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CAT Replica Arithmetic-I (CWQAT - 2201)

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CAT Replica Arithmetic- I (CWQAT -2201)

1. Let A, B and C be 3 positive integers such that the sum of 9. A cube is heated and expanded to the shape of cuboid.
A and the mean of B and C is 5. In addition, the sum of B and The area of three mutually perpendicular faces increased by
the mean of A and C is 7. Then the sum of A and B is 80%, 92% and 140% respectively. The volume of newly
formed cuboid is how much% more than that of the original
a) 7 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6 cube?

2. Aron bought some pencils and sharpeners. Spending the 10. A certain sum is lent out at a certain rate of simple interest
same amount of money as Aron, Aditya bought twice as many and compound interest compounded yearly. The difference
pencils and 10 less sharpeners. If the cost of one sharpener between compound interest and simple interest for 3 years is
is Rs. 2 more than the cost of a pencil, then the minimum 64% of the simple interest for 1 year. Find the rate of interest.
possible number of pencils bought by Aron and Aditya
together is- a) 10% b) 15% c) 20% d) 12.5%

a) 36 b) 33 c) 30 d) 27 11. A man borrowed a certain sum under compound interest,

compounded annually, from a bank. CI for 2nd and 3rd year
3. A batsman played n+2 innings and got out on all occasions. are ₹3840 and ₹4608 respectively. Find the sum.
His average score in these n+2 innings was 29 runs and he (a)₹14000 (b) ₹16000 (c) ₹18000 (d) ₹20000
scored 38 and 15 runs in the last two innings. The batsman
12. A tailor met a tortoise sitting under a tree. When the
scored less than 38 runs in each of the first n innings. In these
tortoise was as old as the tailor is, the tailor’s age was one-
n innings, his average score was 30 runs and lowest score
fourth of his present age. When the tree was as old as the
was x runs. The smallest possible value of x is-
tortoise is, the tortoise’s age was one-seventh of its present
a) 1 b) 3 c) 4 d) 2 age. The sum of the present ages of the tailor, the tortoise
and the tree is 312 years. Find the present age of the tailor.
4. The number of pairs of integers (x, y) satisfying x ≥ y ≥ -20
and 2x + 5y = 99 is a) 36 years b) 44 years c) 48 years d) 52 years

5. In a group of 10 students, the mean of the lowest 9 scores 13. A laptop can be purchased by making a cash payment of
is 42 while the mean of the highest 9 scores is 47. For the ₹65,000. It can also be purchased by making a down
entire group of10 students, the maximum possible mean payment of ₹5,420 and paying three equal annual
exceeds the minimum possible mean by instalments at 10% p.a. compound interest. If each
a) 3 b) 5 c) 4 d) 6 instalment was paid at the end of a year, the value of each
instalment is ₹
6. On a certain day, each member of a family drank some tea
and some coffee. The total amount of tea and coffee
consumed by each member was 125 ml. One of the members 14. Consider the following system of equations:
drank one-tenth of the total tea and one-twelfth of the total
coffee that was consumed that day. Find the number of x + 2y + 3z = 17
members in the family. 11x + 3y – 8z = 26
29x + y – 36z = k
a) 10 b) 12 c) 11 d) Cannot be determined
The value of k for which the system of equations has at least
7. Each of Abhilasha, Bindu, Chetana and Divya had some one solution is –
coins with them. They met a magician who gave them a
magic pot. The magician told them that if any two of the girls a) -10 b) 10 c) 20 d) -2
put x and y coins respectively, one after the other into the
pot, the pot would give 2x + 3y coins. The girls calculated 15. A garrison starts a month with provisions expected to last
what the pot would give when each of the following pairs of for the entire month. After a few days, it is discovered that the
girls, in the given order, put their coins into the pot: for provisions will, in fact, fall short by 12 days and it is calculated
Abhilasha and Divya, Bindu and Chetana, and Divya and that if the stock of provisions left is immediately tripled, it will
Bindu, the pot would give 32, 27 and 25 coins respectively. be possible to exactly make up for the shortfall. If the stock of
How many coins would the pot give, when Chetana and provisions left is doubled instead of being tripled, and
Abhilasha put their coins into the pot in that order? simultaneously the strength of the garrison is decreased by
25%, then find the number of days by which the provisions will
a) 24 b) 26 c) 28 d) Cannot be determined fall short.

