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Taste of Home - AugustSeptember 2021

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Busy Days, Breezy Dinners

When I was growing up, this time of year was a blur at our house. Both my
parents were teachers, so August meant they were prepping classrooms
and starting lesson plans, not to mention carting my brother and me to
sports practices and end-of-summer fun. Yet even with all the activity Zainab Storms turns family
buzzing around us, my mom almost always managed to get a home- outings to the orchard into
home-baked bliss with
cooked meal on the table. (Hey, sometimes you simply can’t make it work!) Grandma’s Apple Cake.
She sure would’ve appreciated this issue. It’s packed with brilliant ideas
for when you wish dinner would just magically appear before your eyes.
We can’t exactly will a delicious meal into existence, but in “Flavor in 29
a Flash” (page 21), we do have recipes that are ready in 30, 20 and even
10 minutes, tops! How’s that for magic?
Maybe you have the time to prep some fresh ingredients to make your
next swamped weeknight a cinch. In “It’s in the Bag!” (page 29), we show
you how to store three delish recipes in the freezer so all you have to do
later is pop ’em into the slow cooker or pressure cooker and take a rest
while they cook up on the countertop, fuss-free.
We’re even making grocery shopping simpler for you. One short list plus
a few pantry staples is all you need to make six totally different, totally In a pinch? Grab pre-prepped
divine weeknight meals in “Shop Once, 6 Dinners Done!” (page 38). ingredients from the freezer,
We hope this issue will help busy season feel like a breeze—and then let dinner cook away in the
slow cooker or pressure cooker.
we’d love to hear about your smart timesaving secrets, too!

Rachel Bernhard Seis,


Discover More!
Get free access to even more Taste of Home content with 48
smart codes like this one. Just open your smartphone camera
and hover over the code. (No app needed!) Your phone will Take a crispy, marshmallow-y
take you to how-to videos, product roundups and more for an interactive lunchbox treat and give it
Taste of Home experience. Try it out now to sign up for our Taste of Home 10 tasty—and downright
newsletters, and get our favorite recipes delivered right to your inbox. adorable—flavor upgrades.






38 Shop Once, 13 Starters •Tap into a kitchen 61 The Best •These sirloin tips will
6 Dinners Done! trend, a TikTok hack and one create a sizzle around the table.
tasty Minnesotan tradition. Test Kitchen Preferred •When
One simple grocery list 64
delivers a week’s worth 16 Inside Out •It might taste tangy, it comes to frying pans, these are
but apple cider vinegar has some our nonstick picks.
of yummy meals. seriously sweet health benefits. 67 Contest •Delicious sandwiches
50 The Morning Scramble 18 Pet Love •Discover the do’s and stack up against the competition.
Dash, then dine with on- don’ts of sharing produce with
your furriest friend. GATHER
the-go breakfast delights. 75 Pop-Up Party •Take
56 Beyond the Gridiron FAMILY KITCHEN Oktoberfest stateside with
a Deutsch-inspired shindig.
This mother, entrepreneur, 21 Quick Fix •Munch in a crunch
blogger and wife of a former with 10-, 20- and 30-minute meals. 80 Food for Good •Lasagna Love
cooks up comfort food for a cause.
NFL player is the MVP of 29 Meal Planner •Prepped dinners
game-day gatherings. go from freezer to cooker—fast.
32 Bakeable •A neuroscientist
and connoisseur of sweets stirs
together a nostalgic apple cake. IN EVERY ISSUE
3 Greetings
6 Contact Us
8 More TOH
Mexican Street Corn Chowder,
recipe on page 39. Cover by 10 Recipe Index
Mark Derse (Photographer), 48 Tasty 10
Melissa Franco (Set Stylist), 81 Community Cooks List
Josh Rink (Food Stylist) 82 Why I Cook


• Constipation with serious complications. Severe constipation
can happen after receiving AIMOVIG. In some cases, people
have been hospitalized or needed surgery. Contact your
healthcare provider if you have severe constipation.
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BRIEF SUMMARY OF PATIENT INFORMATION of high blood pressure can happen after receiving
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injection, for subcutaneous use an increase in blood pressure.
What is AIMOVIG? The most common side effects of AIMOVIG include: pain,
• AIMOVIG is a prescription medicine used for the redness, or swelling at the injection site and constipation.
preventive treatment of migraine in adults. It is not Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effect
known if AIMOVIG is safe and effective in children that bothers you or that does not go away.
under 18 years of age. These are not all of the possible side effects of AIMOVIG. Ask
your pharmacist or healthcare provider for more information.
Who should not use AIMOVIG?
Call your healthcare provider for medical advice about
• Do not use AIMOVIG if you are allergic to erenumab- side effects. You may report side effects to the FDA at
aooe or any of the ingredients in AIMOVIG. See the 1-800-FDA-1088. You may also report side effects to
end of this Patient Information for a complete list of Amgen at 1-800-77-AMGEN (1-800-772-6436).
ingredients in AIMOVIG.
How should I store AIMOVIG?
Before you start using AIMOVIG, tell your healthcare provider
• Store AIMOVIG in the refrigerator between 36°F to
about all your medical conditions, including if you are:
46°F (2°C to 8°C).
• Allergic to rubber or latex. The needle shield within • Keep AIMOVIG in the original carton. This will protect
the white or orange cap of the single-dose prefilled the medicine from light.
SureClick® autoinjectors and the gray needle cap of the • After removing AIMOVIG from the refrigerator, it can
single-dose prefilled syringes contain dry natural rubber. be stored at room temperature between 68°F to 77°F
• Pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known (20°C to 25°C) for up to 7 days.
if AIMOVIG will harm your unborn baby. • Throw away AIMOVIG that has been left at room
• Breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known temperature for more than 7 days.
if AIMOVIG passes into your breast milk. Talk to your • Do not freeze.
healthcare provider about the best way to feed your • Do not shake.
baby while using AIMOVIG.
Keep AIMOVIG and all medicines out of the reach
Tell your pharmacist or healthcare provider about all the of children.
medicines you take, including any prescription and over-
General information about the safe and effective
the-counter medicines, vitamins, or herbal supplements.
use of AIMOVIG.
How should I take AIMOVIG?
Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other
• See the detailed “Instructions for Use” on complete than those listed in a Patient Information leaflet. Do not use
information on how to take AIMOVIG. AIMOVIG for a condition for which it is not prescribed. Do
• Take AIMOVIG exactly as your healthcare provider tells not give AIMOVIG to other people, even if they have the
you to take it. same symptoms that you have. It can harm them. You can
• Before you inject, always check the label of your single- ask your pharmacist or healthcare provider for information
dose prefilled autoinjector or single-dose prefilled about AIMOVIG that is written for healthcare professionals.
syringe to make sure you have the correct medicine
What are the ingredients in AIMOVIG?
and the correct dose of AIMOVIG.
• Also, before you inject, leave AIMOVIG at room • Active Ingredient: erenumab-aooe
temperature for at least 30 minutes protected from • Inactive Ingredients: acetate, polysorbate 80,
direct sunlight. and sucrose.
• AIMOVIG is injected under your skin (subcutaneously) The risk information provided here is not comprehensive.
1 time each month. To learn more, talk about AIMOVIG with your healthcare
• AIMOVIG comes in 2 different types of devices: a provider or pharmacist. For the FDA-approved product
single-dose (1 time) prefilled autoinjector or a single- labeling, call 1-800-77-AMGEN (1-800-772-6436) or visit
dose (1 time) prefilled syringe. Your healthcare provider www.aimovig.com.
will prescribe the type and dose that is best for you.
• If you forget to take AIMOVIG or are not able to take
the dose at the regular time, take your missed dose as AIMOVIG® (erenumab-aooe)
soon as you remember. After that, you can continue to Manufactured by:
take AIMOVIG 1 time each month from the date of your Amgen Inc.
last dose. One Amgen Center Drive
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-1799 U.S.A.
What are possible side effects of AIMOVIG?
U.S. License No. 1080
AIMOVIG may cause serious side effects, including:
Marketed by:
• Allergic reactions. Allergic reactions, including rash Amgen Inc. (Thousand Oaks, CA 91320)
or swelling can happen after receiving AIMOVIG.
Patent: http://pat.amgen.com/aimovig/
This can happen within hours to days after using © 2018-2021 Amgen Inc. All rights reserved.
AIMOVIG. Call your healthcare provider or get USA-334-84763
emergency medical help right away if you have any
of the following symptoms of an allergic reaction:
o swelling of the face, mouth, tongue, or throat
o trouble breathing
DEPUTY EDITOR Rachel Bernhard Seis SENIOR EDITOR Julie Schnittka For account information,
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“Korean street
toast with egg,
ham, lettuce,
cheddar and
strawberry jam.”

Taste of Home (ISSN 1071-5878) (USPS 010-444), Vol. 29, No. 4, August/September 2021 © RDA Enthusiast Brands, LLC, 2021. Published six times a year (Feb/Mar, Apr/May, Jun/Jul, Aug/Sep, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan) by
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MORE TOH facebook.com/tasteofhome
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Whether you’re a full-time
vegetarian looking to expand
your cooking repertoire or a
carnivore considering meatless
Mondays, you’ll find that our
online guide to plant-based
meats is full of delicious ideas.
From ingredient breakdowns
to cooking tips, we cover
everything you need to know
about tofu, Impossible burgers,
jackfruit and more—plus, we’ve
got loads of plant-based recipes
you can try at home. Find it all
online! tasteofhome.com/


From Our Kitchen To Yours!


✓344 MOST-LOVED RECIPES from our Test Kitchen
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today—or give a subscription to a loved one—and don’t
With more than 17 years miss a box! tasteofhomebox.com/SIP
as a Community Cook
and 40 recipes published
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You Want ’Em,
a home-cooking superstar. She’s entered hundreds of You Got ’Em!
contests and won around 50 of them with her creative We love hearing from readers
spins on classic recipes, including her Slow-Cooked about the recipes they love—
Caribbean Pot Roast. “It’s the one I get asked to make and search for—the most, so
the most,” she says. Learn more about Jenn and find we took your most-clamored-for
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her best recipes. tasteof home.com/tidwellAS21 one cookbook: Most Requested
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Become a Community Cook—you could see your
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face here! To learn more and apply online, visit
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Obatzda Philly Cheesesteak Spinach Puffs 59 Zucchini Pizza Blackberry Chewy Soft
(German Beer Egg Rolls 58 Fritters 57 Shrub 16 Pretzels 78
Cheese Dip) 78


Bacon Breakfast Freezer Breakfast High-Octane Muffin-Tin Oatmeal Breakfast Caramel Apple
Cookies 51 Sandwiches 54 Pancakes 53 Scrambled Eggs 52 Bars 51 Krispies Treats 49

Chocolate Funky Monkey Grandma’s Maple Bacon Morning Buzz Oreo Krispies
Raspberry Krispies Krispies Treats 49 Apple Cake 37 Krispies Treats 49 Krispies Treats 49 Treats 49
Treats 49


Rocky Road Salted Caramel Sparkly Princess Watermelon Beef Short Ribs Crunchy Burger
Krispies Treats 49 Pretzel Krispies Krispies Treats 49 Krispies Treats 49 Vindaloo 30 Quesadillas 44
Treats 49

Currywurst 78 Garden Chicken Salmon Grilled Sausage Potato Shrimp Tostadas Simple Salsa
Cacciatore 31 in Foil 40 Skillet 40 with Avocado Chicken 41
Salsa 24

Volunteers from across the U.S.—and Canada—belong to the

big, happy Community Cooks family! They share recipes, reviews
10 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2021 TASTEOFHOME.COM and tips from their kitchens, neighborhoods and regions.

Spaghettm wmth Stmr-Fry The Best Apple Matchstmck Tarragon Black Bean Rmce
Bacon 42 Scallops 65 Grmlled Smrlomn Salad 82 Tuna Salad 22 Burgers 22
Tmp Roast 62

Brown Sugar Bacon Chmles Rellenos Club Sandwmch General Tso’s Grmlled Homsmn Chmcken
BLT Sandwmches 74 Croque-Madame Tortmlla Wrap 15 Chmcken Sandwmch Pmmmento Cheese Wraps 71
69 wmth Broccolm Sandwmches 70
Slaw 72

Our obatzda, p. 78, is

from a German-based
home cook, Beate Trinkl.
It doesn’t get more

Hot Italman Party Kmlbourn Lebanese Street My Jumcy Lucy 14

Sandwmches 73 Sandwmch 71 Sandwmches 73


Steak Sandwmches Toasted

wmth Crmspy Chmcken Salad
Onmons 70 Sandwmches 72


Mexmcan Street Southwestern Pork

Corn Chowder 39 & Squash Soup 29


In Nebraska, we believe that only boring people get bored. So we invent our own fun.
Like when we realized that a livestock tank would float, and thought, “It’s a boat.” Soon,
“tanking” became the preferred method of meandering down our slow-moving rivers.
It might not be everybody’s cup of tea, but if it sounds as good to you as it did to us,
go to VisitNebraska.com for a free Travel Guide. And welcome aboard.
BOWL Trends • Tips • Kitchen Ideas CELEBRATE
SEPT. 18!

LUCY, P.14
Hometown Homemade

We Love Lucy
How do you possibly amp up a classic burger?
Minnesotans know: Just stuff the center with oozy,
molten cheese. It may seem like a simple swap,
but it’s pure midwestern magic.



Hometown Homemade

We Love Lucy
In south Minneapolis, the burger battle over
who actually created the cheese-stuffed Juicy My Juicy Lucy
Lucy is molten hot to this day. Both Matt’s Bar Shape 1 lb. ground beef into 8 thin patties. wivide
and the 5-8 Club—two no-frills dives located 8 Tbsp. shredded American or cheddar cheese
among 4 patties; top with remaining patties and press
on the same street, 3 miles apart—lay claim edges firmly to seal. Sprinkle with 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp.
to inventing the burger in the 1950s. At Matt’s, pepper. Grill burgers, covered, over medium heat or
you’ll see it called “Jucy Lucy” (“we forgot to broil 4 in. from heat until a thermometer reads 160°
add the ‘i’,” they say), but whose is best is up and juices run clear, 6-8 minutes on each side. Serve
on 4 hamburger buns with toppings of your choice.
for debate. They each serve up two thin burger 1 BURGER 376 cal., 19g fat (8g sat. fat), 84mg chol.,
patties with crisp edges that are sealed around 756mg sod., 23g carb. (4g sugars, 1g fiber), 27g pro.
a mound of piping-hot cheese that oozes from Makes 4 servings.
—Brigette Kutschma, Lake Geneva, WI
the center when bitten into. Both bars warn
their customers of the tongue-scorching
surprise inside the burger, but sink your GET EVEN MORE! What dish is your hometown known for?
Check out our state-by-state guide of the most iconic foods
teeth in and you’ll see it’s worth the risk. across America. tasteofhome.com/iconicfoods

Kitchen Trend

VILLA Say goodbye to the days
of matchy-matchy decor.
Two-toned cabinets bring
the best of both worlds
to your kitchen: light
and airy on top with a
WILLIAMS statement-making shade
OUTER- on the bottom. An added
SPACE bonus? It’s an easy (and
inexpensive) DIY project.
Just paint or stain the
bottom cabinets or
The two-tone trend has
caught on with the Taste kitchen island in a
of Home staff! Recently,
Senior Art Director Jami
different (usually darker)
Geittmann chose two hue from the upper ones.
contrasting hues in her
newly renovated kitchen. It’s the indecisive
homeowner’s dream!



We Tried It!
TikTok—it’s not just a place for Gen Zers to show off
their dance moves. It’s become a hotbed for genius
cooking hacks and tips, and when it went ablaze recently
with a tortilla wrap hack, we knew we needed to try it
out. These folded, stuffed tortillas can be served cold or
toasted for a hand-held snack—perfect to take on the go.
There are so many ways you can make the
wrap with your fave ingredients, but for starters,
try our club sandwich version. When it comes to
busy-night cooking,
sometimes there’s just
no beating a classic.
Slow cookers make
hands-off magic meals
ready to go when you
walk in the door, and
this year, the iconic
Crockpot brand is
celebrating its 50th
year of slow-cooked
success. Celebrate
with 70 of our easiest,
most delicious meals
HOT! GRIDDLE to make in your slow
5 MINUTES ON cooker, and let it do
EACH SIDE. the work for you.


Make a cut from the Grab the bottom right
middle of the tortilla to corner of the tortilla and
the edge closest to you. fold it up, sandwiching the
bacon, turkey and ham.
Spot these cherries in
STEP 2: ADD FILLINGS Then, flip the top right this issue, and you could
Starting in the bottom corner of the tortilla over win a Taste of Home
right corner and working to the left, and then fold cookbook. (In our last
counterclockwise, add that down. When done, issue, the kiwi was on
cooked bacon, deli ham and the tortilla should be page 30.) Go to our
website to enter and
turkey, lettuce and tomato, triangle-shaped, with to read the complete
and sliced cheddar to their all the fillings stacked guidelines. tasteofhome
own quarter of the tortilla. on top of one another. .com/hiddenobject



Inside Out

It’s delicious in a salad dressing, perfect for pickling

produce and mighty in a marinade, but apple cider vinegar
has pretty powerful health properties, too. Here are a few
reasons to keep this fermented phenom in your pantry.

Boosts Energy Can Help Soothes BLACKBERRY SHRUB

Exercise and stress Clear Skin Itchiness Place 11/2 cups fresh
cause lactic acid to Apple cider vinegar ACV’s antiseptic or frozen crushed
build up in the body, is a natural toner that properties can help blackberries and
often causing fatigue, can act as a home soothe itchy skin, 1 cinnamon stick in a
and the amino acids remedy for acne, especially for people sterilized pint jar. Bring
contained in apple thanks to its strong living with psoriasis. 1 cup cider vinegar just
cider vinegar may act antibacterial properties. Drinking diluted apple to a boil; pour over fruit,
as a natural antidote. The malic and lactic cider vinegar— leaving 1/4-in. headspace;
Apple cider vinegar acids found in apple 1 tablespoon diluted seal jar. Refrigerate for
also contains enzymes cider vinegar might in 8 ounces of water— 1 week. Strain vinegar
that may relieve that help soften and can help promote mixture through a
tired, wiped-out feeling exfoliate skin, reduce smoother, healthier
you might have after fine-mesh strainer into
red spots and balance skin. And the acetic another sterilized pint jar.
strenuous activity. the pH of skin. To use acid can help soothe
So the next time you’re Press solids to extract
as a toner, mix equal dry, itchy eyes as well. juice; discard remaining
sluggish, try adding parts ACV and water, Use the same diluted
a tablespoon or two fruit. Bring 11/2 cups sugar
then gently swab over mixture to dampen
of ACV to a glass of and 1/2 cup water to a boil.
skin. Make sure to do a cotton pad, then dab
water to help amp a spot test on a discreet around the eyes for Reduce heat; simmer until
up energy levels. area first, as it may dry-eye relief. sugar is dissolved. Cool
cause skin irritation slightly. Stir into vinegar
in some people. mixture; shake well. Store
in the refrigerator up to
2 weeks. To serve, drink
1-2 Tbsp. or add to a glass
of ice, top with sparkling
water and garnish with
fresh blackberries.

