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IEC 60120

Edition 4.0 2020-07


Ball and socket couplings of string insulator units – Dimensions

Assemblages à rotule des(standards.iteh.ai)
éléments de chaînes d’isolateurs – Dimensions
IEC 60120:2020
IEC 60120:2020-07(en-fr)
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IEC 60120
Edition 4.0 2020-07



Ball and socket couplings of string insulator units – Dimensions
Assemblages à rotule des éléments de chaînes d’isolateurs – Dimensions
IEC 60120:2020



ICS 29.080.10; 29.240.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-8475-9

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Attention! Veuillez vous assurer que vous avez obtenu cette publication via un distributeur agréé.

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–2– IEC 60120:2020 © IEC 2020

FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 4
1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 6
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................... 6
3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................... 6
4 Designated size of coupling ............................................................................................. 7
5 Pin ball ............................................................................................................................ 7
6 Socket ............................................................................................................................. 7
7 Hook-on "GO" gauge ....................................................................................................... 7
8 Lower part of the insulator ............................................................................................... 7
9 Locking device ................................................................................................................. 7
10 Dimensions of the pin ball................................................................................................ 8
11 Dimensions of the socket end .......................................................................................... 9
12 Dimensions of the hook-on "GO" gauge ......................................................................... 10
13 Dimensions of twin-balled pins ...................................................................................... 13
14 Dimensions of the hole for the split-pin .......................................................................... 13
15 Dimensions of the hole for the W-clip ............................................................................ 15
Annex A (informative) Extreme positions of the pin ball in the socket ................................... 16
Annex B (normative) Recommended gauges ........................................................................ 18
Annex C (informative) Dimensions obtained by calculation................................................... 35
Bibliography ..........................................................................................................................
IEC 60120:2020 37
Figure 1 – Schematic of the pin ball ........................................................................................ 8
Figure 2 – Schematic of the socket end .................................................................................. 9
Figure 3 – Schematic of the hook-on "GO" gauge ................................................................. 10
Figure 4 – Schematic of twin-balled pins ............................................................................... 13
Figure 5 – Schematic of the hole for the split-pin .................................................................. 14
Figure 6 – Schematic of the hole for the W-clip ..................................................................... 15
Figure A.1 – Sliding position of the pin ball (socket end) ....................................................... 16
Figure A.2 – Over-tilting position of the pin ball in the socket end ......................................... 17
Figure B.1 – Schematic of ball part for pin ball ...................................................................... 19
Figure B.2 – Schematic of inspecting part for cap ................................................................. 19
Figure B.3 – Schematic of pin "GO" gauge for ball height, shank diameter and shank
length ................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure B.4 – Schematic of pin "GO" gauge for ball diameter ................................................. 22
Figure B.5 – Schematic of pin "NOT GO" gauge for ball height ............................................. 23
Figure B.6 – Schematic of pin "NOT GO" gauge for ball diameter ......................................... 25
Figure B.7 – Schematic of pin "NOT GO" gauge for shank diameter ...................................... 26
Figure B.8 – Schematic of socket "GO" gauge for entry height, entry width and neck
width ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure B.9 – Schematic of socket "GO" gauge for internal height and internal diameter ........ 29
Figure B.10 – Schematic of socket "NOT GO" gauge for entry height .................................... 32
Figure B.11 – Schematic of socket "NOT GO" gauge for neck width ...................................... 34
IEC 60120:2020 © IEC 2020 –3–

Figure C.1 – Schematic of clearance between the pin ball and the socket end ...................... 35
Figure C.2 – Effectiveness of locking the pin ball .................................................................. 36

Table 1 – Dimensions of the pin ball ....................................................................................... 8

