airport, it must be remembered that the
business need of all of the airports within the airport group need to be
considered and therefore, this need should be factored in when examining which
airports will receive funding

• BAA believe that PMMS will become more widespread as time goes on and
airport managers realise the benefits that can be gained from such systems

• To obtain high early strength concrete BAA use TOPROC microsilica concrete.
This achieves strengths of between 20-40 MPa within 3-6 hours

• BAA have had mixed experience with epoxy resins. Some have performed well
while others have performed poorly

• Edge and corner spalling have been found to be the most common causes of
concrete pavement failure together with structural failures of the pavement.
Asphalt pavements tend to have reflection cracking problems



• APWA indicated that there will be some new features available in

MicroPAVER in the next couple of years

• Version 5.0 will include a Foreign Object Damage (FOD) index

• LEEP will be incorporated into MicroPAVER in an upcoming version. LEEP is

a program which provides a structural analysis of the pavement. This will allow

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MicroPAVER to carry out residual life analysis of the pavement similar to



• APTech is an engineering consulting company which focuses on highway and

aircraft pavements

• APTech believe that once implemented a client sees a PMMS as worthwhile.

However, it has been found that trying to convince a client of the benefits can be
difficult initially

• APTech spend a lot of time working in the pavement modelling and budget
forecast modules, as this is where different funding options can be run to
determine the most optimum solutions

• APTech implement MicroPAVER into their clients’ workplace and train their
staff if this is so desired. Some clients prefer to have the system so that they may
use it when the time requires. Other clients do not use it at all, but rather prefer
to engage a consultant when they require work to be carried out

• APTech have a staged training procedure for staff. All staff attend the University
of Illinois MicroPAVER course as one of the first steps and then move on to
focus on certain aspects of the program

• Data collection of PCI information is carried out several ways. Hammerhead

portable computers are used with MicroPAVER installed and paper field data
collection sheets are also used depending on the pavement type

• Vehicles equipped with video equipment have also been used to record
pavement surface defects. This provides for a quick survey to be carried out of
an airport so that the movement areas are not down for long. These vehicles can
record data at speeds up to 90km/hr

• Viewing of this data however can be very time consuming. The accuracy of this
system has also been questioned as fine cracks do not show up in the video and
comparisons with normal field inspection techniques have shown some

• Using the video technique allowed O’Hare International Airport to be surveyed

in one week. This did not include the time taken to view the video but rather just
the recording or field time

• After the initial PCI survey, APTech believe that accurate pavement prediction
curves can be achieved as long as the pavement has a variety of ages

• O’Hare International Airport runways are surveyed every year to year and a
half. All other pavements are surveyed every 3 years. They would prefer to have
runways surveyed every year and the other pavements every second year

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• Virginia Department of Aviation has 70 airports under its control and inspect all
of their pavements on a 3 yearly cycle

• Colorado Division of Aviation has 76 airports under its control and inspect their
pavements on a 3 year split cycle. A third of the pavements are inspected every

• The current trend in PMMS is to make the data output more presentable and easy
to understand for airport managers

• Most pavement failures they have seen have been a result of under design
because of budget constraints and/or poor construction techniques

• At general aviation airports climatic effects tend to be the most common causes
of pavement failure

• Cracking was found to be the most common cause of asphalt pavement failure

• Cracking, spalling and joint deterioration tended to be the most common causes
of pavement failure in concrete pavements


• The University of Illinois has been selected by the FAA as the Centre of
Excellence for airfield pavements

• Dr Carpenter is involved in asphalt mix design and asphalt pavements

• Current research projects are being carried out in the development and
implementation of SUPERPAVE for highway pavements and the fatigue
properties of asphalt pavements under B777 wheel loads

• Research in SUPERPAVE may be carried out for airfield pavements in the

future. This is once approval has been given by the FAA



• Concrete block pavers will not be incorporated into MicroPAVER unless a

sponsor provides funding. At this stage no one has indicated an interest

• MicroPAVER V5.0 will use 32 bit functionality

• Version 5.0 will include a Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Index

• Version 5.1 will include a condition matrix which will allow a user to specify
maintenance procedures based on the PCI and pavement indices

• Virtual sectioning will be included in Version 5.1. This will allow a user to
combine pavement sections to provide more workable solutions. Together with
this is another new tool called project formulation which will allow the user to
combine projects to allow for easier management of works

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• Version 6 will incorporate LEEP into MicroPAVER. This will allow for a
structural analysis of the pavement to be made and allow for residual life
analysis to be considered in the pavement prediction curves


