Anisotropic Diffusion
Anisotropic Diffusion
Anisotropic Diffusion
in Image Processing
Joachim Weickert
Joachim Weickert
Department of Computer Science
University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark
The cover image shows a thresholded nonwoven fabric image which was processed
by applying a coherence-enhancing anisotropic diffusion filter (see Section 5.2 for
more details). The goal was to visualize the quality relevant adjacent fibre struc-
tures, so-called stripes. The displayed equations describe the basic structure of
nonlinear diffusion filtering in the continuous, semidiscrete, and fully discrete set-
ting. Their theoretical foundations are treated in Chapters 2–4.
such that it should contain interesting material for many readers. The prerequisites
are kept to a minimum and can be found in standard textbooks on image process-
ing [163], matrix analysis [407], functional analysis [9, 58, 7], ordinary differential
equations [56, 412], partial differential equations [185] and their numerical aspects
[293, 286]. The book is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 surveys the fundamental ideas behind PDE-based smoothing and
restoration methods. This general overview sketches their theoretical properties,
numerical methods, applications and generalizations. The discussed methods in-
clude linear and nonlinear diffusion filtering, coupled diffusion–reaction methods,
PDE analogues of classical morphological processes, Euclidean and affine invariant
curve evolutions, and total variation methods.
The subsequent three chapters explore a theoretical framework for anisotropic
diffusion filtering. Chapter 2 presents a general model for the continuous setting
where the diffusion tensor depends on the structure tensor (interest operator,
second-moment matrix), a generalization of the Gaussian-smoothed gradient al-
lowing a more sophisticated description of local image structure. Existence and
uniqueness are discussed, and stability and an extremum principle are proved.
Scale-space properties are investigated with respect to invariances and information-
reducing qualities resulting from associated Lyapunov functionals.
Chapter 3 establishes conditions under which comparable well-posedness and
scale-space results can be proved for the semidiscrete framework. This case takes
into account the spatial discretization which is characteristic for digital images,
but it keeps the scale-space idea of using a continuous scale parameter. It leads
to nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations. We shall investigate under
which conditions it is possible to get consistent approximations of the continuous
anisotropic filter class which satisfy the abovementioned requirements.
In practice, scale-spaces can only be calculated for a finite number of scales,
though. This corresponds to the fully discrete case which is treated in Chapter
4. The investigated discrete filter class comes down to solving linear systems of
equations which may arise from semi-implicit time discretizations of the semidis-
crete filters. We shall see that many numerical schemes share typical features
with their semidiscrete counterparts, for instance well-posedness results, extremum
principles, Lyapunov functionals, and convergence to a constant steady-state. This
chapter also shows how one can design efficient numerical methods which are in
accordance with the fully discrete scale-space framework and which are based on
an additive operator splitting (AOS).
Chapter 5 is devoted to practical topics such as filter design, examples and ap-
plications of anisotropic diffusion filtering. Specific models are proposed which are
tailored towards smoothing with edge enhancement and multiscale enhancement
of coherent structures. Their qualities are illustrated using images arising from
computer aided quality control and medical applications, but also fingerprint im-
ages and impressionistic paintings shall be processed. The results are juxtaposed
to related methods from Chapter 1.
Finally, Chapter 6 concludes the book by giving a summary and discussing
possible future perspectives for nonlinear diffusion filtering.
Acknowledgments. In writing this book I have been helped and influenced
by many people, and it is a pleasure to take this opportunity to express my grat-
itude to them. The present book is an extended and revised version of my Ph.D.
thesis [416], which was written at the Department of Mathematics at the Uni-
versity of Kaiserslautern, Germany. Helmut Neunzert, head of the Laboratory of
Technomathematics, drew my interest to diffusion processes in image processing,
and he provided the possibility to carry out this work at his laboratory. I also
thank him and the other editors of the ECMI Series as well as Teubner Verlag for
their interest in publishing this work.
Pierre–Louis Lions (CEREMADE, University Paris IX) invited me to the CERE-
MADE, one of the birthplaces of many important ideas in this field. He also gave
me the honour to present my results as an invited speaker at the EMS Confer-
ence Multiscale Analysis in Image Processing (Lunteren, The Netherlands, October
1994) to an international audience, and he acted as a referee for the Ph.D. thesis.
After the defence of my thesis in Kaiserslautern, I joined the TGV (“tools
for geometry in vision”) group at Utrecht University Hospital for 14 months. In
this young and dynamic group I had the possibility to learn a lot about medical
image analysis, and to experience Bart ter Haar Romeny’s enthusiasm for scale-
space. During that time I also met Atsushi Imiya (Chiba University, Japan) at
a workshop in Dagstuhl (Germany). He introduced me into the fascinating world
of early Japanese scale-space research conducted by Taizo Iijima decades before
scale-space became popular in America and Europe.
In the meantime I am with the computer vision group of Peter Johansen and
Jens Arnspang (DIKU, Copenhagen University). The discussions and collabora-
tions with the members of this group increased my interest in scale-space related
deep structure analysis and information theory. In the latter field I share many
common interests with Jon Sporring.
The proofreading of this book was done by Martin Reißel and Andrea Bechtold
(Kaiserslautern). Martin Reißel undertook the hard job of checking the whole
manuscript for its mathematical correctness, and Andrea Bechtold was a great help
in all kinds of difficulties with the English language. Also Robert Maas (Utrecht
University Hospital) contributed several useful hints.
This work has been funded by Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, Stiftung Rheinland–
Pfalz für Innovation, the Real World Computing Partnership, the Danish Research
Council, and the EU–TMR Research Network VIRGO.
1.6.5 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
1.6.6 Active contour models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
1.7 Total variation methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
1.7.1 TV-preserving methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
1.7.2 TV-minimizing methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
1.8 Conclusions and further scope of the book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Bibliography 139
Index 165
Chapter 1
j = −D · ∇u. (1.1)
This equation states that a concentration gradient ∇u causes a flux j which aims
to compensate for this gradient. The relation between ∇u and j is described by
the diffusion tensor D, a positive definite symmetric matrix. The case where j and
∇u are parallel is called isotropic. Then we may replace the diffusion tensor by a
positive scalar-valued diffusivity g. In the general anisotropic case, j and ∇u are
not parallel.
The observation that diffusion does only transport mass without destroying it
or creating new mass is expressed by the continuity equation
∂t u = −div j (1.2)
∂t u = ∆u, (1.9)
u(x, 0) = f (x) (1.10)
It depends continuously on the initial image f with respect to k . kL∞ (IR2 ) , and it
fulfils the maximum–minimum principle
Gaussian derivatives
In order to understand the structure of an image we have to analyse grey value
fluctuations within a neighbourhood of each image point, that is to say, we need
information about its derivatives. However, differentiation is ill-posed1 , as small
perturbations in the original image can lead to arbitrarily large fluctuations in
the derivatives. Hence, the need for regularization methods arises. A thorough
A problem is called well-posed, if it has a unique solution which depends continuously on
the input data and parameters. If one of these conditions is violated, it is called ill-posed.
treatment of this mathematical theory can be found in the books of Tikhonov and
Arsenin [402], Louis [266] and Engl et al. [128].
One possibility to regularize is to convolve the image with a Gaussian prior to
differentiation [404]. By the equality
for sufficiently smooth f , we observe that all derivatives undergo the same Gaussian
smoothing process as the image itself and this process is equivalent to convolving
the image with derivatives of a Gaussian.
Replacing derivatives by these Gaussian derivatives has a strong regularizing
effect. This property has been used to stabilize ill-posed problems like deblurring
images by solving the heat equation backwards in time2 [141, 177]. Moreover, Gaus-
sian derivatives can be combined to so-called differential invariants, expressions
that are invariant under transformations such as rotations, for instance |∇Kσ ∗u|
or ∆Kσ ∗u.
Differential invariants are useful for the detection of features such as edges,
ridges, junctions, and blobs; see [256] for an overview. To illustrate this, we focus
on two applications for detecting edges.
A frequently used method is the Canny edge detector [69]. It is based on calcu-
lating the first derivatives of the Gaussian-smoothed image. After applying sophis-
ticated thinning and linking mechanisms (non-maxima suppression and hysteresis
thresholding), edges are identified as locations where the gradient magnitude has a
maximum. This method is often acknowledged to be the best linear edge detector,
and it has become a standard in edge detection.
Another important edge detector is the Marr–Hildreth operator [278], which
uses the Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LoG) ∆Kσ as convolution kernel. Edges of f are
identified as zero-crossings of ∆Kσ ∗f . This needs no further postprocessing and
always gives closed contours. There are indications that LoGs and especially their
approximation by differences-of-Gaussians (DoGs) play an important role in the
visual system of mammals, see [278] and the references therein. Young developed
this theory further by presenting evidence that the receptive fields in primate eyes
are shaped like the sum of a Gaussian and its Laplacian [449], and Koenderink
and van Doorn suggested the set of Gaussian derivatives as a general model for
the visual system [242].
If one investigates the temporal evolution of the zero-crossings of an image fil-
tered by linear diffusion, one observes an interesting phenomenon: When increasing
the smoothing scale σ, no new zero-crossings are created which cannot be traced
back to finer scales [439]. This evolution property is called causality [240]. It is
Of course, solutions of the regularization can only approximate the solution of the original
problem (if it exists). In practice, increasing the order of applied Gaussian derivatives or reducing
the kernel size will finally deteriorate the results of deblurring.
T0 f = f, (1.16)
Tt+s f = Tt (Ts f ) ∀ s, t ≥ 0. (1.17)
This property is very often referred to as the semigroup property. Other architec-
tural principles comprise for instance regularity properties of Tt and local behaviour
as t tends to 0.
Smoothing properties and information reduction arise from the wish that the
transformation should not create artifacts when passing from fine to coarse rep-
resentation. Thus, at a coarse scale, we should not have additional structures
which are caused by the filtering method itself and not by underlying structures
at finer scales. This simplification property is specified by numerous authors in
different ways, using concepts such as no creation of new level curves (causality)
[240, 450, 189, 255], nonenhancement of local extrema [30, 257], decreasing number
Recently it has also been proposed to extend the scale-space concept to scale–imprecision
space by taking into account the imprecision of the measurement device [171].
of local extrema [255], maximum loss of figure impression [196], Tikhonov regular-
ization [302, 303], maximum–minimum principle [189, 328], positivity [324, 138],
preservation of positivity [191, 193, 320], comparison principle [12], and Lyapunov
functionals [415, 429]. Especially in the linear setting, many of these properties are
equivalent or closely related; see [426] for more details.
We may regard an image as a representative of an equivalence class containing
all images that depict the same object. Two images of this class differ e.g. by grey-
level shifts, translations and rotations or even more complicated transformations
such as affine mappings. This makes the requirement plausible that the scale-space
analysis should be invariant to as many of these transformations as possible, in
order to analyse only the depicted object [196, 16].
The pioneering work of Alvarez, Guichard, Lions and Morel [12] shows that
every scale-space fulfilling some fairly natural architectural, information-reducing
and invariance axioms is governed by a PDE with the original image as initial
condition. Thus, PDEs are the suitable framework for scale-spaces.
Often these requirements are supplemented with an additional assumption
which is equivalent to the superposition principle, namely linearity:
Tt (af + bg) = a Tt f + b Tt g ∀ t ≥ 0, ∀ a, b ∈ IR. (1.18)
As we shall see below, imposing linearity restricts the scale-space idea to essentially
one representative.
Gaussian scale-space
The historically first and best investigated scale-space is the Gaussian scale-space,
which is obtained via convolution with Gaussians of increasing variance, or – equiv-
alently – by linear diffusion filtering according to (1.9), (1.10).
Usually a 1983 paper by Witkin [439] or a 1980 report by Stansfield [392]
are regarded as the first references to the linear scale-space idea. Recent work
by Weickert, Ishikawa and Imiya [426, 427], however, shows that scale-space is
more than 20 years older: An axiomatic derivation of 1-D Gaussian scale-space
has already been presented by Taizo Iijima in a technical paper from 1959 [191]
followed by a journal version in 1962 [192]. Both papers are written in Japanese.
In [192] Iijima considers an observation transformation Φ which depends on
a scale parameter σ and which transforms the original image f (x) into a blurred
version4 Φ[f (x′ ), x, σ]. This class of blurring transformations is called boke (defo-
cusing). He assumes that it has the structure
Φ[f (x ), x, σ] = φ{f (x′ ), x, x′ , σ} dx′ , (1.19)
The variable x′ serves as a dummy variable.
Thus, Φ[f (x√ ), x, σ] is just the convolution between f and a Gaussian with standard
deviation σ 2.
This has been the starting point of an entire world of linear scale-space research
in Japan, which is basically unknown in the western world. Japanese scale-space
theory was well-embedded in a general framework for pattern recognition, feature
extraction and object classification [195, 197, 200, 320], and many results have
been established earlier than in the western world. Apart from their historical
merits, these Japanese results reveal many interesting qualities which should induce
everyone who is interested in scale-space theory to have a closer look at them. More
details can be found in [426, 427] as well as in some English scale-space papers
by Iijima such as [195, 197]. In particular, the latter ones show that there is no
justification to deny Iijima’s pioneering role in linear scale-space theory because of
language reasons.
Table 1.1 presents an overview of the current Japanese and western Gaussian
scale-space axiomatics (see [426, 427] for detailed explanations). All of these ax-
iomatics use explicitly or implicitly5 a linearity assumption. We observe that –
despite the fact that many axiomatics reveal similar first principles – not two of
them are identical. Each of the 14 axiomatics confirms and enhances the evidence
that the others give: that Gaussian scale-space is unique within a linear framework.
A detailed treatment of Gaussian scale-space theory can be found in two
Japanese monographs by Iijima [197, 198], as well as in English books by Lin-
deberg [256], Florack [139], and ter Haar Romeny [176]. A collection edited by
Often it is assumed that the filter is a convolution integral. This is equivalent to linearity
and translation invariance.
Sporring, Nielsen, Florack and Johansen [389] gives an excellent overview of the
various aspects of this theory, and additional material is presented in [211]. Many
relations between Gaussian scale-space and regularization theory have been elab-
orated by Nielsen [302], and readers who wish to analyse linear and nonlinear
scale-space concepts in terms of differential and integral geometry can find a lot
of material in the thesis of Salden [351].
1.2.4 Applications
Due to its equivalence to convolution with a Gaussian, linear diffusion filtering has
been applied in numerous fields of image processing and computer vision. It can
be found in almost every standard textbook in these fields.
Less frequent are applications which exploit the evolution of an image under
Gaussian scale-space. This deep structure analysis [240] provides useful information
for extracting semantic information from an image, for instance
• for finding the most relevant scales (scale selection, focus-of-attention). This
may be done by searching for extrema of (nonlinear) combinations of normal-
ized Gaussian derivatives [256] or by analysing information theoretic mea-
sures such as the entropy [208, 388] or generalized entropies [390] over scales.
• for multiscale segmentation of images [172, 254, 256, 313, 408]. The idea is
to identify segments at coarse scales and to link backwards to the original
image in order to improve the localization.
In recent years also applications of Gaussian scale-space to stereo, optic flow
and image sequences have become an active research field [139, 215, 241, 258, 259,
302, 306, 441]. Several scale-space applications are summarized in a survey paper
by ter Haar Romeny [175].
Of course, multiresolution techniques such as pyramids or discrete wavelet transforms [92,
106] are just designed to have few or no redundancies, while scale-space analysis intends to
extract semantical information by tracing signals through a continuum of scales.
Historically, this is incorrect: Iijima’s scale-space work [191] is much older than multigrid
ideas in image processing.
Interesting results arise when one studies linear scale-space on a sphere [236,
353]: while the diffusion equation remains the correct concept, Gaussian kernels are
of no use anymore: appropriate kernels have to be expressed in terms of Legendre
functions [236]. This and other results [12, 255] indicate that the PDE formulation
of linear scale-space in terms of a diffusion equation is more natural and has a
larger generalization potential than convolution with Gaussians.
1.2.5 Limitations
In spite of several properties that make linear diffusion filtering unique and easy
to handle, it reveals some drawbacks as well:
(a) An obvious disadvantage of Gaussian smoothing is the fact that it does not
only smooth noise, but also blurs important features such as edges and, thus,
makes them harder to identify. Since Gaussian smoothing is designed to be
completely uncommitted, it cannot take into account any a-priori informa-
tion on structures which are worth being preserved (or even enhanced).