Table 2 – Dimensions of the socket end .................................................................................. 9
Table 3 – Dimensions of the hook-on "GO" gauge ................................................................. 11
Table 4 – Dimensions of twin-balled pins .............................................................................. 13
Table 5 – Dimensions of the hole for the split-pin .................................................................. 14
Table 6 – Dimensions of the hole for the W-clip .................................................................... 15
Table A.1 – Allowed deviation angle of pin ............................................................................ 16
Table A.2 – Allowed deviation angle of pin ............................................................................ 17
Table B.1 – Dimensions of pin "GO" gauge for ball height, shank diameter and shank
length ................................................................................................................................... 21
Table B.2 – Dimensions of pin "GO" gauge for ball diameter ................................................. 23
Table B.3 – Dimensions of pin "NOT GO" gauge for ball height ............................................. 24
Table B.4 – Dimensions of pin "NOT GO" gauge for ball diameter ......................................... 25
Table B.5 – Dimensions of pin "NOT GO" gauge for shank diameter ..................................... 26
Table B.6 – Dimensions of socket "GO" gauge for entry height, entry width and neck
width ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Table B.7 – Dimensions of socket "GO" gauge for internal height and internal diameter........ 30
Table B.8 – Dimensions of socket "NOT GO" gauge for entry height ..................................... 32
Table B.9 – Dimensions of socket "NOT GO" gauge for neck width ....................................... 34
IEC 60120:2020
Table C.1 – Clearance between the pin ball and the socket end ............................................ 35
Table C.2 – Effectiveness of lockinga48fc0bc2803/iec-60120-2020
the pin ball ................................................................... 36
–4– IEC 60120:2020 © IEC 2020





1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
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International Standard IEC 60120 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 36:

This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 1984. This edition
constitutes a technical revision.

This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous

a) Two new designated size of couplings, 36 and 40 were introduced;

b) According to the results of the questionnaire(36/424/Q), the relevant content of the 28B
W-clip was deleted;
c) The Q min column in Table C.1 was deleted;
d) Annex A is informative, Annex B is normative, Annex C is informative.
IEC 60120:2020 © IEC 2020 –5–

The text of this International Standard is based on the following documents:

FDIS Report on voting

36/486/FDIS 36/492/RVD

Full information on the voting for the approval of this International Standard can be found in
the report on voting indicated in the above table.

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IEC 60120:2020
–6– IEC 60120:2020 © IEC 2020



1 Scope

The object of this international standard is to define the dimensions of a series of standard
ball and socket couplings using the standard locking devices (see IEC 60372) in order to
permit the assembly of insulators or metal fittings supplied by different manufacturers.

This document applies to string insulator units of the cap and pin and long rod types and their
associated metal fittings.

For the pin ball and the socket, dimensions apply to the finished product after any surface

Extreme positions of the pin ball in the socket are given in Annex A.

Typical examples of gauges for checking the dimensions of pin balls and sockets are given in
Annex B.


NOTE Only the dimensions necessary for assembly are dealt with in this standard. Properties of material and
working loads are not specified. The co-ordination of dimensions with strength classes is specified in IEC 60305
and IEC 60433. (standards.iteh.ai)
2 Normative references IEC 60120:2020
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition
cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.

IEC 60050-471:2007, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) – Part 471: Insulators

IEC 60372, Locking devices for ball and socket couplings of string insulator units –
Dimensions and tests

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions of IEC 60050-471, some of
which are reproduced below for ease of reference, apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following

• IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/

• ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp

ball and socket coupling
coupling consisting of a ball, a socket and a locking device, and providing flexibility

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-471:2007, 471-03-11]

IEC 60120:2020 © IEC 2020 –7–

string insulator unit
cap and pin insulator or long rod insulator of which end fitting are suitable for flexible
attachment to other similar insulator units or to connecting accessories

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-471:2007, 471-03-08]

4 Designated size of coupling

This document includes eight standard ball and socket couplings designated by the nominal
pin diameters in millimetres. Each designated size of coupling is defined by the dimensions of
the pin ball, of the socket, of the hook-on "GO" gauge, of the lower part of the insulator and of
the corresponding locking device.

NOTE Dimensions of twin-balled pins for coupling of two sockets are stated in Clause 13. Dimensions of the hole
for the locking devices are stated in Clause 14 and Clause 15.

