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Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Standard Operating Procedures: 1. Overview of Etiology and Ecology

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File name: HPAI_FAD PREP_E&E_Aug2015 SOP number: SOP0001
Lead section: Preparedness and Incident Coordination Version number: Draft 3.0
Effective date: September 2015 Review date: September 2017

The Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Plan (FAD PReP) Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) provide operational guidance for responding to an animal health emergency
in the United States.
These draft SOPs are under ongoing review. This document was last updated in September
2015. Please send questions or comments to:
National Preparedness and Incident Coordination Center
Veterinary Services
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
4700 River Road, Unit 41
Riverdale, Maryland 20737
Fax: (301) 734-7817
E-mail: FAD.PReP.Comments@aphis.usda.gov
While best efforts have been used in developing and preparing the FAD PReP SOPs, the U.S.
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Inspection Service and other parties, such as employees and contractors contributing to this
document, neither warrant nor assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness of any information or procedure disclosed. The primary purpose of
these FAD PReP SOPs is to provide operational guidance to those government officials
responding to a foreign animal disease outbreak. It is only posted for public access as a reference.

The FAD PReP SOPs may refer to links to various other Federal and State agencies and private
organizations. These links are maintained solely for the user’s information and convenience. If
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SOP Manual i HPAI Etiology and Ecology

1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.1.1 Further Information ............................................................................................. 1-2
1.1.2 Goals .................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.2 Purpose........................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.3 Etiology....................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.3.1 Name .................................................................................................................. 1-3
1.3.2 Virus Characteristics ........................................................................................... 1-3
1.3.3 Morphology ........................................................................................................ 1-3
1.3.4 Genus Characteristics .......................................................................................... 1-3
1.3.5 Influenza A Virus Subtypes ................................................................................ 1-4
1.3.6 Influenza A Virus Identification .......................................................................... 1-4
1.3.7 Currently Circulating HPAI Viruses .................................................................... 1-4
1.4 Ecology ....................................................................................................................... 1-5
1.4.1 Susceptible Species ............................................................................................. 1-5
1.4.2 Reservoirs ........................................................................................................... 1-5
1.4.3 Introduction and Transmission of HPAI Virus .................................................... 1-6
1.4.4 Incubation and Infectious Periods ....................................................................... 1-6
1.4.5 Morbidity and Mortality in Birds ........................................................................ 1-7
1.4.6 Human and Animal Influenza Viruses ................................................................. 1-7
1.4.7 Antigenic Shift and Antigenic Drift ..................................................................... 1-7
1.5 Environmental Persistence of AI Viruses ..................................................................... 1-8
1.5.1 In Eggs and Egg Products ................................................................................... 1-9
1.5.2 In Meat ............................................................................................................. 1-10
1.5.3 In Poultry Byproducts and Waste ...................................................................... 1-10
1.5.4 In Carcasses ...................................................................................................... 1-11
1.6 Threat of HPAI to the United States........................................................................... 1-11
Attachment 1.A References and Resources ............................................................................ 1-13
Attachment 1.B Abbreviations .............................................................................................. 1-18

SOP Manual ii HPAI Etiology and Ecology

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)
Etiology and Ecology Quick Summary

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (there is also low-pathogenic avian influenza
[LPAI]), also known as fowl plague.

Mortality and Morbidity

HPAI can produce high mortality and morbidity in domestic poultry.

Susceptible Species
Many susceptible species: chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, pheasants, dogs, swine,
other mammals, and some non-mammalian species.

Zoonotic Potential (yes/no)?


Migratory waterfowl are a key natural reservoir of LPAI, but there is no evidence of
HPAI generation in reservoir hosts to-date.

Direct exposure to infected birds, excrement, or other secretions. Poultry generally
become infected thru direct or indirect contact with waterfowl. HPAI occurs following
transmission of LPAI strains from reservoirs into poultry followed by virus mutation to
high pathogenicity.

Persistence in the Environment

Viable in cold and humid environments for longer periods.

Animal Products and By-Products

Virus can persist in poultry meat products; for example, meat needs to be heated to at
least 70 ºC for 3.5 seconds.

SOP Manual 1-1 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

1.1 Introduction
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is a highly infectious viral disease that affects a wide
range of bird species. Clinical signs of the disease depend on the strain and subtype of virus and
the species of bird infected. Avian influenza (AI) is classified according to disease severity, with
two recognized forms: HPAI, also known as fowl plague, and low pathogenicity avian influenza
(LPAI). AI viruses that cause HPAI are highly virulent, and mortality rates in infected domestic
flocks often approach 90–100 percent. LPAI viruses exhibit variable degrees of pathogenicity in
domestic poultry.

