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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-5S4, February 2019

Spectrum Availability Prediction for

Cognitive Radio Networks
K.Annapurna, T.Hymavathi, B.Seetha Ramanjaneyulu

Abstract— Cognitive radio networks enable the secondary technology, licensed users are called primary users (PUs)
users to make use of the frequency spectrum of primary users in and unlicensed users are called secondary users (SUs).
the absence of the latter. To make this mechanism possible, Though the availability of vacant spectrum (called as
secondary users have to sense the spectrum to find vacant
spectrum holes, in this context) varies from time to time,
channels to occupy them as well as to vacate the occupied
channels when their primary users come back. ANFIS based and from location to location, it can be expected that some
spectrum prediction is proposed in this work to improve the pattern can be observed in their prevalence. If this pattern
spectrum utilization, reduce interference to primary users, can be known in advance, it may be possible to plan
enhance quality of service to secondary users and save sensing accordingly, to use these vacant channels in an efficient
energy and time. Comparison of predicted data with actual data manner. Spectrum prediction techniques can help in
shows that the predicted occupancy of spectrum is close to the
realizing this objective. In overlay type of spectrum sharing,
actual occupancy.
Keywords— Spectrum Prediction, ANFIS, Cognitive Radio
after acquiring the channel, the secondary users need to
Networks, Opportunistic Channel Access. sense the spectrum periodically to detect the reappearance of
primary users. For this spectrum sensing, it requires
I. INTRODUCTION considerable amount of time, which results in the reduction
of the time duration available for transmissions of secondary
Day to day usage of wireless communications is
increasing rapidly due to information sharing in the form of
By incorporating prediction into the system, SUs will
videos, images and the like. In the case of wired
sense only those channels which are predicted to be free,
communications, the existing bandwidth in a region can be
instead of sensing all channels, which saves time and
increased by laying more number of cables. But it is not
energy. However, to support the unexpected re-entries of the
possible with wireless communications, because the same
PUs, some mechanisms like the message passing through
spectrum of air environment has to offer support to the
control channels will be needed. The various sensing
additional communication demands. Hence the increased
mechanisms and its challenges are presented in the
usage willy lead to interference.
following section, which is followed by the prediction
In many countries, the available wireless frequency
spectrum was already assigned to various applications like
By making use of the spectrum prediction information,
television, navigation, mobile communications, military
the SUs will have a fair idea of spectrum occupancy with
communications etc by the respective governments of the
respect to time. The details of how many free channels will
countries. These allocated frequencies are called licensed
be available, whether is it better to participate in the
frequencies. According to FCC (Federal Corporation
competition or not, can be known in advance. This
Commission) of USA, the licensed frequencies are not being
knowledge will be helpful in proper planning of spectrum
utilized up to 30% even [1].
holes usage so as to avoid many spectrum handoffs.
On the other hand, some frequencies are available
Spectrum prediction not only supports the secondary users
unlicensed usage for industrial, scientific and medical
to plan their transmissions, but also reduces the interference
applications. These are called ISM (Industrial, Scientific and
caused to primary users when they reappear.
Medical) bands. The ISM bands can be freely utilized by
In this work, a method called Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy
unlicensed users, but they became crowded due to the
Inference System (ANFIS) that makes use of Neural
increased number of such unlicensed devices.
networks and Fuzzy logic, is used to predict the vacant
Cognitive radio technology was proposed to solve the
channels status in advance. Based on this prediction, SUs
spectrum scarcity problem of new users by making use of
can plan to avail a channel when it is relatively free. It also
the under-utilized frequencies of licensed users.
enables the SUs to vacate the channel quickly whenever PU
Cognitive Radio is an intelligent transceiver (transmitter/
comes back, which results in reduced interference to PUs.
receiver) which can sense the unused portions of the
The performance of prediction is measured in terms of mean
licensed spectrum and change its transmission or reception
square error (MSE) with respect to number of samples used
parameters to make use of those available spectrum
for training of data pertaining to spectrum occupancy of
channels for its own communication [2] - [5]. In this
earlier days and months.

Revised Manuscript Received on April 11, 2019.