5 Pin ball

The pin ball shall conform to the dimensions specified in Clause 10. The main dimensions
governing the shape of the pin ball are h 1 , d 2 , r 1 and r 2 . Dimension r 3 is given for guidance
because its accurate value may be obtained only by the drawing. In addition, the shank
diameter d 1 , must not exceed the specified values within a length equal to H 3 of the
corresponding worn hook-on "GO" gauge (see Clause 12).
6 Socket
IEC 60120:2020
The socket interior shall conform to the dimensions specified in Clause 11, which also
specifies the thickness of the locking device.
The 16 mm designated size of coupling according to Clause 11 includes two alternative
sockets. There is only one type of pin ball fit for it, but the corresponding locking device
should be used. That is, the 16A socket should be matched with the 16A locking device, the
16B socket should be matched with the 16B locking device.

NOTE Sockets according to the clause mentioned are shown with flat bottoms. Sockets with rounded bottoms with
radii of curvature not less than the dimensions r 2 of the pin balls can also be used. In this case, the dimensions R 5
have to be correspondingly decreased.

7 Hook-on "GO" gauge

The external dimensions of the socket have not been laid down. However, the socket shall
permit acceptance of the hook-on "GO" gauge according to Clause 12.

8 Lower part of the insulator

The shape of the lower part of the insulator shall be such that assembly with the socket of
maximum external dimensions according to Clause 7 will always be possible.

9 Locking device

The locking device, i. e. a split-pin or W-clip, shall be designed for locking the minimum-size
pin ball in the maximum size socket. This requirement is fulfilled if the locking devices
standardized in IEC 60372 are used.
–8– IEC 60120:2020 © IEC 2020

10 Dimensions of the pin ball

Figure 1 shows a schematic of the pin ball. Table 1 gives dimensions of the pin ball.

iTehFigure 1 – Schematic of the pin ball

Table 1 – Dimensions of the pin ball
Dimensions in millimetres
IEC 60120:2020
Designated size
d1 d2 h1 r1 r2 r3a r4
of coupling
11 11,90-1,1 22,80−1,3 9,10−1,2 35,0 35,0 3,5 1,50+1,0

16 17,00−1,2 33,30−1,5 13,40−1,3 23,0 50,0 3,0 3,0+−1,0


20 21,00−1,3 41,00−1,6 19,50−1,4 27,0 60,0 5,7 3,5+−1,0


24 25,00−1,4 49,00−1,8 21,00−1,7 40,0 70,0 6,6 4,0+−1,5


28 29,00−1,5 57,00−1,9 23,50−1,8 55,0 80,0 8,0 4,5+−1,5


32 33,00−1,6 65,00−2,1 27,00−1,9 70,0 90,0 10,0 5,0+−1,5


36 37,00−1,6 73,00−2,1 34,00−1,9 50,0 110,0 10,5 8,0+−1,5


40 41,00−1,6 81,00−2,1 39,50−1,9 55,0 120,0 12,5 9,0+−11,,50

a Given for guidance.
IEC 60120:2020 © IEC 2020 –9–

11 Dimensions of the socket end

Figure 2 shows a schematic of the socket end. Table 2 gives dimensions of the socket end.

Figure 2 – Schematic of the socket end

Table 2 – Dimensions of the socket end

iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW Dimensions in millimetres

Designated D1 D2 (standards.iteh.ai)
D3 H1 H 2 for H 2 a for R1 R3 R4 R5 Tb
size of W-clips standar
coupling and d split-
IEC 60120:2020
alter- pins
Min. Min Min. Min.