In the 2014–2015 HPAI outbreak in the United States, H5N2 was the most common subtype of
HPAI followed by H5N8; the outbreak resulted in the loss of nearly 50 million birds. Initially
introduced through wild waterfowl, H5N2 adapted and ultimately spread rapidly through
domestic poultry flocks in the Midwest.

However, HPAI can affect other mammal species and is zoonotic: HPAI H5N1 has infected
humans and caused fatalities. As of July 17, 2015, there have been 449 human deaths, and over
844 human cases, reported as a result of laboratory confirmed HPAI H5N1.1 While HPAI has a
relatively high species-specific transmission barrier, other strains have also infected humans. No
HPAI infections in humans (including responders to the incident) were reported during the
2014–2015 HPAI outbreak in the United States.

1.1.1 Further Information

In addition to this HPAI Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): Overview of Etiology and
Ecology, information can also be found in the HPAI Response Plan: The Red Book. This
document is intended to be an overview, focusing on HPAI in domestic poultry. These
documents are available on the APHIS website: www.aphis.usda.gov/fadprep. Additional
resources on HPAI are listed in Attachment 1.A.
1.1.2 Goals
As a preparedness goal, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) will provide
etiology and ecology summaries for HPAI and update these summaries at regular intervals.

As a response goal, the Unified Command and stakeholders will have a common set of etiology
and ecology definitions and descriptions, to ensure proper understanding of HPAI when
establishing or revising goals, objectives, strategies, and procedures.

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide responders and stakeholders with a common
understanding of the disease agent.

World Health Organization (WHO). “Cumulative Number of Confirmed Cases of Avian Influenza A/(H5N1)
Reported to the WHO.” 2015. http://www.who.int/influenza/human_animal_interface/EN_GIP_20150717

SOP Manual 1-2 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

1.3 Etiology
1.3.1 Name
HPAI is also referred to as fowl plague and grippe aviaire. 2 It is caused by influenza virus A.

1.3.2 Virus Characteristics

According to the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, this disease has the
following characteristics:
 Family: Orthomyxoviridae
 Genera, five genera contain only one species:
 Influenza virus A
 Influenza virus B
 Influenza virus C
 Thogotovirus
 Isavirus
 Baltimore Classification: Group V (–) ssRNA.

Influenza A virus is further classified on the basis of the surface glycoproteins, hemagglutinin
(HA or H) and neuraminidase (NA or N). Sixteen H subtypes and nine N subtypes of influenza A
virus have been identified.

1.3.3 Morphology
The influenza A virus particle or virion is 80–120 nanometers in diameter and usually spherical,
although filamentous forms may occur. The influenza A genome is unusual as it contains eight
pieces of segmented, single stranded negative-sense ribonucleic acid (RNA).

1.3.4 Genus Characteristics

This genus has the following characteristics:
 It consists of a single species: influenza A virus.
 The multipartite genome is encapsulated, and each segment is in a separate nucleocapsid.
Eight different segments of negative-sense single-stranded RNA are present; this allows
for both autologous and heterologous genetic reassortment and may result in novel strains
that are divergent from the initial infecting strain.
 The genome consists of 10 genes encoding for different proteins (eight structural proteins
and two nonstructural proteins). These include the following: three transcriptases (PB2,

Center for Food Security and Public Health (CFSPH), Iowa State University & Institute for International
Cooperation in Animal Biologics. “High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza.” 2014.

SOP Manual 1-3 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

PB1, and PA), two surface glycoproteins (HA and NA), two matrix proteins (M1 and
M2), one nucleocapsid protein (NP), and two nonstructural proteins (NS1 and NS2).
 The virus envelope glycoproteins (HA and NA) are distributed evenly over the virion
surface, forming characteristic spike-shaped structures. Antigenic variation in these
proteins is used as part of the influenza A virus subtype definition (but not used for
influenza B or C viruses).