8. Every morning in a garden, new insects equal in number to 16. The rate of cooling of a body is directly proportional to the
80% of the existing insects are born. 37.5% of the new born fourth power of the temperature difference between the
insects die immediately after birth, and every evening 40% of surroundings and the body as well as to the surface area of
the insects are killed with an insecticide. After how many days the body. A body in the shape of a cube is melted to form a
will the insect population be less than 50% of the initial sphere and during this process the temperature difference of
population for the first time? the body and the surroundings increased by 10%. Find the

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7
approximate ratio(R) of the new rate of cooling to the initial 25. Eleven persons, P1, P2 ……. P11, have m coins each. P1
rate of cooling. first distributes 1 coin to each of the remaining 10 persons. P2
then takes 2 coins from each of the remaining 10 persons.
a) 0<R<1 b) 1 < R < 2 Later, P3 distributes 3 coins to each of the remaining 10
b) c) 2 < R < 3 d) None of these persons and this process continues until P7 completes his
turn. If P7 is left with no coins after distributing coins to the
17. The cost of nine erasers, seven sharpeners and five remaining persons, find the total number of coins with the four
pencils is ₹38. The cost of four erasers, three sharpeners and persons P8, P9, P10 and P11 after P7 completes his turn.
two pencils is ₹16. Find the cost of two pencils and three
sharpeners, if the cost of each of the items, in rupees, is a
natural number and the cost of no two items is the same.
26. In a bag, there are a total of 150 coins in three
a) ₹12 b) ₹14 c) ₹8 d) ₹7 denominations – ₹1, ₹2 and ₹5 – with at least one coin of each
denomination being present in the bag. The total value of the
18. A shopkeeper bought an article at ₹1000 and marked up ₹1 coins is at least 50% of the total value of the coins in the
its price by x%. If he then gave a discount of
% and still got bag. If there are 23 ₹5 coins in the bag and the total value of
a profit percentage of
%, find the amount of discount given. the ₹2 coins is at least 3% of the total value of the coins in the
bag, find the number of ₹2 coins in the
a) ₹200 b) ₹300 c) ₹500 d) ₹600 bag.

19. Sushant took six AIMCATs and the total score that he 27. Each of Shiva and Hari has a few marbles with them. If
obtained in each AIMCAT was a distinct integer between 121 Shiva gives 12 marbles to Hari, the ratio of the number of
to 130, both inclusive. If the average of his AIMCAT scores at marbles with them becomes the reciprocal of the initial ratio. If
the end of every AIMCAT was an integer, and he scored 127 they together have a total of N marbles, how many marbles
in the sixth test, how much did he score in the fifth test? should Shiva give to Hari so that each of them has an equal
number of marbles?

a) 6 b) 12 c) 24 d) 26
20. The ratio of the Incomes and Savings of A and B is 3:4
and 4:5 respectively; while the ratio of Savings and Incomes 28. In a lottery, there are four cash prizes and a certain amount
is set aside for that purpose. The first prize, which is ₹x more
of B and C is 3:4 and 4:5 respectively. Find, who’s expenditure than half the total amount, is given away. The second prize,
is maximum? which is ₹2x more than half the remaining amount, is given
away. Then the third prize, which is ₹3x more than half the
a) A b) B c) C d) Cannot be determined remaining amount, is given away. Finally, the fourth prize,
which is ₹4x more than half the remaining amount, is given
21. A manufacturer reduces the cost of production of an item away. If the winner of the first prize gives 50% of the amount
by 25% but left the S.P. unchanged as a result of which his he received to the winner of the last prize, what is the ratio of
profit as a percentage of cost of production increased by 40 the amounts with the winners of the third prize and the fourth
percentage point. What will be his profit percentage if he prize?
a) 13: 25 b) 20: 29 c) 14:33 d) Cannot be determined
reduces the cost of production by further 20%?

a) 125 % b) 130% c) 135% d) None of these

29. - In a management entrance test, there are 150 questions.
Six marks are awarded for each correct answer, two marks
22. A is x% more than B and is x% of sum of A and B. What
are deducted for each wrong answer and one mark is
is the value of x?
deducted for each question left unattempted. Which of the
a) 50% b) 62% c) 75% d) 37% following could be the number of questions left unattempted
by a candidate who got a net score of 360?
23. The cost of 10 biscuits, 12 chocolates and 15 ice creams
is ₹315. The cost of 12 biscuits, 15 chocolates and 19 ice a) 24 b) 26 c) 28 d) 30
creams is ₹389. The cost of 56 biscuits, 69 chocolates and N
30. Two natural numbers, a and b, are in the ratio 7: 10
ice creams is ₹1797. Find the value of N for which the cost of
respectively. When a positive integer x is subtracted from both
each item cannot be determined uniquely.
a and b, the new ratio is observed to be less than 5: 9. What
is the least value that x can assume?

24. A company manufacturing plastic bottles incurs a cost of

₹40 per bottle. The number of bottles sold in a month
decreases by 20 for every ₹4 increase in the selling price. If
when the selling price of each bottle is ₹48, the number of
bottles sold in a month is 600, find the maximum profit (in ₹)
that the company can make in a month?

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