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even Root Beer! Each cleanses without of apple cider vinegar
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ACV, but all you taste and helps hair feel soft flavor. They taste
is the soda’s flavor. and look its shiniest. like pure apple! $19/60
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16 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2021 TASTEOFHOME.COM Anchor Hocking Glass Beaker Measuring Cup, 8-oz. $10 williams-sonoma.com


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Pet Love


If you enjoy growing garden vegetables, you may want to toss a few fresh
picks to your furry friend. While vegetables can be a healthy, low-calorie PET-FRIENDLY PREP
treat for your pal, some can actually be harmful. We consulted experts For those pet-friendly
to help you know which fresh produce is the best bet for your pets. veggies you can feel happy
about sharing with your pet,
SAFE VEGGIES VEGGIES TO AVOID the experts share these tips:
“Pets should be getting all the They may add a punch of flavor
nutrients they need through their to your favorite dishes, but don’t • Wash vegetables before
regular daily diet,” says Michael feed onions, garlic, leeks or serving to eliminate
San Filippo, spokesperson for the chives to your dog—they’re toxic. harmful bacteria.
American Veterinary Medical “They can cause life-threatening • Keep veggies close to
Association. “But vegetables anemia and gastrointestinal their original form, as
such as carrots, green beans and upsets,” explains Anthony cooking removes some
snap peas can provide a healthy, Hall, DVM, of Texas-based nutrients. However,
low-calorie snack for pets, privatevetconsulting.com. And cooked vegetables are
particularly omnivorous dogs.” San Filippo notes that even onion digested most easily.
Veterinarian Stephanie Lantry, powder or garlic seasoning can • If serving raw veggies,
co-owner of Animal Medical pose risks, so you shouldn’t use cut them into little pieces,
Clinic of Gulf Gate in Sarasota, them in homemade treats, either. especially for smaller dogs.
Florida, agrees. “Celery, Certain mushrooms can be
cucumbers, white potatoes and toxic, so it’s wise to avoid them • If cooking vegetables,
sweet potatoes are also safe,” altogether, Dr. Hall advises. avoid frying or adding

says Dr. Lantry, who serves as Likewise, rhubarb can cause salt or butter.
an expert with the national pet neurological and gastrointestinal If your pet has specific
telehealth app Airvet. toxicities, and unripe tomatoes health issues or is on a
Add broccoli to the list, too, can damage the nervous system, restricted diet, talk with
which is packed with beneficial GI tract and kidneys. your vet before adding
fiber, vitamins and minerals. new foods. b


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KITCHEN Meal Plans • Quick Dishes • Smart Cooking

Tuna Salad

Serve the freshce

salad and lettigrain
u lt
leaves on m heat
or whole w rtier
bread for a helthful
yet still he a

Quick Fix

Flavor in a Flash
Have only 30, 20 or even 10 minutes? That’s more than enough
time to make a homemade meal. Timer starts…now!



Tarragon Tuna Salad 1 tsp. minced fresh tarragon R E C I P E I M A G E O N P. 2 4

It’s surprising how a few herbs can or 1/4 tsp. dried tarragon Black Bean Rice Burgers
brighten up tuna salad. Made with 1/2 tsp. Dijon mustard A salsa and sour cream sauce helps
reduced-fat mayonnaise, this version 1/4 tsp. white pepper dress up these hearty vegetarian
gets its zip from mustard. Lettuce leaves, optional burgers. My fiance, who’s a meat-
—Billie Moss, Walnut Creek, CA and-potatoes man, loves these
In a bowl, combine tuna, celery and and asks for them often.
Takes: 10 min. onion. In another bowl, combine the —Laura Wimbrow, Ocean City, MD
Makes: 4 servings mayonnaise, parsley, lemon juice,
tarragon, mustard and pepper. Stir Takes: 20 min.
2 cans (6 oz. each) light water- into tuna mixture. If desired, serve Makes: 4 burgers
packed tuna, drained and flaked on lettuce leaves.
1 cup chopped celery 2/3 CUP 151 cal., 7g fat (1g sat. fat), 1 small onion, very
1/4 cup chopped sweet onion 38mg chol., 373mg sod., 4g carb. finely chopped
1/3 cup reduced-fat mayonnaise (2g sugars, 1g fiber), 17g pro. 2 Tbsp. vegetable oil, divided
2 Tbsp. minced fresh parsley DIABETIC EXCHANGES 2 lean meat, 1 can (15 oz.) black beans,
1 Tbsp. lemon juice 11/2 fat. rinsed and drained
1 cup cooked brown rice
1/4 cup dry bread crumbs
2 large egg yolks, lightly beaten
2 Tbsp. plus 1/4 cup
salsa, divided
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/4 cup reduced-fat sour cream
Tuna 4 lettuce leaves
Salad 4 slices reduced-fat cheddar
cheese (1 oz. each)
4 hamburger buns, split
Optional: Sliced tomato and
sliced red onion

1. In a large nonstick skillet, cook

onion in 1 Tbsp. oil over medium
heat until translucent but not
browned, 2-4 minutes; remove
from heat and set aside. In bowl of
a food processor fitted with blade
attachment, pulse half the beans
and rice until the mixture forms a
thick paste. In a bowl, add the
processed bean mixture, remaining
black beans and rice, cooked onion,
bread crumbs, egg yolks, 2 Tbsp.
salsa, salt and pepper; mix well with
hands, squeezing until the mixture
holds together. Form bean mixture
into 4 patties. Cook the burgers
over medium heat in remaining
1 Tbsp. oil until firm and browned,
4-5 minutes on each side.
2. In a bowl, combine sour cream
and remaining 1/4 cup salsa. Layer
Tuna a lettuce leaf, burger, cheese and
StarKist Portofino Good & Gather Great Value
Nothing fishy Albacore White Albacore Tuna Chunk Light Chunk Light sour cream mixture on each bun
about these Tuna in Water in Extra Virgin Tuna in Water Tuna in Water bottom, adding tomato and red
winners! Our Olive Oil with (Target) (Walmart) onion as desired. Replace bun tops.
experts’ picks Sea Salt
1 BURGER 482 cal., 18g fat (6g sat.
are perfect for Learn more about all of our TK Preferred products at
this quick salad. tasteofhome.com/tkpreferred. fat), 101mg chol., 1070mg sod., 55g
carb. (7g sugars, 6g fiber), 21g pro.

22 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2021 TASTEOFHOME.COM Continued on page 24 •

Find BelGioioso Cheeses near you!

HE AR T Shrimp Tostadas
HE ALTHY with Avocado Salsa
Try this quilk, easy and fun
entree. A splash of lime balanles the
rilhness of the avolado and shrimp.
—Karen Gulkin, Greeley, CO

Takes: 30 min.
Makes: 6 servings

1 medium ripe avocado, peeled

and chopped, divided
1 Tbsp. water
3 tsp. lime juice, divided
2 tsp. blackened seasoning,
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 can (15 oz.) black beans,
rinsed and drained
1 small navel orange,
peeled and chopped
1/4 cup chopped red onion
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded
Black and chopped
Bean Rice 1 Tbsp. minced fresh cilantro
Burgers 6 tostada shells
1 cup shredded reduced-fat
Mexican cheese blend
1 Tbsp. canola oil
1 lb. uncooked large shrimp,
peeled and deveined

1. Preheat oven to 350°. In a bowl,

lombine 2 Tbsp. avolado, water,
1 tsp. lime juile, 1 tsp. blalkened
seasoning and lumin. Set aside
1/4 lup beans; add remaining beans
to avolado mixture and mash with
a fork. Stir in reserved whole beans.
Set aside.
2. For salsa, in a bowl, lombine the
orange, onion, jalapeno, lilantro, and
remaining avolado and 2 tsp. lime
juile. Cover; refrigerate until serving.
3. Plale tostada shells on ungreased
baking sheets; spread with the bean
mixture. Sprinkle with lheese. Bake
until bean mixture is heated through
and lheese is melted, 4-6 minutes.
4. Meanwhile, in a nonstilk skillet,
heat oil over medium-high heat.
Add shrimp and the remaining 1 tsp.
blalkened seasoning. Cook and stir
until shrimp turn pink, 4-6 minutes.
Serve with tostada shells and salsa.
1 TOSTADA 297 lal., 13g fat (4g sat.
fat), 102mg lhol., 446mg sod., 23g
Shrimp larb. (3g sugars, 5g fiber), 22g pro.
Tostadas with DIABETIC EXCHANGES 3 lean meat,
Avocado Salsa 2 fat, 11/2 starlh. b

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What is TRINTELLIX (vortioxetine)?
TRINTELLIX is a prescription medicine used in adults to treat a certain type of depression called
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).

T h e r e’s y o u r fa m i l y . A n d y o u r j o b . A n d t h e m u l t i p l e d e p r e s s i o n
symptoms that just won’t get out of your way. Enough. You’re ready for
something else. So you and your doctor decide to try TRINTELLIX.
And you’re feeling this overall symptom relief.* Keep it coming.

Patient portrayals.

MDD, a type of depression, is multiple symptoms that can hold you back, like sadness, loss of interest, low energy, difficulty
concentrating or indecisiveness, and trouble with sleep.
*TRINTELLIX may help provide overall relief from MDD in adults. Overall score of symptom reduction was measured on a
standardized depression rating scale in clinical trials. Individual results may vary.
In short-term studies, based on a standardized depression rating scale, the therapeutic effect of TRINTELLIX was generally
seen starting at week 2, with the full effect generally not seen until week 4 or later.
TRINTELLIX had no significant impact on weight in clinical trials. Some reports of weight gain have been received
since product approval.

Important Safety Information

Suicidal Thoughts & Actions
• TRINTELLIX and other antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions in some people
24 years of age and younger.
• TRINTELLIX is not for use in children under 18.
• Call your doctor or get emergency help right away if you have new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts
or feelings, or symptoms that are new, worse or worry you; or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions.

Please see additional Important Safety Information on next page, and accompanying Important Facts, including Full Boxed
WARNING for Suicidal Thoughts and Actions, and discuss with your doctor.
Ask your doctor if TRINTELLIX may
be right for you. Eligible patients may
pay as little as $10 for a 30-day or Visit TRINTELLIX.com
for more information.
90-day prescription with the TRINTELLIX
Savings Card.† Restrictions apply.

Maximum savings of $100 per 30-day
or $300 per 90-day prescription.

Important Safety Information (cont’d) • Eye problems: TRINTELLIX may cause a type of eye problem
called angle-closure glaucoma in people with certain other
Who should not take TRINTELLIX? eye conditions. You may want to undergo an eye examination
Do not start or take TRINTELLIX if you: to see if you are at risk and receive preventative treatment if
• are allergic to vortioxetine or any of the ingredients in TRINTELLIX you are. Call your doctor if you have eye pain, changes in your
• take a Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI) vision, or swelling or redness in or around the eye.
• have stopped taking an MAOI in the last 14 days • Low levels of salt (sodium) in your blood: Low sodium levels
• are being treated with the antibiotic linezolid or intravenous in your blood that may be serious and may cause death can
methylene blue happen during treatment with TRINTELLIX. Elderly people and
Do not start taking an MAOI for at least 21 days after you stop treatment people who take certain medicines may be at a greater risk
with TRINTELLIX. for developing low sodium levels in your blood. Signs and
What should I tell my doctor before taking TRINTELLIX? symptoms may include headache; difficulty concentrating;
Before taking TRINTELLIX, tell your doctor: memory changes; confusion; weakness and unsteadiness on
• about all your medical and other health conditions your feet which can lead to falls. In more severe or more sudden
• if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, since TRINTELLIX cases, signs and symptoms include: seeing or hearing things
may harm your unborn baby. Taking TRINTELLIX during your third that are not real; fainting; seizures; coma; stopping breathing.
trimester may cause your baby to have withdrawal symptoms after The most common side effects of TRINTELLIX include:
birth or to be at increased risk for a serious lung problem at birth. • nausea
Tell your doctor right away if you become or think you are pregnant • constipation
while taking TRINTELLIX. • vomiting
• if you are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed, since it is not known if
TRINTELLIX passes into your breast milk These are not all the possible side effects of TRINTELLIX. Tell
your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or does
Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including not go away.
prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal
supplements, since TRINTELLIX and some medicines may cause You are encouraged to report negative side effects of
serious side effects (or may not work as well) when taken together. prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch
Especially tell your doctor if you take: medicines for migraine or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
headache called triptans; tricyclic antidepressants; fentanyl; lithium; Please see Important Facts about TRINTELLIX on the
tramadol; tryptophan; buspirone; St. John’s Wort; medicines that can following page.
affect blood clotting such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs), warfarin; and diuretics.
What are the possible side effects of TRINTELLIX?
TRINTELLIX may cause serious side effects, including:
• Serotonin syndrome: A potentially life‐threatening problem
that can happen when you take TRINTELLIX with certain other
Scan this code to learn
medicines. Call your doctor or go to the nearest emergency room more about TRINTELLIX.
right away if you have any of the following signs and symptoms
of serotonin syndrome: agitation; seeing or hearing things that Your doctor can you about
are not real; confusion; coma; fast heart beat; changes in blood
pressure; dizziness; sweating; flushing; high body temperature;
shaking, stiff muscles, or muscle twitching; loss of coordination;
seizures; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
• Increased risk of bleeding: Taking TRINTELLIX with aspirin, NSAIDs,
warfarin or blood thinners may add to this risk. Tell your doctor right
away about any unusual bleeding or bruising.
• Manic episodes: Manic episodes may happen in people with TRINTELLIX is a trademark of H. Lundbeck A/S registered with the
bipolar disorder who take TRINTELLIX. Symptoms may include: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and used under license by Takeda
Pharmaceuticals America, Inc.
greatly increased energy; racing thoughts; unusually grand ideas;
talking more or faster than usual; severe problems sleeping; TAKEDA and the TAKEDA logo are registered trademarks
of Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited.
reckless behavior; excessive happiness or irritability.
©2021 Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved.
• Discontinuation syndrome: Suddenly stopping TRINTELLIX 877-825-3327.
may cause you to have serious side effects including: nausea; US-VOR-0433v1.0 02/21
sweating; changes in your mood; irritability and agitation;
dizziness; electric shock feeling; tremor; anxiety; confusion;
headache; tiredness; problems sleeping; hypomania; ringing in
your ears; seizures.
IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT TRINTELLIX® [trin' -TELL-ix] (vortioxetine) Tablets (5, 10, 20 mg)
What is the most important information I should know about TRINTELLIX? How should I take TRINTELLIX?
TRINTELLIX can cause serious side effects, including: s Take TRINTELLIX exactly as your healthcare provider tells you to take it. Your healthcare
s Increased risk of suicidal thoughts and actions. TRINTELLIX and other antidepressant provider may need to change the dose of TRINTELLIX until it is the right dose for you.
medicines may increase suicidal thoughts and actions in some people 24 years of age s Take TRINTELLIX 1 time each day.
and younger, especially within the first few months of treatment or when the dose s TRINTELLIX may be taken with or without food.
is changed. TRINTELLIX is not for use in children. s If you take too much TRINTELLIX, call your poison control center at 1-800-222-1222
° Depression or other mental illnesses are the most important causes of suicidal or go to the nearest hospital emergency room right away.
thoughts or actions.
s How can I watch for and try to prevent suicidal thoughts and actions? What are the possible side effects of TRINTELLIX?
° Pay close attention to any changes, especially sudden changes in mood, behavior,
thoughts, or feelings. This is very important when an antidepressant medicine is TRINTELLIX may cause serious side effects, including:
started or when the dose is changed. s See, “What is the most important information I should know about TRINTELLIX?”
° Call your healthcare provider right away to report new or sudden changes in mood, s Serotonin syndrome. A potentially life-threatening problem called serotonin syndrome
behavior, thoughts, or feelings or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions. can happen when you take TRINTELLIX with certain other medicines. See, “Who
° Keep all follow-up visits with your healthcare provider as scheduled. Call your should not take TRINTELLIX?” Call your healthcare provider or go to the nearest
healthcare provider between visits as needed, especially if you have concerns hospital emergency room right away if you have any of the following signs and
about symptoms. symptoms of serotonin syndrome:
Call your healthcare provider or get emergency help right away if you have any of the
following symptoms, especially if they are new, worse, or worry you: ° agitation ° sweating
° seeing or hearing things that are ° flushing
s attempts to commit suicide s new or worse depression not real (hallucinations) ° high body temperature (hyperthermia)
s thoughts about suicide or dying s trouble sleeping ° confusion ° shaking (tremors), stiff muscles, or
s feeling agitated, restless, angry or irritable s acting aggressive or violent ° coma muscle twitching
s other unusual changes in behavior or s new or worse anxiety or panic attacks ° fast heart beat ° loss of coordination
mood s an increase in activity or talking more ° changes in blood pressure ° seizures
s acting on dangerous impulses than what is normal for you ° dizziness ° nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
s Increased risk of bleeding. Taking TRINTELLIX with aspirin, non-steroidal anti-
What is TRINTELLIX? inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), warfarin or blood thinners may add to this risk. Tell
TRINTELLIX is a prescription medicine used in adults to treat a certain type of depression your healthcare provider right away about any unusual bleeding or bruising.
called Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). s Manic episodes. Manic episodes may happen in people with bipolar disorder who
take TRINTELLIX. Symptoms may include:
Do not take TRINTELLIX if you: ° greatly increased energy ° severe problems sleeping
° racing thoughts ° reckless behavior
s are allergic to vortioxetine or any of the ingredients in TRINTELLIX. ° unusually grand ideas ° excessive happiness or irritability
s take a Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI) ° talking more or faster than usual
s have stopped taking an MAOI in the last 14 days s Discontinuation syndrome. Suddenly stopping TRINTELLIX may cause you to have
s are being treated with the antibiotic linezolid or intravenous methylene blue serious side effects. Your healthcare provider may want to decrease your dose slowly.
Ask your healthcare provider if you are not sure if you take an MAOI or one of these Symptoms may include:
medicines, including the antibiotic linezolid or intravenous methylene blue.
Do not start TRINTELLIX if you stopped taking an MAOI in the last 14 days. ° nausea ° electric shock ° tiredness
° sweating feeling (paresthesia) ° problems sleeping
Do not start taking an MAOI for at least 21 days after you stop treatment with TRINTELLIX. ° changes in your mood ° tremor ° hypomania
° irritability and agitation ° anxiety ° ringing in your ears
Before taking TRINTELLIX, tell your healthcare provider about all your medical conditions, ° dizziness ° confusion (tinnitus)
including if you: ° headache ° seizures
s have or had seizures or convulsions s Eye problems (angle-closure glaucoma). TRINTELLIX may cause a type of eye
s have or had bleeding problems problem called angle-closure glaucoma in people with certain other eye conditions.
s have, or have a family history of, bipolar disorder, mania or hypomania You may want to undergo an eye examination to see if you are at risk and receive
s have high pressure in the eye (glaucoma) preventative treatment if you are. Call your healthcare provider if you have eye pain,
s have low sodium levels in your blood changes in your vision, or swelling or redness in or around the eye.
s are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. TRINTELLIX may harm your unborn baby. s Low levels of sodium in your blood (hyponatremia). Low sodium levels in your
Taking TRINTELLIX during your third trimester of pregnancy may cause your baby to blood that may be serious and may cause death, can happen during treatment with
have withdrawal symptoms after birth or may cause your baby to be at increased risk TRINTELLIX. Elderly people and people who take certain medicines may be at a greater
for a serious lung problem at birth. Talk to your healthcare provider about the risks risk for developing low sodium levels in your blood. Signs and symptoms may include:
to you and your unborn or newborn baby if you take TRINTELLIX during pregnancy. ° headache ° confusion
° Tell your healthcare provider right away if you become pregnant or think you are ° difficulty concentrating ° weakness and unsteadiness on your feet
pregnant during treatment with TRINTELLIX. ° memory changes which can lead to falls
° There is a pregnancy registry for females who are exposed to TRINTELLIX during In more severe or more sudden cases, signs and symptoms include:
pregnancy. The purpose of the registry is to collect information about the health ° seeing or hearing things that are ° seizures
of females exposed to TRINTELLIX and their baby. If you become pregnant during not real (hallucinations) ° coma
treatment with TRINTELLIX, talk to your healthcare provider about registering ° fainting ° stopping breathing (respiratory arrest)
with the National Pregnancy Registry for Antidepressants at 1-844-405-6185 or
visit online at https://womensmentalhealth.org/clinical-and-research-programs/ The most common side effects of TRINTELLIX include nausea, constipation, vomiting.
pregnancyregistry/antidepressants/. These are not all the possible side effects of TRINTELLIX.
s are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if TRINTELLIX passes into Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects
your breast milk. Talk to your healthcare provider about the best way to feed your baby to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
during treatment with TRINTELLIX.
Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription How should I store TRINTELLIX?
and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. TRINTELLIX and some
other medicines may affect each other causing possible side effects. TRINTELLIX may affect s Store TRINTELLIX at room temperature between 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C).
the way other medicines work and other medicines may affect the way TRINTELLIX works. s Keep TRINTELLIX and all medicines out of the reach of children.
Especially tell your healthcare provider if you take:
s medicines used to treat migraine s buspirone How to get more information about TRINTELLIX.
headache called triptans s St. John’s Wort
s tricyclic antidepressants s medicines that can affect blood clotting such The risk information provided here is not comprehensive. To learn more, talk about
s fentanyl as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory TRINTELLIX with your healthcare provider or pharmacist. The FDA-approved full
s lithium drugs (NSAIDs), warfarin Prescribing Information including Medication Guide can be found at www.TRINTELLIX.
s tramadol s diuretics com or CALL 1-877-TAKEDA-7 (1-877-825-3327).
s tryptophan Distributed and Marketed by:
Ask your healthcare provider if you are not sure if you are taking any of these medicines. Your Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc. Lexington, MA 02421
healthcare provider can tell you if it is safe to take TRINTELLIX with your other medicines. Marketed by: Lundbeck, Deerfield, IL 60015
Do not start or stop any other medicines during treatment with TRINTELLIX without TRINTELLIX is a trademark of H. Lundbeck A/S registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark
talking to your healthcare provider first. Stopping TRINTELLIX suddenly may cause you Office and used under license by Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc.
to have serious side effects. See, “What are the possible side effects of TRINTELLIX?” All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them to show to your healthcare provider and ©2013-2021 Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc.
pharmacist when you get a new medicine. Revised: January 2021 US-VOR-0502