K.Annapurna, ECE Department VFSTR, Guntur, India
T.Hymavathi, ECE Department VFSTR, Guntur, India
B.Seetha Ramanjaneyulu, ECE Department VFSTR, Guntur, India

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: E10510275S419/19©BEIESP 257 & Sciences Publication

II. RELATED WORK FROM LITERATURE that it needs longer times for training of the neural network.
One of the challenging problems of cognitive radio So combination of neural networks and FIS, that is Adaptive
networks is Spectrum prediction which involves several sub Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) will solve both the
topics such as PU transmitter detection, channel status problems of inaccuracy and high training time requirement.
prediction, PU receiver detection, PU activity prediction, In this work, ANFIS based PU activity predictor model is
transmission rate prediction and radio environment proposed to support the secondary users of cognitive radio
prediction [6] - [7]. networks. This will help to construct a more accurate
Cognitive radio networks make use of different learning prediction model with less complexity. Artificial Neural
mechanisms ranging from pure lookup tables to complex Networks are made up of artificial neurons interconnected to
machine learning techniques such as evolutionary/genetic each other to form a programming model that imitates the
algorithms, artificial neural networks, hidden Markov activities and neural processing of biological neurons.
models, and reinforcement learning [8]. Biological neural networks are nothing but human nervous
In [9], the authors proposed two different ways of channel system, which is made up of interconnection of biological
status predictions. One is neural network based multi layer neurons, particularly human brain. Human brain has the
perceptron and second is hidden Markov model. The benefit capability of parallel data processing and hence can perform
of these two predictors is they do not require any prior tasks much faster than computer.
information of the channels. In the applications of information theory fuzzy logic plays
In [10] the authors proposed four different spectrum an important responsibility while making decisions in
prediction schemes to anticipate the future inactive times of dealing with random issues. Because of this advantage,
channels and to select a channel having longest spectrum fuzzy sets got popularity in so many upcoming applications
holes so that they need not face spectrum handoffs. All the like image processing, pattern recognition, prediction,
four are related to supervised learning and they are ANN diagnostics, production engineering and so on. ANFIS
based multi layer perceptron, ANN based recurrent neural combines the mathematical properties of artificial neural
networks, support vector machine based Gaussian kernel networks and rules based fuzzy inference system, which
and support vector machine based linear kernel. mimics the human’s approach to have the advantages of
In [11] hidden Markov model based prediction is both. It is proved that ANFIS is giving satisfactory results
employed to predict the activity patterns of the channels. for non-linear functions also. In ANFIS the parameters of
They considered slow, balanced and heavy traffic scenarios the membership functions are obtained from the original
for checking their prediction results. data, which gives the system behavior. It adjusts the system
The authors of [12] proposed a simple prediction scheme parameters by learning data features for the specified error
based on Bayesian theorem and compared the results with [14]. Because of hybrid approach it is not much dependent
exponential moving average (EWMA) based approach. on human intervention and is more useful in making ANFIS
They suggested a modified EWMA based approach by models.
incorporating the Bayesian theorem. It is found that the
computational complexity is less for Bayesian approach.
In [13], cooperative prediction is proposed which is based
on game theory. The authors have proved that the
cooperative prediction is more efficient than individual
The prediction proposed in this work is a simple ANFIS
based prediction, which is less complex, compared to the
above works. As it does not need any deep learning
Fig 1. ANFIS Architecture
mechanisms, it can be incorporated easily at user level
devices with less hardware and software configurations. Forward pass
ANFIS combines the mathematical properties of artificial The ANFIS architecture is described in Fig.1 which uses
neural networks and rule based fuzzy inference system, two inputs and one output. It contains five layers.
which mimics the human’s approach to have the advantages Fuzzification is done on first layer, which maps the inputs
of both. into fuzzy sets of appropriate classification. To convert the
raw data into some classification groups, membership
III. ANFIS functions of the fuzzy logic are used. Generalized Bell (G–
Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) is capable of defeating the Bell) membership function is used in this work considering
drawbacks of a conventional forecasting method i.e. the important parameters mean and standard deviation.
ARIMA (Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average), The inference engine process is carried out in second and
because fuzzy inference system is capable of interpreting third layers to decide the fuzzy rule for the next processing
knowledge from experts as well as historical data in the steps. Normalization of nodes is done at third layer.
form of rules. But the drawback of FIS lies in not providing Defuzzification, the conversion of fuzzy information into
an accurate prediction for cyclic data. The solution to this raw data is done on the fourth layer. LSE is calculated on
problem is to add Neural Networks (NN) based prediction to
it. Neural Network has the capability of predicting non-
linear variables with negligible errors, but the problem is