(b) Linear diffusion filtering dislocates edges when moving from finer to coarser
scales, see e.g. Witkin [439]. So structures which are identified at a coarse
scale do not give the right location and have to be traced back to the original
image [439, 38, 165]. In practice, relating dislocated information obtained at
different scales is difficult and bifurcations may give rise to instabilities. These
coarse-to-fine tracking difficulties are generally denoted as the correspondence
(c) Some smoothing properties of Gaussian scale-space do not carry over from
the 1-D case to higher dimensions: A closed zero-crossing contour can split
into two as the scale increases [450], and it is generally not true that the
number of local extrema is nonincreasing, see [254, 255] for illustrative coun-
terexamples. A deep mathematical analysis of such phenomena has been
carried out by Damon [105] and Rieger [342]. It turned out that the pairwise
creation of an extremum and a saddle point is not an exception, but happens
Regarding (b) and (c), much efforts have been spent in order to understand
the deep structure in Gaussian scale-space, for instance by analysing its toppoints
[210]. There is some evidence that these points, where the gradient vanishes and
the Hessian does not have full rank, carry essential image information [212]. Part
III of the book edited by Sporring et al. [389] and the references therein give an
overview of the state-of-the-art in deep structure analysis.
Due to the uniqueness of Gaussian scale-space within a linear framework we
know that any modification in order to overcome the problems (a)–(c) will either
1.2.6 Generalizations
Before we turn our attention to nonlinear processes, let us first investigate two
linear modifications which have been introduced in order to address the problems
(a) and (b) from the previous section.
where Dt := tD, t > 0, and D ∈ IR2×2 is symmetric positive definite9 . For a fixed
matrix D, calculating the convolution integral (1.26) is equivalent to solving a
linear anisotropic diffusion problem with D as diffusion tensor:
In [427] it is shown that affine Gaussian scale-space has been axiomatically derived
by Iijima in 1962 [193, 194]. He named u(x, t) the generalized figure of f , and (1.27)
the basic equation of figure [196]. In 1971 this concept was realized in hardware in
the optical character reader ASPET/71 [199, 200]. The scale-space part has been
regarded as the reason for its reliability and robustness.
In 1992 Nitzberg and Shiota [310] proposed to adapt the Gaussian kernel shape
to the structure of the original image. By chosing D in (1.26) as a function of the
structure tensor (cf. Section 2.2) of f , they combined nonlinear shape adaptation
with linear smoothing. Later on similar ideas have been developed in [259, 443].
It should be noted that shape-adapted Gaussian smoothing with a spatially
varying D is no longer equivalent to a diffusion process of type (1.27). In practice
this can be experienced by the fact that shape-adaptation of Gaussian smoothing
does not preserve the average grey level, while the divergence formulation ensures
that this is still possible for nonuniform diffusion filtering; see Section 1.1. Also in
this case the diffusion equation seems to be more general. If one wants to relate
Isotropic Gaussian scale-space can be recovered using the unit matrix for D.
Directed diffusion
Another method for incorporating a-priori knowledge into a linear diffusion process
is suggested by Illner and Neunzert [202]. Provided we are given some background
information in form of a smooth image b, they show that under some technical
requirements and suitable boundary conditions the classical solution u of
∂t u = b ∆u − u ∆b, (1.29)
u(x, 0) = f (x) (1.30)
converges to b along a path where the relative entropy with respect to b increases in
a monotone way. Numerical experiments have been carried out by Giuliani [159],
and an analysis in terms of nonsmooth b and weak solutions is due to Illner and
Tie [203].
Such a directed diffusion process requires to specify an entire image as back-
ground information in advance; in many applications it would be desirable to
include a priori knowledge in a less specific way, e.g. by prescribing that features
within a certain contrast and scale range are considered to be semantically impor-
tant and processed differently. Such demands can be satisfied by nonlinear diffusion
Edge enhancement
To study the behaviour of the Perona–Malik filter at edges, let us for a moment
restrict ourselves to the one-dimensional case. This simplifies the notation and
illustrates the main behaviour since near a straight edge a two-dimensional image
approximates a function of one variable.
For the diffusivity (1.32) it follows that the flux function Φ(s) := sg(s2 ) satisfies
Φ (s) ≥ 0 for |s| ≤ λ, and Φ′ (s) < 0 for |s| > λ, see Figure 1.1. Since (1.31) can
be rewritten as
∂t u = Φ′ (ux )uxx , (1.33)
we observe that – in spite of its nonnegative diffusivity – the Perona–Malik model
is of forward parabolic type for |ux | ≤ λ, and of backward parabolic type for |ux | > λ.
1 0.6
diffusivity flux function
0 0
0 lambda 0 lambda
Figure 1.1: (a) Left: Diffusivity g(s2 ) = 1+s12 /λ2 . (b) Right: Flux function
Φ(s) = 1+ss2 /λ2 .
Hence, λ plays the role of a contrast parameter separating forward (low contrast)
from backward (high contrast) diffusion areas.
It is not hard to verify that the Perona–Malik filter increases the slope at
inflection points of edges within a backward area: If there exists a sufficiently
smooth solution u it satisfies
∂t (u2x ) = 2ux ∂x (ut ) = 2Φ′′ (ux )ux u2xx + 2Φ′ (ux )ux uxxx. (1.34)
where the gauge coordinates ξ and η denote the directions perpendicular and paral-
lel to ∇u, respectively. Hence, we have forward diffusion along isophotes (i.e. lines
of constant grey value) combined with forward–backward diffusion along flowlines
(lines of maximal grey value variation).
We observe that the forward–backward diffusion behaviour is not only restricted
to the special diffusivity (1.32), it appears for all diffusivities g(s2 ) whose rapid
decay causes non-monotone flux functions Φ(s) = sg(s2 ). Overviews of several
common diffusivities for the Perona–Malik model can be found in [43, 343], and
a family of diffusivities with different decay rates is investigated in [36]. Rapidly
decreasing diffusivities are explicitly intended in the Perona–Malik method as they
give the desirable result of blurring small fluctuations and sharpening edges. There-
fore, they are the main reason for the visually impressive results of this restoration
It is evident that the “optimal” value for the contrast parameter λ has to depend
on the problem. Several proposals have been made to facilitate such a choice in
practice, for instance adapting it to a specified quantile in the cumulative gradient
histogramme [328], using statistical properties of a training set of regions which
are considered as flat [444], or estimating it by means of the local image geometry
Unfortunately, forward–backward equations of Perona–Malik type cause some the-
oretical problems. Although there is no general theory for nonlinear parabolic
processes, there exist certain frameworks which allow to establish well-posedness
results for a large class of equations. Let us recall three examples:
• Let S(N) denote the set of symmetric N × N matrices and Hess(u) the
Hessian of u. Classical differential inequality techniques [411] based on the
Nagumo–Westphal lemma require that the underlying nonlinear evolution
∂t u = F (t, x, u, ∇u, Hess(u)) (1.37)
satisfies the monotony property
• The same requirement is needed for applying the theory of viscosity solutions.
A detailed introduction into this framework can be found in a paper by
Crandall, Ishii and Lions [103].
+ Au = 0, (1.39)
u(0) = f (1.40)
We observe that the nonmonotone flux function of the Perona–Malik process im-
plies that neither (1.38) is satisfied nor A defined by Au := −div (g(|∇u|2) ∇u)
is monotone. Therefore, none of these frameworks is applicable to ensure well-
posedness results.
One reason why people became pessimistic about the well-posedness of the
Perona–Malik equation was a result by Höllig [187]. He constructed a forward–
backward diffusion process which can have infinitely many solutions. Although this
process was different from the Perona–Malik process, one was warned what can
happen. In 1994 the general conjecture was that the Perona–Malik filter might have
weak solutions, but one should neither expect uniqueness nor stability [329]. In the
meantime several theoretical results are available which provide some insights into
the actual degree of ill-posedness of the Perona–Malik filter.
Kawohl and Kutev [222] proved that the Perona–Malik process does not have
global (weak) C 1 solutions for intial data that involve backward diffusion. The exis-
tence of local C 1 solutions remained unproven. If they exist, however, Kawohl and
Kutev showed that these solutions are unique and satisfy a maximum-minimum
principle. Moreover, under special assumptions on the initial data, it was possible
to establish a comparison principle.
Kichenassamy [224, 225] proposed a notion of generalized solutions, which are
piecewise linear and contain jumps, and he showed that an analysis of their moving
and merging gives similar effects to those one can observe in practice.
Results of You et al. [446] give evidence that the Perona–Malik process is
unstable with respect to perturbations of the initial image. They showed that the
energy functional leading to the Perona–Malik process as steepest descent method
has an infinite number of global minima which are dense in the image space. Each
of these minima corresponds to a piecewise constant image, and slightly different
initial images may end up in different minima for t → ∞.
Interestingly, forward–backward diffusion equations of Perona–Malik type are
not as unnatural as they look at first glance: besides their importance in computer
vision they have been proposed as a mathematical model for heat and mass transfer
in a stably stratified turbulent shear flow. Such a model is used to explain the
evolution of stepwise constant temperature or salinity profiles in the ocean. Related
equations also play a role in population dynamics and viscoelasiticity, see [35] and
the references therein.
Numerically, the mainly observable instability is the so-called staircasing effect,
where a sigmoid edge evolves into piecewise linear segments which are separated
by jumps. It has already been observed by Posmentier in 1977 [333]. He used an
equation of Perona–Malik type for numerical simulations of the salinity profiles
in oceans. Starting from a smoothly increasing initial distribution he reported the
creation of perturbations which led to a stepwise constant profile after some time.
In image processing, numerical studies of the staircasing effect have been carried
out by Nitzberg and Shiota [310], Fröhlich and Weickert [148], and Benhamouda
[36]. All results point in the same direction: the number of created plateaus de-
pends strongly on the regularizing effect of the discretization. Finer discretizations
are less regularizing and lead to more “stairs”. Weickert and Benhamouda [425]
showed that the regularizing effect of a standard finite difference discretization is
sufficient to turn the Perona–Malik filter into a well-posed initial value problem
for a nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations. Its global solution satis-
fies a maximum–minimum principle and converges to a constant steady-state. The
theoretical framework for this analysis will be presented in Chapter 3.
There exists also a discrete explanation why staircasing is essentially the only
observable instability: In 1-D, standard FD discretizations are monotonicity pre-
serving, which guarantees that no additional oscillations occur during the evolu-
tion. This has been shown by Dzu Magaziewa [123] in the semidiscrete case and
by Benhamouda [36, 425] in the fully discrete case with an explicit time discretiza-
tion. Further contributions to the explanation and avoidance of staircasing can be
found in [4, 36, 98, 225, 438].
Scale-space interpretation
Perona and Malik renounced the assumption of Koenderink’s linear scale-space
axiomatic [240] that the smoothing should treat all spatial points and scale levels
equally. Instead of this, they required that region boundaries should be sharp and
should coincide with the semantically meaningful boundaries at each resolution
level (immediate localization), and that intra-region smoothing should be preferred
to inter-region smoothing (piecewise smoothing). These properties are of significant
practical interest, as they guarantee that structures can be detected easily and
correspondence problems can be neglected. Experiments demonstrated that the
Perona–Malik filter satisfies these requirements fairly well [328].
In order to establish a smoothing scale-space property for this nonlinear dif-
fusion process, a natural way would be to prove a maximum–minimum principle,
provided one knows that there exists a sufficiently smooth solution. Since the ex-
istence question used to be the bottleneck in the past, the first proof is due to
Kawohl and Kutev who established an extremum principle for their local weak C 1
solution to the Perona–Malik filter [222]. Of course, this is only partly satisfying,
since in scale-space theory one is interested in having an extremum principle for
the entire time interval [0, ∞).
Nevertheless, also other attempts to apply scale-space frameworks to the Perona–
Malik process have not been more successful yet:
• Salden [350], Florack [143] and Eberly [124] proposed to carry over the linear
scale-space theory to the nonlinear case by considering nonlinear diffusion
processes which result from special rescalings of the linear one. Unfortunately,
the Perona–Malik filter turned out not to belong to this class [143].
• Alvarez, Guichard, Lions and Morel [12] have developed a nonlinear scale-
space axiomatic which comprises the linear scale-space theory as well as
nonlinear morphological processes (which we will discuss in 1.5 and 1.6).
Their smoothing axiom is a monotony assumption (comparison principle)
requiring that the scale-space is order-preserving:
f ≤ g =⇒ Tt f ≤ Tt g ∀ t ≥ 0. (1.42)
(a) The first spatial regularization attempt is probably due to Posmentier who
observed numerically the stabilizing effect of averaging the gradient within
the diffusivity [333].
A mathematically sound formulation of this idea is given by Catté, Lions,
Morel and Coll [81]. By replacing the diffusivity g(|∇u|2) of the Perona–
Malik model by a Gaussian-smoothed version g(|∇uσ |2 ) with uσ := Kσ ∗ u
they end up with
∂t u = div (g(|∇uσ |2 ) ∇u). (1.43)
In [81] existence, uniqueness and regularity of a solution for σ > 0 have been
This process has been analysed and modified in many ways: Whitaker and
Pizer [438] have suggested that the regularization parameter σ should be
(b) P.-L. Lions proved in a private communication to Mumford that the one-
dimensional process
(c) In the context of shear flows, Barenblatt et al. [35] regularized the one-
dimensional forward–backward heat equation by considering the third-order
∂t u = ∂x (Φ(ux )) + τ ∂xt (Ψ(ux )) (1.46)
This renounces invariance under rotation.
where Ψ is strictly increasing and uniformly bounded in IR, and |Φ′ (s)| =
O(Ψ′(s)) as s → ±∞. This regularization was physically motivated by in-
troducing a relaxation time τ into the diffusivity.
For the corresponding initial boundary value problem with homogeneous
Neumann boundary conditions they proved the existence of a unique gen-
eralized solution. They also showed that smooth solutions may become dis-
continuous within finite time, before they finally converge to a piecewise
constant steady-state.
In order to prefer smoothing along the edge to smoothing across it, Weickert
[415] proposed to choose the corresponding eigenvalues λ1 and λ2 as
Section 5.1 presents several examples where this process is applied to test
In general, ∇u does not coincide with one of the eigenvectors of D as long
as σ > 0. Hence, this model behaves really anisotropic. If we let the regular-
ization parameter σ tend to 0, we end up with the isotropic Perona–Malik
Another anisotropic model which can be regarded as a regularization of an
isotropic nonlinear diffusion filter has been described in [413].
λ1 (∇uσ ) := 0, (1.50)
η|∇uσ |
λ2 (∇uσ ) := (η > 0). (1.51)
1 + (|∇uσ |/σ)2
This is a process diffusing solely perpendicular to ∇uσ . For σ → 0, we
observe that ∇u becomes an eigenvector of D with corresponding eigenvalue
0. Therefore, the process stops completely. In this sense, it is not intended as
an anisotropic regularization of the Perona–Malik equation. Well-posedness
results for the Cottet–Germain filter comprise an existence proof for weak
Since the Cottet–Germain model diffuses only in one direction, it is clear
that its result depends very much on the smoothing direction. For enhancing
parallel line-like structures, one can improve this model when replacing ∇u⊥
by a more robust descriptor of local orientation, the structure tensor (cf.
Section 2.2). This leads to coherence-enhancing anisotropic diffusion [418],
which shall be discussed in Section 5.2, where also many examples can be
1.3.4 Generalizations
Higher dimensions. It is easily seen that many of the previous results can
be generalized to higher dimensions. This may be useful when considering e.g.
medical image sequences from computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI), or when applying diffusion filters to the postprocessing of
fluctuating higher-dimensional numerical data. The first three-dimensional non-
linear diffusion filters have been investigated by Gerig et al. [155] in the isotropic
case and by Rambaux and Garçon [339] in the anisotropic case. A generalization
of coherence-enhancing anisotropic diffusion to higher dimensions is proposed in
[428], and Sánchez–Ortiz et al. [355] describe nonlinear diffusion filtering of 3-D
image sequences by treating them as 4-D data sets.
