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Report On Ezone

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The role of the Human Resource Manager is evolving with the change in competitive market
environment and the realization that Human Resource Management must play a more
strategic role in the success of an organization. Organizations that do not put their emphasis
on attracting and retaining talents may find themselves in dire consequences, as their
competitors may be outplaying them in the strategic employment of their human resources.

In Bangladesh ‘the concept of HR’ is not very old. But within last 7 to 10 years it is widely
practiced and now maximum large company keeps a department of Human Resource
Management. As we move into the 'new economy', the focus on people and knowledge has
steadily increased. Today, companies face new challenges in dealing with issues such as the
scarcity of talent, the value of ideas/knowledge and the changing preferences of the labour
market. Consequently, successful HR strategies are needed more than ever.

With the increase in competition, locally or globally, organizations must become more
adaptable, resilient, agile, and customer-focused to succeed. And within this change in
environment, the HR professional has to evolve to become a strategic partner, an employee
sponsor or advocate, and a change mentor within the organization. In order to succeed, HR
must be a business driven function with a thorough understanding of the organization’s big
picture and be able to influence key decisions and policies. In general, the focus of today’s
HR Manager is on strategic personnel retention and talents development. HR professionals
will be coaches, counselors, mentors, and succession planners to help motivate organization’s
members and their loyalty. The HR manager will also promote and fight for value, ethics,
beliefs, and spirituality with their organizations.

And to aid HR professionals, HR consulting firms are increasingly playing important roles
in developing and shaping modern HR practices in the Corporate World of Bangladesh.


In this report, we focused on a particular HR consulting firm called – E-Zone HRM Ltd. to
analyze and understand how it is helping its clients, like other HR consulting firms, to
embrace modern HR practices so that their business can maintain success in today’s
competitive business arena.

While preparing this report we faced some problems such as:
o We did not get full cooperation from the HR consulting firms
o We could not talk directly with an HR consultant for their expensive charge
o We could not access all the required information from the HR consulting firms
o Internet searches did not produce much relevant information


Organizational Leaders are constantly making decisions to help improve the performance of
their companies. Often, that discussion leads to goals for the future. That’s where and when
HR consultants come in.

E-Zone HRM Ltd (a concern of E-Zone Group) is a human resource consulting firm that
provides one-stop HR solutions to its clients. They specialize in delivering innovative and
value added services that promote revenue growth and cost containment.

E-ZONE Executives are experts in leading, changing and developing high-performing

organizations. Thay are able to leverage on the expertise of their executives to provide result-
oriented consulting services to their clients

At E-Zone, they deliver consulting solutions that EMPOWER people and organizations to
do the following:

 Operate Efficiently
 Hire and Retain the Right People
 Drive Growth
 Establish leadership in the market through learning

At E-Zone they take the long term view believing that success is based on exceeding their
clients' expectations in both service and advice. Their success and reputation are based on the
foundation of providing quality, timely and professional services. Their rapid growth and
reputation are the result of their commitment to quality, speed and thoroughness in
combination with superior screening and identification techniques.



Their mission is to provide prompt and efficient services to their clients with
excellence and dedication in all aspects of human resources management by creating a
sustained and mutually beneficial relationship, and by forging international alliances
with similar firms. They just help clients to find the RIGHT PATH through your

 Vision

To be an organization that:
a) enhances achievement of our national and international clients’ goals and
b) acquires and maintains advanced level of competencies in its fields of activity
c) provides opportunities for its people to achieve their career objectives
d) upholds high ethical standards in conducting its affairs

 Core Strategies
a) Accomplish task in WIN-WIN situation
b) Work until customer satisfaction
c) Striving for quality
d) Always maintain deadline
e) Dedicate team for individual assigned task
f) Design/accomplish all HR tasks in line with recent market trends & company
g) Always keep us update on recent HR developments
h) Focusing on individual issue rather looking at holistically
Human Resources may set strategies and develop policies, standards, systems, and processes
that implement these strategies in a whole range of areas. The following are typical of a wide
range of organizations:

• Recruitment and selection (resourcing)

• Organizational design and development
• Business transformation and change management
• Performance, conduct and behavior management
• Industrial and employee relations
• Human resources (workforce) analysis and workforce personnel data management
• Compensation, rewards, and benefits management
• Training and development (learning management)

Implementation of such policies, processes or standards may be directly managed by the HR

function itself, or the function may indirectly supervise the implementation of such activities
by managers, other business functions or via third-party external partner organizations.

In organizations, it is important to determine both current and future organizational

requirements for both core employees and the contingent workforce in terms of their
skills/technical abilities, competencies, flexibility etc. The analysis requires consideration of
the internal and external factors that can have an effect on the resourcing, development,
motivation and retention of employees and other workers.