1.3.5 Influenza A Virus Subtypes

The subtypes have the following characteristics:
 There are 16 different HA antigens (H1 to H16) and nine different NA antigens (N1 to
N9) for influenza A.
 Some influenza A subtypes can cause LPAI; H5 and H7 subtypes include both HPAI and
LPAI strains.
 Low pathogenicity viruses typically result in few clinical signs in domestic poultry;
highly pathogenic viruses generally cause severe clinical signs and results in high
mortality in domestic poultry.
 Genetic characterization of HPAI H5N1 strains involved in the current panzootic has
demonstrated multiple distinct phylogenetic clades.3

1.3.6 Influenza A Virus Identification

Subtypes are classified into strains, which are described by a number of characteristics, including
type, host, place of first isolation, strain number, year of isolation, and antigenic subtype. For
example, a description of a strain would be A/chicken/Hong Kong/y385/97(H5N1). 4 Typically,
the host is omitted for human strains.

1.3.7 Currently Circulating HPAI Viruses

Data reported to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) in 2014–2015 provides
information of ongoing HPAI circulation as follows:
 H5N1–Africa, Bulgaria, Canada, China, India, the Middle East, Russia, South East Asia,
and the United States;
 H5N2–Canada, China, and the United States;
 H5N3–China;
 H5N6–China and Vietnam;
 H5N8–Canada, China, Europe, Japan, Russia, the United States, and the United

World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Technical Disease Card. 2014.
CFSPH, Iowa State University & Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics. “High Pathogenicity
Avian Influenza.” 2014. http://www.cfsph.iastate.edu/Factsheets/pdfs/highly_pathogenic_avian_influenza.pdf.

SOP Manual 1-4 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

 H7N2–Australia;
 H7N3–Mexico; and
 H7N7–the United Kingdom. 5

1.4 Ecology
1.4.1 Susceptible Species
Many avian species are susceptible to infection with HPAI viruses, including:
 chickens,
 turkeys,
 ducks,
 geese,
 guinea fowl, and
 a wide variety of other birds, including migratory waterfowl and shorebirds.

HPAI has primarily been isolated from chickens and turkeys.6 Psittacine birds (such as parrots
and cockatiels) are more rarely affected. Mammalian hosts, including humans, may be
vulnerable to infection by some AI strains, including HPAI H5 and HPAI H7 subtypes.
Infection in birds can give rise to a wide variety of clinical signs that may vary according to the
host, strain of virus, host’s immune status, presence of any secondary exacerbating organisms,
and environmental conditions. Preliminary diagnosis is made through serology or molecular
probe (for example, a real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction [rRT-PCR]).
Diagnostic confirmation is done by isolation and characterization of the virus through

1.4.2 Reservoirs
AI viruses usually infect migratory waterfowl, particularly Anseriformes (ducks and geese) and
Charadriiformes (shorebirds) that can carry LPAI viruses without showing illness. Infection rates
in these populations peak at autumn migratory staging locations, where large numbers of
immunologically naive juvenile birds congregate.7 LPAI virus strains occur worldwide, and have
been isolated from more than 100 different species of birds.8,9 The wild bird reservoir of LPAI
viruses is considered a major potential source of infection for domestic birds, particularly

OIE. “Update on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Animals (Type H5 and H7).” 2014–2015.
OIE. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Technical Disease Card. 2014. www.oie.int.
Hall, Jeffrey S., Robert J. Dusek, and Erica Spackman. “Rapidly Expanding Range of Highly Pathogenic Avian
Influenza Viruses.” Emerging Infectious Diseases 21, no. 7 (2015): 1251-252.
Swayne, David E. “Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Agricultural and Other Man-Made Systems.” Avian
Influenza, (2015): 59-85. doi:10.1002/9780813818634.ch4.
Olsen, B. “Global Patterns of Influenza A Virus in Wild Birds.” Science 312, no. 5772 (2006): 384-88.

SOP Manual 1-5 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

free- and open-range poultry. Following transmission from wild to commercial birds, the virus
can mutate or reassort in gallinaceous poultry flocks, resulting in an HPAI virus. 10

There is not currently evidence of HPAI generation in a reservoir. However, HPAI viruses,
particularly HPAI H5N, have occasionally been isolated from free living wild birds, suggesting
that dissemination of HPAI by wild waterfowl may be possible. 11 It remains unclear how long
and to what extent wild birds can maintain HPAI viruses, but there is evidence that certain
species of Anseriformes can carry and shed certain HPAI viruses without clinical signs. 12 This
poses a serious transmission risk to commercial poultry.

