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Iot Based Flood Management and Alerting System: Prof. Ramachandra C Department

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Prof. Ramachandra C
Department of EEE, RRIT, Bengaluru-90 Department of EEE, RRIT, Bengalore-90

Abstract— Nowadays, certain actions are taken to improve the level of cleanliness in the country. People are getting more
active in doing all the things to clean their surroundings. Various movements are also started by the government to
increase cleanliness. We will try to build a system which will notify the corporations to empty the bin on time. In this
system we will put a sensor on top of the garbage bin which will detect the total level of garbage inside it according to the
total size of bin. When the garbage will reach the maximum level, a notification will be sent to the corporation’s office,
and then employees can take further actions to empty the bin. This system will help in cleaning the city in a better way.
By using this system people do not have to check all the systems manually, but they will get a notification when the bin is
Index Terms—Raspberry PI, Ultrasonic sensor, IoT, GSM (Global system for Mobile communication), WLAN.

I. INTRODUCTION temporal correlation in order to obtain early

Flood monitoring is a particularly alarming Information. In our IoT approach, all
challenging application for Internet of Things collected data will be continuously transmitted,
(IoT). In fact, it offers a complex scenario for through the Internet communication infrastructure,
the variety and number of sensors involved, their location to software components designed to compute the stream-
and relative communication problems. The type of sensors flow and to quantify the spatial distribution of flood risk
involved in the process and the corresponding type of for each controlled watershed. The computed risks,
installation depend on the kind of collected data and on their together with data coming from other sources (barometric
geo-localization (i.e., urban areas, where powering and and river discharge sensors, cameras operators of public
communication are relatively simple, or in remote and organizations, emergency agencies, private citizens), will
difficult to access mountainous or country locations). The be examined by a diagnostic decision system implementing
kind of data collected ranges from rain monitoring to river a risk-alert scheduling strategy, able to diagnose the health
gauging with several parameters to be monitored and state of the controlled environment and to define
compared. In the case of rivers, the problem depends on specialized alarm levels for each potentially interested
their size and dimension and geography of the region where area. Finally, the computed risks will be used for
they flow, if they are small creeks or wide rivers, if they specializing alerting messages, to be sent to all citizens
flow in a steep or fiat area, in open air or are channeled (ubiquity) present in each selected area only (alerting
underground, etc. locality).
From this point of view, we already activated
different collaborations and definitions of common goals III. LITERATURE SURVEY
with public administrations involved in the management of 1. To decrease the challenges that the cities face such as
the experimental areas. To this aim, we designed a general scarcity of energy sources, flooding prevention, healthcare,
hardware and software loT infrastructure and architecture housing water and deteriorating infrastructure, making a city
applicable to the environmental problem mentioned above, 'Smart' is emerging. The Internet of Things or IOT provides
but extensible to the more general problem of monitoring the ability for human and machines to interact from billions
the environment in densely inhabited areas. of things that include sensors, services, or other Internet
connected things. This paper aims to realize the security
II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY requirement and security architecture of Internet of things
Our research will be an element of great technology for urban flooding prevention management
importance to train specific risk management and to system and discussed the demand and overall design of
deliver elements of innovation and encouragement for the urban flooding prevention management system. Finally, the
definition of land management strategies both on the local application process of the Internet of things technology in
and regional scale. Moreover, this research will help to Chongqing flooding prevention management system is
provide knowledge and tools for effective decision making summarized. For emergency command and dispatch there is
and public engagement. In particular, we detail the sensor visual management, and at the same time, network
classes (their design for the new ones), their assessment management for the drainage pipe can be
communication mechanisms and associated software conducted correctly. The flood control and drainage
services as components of a general IoT infrastructure. The function of Chongqing will gradually improve with smooth
aim is to monitor either rainfalls, river discharge or their

drainage facilities also the inspection and maintenance
management will be standardized. In this project, some hardware devices are used
2. Floods, extreme weather events, have occurred with such as power supply, ultrasonic sensors,
frequent regularity over last two decades causing severe temperature and humidity sensors and electronic
urban flood related inundations. India is primarily an platform Arduino. The hardware is connected with
agricultural country and rural infrastructure was adequate to Wi-Fi module which enable the system to connect
sustain country population. Expansion of urban sector and share the information through internet.
increased due to migration of population towards mega
cities. Such migrations are due to industrial growth. Every
year floods affect nearly 400 million hectares of land in
India. Now a day's weather information is used for A. Raspberry Pi - The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ is the latest
monitoring and warning on urban flooding. The citizens get product in the Raspberry Pi 3 range, boasting a 64-bit quad
notification when of people check, people on vehicles check core processor running at 1.4GHz, dual-band 2.4GHz and
or camera check, which has the defects of poor continuity, 5GHz wireless LAN, Bluetooth 4.2/BLE, faster Ethernet,
little data, slow speed, and time lag. The people living in and PoE capability via a separate PoE HAT. The dual-band
apartment do not get waterlog information exactly and wireless LAN comes with modular compliance certification,
quickly and thus they are not able to take corresponding allowing the board to be designed into end products with
measures and unemployment and other reasons. The significantly reduced wireless LAN compliance testing,
population count is increasing day by day and due to that improving both cost and time to market.
cities are facing many new challenges. Flooding condition is
one of the big challenges increased due to uncontrolled
growth of mega cities.



Fig 2. Raspberry PI model B+

B. Water level measurement sensor- For water level

measurement, we have used ultrasonic sensors. This sensor
will work on sound navigation and ranging. It will work by
transmitting the wave of short and high frequencies and
echo will get reverted back, depending on these the level
will be measured. The distance between sensor and water
level will be calculated as –
Distance L = ½×T×C
Where L=Distance
C=Sonic speed
We have introduced an engineering that give early warnings T=Time between transmission and reception
to the citizens and to the government agencies. With the
help of the android application, real time data will be
available to the individuals instead of depending on the
government for analyzing the situation.
With the help of the proposed hardware module,
alert will be provided when values reach a pre-defined
threshold depending on the region. The idea is to develop a
device which is going to save economy, society, lives and
their habitat. Using various gadgets and sensors will
increase the precision. Keeping that factor in mind, we are
developing a device which a user needs to install in the
smartphone, rest all the analysis work is done by the system
and alert is provided in the form of notifications.

2. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Fig 3. Ultrasonic sensor

2.1 Hardware requirements:

2.2 Software requirements: behaviour in Things speak or other platforms. According to
definitions of loT, if we consider a sensor as an element of
a) Open Weather API- This is the simplest, fast as IoT which enables to communicate its current status and be
well as free to fetch the real time data like weather published on Internet, then our proposal is very close to
forecasts, clouds, winds, maps with precipitations. what we are intending to achieve within the concept of
b) XML- Layout xml files are used to define the user Internet of things. Nevertheless, the real intent of the
interfaces of the application and holds all the tools proposal is to achieve a flood early warning system.
that user wants to use.
c) C-compiler

V. METHODOLOGY Flash flood alarming systems require a dense network of

rain gauges for monitoring intense local rainstorms both to
ensure its survival in case of extreme weather and to have a
more accurate collection of data. Those data have to be
interpreted by means of empirical and formal models by
correlating in real time the river level and the flow intensity
for early flood forecasting and consequent anticipated
alarming. The number of required sensors, their
communication mechanisms and reliability requirements
show that a loT/M2M approach is able to resolve the
problem, even if today commercially available gauges are
not designed with the specific objective of flash floods


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