External factors are those largely out-with the control of the organization. These include
issues such as economic climate and current and future labor market trends (e.g., skills,
education level, government investment into industries etc.). On the other hand, internal
influences are broadly controlled by the organization to predict, determine, and monitor—for
example—the organizational culture, underpinned by management style, environmental
climate, and the approach to ethical and corporate social responsibilities.

Major trends

To know the business environment an organization operates in, three major trends must be

1. Demographics: The characteristics of a population/workforce, for example, age,

gender or social class. This type of trend may have an effect in relation to pension
offerings, insurance packages etc.
2. Diversity: The variation within the population/workplace. Changes in society now
mean that a larger proportion of organizations are made up of "baby-boomers" or
older employees in comparison to thirty years ago. Advocates of "workplace
diversity" simply advocate an employee base that is a mirror reflection of the make-up
of society insofar as race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
3. Skills and qualifications: As industries move from manual to a more managerial
professions so does the need for more highly skilled graduates. If the market is "tight"
(i.e., not enough staff for the jobs), employers must compete for employees by
offering financial rewards, community investment, etc..


E-Zone HRM Ltd. provides an array of services to its clients through a panel of HR
consultants who came from leading organizations. These services are a reflection of modern
HR practices that they make clients implement. The services unfold as such:


Change is the only constant in business. In order to effortlessly manage change, adequate
preparation and effective strategy must be in place. E-Zone offers complete solution to
effective change management as well as developing various HR documents. Their Change
Management Consulting services are designed to help their clients successfully address the
challenges and opportunities facing their companies. Their consulting relationship with their
clients helps them to better create and implement their business strategies which enable them
to increase sales, market share, and profitability

Climate Survey
A leader’s most significant strength is his ability to create a positive work climate. In an
outstanding organizational climate people are energized to produce their best, free of
unnecessary distractions. Effective leaders use a repertoire of styles to create positive work
climates in the areas they manage. The Climate Survey aims to investigate the existing work
environment of an organization, such as systems, working people’s attitudes, feelings and
behaviors etc. The Climate Survey is conducted with the employees of the organization. The
Climate Survey tool is customized in consultation with the organization. After finalization of
Tool, an orientation session is organized with the participants to provide them with an idea
about the process of administering the instrument. The instruments will be administered with
all the selected staff.

The Climate Survey captures the pulse of client’s organization, assess company values,
identify competency levels, identify policy impact and guide leadership decisions to improve
effectiveness and morale. They manage the survey process to ensure maximum participation,
anonymity, confidentiality and data accuracy. They keep clients informed on a regular basis
on their project status to ensure your success.

Compensation Survey & Design

Every employer needs a Compensation Strategy (Private, Public, Non-profit). They see this
area as crucial for attracting & retention of desired staff members. They provide flexible,
cost-effective compensation solutions for every employer, regardless of size.

They cover following areas while designing compensation & benefits

• Compensation and benefits surveys

• Set competitive benchmark
• Job evaluation
• Compensation strategy, design and structuring
• Design specific programs such as car schemes, loans, deferred benefits & insurance,

• Design employee loan schemes

Designing Organogram
To build an organization to last and continue to grow, a dynamic and adoptive organization
structure is necessary. E-Zone works with clients to develop and appropriate Organogram in
line with current management practices. They study the existing Organogram in details,
analyze job descriptions, key competencies, organizational goals and strategies before
suggesting the Organogram.

Developing Human Resources Documents

HRM is an evolving discipline. They help organizations develop necessary documentation to
ensure consistency and continuity in HRM system of the organization.

Employee Handbook
An important reason to create an employee handbook is to document the employer's
expectations. Employees want to be successful; they are eager to know what is expected of
them and how they can improve. A good handbook describes expected performance and
resulting reward in addition to clarifying the employer's expectations regarding work hours,
dress codes, and leaves, etc.

The process of creating a handbook also helps employers improve their leadership, first by
thinking through and choosing which policies are useful and practical in their specific
situation. When concrete policies are established, employers can better manage employees
because objectives for each position have been examined, benefits have been considered and
perhaps retooled, and personnel policies are in place before contentious issues arise.

Gratuity Rules, Regulations & Trust Deeds

All organizations must have a Gratuity Scheme. Many find it convenient to set up separate
Trust for managing Gratuity Scheme Fund. They help in developing such documents.

Human Resources Audit is a process of examining policies, procedures, documentation,
systems, and practices with respect to an organization’s HR functions. The purpose of the
audit is to reveal the strengths and weaknesses in the organization’s HR system, and any issue
needing resolution. Guiding HR function through compliance and employee relations issues
can be challenging work. How does an organization know if it is on a solid foundation? With
the E-Zone Human Resource Audit, management determines where they are, prioritize what
they have to do, and know for certain that they have looked at the right issues. The Result?
The organization’s comfort level and professional contribution will be enhanced, and
management will be confident about moving forward. The organization will in turn have a
fully charged motivated work force.

