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International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 93 (2017) 15–20

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International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics

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Coefficient of equivalent plastic strain based on the associated flow of the MARK
Drucker-Prager criterion

Xiang Dinga, Guangqing Zhangb,
Department of Engineering Mechanics, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China
State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Engineering, 102249, Beijing, China


Keywords: This paper proposes a generalized expression for the coefficient of equivalent plastic strain based on the
Drucker-Prager criterion associated flow of the Drucker-Prager criterion for geomeaterials. By conducting triaxial compression tests of
Coefficient of equivalent plastic strain sandstone samples in the laboratory, the coefficient of pressure sensitivity α and the shearing cohesion k of
Plastic volumetric strain sandstone samples are calibrated as functions of the plastic volumetric strain. The coefficient of equivalent
Associated flow
plastic strain is dependent on the chosen yield criterion. When the Mises yield criterion is used, the coefficient of
equivalent plastic strain equals 2/3 . Moreover, the equivalent plastic strain based on the associated flow of the
Drucker-Prager criterion is no longer a constant but decreases gradually with the plastic deformation, and its
value is always less than 2/3 . If the coefficient of equivalent plastic strain based on the associated flow of the
Drucker-Prager criterion is taken as 2/3 , which is a conventional practice and a basis of many finite element
software, the computed value of the equivalent plastic strain will significantly deviate from the actual value.

1. Introduction However the physical basis for these definitions of equivalent plastic
strain is not always clear. Among these expressions of equivalent plastic
In plasticity theory, the total distortion of the elements of a material strain, expressions ⑤ and ⑥ as shown in Table 1 are most commonly
is described by an important parameter which is usually called as used. Hereunder follows the explanation of how the constant 2/3 was
equivalent strain or effective strain, and sometimes shear strain obtained in the expressions ⑤ and ⑥ in Table 1.
intensity [1]. In this paper, all three terms are referred to as the For metals, the plastic volumetric strain equals zero during plastic
equivalent strain. Particularly after a material enters its plastic stage, deformation; thus,
plastic deformation becomes important and the equivalent plastic strain dεvp = dε1p + dε2p + dε3p = 0 (2)
is used to describe this distortion. Similarly, in situations involving
plastic hardening and softening, the equivalent plastic strain is com- According to Eq. (2) the three principal plastic strain increments
monly used to describe the plastic loading history. While the term will have the following relationships,
“equivalent plastic strain” has been extensively used, several definitions dε1p : dε2p : dε3p = 1: m: −(1 + m ) (3)
of this term are available in the literature.
Considering that the equivalent plastic strain is a positive quantity In the particular case of uniaxial stress condition,
and possesses the dimension of strain, the equivalent plastic strain can dε2p = dε3p (4)
be defined as follows [2]:
Solving for the constant m in Eq. (3) by using Eq. (4),
dεp = C⋅ dεijp dεijp (1)
where dεp is the equivalent plastic strain increment, C is the coefficient 2 (5)
of equivalent plastic strain, dεijp are the components of plastic strain Then, the equivalent plastic strain under uniaxial stress condition is
increment, and the letter “p” indicates plastic deformation.
expressed as,
Moreover, several different forms of equivalent plastic strain (or
equivalent plastic strain increment) have been suggested as shown in
Table 1.

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: fengyunxiang123@outlook.com (X. Ding), zhangguangqing@cup.edu.cn (G. Zhang).