• Colorado Division of Aviation has 76 airports under its control which are
general aviation and smaller airfields

• Most rehabilitation works are funded through federal grants and all maintenance
work is funded under the Division’s budget

• Their PMMS has been in place since 1991 to assist in the decision making

• Originally introduced as an inventory tool to allow for pavements in need of

maintenance work to be examined

• It then progressed and is now used to track pavement performance and assist in
forecasting future pavement condition

• The PMMS is not used as the sole tool in pavement management but is rather
used to assist the engineer in making decisions

• The PMMS is able to quickly identify which pavements are in need of further
examination through the use of the PCI value

• PCI surveys are carried out on a 3 yearly cycle, but it is desired to have them
carried out on a 2 yearly cycle. A third of the pavements are inspected every

• The Division of Aviation is “up to speed” on the use of their PMMS and can use
it when required. However, they have found that the most cost effective and
beneficial approach is to have a consultant carry out the survey work with one of
the Division’s employees and then input the data themselves

• If a pavement has a PCI in the low to mid 60s then it is generally considered for
a closer examination for rehabilitation or maintenance work

• If a pavement is in the 50-60 PCI range then it is generally considered for

rehabilitation work and not maintenance as this is not economical

• Sequencing of projects is done by examining all primary runways first, then

primary taxiways and aprons. Secondary pavements would be examined after all
primary pavements have been attended to

• When reviewing which pavements to maintain all airports are considered and
the critical airports repaired first. If work can be held off or another airport can
take some of the traffic for a year then this may assist in reaching the budget

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• 67% of all the pavements are asphalt and the rest concrete. The asphalt
pavement is considered more cost effective because it is cheaper in the short
term. The Division does not consider their pavements over the long term and
therefore the benefits of concrete are not usually apparent, except in apron areas

• Most deterioration of asphalt pavements is caused by climatic effects. In the

mountains freeze-thaw cycles occur while in the plains the heat dries out the

• Reactive aggregates is the main cause of concrete pavement deterioration and

this causes the pavement to ravel

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• MicroPAVER has a strong support base and extensive development program

based on user needs as developments are made from sponsorship

• MicroPAVER is more widely used than IAPMS

• IAPMS is a more complete product than MicroPAVER at this stage

• IAPMS is more expensive than MicroPAVER

• The PCI survey system is used by both systems as the fundamental basis of
pavement condition

• PMMS are considered to be the way of the future as they are able to quickly
determine cost effective solutions and develop budget scenarios

• PMMS are only a tool and should not be used in place of engineering judgement
but rather to assist the engineer in making decisions on pavement condition and

• There is a focus on making the data produced by a PMMS more presentable for
easier use by airport managers

• PCI surveys should be carried out every 2-3 years at maximum depending on
pavement use

• Initial implementation can be difficult as airport managers do not see the value
in such systems until they are using one

• Initial implementation generally consists of the database and PCI rating,

followed by the implementation and operation of budget scenarios

• The economic and engineering needs both need to be identified so that workable
solutions can be provided that satisfies all parties involved

• Many overseas organisations use portable computers for field data entry to
increase productivity

• Formal training of at least one team member is essential so that a good

understanding of PCI procedures and the PMMS can obtained

• New, innovative techniques of recording PCI data, such as video equipped

vehicles and photographic recognition, are being developed both in the United
States and the UK

• Most time is spent in data collection. That is, both collecting pavement history
records and PCI surveys. Data collection is very important in establishing the
PMMS and plays a role in determining pavement sections. It may take several
months to collate but it is important to ensure that it is carried out

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• When the PCI value falls into the low to mid 60s organisations will generally
take a closer look at the pavement with the view of carrying out maintenance or
rehabilitation work. It must be remembered however that different airports will
have different levels at which pavements should be maintained

• There are generally two levels of usage of a PMMS. One is using the system as
an inventory and PCI calculator while the second and more extensive is to use
the system for the above as well as pavement prediction modelling and

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Barling, J. M. and Robinson, B. Towards and Airport Pavement Management

System - A Review of Experience in the United Kingdom.

Broten, M. R. and McNeely, S. 1995. The Virginia Aviation Pavement Management

System: A Historical Perspective. Transportation Research Record. 1508, 84-91.

Oliver, M. G., Speir, R. H., and Rada, G. R. 1998. Implementation of Pavement

Management Systems at International Airports.