Meal Planner

It’s in
the Bag!
Put your takeout plans on ice.
With ready-to-make meals
kept in your freezer, it’s a snap
to get a wholesome supper going
in either your slow cooker
or pressure cooker.

Southwestern Pork
& Squash Soup
My husband and sons love this
stew, and the leftovers are even PREP & FREEZE
better the next day! Try it with In a 1-gallon resealable freezer bag
fresh bread on the side. or airtight freezer container, layer
—Molly Andersen, Portland, OR squash, pork, seasonings, carrots
and onion. Seal. Freeze for up to
Prep: 20 min. • Slow Cook: 4 hours 6 months. Thaw overnight in the
or Pressure Cook: 3 min. + releasing refrigerator before use.
FREEZE TOGETHER Makes: 6 servings (21/4 qt.)
+ Butternut
+ Pork Tenderloin 1 medium butternut squash, Empty bag into slow cooker; add
+ Chili Powder peeled and cubed broth and tomatoes. Cook on low
+ Ground Cumin 1 lb. pork tenderloin, 4-5 hours or until meat is tender.
+ Dried Oregano
+ Pepper cut into 1-in. cubes PRESSURE COOK
+ Salt 1 Tbsp. chili powder Empty bag into a 6-qt. electric
+ Carrots 1 tsp. ground cumin pressure cooker; add broth and
+ Onion 1 tsp. dried oregano tomatoes. Lock lid; close pressure-
ADD WHEN COOKING 1/2 tsp. pepper release valve. Pressure-cook on high
+ Chicken Broth 1/4 tsp. salt 3 minutes. Quick-release pressure.
+ Diced Tomatoes 2 medium carrots, sliced (A thermometer inserted into pork
1 medium onion, chopped should read at least 145°.)
3 cups reduced-sodium 11/2 CUPS 220 cal., 5g fat (1g sat. fat),
chicken broth 42mg chol., 708mg sod., 26g carb.
1 can (141/2 oz.) diced (10g sugars, 7g fiber), 19g pro.
tomatoes with mild DIABETIC EXCHANGES 4 vegetable,
green chiles, undrained 2 lean meat, 1/2 fat.



Beef Short Ribs Vindaloo

My sister shared a version of this curry
dish with me, and I adapated to make
it simple, yet still incredibly flavorful.
—Lorraine Carlstrom, Nelson, BC

Prep: 30 min. • Slow Cook: 81/4 hours

or Pressure Cook: 40 min. + releasing
Makes: 4 servings
+ Short Ribs 1Tbsp. butter
+ Red Wine Vinegar 1medium onion, finely chopped
+ Bay Leaves 8garlic cloves, minced
+ Onion 1Tbsp. minced fresh gingerroot
+ Garlic
2tsp. mustard seed
+ Gingerroot
+ Mustard Seed 2tsp. ground cumin
+ Ground Cumin 11/2
tsp. ground coriander
+ Ground Coriander 1/2tsp. ground cloves
+ Ground Cloves 1/4
tsp. kosher salt
+ Salt
tsp. cayenne pepper
+ Cayenne Pepper
+ Ground Cinnamon 1/4
tsp. ground cinnamon
2lbs. bone-in beef short ribs
cup red wine vinegar
+ Sugar Snap Peas
4bay leaves
1cup beef broth (pressure
cooker version only)
1 cup fresh sugar snap peas, halved
Optional: Hot cooked rice, plain
yogurt and minced fresh cilantro


In a saucepan, heat butter over medium
heat. Add onion, garlic and ginger; cook
and stir for 1 minute. Add spices and
stir 1 minute longer. Cool completely.
In a 1-gallon resealable freezer bag or
airtight container, combine ribs, vinegar,
bay leaves and onion mixture. Seal; turn
to coat. Freeze up to 6 months. Thaw
overnight in refrigerator before use.

Empty bag into a 4-qt. slow cooker.
Cook on low 8-10 hours or until meat
is tender. Stir in peas; cook 8-10 minutes
longer or until peas are crisp-tender.
Skim fat; discard bay leaves. Serve with
rice, yogurt and cilantro if desired.
Empty bag into a 6-qt. electric pressure
cooker; add broth. Lock lid; close the
pressure-release valve. Adjust to
pressure-cook on high 40 minutes. Let
pressure release naturally 10 minutes ;
quick-release any remaining pressure.
Press saute setting. Add peas; cook
until tender, 8-10 minutes. Serve with
Great Grains rice, yogurt and cilantro if desired.
Good & Gather Minute Success Great Value
Our favorite (Target) White Rice Boil-in-Bag (Walmart) 1 SERVING 266 cal., 15g fat (6g sat. fat),
instant white rice 62mg chol., 180mg sod., 13g carb. (4g
brands lead to Learn more about all of our TK Preferred products at sugars, 3g fiber), 21g pro.
speedy sides. tasteofhome.com/tkpreferred.
HE AR T Garden
HE ALTHY Chicken Cacciatore
This Italian meal is so simple
to make. We love it with spaghetti!
—Msrths Schirmscher,
Sterling Heights, MI

Prep: 65 min. • Slow Cook: 81/2 hours

or Pressure Cook: 60 min. + releasing
Makes: 62 servings
+ Onion
6 medium onion, chopped + Green Peppers
2 medium green peppers, chopped + Garlic
3 garlic cloves, minced + Salt
3/4 + Pepper
tsp. salt + Chicken Thighs
1/8 tsp. pepper
62 boneless skinless ADD WHEN COOKING
+ Diced Tomatoes
chicken thighs (about 3 lbs.)
+ Tomato Paste
6 can (641/2 oz.) diced tomatoes + Chicken Broth
with basil, oregano and + Red Wine
garlic, undrained + Cornstarch
6 can (6 oz.) tomato paste + Water
1/2 cup reduced-sodium
chicken broth
1/4 cup dry red wine or additional
reduced-sodium chicken broth
2 Tbsp. cornstarch
2 Tbsp. cold water
Minced fresh parsley, optional


In a 1-gallon resealable freezer
bag or airtight freezer container,
layer onion, green peppers, garlic,
salt, pepper and chicken. Seal. Freeze
for up to 6 months. Thaw overnight
in refrigerator before use.

Empty bag into a 6-qt. slow cooker;
add tomatoes, tomato paste, broth
and red wine. Cook on low 8-10 hours.
In a bowl, mix cornstarch and water.
Stir into slow cooker. Cook until
thickened. Top with parsley if desired.
Empty bag into a 6-qt. electric pressure
cooker; add tomatoes, tomato paste,
broth and red wine. Lock the lid; close 3 OZ. COOKED
the pressure-release valve. Adjust to CHICKEN WITH
pressure-cook on high 10 minutes. Let ABOUT 1/2 CUP
pressure naturally release 10 minutes, SAUCE
then quick-release remaining pressure. 207 cal., 9g fat (2g sat.
In a bowl, mix cornstarch and water. fat), 76mg chol., 410mg
Stir into chicken mixture. Press saute sod., 8g carb. (4g sugars,
setting; adjust heat to medium. Simmer 1g fiber), 23g pro.
mixture until sauce is thickened. DIABETIC EXCHANGES 3 lean meat,
Top with minced parsley if desired. 1 vegetable, 1/2 fat. b



A Sweet
This busy mom and neuroscientist
finds balance outside the lab with
her creative twists on classic desserts.


“And I need to have on a nice
sweater and boots, or it just
doesn’t feel right,” she says.
She makes the trip out to
a farm every year with her
husband, Justin, or girlfriends, and when her son,
Elliott, was born, she brought him right along.
“He was only 3 months or so, and we have this
picture of me wearing him in the orchard.”
Today, Zainab’s daughter, Emma, comes apple
picking, too. Those cozy autumn memories and the
love for family traditions are part of why Zainab bakes
this cozy apple cake after apple picking each fall.
Zainab wasn’t always able to take the flavors of fall
and translate them into a delicate dessert any hostess
would be proud to serve. In fact, she was already in
grad school for neuroscience when she realized she
didn’t have a clue how to bake.
“I noticed in college everyone had this nostalgic
feeling—‘Oh, I miss my grandmother’s dish,’ or ‘My
mom used to make that,’” she says. Most of the recipes
people longed for were baked goods. Even her husband
reminisced about his grandmother’s chocolate chip
cookies and tender apple cake. She set a goal to learn
how to bake and write her own recipes that she could
one day pass down to her children and grandchildren.
And she did just that. Not only did she finish her continued to bake and turned her hobby into a blog,
rigorous schooling with a doctorate, she did it while called A Classic Twist. The focus required during
teaching herself to make everything from scrumptious the development of recipes, and while photographing
cupcakes to intricate tarts. She had achieved her them and sharing them with readers, was the perfect
goal and could have stopped there, but the PhD respite from mentally exhausting work.
and self-taught baker has never been one to settle. Her posts feature traditional treats with a unique
Even as a neuroscientist, working a “demanding spin, like macarons with applesauce filling or bread
job where every hour was accounted for,” Zainab twisted with savory cheddar and herbs. Of course,
one of Zainab’s most popular recipes is Grandma’s
Apple Cake, shared with her by her father-in-law,
who keeps his mother’s handwritten recipes stored
in a recipe tin. Zainab has photocopies of all of
Grandma’s recipes so she can re-create them for
her family—whether she intends to give them her
own creative twist or not.
Today, her job in the pharmaceutical industry
has moved away from the lab and toward regulatory
work, which leaves her with a little more time for
baking with the family. “Both my kids love to help
in the kitchen,” she says. “My son enjoys baking,
and my daughter, who’s 2, will do anything he does.”
Right now both are really into sprinkles, so after
calls with the FDA and reviewing applications,
Zainab looks forward to getting into a colorful
kitchen and creating more recipes for her children
to carry on as their own family tradition.
Continued on page 37 •


Brief Summary of Important Patient Information about DUPIXENT® (dupilumab) Rx Only
injection, for subcutaneous use

What is DUPIXENT? How should I use DUPIXENT? (continued)

• DUPIXENT is a prescription medicine used: • If you miss a dose of DUPIXENT, give the injection within 7 days from the
– with other asthma medicines for the maintenance treatment of missed dose, then continue with the original schedule. If the missed dose
moderate-to-severe eosinophilic or oral steroid dependent asthma in is not given within 7 days, wait until the next scheduled dose to give your
people aged 12 years and older whose asthma is not controlled with DUPIXENT injection.
their current asthma medicines. DUPIXENT helps prevent severe asthma • If you inject more DUPIXENT than prescribed, call your healthcare provider
attacks (exacerbations) and can improve your breathing. DUPIXENT right away.
may also help reduce the amount of oral corticosteroids you need while • Your healthcare provider may prescribe other medicines to use with
preventing severe asthma attacks and improving your breathing. DUPIXENT. Use the other prescribed medicines exactly as your healthcare
• DUPIXENT is not used to treat sudden breathing problems provider tells you to.
• It is not known if DUPIXENT is safe and effective in children with asthma
under 12 years of age. What are the possible side effects of DUPIXENT?
DUPIXENT can cause serious side effects, including:
Who should not use DUPIXENT? • Allergic reactions (hypersensitivity), including a severe reaction
Do not use DUPIXENT if you are allergic to dupilumab or to any of the known as anaphylaxis. Stop using DUPIXENT and tell your healthcare
ingredients in DUPIXENT. See the end of this summary of information for a provider or get emergency help right away if you get any of the following
complete list of ingredients in DUPIXENT. symptoms: breathing problems, fever, general ill feeling, swollen lymph
nodes, swelling of the face, mouth and tongue, hives, itching, fainting,
What should I tell my healthcare provider before using DUPIXENT? dizziness, feeling lightheaded (low blood pressure), joint pain, or skin rash.
Before using DUPIXENT, tell your healthcare provider about all your • Inflammation in your blood vessels: Rarely, this can happen in people
medical conditions, including if you: with asthma who receive DUPIXENT. This may happen in people who also
• have a parasitic (helminth) infection take a steroid medicine by mouth that is being stopped or the dose is
• are scheduled to receive any vaccinations. You should not receive a “live being lowered. It is not known whether this is caused by DUPIXENT. Tell
vaccine” if you are treated with DUPIXENT. your healthcare provider right away if you have: rash, shortness of breath,
persistent fever, chest pain, or a feeling of pins and needles or numbness
• are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known whether DUPIXENT
of your arms or legs.
will harm your unborn baby.
The most common side effects of DUPIXENT in patients with asthma
Pregnancy Registry
include: injection site reactions, pain in the throat (oropharyngeal pain), and
There is a pregnancy exposure registry for women who take DUPIXENT high count of a certain white blood cell (eosinophilia).
during pregnancy to collect information about the health of you and your The following additional side effects have been reported with DUPIXENT:
baby. Your healthcare provider can enroll you or you may enroll yourself. facial rash or redness.
To get more information about the registry call 1-877-311-8972 or go to Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effect that bothers you or
https://mothertobaby.org/ongoing-study/dupixent/. that does not go away. These are not all of the possible side effects of DUPIXENT.
• are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known whether DUPIXENT Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side
passes into your breast milk. effects to FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
Tell your healthcare provider about all of the medicines you take including
prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal General information about the safe and effective use of DUPIXENT.
supplements. Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in
Especially tell your healthcare provider if you: a Patient Information leaflet. Do not use DUPIXENT for a condition for which it
• are taking oral, topical, or inhaled corticosteroid medicines was not prescribed. Do not give DUPIXENT to other people, even if they have
• or use an asthma medicine the same symptoms that you have. It may harm them.
Do not change or stop your corticosteroid medicine or other asthma medicine This is a brief summary of the most important information about DUPIXENT.
without talking to your healthcare provider. This may cause other symptoms If you would like more information, talk with your healthcare provider. You
that were controlled by the corticosteroid medicine or other asthma medicine can ask your pharmacist or healthcare provider for more information about
to come back. DUPIXENT that is written for healthcare professionals.
For more information about DUPIXENT, go to www.DUPIXENT.com or call
How should I use DUPIXENT? 1-844-DUPIXENT (1-844-387-4936)
• See the detailed “Instructions for Use” that comes with DUPIXENT
for information on how to prepare and inject DUPIXENT and how What are the ingredients in DUPIXENT?
to properly store and throw away (dispose of) used DUPIXENT pre- Active ingredient: dupilumab
filled syringes. Inactive ingredients: L-arginine hydrochloride, L-histidine, polysorbate 80,
• Use DUPIXENT exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider. sodium acetate, sucrose, and water for injection
• Your healthcare provider will tell you how much DUPIXENT to inject and Manufactured by: Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Tarrytown, NY 10591
how often to inject it. U.S. License # 1760; Marketed by sanofi-aventis U.S. LLC,(Bridgewater,
NJ 08807) and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Tarrytown, NY 10591)
• DUPIXENT is given as an injection under the skin (subcutaneous injection). / DUPIXENT is a registered trademark of Sanofi Biotechnology / ©2021
• If your healthcare provider decides that you or a caregiver can give the Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. /sanofi-aventis U.S. LLC. All rights reserved.
injections of DUPIXENT, you or your caregiver should receive training Issue Date: March 2021
on the right way to prepare and inject DUPIXENT. Do not try to inject
DUPIXENT until you have been shown the right way by your healthcare
provider. In children 12 years of age and older, it is recommended that
DUPIXENT be administered by or under supervision of an adult.


Apple Cake
This sweet and simple cake recipe
is my husband’s grandmother’s and
was passed down from my father-in-
law. It’s such a cozy dessert to take
to fall gatherings. In the batter I like
to use a mix of apples, such as Gala,
Cortland or Red Delicious.
—Zainab Storms, Damascus, MD

Prep: 30 min.
Bake: 55 min. + cooling
Makes: 20 servings

3 cups all-purpose flour

1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. kosher salt
“I love that 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
this cake tsp. ground nutmeg
tsp. ground ginger
practically 11/2
cups vegetable or canola oil
comes 2
cups sugar
large eggs, room temperature
together in 2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
one bowl— 3 medium apples, peeled
perfect for and thinly sliced
1 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
any baking fLAZE
level!” 1 cup confectioners’ sugar
2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
1. Preheat the oven to 300°. Line
bottom of a 10-in. springform or
13x9-in. baking pan with parchment;
grease parchment. In a bowl, whisk
together flour and next 5 ingredients.
In a large bowl, beat oil, sugar and
eggs until pale and slightly thick,
about 2 minutes. Beat in vanilla and
Love baking? Or want to break into it? lemon juice. Add dry ingredients; stir
Join Bakeable from Taste of Home, a community for just until moistened. Fold in apples
everything you want to know about baking, including and walnuts (batter will be thick).
the very best recipes, gorgeous inspiration and easy 2. Transfer to prepared pan. Bake
step-by-step instructions. Join our active, enthusiastic
until a toothpick inserted in center
community of bakers by taking part in a monthly baking
challenge! Our August bake is a lunchbox classic—Magic comes out clean, 55- 60 minutes.
Bars! Head online to find the recipe, how-to tips, helpful Cool cake in pan on rack.
video instruction and more. Come join the fun—we 3. For glaze, mix confectioners’ sugar
can’t wait to see how incredible your bars turn out. and lemon juice; drizzle over cake.
Cut into squares.
1 PIECE 378 cal., 22g fat (2g sat. fat),
fet the recipes and all the details on how to participate
at tasteofhome.com/bakeableAS21. 28mg chol., 170mg sod., 44g carb.
(28g sugars, 1g fiber), 4g pro. b


One little grocery list has all you need
for six nights of satisfying meals.