Received 13 October 2016; Received in revised form 18 April 2017; Accepted 18 April 2017
Available online 19 April 2017
0020-7462/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Ding, G. Zhang International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 93 (2017) 15–20

Nomenclature I1 The first invariant of stress tensor

α Coefficient of pressure sensitivity in Drucker-Prager cri-
dεp Equivalent plastic strain increment terion
C Coefficient of the equivalent plastic strain k Shearing cohesion in Drucker-Prager criterion
dεijp Components of plastic strain increment σ1, σ2, σ3 Principal stress
εp Equivalent plastic strain dWp Plastic work increment
deijp Deviatoric plastic strain increment dλ A non-negative scalar function that will vary through the
ε ṗ (τ ) Plastic shearing rate plastic loading history
dεvp Plastic volumetric strain increment δkl Kronecker symbol
dε1p , dε2p , dε3p Principal plastic strain increment skl Deviatoric stress components
m Constant indicating the ratio of principal plastic strain f Yield criterion
increment φ Angle of internal friction
g (σij ) Plastic potential function expressed in stress components c Cohesion
A&n Constants that depend on yield criterion chosen κ Plastic internal variable
σij Stress components ε1p , ε2p , ε3p Principal plastic strain
σe Effective stress ε1e , ε2e , ε3e Principal elastic strain
J2 The second invariant of stress deviator tensor

dεp = C⋅ (dε1p )2 + (dε2p )2 + (dε3p )2 the most commonly used yield criteria are the Mohr-Coulomb criteria
and the Drucker-Prager criteria. These criteria involve normal stress
⎛ 1 ⎞2 ⎛ 1 ⎞2 terms, so the plastic volumetric strain is no longer zero. Therefore,
= C⋅ (dε1p )2 + ⎜ − dε1p⎟ + ⎜ − dε1p⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠ unlike in metals, it is inappropriate for the geomaterials to use
3 C = 2/3 as the coefficient of equivalent plastic strain.
= C⋅ dε1p Some studies have focused on the coefficient of the equivalent
2 (6)
plastic strain C . Sidebottom [7] experimentally investigated the coeffi-
Suppose C = 2/3 , then from Eq. (6), the equivalent plastic strain cient of the equivalent plastic strain C for Tresca materials. Based on
increment dεp equals the axial plastic strain increment dε1p under an the fact that the plastic work is equal to the equivalent plastic strain
uniaxial stress condition. multiplied by the equivalent yield stress, Berg [9] deduced the
It is obvious that the precondition of C = 2/3 is based on Eq. (2), coefficient of plastic strain to be C = 2/3 when Mises yield criterion
where the plastic volumetric strain is zero during plastic deformation. was used. Li et.al [10] computed the deviation by replacing the
Han & Reddy [4] and Vermeer & Borst [5] deliberately explained why equivalent plastic strain with the maximum principle strain in metal
the coefficient of equivalent plastic strain C equals to 2/3 . They plasticity where C = 2/3 . Zhu et.al [11] computed the relative error of
considered the same precondition that the plastic volumetric strain is the equivalent plastic strain. Chen & Zhang [12] realized that the
zero during plastic deformation stage. Note that the value of m set as coefficients of equivalent plastic strain are different for different yield
“−1/2″ in the finite element software “Abaqus” for the same reason criteria, namely, the coefficient C is 2/3 for the Mises yield condition
that plastic volume is conserved during plastic deformation (Plastic and 1/2 for the Rankine condition. Colby [13] presented equivalent
Poisson's Ratio=0.5). Fang et al. [8] disccussed the compressibility of plastic strain for the Hill's yield criterion for a general state of three-
materials, the plastic volumetric strain and the concept of the plastic dimensional loading and suggested that the coefficient of equivalent
Poisson's ratio in detail. plastic strain depends on the yield criterion. Colby [13] further
In metal plasticity, the Mises criterion is mostly used and the suggested that the expression 3 dεijp dεijp might be named as “Von Mises'
hydrostatic stress will not cause any plastic volumetric strain, so the equivalent plastic strain”.
plastic volumetric strain will always be zero. Since these assumptions Despite the realization that dilation (and hence volume change) is
hold practically true for metals, the coefficient of plastic strain can be prevalent in rocks, many papers on the dilation of rocks [14–16] took
reasonable taken as 2/3 . However, when it comes to geomaterials, the coefficient of equivalent plastic strain as a constant value of 2/3 ,
dilatancy will occur during plastic deformation, and the plastic volu- which is based on the assumption of constant volume. It is contra-
metric strain is no more zero. In the study of plasticity of geomaterials, dictory in the study of the dilation of rocks to assume that the plastic
volumetric strain is zero in the plastic deformation stage.
Table 1 Therefore, for geomaterials, a more generalized definition of the
Different forms of equivalent plastic strain (or equivalent plastic strain increment).
coefficient of equivalent plastic strain should be proposed. Drucker-
No. Expression Note References Prager criterion has been widely used in constitutive modeling and
numerical simulation [17–19]. In this paper, a generalized expression
① dεp = C⋅ dεijp dεijp dεp is the equivalent plastic strain [2] of the coefficient of equivalent plastic strain based on the associated
increment flow of Drucker-Prager criterion is derived and the coefficient is also
② εp = ∫ dεijp dεijp εp is the equivalent plastic strain [2]
calibrated by triaxial compression tests of rock samples in the labora-
③ εp = ∫ 2dεijp dεijp εp is the equivalent plastic strain [1] tory. The plastic volumetric strain is chosen as the plastic internal
④ 1 deijp is deviatoric plastic strain [3] variable, and the change in the coefficient of equivalent plastic strain
dεp = de p de p
2 ij ij with the plastic internal variable is investigated in the plastic deforma-
⑤ 2 t ε ṗ (τ ) is the plastic shearing rate [4,5] tion stage.
εp =
∫0 ε ṗ (τ ) dτ
⑥ 2 1 dεp is the equivalent plastic strain [6]
dεp = + {dεijp dεijp} 2
3 increment 2. Deduction of the coefficient of equivalent plastic strain based
⑦ dεp =
(dε1p − dε3p ) dεp is the equivalent plastic strain [7]
2 on the associated Drucker-Prager criterion
⑧ dεp =
(dε1p − dε3p ) dεp is the equivalent plastic strain [7]
increment In describing the plastic deformation process of a perfectly plastic
material, plastic internal variable is the only parameter needed to

