Activty 2 Command Line Skills For Systems Administration Fundamentals
Activty 2 Command Line Skills For Systems Administration Fundamentals
Activty 2 Command Line Skills For Systems Administration Fundamentals
Command Line Skills
Course Code: CPE231 Program:
Section: Date Submitted:
Name: Instructor:
1. Objective(s):
This activity aims to execute basic commands using command line interface of Linux.
3. Discussion :
<create a discussion about Shell, Bash Shell, Linux Commands, Arguments and Options, History,
Different Command Types, Shell Variables and Quoting >
4. Resources:
Personal Computer with installed Virtual Box
Ubuntu Server or Desktop virtual machine
5. Procedure:
1. An alias can be used to map longer commands to shorter key sequences. Use an alias to
represent a very long command.
2. Create a new directory in the Documents directory. Rename the directory as CPE_231_(lastname).
Create a new file inside the CPE_231_(lastname) directory. Rename the file as
sample1_lastname.txt. Display the content of the CPE_231_(lastname) directory by executing one
line of command only.
3. Execute a command to display the working shell.
4. Shell variables, called environment variables, have the string data type and typically are named
with capital letters and the _ (underline) character. Names are case sensitive. The env command
will list all the environment variables. The printenv command will list all or will list only the names
on its command line. List all environment variables. Which start with P?
7. Problem Analysis:
1. Execute ls $HOME. Now execute ls $HOME/.[a-z]* . Explain the difference of the two commands.
2. Differentiate internal commands from external commands.
3. To change an existing environment variable in the current terminal session, export DOG="hi there"
Try it. What command would print the value of DOG? _____________________________
8. Conclusion