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Eccentric Vibratory Mills - Theory and Practice: Eberhard Gock, Karl-Eugen Kurrer

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Powder Technology 105 Ž1999.


Eccentric vibratory mills — theory and practice

a,) b
Eberhard Gock , Karl-Eugen Kurrer
¨ Clausthal, Institut fur
Technische UniÕersitat ¨ Aufbereitung und Deponietechnik, Walther-Nernst-Straße 9, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Ernst & Sohn, Buhringstraße 10, 13086 Berlin, Germany


A new single-pipe vibratory mill, the eccentric vibratory mill, is introduced. It is the result of a joint development project between the
Institute for Processing and Disposal Technology at the Clausthal University of Technology and Siebtechnik, Mulheim, ¨ Germany. The
eccentric vibratory mill is excited on one side by means of an unbalanced-weight drive flanged directly to the grinding pipe. Unlike
conventional vibratory mills with homogeneous circular vibrations, this layout causes elliptical, circular and linear vibrations. Due to a
major increase of the acceleration of the individual grinding media, the throughput is increased by the factor 2. The decrease of the ratio
between kerb mass and payload and the reduction of power losses due to the bearing load leads to a power consumption reduction of 50%
for eccentric vibratory mills. In order to adapt the mill to specific grinding problems, the modular design was introduced. Apart from the
constructive details, a mechanical analysis for an optimum dimensioning of the eccentric vibratory mill is presented. The industrial
introduction is proven by examples from the fields of mineral processing, the chemical and pigment industry as well as from the field of
recycling especially milling of cemented carbides. q 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fine grinding; Vibrating milling; Single-pipe vibratory mill; Elliptical vibrations; Power consumption; Wear

1. Introduction as the analysis of the impact mechanism, a simulation

model for the inner mechanics of vibratory pipe mills was
Vibratory mills consist of cylindrical or trough-like set up w5x. This model allows the calculation of the energy
elastically suspended grinding pipes, which by means of a and impulse distribution in the grinding pipe and thus the
balanced mass system, are excited to circular vibrations determination of the power reservoir in dependence of the
with accelerations R v 2 Ž R the radius of the vibratory mill parameters and the operating conditions. Continuing
circle of motion and v the angular velocity of the unbal- investigations determined the dependence of the vibration
anced mass. of up to approximately 10 g — rarely above values on the degree of filling, the unbalance and the
that. Inside the grinding pipes are grinding media Žballs, rotational speed and compiled it in a simulation model for
cylpebs, rods.; the degree of filling is approximately 70% the outer mechanics w6x.
to 80% ŽFig. 1.. The application of balls predominates; Unlike empirical machine designs, the models for the
rods are preferred for coarser grinding, cylpebs are pre- inner and outer mechanics allow optimum dimensioning of
ferred for pulverizing w1x. vibratory pipe mills of different sizes and types. Applying
For more than 40 years, vibratory mills have been used the models to conventional types of vibratory pipe mills
for fine grinding and pulverization of raw materials on an shows that the economical losses are primarily caused by
industrial scale. In order to achieve high throughputs, a an insufficient ratio of pipe volume to zero weight and
tendency towards heavy machines with multiple pipe sys- secondarily caused by the high power losses due to bearing
tems was established in the 1970s. During the 1980s and loads w7x. A constructional limit was soon reached. Re-
early 1990s, investigations concentrated on the experimen- search at the Clausthal University of Technology ŽInstitute
tal and theoretical coverage of the motion processes in for Processing and Disposal Technology, Professor Gock.
vibratory pipe mills w2–4x. Based on photographs, videos showed that only a new concept for vibratory mills could
and high-speed exposures of the filling of the mill as well help to exceed this limit. In cooperation with the Siebtech-
nik, Mulheim, Germany, a single-pipe vibratory mill with
a new mechanical vibration concept, the so-called ‘‘ec-
Corresponding author centric vibratory mill’’, was developed and patented

0032-5910r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 2 - 5 9 1 0 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 1 5 2 - 7
E. Gock, K.-E. Kurrerr Powder Technology 105 (1999) 302–310 303

vibratory circle, so that P inevitably describes a circle ŽFig.