11 12,50+1,3 24,5 24,5 10,50+1,3 15,5 16,3 35,0 4,0 1,5 4,0 4,80+0,2

Ac 14,50+1,6 20,5 21,6 5,50+0,2

16 19,20+1,6 34,5 34,5 23,0 3,0 3,0 5,0
Bc 17,00+1,6 25,0 25,5 7,90+0,2

20 23,00+2,1 42,5 42,5 20,50+2,1 28,5 29,3 27,0 6,0 3,5 7,0 7,00+0,2

24 27,50+2,5 51,0 51,0 23,50+2,5 32,5 33,5 40,0 5,0 4,0 10,0 8,70+0,2

28 32,00+2,9 59,0 59,0 26,00+2,9 36,5 37,4 55,0 8,0 4,5 12,0 10,00+0,2

32 36,00+3,3 67,5 67,5 30,00+3,3 42,0 43,0 70,0 10,0 5,0 14,0 11,50+0,2

36 40,00+3,3 75,5 75,5 38,00+3,3 - 51,0 50,0 10,5 8,0 16,0 11,50+0,2

40 44,00+3,3 83,5 83,5 43,50+3,3 - 56,5 55,0 12,5 9,0 17,0 11,50+0,2
a A greater value is given because in this case the split-pin does not always rest on the bottom of the socket.
The position of the standard split-pin is determined by the position H 3 of the centre of the hole and its
diameter D 4 (see clause 14) and dimension F 2 (see IEC 60372) and is also influenced by the tips of legs
resting in contact with the socket. The values of H 2 ensure the correct clearances for split-pins.
b Thickness of the locking device.
c See Clause 6.
– 10 – IEC 60120:2020 © IEC 2020

12 Dimensions of the hook-on "GO" gauge

Figure 3 shows a schematic of the hook-on "GO" gauge. Table 3 gives dimensions of the
hook-on "GO" gauge.


IEC 60120:2020
Figure 3 – Schematic of the hook-on "GO" gauge
Table 3 – Dimensions of the hook-on "GO" gauge (1 of 2)

Dimensions in millimetres

size of Gauge D1
iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW D2 D3 D4 H1 H2 H3 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
Max. contour 12,000 22,950
(standards.iteh.ai) 25,322 60,15 9,250 17,775 23,775 35,075 35,075 3,631 1,450 49,70 2,80
New Nominal contour 11,980 22,920 25,348 59,95 9,220 17,860 23,860 35,060 35,060 3,616 1,460 49,80 2,70
11 IEC 60120:2020
Min. contour 11,960 22,890 25,374 59,75 9,190 17,945 23,945 35,045 35,045 3,601 1,470 49,90 2,60
IEC 60120:2020 © IEC 2020

Worn 22,800 25,400
11,900a48fc0bc2803/iec-60120-2020 59,55 9,100 18,000 24,000 35,000 35,000 3,556 1,500 50,00 2,50
Max. contour 17,122 33,490 35,326 90,59 13,572 20,686 31,786 23,086 50,086 3,071 2,939 71,70 2,80
New Nominal contour 17,096 33,450 35,351 90,39 13,536 20,768 31,868 23,068 50,068 3,055 2,952 71,80 2,70
Min. contour 17,070 33,410 35,376 90,19 13,500 20,850 31,950 23,050 50,050 3,039 2,965 71,90 2,60
Worn 17,000 33,300 35,400 89,99 13,400 20,900 32,000 23,000 50,000 2,993 3,000 72,00 2,50
Max. contour 21,150 41,220 45,484 120,95 19,702 25,551 42,151 27,101 60,101 5,845 3,425 89,55 3,45
– 11 –

New Nominal contour 21,120 41,170 45,523 120,65 19,656 25,678 42,278 27,078 60,078 5,824 3,440 89,70 3,30
Min. contour 21,090 41,120 45,561 120,35 19,610 25,805 42,405 27,055 60,055 5,803 3,455 89,85 3,15
Worn 21,000 41,000 45,600 120,05 19,500 25,900 42,500 27,000 60,000 5,753 3,500 90,00 3,00
Max. contour 25,172 49,250 50,490 140,90 21,242 25,971 46,171 40,121 70,121 6,732 3,914 104,55 3,45
New Nominal contour 25,136 49,190 50,527 140,60 21,186 26,093 46,293 40,093 70,093 6,706 3,932 104,70 3,30
Min. contour 25,100 49,130 50,564 140,30 21,130 26,215 46,415 40,065 70,065 6,680 3,950 104,85 3,15
Worn 25,000 49,000 50,600 140,00 21,000 26,300 46,500 40,000 70,000 6,615 4,000 105,00 3,00
a The contour of the new gauge shall fall between the maximum and minimum contours.
b See Clause B.1.
Table 3 (2 of 2)