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: E10510275S419/19©BEIESP 258 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-5S4, February 2019

this layer to get next parameter ratio. Next calculation is training data, so as to guarantee trustworthy predictions to
done on fifth layer. The first, second, third and fourth layers predict any general raw data. A statistical model results in
are fuzzy in ANFIS and part of hidden node of the neural noise or random error instead of forming proper relationship
networks. in over fitting.
Backward pass
The back propagation algorithm (EBP) is carried out in
Out of 15 channels, the probability of PU’s cumulative
the backward pass to update the ‘a’ and ‘c’ ratios based on
activity for one channel is shown in Fig 3. Training errors
calculated error. The systematic backward run can be
for training data and checking data are shown in Figs 4 and
observed in Fig.1.
5 and in Table -1.
A. Model
In this system two similar data sets are used, one for
checking and the other for training, explains the usage of the
ANFIS editor Graphical User Interface (GUI) with checking
data to minimize the effect of model over-fitting.
By using uniform distribution of PU occupancy with
maximum conference time of 60 minutes and assigning a
maximum frequency of PU arrivals as 20 in various Fig.3. PU’s cumulative occupancy probability for a
channels is observed. channel in a day
For 15 channels PU’s occupancy, probability is predicted
by using ANFIS method. Here the FIS output, Training
Error, RMSE (Root Mean Square Error), ANFIS output and
prediction errors are observed. The concept is based on the
prediction of PUs occupancy for various available vacant
channels in the spectrum that can be utilized properly.
B. Description of Prediction
The training and checking data are loaded into workspace.
Training data is a set of data used to identify the predictive Fig.4. Training error for training data
relationship. Test set is used to estimate the power of
derived predictive relationship. Training Data is taken from From figs 4 and 5 it is observed that the maximum
PUs occupancy probability for one day that is 24*60=1440 training error for both training data and checking data is
minutes. 0.013 and is decreasing as the number of epochs increase.
The model starts over-fitting after some time during
training. To overcome this problem and to set the
parameters, checking data set is used. Now this data is
helpful in training fuzzy system by adjusting the parameters
of membership functions, such that the parameters become
the best suitable to represent the data.
Next it needs to specify initial fuzzy inference system
ANFIS as shown in Fig.2.

Figure 5. Training error for checking data

Fig.2. Generation of FIS information structure

The requirement of fuzzification is to map the inputs from
a set of sensors to numbers from 0 to 1 by using a set of Figure 6. FIS output for training data
input membership functions. The Concept of AND is used
to prepare the fuzzy rule. Four G-membership functions are
considered in this work. The main general task of any
prediction, machine learning etc. is to fit a model for a set of

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: E10510275S419/19©BEIESP 259 & Sciences Publication

Table 4-1. Training error for training and checking data is available from time to time. The uniform distribution of
PU occupancy scenarios are considered for training data.
Type of Data Number Of Epoches Error
With this type of prediction, secondary users can plan in
Training Data 40 0.1266
advance to improve their blocking and dropping
Checking Data 40 0.1255
probabilities. Interference to primary users during spectrum
handoff can be reduced. It also helps in saving the energy
Genfis, fuzzy inference system (FIS) produces the output
and time spent by secondary devices towards spectrum
surface for the FIS, by drawing the first output variable
sensing. It also results in effective utilization of bandwidth.
aligned with the first two input variables. If a fuzzy system
From the results, it is observed that higher levels of training
has more than two inputs then the leftover inputs will use
offer prediction of about 90 percent accuracy.
their middle value as reference. Figs 6 and 7 shows the FIS
output for training data and checking data. It is noticed that
the FIS output in red color is following the actual data,
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Fig.9. ANFIS prediction output and Prediction Errors

Spectrum availability prediction using ANFIS based
approach is carried out in this work. Prediction results are
comparable with the actual vacant channels information that

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: E10510275S419/19©BEIESP 260 & Sciences Publication

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