Vibratory mills show zones of preferential wear. This is
caused by the local inhomogeneous distribution of the
types of stress over the lining of the grinding pipe. Investi-
gations of conventional vibratory pipe mills by the authors
show that the impulse mainly occurs in the form of a
normal impact N, i.e., the grinding media is predominantly
subject to impact stress. The distribution of the normal
impact over the grinding pipe lining is periodically and
locally pronouncedly inhomogeneous, it concentrates on
the range of 908 F c F 1808, which in case of conventional
vibratory pipe mills is also the main wear zone ŽFig. 4b..
The friction impact, on the other hand, is an order of
magnitude smaller than the normal impact N and has a
maximum amount in the range of 08 F c F 908 w5,11x. In
case of the eccentric vibratory mill, the main wear zone is
Fig. 1. Usual common types of vibratory mills w1x; Ža. discontinuous in the range of 08 F c F 1808 ŽFig. 4a..
vibratory trough mill; Žb. continuous vibratory pipe mill. Since the mean rotational frequency v u is many times
above that of conventional vibratory pipe mills, the influ-
ence of the friction impact is much more important from a
worldwide w8x. Unlike conventional mills with circular mechanical point of view. The position of the main wear
vibrations, this machine performs elliptical, circular and zone is thus attributed to the summary effect of relatively
linear vibrations. Fig. 2 shows the diagrammatic view of high normal and friction impacts. Since normal impact
the eccentric vibratory mill. The drive is eccentric and the prevails in the range of 08 F c F 608 due to the predomi-
mass is balanced by means of a counter mass. The major nantly orthogonal position of the large major axis of the
technological advance consists of amplitudes of vibration ellipse to the grinding pipe lining, there is friction impact
of up to 20 mm Žnormally 12 mm maximum., leading to a in the range of 608 F c F 1808, because here, the large
high degree of loosening and thus to a decisive intensifica- major axes of the ellipse are rather tangential to the
tion of the impact forces among the grinding media Žballs grinding pipe lining.
or rods..
As opposed to the circular vibrations of conventional
vibratory pipe mills, the eccentric drive of this machine 3. Mechanical model
generates elliptical, circular and linear vibrations. As a
result of dismissing the homogeneous circular vibrations, The schematic flow diagram ŽFig. 5. shows the neces-
the motion process drastically changes: the amplitude of sary steps from the kinematic model of the eccentric
the vibrations of the individual grinding media increases, vibratory mill to the energy balancing.
the rotational speed of the grinding media filling increases
and the direction of motion is irreversibly set w9x.

2. Kinematics

The motion of the eccentric vibratory mill can be

described mathematically, based on the kinematic condi-
tions of the crank mechanism. Fig. 3a and b compare the
motion principle of the eccentric vibratory mill ŽESM. to
the conventional vibratory pipe mill ŽRSM.. Each elliptical
path of motion of the eccentric vibratory mill is mechani-
cally generated by the rigid triangle of joints ASP with AS
being the connecting rod ŽFig. 3a.. This motion principle
has been experimentally proven and already published
elsewhere w10x.
It is far easier to portray the machine motion of conven-
tional vibratory pipe mills. The endpoints A and S of the AS
basis of the rigid triangle of joints are located on the Fig. 2. Diagrammatic view of the eccentric vibratory mill.
304 E. Gock, K.-E. Kurrerr Powder Technology 105 (1999) 302–310

Fig. 3. Comparison of the kinematic models of Ža. an eccentric vibratory mill ŽESM. and Žb. a conventional vibratory pipe mill ŽRSM..

The wear measurements determine the initial conditions grinding media as a local function over the circumference
such as the beginning of the impact time tA and the phase of the grinding pipe:
shift a between grinding pipe and grinding media. While Ø normal impact N s N Ž c .
the grinding pipe rates follow directly from the kinematic Ø friction impact T s T Ž c .
model, the grinding media rates can be quantified from the Ø energy dissipation D EN Ž c . from normal impact
superposition of elliptical vibrations of the frequency v Ø energy dissipation D ET Ž c . from friction impact
with the rotational vibration of the grinding media of the Ø total energy dissipation D E s D EŽ N,T . s D EŽ c ..
frequency v u . With the compression and sliding speed at From the six motion equations of the plane impact of
the beginning of the impact, and with the help of the two rough bodies with the masses m1 Žgrinding media
impact and friction coefficients, the following kinetic val- mass. and m 2 Žgrinding pipe mass., the mass moments of
ues can be calculated between the grinding pipe and the inertia u 1 and u 2 as well as the gravity center distances

Fig. 4. Main wear zones of Ža. an eccentric vibratory mill ŽESM. and Žb. a conventional vibratory pipe mill ŽRSM..
E. Gock, K.-E. Kurrerr Powder Technology 105 (1999) 302–310 305

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram for the mechanical eccentric vibratory mill model.

