Invitation For Expression of Interest FOR Space Qualified Opto-Mechanical Assembly For Hyperspectral Payload
Invitation For Expression of Interest FOR Space Qualified Opto-Mechanical Assembly For Hyperspectral Payload
Invitation For Expression of Interest FOR Space Qualified Opto-Mechanical Assembly For Hyperspectral Payload
Dated: 9th Oct, 2020
The Hyperspectral Payload unit consists of one unit of Visible-Near Infrared (VNIR)
Opto-mechanical Assembly and one unit of Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) Opto-
mechanical Assembly. Both the units will be mounted on a payload bracket provided by
IRDE. The detailed specifications of SWIR & VNIR units are given in subsequent
sections of this document.
The broad scope of work consists of:
1) Design and Fabrication Light weight Primary mirror
2) Design and Fabrication of Dispersive Element (Grating)
3) Design and Fabrication of Order Sorting Filter
4) Optimization of Opto-mechanical design provided by IRDE
5) Structural and thermal analysis of complete assembly including
electronics card
6) Fabrication, assembly, functional testing and space qualification testing of
Opto-mechanical assembly
7) Documentation for space qualification
1. Spectral Range √
4. Spectral Resolution √
5. Spectral Bands √
6. SNR √
7. Operating Temp. √
8. Weight √
9. Size √
10. √
11. √
12. √
13. √
14. √
15. Linear Dispersion (spectral gradient) √
2. Eligibility Criteria:
Based on the response to EOI, the firm would be evaluated as per the following
eligibility criteria. The firm should furnish relevant documents in support of their claims
for each points.
I. Technical Capabilities:
a. The vendor should have successfully developed and delivered minimum one
set of Opto-mechanical module in last 5 years with similar complexity to any
Indian Government Organisation.
b. Expertise in space grade opto-mechanical design and design & fabrication of
space grade including light weight primary mirror, grating and order sorting filter.
c. In house capability of assembly of opto-mechanical component of space grade
d. Expertise in Finite Element Analysis & Design tools such as SolidWorks, NX
Nastran, Ansys, Code5 or equivalent and availability of these tools.
The firms will be evaluated based on brief technical compliance and Vendor
Qualification Criteria.
a) Firms are required to send their response to this EoI to The Director, IRDE,
Raipur Road, Dehradun – 248008 on or before the date & time as given in the
advertisement, with the details as required in para 2 above of EoI.
b) The Firm shall compulsorily enclose all proofs as Annexures to response to EoI.
Responses which are not in compliance with our EoI conditions will be rejected,
without assigning any reasons thereof. IRDE reserves the right to request for any
additional information, if required. Failure to furnish all requisite information or
and/or documents shall result in repudiation of the EoI, without assigning any
reasons thereof.
c) The Firm should have a valid GST registration. The Firm should submit self-
attested copy(ies) of the Certificates of Incorporation and other certificates that
are legally required for carrying out its business activities.
d) Income Tax Returns of the last three years, duly certified by a Charted
Accountant, have to be submitted.
e) An undertaking (self-certificate) is to be submitted that, the firm hasn’t been
blacklisted by any Central/State Government Department/Central Government
Funded Organizations/ State Government funded organizations/ World Bank, or
other World Bank organizations and is not under any illegal expression by
Government of India.
i) All hardware and software design, under the scope of work, will be the sole
property of DRDO and DRDO will have the IPR for the same.
j) Further, the firm must not quote any of these works in any publications or to any
of their customers without explicit permission from IRDE and adhere to strict
k) The vendors Qualified by the VEC shall be allowed to participate in the tender to
be floated for the same in due course.
l) The Vendor shall be willing for development time of 10-12 Months from the
placement of firm supply order.
4. Response to EOI format :
The vendors have to upload their proposal on the CPP portal and/orsubmit enclosed in
a sealed envelope and superscribed “Expression of Interest: “Space Qualified Opto-
mechanical Assembly for Hyperspectral Payload”.
The prospective vendors are requested to submit the proposal by
02 Nov, 2020 before 1000 Hrs. For assistance, clarifications and questions regarding
this EoI, you are welcome to contact:
EOI Response Format
######## Cover Letter
(Firm’s letterhead) [Date]
Instruments Research & Development Establishment (IRDE)
Raipur Road, Dehradun - 248008
Dear Sir,
Having examined the Expression of Interest (EoI), the receipt of which is hereby duly
acknowledged, we, the undersigned, intend to submit our response to the Expression of
Interest: Space Qualified Opto-mechanical Assembly for Hyperspectral Payload,
We fully understand and agree to comply that, on verification, if any of the information
provided here is found to be misleading the short listing process, we are liable to be
dismissed from the selection process or termination of the contract during the execution
of the contract.