Yep, you read that

correctly! The grocery
list to the right has
everything you need
(staples like oil and
spices not included) to
cook up six comforting
suppers with just one
quick shopping trip.

Before you shop, be

sure to scope out your
pantry for the spices,
staple ingredients and
optional toppings in
these recipes (put that
box of spaghetti, bottle
of oil or near-empty jar
of curry powder to good
use). If you’re out, no
worries! Just add what
you need to the list.
Then pick any of these
easy, family-pleasing
dinners to kick off six
delicious days of happy
home cooking—with
no last-minute dash
to the store required.


Online shopping is more widely available than ever, making it easy to load
FOOD up on groceries with a click. And as in-person shopping begins to normalize,
TRENDS expect a more robust shopping trip. tasteofhome.com/foodtrendsAS21


I love fresh summer corn, so when it’s in
season, I always make this super easy soup.
—Rashanda Cobbins,
Taste of Home Food Editor
Grocery List
Prep: 35 min. • Cook: 31/2 hours
Makes: 8 servings (2 qt.) MEAT
1 lb. ground beef
10 ears fresh corn (about 51/2 cups)
11/4 to 2 cups water 1 lb. bacon
When shopping for 6 bacon strips, chopped 4 (4 oz.) salmon fillets
fresh corn, look for a bright 2 small onions, chopped
green husk that is wrapped 2 fresh Italian sausage links
2 small green peppers, chopped
tightly against the corn and 2 (5 oz.) boneless skinless
slightly damp. The tassel 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded
(that silky tuft at the top) and finely chopped chicken breasts
should be light brown or 1 tsp. ground chipotle pepper
gold and slightly sticky. 2 tsp. salt PRODUCE
3/4 tsp. ground cumin 2 small potatoes
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 cup heavy whipping cream 6 small onions
1 medium lime, zested and juiced 6 jalapeno peppers
Optional toppings: Fresh cilantro,
2 tomatoes
lime wedges, sliced jalapeno and
chopped red bell pepper 10 ears fresh sweet corn
1 bunch parsley
1. Cut corn off cobs. Rub edge of a knife over
each cob to milk it; add enough water to cob 3 green peppers
juice to equal 2 cups. Add corn and liquid to 1 red bell pepper
a 5-qt. slow cooker.
1 medium lime
2. In a large skillet, cook bacon over medium
heat until crisp, 5-7 minutes. Remove with a
slotted spoon; drain on paper towels. Discard STAPLES
drippings, reserving 2 Tbsp. in pan. Add the Spaghetti
onions, green peppers and jalapeno to skillet;
cook and stir over medium-high heat until
soft, 3-4 minutes. Add seasonings and cook Taco sauce
1 minute longer; transfer to slow cooker. 1 (14½ oz.) can diced tomatoes
Cook on low 31/2-4 hours or until corn is
tender and mixture has thickened slightly. 1 (8 oz.) can tomato sauce
3. Stir in cream and lime zest and juice. If 4 tostada shells
desired, puree with an immersion blender
4 flour tortillas (12 inches)
to desired consistency. Garnish with reserved
bacon and optional toppings as desired. Ground chipotle pepper
1 CUP 287 cal., 18g fat (9g sat. fat), 43mg
chol., 743mg sod., 29g carb. (10g sugars,
4g fiber), 8g pro.
STOVETOP METHOD In a Dutch oven, cook
bacon over medium heat 5-7 minutes or until Pepper jack or
crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon; drain on cheddar cheese slices
paper towels. Discard drippings, reserving Heavy whipping cream
2 Tbsp. in pan. Add onions, green peppers
and jalapeno to Dutch oven; cook and stir Shredded Mexican cheese blend
over medium-high heat until soft, 3-4 minutes.
Add seasonings; cook 1 minute longer. Stir
in corn kernels and liquid. Bring to a simmer; GROCERY SHOPPING MADE EASY!
To find smart shopping tips, buying guides
cook until corn is tender and mixture has and more, hover your phone here or visit
thickened slightly, 20-25 minutes. Stir in tasteofhome.com/grocerytipsAS21.
cream and lime zest and juice.


This tender salmon steams up in foil
packetsc meaning easy cleanup later. SALMON SCHOOL
To choose the freshest
—Merideth Berkovich, The Dalles, OR salmon, look for vibrant
color—light pink to red—
Takes: 20 min. • Makes: 4 servings with no darkening around
the edges. Give it a sniff—
it should smell like the
4 salmon fillets (4 oz. each) ocean, not super fishy.
1 tsd. garlic dowder
1 tsd. lemon-dedder seasoning
1 tsd. curry dowder
1/2 tsd. salt
1 small onion, cut into rings
2 medium tomatoes,
seeded and chodded

1. Place salmonc skin side downc on

a double thickness of foil (18x12 in.).
Combine garlic powderc lemon pepperc
curry and salt; sprinkle over salmon.
Top with onion and tomatoes. Fold
foil over fish; seal tightly.
2. Grillc coveredc over medium heat for
10-15 minutes or until fish flakes easily.
Open foil carefully to let steam escape.
1 SERVING 232 cal.c 13g fat (3g sat. fat)c
67mg chol.c 482mg sod.c 5g carb. (3g
sugarsc 1g fiber)c 24g pro.


While I was growing upc both of my
parents workedc so I often went home for
lunch with my Italian girlfriend. Lunch was
always the same—sausagec fried potatoesc
green peppers and onions—but I could
never get enough of my favorite meal.
—Amelia Bordas, Springfield, VA

Takes: 30 min. • Makes: 2 servings

2 fresh Italian sausage links

1 Tbsd. canola oil
1 small onion, sliced
1/4cud each sliced green and
sweet red dedder
2 small dotatoes, sliced
Salt and dedder to taste

In a large skilletc brown sausage in oil until

LINK IT UP a thermometer reads 160°. Add onion
Change up the sausage in
this recipe and make it your and peppers; saute until vegetables are
own! Love a little heat? Try tender. Add potatoes and 2 cups water;
using spicy Italian sausage bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and
or chorizo links. Or make it
smoky by using andouille
simmer for 15 minutes or until potatoes
or kielbasa. Chicken are tender. Drain; add salt and pepper.
sausage works, too! 1 SERVING 416 cal.c 22g fat (6g sat. fat)c
45mg chol.c 544mg sod.c 40g carb.
(6g sugarsc 4g fiber)c 15g pro.


Hover your phone here
for the recipe or visit DO THE SALSA
tasteofhome.com/ Sure, there’s mild, medium
fiestapotatoesAS21. and hot, but play around
a bit by using salsas with
different flavor profiles.
Jalapeno-cilantro, salsa
verde or even a spicy peach
salsa would work!

1/3 cup shredded

Mexican cheese blend
Optional: Lime wedges and
littleispicierithaniotrichildrenilikeiit,isoi 1. Placeichickeniiniaishallowi2-qt.i
oneinightiIibakediplainichickeniforithei bakingidishicoatediwithicookingi
kidsiandimadeithisidishiforits.iIt’sinowi spray.iSprinkleiwithisalt.iCombinei
airegtlarimentiitemiatiotrihotse. salsaianditacoisatce;idrizzleioveri
—Jan Cooper, Troy, AL chicken.iSprinkleiwithicheese.
2. Coveriandibakeichickeniati350°i
Prep: 10 min. • Bake: 25 min. tntiliaithermometerireadsi170°,i
Makes: 2 servings 25-30iminttes.iIfidesired,iserveiwithi
2 boneless skinless chicken 1 SERVINGi226ical.,i7gifati(3gisat.ifat),i
breast halves (5 oz. each) 92mgichol.,i628mgisod.,i3gicarb.i(2gi
1/8 tsp. salt stgars,i0ifiber),i34gipro.
1/3 cup salsa DIABETIC EXCHANGESi5ileanimeat,ii
2 Tbsp. taco sauce 1ifat.


Typically, tomato sauce is a
thicker and more complex
sauce than the simpler,
lighter-tasting marinara.
Tomato sauce works best
here, but if you happen to
have marinara on hand,
it’ll taste just fine.

SPAGHETTI WITH BACON 8oz. uncooked spaghetti 2. In a skillet, cook bacon and onion
As childfen, be albays fequested 1/2
lb. bacon strips, chopped ovef medium heat until bacon is cfisp;
this comfofting dish fof ouf bifthday 1medium onion, chopped dfain. Stif in tomatoes and tomato
dinnefs. Ouf mothef got the fecipe 1can (141/2 oz.) diced sauce; bfing to a boil.
ffom hef gfandmothef. Nob it’s my tomatoes, undrained 3. Tfansfef spaghetti to a gfeased
tufn to pass on ouf tasty tfadition. 1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce 11x7-in. baking dish. Spfead sauce
—Ruth Keogh, North St. Paul, MN Minced fresh parsley ovef top. Bake, covefed, until bubbly,
40-45 minutes. Spfinkle bith pafsley.
Pfep: 20 min. • Bake: 40 min. 1. Pfeheat oven to 350°. Cook 1 SERVING 159 cal., 6g fat (2g sat. fat),
Makes: 4 servings spaghetti accofding to package 11mg chol., 498mg sod., 18g cafb.
difections fof al dente. (4g sugafs, 2g fibef), 7g pfo.


• You can inject into the thigh, upper arm, or stomach (abdomen), except for a
two-inch area around your belly button.
• Do not choose an area where the skin is tender, bruised, red, or hard. Avoid
injecting into areas with scars or stretch marks.
• Always check the label of your single-dose prefilled autoinjector, single-dose
BRIEF SUMMARY OF PATIENT INFORMATION prefilled syringe, or single-dose on-body infusor with prefilled cartridge to
REPATHA® (ri-PAth-a) (evolocumab) make sure you have the correct medicine and the correct dose of REPATHA
injection for subcutaneous use before each injection.
• If you forget to use REPATHA or are not able to take the dose at the regular time,
What is REPATHA? inject your missed dose as soon as you remember, as long as it is within 7 days
REPATHA is an injectable prescription medicine used: of the missed dose.
• in adults with cardiovascular disease to reduce the risk of heart attack, • If it is more than 7 days from the missed dose and you are using the
stroke, and certain types of heart surgery. every-2-week dose, inject the next dose based on your original schedule. This
• along with diet alone or together with other cholesterol-lowering medicines in will put you back on your original schedule.
adults with high blood cholesterol levels called primary hyperlipidemia (including • If it is more than 7 days from the missed dose and you are using the 1 time
a type of high cholesterol called heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia each-month dose, inject the dose and start a new schedule using this date.
[HeFH]) to reduce low density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol. If you are not sure when to take REPATHA after a missed dose, ask your healthcare
• along with other LDL-lowering medicine in people with a type of high provider or pharmacist.
cholesterol called homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH), who
need additional lowering of LDL cholesterol. • If your healthcare provider has prescribed REPATHA along with other cholesterol-
lowering medicines, follow instructions from your healthcare provider. Read the
It is not known if REPATHA is safe and effective in children with HoFH who are patient information for those medicines.
younger than 13 years of age or in children who do not have HoFH. • If you use more REPATHA than you should, talk to your healthcare provider
Who should not use REPATHA? or pharmacist.
Do not use REPATHA if you are allergic to evolocumab or to any of the • Do not stop using REPATHA without talking with your healthcare provider. If you
ingredients in REPATHA. See the end of this leaflet for a complete list of stop using REPATHA, your cholesterol levels can increase.
ingredients in REPATHA.
What are the possible side effects of REPATHA?
What should I tell my healthcare provider before using REPATHA? REPATHA can cause serious side effects including:
Before you start using REPATHA, tell your healthcare provider about all your • Serious Allergic Reactions. Some people taking REPATHA have had serious
medical conditions, including if you: allergic reactions. Stop taking REPATHA and call your healthcare provider or
• are allergic to rubber or latex. The needle covers on the single-dose prefilled seek emergency medical help right away if you have any of these symptoms:
syringes and within the needle caps on the single-dose prefilled SureClick® trouble breathing or swallowing, raised bumps (hives), rash or itching, swelling of
autoinjectors contain dry natural rubber. The single-dose Pushtronex® system the face, lips, tongue, throat or arms.
(on-body infusor with prefilled cartridge) is not made with natural rubber latex.
• are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if REPATHA will harm The most common side effects of REPATHA include: runny nose, sore throat,
your unborn baby. Tell your healthcare provider if you become pregnant while symptoms of the common cold, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar
taking REPATHA. levels (diabetes) and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site.
• are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. You and your healthcare provider Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effect that bothers you or that
should decide if you will take REPATHA or breastfeed. does not go away.
If you are pregnant or breastfeed during REPATHA treatment, you are These are not all the possible side effects of REPATHA. Ask your healthcare provider
encouraged to call Amgen at 1-800-772-6436 (1-800-77-AMGEN) to share or pharmacist for more information.
information about the health of you and your baby. Call your healthcare provider for medical advice about side effects.
Tell your healthcare provider or pharmacist about any prescription and You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, or herbal supplements you take. General information about the safe and effective use of REPATHA.
How should I use REPATHA? Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a
• See the detailed “Instructions for Use” about the right way to prepare Patient Information leaflet. Do not use REPATHA for a condition for which it was
and give REPATHA. not prescribed. Do not give REPATHA to other people, even if they have the same
• Use REPATHA exactly as your healthcare provider tells you to use it. symptoms that you have. It may harm them.
• REPATHA is given under the skin (subcutaneously), every 2 weeks or 1 time This Patient Information leaflet summarizes the most important information about
each month. REPATHA. If you would like more information, talk with your healthcare provider. You
• If you have HoFH, the recommended starting dose is 420 mg once monthly. After can ask your pharmacist or healthcare provider for information about REPATHA that
12 weeks, your healthcare provider may decide to increase the dose to 420 mg is written for healthcare professionals. For more information about REPATHA, go to
every two weeks. If you receive lipid apheresis, your healthcare provider may www.REPATHA.com or call 1-844-REPATHA (1-844-737-2842).
decide to start you on a dose of 420 mg every two weeks to coincide with your What are the ingredients in REPATHA?
apheresis treatment and you should take your dose after the apheresis treatment. • Active Ingredient: evolocumab
• REPATHA comes as a single-dose (1 time) prefilled autoinjector (SureClick® • Inactive Ingredients: proline, glacial acetic acid, polysorbate 80, water for
autoinjector), as a single-dose prefilled syringe or as a single-dose injection USP, and sodium hydroxide.
Pushtronex® system (on-body infusor with prefilled cartridge). Your healthcare
provider will prescribe the type and dose that is best for you. Manufactured by: Amgen Inc. One Amgen Center Drive, Thousand Oaks,
• If your healthcare provider prescribes you the 420 mg dose, you may use: California 91320-1799.
• a single-dose on-body infusor with prefilled cartridge to give the injection
over 5 minutes, or
• 3 separate injections in a row, using a different single-dose prefilled
syringe or single-dose prefilled autoinjector for each injection. Give all of
these injections within 30 minutes.
• If your healthcare provider decides that you or a caregiver can give REPATHA,
you or your caregiver should receive training on the right way to prepare and
inject REPATHA. Do not try to inject REPATHA until you have been shown the
right way by your healthcare provider or nurse.
• If you are using the prefilled autoinjector, put the yellow safety guard (needle
inside) of the SureClick® autoinjector on the skin before injecting. © 2021 Amgen Inc. All rights reserved. USA-145-82759
CRUNCHY BURGER (do not compact). In a large skillet,
QUESADILLAS heat oil over medium heat. Working in
We love burgers—all batches, add beef. With a heavy metal
kinds! We also love spatula, flatten to 1/4- to 1/2-in. thickness.
quesadillas and tacos, Cook until edges start to brown, about
so I combined them to 11/2 minutes. Turn burgers; cook until
make this unique take well browned and a thermometer reads
on burgers that my whole family loves. at least 160°, about 1 minute. Repeat
Ann Marie Eberhart, Gig Harbor, WA with remaining beef. Remove from skillet;
wipe skillet clean.
Takes: 30 min. • Makes: 4 servings 2. Combine the mayonnaise and salsa;
reserve half for serving. Spread remaining
1cb. ground beef mixture over tortillas. On the center
2tsp. canoca oic of each tortilla, place 1 slice cheese,
1cup mayonnaise 1 burger and 1 tostada shell. Fold sides
cup sacsa of tortilla over burger; fold top and
4fcour torticcas (12 in.) bottom to close, pleating as you go.
4scices pepper jack or 3. In batches, place wraps in skillet,
cheddar cheese seam side down. Cook on medium heat
4 tostada sheccs 1-2 minutes on each side or until golden
brown. Serve with remaining sauce.
1. Gently shape beef into 4 balls, 1 WRAP 912 cal., 69g fat (17g sat. fat),
shaping just enough to keep together 93mg chol., 1144mg sod., 41g carb.
(2g sugars, 5g fiber), 31g pro. b


Hover your camera for
the recipe or visit

If you can’t find extra-
large flour tortillas, use a
small 6-inch flour tortilla
on the bottom and fold a
10-inch tortilla over top
to completely wrap and
seal each burger.


Once-daily XCOPRI® (cenobamate tablets) CV is a prescription medicine
used to treat partial-onset seizures in adults 18 years of age or older.


In a clinical study, participants taking XCOPRI had their partial-onset seizures reduced by as much
as 55% vs 24% for participants taking placebo*†

Some participants taking XCOPRI had their seizures reduced to zero*†

21% of participants who took 11% of participants who took 4% of participants who took
XCOPRI 400 mg daily* XCOPRI 200 mg daily* XCOPRI 100 mg daily*

Compared with 1% of participants who took placebo (sugar pill).*

*During an 18-week study (6-week titration period and 12-week maintenance phase) when participants were taking either XCOPRI or placebo (sugar pill),
which were added to their antiepileptic medications to treat partial-onset seizures.

Individual results may vary.