 x 1 , y 14 and  x 2 , y 2 4 from the point of impact, it is possi- then

ble, by means of the initial speeds of the two impact 1 1 x1 x1 x2 x2
partners, to calculate the relative sliding speed gs q q q Ž 4.
m1 m2 u1 u2
Gt s G 10 q GT q kN Ž 1. 1 1 y1 y1 y2 y2
hs q q q Ž 5.
and the relative compression speed m1 m2 u1 u2
K t s K 10 q kT q hN Ž 2. and
x 1 y1 x 2 y2
at any point in time t within the impact time interval ks y Ž 6.
 t 0 F t F t E 4 in dependence of the normal impact N and u1 u2
the friction impact T Ž G10 , K 10 s relative sliding or com- are the components of the inverted mass distribution tensor
pression speed in the impact point at time t 0 s tA .. The My1P . At the end, the energy dissipation equation takes on
problem is twice stereodynamically indeterminate, because the following form:
T and N cannot be determined at first. If Eqs. Ž1. and Ž2. sMy1 T T
P s q 2 as s 0. Ž 7.
are shown in the form of a matrix
Kt K 10 gk T s s wT ; N; D E x Ž 8.
s q Ž 3.
Gt G 10 kh N a s w G 10 ; K 10 ; y1 x Ž 9.
306 E. Gock, K.-E. Kurrerr Powder Technology 105 (1999) 302–310

Fig. 6. Constructional drawing of the eccentric vibratory mill.

and grinding pipe Õ 0r and Õ 0 c as well as the grinding media Õ1r

g k 0 and Õ 1 c according to the kinematic model of the eccentric
My1 vibratory mill shown in Ref. w10x.
P s k h 0 Ž 10 .
The impact problem is twice stereodynamically indeter-
0 0 0
minate, because for the calculation of the four unknowns
so that Eq. Ž7. can assume the following form: K, G, N and T only two impact equations are available.
T N Together with the initial conditions of the kinematic model,
D E Ž N,T . s Ž Tg q Nk . q Ž Tk q Nh . the beginning of the impact time tA and the phase shift a
2 2
Ž tA and a are measured quantities. as well as Coulomb’s
q TG10 q NK 10 . Ž 11 . law of dry friction Žthe coefficient of sliding friction m is a
For the general case of k / 0, a principal axis transfor- measured quantity. and Newton’s impact hypothesis Žthe
mation for Eq. Ž7. or Eq. Ž11. in the T–N plane was impact number e is a measured quantity., it is possible to
performed to determine the two eigenvalues and eigenvec- make the impact problem stereodynamically determined.
tors w12x. The case studies and the corresponding formulas The total energy dissipation D EŽ c . can be shown for
for the normal impact N and the friction impact T are any location c of the grinding pipe jacket as a function of
provided in Ref. w12x. N and T consider the speeds of the the normal and friction impact in the form of energy

Fig. 7. Modular design of the eccentric vibratory mill Ždiagram..

E. Gock, K.-E. Kurrerr Powder Technology 105 (1999) 302–310 307

pipe, bearing losses do not apply, so that the power

consumption only depends on the summed up energy
dissipation of the corresponding grinding chamber, of the
length of the corresponding grinding media diameter MK,
of the circular frequency v of the unbalance, of the length
L of the grinding pipe and of the total efficiency h :
1 Lv
Pel s D EMK Ž 12 .
h 2p MK
The mechanical model is verified by means of power
measurements or measurements of the specific power con-
sumptions under test and operating conditions. The power
balance of the eccentric vibratory mill completes this
mechanical model.

4. Line of products

The Siebtechnik has developed a line of products for

this eccentric vibratory mill with grinding pipe diameters
between 253 and 830 mm w13x. Fig. 6 shows the construc-
tional drawing.
With a pipe diameter of 830 mm, the maximum of 650
mm for conventional vibratory mills was significantly
exceeded. However, it is still a compact design that does
not require expensive foundations. Due to the modular
design, the grinding chamber can be reduced or extended.
Fig. 7 shows the linkage of the modules. The modules are
Fig. 8. Eccentric vibratory mill: Ža. type ESM 506-2ks, Žb. type ESM connected by means of flanged bearing blocks or, in case
656-2ks. of smaller units, by means of unbalanced motors that are
connected to each other by means of cardan shafts. In case
of maintenance, downtimes can therefore be reduced to a
dissipation diagrams w12x. Mathematically, the energy dis- minimum. The grinding pipe lining consists of several
sipation diagram is an elliptical paraboloid, it allows the elements, allowing partial exchanges, which is particularly
graphical representation of the energy transformation dur- useful considering the larger amount of wear in the feed
ing the impact. zone.
With the help of the summed up energy dissipation of The eccentric vibratory mill is fed via a cellular wheel
the grinding chamber D EMK of the length MK, and with sluice and discharged via a slotted disc with a variable free
the help of the power losses of the bearings in no-load cross-section. Fig. 8a and b show the eccentric vibratory
operation D PL1 and in load operation D P L2 , the power mill 506-2ks and 656-2ks series in operation. Balls as well
consumption of the eccentric vibratory mill can be deter- as rods are used as grinding media. Lining and grinding
mined from the knowledge of the total efficiency h. If media are made of ceramics in order to provide for con-
unbalanced motors are directly attached to the grinding tamination-free grinding. A special features is the double

