The Evolution of Energy. Fernanda Uscanga
The Evolution of Energy. Fernanda Uscanga
The Evolution of Energy. Fernanda Uscanga
Technological Institute of Veracruz / María Fernanda Uscanga
The three main elements to guarantee human survival are energy, water and food. Although
today the energies have been developed and improved, the physical principle remains the
same as it was years ago, which is the oxidation of carbon compounds at the time of breaking
their chemical bonds. The difference between the energy systems of our ancestors with the
modern ones consists mainly in that previously organic vegetable sources were exploited
while today the energy sources are mainly fossil sources, which has become the basis of the
world economy. Another big difference between the main sources of energy of the past
decades and the energy sources of today, is the way in which these are obtained and
produced, plant energy sources are converted into work by biological converters, while
sources fossils are transformed thanks to mechanical converters.
As human beings, we are in a constant cycle nological, geological and human
of changes, it is a natural process in which developments, that means that energy can be
the earth receives solar energy to release it considered as a universal bargaining chip just
later. For at least three and a half billion because of energy represents at least 10% of
years there has been human life on earth, demand in economies. Energy is the cause of
thereby causing an evolution in the way each and every one of the stages of
energy is used (Price, 1995). evolution, industrialization and civilization,
Energy can be described historically as chro- also is presented in various forms: electro-
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cond epoch biomass was replaced by fossil the input of Food was transformed into
sources, these being the main sources of work, while the other 80% was used to
energy (Malanima, 2014). support the metabolism of the animal, which
was spread to the environment in the form of
heat and waste (Malanima, 2014).
the years 5,000 to 3,000 BC, agriculture had others, these developments allowed an
a greater and better boom, this was due to increase in human activities, as well as the
the domestication of animals such as oxen, growth of civilization. The industrial age
donkeys, horses and camels to be used in involved many more innovations, as a result
agriculture and as transportation. During this of which the energy supply increased
stage there were various optimizations, significantly and the quality of energy
which allowed a better use of energy, fuels sources improved before those used (Stern y
and animals, in this same stage the use of the Kander, 2010; Kostic, 2015).
first renewable energy source was carried
out, which was the wind (Malanima,2014).
INDUSTRIAL ERA: Social development during the modern era
symbolizes a continuation of the industrial
At the beginning of the industrial era, the era thanks to the development of new
way in which coal was transported for its energies such as nuclear energy, for this era
energy use was thanks to horse carriages, various sources of energy were used
this being very expensive, however thanks to worldwide (Table 1), about 85.7% of
the fact that the most relevant and production Total energy was produced from
representative novelty of this time was the fossil fuels while renewable energies only
manufacture. Since primary engines, which account for 1.4% of total energy production
use heat from fuels, the cost was greatly (Kostic,2015).
reduced, these fuels were a historical fact, as Energy and the environment almost always
energy was stored in fuels such as wood, coal come hand in hand, today our planet faces
and oil, which meant that in any moment and various problems such as lack of food,
the energy of the place was acquired. Much environmental disasters, including global
of the economic growth and opportunities warming, the energy crisis, among others, the
were reflected during this time, thanks to the vast majority of problems before mentioned
abundance of fossil fuels that as well as are closely related to the use of energies
energy independence and natural derived from fossil sources, which generates
phenomena such as waterfalls and wind. At a huge problem with the creation of
this stage, the use of fossil fuels was the most greenhouse gases, which in turn is the effect
predominant source of energy, representing of global warming. Another of the
85% of total energy. Another of the most consequences generated by the population
notable and representative developments of are solid, liquid and gaseous waste which
thistime were internal combustion engines, pollutes water, air and soil the vast majority
electric motor, chemical products, amoung of this waste can be used for the production
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The exponential growth of renewable
energy technologies such as hydroelectric,
wind, solar, geothermal, bioenergy as well as
other emerging renewable energies have had
a greater boom in the last decade
(Ecomagination and the Global Energy
Transformation, 2016).
Renewable energy sources are defined as
sustainable resources that in turn are
FUTURE ERA: available for a long period of time at a lower
cost and that in the same way do not have
At present, as already mentioned above, negative effects on the environment
most of the world's energy consumption is (Alemán-Nava, et al., 2014).
based on fossil fuels, but today the reserves Renewable energy sources range from
of fossil fuels are being limited and it traditional technologies such as wind
continues in the same direction, it is turbines to innovative new technologies
estimated that within after 250 years, the such as hydrogen-based internal combustion
coal will be completely exhausted, while oil engines and hydrogen-based fuel cells
and natural gas remain 60 and 80 years (Balcioglu, Soyer, and El-Shimy, 2017).
respectively. However, new reserves and Biomass-based energy used mainly to cook
technologies are being discovered and and heat certain rural areas presented 9.3%
developed, the use of other renewable of world energy demand in 2011,
energy resources is increasing, such as wind, hydroelectric energy supplied about 3.7% of
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world energy demand, the rest of the per square meter (Alemán-Nava, et al.,
energies Renewables supplied approximately 2014; Vargas-Hernández y Ascencio
6% of the world's energy demand and, in Espinosa, 2016).
turn, have caused rapid growth in various GEOTHERMAL ENERGY in Mexico occupies
developed and developing countries ninth place 4.5% of the total energy used for
(Alemán-Nava, et al., 2014). public service in the country. In Mexico the-
From 1982 to 2012, it was recorded that in
Mexico 70.1% of the total energy used was
based on biomass, while solar energy
registered 19.2%, geotermal, wind and
hydroelectric energy registered 4.5%, 4.0%
and 2.2 % respectively (Figure 2) however
not all technologies were previously
investigated in this period of time (Alemán-
Nava, et al., 2014).
SOLAR ENERGY is carried out through the Fig. 2. Renewable energy sources in Mexico
from 1982-2012 Alemán-Nava, et al., 2014).
use of small plates which are called
photovoltaic cells, these are mainly
composed of silicon, which is one of the re are four geothermal fields which are
most abundant elements on earth. Cerro Prieto, Los Azufres, Los Humeros and
Worldwide, Mexico ranks 27th in the Las Tres Vírgenes, these are volcanic fields
development of solar energy, however it is with fluids sheltered by volcanic rocks
among one of the five potential countries to (Hiriart y Gutiérrez-Negrı́n, 2003; Alemán-
invest in the PV system, this is because in Nava, et al., 2014; Flores-Armenta y
Mexico solar radiation is higher than 5kWh Gutiérrez-Negrín, 2011).
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Over the years, energy consumption has
been in constant change, all this as new
sources of energy were discovered and
developed, thereby allowing a significant
change in the use of energy, wood was the
main source of energy, from our ancestors
until the end of the XIX century, after that,
oil and natural gas had a significant
development. However, the traditional
Fig. 3. Infrastructure of a farm wind (Ayee, energies of fossil fuels such as oil, natural
Lowe y Gereffi, 2009).
gas and coal cause various damages to the
environment, which is why new techniques
HYDROPOWER is one of the renewable and energy sources are being innovated,
energies that offers a significant reduction in which do not cause damage to the
carbon emissions, this energy is carried out environment and do not produce gases of
thanks to the fact that the water energy greenhouse effect, these energies are
moves from higher to lower altitudes, it re- classified as renewable energies.
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