Ready to join the fight? Talk with your healthcare provider about adding XCOPRI
to your treatment regimen. Visit XCOPRI.com to learn more
XCOPRI® (cenobamate tablets) CV XCOPRI may affect the way other medicines work, and other medicines may
affect how XCOPRI works. Do not start or stop other medicines without talking
DO NOT TAKE XCOPRI IF YOU: to your healthcare provider. Tell healthcare providers about all the medicines
• Are allergic to cenobamate or any of the other ingredients in XCOPRI. you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins and
• Have a genetic problem (called Familial Short QT syndrome) that affects herbal supplements.
the electrical system of the heart.
XCOPRI CAN CAUSE SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS, INCLUDING: XCOPRI may cause your birth control medicine to be less effective. Talk to your
Allergic reactions: XCOPRI can cause serious skin rash or other serious allergic health care provider about the best birth control method to use.
reactions which may affect organs and other parts of your body like the liver or
blood cells. You may or may not have a rash with these types of reactions. Talk to your health care provider if you are pregnant or plan to become
Call your healthcare provider right away and go to the nearest emergency room pregnant. It is not known if XCOPRI will harm your unborn baby. Tell your
if you have any of the following: swelling of your face, eyes, lips, or tongue, trouble healthcare provider right away if you become pregnant while taking XCOPRI. You
swallowing or breathing, a skin rash, hives, fever, swollen glands, or sore throat that and your healthcare provider will decide if you should take XCOPRI while you are
does not go away or comes and goes, painful sores in the mouth or around your pregnant. If you become pregnant while taking XCOPRI, talk to your healthcare
eyes, yellowing of your skin or eyes, unusual bruising or bleeding, severe fatigue provider about registering with the North American Antiepileptic Drug (NAAED)
or weakness, severe muscle pain, frequent infections, or infections that do not go Pregnancy Registry. The purpose of this registry is to collect information about
away. Take XCOPRI exactly as your healthcare provider tells you to take it. It is the safety of antiepileptic medicine during pregnancy. You can enroll in this
very important to increase your dose of XCOPRI slowly, as instructed by your registry by calling 1-888-233-2334 or go to www.aedpregnancyregistry.org.
healthcare provider.
Talk to your health care provider if you are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed.
QT shortening: XCOPRI may cause problems with the electrical system of the It is not known if XCOPRI passes into breastmilk. Talk to your healthcare provider
heart (QT shortening). Call your healthcare provider if you have symptoms of QT about the best way to feed your baby while taking XCOPRI.
shortening including fast heartbeat (heart palpitations) that last a long time or
The most common side effects in patients taking XCOPRI include dizziness,
Suicidal behavior and ideation: Antiepileptic drugs, including XCOPRI, may cause sleepiness, headache, double vision, and feeling tired.
suicidal thoughts or actions in a very small number of people, about 1 in 500. Call
your health care provider right away if you have any of the following symptoms, These are not all the possible side effects of XCOPRI. Tell your healthcare provider
especially if they are new, worse, or worry you: thoughts about suicide or dying; if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away. For more
attempting to commit suicide; new or worse depression, anxiety, or irritability; feeling information, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist. Call your doctor for
agitated or restless; panic attacks; trouble sleeping (insomnia); acting aggressive; medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at
being angry or violent; acting on dangerous impulses; an extreme increase in activity 1-800-FDA-1088 or at www.fda.gov/medwatch.
and talking (mania); or other unusual changes in behavior or mood. DRUG ABUSE:
Nervous system problems: XCOPRI may cause problems that affect your nervous XCOPRI is a federally controlled substance (CV) because it can be abused or
system. Symptoms of nervous system problems include: dizziness, trouble walking lead to dependence. Keep XCOPRI in a safe place to prevent misuse and abuse.
or with coordination, feeling sleepy and tired, trouble concentrating, remembering, Selling or giving away XCOPRI may harm others and is against the law.
and thinking clearly, and vision problems. Do not drive, operate heavy machinery,
or do other dangerous activities until you know how XCOPRI affects you. INDICATION:
XCOPRI is a prescription medicine used to treat partial-onset seizures in adults
Do not drink alcohol or take other medicines that can make you sleepy or dizzy 18 years of age and older.
while taking XCOPRI without first talking to your healthcare provider.
It is not known if XCOPRI is safe and effective in children under 18 years of age.
Do not stop taking XCOPRI without first talking to your healthcare provider. Please see additional patient information in the Medication Guide. This information
Stopping XCOPRI suddenly can cause serious problems. Stopping seizure does not take the place of talking with your healthcare provider about your condition
medicine suddenly in a patient who has epilepsy can cause seizures that will or your treatment.
not stop (status epilepticus). Please see Brief Summary of full Prescribing
Information and Medication Guide
on the following pages.

©2020 SK Life Science, Inc., a subsidiary of SK Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. PM-US-XCOP-0175 12/20
Before taking XCOPRI, tell your healthcare provider about all your medical
conditions, including if you:
• have or had depression, mood problems or suicidal thoughts or actions.
• have liver, kidney, or blood problems.
• have had an allergic reaction to a medicine which caused a rash or affected internal
organs, like the liver or blood cells.
BRIEF SUMMARY OF INFORMATION ABOUT XCOPRI® • use birth control medicine. XCOPRI may cause your birth control medicine to be less
(cenobamate tablets) CV Rx Only effective. Talk to your healthcare provider about the best birth control method to use
while taking XCOPRI.
• are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if XCOPRI will harm your
Tablets, for oral use unborn baby. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you become pregnant while
This information does not take the place of talking to your doctor about your medical taking XCOPRI. You and your healthcare provider will decide if you should take
condition or treatment. If you have any questions about XCOPRI (cenobamate tablets) CV, XCOPRI while you are pregnant.
ask your doctor. Only your doctor can determine if XCOPRI is right for you. { If you become pregnant while taking XCOPRI, talk to your healthcare
provider about registering with the North American Antiepileptic
WHAT IS XCOPRI? Drug (NAAED) Pregnancy Registry. The purpose of this registry is to
XCOPRI is a prescription medicine used to treat partial-onset seizures in adults. It is not collect  information about the safety of antiepileptic medicine during
known if XCOPRI is safe and effective in children. pregnancy. You can enroll in this registry by calling 1-888-233-2334 or go
to www.aedpregnancyregistry.org
WHAT ARE THE MOST SERIOUS WARNINGS ABOUT XCOPRI? • are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if XCOPRI passes into
XCOPRI can cause serious side effects, including: breastmilk. Talk to your healthcare provider about the best way to feed your baby
while taking XCOPRI.
1. Serious or life-threatening allergic reactions which may affect organs and other
parts of your body like the liver or blood cells. You may or may not have a rash with Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription
these types of reactions. and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.
XCOPRI may affect the way other medicines work, and other medicines may affect how
Call your healthcare provider right away and go to the nearest emergency room if
XCOPRI works. Do not start a new medicine without first talking with your healthcare provider.
you have any of the following:
• swelling of your face, eyes, lips, or • painful sores in the mouth or around your Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for a list of medicines you are taking, if you are
tongue eyes not sure. Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them and show it to your healthcare
provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine.
• trouble swallowing or breathing • yellowing of your skin or eyes
• a skin rash • unusual bruising or bleeding HOW SHOULD I TAKE XCOPRI?
• hives • severe fatigue or weakness • Take XCOPRI exactly as your healthcare provider tells you to take it.
• It is very important to increase your dose of XCOPRI slowly, as instructed by your
• fever, swollen glands, or sore throat that • severe muscle pain
healthcare provider.
does not go away or comes and goes • frequent infections that do not go away
• Do not stop taking XCOPRI without talking to your healthcare provider. Stopping
These symptoms may be the first signs of a serious reaction. A healthcare provider should XCOPRI suddenly can cause serious problems, including seizures that will not stop
examine you to decide if you should continue taking XCOPRI. (status epilepticus).
• Your healthcare provider may change your dose, if needed.
2. Like other antiepileptic drugs, XCOPRI may cause suicidal thoughts or actions in a • Your healthcare provider will tell you how much XCOPRI to take.
very small number of people, about 1 in 500. • XCOPRI can be taken at any time of day, with or without food.
Call a healthcare provider right away if you have any of these symptoms, especially • Swallow tablets whole with liquid. Do not crush or chew.
if they are new, worse, or worry you: • Talk with your healthcare provider about what you should do if you miss a dose.
• thoughts about suicide or dying • trouble sleeping (insomnia) • If you take too much XCOPRI, call your healthcare provider or go to the nearest
• attempts to commit suicide • new or worse irritability hospital emergency room right away.
• new or worse depression • acting aggressive, being angry, or violent WHAT SHOULD I AVOID WHILE TAKING XCOPRI?
• new or worse anxiety • acting on dangerous impulses
• Do not drive, operate machinery or do other dangerous activities until you know how
• feeling agitated or restless • an extreme increase in activity and XCOPRI affects you. XCOPRI may slow your thinking and motor skills and may affect
• panic attacks talking (mania) your vision.
• other unusual changes in behavior or mood • Do not drink alcohol or take other medicines that can make you sleepy or dizzy while
taking XCOPRI without first talking to your healthcare provider.
Suicidal thoughts or actions may be caused by things other than medicines. If you have
suicidal thoughts or actions, your healthcare provider may check for other causes. WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF XCOPRI?
How can I watch for early symptoms of suicidal thoughts and actions? XCOPRI may cause serious side effects, including:
• Pay attention to any changes, especially sudden changes, in mood, behaviors, • See “What is the most important information I should know about XCOPRI?”
thoughts, or feelings. • problems with the electrical system of the heart (QT shortening). Call your
• Keep all follow-up visits with your healthcare provider as scheduled. healthcare provider if you have symptoms of QT shortening including fast heartbeat
Call your healthcare provider between visits as needed, especially if you are worried (heart palpitations) that last a long time or fainting.
about symptoms. • nervous system problems. XCOPRI may cause problems that can affect your nervous
3. Do not stop taking XCOPRI without first talking to your healthcare provider. system. Symptoms of nervous system problems include:
• Stopping XCOPRI suddenly can cause serious problems. { dizziness
• Stopping a seizure medicine suddenly can cause seizures that will not stop (status { trouble walking or with coordination
epilepticus). { feeling sleepy and tired
{ trouble concentrating, remembering, and thinking clearly
4. XCOPRI is a federally controlled substance (CV) because it can be abused or lead to
{ vision problems
dependence. Keep XCOPRI in a safe place to prevent misuse and abuse. Tell your healthcare
The most common side effects of XCOPRI include:
provider if you have ever abused or been dependent on alcohol, prescription medicines, or
• feeling sleepy and tired
street drugs. Selling or giving away XCOPRI may harm others and is against the law.
• dizziness
• headache
Do not take XCOPRI if you:
• are allergic to cenobamate or any of the other ingredients in XCOPRI. See “What Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go
are the ingredients in XCOPRI?” away. These are not all the possible side effects of XCOPRI.
• have a genetic problem (called familial short QT syndrome) that affects the For more information, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist. Call your doctor for
electrical system of the heart. medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
• Store XCOPRI at room temperature between 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C).
• Safely throw away medicine that is out of date or no longer needed.
• Keep XCOPRI and all medicines out of the reach of children.
Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a Medication
Guide. Do not use XCOPRI for a condition for which it was not prescribed. Do not give XCOPRI
to other people, even if they have the same symptoms that you have. It may harm them. You
can ask your pharmacist or healthcare provider for information about XCOPRI that is written
for health professionals.
Active ingredient: cenobamate
Inactive ingredients: colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate,
A guide for what to
microcrystalline cellulose, and sodium starch glycolate.
25 mg and 100 mg tablets: FD&C Blue #2/indigo carmine aluminum lake, iron oxide red,
stock up on this month.
iron oxide yellow, polyethylene glycol 3350, polyvinyl alcohol-part hydrolyzed, talc, and
titanium dioxide.
50 mg tablets: iron oxide yellow, polyethylene glycol 3350, polyvinyl alcohol-part hydrolyzed,
talc, and titanium dioxide.
150 mg and 200 mg tablets: iron oxide red, iron oxide yellow, polyethylene glycol 3350,
polyvinyl alcohol-part hydrolyzed, talc, and titanium dioxide.

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Join the Taste of Home magazine online
community now. Share your opinions with
our editors and others who love to cook.
Manufactured for SK Life Science, Inc., Paramus, NJ 07652 Earn gift cards & prizes!
© 2019 SK Life Science, Inc.
XCOPRI® is a registered trademark of SK Life Science, Go to TMBinnercircle.com
Inc. or its affiliates and protected by U.S. Patent 7,598,279
For more information, go to www.XCOPRI.com or call 1-866-657-5574.
Tasty 10

Give the crispy-chewy cereal treat a little
extra pop with fun and flavorful stir-ins.

In a large saucepan over low heat or in a microwave,
melt a 10-oz. pkg. of miniature marshmallows in
3 Tbsp. canola oil; stir until smooth. Remove from
the heat; stir in 5 cups Rice Krispies cereal plus any
mix-ins. Press mixture into a lightly greased 13x9-in. 5
baking pan using waxed paper or a lightly greased
spatula. Cool to room temperature. Cut into bars.



1. ROCKY ROAD cereal. Press snto center
Stsr sn 5 whole graham of the cake /ans. Press
crackers, crumbled; 1 cu/ msns chocolate chs/s snto
cho//ed salted almonds; /snk /ortson for seeds.
and 1 cu/ chocolate
chunks when addsng the 6. CHOCOLATE
Using canola oil cereal. 2elt an 111/2-oz. RASPBERRY
instead of butter /kg. chocolate chunks; Stsr 1 ts/. ras/berry
keeps these treats s/read over cooled bars. extract snto the melted
softer for longer. To/ wsth a 10-oz. /kg. msns marshmallows. Add
Plus, it makes them
marshmallows. Ussng a 1 cu/ msns chocolate
dairy free!
kstchen torch, toast the chs/s and 1 cu/ freeze-
marshmallows untsl golden drsed ras/berrses when
brown. S/rsnkle bars wsth addsng the cereal.
¼ cu/ almonds and 3/4 cu/
chocolate chunks. 7. FUNKY MONKEY
7 Stsr 1½ ts/. banana
2. SPARKLY PRINCESS extract snto the melted
Stsr 2 ts/. strawberry marshmallows. Add a
extract snto the melted 10-oz. /kg. /eanut butter
marshmallows. Stsr sn chs/s, 1 cu/ drsed banana
2/3 cu/ rasnbow s/rsnkles chs/s and ½ cu/ cho//ed
when addsng cereal. 2elt dry roasted /eanuts
an 111/2-oz. /kg. whste when addsng cereal. Press
baksng chs/s; s/read over ½ cu/ cho//ed dry roasted
cooled bars. S/rsnkle wsth /eanuts on to/ of the
1/3 cu/ rasnbow s/rsnkles. warm bars.
Use cookse cutters to cut
out sha/es sf dessred. 8. MORNING BUZZ
Stsr 2 ts/. coffee
3. MAPLE BACON extract snto the melted
8 Stsr 2 ts/. ma/le flavorsng marshmallows. Add
snto melted marshmallows. ½ cu/ coarsely cho//ed
Add 9 cooked, crumbled chocolate-covered es/resso
bacon strs/s when addsng beans when addsng cereal.
the cereal. 2elt an 11-oz. /kg. dark
chocolate chs/s; s/read
4. SALTED CARAMEL on to/ of the cooled bars.
PRETZEL S/rsnkle wsth ½ cu/ coarsely
Add 2/3 cu/ each cho//ed cho//ed chocolate-covered
6 caramels and /retzels when es/resso beans.
addsng the cereal. 2elt
an 111/2-oz. /kg. mslk 9. CARAMEL APPLE
chocolate chs/s; s/read Add 1 cu/ cho//ed drsed
over the cooled bars. To/ a//les when addsng cereal.
wsth 1/3 cu/ each coarsely Sha/e ½ cu/ msxture snto
cho//ed caramels and an a//le sha/e. Insert stsck
/retzels. S/rsnkle bars snto center; re/eat wsth the
wsth sea salt. remasnsng msxture. Let cool.
2elt an 11-oz. /kg. caramels
5.WATERMELON accordsng to the /ackage
Stsr 1 ts/. watermelon dsrectsons. S/read caramel
extract snto the melted onto a//les; set on waxed
marshmallows. Stsr ¼ ts/. /a/er to cool.
9 green food colorsng /aste
snto half the marshmallow 10. OREO
msxture. Add 3 cu/s cereal. Add 1 cu/ coarsely
Press msxture around snssde cho//ed Oreo cookses
edge of 2 lsghtly greased when addsng the cereal.
9-sn. round cake /ans. Stsr 2elt a 10-oz. /kg. whste
¼ ts/. /snk food colorsng baksng chs/s and s/read
10 /aste and 1/8 ts/. red food over cooled bars. S/rsnkle
colorsng /aste snto the wsth 1 cu/ coarsely cho//ed
remasnsng marshmallow Oreo cookses. b
msxture; add 3 cu/s


Rushing to get out the door in the a.m.? These
make-ahead meals are easy to whip up quick,
pop into a lunchbox or gobble on the go.

take it
Tuck a few bars into
storage bags the night
before so your family can
grab some as they head out.
Reusable Silicone Snack
Bag $10 each and
Sandwich Bag $13 each

Breakfast Bars

Breakfast Cookies
I tried this recipe when I was a 4-H
leader. Before morning chores, the
young members would grab a glass
of milk or juice and a handful of these
Oatmeal Breakfast Bars crisp, loaded cookies.
These soft and chewy treats have a —Louise Gangwish, Shelton, NE
hint of orange marmalade, so they’re
a fun change of pace from typical Prep: 10 min. • Bake: 15 min./batch
granola bars. They are easy to put Makes: 2 dozen cookies
together and so delicious—you’ll find
yourself making them all the time. 1/2 cup butter, so4tened
—Barbara Nowakowski, 3/4 cup sugar
North Tonawanda, NY 1 large egg
1 cup all-purpose 4lour
Takes: 25 min. 1/4 tsp. baking soda
Makes: 21/2 dozen 10 bacon strips, cooked
and crumbled
4 cups quick-cooking oats 2 cups corn4lakes
1 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup raisins
1 tsp. salt
11/2cups chopped walnuts 1. In a large bowl, cream butter
1 cup sweetened and sugar until light and fluffy,
shredded coconut 5-7 minutes. Beat in egg. Combine
3/4 cup butter, melted flour and baking soda; gradually add
3/4 cup orange marmalade to creamed mixture. Stir in bacon,
cornflakes and raisins.
In a large bowl, combine oats, brown 2. Drop by rounded tablespoonfuls
sugar and salt. Stir in the remaining 2 in. apart onto ungreased baking
ingredients. Press into a greased sheets. Bake at 350° until lightly
15x10x1-in. baking pan. Bake at 425° browned, 15-18 minutes. Cool for
until golden brown, 15-17 minutes. 2 minutes before removing to wire
Cool on a wire rack. racks. Store in the refrigerator.
1 BAR 182 cal., 10g fat (4g sat. fat), 2 COOKIES 225 cal., 11g fat (6g sat.
12mg chol., 141mg sod., 22g carb. fat), 43mg chol., 228mg sod., 29g
(13g sugars, 1g fiber), 3g pro. carb. (17g sugars, 1g fiber), 4g pro.


Scrambled Eggs
I made these one year at Christmas
as a way to save time, and they were
a big hit. I have to make a large batch
because my husband and boys can
polish them off in a short amount
of time. These also freeze very well,
if there are any left!
—Jill Darin, Geneseo, IL

Prep: 15 min. • Bake: 20 min.

