SimVoi 311 Guide
SimVoi 311 Guide
SimVoi 311 Guide
Using SimVoi
SimVoi is a Monte Carlo simulation add-in for Windows Excel 2010 & 2013 & 2016 & 2019 &
365 and Mac Excel 2016 & 2019 & 365.
SimVoi facilitates Monte Carlo simulation by providing:
Seventeen random number generator functions
Ability to set the seed for random number generation
Automatic repeated sampling for simulation
Frequency distributions of simulation results
Histogram, cumulative, and bivariate charts
Value of information for input assumptions of your model
Your spreadsheet model may include uncontrollable uncertainties as input assumptions. Examples
are demand for a new product, uncertain variable cost of production, or competitor reaction. You
can use simulation to determine the uncertainty associated with the model's output (annual profit).
You assess the probabilities for the input assumptions, and SimVoi automates the simulation by
trying hundreds or thousands of what-ifs consistent with your assessments.
SimVoi provides (1) random number generator functions as inputs for your model, (2) automates
Monte Carlo simulation, (3) summarizes results in tables and charts, and (4) computes value of
To use SimVoi:
(1) Refer to the separate “How To Install” PDF file for installation instructions.
(2) Create a spreadsheet model.
(3) Optionally use SensIt to identify critical inputs.
(4) In each input cell of your model enter one of SimVoi's random number generator functions.
(5) On the TreePlan ribbon, click the SimVoi button.
(6) Specify the model output cell, information cells, and the number of what-if trials.
(7) Interpret simulation results. SimVoi gives you tables, histograms, cumulative charts,
bivariate charts, and value of information.
All of SimVoi’s functionality is in the single SimVoi XLAM file. There is no separate setup file or
help file. When you use SimVoi on a Windows computer, it does not create any Windows
Registry entries (although Excel may use such entries to keep track of its add-ins).
108 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
When you open the workbook, Excel looks for the SimVoi XLAM file using the saved path. If
you deleted the SimVoi XLAM file or if you opened the workbook on another computer where the
SimVoi XLAM file is not located at the same path, Excel cannot find the SimVoi XLAM file at
the saved path location. Excel displays a dialog box like the one shown below.
Mac Excel will show a similar warning with an Update button and subsequent Edit Links button.
If SimVoi is running, click the Edit Links button.
To update the links, click the Change Source button. A file browser window will open. Navigate
to the SimVoi XLAM file that is running. Select the file using the file browser, and click OK.
Back in the Edit Links dialog box, click the Close button.
If you do not immediately update links when the file is opened, you can update the links later if
SimVoi is running. To do so, in Windows Excel, choose Edit Links in the Queries & Connections
group of the Data ribbon. In Mac Excel 365, from the topmost menu, choose Data > Edit Links, or
choose Edit Links in the Connections group of the Data ribbon.
110 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
To show the use of several random number generator functions, we use the truncated normal,
triangular density, and a discrete distribution. In your own initial analysis of a problem, you might
choose to use the triangular density with estimates of the minimum, most likely, and maximum
values for each input assumption.
10.6 Monte Carlo Simulation 111
After entering random number generator functions, recalculate the worksheet to verify that the
functions and the output function Net Cash Flow are generating appropriate values. To recalculate,
in Windows Excel press F9 repeatedly. In Mac Excel, hold down the Command key and press the
= key repeatedly.
Information Cells are any other cells that you want to monitor for simulation results. In the
example, the range C6:C8 is selected. All Information Cells must be on a single worksheet, which
may be different from the worksheet containing the Output Value Cell. To select multiple cells or
multiple ranges, select the first cell or contiguous range of cells, and then hold down the Ctrl key
(Windows) or Command key (Macintosh) while you select the other cells or ranges of cells.
Click the Monte Carlo Simulation Only option button, select the Number of Trials edit box, and
type an integer value for the number of what-if trials. This value, sometimes called the sample size
or number of iterations, specifies the number of times the worksheet will be recalculated to
determine output values of your model. One row is needed for each trial, and several additional
rows are used for labels, so the number of trials is limited to slightly more than one million in
XLSX workbooks. In the example, the Number of Trials is 500.