1.4.3 Introduction and Transmission of HPAI Virus

Contact with infected wild birds or their secretions is a common mode of introduction of AI into
a poultry population. Because of the LPAI reservoir in wild birds, and the ability of this
influenza virus to mutate or reassort into an HPAI strain, minimizing contact between domestic
birds and wild birds is fundamental to preventing HPAI infections. There is strong evidence that
the 2014–2015 outbreak in the United States was introduced from wild birds to poultry.
Additionally, live poultry markets have been documented as a source of introduction and further
dissemination of both LPAI and HPAI in past outbreaks both in Asia and the Americas.

HPAI virus is usually transmitted via direct exposure to HPAI infected birds, feces, or secretions
from infected birds. Transmission of the virus can also result from movement of contaminated
fomites, including by people, on contaminated clothing, equipment, and vehicles. Airborne
transmission is not likely a primary mode of transmission, although it may occur over short
distances as an aerosol.13,14 When a hen is infected, the HPAI virus is also likely to be present on
the eggshell and internal egg contents, though to date, there is no evidence demonstrating vertical
transmission of the virus.15 Transmissibility can also vary by HPAI strain. 16

HPAI can be transmitted mechanically by invertebrate and vertebrate vectors. However, there is
no evidence to suggest that invertebrates are involved in biological transmission.

1.4.4 Incubation and Infectious Periods

Incubation periods for HPAI are variable. Typically, the incubation period in naturally infected
chickens ranges from 3 to 14 days. 17 The OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code (2015) gives the
OIE. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Technical Disease Card. 2014. www.oie.int.
Gaidet, N., et al. “Evidence of Infection by H5N2 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses in Healthy Wild
Waterfowl.” PLoS Pathogens, (2008). doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1000127.
Gaidet, N., et al. “Evidence of Infection by H5N2 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses in Healthy Wild
Waterfowl.” PLoS Pathogens, (2008). doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1000127.
United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). “Questions and Answers: The Facts of Bird
Flu.” 2015. http://www.fao.org/avianflu/en/qanda.html.
USDA APHIS VS. “Epidemiologic and Other Analyses of HPAI-Affected Poultry Flocks: June 15, 2015 Report.”
2015. http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_health/animal_dis_spec/poultry/downloads/Epidemiologic-Analysis-June-
OIE. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Technical Disease Card. 2014. www.oie.int.
Swayne, David E. “Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Agricultural and Other Man-Made Systems.” Avian
Influenza, (2015): 59-85. doi:10.1002/9780813818634.ch4.
Swayne, David E. “Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Agricultural and Other Man-Made Systems.” Avian
Influenza, (2015): 59-85. doi:10.1002/9780813818634.ch4.

SOP Manual 1-6 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

incubation period for AI as 21 days. 18 HPAI may have longer incubation periods in some species
than others, and the length of the incubation period will vary depending on the dose of the virus,
transmission pathway, and other environmental factors.19

It is possible for a bird to shed the virus before and after the appearance of clinical signs. The
infectious period is particularly important in outbreak response measures because some species,
such as domestic ducks, may not show clinical signs so the incubation period may not be
known. 20

1.4.5 Morbidity and Mortality in Birds

HPAI often causes morbidity and mortality rates in domestic poultry between 90–100 percent.
Ducks and geese infected with HPAI do not usually show clinical signs. Wild birds typically do
not experience mortality and are usually asymptomatic when infected with HPAI. 21

1.4.6 Human and Animal Influenza Viruses

Influenza viruses are usually adapted to a particular host species. HPAI is zoonotic, and although
it appears to have a relatively high species-specific transmission barrier, specific HPAI subtypes,
including H5N1, have been demonstrated to infect and be fatal to humans under certain
circumstances. In total, approximately 1,500 cases of AI have been documented in humans in the
last 50 years.22 Key, currently circulating zoonotic strains of HPAI include H5N1 and H5N6;23
occasional cases of HPAI H7N7 have also been reported.24 Most of these cases had a clear
epidemiological link to direct contact with live, infected poultry. 25

1.4.7 Antigenic Shift and Antigenic Drift

The reservoirs for all 16 H and 9 N influenza viruses are wild birds. 26 In wild waterfowl, the H
and N subunits appear to be stable.27 However, influenza A viruses can evolve through both