The simplest idea how to apply diffusion filtering to multichannel images would
be to diffuse all channels separately and independently from each other. This leads
to the undesirable effect that edges may be formed at different locations for each
channel. In order to avoid this, one should use a common diffusivity which combines
information from all channels. Such isotropic vector-valued diffusion models were
studied by Gerig et al. [155, 156] and Whitaker [433, 434] in the context of medical
imagery. Extensions to anisotropic vector-valued models with a common tensor-
valued structure descriptor for all channels have been investigated by Weickert
and for the fully discrete case. A detailed treatment of this theory can be found
in Chapter 3 and 4, respectively. Table 1.2 gives an overview of the requirements
which are needed in order to prove well-posedness, average grey value invariance,
causality in terms of an extremum principle and Lyapunov functionals, and con-
vergence to a constant steady-state [423].
We observe that the requirements belong to five categories: smoothness, sym-
metry, conservation, nonnegativity and connectivity requirements. These criteria
are easy to check for many discretizations. In particular, it turns out that suitable
explicit and semi-implicit finite difference discretizations of many discussed models
create discrete scale-spaces. The discrete nonlinear scale-space concept has also led
to the development of fast novel schemes, which are based on an additive operator
splitting (AOS) [424, 430]. Under typical accuracy requirements, they are about
10 times more efficient than the widely used explicit schemes, and a speed-up by
another order of magnitude can be achieved by a parallel implementation [431]. A
general framework for AOS schemes will be presented in Section 4.4.2.
1.3.6 Applications
Nonlinear diffusion filters have been applied for postprocessing fluctuating data
[269, 415], for visualizing quality-relevant features in computer aided quality con-
trol [299, 413, 418], and for enhancing textures such as fingerprints [418]. They have
proved to be useful for improving subsampling [144] and line detection [156, 418],
for blind image restoration [445], for scale-space based segmentation algorithms
[307, 308], for segmentation of textures [433, 437] and remotely sensed data [6, 5],
and for target tracking in infrared images [65]. Most applications, however, are
concerned with the filtering of medical images [26, 28, 29, 155, 244, 248, 264, 270,
308, 321, 355, 386, 393, 431, 434, 437, 444]. Some of these applications will be
investigated in more detail in Chapter 5.
Besides such specific problem solutions, nonlinear diffusion filters can be found
in commercial software packages such as the medical visualization tool Analyze.12
The parameters β and λ are positive weights and w : Ω → [0, 1] gives a fuzzy edge
representation: in the interior of a region, w approaches 1 while at edges, w is close
to 0 (as we shall see below).
The first summand of E punishes deviations of u from f (deviation cost), the
second term detects unsmoothness of u within each region (stabilizing cost), and
the last one measures the extend of edges (edge cost). Cost terms of these three
types are typical for variational image restoration methods.
The corresponding Euler equations to this energy functional are given by
with a positive parameter c specifying the “edge width”. Ambrosio and Tortorelli
proved that this functional converges to the Mumford–Shah functional for c → 0
(in the sense of Γ-convergence, see [22] for more details).
Minimizing Ff corresponds to the gradient descent equations
with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. Equations of this type are in-
vestigated by Richardson and Mitter [341]. Since (1.60) resembles the Nordström
process (1.56), similar problems can arise: The functional Ff is not jointly convex
in u and v, so it may have many local minima and a gradient descent algorithm
may get trapped in a poor local minimum. Well-posedness results for this system
have not been obtained up to now, but a maximum–minimum principle and a local
stability proof have been established.
Another diffusion–reaction system is studied by Shah [375, 376]. He replaces
the functional (1.58) by two coupled convex energy functionals and applies gradi-
ent descent. This results in finding an equilibrium state between two competing
processes. Experiments indicate that it converges to a stable solution. Proesmans
et al. [337, 336] observed that this solution looks fairly blurred since the equations
contain diffusion terms such as ∆u. They obtained pronounced edges by replacing
such a term by its Perona–Malik counterpart div (g(|∇u|2) ∇u). Related equations
are also studied in [398]. Of course, this approach gives rise to the same theoretical
questions as (1.60), (1.61).
The system of Richardson and Mitter is used for edge detection [341]. Shah in-
vestigates diffusion–reaction systems for matching stereo images [378], while Proes-
mans et al. apply coupled diffusion-reaction equations to image sequence analysis,
vector-valued images and stereo vision [336, 338]. Their finite difference algorithms
run on a parallel transputer network.
It should also be mentioned that there exist reaction–diffusion systems which
have been applied to image restoration [334, 335, 382], texture generation [406, 440]
and halftoning [382], and which are not connected to Perona–Malik or Mumford–
Shah ideas. They are based on Turing’s pattern formation model [405].
in 1.6.5. It is a very desirable property in all cases where brightness changes of the
illumination occur or where one wants to be independent of the specific contrast
range of the camera. On the other hand, for applications like edge detection or
image restoration, contrast provides important information which should be taken
into account. Moreover, in some cases isolines may give inadequate information
about the depicted physical object boundaries.
These names can be easily motivated when considering a shape in a binary image
and a disc-shaped structuring element. In this case dilation blows up its boundaries,
while erosion shrinks them.
Dilation and erosion form the basis for constructing other morphological pro-
cesses, for instance opening and closing:
In the preceding shape interpretation opening smoothes the shape by breaking nar-
row isthmuses and eliminating small islands, while closing smoothes by eliminating
small holes, fusing narrow breaks and filling gaps at the contours [181].
∂t C = β(κ) · n, (1.74)
C(p, 0) = C0 (p). (1.75)
One can embed the curve C(p, t) in an image u(x, t) in such a way that C is just
a level curve of u. The corresponding evolution for u is given by [319, 362, 16]
∂t u = β(curv(u)) · |∇u|. (1.76)
where the curvature of u is
curv(u) := div . (1.77)
Sometimes the image evolution (1.76) is called the Eulerian formulation of the
curve evolution (1.74), because it is written in terms of a fixed coordinate system.
We observe that (1.71) and (1.72) correspond to the simple cases β = ±1.
Hence, they describe the curve evolutions
∂t C = ± n. (1.78)
This equation moves level sets in normal direction with constant speed. Such a
process is also named grassfire flow or prairie flow. It is closely related to the
Huygens principle for wave propagation [25]. Its importance for shape analysis
in biological vision has already been pointed out in the sixties by Blum [47]. He
simulated grassfire flow by a self-constructed opticomechanical device.
the equations (1.69),(1.70) possess a unique global viscosity solution u(x, t) which
fulfils the maximum–minimum principle
Clearly, dilation and erosion belong to the class (1.82), thus being good candi-
dates for morphological scale-spaces. Indeed, in [12] it is shown that the converse
is true as well: all axioms that lead to (1.82) are fulfilled.14
1.5.6 Generalizations
It is possible to extend morphology with a structuring element to morphology with
nonflat structuring functions. In this case we have to renounce invariance under
monotone grey level transformations, but we gain an interesting insight into a
process which has very much in common with Gaussian scale-space.
A dilation of an image f with a structuring function b : IR2 → IR is defined as
This is a generalization of definition (1.65), since one can recover dilation with a
structuring element B by considering the flat structuring function
0 (x ∈ B),
b(x) := (1.84)
−∞ (x 6∈ B).
Van den Boomgaard [50, 51] and Jackway [206] proposed to dilate an image f (x)
with quadratic structuring functions of type
b(x, t) = − (t > 0). (1.85)
It can be shown [50, 53] that the result u(x, t) is a weak solution of
∂t u = |∇u|2 , (1.86)
u(x, 0) = f (x). (1.87)
The temporal evolution of a test image under this process is illustrated in Figure
5.5 (b).
In analogy to the fact that Gaussian-type functions k(x, t) = a exp( |x|
) are the
only rotationally symmetric kernels which are separable with respect to convolu-
tion, van den Boomgaard proves that the quadratic structuring functions b(x, t)
are the only rotationally invariant structuring functions which are separable with
respect to dilation [50, 51].
Invariance under rotations is only satisfied for a disc centered in 0 as structuring element.
A useful tool for understanding this similarity and many other analogies be-
tween morphology and linear systems theory is the slope transform. This general-
ization of the Legendre transform is the morphological equivalent of the Fourier
transform. It has been discovered simultaneously by Dorst and van den Boomgaard
[119] and by Maragos [275] in slightly differing formulations.
The close relation between (1.86) and Gaussian scale-space has also triggered
Florack and Maas [142] to study a one-parameter family of isomorphisms of linear
diffusion which reveals (1.86) as limiting case.
(a) They give excellent results for non-digitally scalable structuring elements
whose shapes cannot be represented correctly on a discrete grid, for instance
discs or ellipses.
(b) The time t plays the role of a continuous scale parameter. Therefore, the
size of a structuring element need not be multiples of the pixel size, and it
is possible to get results with sub-pixel accuracy.
To address the first problem, speed-up techniques for shape evolution have been
proposed which use only points close to the curve at every time step [8, 435,
373]. Blurring of discontinuities can be minimized by applying shock-capturing
techniques such as high-order ENO15 schemes [395, 385].
1.5.8 Applications
Continuous-scale morphology has been applied to shape-from-shading problems,
gridless image halftoning, distance transformations, and skeletonization. Applica-
tions outside the field of image processing and computer vision include for instance
shape offsets in CAD and path planning in robotics. Overviews and suitable ref-
erences can be found in [233, 276].
where the unit vectors η and ξ are parallel and perpendicular to ∇u, respectively.
The first term on the right-hand side of (1.89) describes smoothing along the
flowlines, while the second one smoothes along isophotes. When we want to smooth
ENO means essentially non-oscillatory. By adapting the stencil for derivative approximations
to the local smoothness of the solution, ENO schemes obtain both high-order accuracy in smooth
regions and sharp shock transitions [183].
the image anisotropically along its isophotes, we can neglect the first term and end
up with the problem
∂t u = ∂ξξ u, (1.90)
u(x, 0) = f (x). (1.91)
x → Rx + b (1.97)
Theoretical results
For the evolution of a smooth curve under its curvature, it has been shown in
[188, 151, 169] that a smooth solution exists for some finite time interval [0, T ).
A convex curve remains convex, a nonconvex one becomes convex and, for t → T ,
the curve shrinks to a circular point, i.e. a point with a circle as limiting shape.
Moreover, since under all flows Ct = Cqq the Euclidean arc-length parametrization
q(p) := v(p) is the fastest way to shrink the Euclidean perimeter |Cp | dp, equation
(1.99) is called Euclidean shortening flow [150]. The time for shrinking a circle of
radius σ to a point is given by
T = 21 σ 2 . (1.100)
In analogy to the dilation/erosion case it can be shown that, for an initial image
f ∈ BUC(IR2 ), equation (1.90) has a unique viscosity solution which is L∞ -stable
and satisfies a maximum–minimum principle [12].
Scale-space interpretation
A shape scale-space interpretation for curve evolution under Euclidean heat flow is
studied by Kimia and Siddiqi [227]. It is based on results of Evans and Spruck [129].
They establish the semigroup property as architectural quality, and smoothing
properties follow from the fact that the total curvature decreases. Moreover, the
number of extrema and inflection points of the curvature is nonincreasing.
As an image evolution, MCM belongs to the class of morphological scale-spaces
which satisfy the general axioms of Alvarez, Guichard, Lions and Morel [12], that
have been mentioned in 1.5.5.
When studying the evolution of isophotes under MCM, it can be shown that,
if one isophote is enclosed by another, this ordering is preserved [129, 227]. Such a
shape inclusion principle implies in connection with (1.100) that it takes the time
T = 12 σ 2 to remove all isophotes within a circle of radius σ. This shows that the
relation between temporal and spatial scale for MCM is the same as for linear
diffusion filtering (cf. (1.14)).
Moreover, two level sets cannot move closer to one another than they were
initially [129, 227]. Hence, contrast cannot be enhanced. This property is charac-
teristic for all scale-spaces of the Alvarez–Guichard–Lions–Morel axiomatic and
distinguishes them from nonlinear diffusion filters.
x → Ax + b (1.101)
where b ∈ IR2 denotes a translation vector and the matrix A ∈ IR2×2 is invertible.
Affine transformations arise as shape distortions of planar objects when being
observed from a large distance under different angles.
In analogy to the Euclidean invariant heat flow, Sapiro and Tannenbaum [362,
363] constructed an affine invariant flow by replacing the Euclidean arc-length
v(p, t) in (1.99) by an “arc-length” s(p, t) that is invariant with respect to affine
transformations with det(A) = 1.
Such an affine arc-length was proposed by Blaschke [44, pp. 12–15] in 1923. It
is characterized by det(Cs , Css ) = 1, and it can be calculated as
Zp 1
s(p, t) := det Cρ (ρ, t), Cρρ (ρ, t) dρ. (1.102)
By virtue of
∂ss C(p, t) = κ(p, t) · n(p, t) (1.103)
Theoretical results
The curve evolution properties of affine invariant heat flow can be shown to be the
same as in the Euclidean invariant case, with three exceptions [363]:
(a) Closed curves shrink to points with an ellipse as limiting shape (elliptical
(b) The name affine shortening flow reflects the fact that, under all flows Ct =
Cqq , the affine arc-length parametrization q(p) := s(p) is the fastest way to
shrink the affine perimeter
I 1
L(t) := det Cp (p, t), Cpp (p, t) dp. (1.109)
For the image evolution equation (1.106) we have the same results as for MCM
and dilation/erosion concerning well-posedness of a viscosity solution which satis-
fies a maximum–minimum principle [12].
Scale-space properties
Alvarez, Guichard, Lions and Morel [12] proved that (1.106) is unique (up to tem-
poral rescalings) when imposing on the scale-space axioms for (1.82) an additional
affine invariance axiom:
For every invertible A ∈ IR2×2 and for all t ≥ 0, there exists a rescaled
time t′ (t, A) ≥ 0, such that
For this reason they call the AMSS equation also fundamental equation in image
analysis. Simplifications of this axiomatic and related axioms for shape scale-spaces
can be found in [16].
The scale-space reasoning of Sapiro and Tannenbaum investigates properties
of the curve evolution, see [362] and the references therein. Based on results of
[229, 24] they point out that the Euclidean absolute curvature decreases as well
as the number of extrema and inflection points of curvature. Moreover, a shape
inclusion principle holds.
1.6.3 Generalizations
In order to analyse planar shapes in a way that does not depend on their location in
IR3 , one requires a multiscale analysis which is invariant under a general projective
⊤ a11 x1 + a21 x2 + a31 a12 x1 + a22 x2 + a32
(x1 , x2 ) → , (1.112)
a13 x1 + a23 x2 + a33 a13 x1 + a23 x2 + a33
with A = (aij ) ∈ IR3×3 and det A = 1. Research in this direction has been carried
out by Faugeras and Keriven [130, 131, 133], Bruckstein and Shaked [62], Olver
et al. [314], and Dibos [112, 113]. It turns out that intrinsic heat-equation-like
formulations for the projective group are more complicated than the Euclidean
and affine invariant ones, and that there is some evidence that they do not reveal
the same smoothing scale-space properties [314]. A study of heat flows which are
invariant under subgroups of the projective group can be found in [314, 113].
An intrinsic heat flow for images painted on surfaces has been investigated by
Kimmel [232]. It is invariant to the bending (isometric mapping) of the surface.
This geodesic curvature flow and other evolutions, both for scalar and vector-valued
images, can be regarded as steepest descent methods of energy functionals which
have been proposed by Polyakov in the context of string theory [235].
Euclidean and affine invariant curve evolutions can also be modified in order
to obtain area- or length-preserving equations [188, 150, 352, 366].
Recently it has been suggested to modify AMSS such that any evolution at T-
or X-junctions of isophotes is inhibited [75]. Such a filtering intends to simplify
the image while preserving its “semantical atoms” in the sense of Kanizsa [219].
Generalizations of MCM or AMSS to 3-D images are investigated in [91, 78, 298,
316]. In this case two principal curvatures occur. Since they can have different sign,
the question arises of how to combine them to a process which simplifies arbitrary
surfaces without creating singularities. In contrast to the 2-D situation, topological
changes such as the splitting of conconvex structures may occur. This problem is
reminescent of the creation of new extrema in diffusion scale-spaces when going
from 1-D to 2-D.