If you specify one or more Information Cells, you can check the Bivariate Charts box to obtain
correlations and charts. The correlations are based on the total Number of Trials, but you may
specify a smaller Number of Points for Each Bivariate Chart if you think the scatter pattern may
be obscured by a large number of points. In the example, the Number of Points for Each Bivariate
Chart is 100.
If you want a cumulative relative frequency chart in addition to a histogram for each variable,
check the Cumulative Charts box, and specify the Number of Points for Each Cumulative Chart.
In the example, the number of points is 100.
Leave the Random Number Seed unchanged, or select the Random Number Seed edit box, and
type a number between 1 and 2,147,483,647. Use an integer value without commas or other
separators. In the example, the seed is 12345678.
For terse help, click the Help button. SimVoi will create a help worksheet in your current
To start the simulation, click the Simulate button. Be sure to wait until all calculations and charts
are complete.
In columns to the right of the simulation results, SimVoi also displays the date, time, workbook
name, and other information about the simulation.
Below the summary measures are selected percentiles, based on Excel’s PERCENTILE worksheet
function. The QUARTILE and PERCENTILE functions both use interpolation when necessary, so
some values may be fractional, e.g., the first quartile or twenty fifth percentile in this example.
Refer to Excel's online help for the interpolation method used by the PERCENTILE function.
For each variable SimVoi provides a five-column summary with histogram. The top section has
simulation information and summary measures.
10.8 Univariate Summary 115
In the five-column range, the histogram is a combination chart, using an Excel column chart type
for the vertical bars and an XY Scatter chart type for the horizontal axis.
SimVoi Histogram For 500 Trials
Column Frequency
$20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000 $90,000 $100,000
Net Cash Flow, Column Width = $5,000
The histogram is based on the numerical values of the frequency distribution located below the
histogram and optional cumulative distribution chart. The distribution is computed using Excel’s
array-entered FREQUENCY worksheet function.
116 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
If the Cumulative Charts box is checked on the SimVoi dialog box, the chart of cumulative
relative frequency is shown below the histogram.
SimVoi Cumulative Chart For 100 Trials
Cumulative Relative Frequency
$20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000 $90,000 $100,000
Net Cash Flow
The cumulative chart is based on the sorted values and the cumulative relative frequencies, located
in columns to the right of the charts for the variables.
10.9 Bivariate Summary 117
The cumulative relative frequencies start at 1/(2*N), where N is the number of trials, and increase
by 1/N. The rationale is that the lowest ranked value of the sample values from the simulation is
an estimate of the population values in the range from 0 to 1/N. The lowest ranked value is
associated with the median of that range.
SimVoi creates an XY Scatter chart for each pair of variables. The chart is in the area to the right
of the numerical tables for r and r-squared, The top row of bivariate charts have the output variable
on the vertical axis.
SimVoi Bivariate Chart For 100 Trials
(r = 0.9890, r‐squared = 0.9781, n = 500)
Net Cash Flow
500 700 900 1100 1300 1500
Units Sold
For the example, there is a very strong linear relationship between net cash flow and units sold.
There is almost no relationship between net cash flow and unit variable cost.
SimVoi Bivariate Chart For 100 Trials
(r = ‐0.0388, r‐squared = 0.0015, n = 500)
Net Cash Flow
$6.00 $7.00 $8.00 $9.00 $10.00 $11.00
Unit Variable Cost
10.10 Value of Information 119
Each bivariate chart is based on data arranged in columns located to the right of the charts.
The top ten trials of data for the bivariate charts is the same as the top ten trials on the Simulation
Data sheet. The entire Simulation Data sheet may be deleted without affecting the display of the
bivariate charts.
Figure 10.19 SimVoi Dialog Box for Simulation and Value of Information
SimVoi creates a chart showing the value of information for each Information Cell.
Figure 10.20 Chart for Value of Information for Each Information Variable
1 SimVoi Value Of Information
SimVoi Value of Information
5 $6,000
7 $5,000
Value Of Information
9 $4,000
11 $3,000
13 $2,000
15 $1,000
17 $0
$20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000 $90,000 $100,000
Value Of Alternative
20 Units Sold Unit Variable Cost Fixed Costs
The chart shows how the value of information for the situation described by the model depends on
the value of an alternative situation.
