WINC-Application Form 2020
WINC-Application Form 2020
WINC-Application Form 2020
This application should be accompanied by attested photocopies of relevant documents, such as certificates of your academic
qualifications. Please provide English language translations of these documents where appropriate.
Title of the course you want to apply to (please refer to WINC’s Pearson BTEC & ATHE Programme Leaflet):
Male Female
Your age on 1st September
Your date of birth in the year of entry to the course
Day Month Year Year Month
Education (from the age of 11 years onwards)
Name of School/College/University attended Course from: To:
Please list all the examinations (including any English language tests) which you have taken since
the age of 14 for which results are known:
Awarding Body Title of Examination Subjects of Examination Grade Pass/Fail Date of Award
Please list all the examinations which you have taken for which results are awaited. Also list any examination
which you may take in the near future:
Awarding Body Title of Examination Subjects of Examination Date of Examination
Please give details of any employment or training you have undertaken.
Name & Address of Employer Dates
Your Position Description of Your Main Duties
from: to:
Please use the space below to give us any other information which you believe
will support your application:
Who will pay your tuition fees? (Please tick appropriate box)
Yourself Family Member Sponsor Your Employer
Please give the name and address of the person/organization who will pay your fees, if not your self
Contact No.
Email Address:
Do you have any disabilities or particular problems that might require special arrangement during
your study at Western International College, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE
Yes No
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge the information given on this form is correct.