Affine scale-space axiomatics for image sequences (movies) have been estab-
lished in [12, 287, 288], and possibilities to generalize the axiomatic of Alvarez,
Guichard, Lions and Morel to colour images are discussed in [82].
the spatial derivatives by Gaussian derivatives which are calculated in the Fourier
Concerning stability one observes that all these explicit schemes can violate a
discrete maximum–minimum principle and require small time steps to be experi-
mentally stable. For AMSS an additional constraint appears: the behaviour of this
equation is highly nonlocal, since affine invariance implies that circles are equiva-
lent to ellipses of any arbitrary eccentricity. If one wants to have a good numerical
approximation of affine invariance, one has to decrease the temporal step size sig-
nificantly below the step size of experimental stability [16, 218]. Using Gaussian
derivatives for MCM or AMSS permits larger time steps for large kernels [304], but
their calculation in the Fourier domain is computationally expensive and aliasing
may lead to oscillatory solutions, cf. 1.2.3.
One way to achieve unconditional L∞ -stability for MCM is to approximate
uξξ by suitable linear combinations of one-dimensional second-order derivatives
along grid directions and to apply an implicit finite difference scheme [95, 13, 146].
Schemes of this type, however, renounce consistency with the original equation as
well as rotational invariance: round shapes evolve into polygonal structures.
A consistent semi-implicit approximation of MCM which discretizes the first-
order spatial derivatives explicitly and the second-order derivatives implicitly has
been proposed by Alvarez [10]. In order to solve the resulting linear system of
equations he applies symmetric Gauß–Seidel iterations.
Nicolet and Spühler [301] investigate a consistent fully implicit scheme for MCM
leading to a nonlinear system of equations. It is solved by means of nonlinear Gauß–
Seidel iterations. Comparing it with the explicit scheme they report a tradeoff
between the larger time step size and the higher computational effort per step.
An inherent problem of all finite difference schemes for morphological image
evolutions are their dissipative effects which create additional blurring of discon-
tinuities. As a remedy, one can decompose the image into binary level sets, map
them into Lipschitz-continuous images by applying a distance transformation, and
run a finite difference method on them. Afterwards one extracts the processed level
sets as the zero-level sets of the evolved images, and assembles the final image by
superimposing all evolved level sets [75]. The natural price one has to pay for the
excellent results is a fairly high computational effort.
A software package which contains implementations of MCM, AMSS and many
other modern techniques such as wavelets, Mumford-Shah segmentation, and ac-
tive contour models (cf. 1.6.6) is available under the name MegaWave2.16
MegaWave2 has been developed by Jacques Froment and Sylvain Parrino, CEREMADE,
University Paris IX, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France. More information can be found under
1.6.5 Applications
The special invariances of AMSS are useful for shape recognition tasks [12, 96, 97,
132], for corner detection [15], and for texture discrimination [265, 16]. MCM and
AMSS have also been applied to denoising [305, 304] and blob detection [157, 301]
in medical images and to terrain matching [268]. The potential of MCM for shape
segmentation [290] has even been used for classifying chrysanthemum leaves [1].
If one aims to use these equations for image restoration one usually modifies
them by multiplying them with a term that reduces smoothing at high-contrast
edges [13, 364, 365, 304]; see also Fig. 5.6 (b). Adapting them to tasks such as tex-
ture enhancement requires more sophisticated and more global feature descriptors
than the gradient, for instance an analysis by means of Gabor functions [72, 234].
Introducing a reaction term as in [102] allows to attract the solution to specified
grey values which can be used as quantization levels [11]. Another modification
results from omitting the factor |∇u| in the mean curvature motion (1.94), see e.g.
[126, 127]. This corresponds to nonlinear diffusion filters and a restoration method
by total variation minimization [345] which shall be described in 1.7.2.
In order to improve images, MCM or AMSS have also been combined with other
processes such as linear diffusion [13], shock filtering ([14], cf. 1.7.1) or global PDEs
for histogramme enhancement [358].
Malladi and Sethian [272] propose to replace MCM by a technique in which
the motion of level curves is based on either min(κ, 0) or max(κ, 0), depending on
the average grey value within a certain neighbourhood. This so-called min–max
flow produces a restored image as steady-state solution and reveals good denoising
properties. Well-posedness results are not known up to now, since the theory of
viscosity solutions is no longer applicable.
All these preceding modifications are at the expense of renouncing the mor-
phological invariance of the genuine operators (and also affine invariance in the
case of [364, 365, 304], unless an “affine invariant gradient” [231, 315] is used). If
one wants to stay within the morphological framework one can combine different
morphological processes, for instance MCM and dilation/erosion. This leads to a
process which is useful for analysing components of shape [228, 230, 383, 384, 453],
and which is called entropy scale-space or reaction–diffusion scale-space.
Recently Steiner et al. proposed a method for caricature-like shape exaggera-
tion [394]. They evolved the boundary curve by means of a backward Euclidean
shortening flow with a stabilizing bias term as in (1.56).
It is interesting to note that, already in 1965, Gabor – the inventor of optical
holography and the so-called Gabor functions – proposed a deblurring algorithm
based on combining MCM with backward smoothing along flowlines [149, 260].
This long-time forgotten method is similar to the Perona–Malik process (1.36) for
large image gradients.
Explicit snakes
Kass, Witkin and Terzopoulos proposed the first active contour model in a journal
paper in 1988 [221]. Their snakes can be thought of as an energy-minimizing spline,
which is attracted by image features such as edges. For this reason, the energy
functional consists of two parts: an internal energy fraction which controls the
smoothness of the result, and an external energy term attracting the result to
salient image features.
Such a snake is represented by a curve C(s) = (x1 (s), x2 (s))⊤ which minimizes
the functional
E(C(s)) = α
|Cs (s)|2 + 2
|Css (s)|2 − γ |∇f (C(s))|2 ds. (1.113)
The first summand is a membrane term causing the curve to shrink, the second
one is a rigidity term which encourages a straight contour, and the third term
pushes the contour to high gradients of the image f . We observe that terms 1
and 2 describe the internal energy, while the third one represents the external
(image) energy. The nonnegative parameters α, β and γ serve as weights of these
expressions. Since this model makes direct use of the snake contour, it is also called
an explicit model.
Minimizing the functional (1.113) by steepest descent gives
= αCss − βCssss − γ∇(|∇f |2 ), (1.114)
which can be approximated by finite differences. A 3-D version of such an active
contour model is presented in [401].
Usually, the result will depend on the choice of the initial curve and a good
segmentation requires an initial curve which is close to the final segment. The main
Implicit snakes
In 1993 some of the inherent difficulties of explicit snakes have been solved by
replacing them by a so-called implicit model. It was discovered by Caselles, Catté,
Coll and Dibos [73], and later on by Malladi, Sethian and Vemuri [273].
The idea behind implicit snakes is to embed the initial curve C0 (s) as a zero
level curve into a function u0 : IR2 → IR, for instance by using the distance
transformation. Then u0 is evolved under a PDE which includes knowledge about
the original image f :
! !
2 ∇u
∂t u = g(|∇fσ | ) |∇u| div +ν . (1.115)
This evolution is stopped at some time T , when the process does hardly alter
anymore, and the final contour C is extracted as the zero level curve of u(x, T ).
The terms in (1.115) have the following meaning:
• |∇u| div (∇u/|∇u|) is the curvature term of MCM which smoothes level sets;
see (1.94).
For this model Caselles et al. could prove well-posedness in the viscosity sense
[73]. Whitaker and Chen developed similar implicit active contour models for 3-D
images [436, 435], and Caselles and Coll investigated related approaches for image
sequences [74].
An advantage of implicit snake models is their topological flexibility: The con-
tour may split. This allows simultaneous segmentation of multiple objects. More-
over, they use essentially only one remaining parameter, the balloon force ν. On
Recently McInerley and Terzopoulos have proposed modified explicit deformable models
which allow topological changes [281, 283].
the other hand, the process does not really stop at the desired result, it only slows
down, and it is difficult to interpret implicit snakes in terms of energy minimiza-
tion. In order to address the initialization problem, Tek and Kimia use implicit
active contours starting from randomly chosen seed points, both in 2-D [399] and
in 3-D [400]. They name this technique reaction–diffusion bubbles.
Geodesic snakes
Geodesic snakes make a synthesis of explicit and implicit snake ideas. They have
been proposed simultaneously by Caselles, Kimmel and Sapiro [76] and by Kichenas-
samy, Kumar, Olver, Tannenbaum and Yezzi [226]. These snakes replace the con-
tour energy (1.113) by
E(C) = α
|Cs (s)|2 − γ g(|∇fσ (C)|2 ) ds (1.116)
where g denotes again a Perona–Malik diffusivity of type (1.32). Under some addi-
tional assumptions they derive that minimizing (1.116) is equivalent to searching
min g |∇fσ (C(s))|2 |Cs (s)| ds. (1.117)
This is nothing else than finding a curve of minimal distance (geodesic) with respect
to some image-induced metric. Embedding the initial curve as a level set of some
image u0 and applying a descent method to the corresponding Euler-Lagrange
equation leads to the image evolution PDE
∇u 2
∂t u = |∇u| div g(|∇fσ | ) . (1.118)
This active contour model is parameter-free, but often a speed term νg(|∇fσ |2 )|∇u|
is added to achieve faster and more stable attraction to edges. A theoretical analysis
of geodesic snakes concerning existence, uniqueness and stability of a viscosity
solution can be found in [76, 226], and extensions to 3-D images are studied in [77,
226, 271]. Recently also an affine invariant analogue to geodesic active contours has
been proposed [315]. Techniques which can be related to geodesic active contours
have also been used for solving 3-D vision problems such as stereo [134] and motion
analysis [322].
The properties of geodesic snakes induced Sapiro to use a related technique for
image enhancement [357]: he replaced g(|∇fσ |2 ) in (1.118) by g(|∇uσ |2 ). Then the
plays an important role for shock calculations, one may ask if it is possible to apply
related ideas to image processing. This would be useful to restore discontinuities
such as edges.
Below we shall focus on two important TV-based image restoration techniques
which have been pioneered by Osher and Rudin: TV-preserving methods and tech-
niques which are TV-minimizing subject to certain constraints.18
Another image enhancement method that is close in spirit is due to Eidelman, Grossmann
and Friedman [125]. It maps the image grey values to gas dynamical parameters and solves the
compressible Euler equations using shock-capturing total variation diminishing (TVD) techniques
based on Godunov’s method.
Here, sgn(F (u)) = sgn(u), and L(u) is a second-order elliptic operator whose zero-
crossings correspond to edges, e.g. the Laplacian L(u) = ∆u or the second-order
directional derivative L(u) = uηη with η k ∇u.
By means of our knowledge from morphological processes, we recognize that
this filter aims to produce a flow field that is directed from the interior of a region
towards its edges where it develops shocks. Thus, the goal is to obtain a piecewise
constant steady-state solution with discontinuities only at the edges of the initial
It has been shown that a one-dimensional version of this filter preserves the
total variation and satisfies a maximum–minimum principle, both in the continuous
and discrete case. For the two-dimensional case not many theoretical results are
available except for a discrete maximum–minimum principle.
Recently van den Boomgaard [52] pointed out that the 1-D version of (1.124)
with F (u) := sgn(u) arises as the PDE formulation of a classical image enhance-
ment algorithm by Kramer and Bruckner [243]. Kramer and Bruckner proved in
1975 that their N-dimensional discrete scheme converges after a finite number of
iterations to a state where each point is a local extremum.
Osher and Rudin have also proposed another TV-preserving deblurring tech-
nique [318]. It solves the linear diffusion equation backwards in time under the
regularizing constraint that the total variation remains constant. This stabiliza-
tion can be realized by keeping local extrema fixed during the whole evolution.
From a practical point of view, TV-preserving methods suffer from the problem
that fluctuations due to noise do also create shocks. For this reason, Alvarez and
Mazorra [14] replace the operator L(u) = uηη in (1.124) by a Gaussian-smoothed
version L(Kσ ∗u) = Kσ ∗uηη and supplement the resulting equation with a noise-
eliminating mean curvature process. They prove that their semi-implicit finite-
difference scheme has a unique solution which satisfies a maximum–minimum prin-
images (consisting only of a few almost piecewise constant segments) reveal very
small total variation.
In order to restore noisy blocky images, Rudin, Osher and Fatemi [345] have
proposed to minimize the total variation under constraints which reflect assump-
tions about noise.19
To fix ideas, let us study an example. Given an image f with additive noise of
zero mean and known variance σ 2 , we seek a restoration u satisfying
min |∇u| dx (1.126)
subject to
(u−f )2 dx = σ 2 , (1.127)
u dx = f dx. (1.128)
In recent years, problems of type (1.130) have attracted much interest from
mathematicians working on inverse problems, optimization, or numerical analysis
[2, 84, 85, 87, 115, 117, 118, 204, 205, 253, 409]. To overcome the problem that
the total variation integral contains the nondifferentiable argument |∇u|, one ap-
plies regularization strategies or techniques from nonsmooth optimization. Much
research is done in order to find efficient numerical methods for which convergence
can be established.
TV-minimizing methods have been generalized in different ways:
• The constrained TV-minimization idea is frequently adapted to other con-
straints such as blur, noise with blur, or other types of noise [262, 344, 346,
116, 253, 410, 83]. Lions et al. [262] and Dobson and Santosa [115] have
shown the existence of BV(Ω)-solutions for problems of this type. Recently,
Chambolle and Lions [83] have extended the existence proof to noncompact
operators (which comprises also the situation without blur), and they have
established uniqueness.
• The tendency of TV-minimizing to create piecewise constant structures can
cause undesired effects such as the creation of staircases at sigmoid-like edges
[116, 83]. As a remedy, it has been proposed to minimize the L1 -norm of
expressions containing also higher-order derivatives [344, 83]. Another pos-
sibility is to consider the constrained minimization of
B(u) := |∇u| p(|∇u|) dx, (1.131)
This chapter presents a general continuous model for anisotropic diffusion filters,
analyses its theoretical properties and gives a scale-space interpretation. To this
end, we adapt the diffusion process to the structure tensor, a well-known tool
for analysing local orientation. Under fairly weak assumptions on the class of fil-
ters, it is possible to establish well-posedness and regularity results and to prove a
maximum–minimum principle. Since the proof does not require any monotony as-
sumption it applies also to contrast-enhancing diffusion processes. After sketching
invariances of the resulting scale-space, we focus on analysing its smoothing prop-
erties. We shall see that, besides the extremum principle, a large class of associated
Lyapunov functionals plays an important role in this context [414, 415].
eigendirections. Thus, the integration scale ρ should reflect the characteristic win-
dow size over which the orientation is to be analysed. Presmoothing in order to
obtain ∇uσ makes the structure tensor insensitive to noise and irrelevant details
of scales smaller than O(σ). The parameter σ is called local scale or noise scale.
By virtue of µ1 ≥ µ2 ≥ 0, we observe that v1 is the orientation with the highest
grey value fluctuations, and v2 gives the preferred local orientation, the coherence
direction. Furthermore, µ1 and µ2 can be used as descriptors of local structure:
Constant areas are characterized by µ1 = µ2 = 0, straight edges give µ1 ≫ µ2 = 0,
corners can be identified by µ1 ≥ µ2 ≫ 0, and the expression
kukH1 (Ω) := kuk2L2 (Ω) + k∂xi uk2L2 (Ω) (2.10)
and identify it with its dual space. Let L2 (0, T ; H1(Ω)) be the space of functions
u, strongly measurable on [0, T ] with range in H1 (Ω) (for the Lebesgue measure
dt on [0, T ]) such that
T 1/2
kukL2 (0,T ;H1 (Ω)) := ku(t)k2 1 dt < ∞. (2.11)
H (Ω)
Assume that f ∈ L∞ (Ω), ρ ≥ 0, and σ, T > 0.
Let a := ess inf f , b := ess sup f , and consider the problem
∂t u = div (D(Jρ(∇uσ )) ∇u) on Ω × (0, T ],
u(x, 0) = f (x) on Ω,
hD(Jρ (∇uσ ))∇u, ni = 0 on Γ × (0, T ],
where the diffusion tensor D = (dij ) satisfies the following
(Pc )
(C1) Smoothness:
D ∈ C∞ (IR2×2 , IR2×2 ).