X. Ding, G. Zhang International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 93 (2017) 15–20

record the plastic loading history. However, for materials with hard- ∂f ∂( J2 − αI1) s
= = kl − αδkl
ening or softening behavior, an additional parameter is required to ∂σkl ∂σkl 2 J2 (21)
describe the change of material behavior with the loading history.
The uniaxial loading test is usually the most convenient way to then,
investigate the mechanical properties of materials. In order to general- ∂f ∂f 2αskk s s
= α 2δkk − + kl lk
ize the material parameters obtained by a uniaxial loading experiment ∂σkl ∂σkl 2 J2 4J2 (22)
to a more complex loading condition, two parameters are defined: the
equivalent stress and the equivalent plastic strain. The equivalent stress for
is defined as follows: δkk = 3 (23)
g (σij ) = Aσen (7) skk = 0 (24)
where g is the plastic potential function expressed in terms of stress skl slk = 2J2 (25)
components σij ; A and n are constants that depend on the yield criterion
chosen; and σe is the equivalent stress. Then, Eq. (22) is simplified as follows,
For the associated Drucker-Prager criterion, ∂f ∂f 1
= 3α 2 +
g (σij ) = J2 − αI1 ∂σkl ∂σkl 2 (26)
where I1 is the first invariant of the stress tensor; J2 is the second
invariant of the stress deviator tensor; and α is the coefficient of ∂f
σij = J2 − αI1
pressure sensitivity. The constant in the plastic potential function is ∂σij (27)
neglected since this term will vanish in acquiring the plastic strain
With Eqs. (16) and (19),
increments by differentiating function g (σij ) with respect to stress
components σij . ∂f
σe dεp = dλσij
Under a uniaxial loading condition, ∂σij (28)
σe = σ1 (9) ∂f
Substituting dλ , σij ∂σ , σe from Eqs. (20)–(27) into Eq. (28), the
σ2 = σ3 = 0 (10) following expression is obtained:

Substituting Eqs. (8), (9) and (10) into Eq. (7) gives J2 − αI1 dεijp dεijp
dεp = ( J2 − αI1)
1/3 − α 1
( 1/3 − α ) σ1 = Aσ1n (11) 3α 2 + (29)

By rearranging Eq. (11), we get Therefore,

A= 1/3 − α (12) 1/3 − α
dεp = dεijp dεijp
(13) 1
n=1 3α 2 + 2 (30)
Substituting Eqs. (12) and (13) ( A and n ) and Eq. (8) into Eq. (7)
Comparing Eq. (30) and Eq. (1), the coefficient of equivalent plastic
strain based on the associated Drucker-Prager criterion can be ex-
J2 − αI1 = ( 1/3 − α ) σe (14) pressed as follows:

From Eq. (14) the equivalent stress is obtained as, 1/3 − α

3α 2 + (31)
J2 − αI1 2
σe =
1/3 − α (15) For the particular case when α = 0 , Eq. (31) yields that the
The equivalent plastic strain increment can also be defined in terms coefficient C equals 2/3 , which is the familiar condition of Mises
of the plastic work per unit volume in the form [2], yield criterion.

dWp = σe dεp (16) 3. Relationship between the coefficient of equivalent plastic

Meanwhile, the plastic work is strain and the coefficient of pressure sensitivity

dWp = σij dεijp (17) In the principal stress space, when the yield surface of the Drucker-
Prager criterion circumscribes the yield surface of the Mohr-Coulomb
For the associated flow rule, the plastic strain increments can be
criterion [2,20–22], we have
expressed as
2 sin φ
∂f α=
dεijp = dλ 3 (3 − sin φ) (32)
∂σij (18)
6c⋅ cos φ
Therefore, Eq. (17) can be expressed. k=
3 (3 − sin φ) (33)
dWp = dλσij where φ is the internal friction angle and c is the cohesion in the Mohr-
∂σij (19)
Coulomb criterion. (For the parameters α and k that have not been
Then dλ can be solved from Eq. (19) as named in the list of symbols suggested by ISRM, this paper used k as the
shearing cohesion in order to distinguish it from the cohesion c in the
dεijp dεijp
dλ = Mohr-Coulomb criterion, and α as the coefficient of pressure sensitivity
∂f ∂f
in order to consider the influence of hydrostatic pressure). Yin [21]
∂σkl ∂σkl (20)
stated that α is the strength parameter that describes the dependence on
For the Drucker-Prager yield criterion, hydrostatic pressure and k is the strength parameter that indicates the