OIE. Article 10.4.1: General Provisions, Terrestrial Animal Health Code. 2015. www.oie.int.
Swayne, David E. “Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Agricultural and Other Man-Made Systems.” Avian
Influenza, (2015): 59-85. doi:10.1002/9780813818634.ch4.
Swayne, David E. “Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Agricultural and Other Man-Made Systems.” Avian
Influenza, (2015): 59-85. doi:10.1002/9780813818634.ch4.
CFSPH, Iowa State University & Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics. “High Pathogenicity
Avian Influenza.” 2014. http://www.cfsph.iastate.edu/Factsheets/pdfs/highly_pathogenic_avian_influenza.pdf.
Swayne, David E., and Colleen Thomas. “Trade and Food Safety Aspects for Avian Influenza Viruses.” Avian
Influenza, (2008): 499-512.
FAO. “Avian influenza A (H5N6): the latest addition to emerging zoonotic avian influenza threats in East and
Southeast Asia.” http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4199e.pdf.
WHO. “Antigenic and genetic characteristics of zoonotic influenza viruses and development of candidate vaccine
viruses for pandemic preparedness.” 2013. http://www.who.int/influenza/vaccines/virus/201309_h5h7h9_
Doyle, M.P., and M.C. Erickson. “Emerging Microbiological Food Safety Issues Related to Meat.” Meat Science,
74, no. 1 (2006): 98-112.
Perdue, Michael L. “Molecular Determinants of Pathogenicity for Avian Influenza Viruses.” Avian Influenza,
(2008): 23-41. doi:10.1002/9780813818634.ch2.
Reid, A. H., et al. “Relationship of Pre-1918 Avian Influenza HA and NP Sequences to Subsequent Avian
Influenza Strains.” Avian Diseases 47, (2003): 921-25.

SOP Manual 1-7 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

antigenic drift and antigenic shift.28,29 Antigenic drift is the anticipated accumulation of point
mutations in the viral genome. This tends to cause only small changes in the biological behavior
of the virus. Antigenic shift results when new combinations of H and N genes are generated by
genetic reassortment, which occurs when cells of the host are coinfected with two genetically
different viruses.

Subtypes of influenza A have adapted to both humans and swine, and currently circulate. 30
Human infections with AI viruses have led the World Health Organization (WHO) to consider
the possibility that a new human pandemic may be derived directly from birds. However, the
evidence and triggers which cause an influenza A virus to adapt to a mammalian host remain less
clear than the transition of an influenza A virus from a low pathogenicity to a highly pathogenic
form in poultry. 31

1.5 Environmental Persistence of AI Viruses

AI viruses can survive in cool and moist conditions, particularly when organic material is
present.32 The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) states the following about the
resistance of AI viruses to physical and chemical action.33

 Temperature: Pasteurization and cooking inactivate the AI virus. Cooking whole eggs at
60 ºC for 188 seconds and 507 seconds for poultry meat will inactivate the virus.
Cooking meat to a core temperature of 70 ºC for 3.5 seconds will also inactivate AI. AI
virus can survive indefinitely if frozen.
 pH: Inactivated by acidic pH of ≤ 2.
 Chemicals: Inactivated by organic solvents and detergents, such as sodium desoxycholate
and sodium dodecylsulphate. If organic matter is present, aldehydes, β-propiolactone and
binary ethyleneimine should be used for inactivation. After organic matter has been
removed, phenolics, quaternary ammonium compounds, oxidizing agents (such as
sodium hypochlorite), dilute acids (if pH≤ 2), hydroxylamine, and lipid solvents should
be used.
 Disinfectants: For clean surfaces with no organic matter, use sodium hypochlorite
(5.25 percent), sodium hydroxide (2 percent), phenols, acidified ionophors, chlorine
dioside, or strong oxidizing agents to inactivate.

Suarez, David L. “Influenza A Virus.” Avian Influenza, (2008): 1-22.
CFSPH, Iowa State University & Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics. “High Pathogenicity
Avian Influenza.” 2014. http://www.cfsph.iastate.edu/Factsheets/pdfs/highly_pathogenic_avian_influenza.pdf.
Perdue, Michael L. “Molecular Determinants of Pathogenicity for Avian Influenza Viruses.” Avian Influenza,
(2008): 23-41. doi:10.1002/9780813818634.ch2.
Perdue, Michael L. “Molecular Determinants of Pathogenicity for Avian Influenza Viruses.” Avian Influenza,
(2008): 23-41. doi:10.1002/9780813818634.ch2.
Swayne, David E. “Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Agricultural and Other Man-Made Systems.” Avian
Influenza, (2015): 59-85. doi:10.1002/9780813818634.ch4.
OIE. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Technical Disease Card. 2014. www.oie.int.