(C2) Symmetry:
d12 (J) = d21 (J) for all symmetric matrices J ∈ IR2×2 .
(C3) Uniform positive definiteness:
For all w ∈ L∞ (Ω, IR2 ) with |w(x)| ≤ K on Ω̄, there
exists a positive lower bound ν(K) for the eigenvalues
of D(Jρ (w)).
Under these assumptions the following theorem, which generalizes and extends
results from [81, 414], can be proved.
For a complete well-posedness proof one also has to establish stability with respect to per-
turbations of the diffusion equation. This topic will not be addressed here.
(a) Existence, uniqueness and regularity
Existence, uniqueness and regularity are straightforward anisotropic exten-
sions of the proof for the isotropic case studied by Catté, Lions, Morel and
Coll [81]. Therefore, we just sketch the basic ideas of this proof.
Existence can be proved using Schauder’s fixed point theorem. One considers
the solution U(w) of a distributional linear version of (Pc ) where D depends
on some function w instead of u. Then one shows that U is a weakly contin-
uous mapping n from a nonempty, convex and weakly compact
o subset W0 of
2 1 dw 2 1
W (0, T ) := w ∈ L (0, T ; H (Ω)), dt ∈ L (0, T ; H (Ω)) into itself. Since
2 2
W (0, T ) is contained in L (0, T ; L (Ω)), with compact inclusion, U reveals a
fixed point u ∈ W0 , i.e. u = U(u).
Smoothness follows from classical bootstrap arguments and the general the-
ory of parabolic equations [246]. Since u(t) ∈ H1 (Ω) for all t > 0, one deduces
that u(t) ∈ H2 (Ω) for all t > 0. By iterating, one can establish that u is a
strong solution of (Pc ) and u ∈ C∞ ((0, T ] × Ω̄).
The basic idea of the uniqueness proof consists of using energy estimates for
the difference of two solutions, such that the Gronwall–Bellman inequality
can be applied. Then, uniqueness follows from the fact that both solutions
start with the same initial values.
Finally an iterative linear scheme is investigated, whose solution is shown to
converge in C([0, T ]; L2 (Ω)) to the strong solution of (Pc ).
(b) Extremum principle
In order to prove a maximum–minimum principle, we utilize Stampacchia’s
truncation method (cf. [58], p. 211).
We restrict ourselves to proving only the maximum principle. The minimum
principle follows from the maximum principle when being applied to the
initial datum −f .
Let G ∈ C1 (IR) be a function with G(s) = 0 on (−∞, 0] and 0 < G′ (s) ≤ C
on (0, ∞) for some constant C. Now, we define
H(s) := G(σ) dσ, s ∈ IR,
ϕ(t) := H(u(x, t) − b) dx, t ∈ [0, T ].
and by virtue of (2.13), (2.14) we know that the right-hand side of this
estimate exists. Therefore, ϕ is differentiable for t > 0, and we get
= G(u−b) ∂t u dx
= G(u−b) div (D(Jρ (∇uσ )) ∇u) dx
= G(u−b) hD(Jρ (∇uσ )) ∇u, ni dS
| {z }
Γ =0
− G′ (u−b) h∇u, D(Jρ(∇uσ )) ∇ui dx
| {z } | {z }
Ω ≥0 ≥0
≤ 0. (2.16)
C 2
By means of H(s) ≤ 2
s, we have
0 ≤ ϕ(t) ≤ H(u(x, t)−f (x)) dx ≤ ku(t)−f k2L2(Ω) . (2.17)
ϕ ≡ 0 on [0, T ].
u(x, t) ≤ b on Ω̄ × (0, T ].
(a) We observe a strong smoothing effect which is characteristic for many dif-
fusion processes: under fairly weak assumptions on the initial image (f ∈
L∞ (Ω)) we obtain an infinitely often differentiable solution for arbitrary small
positive times. More restrictive requirements – for instance f ∈ BUC(IR2 )
in order to apply the theory of viscosity solutions – are not necessary in our
(b) Moreover, our proof does not require any monotony assumption. This has the
advantage that contrast-enhancing processes are permitted as well. Chapter
5 will illustrate this by presenting examples where contrast is enhanced.
(c) The continuous dependence of the solution on the initial image has signif-
icant practical impact as it ensures stability with respect to perturbations
of the original image. This is of importance when considering stereo image
pairs, spatio-temporal image sequences or slices from medical CT or MRI
sequences, since we know that similar images remain similar after filtering.2
(d) The extremum principle offers the practical advantage that, if we start for
instance with an image within the range [0, 255], we will never obtain results
with grey value such as 257. It is also closely related to smoothing scale-space
properties, as we shall see in 2.4.2.
(e) The well-posedness results are essentially based on the fact that the regu-
larization by convolution with a Gaussian allows to estimate k∇uσ kL∞ (Ω) by
kukL∞ (Ω) . This property is responsible for the uniform positive definiteness
of the diffusion tensor.
2.4.1 Invariances
Let u(x, t) be the unique solution of (Pc ) and define the scale-space operator Tt by
Tt f := u(t), t ≥ 0, (2.18)
Tt (0) = 0, (2.19)
Tt (f + C) = Tt (f ) + C ∀ t ≥ 0. (2.20)
Define I(t) := u(x, t) dx for all t ≥ 0. Then the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality
|I(t)−I(0)| =
u(x, t)−f (x) dx ≤ |Ω|1/2 ku(t)−f kL2 (Ω) .
Since u ∈ C([0, T ]; L (Ω)), the preceding inequality gives the continuity of I(t) in
For t > 0, Theorem 1, the divergence theorem and the boundary conditions yield
= ∂t u dx = hD(Jρ (∇uσ ))∇u, ni dS = 0.
Then Proposition 1 and grey level shift invariance imply that the order of M and
Tt can be exchanged:
M(Tt f ) = Tt (Mf ) ∀ t ≥ 0. (2.25)
When studying diffusion filtering as a pure initial value problem in the domain
IR , it also makes sense to investigate Euclidean transformations of an image. This
leads us to translation and isometry invariance.
Translation invariance
Define a translation τh by (τh f )(x) := f (x + h). Then diffusion filtering fulfils
Tt (τh f ) = τh (Tt f ) ∀ t ≥ 0. (2.26)
This is a consequence of the fact that the diffusion tensor depends on Jρ (∇uσ )
solely, but not explicitly on x.
Isometry invariance
Let R ∈ IR2×2 be an orthogonal transformation. If we apply R to f by defining
Rf (x) := f (Rx), then the eigenvalues of the diffusion tensor are unaltered and
any eigenvector v is transformed into Rv. Thus, it makes no difference whether
the orthogonal transformation is applied before or after diffusion filtering:
Tt (Rf ) = R(Tt f ) ∀ t ≥ 0. (2.27)
A sufficient condition for the causality equation (2.28) to hold is requiring that
local extrema with positive or negative definite Hessians are not enhanced: an
extremum in ξ at time θ satisfies ∂t u > 0 if ξ is a minimum, and ∂t u < 0 if ξ
is a maximum. This implication is easily seen: In the first case, for instance, the
eigenvalues η1 , η2 of the Hessian Hess(u) are positive. Thus,
Let D(Jρ (∇uσ )) =: (dij (Jρ (∇uσ ))). Then we have
2 X
X 2 2 X
X 2
∂t u = ∂xi dij (Jρ (∇uσ )) ∂xj u + dij (Jρ (∇uσ )) ∂xi xj u. (2.32)
i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1
Since ∇u(ξ, θ) = 0 and ∂xi dij (Jρ (∇uσ (ξ, θ))) is bounded, the first term of the
right-hand side of (2.32) vanishes in (ξ, θ).
As in the linear diffusion case, nonenhancement of local extrema generally does not imply
that their number is nonincreasing, cf. 1.2.5 and [342].
We know that the diffusion tensor D := D(Jρ (∇uσ (ξ, θ))) is positive definite.
Hence, there exists an orthogonal matrix S ∈ IR2×2 such that
S T DS = diag(λ1 , λ2 ) =: Λ
If ξ is a local minimum of u(x, θ), one proceeds in the same way utilizing the
positive definiteness of the Hessian. 2
is a Lyapunov functional:
Moreover, if r ′′ > 0 on [a, b], then V (t) = Φ(u(t)) is a strict Lyapunov func-
u(t) = Mf on Ω̄ (if t > 0)
(iii) Φ(u(t)) = Φ(Mf ) ⇐⇒
u(t) = Mf a.e. on Ω (if t = 0)
(iv) If t > 0, then V ′ (t) = 0 if and only if u(t) = Mf on Ω̄.
f = Mf a.e. on Ω and
(v) V (0) = V (T ) for T > 0 ⇐⇒
u(t) = Mf on Ω̄ × (0, T ]
(b) (Convergence)
(a) (i) Since r ∈ C2 [a, b] with r ′′ ≥ 0 on [a, b], we know that r is convex on
[a, b]. Using the average grey level invariance and Jensen’s inequality we
obtain, for all t ≥ 0,
Φ(Mf ) = r u(x, t) dx dy
≤ r(u(x, t)) dx dy
= r(u(x, t)) dx
= Φ(u(t)). (2.34)
L := max |r ′(s)|
|Ω1 | |Ω1 |
< r(α) + r(β)
|Ω| |Ω|
1 1
≤ r(u) dx + r(u) dx
|Ω| |Ω|
Ω1 Ω2
= r(u) dx.
If we utilize this result in the estimate (2.34) we observe that, for t > 0,
Φ(u(t)) = Φ(Mf ) implies that u(t) = const. on Ω̄. Thanks to the
average grey value invariance we finally obtain u(t) = Mf on Ω̄.
So let us turn to the case t = 0. From (i) and (ii), we conclude that
Φ(u(θ)) = Φ(Mf ) for all θ > 0. Thus, we have u(θ) = Mf for all θ > 0.
For θ > 0, the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality gives
|u(x, θ) − µ| dx ≤ |Ω|1/2 ku(θ) − Mf kL2 (Ω) = 0.
Let ǫ > 0. Then for any t ∈ [ǫ, T ], we have V ′ (t) = 0, and part (iv)
implies that u(t) = Mf on Ω. Now, the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality
gives Z
|f − Mf | dx ≤ |Ω|1/2 kf − u(t)kL2 (Ω) .
(b) (i) By the grey level shift invariance we know that v := u−Mf satisfies the
diffusion equation as well. We multiply this equation by v, integrate,
and use the divergence theorem to obtain
vvt dx = − h∇v, D(Jρ(∇vσ ))∇vi dx.
This also gives u(tij ) → ū in L2 (0, a). Since we already know from (b)(i)
that u(tij ) → Mf in L2 (0, a), it follows that ū = Mf . Hence,
Part (a) tells us that ku(t)−Mf kpLp (Ω) is a Lyapunov function for p ≥ 2.
ku(t)−Mf kL∞ (Ω) = lim ku(t)−Mf kLp (Ω)
is also nonincreasing. Therefore, lim ku(t)−Mf kL∞ (Ω) exists and from
(2.37) we conclude that
lim u(x, t) = µ
is uniform on Ω̄. 2
Since the class (Pc ) does not forbid contrast enhancement it admits processes
where forward diffusion has to compete with backward diffusion. Theorem 3 is
of importance as it states that the regularization by convolving with Kσ tames
the backward diffusion in such a way that forward diffusion wins in the long run.
Moreover, the competition evolves in a certain direction all the time: although
backward diffusion may be locally superior, the global result – denoted by the
Lyapunov functional – becomes permanently better for forward diffusion.
Let us have a closer look at what might be the meaning of this global result in
the context of image processing. Considering the Lyapunov functions associated
with r(s) := |s|p , r(s) := (s−µ)2n and r(s) := s ln s, respectively, the preceding
theorem gives the following corollary.
Ff (z), i.e. Ff (z) is the probability that an arbitrary grey value Zf of f does not
exceed z. By the average grey level invariance, µ is equal to the expected value
EZu(t) := z dFu(t) (z), (2.38)
and it follows that M2n [u(t)] is just the even central moment
Z 2n
z−EZu(t) dFu(t) (z). (2.39)
The second central moment (the variance) characterizes the spread of the intensity
about its mean. It is a common tool for constructing measures for the relative
smoothness of the intensity distribution. The fourth moment is frequently used to
describe the relative flatness of the grey value distribution. Higher moments are
more difficult to interpret, although they do provide important information for
tasks like texture discrimination [163, pp. 414–415]. All decreasing even moments
demonstrate that the image becomes smoother during diffusion filtering. Hence,
local effects such as edge enhancement, which object to increase central moments,
are overcompensated by smoothing in other areas.
If we choose another probabilistic model of images, then part (c) characterizes
the information-theoretical side of our scale-space. Provided the initial image f is
strictly positive on Ω, we may regard it also as a two-dimensional density.4 Then,
S[u(t)] := − u(x, t) ln(u(x, t)) dx (2.40)
is called the entropy of u(t), a measure of uncertainty and missing information [63].
Since anisotropic diffusion filters increase the entropy the corresponding scale-space
embeds the genuine image f into a family of subsequently likelier versions of it
which contain less information. Moreover, for t → ∞, the process reaches the state
with the lowest possible information, namely a constant image. This information-
reducing property indicates that anisotropic diffusion might be generally useful in
the context of image compression. In particular, it helps to explain the success of
nonlinear diffusion filtering as a preprocessing step for subsampling as observed in
[144]. The interpretation of the entropy in terms of Lyapunov functionals carries
also over to generalized entropies; see [390] for more details.
From all the previous considerations, we recognize that, in spite of possible
contrast-enhancing properties, anisotropic diffusion does really simplify the ori-
ginal image in a steady way.
Let us finally point out another interpretation of the Lyapunov functionals. In
a classic scale-space representation, the time t plays the role of the scale para-
meter. By increasing t, one transforms the image from a local to a more global
Without loss of generality we omit the normalization.
Φ(f ) − Φ(u(t))
Ψ(u(t)) := . (2.41)
Φ(f ) − Φ(Mf )
We observe that Ψ(t) increases from 0 to 1. It gives the average globality of u(t) and
its value can be used to measure the distance of u(t) from the initial state f and the
final state Mf . Prescribing a certain value for Ψ provides us with an a-posteriori
criterion for the stopping time of the nonlinear diffusion process. Experiments in
this direction can be found in [431, 308].
Chapter 3
The goal of this chapter is to study a semidiscrete framework for diffusion scale-
spaces where the image is sampled on a finite grid and the scale parameter is
continuous. This leads to a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations
(ODEs). We shall investigate conditions under which one can establish similar
properties as in the continuous setting concerning well-posedness, extremum prin-
ciples, average grey level invariance, Lyapunov functions, and convergence to a
constant steady-state. Afterwards we shall discuss whether it is possible to obtain
such filters from spatial discretizations of the continuous models that have been
investigated in Chapter 2. We will see that there exists a finite stencil on which
a difference approximation of the spatial derivatives are in accordance with the
semidiscrete scale-space framework.
The semidiscrete problem class (Ps ) we are concerned with is defined in the
following way:
Let f ∈ IRN . Find a function u ∈ C1 ([0, ∞), IRN ) which satisfies an
initial value problem of type
= A(u) u,
u(0) = f,
where A = (aij ) has the following properties:
(S1) Lipschitz-continuity of A ∈ C(IRN , IRN ×N ) for every bounded (Ps )
subset of IRN ,
(S2) symmetry: aij (u) = aji (u) ∀ i, j ∈ J, ∀ u ∈ IR ,
∀ u ∈ IRN ,
(S3) vanishing row sums: j∈J aij (u) = 0 ∀ i ∈ J,
(S4) nonnegative off-diagonals: aij (u) ≥ 0 ∀ i 6= j, ∀ u ∈ IRN ,
(S5) irreducibility for all u ∈ IRN .
Not all of these requirements are necessary for every theoretical result below.
(S1) is needed for well-posedness, the proof of a maximum–minimum principle
involves (S3) and (S4), while average grey value invariance uses (S2) and (S3).
The existence of Lyapunov functions can be established by means of (S2)–(S4),
and strict Lyapunov functions and the convergence to a constant steady-state
require (S5) in addition to (S2)–(S4).
