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Zoology - Human Health and Disease - Key

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Sri Chaitanya Educational Institutions, India



INTRODUCTION 17. Protozoan, large intestine, amoebic

1. Black bile dysentery
2. William Harvey 18. Cramps, mucus and blood clots
3. Genetic disorder; Color blindness 19. Houseflies
4. Life style disorder 20. Intestinal
5. Physical, mental, social well being 21. internal bleeding, intestinal passage.
6. infectious, AIDS 22. Contaminated food and water
7. Cancer 23. Wuchereria (W. bancrofti and W. malayi),
COMMON DISEASES IN HUMAN 24. the lower limbs; elephantiasis or filariasis
1. Gut parasite (enterozoic) 25. Microsporum,Trichophyton and
2. Salmonella typhi Epidermophyton
3. Intestinal perforation 26. Ringworms
4. Widal test 27. Ringworms
5. Mary Mallon 28. Ascariasis, ringworms,
6. Streptococcus Pneumoniae and 29. Gambusia
Haemophyllus influenza 30. 1, 2, 3 - typhoid, amoebiasis and
7. Lungs ascariasis.
8. Dysentery, plague, diphtheria a, b , c - pneumonia , common cold,
9. Plasmodium falciparum diphtheria
10. Sporozoite, gametocytes p, q, r , s -Malaria, filaria, dengue,
11. Liver cells, RBC chikungunya
12. Haemozoin 31. smallpox
13. Sporozoites, salivary glands 32. Innate immunity and Acquired immunity.
14. Vector 33. Innate immunity
15. Gametocytes, gut of female anopheles 34. 1, 2 - skin, mucus; a, b – saliva, tears p, q-
mosquito cells of blood (polymorpho nuclear cells,
16. Asexual, sexual NK cells, cells of tissues (macrophages)
x, y -interleukins, interferons
35. respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital 58. artificial active immunity
36. interferons 59. natural active immunity
37. A- before birth B- after birth; C- non 60. passive immunity.
specific, D- specific; E-no memory, F- 61. antibodies (IgA)
shows memory G- first and second line, 62. IgG, Placenta
H- 3rd line 63. memory’
38. primary response 64. antigenic proteins of pathogen or
39. secondary or anamnestic response. inactivated/weakened pathogen
40. memory 65. antibody, antigen
41. a- low intensity, b- high intensity; c- 66. memory – B and T-cells
IgM>IgG, d-IgG>IgM; e-long time, f- 67. Primary and secondary
short time 68. the preformed antibodies,
42. B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes 69. antigens, antibodies
43. B-lymphocytes 70. A-antigen, B-antibody; P-slow, Q-quick;
44. two heavy and two light R-yes, S-no; 1-recover from chicken pox,
45. Fab and Fc measles
46. A- antigen binding site (Fab), B- light 2- antibodies of colostrum of mother to
chain, C- heavy chain, D- Fc new born ; X- vaccination, Y-
47. Two, Two ATS,AVS,ARS
48. A- one, B- two (dimeric), C-one 71. Hepatitis –B vaccine
(monomeric), D-5 (pentameric) 72. yeast
P- cross the placenta Q- abundant in 73. exaggerated
colostrums milk, R- allergy, S- Blood 74. IgE
group antibodies 75. serotonin, mast cells.
49. IgG and IgE 76. adrenalin and steroids
50. Humoral immunity 77. lowering, more
51. T cells 78. protected environment provided early in
52. cell-mediated immune response life
53. Tissue, blood group 79. foreign organisms (e.g., pathogens) and
54. immuno–suppressants self-cells.
55. living or dead microbes or other proteins, 80. Rheumatoid arthritis
56. Active 81. vitilligo, psoriasis,
57. Vaccination 82. antigens
83. origin and/or maturation and proliferation 103. Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay
84. bone marrow and thymus (ELISA).
85. 1- yes 2-no; A-yes, B-no; C-no, D-yes; E- 104. anti-retroviral drugs
yes, F-no; G-no, H-yes; I- no, J-yes 105. Blood transfusion
86. spleen, lymph nodes, 106. AIDS, It is an infectious disease
87. secondary 107. Contact inhibition
88. A- lymph nodes, B- thymus , C- 108. Benign
lymphatic vessels 109. Neoplastic or tumor cells.
89. A- main lymphoid organ, B- lobed ; C- in 110. competing for vital nutrients.
long bones ,sternum, ribs, vertebra, D- 111. metastasis
near heart beneath the breast bone; E – 112. A- yes, B-no; C-no, D-yes; E-yes, F-no;
works throughout life F- decrease with G-no, H-yes
increasing age; G-Produces all cells of 113. Physical, chemical, biological
blood, H- Maturation of T-lymphocytes 114. physical
90. Spleen, lymphnodes 115. tobacco smoke
91. spleen, formed elements(RBC, 116. oncogenic viruses
Phagocytes, platelets) 117. normal cells
92. cerebral tracts 118. leukemias.
93. MALT 119. histopathological
94. Human Immuno deficiency Virus (HIV), 120. the internal organs
retrovirus 121. Computed tomography
95. A- through placenta, B-through seminal 122. MRI
fluid, C-sharing of needles, D- Blood 123. MRI
transfusion 124. Antibodies
96. A- reverse transcriptase; B- viral RNA; C- 125. PCR
New viral RNA; D- Integrase 126. predispose
97. 5-10 years 127. Tobacco smoke
98. macrophages 128. radiotherapy,
99. helper T-lymphocytes 129. Chemotherapy
100. diarrhoea and weight loss. 130. α interferons
101. Mycobacterium, Toxoplasma 131. flowering plants.
102. B, A 132. central nervous system and
gastrointestinal tract.
133. smack, diacetylmorphine 156. lung, urinary bladder and throat,
134. Heroin 157. A-bronchitis,B- emphysema, C-coronary
135. acetylation heart disease, D-gastric ulcer,
136. latex 158. oral cavity
137. snorting and injection, 159. carbon monoxide (CO)
138. depressant 160. morphine, cannabinoid
139. brain. 161. 12-18 years
140. inflorescences 162. experimentation
141. hashish, charas 163. Addiction
142. inhalation and oral ingestion, 164. Dependence
143. cardio-vascular system 165. nausea and sweating,
144. Erythroxylum coca, 166. Dependence
145. dopamine 167. reckless behaviour, vandalism and
146. coke or crack, snorted. violence
147. stimulating 168. cerebral hemorrhage.
148. increase 169. combination, alcohol
149. cocaine 170. morphine and heroin
150. Atropa belladona and Datura and 171. nervous system and liver (cirrhosis)
Cannabis 172. cannabinoids
151. depression and insomnia, 173. A-yes, B-no; C-no, D- yes; E- no, F-yes
152. Morphine 174. premature closure of growth centers
153. Psychological (epiphyseal plates) of long bones
154. nicotine, 175. Increased androgens have negative
155. adrenal gland, adrenaline and nor- feedback with FSH and LH

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