X. Ding, G. Zhang International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 93 (2017) 15–20

internal cohesion to withstand shearing. Both φ and α describe the system, TFD-1000, in the CUPB laboratory was utilized. The fluid-servo
characteristic of internal friction while both c and k describe the rock testing machine has the stiffness in excess of 10 GN/m.
characteristic of internal cohesion. The four specimens (Φ25×50 mm) were drilled from a Φ100 mm
Conventionally, the Mohr-Coulomb criterion is used as a failure core that was previously taken from a tight oil reservoir in Changqing
criterion in which the angle of internal friction φ and the cohesion c are Oil field located in the northwest China. There were no visible cracks in
constants. However, in the plastic stage, the angle of internal friction φ these four samples after drilling. The maximum diameter of particles in
and the cohesion c are no longer constants but do vary with the plastic these sandstone samples was far less than 1/20th of the diameter of the
internal variable κ . This has been extensively discussed in many studies samples (25 mm). The ends of the samples were grinded, and the
[5,23–36] among which the CWFS (cohesion weakening & friction flatness and perpendicularity were checked.
strengthening) model [37–40] receives the most recognition. The samples were wrapped with heat-shrink tubes to isolate the
Hence, the coefficient of pressure sensitivity α and the shearing samples from the confining fluid. There was no change in the pore
cohesion k in the Drucker-Prager criterion also vary with the plastic pressure and thus these tests were drained tests. The axial and
internal variable during plastic deformation. Then, the Drucker-Prager circumferential displacements were measured by LVDTs with a resolu-
criterion considering the hardening and weakening of materials can be tion of 0.0001 mm.
expressed as, The tests followed the ISRM standard [41]. At the beginning of a
test, the axial strain control mode was used and the specimen was
f (I1, J2 , α (κ ), k (κ )) = J2 − α (κ ) I1 − k (κ ) (34)
loaded at an axial strain rate of 0.001 mm/mm/s until the applied load
Eq. (34) can further be modified as follows: reached to approximately 70% of the expected peak load. At 70% of the
peak load, the control mode was switched to the circumferential strain
1/3 − α (κ ) control mode, and the test was continued at a circumferential strain
C (κ ) =
3(α (κ ))2 + 1/2 (35) rate of 0.0001 mm/mm/s. The stress-strain curves under different
confining pressures were obtained as shown in Fig. 2.
As we see from Eq. (35), the coefficient of equivalent plastic strain C
The whole data mining process is summarized into several stages.
is not a constant but a function of plastic internal variable. In order to
Firstly, an initial yield point was identified in each stress-strain curve
obtain the evolution of the coefficient of equivalent plastic strain C , we
(ith curve) to transfer the stress-strain curve σ − ε into a stress-plastic
must acquire the evolution of the coefficient of pressure sensitivity α
internal variable curve σ − κ . Each κi corresponded to four J2 values
with the plastic internal variable.
under four different I1 values. With these four pairs of J2 − I1, the
Either of the equivalent plastic strain, plastic work, or plastic
coefficient of pressure sensitivity α and the shearing cohesion k were
volumetric strain can be selected as the plastic internal variable [25].
fitted. Detailed computation process is introduced as the following
In this study, the plastic volume strain is selected as the plastic internal
variable such that,
Firstly, the initial yield stress σ10s was determined in each
κ = Vp = εiip (36) (σ1 − σ3) − ε1 curve as suggested by [25].
Secondly the stress-strain curves were transferred into yield stress-
plastic internal variable curves. After the initial yield was occurred, the
4. Evolution of the coefficient of the equivalent plastic strain with total strain at each point possessed plastic strain and elastic strain
the plastic internal variable components which were calculated by the Hooke's Law as,

In order to derive the relationship between the coefficient of ⎧ ε1e ⎫ ⎡ ⎤ σ

⎪ e⎪ 1 1 − ν − ν ⎧ 1s ⎫
pressure sensitivity α and the plastic internal variable κ = Vp , triaxial ⎨ ε2 ⎬ = ⎢− ν 1 − ν ⎥ ⎨ σ2 ⎬
⎪ ⎪

experiments were performed in the laboratory of rock mechanics in ⎪ e ⎪ E ⎢⎣− ν − ν 1 ⎥⎦ ⎩ σ3 ⎭⎪ ⎪

⎩ ε3 ⎭ (37)
China University of Petroleum-Beijing(CUPB), as shown in Fig. 1, based
on the suggested method by ISRM [41].
where E is the elastic modulus, ν is Poisson's ratio and σ1s is the
Triaxial compression tests of four specimens of dimension
subsequent yield stress. For the conventional triaxial compression tests,
Φ25×50 mm were performed with confining pressures of 5 MPa,
σ2 = σ3. Therefore, the plastic strain was obtained by subtracting the
10 MPa, 15 MPa and 20 MPa. The displacement control mode was
elastic strain from the total strain as recorded by the testing system.
adopted to acquire the complete stress-strain curve including the
hardening stage and the softening stage. A fluid-servo rock testing

Fig. 1. A fluid-servo rock testing system at the CUPB. Fig. 2. Stress–strain curves under different confining pressures.

X. Ding, G. Zhang International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 93 (2017) 15–20

Table 2
Evolution of α and k with the plastic internal variable.