This indicates that these properties reveal some interesting parallels to the
continuous setting from Chapter 2: In both cases we need smoothness assumptions
to ensure well-posedness; (S2) and (S3) correspond to the specific structure of the
divergence expression with a symmetric diffusion tensor D, while (S4) and (S5)
play a similar role as the nonnegativity of the eigenvalues of D and its uniform
positive definiteness, respectively.
a := min fj , (3.2)
b := max fj . (3.3)
t ∈ [0, θ]. Let uk (ϑ) := max uj (ϑ) for some arbitrary ϑ ∈ [0, θ]. If we keep
this k fixed we obtain, for t = ϑ,
duk X
= akj (u) uj
dt j∈J
= akk (u) uk + akj (u) uj
| {z } |{z}
≥0 ≤uk
≤ uk · akj (u)
= 0. (3.4)
Let us now prove that this implies a maximum principle (cf. [201]).
Let ε > 0 and set
uε (t) := u(t) − .
. .
Moreover, let P := {p ∈ J | uεp (0) = max uεj (0)}. Then, by (3.4),
! !
duεp dup
(0) = (0) − ε < 0 ∀ p ∈ P. (3.5)
dt dt
| {z }
By means of
max uεi (0) < max uεj (0),
i∈J\P j∈J
Thus, we have
uεp (t) < uεp (0) ∀ t ∈ (0, ϑp )
and, for t2 := min ϑp , it follows that
Now we prove that this estimate can be extended to the case t ∈ (0, θ). To
this end, assume the opposite is true. Then, by virtue of the intermediate
value theorem, there exists some t3 which is the smallest time in (0, θ) such
max uεj (t3 ) = max uεj (0).
j∈J j∈J
Due to the continuity of dt
there exists some t4 ∈ (0, t3 ) with
(t) < 0 ∀ t ∈ (t4 , t3 ]. (3.10)
The mean value theorem, however, implies that we find a t5 ∈ (t4 , t3 ) with
duεk uεk (t3 ) − uεk (t4 ) (3.9)
(t5 ) = > 0,
dt t3 − t4
which contradicts (3.10). Hence, (3.8) must be valid on the entire interval
(0, θ).
Together with u = lim uε and the continuity of u this yields the announced
maximum principle
with the same c as in (a). Using the same considerations as in (a) one shows
that φ is Lipschitz-continuous on
n o
R1 := (t, u) t ∈ [t1 , t1 +min( βc , T )], ku−gk∞ ≤ β .
Hence, the considered problem has a unique solution on [t1 , t1 + min( βc , T )].
Therefore, (Ps ) reveals a unique solution on [0, min( 2β
, T )], and, by iterating
this reasoning, the existence of a unique solution can be extended to the
entire interval [0, T ]. As a consequence, the extremum principle is valid on
[0, T ] as well.
for t ∈ [0, T ] and φ(u, t) = ψ(u) = A(u)u. In order to show that u(t) depends
continuously on the initial data and the right-hand side of the ODE system,
it is sufficient to prove that φ(t, u) is continuous, and that there exists some
α > 0 such that φ(t, u) satisfies a global Lipschitz condition on
n o
Sα := (t, v) t ∈ [0, T ], kv−uk∞ ≤ α .
with respect to its second argument. In this case the results in [412, p. 93]
ensure that for every ε > 0 there exists a δ > 0 such that the solution ũ of
the perturbed problem
= φ̃(t, ũ),
ũ(0) = f˜
kf˜ − f k∞ < δ,
kφ̃(t, v) − φ(t, v)k∞ < δ for kv − uk∞ < α
Similar to the the local existence and uniqueness proof, the global Lipschitz
condition on Sα follows direcly from the fact that A is Lipschitz-continuous
on {v ∈ IRN | kv−uk∞ ≤ α}. 2
By virtue of (S2) and (S3) we have ajk (u) = 0 for all k ∈ J. Thus, for t ≥ 0,
X duj XX XX
= ajk (u) uk = ajk (u) uk = 0,
j∈J dt j∈J k∈J k∈J j∈J
which shows that uj (t) is constant on [0, ∞) and concludes the proof. 2
This property is in complete accordance with the result for the continuous filter
is a Lyapunov function:
(b) (Convergence)
lim u(t) = c.
(a) (i) Since r ′ is increasing on [a, b] we know that r is convex on [a, b]. Average
grey level invariance and this convexity yield, for all t ≥ 0,
X 1 X
Φ(c) = r uj
i=1 j=1 N
X 1 X
≤ r(uj )
i=1 N j=1
= r(uj )
= Φ(u). (3.13)
(ii) Since u ∈ C1 ([0, ∞), IRN ) and r ∈ C1 [a, b], it follows that V ∈ C1 [0, ∞).
Using the prerequisites (S2) and (S3) we get
X dui ′
V ′ (t) = r (ui )
i=1 dt
(S3) X
= aij (u) (uj −ui) r ′ (ui)
i=1 j=1
X i−1
= + aij (u) (uj −ui) r ′ (ui )
i=1 j=i+1 j=1
X X −i
= ai,i+k (u) (ui+k −ui) r ′ (ui )
i=1 k=1
+ ai+k,i (u) (ui −ui+k ) r ′ (ui+k )
i=1 k=1
N N −i
(S2) X X
= ai,i+k (u) (ui+k −ui) r ′ (ui)−r ′ (ui+k ) . (3.14)
i=1 k=1
With this and (S4), equation (3.14) implies that V ′ (t) ≤ 0 for t ≥ 0.
(iii) Let us first prove that equality in the estimate (3.13) implies that all
components of u are equal.
To this end, suppose that ui0 := min ui < max uj =: uj0 and let
i j
N 1
η := .
j=1 1 − N1
Then, η < uj0 . Since r ′ is strictly increasing on [a, b], we know that r is
strictly convex. Hence, we get
1X 1 1
r uj = r uj0 + 1− η
i=1 N N N
1 1
< r(uj0 ) + 1− r(η)
1 X 1
≤ r(uj0 ) + r(uj )
N j=1 N
X 1
= r(uj ).
j=1 N
(b) The convergence proof is based on classical Lyapunov reasonings, see e.g.
[180] for an introduction to these techniques.
Consider the Lyapunov function V (t) := Φ(u(t)) := |u(t)−c|2 , which results
from the choice r(s) := (s−µ)2 . Since V (t) is decreasing and bounded from
below by 0, we know that lim V (t) =: η exists and η ≥ 0.
Now assume that η > 0.
Since |u(t)−c| is bounded from above by α := |f −c| we have
|u(t)−c| ≤ α ∀ t ≥ 0. (3.16)
By virtue of Φ(x) = |x − c|2 we know that, for β ∈ (0, η),
|u(t)−c| ≥ β ∀ t ≥ 0. (3.17)
(c) H[u(t)] := uj (t) ln(uj (t)), if a > 0.
Since all p-norms (p ≥ 2) and all central moments are decreasing, while the
discrete entropy
S[u(t)] := − uj (t) ln(uj (t)) (3.18)
where Nn (k) consists of the one or two neighbours of pixel k along the n-th coor-
dinate axis (boundary pixels have only one neighbour) and gk := g ((H(u))k ).
In vector–matrix notation (3.22) becomes
= A(u) u, (3.23)
(a) We observe that (S1)–(S5) are properties which are valid for all arbitrary
pixel numberings.
(b) The filter class (Pc ) is not the only family which leads to semidiscrete fil-
ters satisfying (S1)–(S5). Interestingly, a semidiscrete version of the Perona–
Malik filter – which is to a certain degree ill-posed in the continuous setting
(cf. 1.3.1) – also satisfies (S1)–(S5) and, thus, reveals all the discussed well-
posedness and scale-space properties [425]. This is due to the fact that the
extremum principle limits the modulus of discrete gradient approximations.
Hence, the spatial discretization implicitly causes a regularization. These
results are also in accordance with a recent paper by Pollak et al. [332].
They study an image evolution under an ODE system with a discontinuous
right hand side, which has some interesting relations to the limit case of a
semidiscrete Perona–Malik model. They also report stable behaviour of their
Let us consider some m ∈ IN and the corresponding (2m+1)×(2m+1)-stencil. The
“boundary pixels” of this stencil define 4m principal orientations βi ∈ (− π2 , π2 ],
i = −2m+1, ..., 2m according to
arctan (|i| ≤ m),
βi := arccot (2m−i)h 1
(m < i ≤ 2m),
arccot (i−2m)h
(−2m + 1 ≤ i < −m).
Now let Jm := {1, ..., 2m−1} and define a partition of (− π2 , π2 ] into 4m−2 subin-
tervals Ii , |i| ∈ Jm :
[ 2m−1
(− π2 , π2 ] = (θi , θi+1 ] ∪ (θi−1 , θi ],
| {z } i=1
| {z }
=:Ii =:Ii
(i = 0),
1 2
(i ∈ {1, ..., 2m−2}, βi +βi+1 < π2 ),
arctan cot βi −tan βi+1
θi :=
4 (i ∈ {1, ..., 2m−2}, βi +βi+1 = π2 ),
+ 12 arctan 2
cot βi −tan βi+1
(i ∈ {1, ..., 2m−2}, βi +βi+1 > π2 ),
(i = 2m−1),
θi := −θ−i (i ∈ {−2m+1, ..., −1}).
It is not hard to verify that βi ∈ Ii for |i| ∈ Jm .
Let λ1 ≥ λ2 > 0 be the eigenvalues of D with corresponding eigenvectors
(cos ψ, sin ψ)⊤ and (− sin ψ, cos ψ)⊤ , where ψ ∈ (− π2 , π2 ]. Now we show that for
a suitable m there exists a stencil direction βk , |k| ∈ Jm such that the splitting
div (D ∇u) = ∂eβ0 α0 ∂eβ0u + ∂eβk αk ∂eβku + ∂eβ2m α2m ∂eβ2mu (3.25)
(b) Let λ2
≤ κk,m and consider the case 0 < βk < π2 . By defining
a − b cot βk ≥ 0. (3.32)
For the case − π2 < βk < 0 a similar reasoning can be applied leading also to
In an analogous way one verifies that
≤ cot(βk −ηk ) cot ηk =⇒ c − b tan βk ≥ 0.
(c) Let us first consider the case 1 ≤ i ≤ 2m−2. Then, ρi = θi , and the definition
of θi implies that
cot βi + tan ρi 2
cot(ρi −βi ) tan ρi = = 1+ r .
cot βi − cot ρi (cot βi +tan βi+1 )2
(cot βi −tan βi+1 )2 +4
(i + 1) h2
tan βi+1 = ,
cot βi = .
This gives
1 h2
For m > 2 h1
the function gm (x) is bounded and attains its global maximum
in r
xm := − 16 + 1
1 + 12 m2 h22
which yields
fm (i) ≤ → 1+ for m → ∞.
1 − gm (xm )
This gives
min cot(ρi −βi ) tan ρi ≥ 1+ q → ∞ for m → ∞.
fm (xm ) − 1
For m ≤ i ≤ 2m−2 similar calculations show that by means of
tan βi+1 = ,
(2m−i−1) h1
(2m−i) h1
cot βi =
one obtains
min cot(ρi −βi ) tan ρi → ∞ for m → ∞.
(c) For a specified diffusion tensor function D it is possible to give a-priori es-
timates for the required stencil size: using the extremum principle it is not
hard to show that
4 kf kL∞ (Ω)
|∇uσ (x, t)| = |(∇Kσ ∗u)(x, t)| ≤ √ on Ω̄ × (0, ∞),
2π σ
where the notations from Chapter 2 have been used. Thanks to the uniform
positive definiteness of D there exists an upper limit for the spectral condition
number of D. This condition limit can be used to fix a suitable stencil size.
Let us now illustrate the ideas in the proof of Theorem 6 by applying them
to a practical example: We want to find a nonnegative spatial discretization of
div (D∇u) on a (3×3)-stencil, where
a b
b c
(− π2 , π2 ] = (− π2 , 0] ∪ (0, π2 ] =: I−1 ∪ I1 .
This induces in a natural way the following second-order discretization for div (D∇u):
All nonvanishing entries of the p-th row of A(u) are represented in this stencil,
where p(i, j) is the index of some inner pixel (i, j). Thus, for instance, the upper
left stencil entry gives the element (p(i, j), p(i−1, j+1)) of A(u). The other nota-
tions should be clear from the context as well, e.g. bi,j denotes a finite difference
approximation of b(Jρ (∇uσ )) at some grid point (xi , yj ).
The problem of finding nonnegative difference approximations to elliptic expres-
sions with mixed derivatives has a long history; see e.g. [294, 120, 170]. Usually it
is studied for the expression
(a) Although the basic idea behind scale-spaces is to have a continuous scale
parameter, it is evident that fully discrete results are of importance since, in
practice, scale-space evolutions are evaluated exclusively at a finite number
of scales.
a := min fj , (4.2)
b := max fj . (4.3)
The maximum–minimum principle follows directly from the fact that, for all i ∈ J
and k ∈ IN0 , the following inequalities hold:
(D4) (D3)
(k+1) P (k) P
(i) ui = qij (u(k) )uj ≤ max u(k)
m qij (u(k) ) = max u(k)
m .
j∈J m∈J j∈J m∈J
(D4) (D3)
(k+1) P (k) P
(ii) ui = qij (u(k) )uj ≥ min u(k)
m qij (u(k) ) = min u(k)
m .
j∈J m∈J j∈J m∈J
By virtue of (D2) and (D3) we have i∈J qij (u(k) ) = 1 for all j ∈ J and k ∈ IN0 . This
so-called redistribution property [164] ensures that, for all k ∈ IN0 ,
X (k+1) XX (k) XX
(k) X (k)
ui = qij (u(k) )uj = qij (u(k) ) uj = uj ,
i∈J i∈J j∈J j∈J i∈J j∈J
is a Lyapunov sequence:
(b) (Convergence)
lim u(k) = c.
(a) (i) Average grey level invariance and the convexity of r give
X X 1 (k)
Φ(c) = r uj
i=1 j=1 N
X 1 X (k)
≤ r(uj )
i=1 N j=1
X (k)
= r(uj )
= Φ(u(k) ). (4.6)
X X −i
(k) (k)
= ai+m,i (u(k) ) r(ui ) − r(ui+m )
i=1 m=1
(k) (k)
+ ai,i+m (u(k) ) r(ui+m ) − r(ui )
i=1 m=1
= 0. (4.8)
(iii) This part of the proof can be shown in exactly the same manner as in
the semidiscrete case (Chapter 3, Theorem 5): Equality in the estimate
(4.6) holds due to the strict convexity of r if and only if u(k) = c.
(iv) In order to verify the first implication, let us start with a proof that
(k) (k)
V (k+1) = V (k) implies u1 = ... = uN . To this end, assume that u(k) is
not constant:
(k) (k) (k) (k)
ui0 := min ui < max uj =: uj0 .
i∈J j∈J
and by (D6) we have qnn (u(k) ) > 0. Together with the strict convexity
of r these properties lead to
X (k)
r qnj (u(k) ) uj
X (k)
qnj (u(k) ) uj + qnn (u(k) ) u(k) (k) (k)
= r n + qnm (u ) um
X (k)
< qnj (u(k) ) r(uj ) + qnn (u(k) ) r(u(k) (k) (k)
n ) + qnm (u ) r(um )
X (k)
= qnj (u(k) ) r(uj ).
P (k) (k)
(c) H[u(k) ] := uj ln(uj ), if a > 0.
for α ∈ (0, 1). In the explicit case (α = 0) the properties (D1)–(D6) hold for
τ < , (4.11)
max |aii (u(k) )|
Proof: Let
where I ∈ IRN denotes the unit matrix. Since (4.9) can be written as
B(u(k) ) u(k+1) = C(u(k) ) u(k)
we first have to show that B(u(k) ) is invertible for all u(k) ∈ IRN . Henceforth, the
argument u(k) is suppressed frequently since the considerations below are valid for
all u(k) ∈ IRN .
