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What Is A Lizard?: Above

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LIZARD? The five-lined skink is the
only lizard species to be found
in Connecticut. It is considered
There are over 3,700 species of lizards ranging from the well-known a threatened species in our
chameleons, geckos and anoles to the large monitor state as it is at the northern
lizards. Lizards are in the same reptile order as limit of its range. Five-lined
snakes, but they are not closely related to skinks are found in several wooded, rocky locations in western
the dinosaurs. They differ from Connecticut and even fewer
snakes in that most lizards have a spots in the central part of
visible external ear opening. Snakes our state. It is against the law
do not have external ears and are to remove these lizards from
actually deaf. Most lizards also the wild. Can you guess why
have moveable eyelids, whereas we do not have more lizards in
snakes do not. Connecticut?
In our hemisphere, lizards range from southern Canada as far south as LIZARDS AS PETS
Tierra del Fuego, at the tip of Argentina; from sea level to elevations People often want to have exotic pets and may choose lizards
of 16,500 feet. There is but one species of lizard found in at local pet stores. Because of their specific needs, lizards
Connecticut. can be difficult to maintain in captivity. Some species have very
Many geckos have sucker-like adhesive discs or sticky pads specific temperature and lighting requirements, others have
on their toes just like tree frogs and can climb walls. specific dietary needs. Some, like iguanas, become very large
(over six feet) and large lizards may become difficult to handle
The Gila Monster of the American as they age. Many lizard species are not recommended as pets
southwest and the Mexican Beaded for the typical family. Some of the larger species are now banned
Lizard were once thought to be the only by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental
venomous lizards. Recent research has determined Protection.
that numerous other lizards have milder venom that
aids in the digestion of their food. FUN THINGS TO DO
The largest lizard in Visit The New Children’s Museum in West Hartford to learn
the world is the nine-foot long Komodo more about lizards and see various species from around the
Dragon found only on small islands in world.
the south Pacific near Indonesia. These Keep your eyes open for lizards while on hikes with your
lizards can both climb and swim and feed family. Several years ago, a fifth grade student named Paul
upon deer and wild discovered a previously unknown population of five-lined skinks,
pigs. Connecticut’s only lizard, near his home. This demonstrates
that students can make important scientific discoveries.
The Horned Frog of southwestern deserts and a
college football team mascot is
not a frog at all, but a lizard. Next Page -
The Glass “Snake” of the October 31st
southeastern states is actually  

a lizard. There are several species of lizards For students who are blind, learning disabled or print challenged, visit CRIS Radio at
throughout the world that lack legs. How might http://www.crisradio.org and click Kids On-Demand for a free audio version of
Communicate Your Character
you tell these are not snakes?
Sky Above Earth Below is a three part science literacy series presented by NIE in collaboration with
The Children’s Museum. For more information about NIE, visit www.courantnie.com or 860.241.3847

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