Shahin, M. Y. 1994. Pavement Management for Airports, Roads, and Parking Lots.
New York: Chapman and Hill.

Zimmerman, K. A., and Broten, M. R. 1995. The Use of Computerised Management

Systems for Airport Pavement Networks. Paper presented at the Eleventh Annual
Airport Conference (November 1-2, 1995, Great Lakes Region).

ASTM D 5340-93. Standard Test Method for Airport Pavement Condition Index
Surveys. American Society for Testing and Materials.

FAA AC 150/5000-6. Micro-Paver, Pavement Management System (PMS). Federal

Aviation Administration.

FAA AC 150/5380-7. Pavement Management System. Federal Aviation

Application by: Steven Papaleo


My application for the Frank Magee Scholarship seeks the opportunity to research and
investigate the current trends and “state of the art” developments in Airport Pavement
Maintenance Management Systems (PMMS).

PMMS play an important role in the management of airport maintenance and expenditure. They
are becoming more widespread around the world as many airports become privatised or are
looking to become more efficient in their allocation of maintenance funds.

The use of a systematic approach to maintenance and rehabilitation planning using a PMMS at
airports in Australia to date, is very limited and this study provides the opportunity for Airplan
to become competent and a leader in developing these systems in the Pacific rim.
My proposal includes:

Ë To examine what types of PMMS are used by various airport authorities and
administrations around the world

Ë To witness “hands on” how the systems are implemented and maintained by airport

Ë To view and document the maintenance techniques and strategies used by various airport

Ë To develop Airplan’s existing skills in the area of aircraft pavement management

Ë To provide Airplan with the opportunity to become the leader in Australasia in the area of
airport PMMS

As part of this study I intend to attend Pavement Maintenance Management Systems conferences
conducted during the study period. This will provide not only myself, but Airplan, with
additional detailed information on current trends and developments in PMMS and other
pavement technologies. It also provides the opportunity to develop contacts around the world
in this area and associated areas of mutual interest.

With the increasing development and privatisation of many of Australia’s airports together with
the impending establishment of Second Sydney Airport it is now considered to be the right time
for Airplan to introduce PMMS as part of our range of services.
As part of this study it is proposed that I travel to the United States, UK, Hong Kong and several
European countries.

Many of the PMMS available have been developed in the United States and therefore it is
considered essential that a visit be made there to examine how airport operators are
implementing these systems. It is also seen as an opportunity to meet the developers of some of
the PMMS software.

The BAA in the UK have adopted and operated a PMMS at many of their airports since the
early 1990’s and it is considered that examining the implementation of their systems is
important since BAA are responsible for a network of various size airports.

Hong Kong’s new airport is seen as a good example of the establishment of a PMMS during the
construction of the airport. This could potentially be utilised by Airplan to market a PMMS
when the Second Sydney Airport is built.

If time permits, I would also like to examine several airports in Europe which have
implemented a PMMS.

The study would comprise of:

Ä A desktop study to examine the type of systems in use around the world and how they are
established and operated. This part of my study has already commenced. This would be
followed up with questionnaires to selected worldwide airports

Ä Visit to the United States

ð Applied Pavement Technology - MicroPAVER Developers

ð American Public Works Association (APWA) - MicroPAVER

ð US Corps of Engineers

ð University of Illinios

ð Chicago O’Hare International Airport

ð Other selected US Airports

Ä Visit to the UK

ð BAA at Gatwick Airport

ð BAA Group Technical Services at Gatwick Airport

ð BAA at Heathrow Airport

ð Gibb Consulting Engineers - IAPMS

Ä Visit to Hong Kong

ð New Hong Kong Airport

Ä If time permits visits to France and Germany (Paris/Frankfurt)

Ä Preparation of a report on the PMMS being used around the world and which ones are most
suited to the Australasian environment and their effectiveness

Ä Preparation of a report on the maintenance techniques and strategies used by airport

authorities around the world together with pavement types/treatments used

Ä Preparation of marketing material for Airplan to use to promote our new service and

Ä Preparation and presentation of seminars and reports for Airplan staff to enable the team to
become more aware of PMMS and expand the company knowledge base

I feel that this opportunity to develop my skills in Pavement Maintenance Management Systems
would enhance my knowledge and career opportunities significantly. I already have a founding
in this area as my final year project at University was on the “Maintenance and Rehabilitation
of Rigid Aircraft Pavements”. This work enabled me to gain an understanding of the nature and
operation of PMMS and the steps that need to be taken in their implementation. I was also able
to gain a broad understanding in the concrete pavement maintenance techniques adopted around
the world. I believe that this opportunity will allow me to further enhance my knowledge in
these areas.