κ α k /MPa

0 0.166 38.8
0.004 0.227 37.9
0.008 0.264 35.2
0.012 0.287 32.7
0.016 0.303 30.4
0.02 0.311 28.9
0.024 0.317 27.6
0.028 0.320 26.5
0.032 0.325 24.9
0.036 0.329 23.0

α (κ ) = 0.0463 ln(κ ) + 0.488 (41)

Fig. 3. Yield stress-plastic internal variable curves σ1s − κ for different confining k (κ ) = −444.697κ + 38.595 (42)
Fig. 5 schematically illustrates the mobilization of the cohesive
⎧ ε p = ε1 − ε1e strength parameter and the frictional strength parameter in triaxial
⎪ 1p compression tests. The mobilization of internal friction angle φ and
⎨ ε2 = ε2 − ε2e
⎪ p e cohesion c had been intensively studied for decades with different rock
⎩ ε3 = ε3 − ε3 (38) types, such as granite [27,31,35,37–40], marble [33,34],sand-
As mentioned before, the plastic volumetric strain was chosen to be stone [23,25,26,32],diatomaceous soft rock [26] and salt [20]. Yet,
the plastic internal variable. By the definition, it was calculated as the the direct measurement of the mobilization of coefficient of pressure
sum of the three principal plastic strains, sensitivity α and shearing cohesion k through triaxial compression tests
was reported only in 2014 by Yao [42]. Confusingly, however, Yao [42]
κ = ε1p + ε2p + ε3p (39) concluded that the shearing strength k decreases firstly and then begins
to increase with the axial plastic strain ε1p in the late post-peak stage.
Thereafter, the stress-strain curves σ − ε were turned into yield Obviously, such a conclusion is not intuitive, particularly as the
stress-plastic internal variable curves σ1s − κ as illustrated in Fig. 3. conclusion indicated that the cohesive parameter k could increase even
Thirdly, as shown in Eq. (34), J2 and I1 are linearly related as,
if a shearing band had already been formed. Actually, the mobilization
J2 = α (κi ) I1 + k (κi ) (40) of strength parameters of the present results was similar to the CWFS
model with the difference that both α and k did not reach a residual
Taking the four initial yield points at κ = 0 as an example, the stage.
J2 − I1 line was fitted as shown in Fig. 3. The relationship between the coefficient of equivalent plastic strain
From Eq. (43) and Fig. 4, the values of α and k were obtained as, and the plastic internal variable was obtained through interpolation.
α|κ=0 = 0.166 and k|κ=0 = 38.8 MPa. With this interpolation for α = α (κi ) and by using Eq. (35), a relation-
Repeating similar linear fitting process for different values of plastic ship was obtained between the coefficient of the equivalent plastic
internal variable κi , the coefficient of pressure sensitivity α and shearing strain and the plastic internal variable and was plotted as shown in
cohesion k were obtained as listed in Table 2. Fig. 6.
Finally, the evolutions of coefficient of pressure sensitivity α and As shown in Fig. 6, the coefficient of the equivalent plastic strain
shearing cohesion k were plotted as shown in Fig. 5. decreased monotonously with the plastic internal variable at a decreas-
From the literature on the mobilization of strength parameters for ing rate. Fig. 5 shows that the coefficient of equivalent plastic strain C
Mohr-Coulomb materials [5,23–36] and by comparison with our under the associated Drucker-Prager criterion is markedly smaller than
results, a log function was used to simulate the increasing of coefficient that under Mises criterion which equals 2/3 . Furthermore, the
of pressure sensitivity α in a decreasing rate with plastic internal difference between those two values increased with an increase in the
variable κ, and a linear function was used to simulate the decreasing of plastic deformation and exceeded a value of 0.5 corresponding to
shearing cohesion k with plastic internal variable κ, respectively.

Fig. 4. Linear fit of J2 − I1 at κ = 0 . Fig. 5. Evolution of parameters α and k with κ .

X. Ding, G. Zhang International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 93 (2017) 15–20

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