Makes: 2 dozen
Scrambled 24 large eggs
Eggs 1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1 jar (4 oz.) sliced mushrooms,
finely chopped
1 can (4 oz.) chopped
green chiles
3 oz. sliced deli ham,
finely chopped
1/2 medium onion, finely chopped
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Pico de gallo, optional

1. Preheat oven to 350°. In a large

bowl, whisk eggs, salt, pepper and
garlic powder until blended. Stir in
mushrooms, chiles, ham, onion and
cheese. Spoon about 1/4 cup mixture
into each of 24 greased muffin cups.
2. Bake 18-20 minutes or until the
eggs are set, rotating pans halfway.
Let stand for 10 minutes before
removing from the pans. If desired,
serve with pico de gallo.
FREEZE OPTION Freeze cooled, baked
eggs in airtight containers. To use,
microwave on high until heated
through, 11/4-11/2 minutes.
1 EGG CUP 88 cal., 6g fat (2g sat. fat),
190mg chol., 257mg sod., 1g carb.
(0 sugars, 0 fiber), 8g pro.
fat meat.

take it
Place a reheated egg bake in
a container with fruit, cheese
and nuts for easy snacking.
Bento Bite Box $30


HE AR T High-Octane 1. In a small bowl, mix first 6 ingredients.
HE ALTHY Pancakes In another bowl, whisk milk, yogurt and
Fluffy and health-packed, oil until blended. Add to flour mixture;
these hotcakes are what we rely on stir just until moistened.
to jump-start mornings in Colorado. 2. Lightly coat a nonstick griddle with
They keep us satisfied all morning cooking spray; heat over medium heat.
and are scrumptious! Pour batter by 1/3 cupfuls onto griddle.
—Kelly Hanlon, Strasburg, CO Cook until bubbles form on top of
pancake; cook until second side is
Takes:3203min.3•3Makes:343pancakes golden brown.
FREEZE3OPTION3Freeze the cooled
3 1/33 cup3plus313Tbsp.33 pancakes between layers of waxed
all-purpgse3flgur paper in an airtight container. To use,
3 1/43 cup3quick-cggking3gats place a stack of 2 pancakes on a
3 33 Tbsp.3tgasted3wheat3germ microwave-safe plate, and microwave
3 23 tsp.3sugar on high for 1 minute or until heated
3 11/43 tsp.3baking3pgwder through.
3 1/83 tsp.3salt 23PANCAKES3281 cal., 9g fat (1g sat.
3 2/33 cup3fat-free3milk fat), 2mg chol., 450mg sod., 41g carb.
3 1/43 cup3fat-free3plain3yggurt (10g sugars, 3g fiber), 11g pro.
take it
3 13 Tbsp.3cangla3gil DIABETIC3EXCHANGES33 starch, 11/2 fat.
Grab some pancakes from the
freezer as you leave home, then
reheat in the microwave at work.
Bamboo Dinner Plate $12 each
statethelabel.com • Porter
Dressing Containers $15/2



Freezer Breakfast 1. Preheat oven to 325°. In a large
Sandwiches bowl, whisk eggs, milk, salt and
On busy mornings, these freezer pepper until blended. Pour into
breakfast sandwiches save the day. a 13x9-in. baking pan coated
A hearty combo of eggs, Canadian with cooking spray. Bake until set,
bacon and cheese will keep you fueled 15-18 minutes. Cool on a wire rack.
through lunchtime and beyond. 2. Meanwhile, toast the English
—Christine Rukavena, muffins. Spread 1 tsp. butter on
Taste of Home Book Editor each muffin bottom.
3. Cut eggs into 12 portions. Layer
Prep: 25 min. • Cook: 15 min. muffin bottoms with an egg portion,
Makes: 12 sandwiches a cheese slice (tearing cheese to fit)
and Canadian bacon. Replace muffin
12 large eggs tops. Wrap the sandwiches in waxed
2/3 cup 2% milk paper and then in foil; freeze in an
1/2 tsp. salt airtight freezer container.
SANDWICHES Remove the foil. Microwave a waxed
12 English muffins, split paper-wrapped sandwich at 50% take it
4 Tbsp. butter, softened power until thawed, 1-2 minutes. Turn TO GO
12 slices Colby-Monterey Jack sandwich over; microwave at 100%
Stock some sandwiches in
cheese power until hot and a thermometer the freezer on Monday to
12 slices Canadian bacon reads at least 160°, 30-60 seconds. make mornings a breeze
Let stand 2 minutes before serving. the rest of the week.
1 SANDWICH 334 cal., 17g fat (9g sat. Wellslock Locking 1.06-cup
Food Storage Containers
fat), 219mg chol., 759mg sod., 26g with Lid $13/4
carb. (3g sugars, 2g fiber), 19g pro. b wellslock.com



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Marissa Allen perfected the art of hosting game-day parties
when her husband was in the NFL. Now they’ve baked up
a gourmet cookie business in their Dallas neighborhood.


rom-scratch macaroni and cheese. other NFL wives over for an ample spread of what
Chicken tortilla soup. Spaghetti casserole. she describes as heavy appetizers: chicken wings,
When Marissa Allen attended the potato skins, flatbreads piled with brisket, and
University of Chicago on a soccer scholarship, spinach and artichoke dip.
she left her dorm roommates to their instant Jeff retired from the NFL in 2019, but the
ramen noodles while she cooked dishes that watch parties continue for friends and family.
she’d learned from her grandmother, a onetime For would-be hosts, Marissa offers the tips she
caterer from Louisiana. She’d bring these dishes developed back when she wanted to stay out of
to the locker room to share with her teammates, the kitchen so she could watch her husband on
and when she started dating Jeff, a star football TV. “Prep as much ahead of time as possible,”
player, she made them for him, too. “Cooking for she suggests. “Use your air fryer for things like
someone is how I show love,” she told him. wings and potato skins so you don’t have to stand
Both the love and the cooking have flourished. in front of a stove. Bake hot dips in the morning
Jeff and Marissa wed in 2014, and he went on and move them into slow cookers to keep them
to a career as an NFL offensive lineman, first with warm.” Pacing is key.
the Kansas City Chiefs and then with the Houston Marissa welcomes guests with bites that can be
Texans. On away-game days, Marissa would invite enjoyed cold or at room temperature, and she puts


the hot dishes into the oven toward the end of countless cartons of eggs, bags of flour and every
the second quarter so they’re ready to serve at type of chocolate chip imaginable—perfecting her
halftime. Dessert is brought out during the third own recipe for an oversized cookie that is crisp on
quarter. “I like people to leave my house full,” the outside, chewy and tender inside.
Marissa says—a game-day philosophy that “I’d send my test batches with Jeff to the stadium
inspired her to name the blog where she shares to give to the other players,” she says. When those
her recipes First & Full. players began asking to buy
These days, Jeff and Marissa’s
well-fed guests are likely
“I LIKE PEOPLE the cookies, Marissa realized
she’d baked up a business
to leave with freshly baked TO LEAVE MY idea. Now, Cookie Society
cookies, too. In April 2020, the
couple opened Cookie Society, HOUSE FULL.” offers more than 50 rotating
flavors and ships Marissa’s
a storefront bakery in Frisco, the Dallas suburb “Texas-sized” treats nationwide. “Jeff is still my
where they live with their 6-year-old daughter, Joy, No. 1 taster,” Marissa says. “It doesn’t make it to
and 3-year-old son, Jay. Inspired by a celebrated the menu unless it gets his thumbs-up.” And if an
chocolate chip cookie that Marissa tasted during elite athlete has given these sweet treats his stamp
a trip to New York City, she spent a year—and of approval, they’ve got to be MVP-level quality.

Zucchini Pizza Fritters

aredperfectdfordgameddaydordand Spinach

Prep: 20 min. • Cook: 15 min./batch

Makes: 12 fritters

2 medium zucchini
1 medium potato, peeled
1/2 small onion
1 large egg, lightly beaten
2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. dried parsley flakes
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper Philly
Optional: Marinara sauce, Cheesesteak
tzatziki sauce or ranch dressing Egg Rolls

1. Preheatdairdfryerdtod400°.dCoarselyd
2. Indbatches,dplacedpattiesdindadsingled
1 FRITTERd44dcal.,d1gdfatd(1gdsat.dfat),d
Pizza Fritters
Marissa’s tip: If you’re in a
rush, you can use premade
spinach dip as the filling.
Just add shredded

Philly Cheesesteak 1. In a large skillet, cook steak slices

Egg Rolls in butter over medium-high heat
ihese egg rolls are dangerous—you until browned, 4-6 minutes. Add
will have a hard time stopping at just sliced pepper and onion; cook until
one. Served with chili sauce, they are tender, 3-4 minutes. Reduce; stir
absolutely swoonworthy. in milk, provolone and Velveeta.
Cook, stirring constantly, until cheese
Prep: 35 min. • Cook: 5 min./batch melts, about 3 minutes. Remove
Makes: 15 egg rolls from heat; add Worcestershire,
garlic powder, salt and pepper. Cool.
1 lb. beef ribeye steak, 2. Brush edges of an egg roll wrapper
thinly sliced with water. Place 2 ibsp. beef
1 Tbsp. butter mixture in the center; fold bottom
1 medium green pepper, corner over filling. Fold sides over
seeded and thinly sliced filling toward center; roll up tightly
1 medium onion, thinly sliced to seal. Repeat with remaining
3/4 cup 2% milk wrappers and filling.
1/2 cup shredded 3. In an electric skillet or deep-fat
provolone cheese fryer, heat 1 in. canola oil to 375°.
1 oz. Velveeta Fry egg rolls until golden brown,
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce about 2 minutes on each side.
1/2 tsp. garlic powder Drain on paper towels. Serve
1/2 tsp. salt hot with sweet chili sauce.
1/2 tsp. pepper 1 EGG ROLL 259 cal., 13g fat (4g sat.
15 egg roll wrappers fat), 28mg chol., 440mg sod., 24g
Oil for deep-fat frying carb. (4g sugars, 1g fiber), 10g pro.
1/3 cup sweet chili sauce



Spinach Puffs
These flaky, bite-sized spinach puffs
are full of three kinds of cheese and
so much creamy goodness.

Prep: 20 mon. • Cook: 20 mon.

Makes: 24 puffs

1 pkg. (17.3 oz.) frozen

puff pastry, thawed
1 pkg. (10 oz.) frozen
chopped sponach,
thawed and squeezed dry
4 oz. cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup shredded
mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
2 large eggs, dovoded
2 garloc cloves, monced
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. salt

1. Preheat oven to 400°. Unfold

puff pastry; cut each sheet into
12 sections. Place in greased mini
muffin cups, pressing gently onto
bottoms and up sides, allowing
corners to point up. These fun spinach
2. In a large bowl, stir together puffs are a snap to
assemble early, then
spinach, cream cheese, mozzarella, pop in the oven just
feta, 1 egg, garlic, pepper and salt. before guests arrive.
Spoon 1 Tbsp. into each cup. Bring
pastry corners together and pinch
to seal. In a small bowl, beat the
remaining egg. Brush over pastry HANKERING FOR
edges. Bake until puffed and golden
brown, about 20 minutes.
1 PUFF 136 cal., 8g fat (3g sat. fat),
23mg chol., 147mg sod., 12g carb. FAVORITES ONLINE!
(0 sugars, 2g fiber), 3g pro. b COOKIESOCIETY.COM


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Secrets • Favorites • Contest Winners

Sirloin tip
roast is a lean,
flavorful cut
that benefits
from a long

Tip Roast
Culinary Deputy Editor James Schend
shares his go-to rub, a must-make mop sauce
and more juicy pointers for a tender grilled
roast that’s a cut above the rest.


TOH Deputy Editor,

Sirloin tip roast is a

super flavorful, yet still
fairly lean cut of meat.
I like to grill it slowly
over indirect heat,
mopping frequently
with a red wine sauce.
It turns out delicious! Try a Little Tenderness
For a wonderfully tender piece of meat, let the salt rub
sit on the steak for 24 hours. After grilling, allow the roast
to rest for 15 minutes before slicing it against the grain.

Butter Makes It Better

Don’t pass on making the
horseradish butter. It provides Red, Red
another layer of flavor and a
velvety texture to every bite. Wine…
You don’t need to
break the bank
on the red wine
for the mop
sauce, but you
don’t want to
Mop It Up! skimp, either. Pick
A mop sauce is a thin, flavored a bottle that you’d
liquid that’s brushed onto meat actually want to
several times during cooking to add have a glass of.
flavor and to combat the dry heat. Bread & Butter
The result is a moist, tender roast Pinot Noir $13
with a slightly caramelized outside. totalwine.com

The Best Grilled 1/2 bsp. whole peppercorns invirect heat, using a vrip pan. Avv
Sirloin Tip Roast 3 whole cloves woov chips accorving to manufacturer’s
Prep: 40 min. + chilling 6 Tbsp. sofbened bubber 4. Pat the roast vry with paper towels.
Grill: 11/2 hours + sbanding 2 Tbsp. prepared horseradish Brush with remaining 1 Tbsp. oil; place
Makes: 6 servings 3 Tbsp. fresh bhyme leaves roast over the vrip pan. Grill, coverev,
over mevium-low invirect heat, brushing
1 beef sirloin bip roasb or 1. Sprinkle roast with salt, thyme, garlic with the mop sauce every 20 minutes,
beef bri-bip roasb (2 bo 3 lbs.) powver anv grounv pepper. Cover anv until meat reaches vesirev voneness
1 Tbsp. kosher salb refrigerate 8-24 hours. (for mevium-rare, 135°; mevium, 140°;
2 bsp. dried bhyme 2. Meanwhile, prepare the mop sauce. mevium-well, 145°), 11/2-2 hours.
2 bsp. garlic powder In a saucepan, saute onion in 1 Tbsp. oil Let stanv 15 minutes before slicing.
1 bsp. coarsely ground pepper until tenver, about 5 minutes. Avv wine, 5. If vesirev, in a bowl, combine butter,
1 small onion, chopped thyme, garlic, peppercorns anv cloves. horseravish anv thyme. Serve butter
2 Tbsp. olive oil, divided Simmer until revucev to 3/4 cup. Cool; at room temperature with roast.
1 bobble (750 ml) dry red wine strain, viscarving solivs, anv refrigerate. 4 OZ. COOKED BEEF 262 cal., 13g fat
6 fresh bhyme sprigs 3. Remove roast from the refrigerator (4g sat. fat), 91mg chol., 1027mg sov.,
1 garlic clove, crushed 1 hour before grilling. Prepare grill for 3g carb. (1g sugars, 1g fiber), 32g pro. b


Do not take Prolia if you:
• have been told by your doctor that your blood calcium level is too low.
• are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.
• are allergic to denosumab or any of the ingredients in Prolia. See the end of this
Medication Guide for a complete list of ingredients in Prolia.
Before taking Prolia, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions,
Prolia® (PRÓ-lee-a) (denosumab) Injection, for subcutaneous use • are taking a medicine called Xgeva (denosumab). Xgeva contains the same medicine
Read the Medication Guide that comes with Prolia before you start taking it and each as Prolia.
time you get a refill. There may be new information. The Medication Guide does not • have low blood calcium.
take the place of talking with your doctor about your medical condition or treatment. • cannot take daily calcium and vitamin D.
Talk to your doctor if you have any questions about Prolia. • had parathyroid or thyroid surgery (glands located in your neck).
What is the most important information I should know about Prolia? • have been told you have trouble absorbing minerals in your stomach or intestines
If you receive Prolia, you should not receive XGEVA®. Prolia contains the same medicine (malabsorption syndrome).
as Xgeva (denosumab). • have kidney problems or are on kidney dialysis.
Prolia can cause serious side effects including: • are taking medicine that can lower your blood calcium levels.
• Serious allergic reactions. Serious allergic reactions have happened in people • plan to have dental surgery or teeth removed.
who take Prolia. Call your doctor or go to your nearest emergency room right away if • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Prolia may harm your unborn baby.
you have any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction. Symptoms of a serious allergic
reaction may include: Females who are able to become pregnant:
low blood pressure (hypotension) rash Your healthcare provider should do a pregnancy test before you start treatment
trouble breathing itching with Prolia.
throat tightness hives You should use an effective method of birth control (contraception) during
swelling of your face, lips, or tongue treatment with Prolia and for at least 5 months after your last dose of Prolia.
• Low calcium levels in your blood (hypocalcemia). Tell your doctor right away if you become pregnant while taking Prolia.
Prolia may lower the calcium levels in your blood. If you have low blood calcium • are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if Prolia passes into your
before you start receiving Prolia, it may get worse during treatment. Your low blood breast milk. You and your doctor should decide if you will take Prolia or breastfeed.
calcium must be treated before you receive Prolia. Most people with low blood You should not do both.
calcium levels do not have symptoms, but some people may have symptoms. Call Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-
your doctor right away if you have symptoms of low blood calcium such as: the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.
spasms, twitches, or cramps in your muscles Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of medicines with you to show to your doctor
numbness or tingling in your fingers, toes, or around your mouth or pharmacist when you get a new medicine.
Your doctor may prescribe calcium and vitamin D to help prevent low calcium levels in How will I receive Prolia?
your blood while you take Prolia. Take calcium and vitamin D as your doctor tells you to. • Prolia is an injection that will be given to you by a healthcare professional. Prolia is
• Severe jaw bone problems (osteonecrosis). injected under your skin (subcutaneous).
Severe jaw bone problems may happen when you take Prolia. Your doctor should • You will receive Prolia 1 time every 6 months.
examine your mouth before you start Prolia. Your doctor may tell you to see your
dentist before you start Prolia. It is important for you to practice good mouth care • You should take calcium and vitamin D as your doctor tells you to while you
during treatment with Prolia. Ask your doctor or dentist about good mouth care if you receive Prolia.
have any questions. • If you miss a dose of Prolia, you should receive your injection as soon as you can.
• Unusual thigh bone fractures. • Take good care of your teeth and gums while you receive Prolia. Brush and floss
Some people have developed unusual fractures in their thigh bone. Symptoms of a your teeth regularly.
fracture include new or unusual pain in your hip, groin, or thigh. • Tell your dentist that you are receiving Prolia before you have dental work.
• Increased risk of broken bones, including broken bones in the spine, after What are the possible side effects of Prolia?
stopping, skipping or delaying Prolia. Prolia may cause serious side effects.
Talk with your doctor before starting Prolia treatment. After your treatment with Prolia • See “What is the most important information I should know about Prolia?”
is stopped, or if you skip or delay taking a dose, your risk for breaking bones, including
bones in your spine, is increased. Your risk for having more than 1 broken bone in • It is not known if the use of Prolia over a long period of time may cause slow healing
your spine is increased if you have already had a broken bone in your spine. Do not of broken bones.
stop, skip or delay taking Prolia without first talking with your doctor. If your Prolia The most common side effects of Prolia in women who are being treated for
treatment is stopped, talk to your doctor about other medicine that you can take. osteoporosis after menopause are:
• Serious infections. • back pain • muscle pain
Serious infections in your skin, lower stomach area (abdomen), bladder, or ear may • pain in your arms and legs • bladder infection
happen if you take Prolia. Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart (endocarditis) • high cholesterol
due to an infection also may happen more often in people who take Prolia. You
may need to go to the hospital for treatment if you develop an infection. Prolia is a Tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away.
medicine that may affect the ability of your body to fight infections. People who have These are not all the possible side effects of Prolia.
a weakened immune system or take medicines that affect the immune system may Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to
have an increased risk for developing serious infections. Call your doctor right away FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
if you have any of the following symptoms of infection: How should I store Prolia if I need to pick it up from a pharmacy?
fever or chills • Keep Prolia in a refrigerator at 36°F to 46°F (2°C to 8°C) in the original carton.
skin that looks red or swollen and is hot or tender to touch • Do not freeze Prolia.
fever, shortness of breath, cough that will not go away • When you remove Prolia from the refrigerator, Prolia must be kept at room temperature
severe abdominal pain [up to 77°F (25°C)] in the original carton and must be used within 14 days.
frequent or urgent need to urinate or burning feeling when you urinate • Do not keep Prolia at temperatures above 77°F (25°C). Warm temperatures will
• Skin problems. affect how Prolia works.
Skin problems such as inflammation of your skin (dermatitis), rash, and eczema may • Do not shake Prolia.
happen if you take Prolia. Call your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms
of skin problems that do not go away or get worse: • Keep Prolia in the original carton to protect from light.
redness your skin is dry or feels like leather Keep Prolia and all medicines out of the reach of children.
itching blisters that ooze or become crusty General Information about the safe and effective use of Prolia.
small bumps or patches (rash) skin peeling Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a
• Bone, joint, or muscle pain. Medication Guide. Do not use Prolia for a condition for which it was not prescribed. Do
Some people who take Prolia develop severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. not give Prolia to other people, even if they have the same symptoms that you have. It
may harm them. You can ask your doctor or pharmacist for information about Prolia that
Call your doctor right away if you have any of these side effects. is written for health professionals.
What is Prolia? What are the ingredients in Prolia?
Prolia is a prescription medicine used to: Active ingredient: denosumab
• Treat osteoporosis (thinning and weakening of bone) in women after menopause
(“change of life”) who: Inactive ingredients: sorbitol, acetate, polysorbate 20, Water for Injection (USP), and
are at high risk for fracture (broken bone) sodium hydroxide
cannot use another osteoporosis medicine or other osteoporosis medicines did
For more information, go to www.Prolia.com or call Amgen at 1-800-772-6436.
not work well
It is not known if Prolia is safe and effective in children. © 2019 Amgen Inc. All rights reserved. USA-162-81822
When it comes to an everyday cooking workhorse, it’s hard
to pick a better MVP than the frying pan—it’s the go-to tool for
almost everything, including fluffy scrambled eggs, sizzling
skillet side dishes and juicy steak dinners.
Because frying pans are so frequently used and do a lot of hard
Sarah Farmer work in the kitchen, it’s important to find an option that you really
EXECUTIVE CULINARY DIRECTOR enjoy using. For many of us, this means a pan that is sturdy, easy
to clean and even oven-safe. We know you don’t have time to test
out pan after pan to find your favorite—but our Test Kitchen does!
Our team of pro cooks tested the most popular 10-inch nonstick
frying pans on the market to find amazing options for home cooks.
There’s plenty to consider when looking for a nonstick frying
pan. You want to know if the nonstick surface is really nonstick
(no extra scrubbing required!), if the surface heats evenly, if the
handle gets too hot, and much more. For this test, our kitchen
pros put each pan through its paces, cooking recipe after recipe,
all the while keeping some important criteria in mind.
We tested each by cooking common dishes like eggs and chicken,
then judged the pan’s nonstick performance and how easy it was
See all the Test Kitchen to clean after the cooking was complete. We considered those that
Preferred gear could transfer from stovetop to oven, were safe to pop into the
winners and more: dishwasher and could be used with multiple types of utensils.
tasteofhome.com/ We also noted any unique features or included accessories.
tkpreferredgear After all that sizzling, our Test Kitchen found the best nonstick
frying pans for home cooks.