SOP Manual 1-8 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

 Survival: Can survive in surface waters. Viable in liquid feces for 30–35 days at 4 ºC and
for 7 days at 20 ºC. Survived 4 days in chicken feces held between 25–32 ºC in the shade.
In water, can survive 26–30 days at 28 ºC, and 94–158 days at 17 ºC. Composting kills
virus within poultry carcasses in <10 days.

1.5.1 In Eggs and Egg Products

The OIE recommends the following times and temperatures for the inactivation of AI virus in
eggs and egg products (Table 1-1).34,35

Table 1-1. Inactivation of AI in Eggs and Egg Products

Temperature (°C) Time

Whole egg 60.0 188 seconds
Whole egg blends 60.0 188 seconds
61.1 94 seconds
Liquid egg white 55.6 870 seconds
56.7 232 seconds
10% salted yolk 62.2 138 seconds
Dried egg white 67.0 20 hours
54.4 513 hours
Source: OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code, 2015.

The OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code (2015) states that the listed temperature achieves a
7-log kill.

Because AI virus can persist on the surface of eggs and fillers, these items also need to be

OIE. Terrestrial Animal Health Code. 2015. www.oie.int.
Swayne, David E., and Joan R. Beck. “Heat Inactivation of Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease Viruses in
Egg Products.” Avian Pathology 33, no. 5 (2004): 512-18.
OIE. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Technical Disease Card. 2014. www.oie.int.
Swayne, David E. “Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Agricultural and Other Man-Made Systems.” Avian
Influenza, (2015): 59-85. doi:10.1002/9780813818634.ch4.

SOP Manual 1-9 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

1.5.2 In Meat
The OIE recommends the following times and temperatures for inactivation of AI virus in meat
(Table 1-2).38,39
Table 1-2. Inactivation of AI in Meat

Temperature (°C) Time

Poultry meat 60.0 507 seconds
65.0 42 seconds
70.0 3.5 seconds
73.9 .51 seconds
Source: OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code, 2015.

1.5.3 In Poultry Byproducts and Waste

All rendered meal, including that produced from viscera, blood, feathers, feet, heads, necks, and
poultry offal, may contain AI, and may be added to pet foods. Such food is typically cooked at
above 100 ºC for several minutes to more than an hour, which is sufficient to kill the AI virus.
However, if procedures are not properly followed, AI virus could persist in the byproducts for
several weeks.

Waste—the unwanted byproduct of processing—may contain material contaminated with AI.

Care should be taken that such material is treated in a manner to deactivate the virus, and that
transport takes this biosecurity risk into consideration. The OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code
(2015) recommends, for the importation of feather meal and poultry meal, the following (Article
Regardless of the avian influenza status of the country of origin, Veterinary Authorities
should require the presentation of an international veterinary certificate attesting that:

1. These commodities were processed in an avian influenza free country, zone or

compartment from poultry which were kept in an avian influenza free country, zone or
compartment from the time they were hatched until the time of slaughter or for at least
the 21 days preceding slaughter; or,
2. These commodities have been processed either:
a) With moist heat at a minimum temperature of 188 ºC for a minimum of 40
b) With a continuous hydrolyzing process under at least 3.79 bar of pressure with
steam at a minimum temperature of 122 ºC for a minimum of 15 minutes; or
c) With an alternative rendering process that ensures that the internal temperature
throughout the product reaches at least 74 ºC;

OIE. Terrestrial Animal Health Code. 2015. www.oie.int.
Swayne, David E., and Joan R. Beck. “Heat Inactivation of Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease Viruses in
Egg Products.” Avian Pathology 33, no. 5 (2004): 512-18.
OIE. Terrestrial Animal Health Code. 2015. www.oie.int.

SOP Manual 1-10 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

3. The necessary precautions were taken to avoid contact of the commodity with any
source of the avian influenza virus.

1.5.4 In Carcasses
AI viruses can survive in bird carcasses for several days at ambient temperatures, and a few
weeks at refrigeration temperatures. Titers in carcasses will vary depending on the strain of the
virus, species of bird, and time of death in relation to clinical stage of infection. Burying,
incineration, or composting (virus inactivated in less than 10 days) is recommended for