Table 1
Operational results of fine grinding and pulverization of selected materials with the eccentric vibratory mill
Silicon carbide Tungsten carbide Zinc oxide slags Tantalum Quartz Blast furnace
ŽSiC. with 10% W ŽZnO. niobium slags slags
Grain size at feed 100% - 16 mm 100% - 30 mm 100% - 25 mm 100% - 2 mm 100% - 0.1 mm 100% - 20 mm
Degree of reduction 100% - 8 mm 100% - 0.5 mm 100% - 0.25 mm 100% - 0.1 mm 100% - 0.04 mm 100% - 3 mm
Mill type ESM 656-2ks ESM 656-2ks ESM 656-2ks ESM 656-2ks ESM 656-3ks ESM 656-2ks
Throughput Žtrh. 0.300 1.000 3.000 0.400 2.000 3.000
Specific power 180 33 17.5 112 27 15
308 E. Gock, K.-E. Kurrerr Powder Technology 105 (1999) 302–310

Table 2
Comparison of operating results for ultrafine grinding of limestone with a conventional two-tube vibratory and eccentric vibratory mill of type ESM
656-2ks and ESM 506-2ks
Two-tube vibratory mill Eccentric vibratory mill Eccentric vibratory mill
ESM 656-2ks ESM 506-2ks
Grinding cylinder diameter, D Žm. 0.5 0.632 0.483
Grinding cylinder length, L Žm. 6.0 2.454 2.464
Cylinder volume, V Žm3 . 1.357 0.768 0.452
Throughput Žtrh. 0.155a 0.3 0.180
Specific power consumptionb ŽkWhrt. 111 65 61
n s 1000 miny1 , 2 R s 12 mm.
Limestone feed: 98.5 wt.% - 20 mm; comminution target: 60 wt.% - 2 mm.

jacket design, offering the possibility of a thermostatic thickness of the wear lining after grinding a special metal-
mill. liferous ore over a time period of 1500 h in the area of the
feed zone and in the middle of the grinding chamber was
measured. The even wear over half the grinding pipe
5. Operational results jacket as opposed to conventional vibratory pipe mills
indirectly explains the increased efficiency of the vibratory
The eccentric vibratory mill has been available on the milling process, which is well-founded in the most favor-
market for approximately 4 years making it possible to able energy distribution spectrum of the eccentric vibratory
gather extensive experience. For one, they have replaced mill.
conventional vibratory pipe mills with their complicated Fig. 10a–c show examples of characteristic grain distri-
drives but new fields of application were developed as bution lines during the grinding of copper powder, zinc
well. Table 1 shows selected operational results from oxide ash and gravel with mills of different sizes. The
different branches. most difficult problem here is the grinding of copper
Areas of application are so far the pigment industry, the powder ŽFig. 10a. to be used as catalyst material or as
industry of nonmetallic minerals, the steel and iron and composite material in the field of electrical engineering.
metallurgical industry as well as the recycling industry. Of The target is to produce grains with a platelike structure.
particular interest is the possibility to use this technology Grinding balls with a diameter of 10 mm were used. With
for the production of metal powders, an area of application the use of ball mills for the same grinding problem, the
that until today is not widely developed. The following specific power consumption is five times higher. The
advantages as compared to other competing machines have peculiarity of grinding zinc oxide ŽFig. 10b. is that the
become evident: feed can have temperatures of up to 1008C. Zinc oxide is
Ø reduction of the specific power consumption of up to used as a trace nutrient in the fodder industry. Apart from
50%, the surface enlargement, eccentric vibratory milling with
Ø throughput increased by the factor 2, 30 mm diameter balls leads to a mechanical activation of
Ø indifference to grain sizes at feeding of up to 40 mm, the material to be ground. Due to crystal lattice interfer-
Ø low capital investment and maintenance costs. ence, the mechanical activation causes an increase of the
Table 2 shows, as an example, the advantages of the water solubility from 54% so far, with conventional milling
eccentric vibratory mill in comparison to a conventional
tubular vibratory mill for ultrafine grinding of limestone.
With the eccentric vibratory mill 656-2ks, the throughput
can be raised by a factor of 2 at half the grinding chamber
volume of the double-tube vibratory mill. Simultaneously,
the specific power consumption is reduced by approxi-
mately 40% w14x.
Further comparative operating results of eccentric vibra-
tory mills and three-tube and two-tube vibratory mills
verify the considerable energy and process efficiency en-
hancement of the vibration grinding process w9x.
The position of the main wear zone as stated in Section
2 of this article over the grinding pipe jacket of an
eccentric vibratory mill, type 656-2ks has been verified by Fig. 9. Wear profile of an eccentric vibratory mill of type ESM 656-2ks
means of wear measurements ŽFig. 9.. The remaining after 1500 h of operation.
E. Gock, K.-E. Kurrerr Powder Technology 105 (1999) 302–310 309