10.10 Value of Information 121
Referring to the Univariate Summary worksheet, the minimum value of simulation results for the
software project is $21,700. If an alternative project has an outcome value less than $21,700, then
clearly the software project is preferred, and there is no value for additional information about the
three uncertain inputs of the software model.
Similarly, the maximum value of simulation results for the software project is $95,938. If an
alternative project has an outcome value greater than $95,938, then clearly the alternative project
is preferred, and there is no value for additional information about the three uncertain inputs of the
software model.
If the alternative project has an outcome value between the two extremes of the software project,
there may be some value of obtaining information about the uncertain assumptions used in the
software model.
For the software example problem with an alternative project yielding $50,000, there is a positive
value associated with information about Units Sold. There is zero value for information about Unit
Variable Cost and Fixed Costs.
When the value of the alternative is $50,000, the exact value of information can be determined by
using the What-If calculations in the Units Sold section of the Value Of Information worksheet.
If you enter $50,000 into the What-If Input cell for Value Of Alternative and recalculate the
worksheet, the What-In Output cell shows $2,067. This is the most you should pay for perfect
information about Units Sold.
Another important use of value of information is sensitivity analysis. Instead of looking at the
effects of varying input values or probability, value of information combines both into its measure.
By examining the chart, it is easy to see that information about Units Sold is much more valuable
than information about Unit Variable Cost or Fixed Costs.
SimVoi determines value of information by first sorting the simulation results for an Information
Cell and associated Output Value Cell. SimVoi uses the Information Cell data as the sort key and
122 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
sorts from highest value down to lowest value. The Trial number is included to make it easy to
verify the calculations.
Figure 10.22 Top Ten Rows of Sorted Data for Conditional EMV
3 Sort Key
4 Trial Units Sold Net Cash Flow
5 322 1485 $90,700
6 43 1471 $90,922
7 188 1469 $92,973
8 239 1469 $93,967
9 206 1465 $91,794
10 236 1462 $95,938
11 114 1460 $93,300
12 320 1445 $92,665
13 136 1430 $88,405
14 8 1422 $90,185
Without any additional information, the average value of the simulation model is $58,661, i.e., the
mean of Net Cash Flow shown on the Univariate Summary worksheet.
In this example, the Number of Brackets is 25 and the Trials per Bracket is 20. In the sorted data
the first 20-row bracket is rows 5:24. When Units Sold is in the range 1349 to 1485, the associated
Net Cash Flow values range from $83,313 to $95,938 with average value $89,201. SimVoi uses
the name Conditional Average Value of Simulation for this average, and the value is displayed
below the What-If area on the worksheet. If we know that Units Sold is in this high range, average
value of the simulation is $89,201. The second bracket is rows 25:44 with conditional average
value $79,779. And so on, down to the twenty-fifth bracket in rows 485:504 with conditional
average value $31,784.
If we know that Units Sold is in a particular bracket, we compare the conditional average value of
the simulation with the value of the alternative, and we choose the highest. The third column
below the What-If area contains MAX functions, and the result is Conditional Average Value
With Information.
The average of the Conditional Average Value With Information values is the Average Value
With Information, Units Sold, shown in the What-If area. Also shown is the Average Value
Without Information, i.e., the maximum of the Average Value Of Simulation and the Value Of
Alternative. The Value of Information is the difference between the Average Value With
Information and the Average Value Without Information.
When the value of the alternative is $50,000, the value of information is $2,067. The value of
information is highest if the value of the alternative is the same as the average value of the
simulation model, i.e., $64,139 – $58,661 = $5,478.
The data for the chart is computed using approximately 500 equally-spaced values between the
minimum and maximum of the Net Cash Flow values from the simulation, including the value of
Average Value Of Simulation.
10.11 Random Number Generator Functions 123
The required arguments alpha and beta determine the shape of the probability density function and
correspond to arguments of the same name used by the Excel family of beta functions. The
optional arguments correspond to lower bound A and upper bound B in the Excel beta functions.
If any argument is nonnumeric, RandBeta returns the #VALUE! error value.
If alpha <= 0 or beta <= 0, RandBeta returns the #NUM! error value.
If you omit values for minimum_value and maximum_value, RandBeta returns values with
minimum_value = 0 and maximum_value = 1.