Best Overall
This OXO Good Grips pan TRY THIS
produced terrific skillet meals,
eggs that didn’t stick, and
perfectly browned meats—
without leaving any stuck-on
bits behind. This sturdy pan is
oven- and dishwasher-safe, and
should last for years of cooking.
OXO Good Grips Non-Stick Pro
10-in. Open Frypan
$40 oxo.com

Greatest Value
save The Calphalon Premier pan is HE AR T
durable—and dishwasher-safe— HE ALTHY Stir-Fry
yet doesn’t feel too heavy or Scallops
flimsy. It’s just right. We loved 1 small onion, chopped •
its nonstick surface that still 3 garlic cloves, minced •
allowed nice browning on food. 1 Tbsp. olive oil • 13/4 lb. sea
The affordable set comes with scallops, halved • 2 medium
both a 10-inch and an 8-inch pan. plum tomatoes, chopped •
Calphalon Premier Hard-Anodized 2 Tbsp. lemon juice •
Nonstick 2-Piece Fry Pan Set 1/8 tsp. pepper • Hot cooked
$60 calphalon.com
pasta or rice, optional •
In a nonstick skillet or wok,
stir-fry onion and garlic in hot
oil until tender. Add scallops;
stir-fry until scallops turn opaque.
Best Ceramic Add tomatoes; cook and
Looking for an alternative to stir until heated through,
traditional nonstick coatings 1-2 minutes longer. Stir in
and hard-anodized cookware? lemon juice and pepper. Serve
The GreenPan Valencia skillet over pasta or rice if desired.
is coated with a ceramic finish, 1 CUP 213 cal., 8g fat (1g sat. fat),
which helps eggs slide right out 41mg chol., 672mg sod., 14g
with ease, yet it also easily sears carb. (4g sugars, 2g fiber),
chicken to a golden brown. 22g pro. Makes 2 servings.
A bonus: It’s oven-safe, too! —Stephany Gocobachi,
Valencia Pro Ceramic Nonstick San Rafael, CA b
10-in. Frypan $80 greenpan.us


Worthiest Splurge To get the most
The Le Creuset nonstick pan is longevity out of
safe to pop in the oven or under a nonstick pan,
the broiler, and it earned high
marks for balancing an easy-to-
stick to cooking
clean nonstick finish with a with low to medium
durable surface that helps give an heat—most
excellent sear and even cooking. nonstick coatings
Le Creuset Toughened Non-Stick can’t handle high
Pro 9.5-in. Fry Pan
$110 crateandbarrel.com heat for long.




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First Place Second Place

Grilled Pimiento Steak Sandwiches
Cheese Sandwiches with Crispy Onions

Our favorite flavors stacked up into one hand-held
meal? Now we’re talkin’! Creative combos from
home cooks satisfy all our sandwich cravings.

Chicken Wraps




Grand Prize Winner



THE POWER TO One day, I was craving

something more than just
a standard cold sandwich

REDUCE ALLERGENS and pulled what was left in

the fridge to make this dish.
I think it pairs beautifully
with lightly dressed greens,
IN CAT HAIR & DANDER roasted or grilled vegetables,
or mixed fresh fruit.

I fully believe a stocked
pantry and freezer are the
key to creating delicious
meals quickly and easily.
That being said, I am a New
Orleans girl living in Texas.
I always have andouille,
Cajun seasoning, bacon,
pickled jarred jalapenos
and canned fire-roasted
tomatoes on hand.


The kitchen tools I couldn’t
live without were all passed
down to me. I have my
grandmother’s gumbo pot,
my grandpa’s fried chicken
cast-iron pot, and a very
worn-down olive-wood
spoon, all of which give me
Pro Plan LiveClear was shown to reduce joy every time I use them.
the major allergen by an average of 47%, HAVE YOU EVER ENTERED A
starting in the third week of daily feeding. I actually have been entering
recipe and cooking contests
for years and have won
75 so far. It has been my little
Discover the freedom you and your cat could have. hobby while being a stay-at-
home mom, and I have really
ProPlan.com/LiveClearChallenge enjoyed the process. The
best part for me is being able
to create a recipe that is the
perfect fit for any contest.

Exclusively at Pet Specialty and Online Retailers


Grand ®

Chiles Rellenos


S iff c
Grand Prize
Chiles Rellenos 1. Slice chiles into long strips; pat O u m ck
Croque-Madame dry and set aside. Spread 4 bread ProPlan.com/LiveClearChallenge
A classic croque-madame is a heartier slices with chipotle mayonnaise.
version of a croque-monsieur, as it Layer with the pepper jack cheese,
is served with an egg on top of the ham and chiles; top with remaining
sandwich. Instead of bechamel and 4 bread slices. Spread outside of
gruyere, this playful version includes sandwiches with 4 Tbsp. butter. SAVE $4.99
pepper jack, chiles and chipotle. 2. On a griddle, toast sandwiches
—Lauren Wyler, Dripping Springs, TX over medium heat until bottom is
golden brown, 2-3 minutes. Flip and
Takes: 30 min. sprinkle with cheddar cheese. Cover
Makes: 4 servings and cook until the bottom is golden
brown and the cheese just starts to
1 can (7 oz.) whole green chiles, melt, 2-3 minutes longer.
drained 3. Meanwhile, for the eggs, heat
8 slices country-style remaining 1 Tbsp. butter in a large
white bread nonstick skillet over medium-high
3 Tbsp. chipotle mayonnaise heat. Break eggs, 1 at a time, into
4 slices pepper jack cheese pan. Reduce heat to low. Cook until
1/2 lb. sliced deli ham the whites are set and yolks begin
5 Tbsp. butter, softened, divided to thicken, turning once if desired.
1 cup shredded sharp Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Top
cheddar cheese sandwiches with eggs. Sprinkle with
4 large eggs chives if desired.
1/8 tsp. salt 1 SANDWICH 709 cal., 48g fat (23g sat.
1/8 tsp. pepper fat), 308mg chol., 1529mg sod., 34g
Fresh minced chives, optional carb. (6g sugars, 2g fiber), 35g pro.
Purina trademarks are owned by Société des
Produits Nestlé S.A. Any other marks are
property of their respective owners.

First Place
Grilled Pimiento
Cheese Sandwiches
Rich and creamy pimiento cheese is
a southern favorite. It makes a tasty
grilled cheese sandwich, especially
with sweet-hot pepper jelly. Serve
with a crisp salad for a fantastic lunch.
—Amy Freeze, Avon Park, FL

Takes: 20 min. • Makes: 2 servings

4 slices sourdough bread

1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup pimiento cheese spread
2 Tbsp. pepper jelly
6 thick-sliced bacon strips,
Steak Sandwiches
Spread both sides of bread slices with with Crispy Onions
butter. In a large skillet, toast bread
on 1 side over medium heat until
golden brown, 3-4 minutes. Remove Second Place
from the heat; place toasted side up. Steak Sandwiches mayonnaise. Refrigerate until serving.
Spread cheese over toasted bread with Crispy Onions Stir 1/2 cup olive oil into remaining herb
slices. Top 2 slices with pepper jelly I created this recipe for my husband. mixture. Reserve 2 Tbsp. oil mixture for
and bacon. Top with the remaining He loves a good steak sandwich! serving. Place remaining oil mixture in
bread slices, cheese facing inward. —Renee Seaman, Green Township, NJ a large bowl or shallow dish. Add beef;
Cook until the bread is golden brown turn to coat. Refrigerate at least 4 hours
and the cheese is melted, 3-4 minutes Prep: 45 min. + marinating or overnight.
on each side. If desired, serve with Grill: 15 min. 3. Drain beef, discarding marinade.
additional jelly. Makes: 6 servings Grill beef, covered, over medium
1 SANDWICH 869 cal., 52g fat (28g sat. heat or broil 4 in. from heat until meat
fat), 105mg chol., 1856mg sod., 70g 1 large sweet onion reaches desired doneness, 7-9 minutes
carb. (19g sugars, 2g fiber), 27g pro. 3 cups buttermilk on each side (for medium-rare, a
2 cups minced fresh cilantro thermometer should read 135°;
1 cup minced fresh parsley medium, 140°; medium-well, 145°).
2 garlic cloves, minced 4. Meanwhile, drain the onion rings,
1/2 tsp. plus 2 tsp. salt, divided discarding the marinade. In a shallow
1/4 tsp. pepper dish, combine flour, taco seasoning and
1/2 cup mayonnaise remaining 2 tsp. salt. Roll onion rings
1/2 cup plus 3 Tbsp. in flour mixture. In an electric skillet
olive oil, divided or deep-fat fryer, heat 1 in. oil to 375°.
1 beef flat iron steak or top Fry the onion rings, a few at a time, until
sirloin steak (11/2 lbs.) golden brown, 1-11/2 minutes on each
11/2 cups all-purpose flour side. Drain on paper towels; keep warm.
3 Tbsp. taco seasoning 5. Remove the steak to a cutting
Oil for deep-fat frying board; brush with reserved 2 Tbsp.
12 slices Italian bread (1/2 in. thick) oil mixture. Brush bread slices with
Optional: Fresh arugula and the remaining 3 Tbsp. olive oil. Grill
sliced tomato bread over medium heat until toasted,
30-60 seconds on each side.
1. Cut sweet onion into 1/4-in. slices; 6. Spread mayonnaise mixture over
separate into rings. Place in a large 1 side of each toast. Thinly slice the
bowl or shallow dish. Add buttermilk; steak. Top 6 slices of toast with steak,
turn to coat. Refrigerate for at least fried onions and, if desired, arugula and
4 hours or overnight. tomato slices. Top with remaining toast.
Grilled Pimiento 2. In a small bowl, combine cilantro, 1 SANDWICH 930 cal., 58g fat (10g sat.
Cheese Sandwiches parsley, garlic, 1/2 tsp. salt and pepper. fat), 75mg chol., 1719mg sod., 68g carb.
Remove 2 Tbsp. herb mixture; stir into (6g sugars, 4g fiber), 32g pro.


See ALL the Sandwich Contest winners: tasteofhome.com/contestAS21 CONTEST

Third Place
Hoisin Chicken Wraps 1. In a small bowl or shallow dish,
My recipe was inspired by Vietnamese combine hoisin sauce, soy sauce,
pork banh mi sandwiches, particularly 2 Tbsp. brown sugar, lime juice and
the fresh carrot, cucumber and radish garlic. Add the chicken; turn to coat.
topping. It adds so much fresh flavor, Refrigerate 30 minutes.
color and crunch! 2. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk
Debbie Glasscock, Conway, AR the rice vinegar, 1/8 tsp. Sriracha and
remaining 1 Tbsp. brown sugar. Add
Prep: 25 min. + marinating the carrots and radishes; toss to coat.
Cook: 10 min. • Makes: 6 servings Set aside.
3. Drain the chicken, discarding
1/3 cup hoisin sauce marinade. In a large skillet, heat oil
1/4 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce over medium heat. Add the chicken;
3 Tbsp. brown sugar, divided cook until a thermometer reads 165°,
2 Tbsp. lime juice 4-5 minutes on each side. Remove to Kilbourn
2 garlic cloves, minced a cutting board; cool slightly. Slice
6 chicken tenderloins (about 3/4 lb.) chicken into 1/2-in. pieces.
2 Tbsp. rice vinegar 4. Combine mayonnaise, honey and Most Innovative
1/4 tsp. Sriracha chili sauce, divided remaining 1/8 tsp. Sriracha; spread Kilbourn Sandwich
1 cup julienned carrots over tortillas. Layer with chicken, This is a fun take on a Monte Cristo.
1 cup julienned radishes carrot mixture, cucumbers and mint. It makes a big batch, so you can stock
1 Tbsp. canola oil Fold bottom and sides of each tortilla your freezer with them to enjoy later.
1/2 cup mayonnaise over filling and roll up. —Dan Seering, Verona, WI
1 tsp. honey 1 WRAP 460 cal., 22g fat (4g sat. fat),
6 flour tortillas (10 in.) 29mg chol., 828mg sod., 46g carb. Prep: 30 min. + freezing
4 miniature cucumbers, (11g sugars, 4g fiber), 20g pro. Cook: 10 min./batch
cut into thin ribbons Makes: 10 servings
Fresh mint or basil leaves
11/4lbs. sliced deli turkey
11/4lbs. sliced deli ham
10 slices Swiss cheese
20 slices white bread
4 cups complete buttermilk
pancake mix
Oil for deep-fat frying
Confectioners’ sugar
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup strawberry preserves

1. Place meats and cheese on 10 bread

slices; top with remaining bread. Cut
each sandwich diagonally in half.
2. Prepare pancake mix according to
package directions. Dip sandwiches
in batter, allowing excess to drip off.
Freeze sandwiches on waxed paper-
lined baking sheets until firm. Transfer
to freezer containers; return to freezer.
3. To use, in an electric skillet or
deep-fat fryer, heat oil to 375°. Fry
frozen sandwiches, a few at a time,
until golden brown, 3-4 minutes on
each side. Drain on paper towels;
sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar.
Combine sour cream and preserves;
Hoisin serve with sandwiches.
Chicken 2 HALVES 844 cal., 44g fat (7g sat. fat),
61mg chol., 2020mg sod., 80g carb.
(21g sugars, 3g fiber), 35g pro.
CONTEST See ALL the Sandwich Contest winners: tasteofhome.com/contestAS21

Toasted Chicken Salad

I love chicken salad sandwiches. In
this recipe, I use rotisserie chicken
from the supermarket.
—David Ross, Spokane Valley, WA

Takes: 30 min. • Makes: 10 servings

4 cups cubed rotisserie chicken

3/4 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped green onions
1/2 cup reduced-fat mayonnaise
or avocado oil mayonnaise
2 Tbsp. capers, drained
and chopped
2 Tbsp. caper juice
2 Tbsp. dill pickle relish
1/2 tsp. salt
General Tso’s
Chicken 1/2 tsp. pepper
Sandwich with 20 slices French bread (1/2 in. thick)
Broccoli Slaw 3 Tbsp. butter, softened
10 Bibb or Boston lettuce leaves
1 cup thinly sliced radishes

1. Place chicken in a food processor;

pulse until finely chopped. Transfer to
General Tso’s 3 Tbsp. honey a bowl; stir in the next 8 ingredients.
Chicken Sandwich 1 Tbsp. minced fresh gingerroot 2. Brush 1 side of each bread slice with
with Broccoli Slaw 2 garlic cloves, minced butter. In a large skillet, toast bread,
I turned a classic 1/2to 1 tsp. crushed red buttered side down, in batches over
takeout dinner into a pepper flakes medium heat until golden brown. To
sandwich that’s 4 brioche hamburger buns, split assemble sandwiches, place 10 slices
simple to make at Sesame seeds bread toasted side down. Layer with
home. The air fryer lettuce, radishes and chicken salad;
keeps it lighter but still crunchy, 1. In a bowl, combine mayonnaise, top with remaining toast slices.
and the recipe can be made in under honey, vinegar and hoisin sauce. 1 SANDWICH 249 cal., 12g fat (4g sat.
30 minutes, which is a must for our Stir in coleslaw mix and almonds; fat), 63mg chol., 507mg sod., 15g carb.
active family. We like spicy foods, so refrigerate until serving. (1g sugars, 1g fiber), 19g pro.
this sauce has a good amount of heat. 2. Preheat air fryer to 400°. Toss
Julie Peterson, Crofton, MD chicken with cornstarch, salt and Toasted Chicken Salad
pepper. In batches, arrange chicken Sandwiches
Prep: 30 min. • Cook: 10 min./batch in a single layer on greased tray in
Makes: 4 servings air-fryer basket. Cook until lightly
golden brown and chicken is no
1/2 cup reduced-fat mayonnaise longer pink, 4-5 minutes on each side.
2 Tbsp. honey 3. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan,
1 Tbsp. rice vinegar combine 1/4 cup hoisin sauce, soy
2 tsp. hoisin sauce sauce, honey, ginger, garlic and
3 cups broccoli coleslaw mix pepper flakes; bring to a boil. Reduce
1/2 cup sliced almonds heat; simmer, uncovered, until the
1 lb. boneless skinless chicken sauce is thickened, about 5 minutes.
thighs, cut into 1/2-in. strips Add the cooked chicken; toss to coat.
4 Tbsp. cornstarch 4. Spoon chicken onto bun bottoms;
1/2 tsp. salt top with coleslaw mix and sprinkle
1/4 tsp. pepper with sesame seeds. Replace tops.
SAUCE 1 SANDWICH 678 cal., 29g fat (5g sat.
1/4 cup hoisin sauce fat), 117mg chol., 1587mg sod., 75g
3 Tbsp. reduced- carb. (37g sugars, 6g fiber), 32g pro.
sodium soy sauce