If α = 0, then B = I and hence invertible. Now assume that α > 0. Then B is
strictly diagonally dominant, since
(S3) X X (S4) X
bii = 1 − ατ aii = 1 + ατ aij > ατ aij = |bij | ∀ i ∈ J.
j∈J j∈J j∈J
j6=i j6=i j6=i
This also shows that bii > 0 for all i ∈ J, and by the structure of the off-diagonal
elements of B we observe that the irreducibility of A implies the irreducibility of
B. Thanks to the fact that B is irreducibly diagonally dominant, bij ≤ 0 for all
i 6= j, and bii > 0 for all i ∈ J, we know from [407, p. 85] that B −1 =: H =: (hij )
exists and hij > 0 for all i, j ∈ J. Thus, Q := (qij ) := B −1 C exists and by (S1) it
follows that Q ∈ C(IRN , IRN ×N ). This proves (D1).
The requirement (D2) is not hard to satisfy: Since B −1 and C are symmetric
and reveal the same set of eigenvectors – namely those of A – it follows that
Q = B −1 C is symmetric as well.
Let us now verify (D3). By means of (S3) we obtain
bij = 1 = cij ∀ i ∈ J. (4.12)
j∈J j∈J
Bv = v = Cv, (4.13)
v = B −1 v = Hv. (4.14)
Therefore, from
(4.13) (4.14)
Qv = HCv = Hv = v
we conclude that qij = 1 for all i ∈ J. This proves (D3).
In order to show that (D4) is fulfilled, we first check the nonnegativity of C.
For i 6= j we have
cij = (1−α)τ aij ≥ 0.
The diagonal entries yield
it follows that cii (u(k) ) > 0 for all i ∈ J and, thus, the irreducibility of A(u(k) )
carries over to Q(u(k) ).
In all the abovementioned cases the time step size restrictions for ensuring irre-
ducibility imply that all diagonal elements of Q(u(k) ) are positive. This establishes
(D6). 2
(a) We have seen that the discrete filter class (Pd ) – although at first glance
looking like a pure explicit discretization – covers the α-semi-implicit case as
well. Explicit two-level schemes are comprised by the choice α = 0. Equation
(4.11) shows that they reveal the most prohibitive time step size restrictions.
(b) The conditions (4.10) and (4.11) can be satisfied by means of an a-priori
estimate. Since the semi-implicit scheme fulfils (D1)–(D6) we know by The-
orem 3 that the solution obeys an extremum
principle. This means that u(k)
belongs to the compact set {v ∈ IRN kvk∞ ≤ kf k∞ } for all k ∈ IN0 . By
A ∈ C(IRN , IRN ×N ) it follows that
n o
Kf := max |aii (v)| i ∈ J, v ∈ IRN , kvk∞ ≤ kf k∞
τ <
(c) If α > 0, a large linear system of equations has to be solved. Its system matrix
is symmetric, diagonally dominant, and positive definite. Usually, it is also
sparse: For instance, if it results from a finite difference discretization on a
(2p+1)×(2p+1)-stencil it contains at most 4p2 +4p+1 nonvanishing entries
per row. One should not expect, however, that in the i-th row these entries
can be found within the positions [i, i−2p2 −2p] to [i, i+2p2 +2p]. In general,
the matrix reveals a much larger bandwidth.
Applying standard direct algorithms such as Gaussian elimination would
destroy the zeros within the band and would lead to an immense storage and
computation effort. Modifications in order to reduce these problems [122] are
quite difficult to implement.
Iterative algorithms appear to be better suited. Classical methods such as
Gauß–Seidel or SOR [447] are easy to code, they do not need additional
storage, and their convergence can be guaranteed for the special structure of
A. Unfortunately, they converge rather slowly. Faster iterative methods such
as preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithms [348] need significantly more
storage, which can become prohibitive for large images. A typical problem of
iterative methods is that their convergence slows down for larger τ , since this
increases the condition number of the system matrix. Multigrid methods [59,
179] are one possibility to circumvent these difficulties; another possibility
will be studied in Section 4.4.2.
(d) For α = 1 we obtain semi-implicit schemes which do not suffer from time
step size restrictions. In spite of the fact that the nonlinearity is discretized
in an explicit way they are absolutely stable in the maximum norm, and
they inherit the scale-space properties from the semidiscrete setting regard-
less of the step size. Compared to explicit schemes, this advantage usually
overcompensates for the additional effort of resolving a linear system.
(e) By the explicit discretization of the nonlinear operator A it follows that all
schemes in the preceding theorem are of first order in time. This should not
give rise to concern, since in image processing one is in general more inter-
ested in maintaining qualitative properties such as maximum principles or
invariances rather than having an accurate approximation of the continu-
ous equation. However, if one insists in second-order schemes, one may for
u(k+1/2) − u(k)
= A(u(k) ) u(k+1/2) ,
τ /2
u(k+1) − u(k)
= A(u(k+1/2) ) 12 u(k+1) + 21 u(k) .
This scheme satisfies the properties (D1)–(D6) for τ ≤ 2/Kf .
(f) The assumptions (S1)–(S5) are sufficient conditions for the α-semi-implicit
scheme to fulfil (D1)–(D6), but they are not necessary. Nonnegativity of
Q(u(k) ) may also be achieved using spatial discretizations where A(u(k) ) has
negative off-diagonal elements (see [55] for examples).
such that the m linear systems with system matrices (I −mατ Al (u(k) )), l = 1,...,m
can be solved more efficiently. Then it is advantageous to study instead of the α-
semi-implicit scheme
X −1 m
(k+1) (k)
u = I − ατ Al (u ) I + (1−α)τ Al (u(k) ) u(k) (4.17)
l=1 l=1
By means of a Taylor expansion one can verify that, although both schemes are not
identical, they have the same approximation order in space and time. Hence, from
a numerical viewpoint, they are both consistent approximations to the semidiscrete
ODE system from (Ps ).
The following theorem clarifies the conditions under which AOS schemes create
discrete scale-spaces.
guarantees that
ciil > 0 ∀ i ∈ J, ∀ l = 1, ..., m. (4.20)
Next we prove (D5), the irreducibility of Q. Suppose that ai0 j0 6= 0 for some
i0 , j0 ∈ J. Then there exists an l0 ∈ {1, ..., m} such that ai0 j0 l0 6= 0. Denoting Bl−1
by Hl = (hijl )ij , we show now that ai0 j0 l0 6= 0 implies hi0 j0 l0 > 0.
This can be seen as follows: There exist permutation matrices Pl , l = 1, ..., m
such that Pl Bl PlT is block diagonal. Each block is irreducible and strictly diagonally
dominant with a positive diagonal and nonpositive off-diagonals. Thus, a theorem
by Varga [407, p. 85] ensures that the inverse of each block contains only positive
elements. As a consequence, ai0 j0 l0 6= 0 implies hi0 j0 l0 > 0.
Together with (4.20) this yields
1 X
qi0 j0 = hi nl cnj l + hi0 j0 l0 cj0 j0 l0 > 0.
m (l,n)6=(l0 ,j0 ) | {z0 } | {z0} | {z } | {z }
≥0 ≥0 >0 >0
Recapitulating, this means that, for τ < τα (u ),
ai0 j0 6= 0 =⇒ qi0 j0 > 0. (4.21)
Thus, the irreducibility of A carries over to Q, and (D5) is proved.
Moreover, (4.21) also proves (D6): By virtue of (4.15) we have aii < 0 for all
i ∈ J. Therefore, Q must have a positive diagonal. 2
(a) In analogy to the unsplit α-semi-implicit schemes, the case α = 1 is especially
interesting, because no time step size restriction occurs. Again, it is also
possible to construct a predictor–corrector scheme of Douglas–Jones type
[121] within the AOS framework:
1 X −1
u(k+1/2) = I − 21 mτ Al (u(k) ) u(k) ,
m l=1
1 X −1
u(k+1) = I − 21 mτ Al (u(k+1/2) ) I + 12 mτ Al (u(k+1/2) ) u(k) .
m l=1
(b) The fact that AOS schemes use an additive splitting ensures that all coordi-
nate axes are treated in exactly the same manner. This is in contrast to the
various conventional splitting techniques from the literature [120, 277, 286,
354, 442]. They are multiplicative splittings. A typical representative is
Y −1
u = I − τ Al (u(k) ) u(k) .
Since in the general nonlinear case the split operators Al , l = 1,..., m do not
commute, the result of multiplicative splittings will depend on the order of
the operators. In practice, this means that these schemes produce different
results if the image is rotated by 90 degrees. Moreover, most multiplicative
splittings lead to a nonsymmetric matrix Q(u(k) ). This violates requirement
(D2) for discrete scale-spaces.
(c) The result u(k+1) of an AOS scheme can be regarded as the average of m
filters of type
vl := I − αmτ Al (u(k) ) I + (1−α)mτ Al (u(k) ) u(k) (l = 1, ..., m).
Since vl , l = 1,...,m can be calculated independently from each other, it
is possible to distribute their computation to different processors of a parallel
(d) AOS schemes with α = 1 have been presented in [424, 430] as efficient dis-
cretizations of the isotropic nonlinear diffusion filter of Catté et al. [81]. In
Section 1.3.2 we have seen that this filter is based on the PDE
(e) The idea to base AOS schemes on decompositions into one-dimensional op-
erators can also be generalized to anisotropic diffusion filters: Consider for
instance the discretization on a (3 × 3)-stencil at the end of Section 3.4.2. If
it fulfils (S1)–(S5), then a splitting of such a 2-D filter into 4 one-dimensional
diffusion processes acting along the 4 stencil directions satisfies all prerequi-
sites of Theorem 9.
Chapter 5
The scale-space theory from Chapters 2–4 also covers methods such as linear or
nonlinear isotropic diffusion filtering, for which many interesting applications have
already been mentioned in Chapter 1. Therefore, the goal of the present chapter is
to show that a generalization to anisotropic models with diffusion tensors depend-
ing on the structure tensor offers novel properties and application fields. Thus, we
focus mainly on these anisotropic techniques and juxtapose the results to other
methods. In order to demonstrate the flexibility of anisotropic diffusion filtering,
we shall pursue two different objectives:
1 (s ≤ 0)
g(s) :=
−C (5.3)
1 − exp m
(s > 0).
5.1.2 Applications
Figure 5.1 illustrates that anisotropic diffusion filtering is still capable of possessing
the contrast-enhancing properties of the Perona–Malik filter (provided the regu-
larization parameter σ is not too large). It depicts the temporal evolution of a
Gaussian-like function and its isolines.1 It can be observed that two regions with
almost constant grey value evolve which are separated by a fairly steep edge. Edge
enhancement is caused by the fact that, due to the rapidly decreasing diffusivity,
smoothing within each region is strongly preferred to diffusion between the two
adjacent regions. The edge location remains stable over a very long time interval.
This indicates that, in practice, the determination of a suitable stopping time is
not a critical problem. After the process of contrast enhancement is concluded, the
steepness of edges decreases very slowly until the gradient reaches a value where no
backward diffusion is possible anymore. Then the image converges quickly towards
a constant image.
Let us now compare the denoising properties of different diffusion filters. Figure
5.2(a) consists of a triangle and a rectangle with 70 % of all pixels being completely
degraded by noise. This image is taken from the software package MegaWave.
Test images of this type have been used to study the behaviour of filters such
as [13, 15, 16, 99, 102]. In Fig. 5.2(b) we observe that linear diffusion filtering
is capable of removing all noise, but we have to pay a price: the image becomes
completely blurred. Besides the fact that edges get smoothed so that they are
harder to identify, the correspondence problem appears: edges become dislocated.
Thus, once they are identified at a coarse scale, they have to be traced back in
order to find their true location, a theoretically and practically rather difficult
Fig. 5.2(c) shows the effect when applying the isotropic nonlinear diffusion
equation [81]
∂t u = div (g(|∇uσ |2 )∇u) (5.4)
with g as in (5.3). Since edges are hardly affected by this process, nonlinear
isotropic diffusion does not lead to correspondence problems which are charac-
teristic for linear filtering. On the other hand, the drastically reduced diffusivity
at edges is also responsible for the drawback that noise at edges is preserved.
Figure 5.2(d) demonstrates that nonlinear anisotropic filtering shares the ad-
vantages of both methods. It combines the good noise eliminating properties of
linear diffusion with the stable edge structure of nonlinear isotropic filtering. Due
to the permitted smoothing along edges, however, corners get more rounded than
in the nonlinear isotropic case.
Again we observe that linear diffusion (Fig. 5.3(a)) does not only blur all struc-
tures in an equal amount but also dislocates them more and more with increasing
A first step to reduce these problems is to adapt the diffusivity to the gradient
of the initial image f [147]. Fig. 5.3(b) shows the evolution under
g(|∇f |2) := q (λ > 0). (5.6)
1 + |∇f |2 /λ2
is used. Compared with homogeneous linear diffusion, edges remain better localized
and their blurring is reduced. On the other hand, for large t the filtered image
reveals some artifacts which reflect the differential structure of the initial image.
A natural idea to reduce the artifacts of inhomogeneous linear diffusion filtering
would be to introduce a feedback in the process by adapting the diffusivity g to
the gradient of the actual image u(x, t) instead of the original image f (x). This
leads to the nonlinear diffusion equation [326]
Figure 5.3(c) shows how such a nonlinear feedback is useful to increase the edge
localization in a significant way: Structures remain well-localized as long as they
can be recognized. Also blurring at edges is reduced very much. The absolute
contrast at edges, however, becomes smaller.
The latter problem can be avoided using a diffusivity which decreases faster
than (5.6) and leads to a nonmonotone flux function. This is illustrated in Figure
5.4(a) where the regularized isotropic nonlinear diffusion filter (5.4) with the diffu-
sivity (5.3) is applied. At the chin we observe that this equation is indeed capable
of enhancing edges. All structures are extremely well-localized and the results are
segmentation-like. On the other hand, also small structures exist over a long range
of scales if they differ from their vicinity by a sufficiently large contrast. One can
try to make this filter faster and more insensitive to small-size structures by in-
creasing the regularizing Gaussian kernel size σ (cf. Fig. 5.4(b)), but this also leads
to stronger blurring of large structures, and it is no longer possible to enhance the
contour of the entire head.
Anisotropic nonlinear diffusion (Fig. 5.4(c)) permits diffusion along edges and
inhibits smoothing across them. As in Figure 5.2(d), this causes a stronger round-
ing of structures, which can be seen at the nose. A positive consequence of this
slight shrinking effect is the fact that small or elongated and thin structures are
better eliminated than in the isotropic case. Thus, we recognize that most of the
depicted “segments” coincide with semantically correct objects that one would ex-
pect at these scales. Finally the image turns into a silhouette of the head, before
it converges to a constant image.
The tendency to produce piecewise almost constant regions indicates that dif-
fusion scale-spaces with nonmonotone flux are ideal preprocessing tools for seg-
mentation. Unlike diffusion–reaction models aiming to yield one segmentation-like
result for t → ∞ (cf. 1.4), the temporal evolution of these models generates a
∂t u = |∇u|, (5.8)
for the quadratic structuring function. In both cases the number of local maxima
is decreasing, and maxima keep their location in scale-space until they disappear
[206, 207]. The fact that the maximum with the largest grey value will dominate
at the end shows that these processes can be sensitive to noise (maxima might
be caused by noise), and that they usually do not preserve the average grey level.
It is not very difficult to guess the shape of the structuring function from the
scale-space evolution.
Figure 5.3: Evolution of an MRI slice under different PDEs. Top: Original im-
age, Ω = (0, 236)2. (a) Left Column: Linear diffusion, top to bottom: t = 0,
12.5, 50, 200. (b) Middle Column: Inhomogeneous linear diffusion (λ = 8),
t = 0, 70, 200, 600. (c) Right Column: Nonlinear isotropic diffusion with the
Charbonnier diffusivity (λ = 3), t = 0, 70, 150, 400.
Figure 5.4: Evolution of an MRI slice under different PDEs. Top: Original image,
Ω = (0, 236)2. (a) Left Column: Isotropic nonlinear diffusion (λ = 3, σ =
1), t = 0, 25000, 500000, 7000000. (b) Middle Column: Isotropic nonlinear
diffusion (λ = 3, σ = 4), t = 0, 40, 400, 1500. (c) Right Column: Edge-
enhancing anisotropic diffusion (λ = 3, σ = 1), t = 0, 250, 875, 3000.