Human Resource Policy Manual

They help develop or revise HR Policy Manual that will meet organizational needs. With
their experienced management panel and devoted individuals in the team, they help
organizations to define their audience, provide checklists and sample policies to guide
employees, and give client’s document a thorough technical review.

Organization Re-engineering
They have worked for quite a large number of organizations in restructuring & designing
phase from inception to set organizations. Their work includes:

• Organization structure design (i.e. Organogram)

• Detailing of roles and responsibilities (i.e. Job description)
• Review & assess manpower requirement
• Definition of competencies
• Job Evaluation

• Based on market and current practice, benchmarking compensation levels, common

compensation structure, benefits and policies.

Other Tailor Made Documents

Setting up a Pension Scheme, putting together an appropriate Health Insurance Policy, etc.
are evolving now a days. They help prepare such documents according to client needs,
offering one-step solutions including statutory approvals, registration and legal vetting.

Performance Appraisal System

Their specialists help to design, develop and implement a customized performance appraisal
system specific to the organization. They know from experience that the same program is not
suitable for every organization. They provide a customized package that will be particularly
suitable for a particular organization

Provident Fund (PF) Rules, Regulations & Trust Deeds

Introduction of Contributory Provident Fund will soon be mandatory for every organization.
They help clients develop PF Rules, Regulations and Trust Deeds. Based on client requests,
they work to secure regulatory approvals and registration of trust deeds including legal


The mission of E-Zone Learning is to help companies maximize their potential through
training and development of employees.

It is becoming more and more challenging to remain competitive in a global market. Highly
skilled and well informed personnel are the key. Their Learning solutions cater to both large
and small organizations. They ensure that their courses and training methods are relevant and
of best quality.

Their Learning Solutions are tailor-made to the needs of the organization. The resource
persons are highly skilled and competent facilitators with many years of experience in diverse
fields. Their emphasis is on highly interactive programs, video presentations, with case
studies and learning through discussions. They believe that knowledge management is the
key to success for today’s enterprise.

Business Communication Upcoming
Situational Leadership April 9th, 2011
Strategic Thinking Upcoming
Managing Change Upcoming

Figure 1: Training Announcements


E-Zone Limited
Planners Tower (10th Floor)
13/A Sonargaon Road
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh


Workshop on Managing Change

Dear Sir:

We confirm that the following Executives of our organization will participate in your workshop
Managing Change on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at
BRAC Center Inn, conference room (1st floor), BRAC, 75 Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka - 1212

Sl No Name of the Executive Designation Contact phone #

We also enclose requisite fees for BDT ………………………… @ BDT ……… per participant
vide cross cheque no……………………………………..dated……………………………………
drawn on …………………………………………………………Bank
…...……………………………………………………………… Branch, Dhaka favoring E-Zone

Thanking you

Sincerely yours,

Company Name:

Contact Person:

Person’s Phone Number:

Encl.: a/a

Figure 2: Training Registration Form (Prototype)


Effective recruitment is more than just selection. The identification, attraction and assessment
of talented staff is a significant and strategic issue for an organization currently facing all
companies. They offer a professional and comprehensive service which stems from their
understanding of:

■The role

■The industry sector

■ How best to attract candidates

■The priorities, limits and deadlines of our clients

■ The employment market in general

■ Staff retention.

E-ZONE is experienced in recruiting across all business functions, including general

management, finance & accounts, Human Resources, Supply Chain, Procurement &
Logistics, Sales & Marketing, Engineering. They have been effectively matching the right
candidate with the right employer since inception in 2004. Following is a list of their core
recruiting services:

• Top-level Career Placement Service

• Executive-level Recruiting Services
• Mid-level Recruiting Service
• Entry-Level Recruiting Service

Candidates are sourced from their internal database of over 50,000 CVs as well as through
their extensive business network. The candidate will then be fully interviewed and briefed
before clients even see their CVs.

At E-Zone, they take the long term view believing that success is based on exceeding their
clients' expectations in both service and advice. Their aim is to streamline the recruitment
process for clients providing them with suitable candidates to choose from.


E-Zone offers a range of outsourcing services to clients, including:

• Payroll Management Services

• Employee Outsourcing Services
• Document Processing Services
• Packaged Tailor-made Services
• Assist in Securing Regulatory Approvals

• Provide design & Printing services

• Provide Event Management Services
• Any other assignment pertinent to human resource management services that the
principal may need from time to time.

E-Zone HRM has built a fairly large client base across a wide spectrum of organizations.
They have worked for over 120 organizations. Over 80% of their clients are repeat clients.