1.6 Threat of HPAI to the United States

The long distances in the seasonal migration behavior of influenza A virus hosts causes concern
about the spread of HPAI to the United States. Although the majority of migratory events occur
within continents, intercontinental migration does take place. 43 Within the United States for
example, there are four migratory waterfowl flyways: Pacific, Central, Mississippi, and
Atlantic. 44 The Pacific flyway is a potential risk for AI introduction into North America as
various migratory avian species from Asia enter the space and mix with North American
species. 45

The current H5 HPAI viruses, defined as novel Eurasian lineage clade, began rapidly
spreading in January 2014 from South Korea to China and Japan. By November 2014, clade H5N1 was present in Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Also in
November 2014, a novel HPAI H5N2 virus consisting of a reassortment of Eurasian, four
other Eurasian genes, and three North American wild bird lineage genes was reported in British
Columbia, Canada. With the detection of very similar H5N8 Eurasian viruses in three continents
(Asia, Europe, and North America), there is evidence that this particular reassortant is not only
well adapted to specific species of waterfowl, it is able to survive extended migration periods.46
The HPAI H5N8 virus has adapted to wild waterfowl hosts as few or no clinical signs have been
reported in these hosts when infected with the virus. Thus, it seems probable that the virus was
disseminated out of Russia into Europe, East Asia, and North America by migrating waterfowl
during autumn 2014.47

Swayne, David E. “Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Agricultural and Other Man-Made Systems.” Avian
Influenza, (2015): 59-85. doi:10.1002/9780813818634.ch4.
OIE. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Technical Disease Card. 2014. www.oie.int.
Miller, Mark P., et al. “Intercontinental Genetic Structure and Gene Flow in Dunlin (Calidris Alpina), a Potential
Vector of Avian Influenza.” Evolutionary Applications 8, no. 2 (2015): 149-71.
Nallar, et al. “Demographic and Spatiotemporal Patterns of Avian Influenza Infection at the Continental Scale,
and in Relation to Annual Life Cycle of a Migratory Host.” PLoS ONE, (2015). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0130662.
Scotch, M., et al. “Diffusion of Influenza Viruses among Migratory Birds with a Focus on the Southwest United
States.” Infection, Genetics and Evolution, (2014): 185–193.
Ip, Hon S., et al. “Novel Eurasian Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A H5 Viruses in Wild Birds, Washington,
USA, 2014.” Emerging Infectious Diseases 10, no. 5 (2015): 886–90.
Hall, Jeffrey S., Robert J. Dusek, and Erica Spackman. “Rapidly Expanding Range of Highly Pathogenic Avian
Influenza Viruses.” Emerging Infectious Diseases 21, no. 7 (2015): 1251-252.

SOP Manual 1-11 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

Upon further analysis of Eurasian clade after its introduction into the United States, it
was determined that H5N8 survived introduction into North America. Furthermore, H5N8
introduction into North America is independent of introduction into Europe. Lastly, it is
unknown how long the virus has been present in the Pacific flyway (California, Idaho, Nevada,
Oregon, Utah, and Washington, USA), but it has been long enough for reassortment with LPAI
North American lineage wild bird avian influenza virus.48

HPAI continues to be a threat in the United States after the latest 2014–2015 outbreak as the
virus could still be present in asymptomatic wild waterfowl. With the 2015 fall migration of
waterfowl approaching, chances of potential carriers of HPAI coming in contact with poultry
increases. The real problem arises when HPAI is introduced into vulnerable poultry populations
where the virus amplifies and spreads, resulting in extremely high morbidity and mortality, and
associated significant, detrimental economic consequences.

Ip, Hon S., et al. “Novel Eurasian Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A H5 Viruses in Wild Birds, Washington,

USA, 2014.” Emerging Infectious Diseases 10, no. 5 (2015): 886–90.

SOP Manual 1-12 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

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SOP Manual 1-16 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

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Animals (Type H5 and H7).” 2014–2015. http://www.oie.int/animal-health-in-the-

SOP Manual 1-17 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

Attachment 1.B Abbreviations
AI avian influenza
APHIS Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
CFSPH Center for Food Security and Public Health
FAD PReP Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Plan
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
H or HA hemagglutinin
HPAI highly pathogenic avian influenza
LPAI low pathogenicity avian influenza
N or NA neuraminidase
NP nucleocapsid protein
OIE World Organization for Animal Health
RNA ribonucleic acid
rRT-PCR real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
SOP standard operating procedure
UN United Nations
USAHA United States Animal Health Association
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
VS Veterinary Services
WHO World Health Organization

SOP Manual 1-18 HPAI Etiology and Ecology

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