I have been involved in the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) survey that was conducted on
Sydney Airport’s Taxiways Alpha, Golf and Foxtrot and developed a spreadsheet and data
sheet to help improve the efficiency of data collection and analysis required for this type of
survey. As an integral part of a PMMS involves the PCI survey for the input data collection, I
feel that this introduction will help me develop my skills further.

My knowledge of computer systems will greatly assist in this study as I have a sound
background and am comfortable with computers and how they operate. This knowledge will
allow me to focus on maintenance techniques, how PCI surveys are undertaken, analyse various
maintenance scenarios to budget limitations and other related areas. This will also be of benefit
in the implementation of such a Pavement Maintenance Management System within Airplan.

I believe that my background in these areas will help me and act as building blocks upon which
I can further develop and enhance my knowledge. I feel that these areas are important issues
which need to be examined and implemented in Australia and they are of special interest to me.
I believe the value of this study to Airplan and myself would be immeasurable. It would
provide Airplan the opportunity to become a market leader in this type of service and provide
the capability to introduce PMMS to the Australasian market at both Civil and Military airports.
Airplan would be able to market themselves as a specialist in PMMS and it would add to the
knowledge of the Airplan team. I would also see the opportunity for myself to be actively
involved in marketing this service with clients as I would have knowledge of what systems are
used around the world and the effectiveness of these systems.

Upon completion of the study a report would be produced outlining the merits of various
PMMS in order to allow Airplan to appreciate the value of various systems available.
Presentations would be made to Airplan staff so that the company as a whole becomes more
knowledgeable of the systems available. Also, Airplan’s involvement in the Second Sydney
Airport provides the opportunity for implementation of a PMMS from the beginning which will
allow for more effective maintenance procedures in the future.

This study will also assist the company in the implementation and training of the proposed
purchase of MicroPAVER. Having the knowledge within the company of how other airport
authorities utilise their PMMS will greatly enhance and allow the company to increase the
efficiency of the system. It will reduce the learning curve so that Airplan becomes proficient in
PMMS much earlier than could otherwise be expected.

Before I would undertake this study I would actively discuss PMMS issues with other Airplan
staff members to capture the available in house experience and knowledge on this subject. I
would also utilise their knowledge to help develop questionnaires and checklists so that the
study incorporates as much information as possible.

I also see this study as an opportunity to view airfield pavement construction types and
maintenance techniques used around the world. It will allow the company and myself to become
more knowledgeable in the current pavement maintenance techniques while allowing a contact
base to be developed. This contact base will allow Airplan to stay at the forefront of current
pavement technologies and Pavement Maintenance Management Systems.

It also provides the opportunity to discuss with pavement maintenance managers and operators
their maintenance policies, strategies and repair techniques.
Organisation Contact List

Mr Mark Oliver Mr John Barling

Senior Executive Engineer Principal Civil Engineer Airfield Strategy
GIBB Ltd Group
Gibb House, London Road Engineering and Construction, BAA plc
Reading, Berkshire RG6 1BL Meadvale, Beehive Ring Road
United Kingdom Gatwick Airport, West Sussex RH6 0PA
Tel. +44 (0) 118 963 5000 United Kingdom
Fax. +44 (0) 118 935 2517 Tel. +44 (0) 129 350 8301
Fax. +44 (0) 129 350 8335

Mr John MacMullen Ms Katie Zimmerman

American Public Works Association Principal
2345 Grand Boulevard Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.
Suite 500 17 W 703 Butterfield Road
Kansas City, MO 64108-2625 Suite A
United States of America Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Tel. +1 (816) 472 6100 United States of America
Fax. +1 (816) 472 1610 Tel. +1 (630) 268 8483
Fax. +1 (630) 268 8375

Dr Samuel Carpenter Dr Mohamed Shahin

Professor United States Army Corps of Engineers
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Research Laboratories
Department of Civil Engineering PO Box 9005
205 N. Mathews MC-250 Champaign, IL 61826-9005
Urbana, IL 61801 United States of America
United States of America Tel. +1 (217) 373 6739
Tel. +1 (217) 333 4188 Fax. +1 (217) 373 6740
Fax. +1 (217) 333 9464

Mr Travis Vallin
Colorado Division of Aviation
56 Inverness Drive East
Englewood, CO
United States of America
Tel. +1 (303) 792 2160

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