We agree for unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in the EoI
It is hereby confirmed that I / We are entitled to act on behalf of our
company/corporation/ firm / organization and empowered to sign this document as well
as such other documents, which may be required in this connection.
Dated this
(Signature) (In the capacity of)
Duly authorized to sign the EoI Response for and on behalf of:
(Name and Address of Company) Seal / Stamp of the Firm(Firm’s Seal)
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Space Grade Opto-mechanical Assembly supplied:
Type of System*
Scope of Work Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N
PO Date
Present Status of the PO / Date of
completion of PO
10) Are you an offset Partner/subcontractor to any foreign Industry (Prime contractor). If
yes provide the details in the format given below:
I. Technical Capabilities:
The vendor should have successfully developed and delivered minimum one set of
Opto-mechanical module in last 5 years with similar* complexity to any Government
[*The word "Similar" above means]:
Manufacturing of high precision Opto-mechanical components involving
structural materials such as Invar-36, Titanium alloy, Kovar, CFRP, Zerodur,
Fused Silica & Zinc Sulphide.
Facility for manufacturing & Inspection of Opto-mechanical components having
size 450 mm in direction x, y & z.
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Facility for gluing of Opto-mechanical components in given precision which
could survive given qualification requirements.
Facility for Integration of Opto-mechanical module which includes class 10,000
clean room & Optical infrastructure to assist the assembly procedure.
The vendor should provide the details of technical capability compliance (along with the
relevant documents in support of their compliance), as per format given below:
Table 1:
Sl Parameters Response Vendor Remark
No Matrix
1. Expertise in space grade opto-
mechanical design and design &
fabrication of space grade grating
(dispersive element). (Essential)
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II. Manufacturing and Infrastructure Facilities:
The Vendor should provide the details of manufacturing and infrastructure test facilities
(in-house/tie-up)(along with the relevant documents in support of their compliance), as
per format given below:
Table 2:
The vendor should provide the details expertise man-power strength [employed/
contracted], along with the relevant documents in support of their compliance, as per
format given below:
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Table 3:
Sl No Expertise Area Response Vendor Remark
1. Expertise in Optical design & Design Yes/No
tools such as Code5 (Essential)
The Vendor should submit its firm’s financial status (ITR, balance sheet, profit & loss
account) of the last 3 financial years, i.e. for FY 2017-18, FY2018-19 and FY2019-20 (to
be attached for verification). The vendor should provide the details of financial
capabilities compliance (along with the relevant documents in support of their
compliance), as per format given below:
Table 4:
Sl No Parameters Response Vendor Remark
1. At least one successful development
and realization of space qualified
Opto-mechanical module for from any
Government Agency
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2. Average annual turnover of at least
INR 10 crores for the last 3 financial Yes/No
years i.e. FY 2017-18, FY2018-19 and
FY2019-20. (Essential)
3. Experience of having successfully
completed at least one similar project Yes/No
complexity &costing not less than Rs.
10 crores during last 5 years
4. Profit making Company for last 3 Yes/No
years (Desirable)
Vendor to furnish at least one copy of previous supply order for successful
development and realization of space qualified Opto-mechanical module based on QA
plans from any Government Agency and also submit information in following format.
Type of System*
Scope of Work
PO Date
Present Status of the PO / Date of
completion of PO
*Indicate whether it is Optics/mechanical/Opto-mechnical or any other system
** Mention if the system is for Space borne or any other use
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Table 5:
Sl No Parameters Response Vendor Remark
1. Quality Management System, Quality
Control System: Quality Standards/ Yes/No
Certifications obtained by the Vendor
(AS9100, Rev C/ ISO 9001:2008/
2. In-house quality management
standards Yes/No
3. Previous record of compliance with the Yes/No
intended delivery schedule
Compliance Matrix
Refer Para Compliance
Description Remark
No. (Yes/No)
1 Acceptance to EoI Scope of work (brief)
Acceptance to general Terms & Conditions of
3 EoI Response Format duly filled
4 List of Annexure as per EoI format
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