Fig. 10. Grain size distribution and specific power consumption for the grinding of Ža. copper powder, Žb. zinc oxide and Žc. gravel in eccentric vibratory
mills, type eccentric vibratory mill ESM 656-2ks and ESM 756-2ks.

to more than 75%. The distinctive advantage when grind- mainly percussive types of impact, is unique in the field of
ing gravel ŽFig. 10c. with the eccentric vibratory mill and comminuting machines. Because of the relatively low in-
by using rods Ž50 mm diameter. is the lack of oversized vestment costs, the eccentric vibratory mill is expected to
material even in case of high throughputs. Compared to the primarily substitute ball mills.
grinding chamber volume of conventional vibratory mills
it is, related to the throughput, 30% less for eccentric
vibratory mills.
6. Conclusions
w1x H. Schubert, Aufbereitung fester mineralischer Rohstoffe, Band I,
VEB Deutscher Verlag fur¨ Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig, 1989.
The development of the eccentric vibratory mill made it w2x S. Bernotat, Freiberger Forschungshefte A798, 1989.
possible to replace the conventional vibratory pipe mill, w3x J. Lowe,
¨ Zur Auslegung von Rohrschwingmuhlen¨ ¨ die trockene
which had reached an impasse due to high expenditures of Feinstzerkleinerung mineralischer Stoffe, PhD Thesis, Freiberg,
energy and low mass flow rates, and also made it possible 1992.
w4x K.-E. Kurrer et al., Analyse von Rohrschwingmuhlen,
¨ VDI-Verlag,
to significantly increase the range of application for vibra-
Dusseldorf, 1992.
tory milling. Due to the considerably higher amplitudes of w5 x K.-E. Kurrer, Zur inneren Kinematik und Kinetik von
vibration and the rejection of circular vibrations, such ¨
Rohrschwingmuhlen, ¨
VDI-Verlag, Dusseldorf, 1986.
machines can be designed with pipe diameters of up to w6x J.-J. Jeng, Entwicklung eines maschinendynamischen Simulations-
1000 mm. The so far neglected advantage of parameter modells zur optimalen Dimensionierung der Rohr-Bzw. Drehkam-
diversity of vibratory mills Žpipe diameter and length, ¨
mer-Schwingmuhle, PhD Thesis, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 1991.
w7x E. Gock, K.-E. Kurrer, Erzmetall 49 Ž1996. 435.
grinding media filling and form, vibration frequency, di- w8x E. Gock et al., US Patent No. 08r325,837, July 1, 1996.
ameter of the vibratory circle of motion in the gravity w9x E. Gock, K.-E. Kurrer, Proc. of the 20th Int. Min. Proc. Congr., Vol.
center., which offers a choice of mainly frictional or 2, Aachen, 1997, p. 272.
310 E. Gock, K.-E. Kurrerr Powder Technology 105 (1999) 302–310

w10x K.-E. Kurrer, E. Gock, Zement-Kalk-Gips International 50 Ž1997. tag von Prof. Dr. Rudolf Trostel, Bibliothek der Technischen Uni-
368. ¨ Berlin, Berlin, 1993, p. 148.
w11x K.-E. Kurrer, E. Gock, Aufbereitungs-Technik 27 Ž1986. 549. w13x Siebtechnik, Eccentric vibrating mill Ždelivery program., Mulheim
w12x K.-E. Kurrer, in: C. Alexandru, G. Godert,
¨ ¨ R. Parchem, J.
U. Gorn, an der Ruhr, 1996.
¨ zur Mechanik, Festschrift zum 65. Geburts-
Villwock ŽEds.., Beitrage w14x E. Gock, K.-E. Kurrer, Aufbereitungs-Technik 39 Ž1998. 106.

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