Figure 5.5: Evolution of an MRI slice under different PDEs. Top: Original image,
Ω = (0, 236)2. (a) Left Column: Dilation with a disc, t = 0, 4, 10, 20. (b)
Middle Column: Dilation with a quadratic structuring function, t = 0, 0.25,
1, 4. (c) Right Column: Mean curvature motion, t = 0, 70, 275, 1275.
Figure 5.6: Evolution of an MRI slice under different PDEs. Top: Original image,
Ω = (0, 236)2. (a) Left Column: Affine morphological scale-space, t = 0, 20,
50, 140. (b) Middle Column: Modified mean curvature motion (λ = 3, σ = 1),
t = 0, 100, 350, 1500. (c) Right Column: Self-snakes (λ = 3, σ = 1), t = 0,
600, 5000, 40000.
grey value. The evolution in Fig. 5.6(c) indicates that g(|∇uσ |2 ) gives similar edge-
enhancing effects as in a nonlinear diffusion filter, but one can observe a stronger
tendency to create circular structures. This behaviour which resembles MCM is
not surprising if one compares (1.120) with (1.121).
The quality of a fabric is determined by two criteria, namely clouds and stripes.
Clouds result from isotropic inhomogeneities of the density distribution, whereas
stripes are an anisotropic phenomenon caused by adjacent fibres pointing in the
same direction. Anisotropic diffusion filters are capable of visualizing both quality-
relevant features simultaneously (Fig. 5.7). For a suitable parameter choice, they
perform isotropic smoothing at clouds and diffuse in an anisotropic way along fi-
bres in order to enhance them. However, if one wants to visualize both features
separately, one can use a fast pyramid algorithm based on linear diffusion filter-
ing for the clouds [417], whereas stripes can be enhanced by a special nonlinear
diffusion filter which is designed for closing interrupted lines and which shall be
discussed in Section 5.2.
Fig. 5.9(a) gives an example for possible medical applications of nonlinear dif-
fusion filtering as a preprocessing tool for segmentation (see also [415] for another
example). It depicts an MRI slice of the human head. For detecting Alzheimer’s
disease one is interested in determining the ratio between the ventricle areas, which
are given by the two white longitudinal objects in the centre, and the entire head
In order to make the diagnosis more objective and reliable, it is intended to
automize this feature extraction step by a segmentation algorithm. Figure 5.9(c)
shows a segmentation according to the following simplification of the Mumford–
Shah functional (1.58):
Ef (u, K) = (u−f )2 dx + α|K|. (5.12)
along the coherence direction v2 with a diffusivity λ2 which increases with respect
to the coherence (µ1 −µ2 )2 . This may be achieved by the following choice for the
eigenvalues of the diffusion tensor (C > 0, m ∈ IN):
λ1 := α,
α if µ1 = µ2 ,
λ2 :=
α + (1−α) exp (µ1−µ2 )2m else,
where the exponential function was chosen to ensure the smoothness of D and the
small positive parameter α ∈ (0, 1) keeps D(Jρ (∇uσ )) uniformly positive definite.2
All examples below are calculated using C := 1, m := 1, and α := 0.001.
5.2.2 Applications
Figure 5.10 illustrates the advantages of local orientation analysis by means of
the structure tensor. In order to detect the local orientation of the fingerprint
depicted in Fig. 5.10(a), the gradient orientation of a slightly smoothed image has
been calculated (Fig. 5.10(b)). Horizontally oriented structures appear black, while
vertical structures are represented in white. We observe very high fluctuations in
the local orientation. When applying a larger smoothing kernel it is clear that
adjacent gradients having the same orientation but opposite direction cancel out.
Therefore, the results in (c) are much worse than in (b). The structure tensor,
however, averages the gradient orientation instead of its direction. This is the
reason for the reliable estimates of local orientation that can be obtained with this
method (Fig. 5.10(d)).
To illustrate how the result of anisotropic PDE methods depends on the direc-
tion in which they smooth, let us recall the example of mean curvature motion (cf.
∂t u = uξξ = |∇u| curv(u) (5.13)
with ξ being the direction perpendicular to ∇u. Since MCM smoothes by prop-
agating level lines in inner normal direction we recognize that its smoothing di-
Evidently, filters of this type are not regularizations of the Perona–Malik process: the limit
σ → 0, ρ → 0 leads to a linear diffusion process with constant diffusivity α.
Figure 5.13: (a) Top: High resolution slipring CT scan of a femural bone,
Ω = (0, 300) × (0, 186). (b) Bottom Left: Filtered by coherence-enhancing
anisotropic diffusion, σ = 0.5, ρ = 6, t = 16. (c) Bottom Right: Dito with
t = 128.
Figure 5.13 illustrates the potential of CED for medical applications. It depicts
a human bone. Its internal structure has a distinctive texture through the presence
of tiny elongated bony structural elements, the trabeculae. There is evidence that
the trabecular formation is for a great deal determined by the external load. For
this reason the trabecular structure constitutes an important clinical parameter in
orthopedics. Examples are the control of recovery after surgical procedures, such
as the placement or removal of metal implants, quantifying the rate of progression
of rheumatism and osteoporosis, the determination of left-right deviations of sym-
metry in the load or establishing optimal load corrections by physiotherapy. From
Figure 5.13(b),(c) we observe that CED is capable of enhancing the trabecular
structures in order to ease their subsequent orientation analysis.
scale-space properties, the image becomes gradually simpler in many aspects, be-
fore it finally will tend to its simplest representation, a constant image with the
same average grey value as the original one. The flow-like character, however, is
maintained for a very long time.3
Results for AMSS filtering of this image can be found in [305].
Chapter 6
While Chapter 1 has given a general overview of PDE-based smoothing and restora-
tion methods, the goal of Chapters 2–5 has been to present a scale-space framework
for nonlinear diffusion filtering which does not require any monotony assump-
tion (comparison principle). We have seen that, besides the fact that many global
smoothing scale-space properties are maintained, new possibilities with respect to
image restoration appear.
Rather than deducing a unique equation from first principles we have ana-
lysed well-posedness and scale-space properties of a general family of regularized
anisotropic diffusion filters. Existence and uniqueness results, continuous depen-
dence of the solution on the initial image, maximum–minimum principles, invari-
ances, Lyapunov functionals, and convergence to a constant steady-state have been
The large class of Lyapunov functionals permits to regard these filters in many
ways as simplifying, information-reducing transformations. These global smooth-
ing properties do not contradict seemingly opposite local effects such as edge en-
hancement. For this reason it is possible to design scale-spaces with restoration
properties giving segmentation-like results.
Prerequisites have been stated under which one can prove well-posedness and
scale-space results in the continuous, semidiscrete and discrete setting. Each of
these frameworks is self-contained and does not require the others. On the other
hand, the prerequisites in all three settings reveal many similarities and, as a
consequence, representatives of the semidiscrete class can be obtained by suitable
spatial discretizations of the continuous class, while representatives of the discrete
class may arise from time discretizations of semidiscrete filters.
The degree of freedom within the proposed class of filters can be used to tailor
the filters towards specific restoration tasks. Therefore, these scale-spaces do not
need to be uncommitted; they give the user the liberty to incorporate a-priori
knowledge, for instance concerning size and contrast of especially interesting fea-
The analysed class comprises linear diffusion filtering and the nonlinear iso-
tropic model of Catté et al. [81] and Whitaker and Pizer [438], but also novel ap-
proaches have been proposed: The use of diffusion tensors instead of scalar-valued
diffusivities puts us in a position to design real anisotropic diffusion processes
which may reveal advantages at noisy edges. Last but not least, the fact that these
filters are steered by the structure tensor instead of the regularized gradient allows
to adapt them to more sophisticated tasks such as the enhancement of coherent
flow-like structures.
In view of these results, anisotropic diffusion deserves to be regarded as much
more than an ad-hoc strategy for transforming a degraded image into a more
pleasant looking one. It is a flexible and mathematically sound class of methods
which ties the advantages of two worlds: scale-space analysis and image restoration.
It is clear, however, that nonlinear diffusion filtering is a young field which has
certainly not reached its final state yet. Thus, we can expect a lot of new results
in the near future. Some of its future developments, however, are likely to consist
of straightforward extensions of topics presented in this text:
• While the theory and the examples in the present book focus on 2-D grey-
scale images, it is evident that most of its results can easily be generalized to
higher dimensions and vector-valued images. The need for such extensions
grows with the rapid progress in the development of faster computers, the
general availability of affordable colour scanners and printers, and the wish
to integrate information from different channels. Some of the references in
Chapter 1 point in directions how this can be accomplished.
• The price one has to pay for the flexibility of nonlinear diffusion filtering is
the specification of some parameters. Since these parameters have a rather
natural meaning, this is not a very difficult problem for someone with ex-
perience in computer vision. Somebody with another primary interest, for
instance a physician who wants to denoise ultrasound images, may be fright-
ened by this perspective. Thus, more research on finding some guidelines
for automatic parameter determination for a task at hand would encourage
also people without a specific image processing background to apply nonlin-
ear diffusion filters. Several useful suggestions for parameter adaptation can
already be found in [328, 36, 431, 270, 444].
• There are not yet many studies which explore the potential of nonlinear dif-
fusion filtering when being combined with other image processing techniques.
Especially combinations with concepts such as data compression, segmenta-
tion algorithms, tomographic reconstruction techniques, or neural networks
for learning a-priori information might lead to novel application areas for
these techniques.
Thus, there still remains a lot of work to be done. It would be nice if this book has
inspired its readers to contribute to the solution of some of the remaining open
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deep structure, 11, 136 edge detection, 5, 15, 24, 28, 30, 50, 53, 55,
defect detection, see computer aided quality 57
control edge enhancement, see contrast enhancement
defocusing, 7 edge-enhancing diffusion, see diffusion
deviation cost, 27, 29 elliptic point, 41
differences-of-Gaussians, 5 energy, 72, 85, 102
differential inequalities, 17 energy functional
differential invariants, 5 explicit snakes, 46
diffusion for curves, 28, 29
anisotropic, 2, 13, 22, 24, 55–74, 87–95, geodesic snakes, 48
111, 113–137 Mumford–Shah, 28, 44, 126
backward, 5, 50, 116 Nordström, 27, 30, 51
coherence-enhancing, 24, 127–134 Perona–Malik, 18
continuous, 55–74 Polyakov, 42
directed, 14 TV-minimization, 51
discrete, 97–111 ENO schemes, 37
edge-enhancing, 23, 113–126 entropy, 11, 73, 85, 102
equation, 2 generalized, 11, 73
forward–backward, 15, 45, 66, 72 entropy scale-space, see scale-space, reaction–
homogeneous, 2 diffusion
inhomogeneous, 2, 117 erosion, 32, 47, 63
isotropic, 2–22, 86–87, 110, 116 Euclidean
linear, 2–14, 36, 116, 125 arc-length, see arc-length
nonlinear, 2, 14–27, 52, 55–137 perimeter, see perimeter
on a sphere, 12 shortening flow, see shortening flow
physical background, 2 transformation, see transformation
semidiscrete, 75–95 Eulerian formulation, 33
tensor, 2, 13, 22, 58, 62, 88, 95, 114, 127, existence, see well-posedness
135 expected value, 73
diffusion–reaction, 27–30, 118 explicit schemes, 11, 19, 25, 43, 53, 103, 105,
single equations, 27 106, 113, 137
systems, 28 external energy, 46
diffusivity, 2, 15, 16, 47, 48, 116 extremum principle, 4, 6, 18–20, 30, 34, 39,
digitally scalable, 36 41, 44, 50, 58, 62, 66, 76, 77, 87, 93,
dilation, 32, 35, 47, 63, 113, 119 98, 105
direction, 56
directional diffusivities, 89, 94 fabrics, 125, 130
directional splitting, 88–95, 107–111 FD, see finite differences
discrete analogue feature vectors, 24
AMSS, MCM, 43 Fick’s law, 2
Gaussian, 10 filter design, 114, 127
linear diffusion, 10 fingerprint enhancement, 26, 129
nonlinear diffusion, 25, 97–111 finite differences, 11, 25, 30, 43, 46, 50, 51,
discrete diffusion, see diffusion 85–95, 102–111, 113
dissipative effects, 37, 43, 44 finite elements, 25, 28
distance transformation, 37, 47 flame propagation, 38
DoGs, see differences-of-Gaussians flowline, 16
doubly stochastic matrix, 98 flux, 2, 15, 22, 114
focus-of-attention, 11
edge cost, 27, 29 forensic applications, 52
regularization, 4, 10, 49, 50, 52, 62, 72, 93, separability, 10, 35, 36, 110
114 set-theoretic schemes, 36, 43
remote sensing, 27 shape, 31
rescaling, 20 cues, 56
reverse contrast invariance, see invariance exaggeration, 45
robust statistics, 27 offset, 37
row sum, 76, 97 recognition, 45, 124
segmentation, 45
scale invariance, see invariance shape inclusion principle, 39
scale selection, 11 shape-adapted Gaussian smoothing, 13, 22
scale–imprecision space, 6 shape-from-shading, 37
scale-space shock
affine Gaussian, 13 capturing schemes, 37, 49
affine morphological, 41 creation, 34, 50
anisotropic diffusion, 62–74 filters, 50
architectural principles, 6 shortening flow
axioms, 6, 34, 42, 53 affine, 41
dilation–erosion, 34 Euclidean, 38
discrete nonlinear diffusion, 25, 99–111 silhouette, 31
for curves, 39, 42 simulated annealing, 29
for image sequences, 11, 43 skeletonization, 37
for shapes, 42 slope transform, 35
Gaussian, 7 smoothness, 58, 76, 97, 99, 128
general concept, 6 snakes, 46
invariance principles, 7 explicit, 46
linear diffusion, 7, 116 geodesic, 48
linearity principle, 7 implicit, 47
mean curvature, 39 self-snakes, 48, 124
morphological equivalent of Gaussian scale- software, 27, 44, 116, 137
space, 35 SOR, 106
nonlinear diffusion, 62–74, 118 stability, 25, 43, 44, 106, 109
projective, 42 stabilizing cost, 27, 29
reaction–diffusion, 45 staircasing effect, 18, 29, 52
semidiscrete linear, 10 Stampacchia’s truncation method, 59
semidiscrete nonlinear diffusion, 25, 81– steady-state, see convergence
95 steerable filters, 136
smoothing principles, 6, 62 stencil size, 88–95
scatter matrix, see structure tensor stereo, 11, 28, 30, 48, 62
second moment matrix, see structure tensor stochastic matrix, 98
segmentation, 11, 21, 27, 44, 53, 63, 118, 126, stopping time, 4, 28, 39, 41, 47, 74, 116
137 string theory, 42
self-snakes, see snakes structure tensor, 56, 86, 114, 136
semi-implicit schemes, 25, 44, 50, 102–111, structuring element, 32
113 structuring function, 35
semidiscrete, 10 subpixel accuracy, 36
semidiscrete analogue subsampling, 26, 73
linear diffusion, 10 symmetry, 58, 76, 97
nonlinear diffusion, 25, 75–95
semidiscrete diffusion, see diffusion target tracking, 27
semigroup property, 6, 8, 34 terrain matching, 45
analysis, 56
discrimination, 45, 73
enhancement, 26, 45, 127
generation, 30
segmentation, 24, 27, 29
three-dimensional images, 24, 43, 46–48, 136
topological changes, 43, 46, 47
toppoint, 12
total variation, 49
minimizing methods, 50
preserving methods, 49
affine, 40
Euclidean, 38
projective, 42
translation invariance, see invariance
Turing’s pattern formation model, 30
TV, see total variation
zero-crossings, 5, 34, 50
Anisotropic Diffusion
in Image Processing
Joachim Weickert
University of Copenhagen
Many recent techniques for digital image enhancement and multiscale image rep-
resentations are based on nonlinear partial differential equations.
This book gives an introduction to the main ideas behind these methods, and
it describes in a systematic way their theoretical foundations, numerical aspects,
and applications. A large number of references enables the reader to acquire an
up-to-date overview of the original literature.
The central emphasis is on anisotropic nonlinear diffusion filters. Their flexibil-
ity allows to combine smoothing properties with image enhancement qualities. A
general framework is explored covering well-posedness and scale-space results not
only for the continuous, but also for the algorithmically important semidiscrete and
fully discrete settings. The presented examples range from applications in medical
image analysis to problems in computer aided quality control.