Name of the Company Work Area

Telecommunication Industry

Warid Telecom Recruitment

Pacific Telecom Bangladesh Ltd. Training, Recruitment
Orasinvest Bangladesh Limited Recruitment
Ericsson AB Recruitment, Contractual Staff
Sony Ericsson International, Singapore Recruitment
TM International (BD) Limited Recruitment
Sheba Phone Recruitment
Worldtel Recruitment
Asian Tower Recruitment
Nokia Networks Recruitment
Civitech (Consultant of Orascom) Recruitment
ORG Telecom Recruitment
UTStarcom Recruitment

Standard Chartered Bank Recruitment

Commercial Bank of Ceylon Recruitment
Bank Al-Falah Recruitment
Premier Bank Training, Recruitment
One Bank Recruitment
National Bank Recruitment
Jamuna Bank Recruitment
Pharmaceuticals Industry

Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals Recruitment

Novartis Bangladesh Ltd. Recruitment, Contractual Staff
GlaxoSmithKline Recruitment, Contractual Staff
Square Pharmaceuticals Recruitment
The ACME Laboratories Recruitment
Incepta Pharmaceuticals Recruitment
Bayer Crop Science Recruitment
Advanced Chemical Industries (ACI) Recruitment
ACI Godrej Agrovet Private Limited Recruitment

International NGOs

DFID Survey of Health Insurance & Deferred

Save The Children, USA Recruitment
SouthAsia Enterprise Development Facility - Recruitment, Developing File
SEDF Management System, Training
Marie Stopes Recruitment, Training
INGO Forum: Vision 2020 Recruitment, Contractual Staff
Sales & Marketing

ISIS Foods Bangladesh Limited Recruitment

Bata Shoe Co. BD Ltd. Recruitment
Nestle Bangladesh Limited Recruitment
Coca Cola SABCO Recruitment
Tetrapak Asian Emerging Markets Recruitment
Berger Paints Bangladesh Ltd. Contractual Staff Management
Reckitt Benckiser Recruitment
Rahim Afrooz Recruitment
3M Bangladesh Liasion Office Recruitment
Quantum Market Research Bangladesh Limited Recruitment
Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Council Recruitment
Everest Dairy & Food Products Ltd. Recruitment
Baraka Ltd. (Servo Oil) Recruitment
Dhaka-Shanghai Ceramics Ltd. HR Policy Development, Recruitment
Shipping & Logistics

MAERSK Bangladesh Ltd. Recruitment

Freight Systems Limited Recruitment
Aramex (BD) Ltd. Recruitment
Expolanka Group Recruitment
Wings Air Cargo Limited Recruitment
Everbest Shipping Agency Recruitment
Engineering Institutions

KMC Oiltools Ltd Recruitment

ATE Technologies BD Pvt. Ltd Recruitment
ABB Bangladesh Ltd. Recruitment, Contractual Staff
HeidelbergCement Group Recruitment
Vidyut Bangladesh Pvt. Ltd Recruitment
Meghna Engineering Works Recruitment
Bangladesh Steel Re-rolling Mills Ltd. - BSRM Recruitment
Aranee Technologies Recruitment
Olympia Complex Recruitment
Siddique & Company Recruitment
Garment & Textile Industry

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd. Recruitment, Training

IKEA Asia Pacific PTE Ltd. Recruitment
Coats Bangladesh Ltd. Recruitment, Contractual Staff
Avery Dennison Recruitment
Epyllion Group HR Policy Development, Recruitment
Northern Corporation HR Policy Development, Recruitment
Comfort Wear Int. Ltd (Danish Joint Venture) HR Policy Development, Recruitment
Cotton Group Recruitment
Cosmopolitan Industries Ltd. Recruitment
Dynasty Group Recruitment
Opex Sinha Group Recruitment
IDS Group Recruitment
Epic Design Recruitment
Greenland Garments Recruitment
Urmi Group Recruitment
Siatex Recruitment

Real Estate

Amin Mohammad Foundation Recruitment

Rangs Properties Limited Recruitment
Rancon Engineering Ltd. Recruitment
Building Technologies & Ideas Ltd. (BTI) Recruitment

Media & Entertainment Industry

CSB TV Recruitment
Bangla Vision Recruitment
ETV Recruitment
RTV HR Policy Development, Recruitment
Financial Institutions

United Leasing Company Recruitment

Pragati Insurance Limited Event Management
IDLC Recruitment
Bangladesh Finance & Investment Corporation Recruitment, Preparation of Annual
(BFIC) Report
AL-WASL Risk Management Bangladesh Ltd. Recruitment
GSP Finance Company (BD) Limited. Recruitment

The role of the HR professionals in Bangladesh must parallel the needs of the changing
organization. Successful organizations are becoming more adaptable, resilient, quick to
change directions, and customer-centered. Within this environment, the HR professional must
learn how to manage effectively through planning, organizing, leading and controlling the
human resource and be knowledgeable of emerging trends in training and employee


8652455, 8651161

Planners Tower, 10th Floor, 13/A, Sonargaon Road




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