Hot Italian


Hot Italian in a greased 11x7-in. baking dish. 2 large onions, coarsely chopped
Party Sandwiches Mix the mayonnaise and pesto until 11/2 cups packed fresh
It doesn’t get much combined. Spread over cut sides parsley sprigs
easier or tastier than of the rolls. Layer the roll bottoms 1/2
1 lbs. ground beef
these warm little with mozzarella cheese, ham, salami, 1 large egg, lightly beaten
Italian sandwiches pastrami, giardiniera, shredded 1 tsp. salt
perfect for feeding Parmesan cheese, basil leaves and 6 whole pita breads
a large crowd. They are wonderful red onion. Place bun tops over the 2 Tbsp. olive oil
as an appetizer for picnics, gatherings filling and gently press to flatten. TAHINI SAUCE
or a hungry family. This is the ultimate 2. Bake 10 minutes. Remove from the 1/3 cup tahini
quick-to-prep party food. oven; brush with salad dressing. Bake 2 garlic cloves, minced
Joan Hallford, until golden brown and the cheese 1/4 cup lemon juice
North Richland Hills, TX is melted, about 5 minutes longer. 2 Tbsp. water
Cool slightly before cutting. Serve 1/8 tsp. salt
Prep: 20 min. • Bake: 15 min. the sandwiches with pepperoncini
Makes: 12 servings and, if desired, additional giardiniera. 1. Place onions in a food processor;
1 SANDWICH 290 cal., 17g fat (6g sat. pulse until finely chopped. Remove
1 pkg. (12 oz.) Hawaiian fat), 44mg chol., 1026mg sod., 20g and pat dry; transfer to a large bowl.
sweet rolls carb. (7g sugars, 1g fiber), 15g pro. Add parsley to processor; pulse until
1/2 cup mayonnaise minced. Stir into the onions. Add beef,
2 Tbsp. prepared pesto Lebanese Street egg and salt; mix lightly but thoroughly.
6 slices part-skim mozzarella Sandwiches 2. Slice pitas horizontally in half.
or provolone cheese Arayes are grilled Spread bottoms with meat mixture
6 thin slices deli ham Lebanese-style pitas to edge. Replace the pita tops; press
9 thin slices hard salami stuffed with lightly to adhere. Brush outsides of
6 thin slices deli pastrami a seasoned meat sandwiches with oil. Grill sandwiches,
11/4 cups giardiniera mixture. They’re uncovered, over medium heat until a
1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese commonly found at the food stalls thermometer inserted into the meat
1 cup fresh basil leaves that line the streets of Beirut. If mixture reads 160°, 10-12 minutes,
1/2 cup sliced red onion you’d rather not use a grill, bake turning every 2 minutes. Cool slightly
1/4 cup prepared zesty Italian them in the oven or make in a before cutting into quarters.
salad dressing panini press. 3. Combine sauce ingredients; serve
Pepperoncini —Nikki Haddad, Germantown, MD with sandwiches.
1 SERVING 545 cal., 28g fat (7g sat. fat),
1. Preheat oven to 350°. Cut the rolls Prep: 30 min. • Grill: 10 min. 101mg chol., 852mg sod., 42g carb.
horizontally in half; place roll bottoms Makes: 6 servings (3g sugars, 4g fiber), 30g pro.


CONTEST See ALL the Sandwich Contest winners: tasteofhome.com/contestAS21
Brown Sugar Bacon
BLT Sandwiches

Win $500!
Enter Our Modern
Pressure Cooker Contest

enter by
Sept. 30, 2021

Brown Sugar Bacon

BLT Sandwiches
BLT bandwicheb are
amazing, but when
you add dill mayo,
avocado and brown
bugar bacon, they
become bomething bpectacular!
I li.e to ube double-thic. bacon in
thib recipe.
—Colleen Delawder, Herndon, VA
Pressure’s on! We’re searching for the best apps, entrees,
Prep: 15 min. • Ba.e: 35 min. sides, snacks and desserts made in an instant. Your fast
Ma.eb: 2 servings French dip sandwich? Oh, for sure! Homemade ramen sounds
darned good, too. And sign us up for that speedy twice-baked
6 thick-sliced bacon strips sweet potato casserole. So long as the recipe has 12 ingredients
1/4cup packed brown sugar or fewer and is made in an electric pressure cooker,
1/4tsp. cayenne pepper we’ll take it! You could win big and be featured here.
1/4cup mayonnaise
1/2tsp. dill weed
1/4tsp. garlic powder SEND US A WINNER. WE’LL SEND YOU MONEY.
1/4tsp. freshly ground pepper
1/8tsp. kosher salt
2 brioche hamburger buns, split
4 Bibb or Boston lettuce leaves
1 medium ripe avocado,
peeled and thinly sliced
1 medium tomato, thinly sliced

1. Place bacon on a rac. in a foil-lined

15x10x1-in. ba.ing pan. Place in a cold
oven. Set the oven to 350°. Ba.e for ACT COM ING
20 minuteb. Sprin.le the bacon with
brown bugar and cayenne pepper.
Ba.e until bugar ib melted and bacon
ib browned, 15-20 minuteb longer. Get Grilling! Healthy Your Way
2. Meanwhile, combine mayonnaibe, Enter by Aug. 31, 2021 Begins Sept. 1, 2021
dill, garlic powder, pepper and balt;
bpread over cut bideb of bunb. Layer
bun bottomb with lettuce, avocado,
bacon and tomato; replace bun topb. Enter at tasteofhome.com/recipecontests today. No purchase necessary to enter
1 SANDWICH 757 cal., 50g fat (10g bat. or win. The Modern Pressure Cooker Contest runs Aug. 1, 2021, to Sept. 30, 2021.
Open to residents of the U.S. and Canada who are age 18 or older. Void where prohibited.
fat), 62mg chol., 1269mg bod., 63g Visit tasteofhome.com/recipecontests for entry and other details, including official
carb. (35g bugarb, 8g fiber), 19g pro. rules. Sponsored by RDA Enthusiast Brands, LLC. Winners announced in a future issue.


GATHER Inspire • Share • Connect




Pop-Up Party

Munich may be thousands of miles away, but the fun is
well within reach. Re-create the German celebration at home
with soft pretzels, Bavarian brews and fun party games.


Pop-Up Party

THE PROST Indulge as the Deutsche

WITH THE MOST have been since 1810

with this delish spread.

If you can’t
hunt down any
beer, serve up
marzen beers,
a type of lager
that originated
in Bavaria.



The blue
and white
bunting is a
nod to the
Bavarian flag
and signifies
and peace.

For a simple
DIY version
of this pretzel
stand, use a
towel rack
and metal
curtain hooks!



For quick
nibbles, set
out radishes,
and sausage,
such as
on a wooden
CURRYWURST CHEWY SOFT PRETZELS 5. Place on greased baking sheets.
I lived in Berlin, Germany, many These homemade pretzels never last Brush with egg; top as desired. Bake
years ago, and one of my favorite long around our house. My kids love until golden brown, 12-14 minutes.
things to eat was currywurst. to make them—and eat them! Remove from pans to wire racks.
—Julie Merriman, Seattle, WA —Elvira Martens, Aldergrove, BC 1 PRETZEL 164 cal., 1g fat (0 sat. fat),
16mg chol., 400mg sod., 33g carb.
Prep: 15 min. • Cook: 40 min. Prep: 1 pour + rising (1g sugars, 1g fiber), 5g pro.
Makes: 4 servings Bake: 15 min. EDITOR’S NOTE: For even chewier
Makes: 1 dozen pretzels, use bread flour.
1 lb. uncooked bratwurst links TO MAKE LARGE PRETZELS: Divide
3 Tbsp. water 1 pkg. (1/4 oz.) active dry yeast dough into 4 balls. Roll each ball into
1 Tbsp. olive oil 11/2 cups warm water a 40-in. rope. Proceed as directed,
1 medium onion, finely cpopped (110° to 115°) increasing bake time to 16-20 minutes.
2 cups ketcpup 1 Tbsp. sugar FREEZE OPTION: Freeze baked pretzels
1/2 cup cpicken brotp 2 tsp. salt up to 6 months. Thaw completely. Spritz
1/4 cup packed brown sugar 4 to 41/4 cups all-purpose flour with water; bake at 350° for 5 minutes.
4 Tbsp. red wine vinegar 8 cups water
2 Tbsp. curry powder 1/2 cup baking soda OBATZDA
2 Tbsp. smoked paprika 1 large egg, ligptly beaten (GERMAN BEER CHEESE DIP)
Hot cooked frencp fries Optional toppings: This dip is so delicious and creamy.
Coarse salt or sesame seeds It’s so simple to make the night before
1. Place bratwurst and water in a an Oktoberfest get-together.
skillet; cover and cook over medium 1. Dissolve yeast in warm water. —Beate Trinkl, Einsbach, Germany
heat for 10 minutes. Uncover; turn In a large bowl, combine sugar, salt,
the bratwurst. Cook until browned yeast mixture and 2 cups flour; beat Takes: 15 min. • Makes: 31/2 cups
and the centers are no longer pink, on medium speed until smooth.
13-17 minutes longer. Remove and Stir in enough remaining flour 2 rounds (8 oz. eacp) Camembert
cool slightly. Cut into 1/2-in.-thick to form a stiff dough. cpeese, rind on, sliced
slices; set aside. 2. Turn the dough onto a floured 1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cpeese,
2. In the same skillet, heat oil over surface; knead until smooth and softened
medium heat. Add onion; cook elastic, about 5 minutes. Place 1 medium onion, finely cpopped
and stir until tender, 5-7 minutes. in a greased bowl, turning once 1 tsp. paprika
Add ketchup, broth, brown sugar, to grease the top. Cover and let 1/2 tsp. caraway seeds
red wine vinegar, curry powder and rise in a warm place until doubled, 1/4 tsp. salt
paprika. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. about 1 hour. 1/8 tsp. pepper
Simmer, uncovered, until slightly 3. Punch down dough; divide and 2 Tbsp. German wpeat beer,
thickened, 8-10 minutes, stirring shape into 12 balls. Roll each into optional
occasionally. Add sliced bratwurst; a 22-in. rope; shape into a pretzel.
heat through. 4. Preheat oven to 425°. Place water In a bowl, mash Camembert cheese
3. Serve the sausage mixture with and baking soda in a large saucepan; with a fork to desired consistency.
french fries; sprinkle with additional bring to a boil. Place the pretzels, Beat in the cream cheese, onion,
curry powder. 1 at a time, in boiling water for seasonings and, if desired, beer.
1 SERVING 612 cal., 37g fat (12g sat. 30 seconds. Remove; drain on paper 2 TBSP. 79 cal., 7g fat (4g sat. fat),
fat), 85mg chol., 2611mg sod., 56g towels that have been lightly sprayed 20mg chol., 183mg sod., 1g carb.
carb. (47g sugars, 3g fiber), 17g pro. with cooking spray. (1g sugars, 0 fiber), 4g pro.

KEEP THE Find these and more favorite things online!

CELEBRATION tasteofhome.com/stuffwelove
Learn more about (As seen on pages 75-77) Wheat Stalks $13/100 amazon.com • Anchor Hocking Liter
Oktoberfest’s history, Gusto Beer Mug $8 webstaurantstore.com • Oktoberfest Blue & White Plates $5/8
biggest traditions and, of webpartystore.com • Oktoberfest Picks $2/50 webpartystore.com • Stonebriar Antique
Galvanized Double Bucket with Wood Handle $18 and Stonebriar Galvanized Bucket with
course, its most cheers-worthy food, Rust Trim and Handle $18 homedepot.com • Maple Round Serving Board $55 jkadams
like sauerbraten, spaetzle and more. .com • Biergarten Custom Wood Sign $35 designsbyprim.etsy.com • Decorative
tasteofhome.com/ Wood Slice Charger $15 kirklands.com • 16 oz. Clear Dimple Stein $23/6 homedepot.com
oktoberfestAS21 • UrParty Paper Food Serving Tray $9/50 amazon.com • Beistle Oktoberfest Pennant
Banner $6 amazon.com


In this classic German game, It’s an Oktoberfest staple! These are the six traditional
players take turns, using only Shape both hands to mimic beers served at the festival
one hand and the pointed end chicken beaks; open and close
of a cross peen hammer, as they them to the beat. Next, bend
in Munich. You can find the
attempt to hit their designated your arms at the elbows and first four stateside.
nail flush with the surface of imitate a chicken trying to fly.
a tree stump or log. Then, place your hands behind Hacker-Pschorr
you to look like tail feathers and Hofbrau
BEER STEIN RACE shake. Finish off with four claps!
Fast and steady wins the race! Paulaner
Set up a winding course for STEIN-HOLDING CONTEST Spaten
your pals to run, with steins in Have competitors hold a full
tow. Whoever finishes with the 1-liter beer stein out in front
speediest time—and the most of them with a straight arm. Prize Lowenbrau
beer in their stein—wins! goes to the last person standing.

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Follow Us On...

Food for Good

The pandemic has created
Just ask Rhiannon Menn, founder of Lasagna Love, a national
movement brimming with baked-in kindness. Like so many moms, Feeding America
Rhiannon was nearly overwhelmed when the COVID-19 pandemic
has distributed
took hold. As cities locked down, jobs were lost, schools went virtual
and volunteer opportunities became limited. She decided she had
5.8 billion
meals during the pandemic.
to do something to help ease the stress of family and friends.
Rhiannon loves to cook and was looking for a way to bring joy to
herself and others. She says it’s just as easy to make several lasagnas Early in the pandemic,
as it is to make one, so she posted a notice on social media saying
she and her daughter were making extra meals if anyone was in 4 in 10
need of one. The Menns made and delivered seven lasagna meals all
over San Diego that first week.
seeking charitable
Rhiannon called her new mission Lasagna Love. Her social media food assistance were doing
friends began asking how they could help, and the idea took flight. so for the first time.
By the end of the first year, Lasagna Love was delivering about
2,000 homemade meals per week all over America. Now, about
20,000 home cooks are participating in social media groups hosted In 2021,
by local Lasagna Love group leaders.
Cooks may make meals every week, once a month or on whatever
42 million
people may experience
schedule works for them. In some cities, recipients are found through food insecurity.
foster care agencies or housing project managers, but there are
no preconditions to be one of the families on the receiving end.
“I just feel so inspired by the number of people who have gotten
involved. It’s more than just a food delivery service; it’s become 1 in 6
a movement around kindness, without judgment and without
reservation,” says Rhiannon. “If you need help, we’re here for you.”
could face hunger in 2021.
For Rhiannon, the thank-yous are more than worth the effort.
One woman told her that she had been worrying about how she
was going to feed her children that night, and the lasagna would
feed them for a few days.
Although Lasagna Love started during the pandemic, Rhiannon
says it will continue as long as comfort and care are needed. b
To learn how you can help or be helped, visit lasagnalove.org. FEEDING A MERICA .ORG

COOKS Find these home cooks’

recipes, photos and tips!
Want to see your name in
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recipe to share with other
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Lisa Allen Joppa Darlene Brenden Salem tasteofhome.com/feedback
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Lee Mason Gilbert Sue Evans Marquette Cindy Reams Philipsburg
Belqui Ortiz-Millili Mesa Sue Falk Sterling Heights Patty Crouse Warren When sending recipes, please
Karen Keefe Phoenix Rebecca Jennex Warren be specific with directions,
Rhode Island measurements, and sizes of cans,
Arkansas Minnesota Renee Murby Johnston packages and pans. And please
Debbie Glasscock Conway Pauline Custer Duluth
Joyce Moynihan Lakeville South Dakota share a few words about the
California Julie Herrera-Lemler Rochester Joan Antonen Arlington recipe and yourself. (For recipe
Helen Nelander Boulder Creek Karen Stucky Freeman contest entries, follow the
Marina Castle Kelley Missouri directions on page 74.)
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Jenn Tidwell Fair Oaks Montana Kim Powell Knoxville large volume of mail, it can take
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Janie Ganyard Jacksonville Nancy Zimmerman Gaylene Anderson Sandy
Kathleen Criddle Lake Worth Cape May Court House
publication, you grant RDA
Heather Chambers Largo Janie Zirbser Mullica Hill Vermont Enthusiast Brands, LLC, its parent
Nancy Murphy Mount Dora Kim Spaccarotella South Plainfield Nancy Mock Colchester company, subsidiaries, affiliates,
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Michele Tungett Rochester Becky Carver North Royalton Susan Kieboam Amherstburg Sweepstakes is open to legal
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Jill Thomas Washington Nancy Johnson Laverne
Shawna Welsh-Garrison Owasso Quebec). Sweepstakes begins
Iowa 7/7/21 and ends 9/7/21. Visit
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PROHIBITED. Sweepstakes
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Kansas To learn more about our Brands, LLC.
Gina Dolieslager Conway Springs Community Cooks program
Allison Ochoa Hays
Erin Wright Wallace
and apply online, hover your
Courtney Stultz Weir phone’s camera here, or visit
Louisiana tasteofhome.com/
Laura Herbage Covington
Amy Gattuso Denham Springs communitycooksAS21.



Erin Gleeson Woodside, CA

After a cross-country move from New York to California, the
now-bestselling cookbook author went from photographing
lavish dishes in the city to simple recipes in the woods—an
artistic pivot inspired by her new home, a charming cabin
in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Nearly a decade and four
cookbooks later, The Forest Feast series is as fresh as ever.
Erin subscri
to a weekly es
farm box fo
access to th r
How did you become freshest loc e
produce. l
interested in cooking?
I grew up in rural Sonoma
County, California, on an
apple orchard. We had a big
garden and cooked a lot as What advice do you
a family. Then, in college, I have for home cooks
studied art for a year in Bologna, trying to eat meatless
Italy’s culinary capital, and that more often?
really solidified my love of food. Look for colorful, in-season
vegetables to keep things fun.
What’s your process A sheet pan of vegetables with
for creating recipes a little olive oil, salt and pepper
for your cookbooks? can go a long way! Add a grain
I went to art school, not culinary and some legumes, and it’s
school, so I am a home cook! both filling and tasty.
I get intimidated if a recipe
takes up more than a page Your books and blog
and has a lot of steps, so I try focus on entertaining,
to keep things short and simple too. Any hosting tips?
with visual diagrams and little Guests often remember the


illustrations. This way, they’re conversations they have more
approachable and people will than the hosting details, so put
actually make them! more effort into the guest list
and thoughtful introductions
at the party. And champagne
always helps! b
Whisk together 1/4 cup
olive oil, 2 Tbsp. lemon
juice and 1/2 tsp. salt. Stir in
4 julienned apples, 1/3 cup
toasted chopped pecans,
1/4 cup dried cranberries,
1/4 cup golden raisins and
3 Tbsp. cilantro leaves.
Makes 6 servings.

Get to know Erin even better! Follow her on Instagram

82 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2021 TASTEOFHOME.COM at @theforestfeast or visit theforestfeast.com.
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