size of Gauge D1 D2 D3 D4 H1 H2 H3 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
Max. contour 29,190 57,290
iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW 66,870 165,94 23,770 29,100 51,100 55,135 80,135 7,994 4,414 129,55 3,45
New Nominal contour 29,150 57,215 66,915 165,64 23,708 29,250 51,250 55,104 80,104 7,967 4,432 129,70 3,30
28 (standards.iteh.ai)
Min. contour 29,110 57,140 66,960 165,34 23,646 29,400 51,400 55,073 80,073 7,938 4,450 129,85 3,15
b 29,000 57,000 67,000 165,04 23,500 29,500 51,500 55,000 80,000 7,864 4,500 130,00 3,00
Worn IEC 60120:2020
Max. contour 33,220 65,310 85,800 198,45 27,300 34,000 61,400 70,150 90,150 9,719 4,914 149,55 3,45
New Nominal contour 33,170a48fc0bc2803/iec-60120-2020
65,230 85,850 198,22 27,225 34,175 61,600 70,112 90,113 9,683 4,932 149,70 3,30
Min. contour a 33,120 65,150 85,900 197,98 27,150 34,350 61,800 70,075 90,075 9,647 4,950 149,85 3,15
b 33,000 65,000 86,000 197,83 27,000 34,500 62,000 70,000 90,000 9,572 5,000 150,00 3,00
Max. contour 37,220 73,310 105,800 230,90 34,300 41,000 71,850 50,135 110,165 10,219 7,914 169,55 3,45
New Nominal contour 37,170 73,230 105,850 230,60 34,225 41,175 72,100 50,104 110,123 10,183 7,932 169,70 3,30
Min. contour 37,120 73,150 105,900 230,30 34,150 41,350 72,350 50,073 110,081 10,147 7,950 169,85 3,15
– 12 –

Worn 37,000 73,000 106,000 230,00 34,000 41,500 72,500 50,000 110,000 10,072 8,000 170,00 3,00
Max. contour 41,220 81,310 126,800 262,90 39,800 46,500 82,300 55,135 120,180 12,219 8,914 189,55 3,45
New Nominal contour 41,170 81,230 126,850 262,60 39,725 46,675 82,600 55,104 120,133 12,183 8,932 189,70 3,30
Min. contour 41,120 81,150 126,900 262,30 39,650 46,850 82,900 55,073 120,086 12,147 8,950 189,85 3,15
Worn 41,000 81,000 127,000 262,00 39,500 47,000 83,000 55,000 120,000 12,072 9,000 190,00 3,00
a The contour of the new gauge shall fall between the maximum and minimum contours.
b See Clause B.1.
IEC 60120:2020 © IEC 2020
IEC 60120:2020 © IEC 2020 – 13 –

13 Dimensions of twin-balled pins

Figure 4 shows a schematic of the twin-balled pins. Table 4 gives dimensions of the twin-
balled pins.


Figure 4 – Schematic of twin-balled pins
IEC 60120:2020
Table 4 – Dimensions of twin-balled pins
Dimensions in millimetres

Designated size of coupling h4

11 47,00−2,5

16 63,00−3,0

20 83,00−3,2

24 90,00−3,5

28 97,00−3,5

32 120,00−4,0

36 135,00−4,0

40 150,00−4,0

NOTE For other dimensions, see Clause 10.

14 Dimensions of the hole for the split-pin

Figure 5 shows a schematic of the hole for the split-pin. Table 5 gives dimensions of the hole
for the split-pin.

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