The charts show the distribution for RandBeta with shape parameter values of 4 and 2,
minimum_value 2 and maximum_value 10.
124 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
Returns a random value from a binomial distribution. The binomial distribution can model a
process with a fixed number of trials where the outcome of each trial is a success or failure, the
trials are independent, and the probability of success is constant. RandBinomial counts the total
number of successes for the specified number of trials. If n is the number of trials, the possible
values for RandBinomial are the non-negative integers 0,1,...,n.
Trials (often denoted n) is the number of independent trials.
Probability_s (often denoted p) is the probability of success on each trial.
Returns #N/A if there are too few or too many arguments.
Returns #NAME! if an argument is text and the name is undefined.
Returns #NUM! if trials is non-integer or less than one, or probability_s is less than zero or more
than one.
Returns #VALUE! if an argument is a defined name of a cell and the cell is blank or contains text.
A salesperson makes ten unsolicited calls per day, where the probability of making a sale on each
call is 70 percent. The uncertain total number of sales in one day is =RandBinomial(10,0.7)
126 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
Probability, P(X=x)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Total Number of Sales in 10 Calls, x
Cumulative Probability, P(X<=x)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Total Number of Sales in 10 Calls, x
Related Functions
FastBinomial: Same as RandBinomial without any error checking of the arguments.
CritBinom(trials,probability_s,RAND()): Excel's inverse of the cumulative binomial, or
CritBinom(trials,probability_s,RandUniform(0,1)) to use the SimVoi Seed feature.
10.11 Random Number Generator Functions 127
Returns two random values from a bivariate normal distribution with specified means, standard
deviations, and correlation.
To use this random number generator function, select two adjacent cells on the worksheet. Type
=RandBiVarNormal followed by numerical values for the five arguments or references to cells
containing the values, separated by commas, enclosed in starting and ending parentheses. After
typing the ending parentheses, do not press Enter. Instead, hold down the Control and Shift keys
while you press Enter, thus "array entering" the function.
Returns #REF! if the array function is not entered into two adjacent cells.
Returns #NUM! if a standard deviation is negative or the correlation is outside the range between -
1 and +1.
Returns #VALUE! if an argument is not numeric.
Select two adjacent cells, type
Hold down Control and Shift while you press Enter.
Related Function
FastBiVarNormal: Same as RandBiVarNormal without any error checking of the arguments. The
two adjacent cells must be in the same row.
128 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
Returns a random value from a piecewise-linear cumulative distribution. This function can model
a continuous-valued uncertain quantity, X, by specifying points on its cumulative distribution.
Each point is specified by a possible value, x, and a corresponding left-tail cumulative probability,
P(X<=x). Random values are based on linear interpolation between the specified points.
Value_cumulative_table must be a reference, or the defined name of a reference, for a two-column
range, with values in the left column and corresponding cumulative probabilities in the right
Returns #N/A if there are too few or too many arguments.
Returns #NAME! if the argument is text and the name is undefined.
Returns #NUM! if the first (top) cumulative probability is not zero, if the last (bottom) cumulative
probability is not one, or if the values or cumulative probabilities are not in ascending order.
Returns #REF! if the number of columns in the table reference is not two.
Returns #VALUE! if the argument is not a reference, if the argument is a defined name but not for
a reference, or if any cell of the table contains text or is blank.
A corporate planner thinks that minimum possible market demand is 1000 units, median is 5000,
and maximum possible is 9000. Also, there is a ten percent chance that demand will be less than
4000 and a ten percent chance it will exceed 7000. The values, x, and cumulative probabilities,
P(X<=x), are entered into spreadsheet cells A2:B6.
Related Function
FastCumulative: Same as RandCumulative without any error checking of the arguments.
10.11 Random Number Generator Functions 129
Probability Density, f(x)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Market Demand, x, in units
Cumulative Probability, P(X<=x
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Market Demand, x, in units
130 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
Returns a random value from a discrete probability distribution. This function can model a
discrete-valued uncertain quantity, X, by specifying its probability mass function. The function is
specified by each possible discrete value, x, and its corresponding probability, P(X=x).
Value_discrete_table must be a reference, or the defined name of a reference, for a two-column
range, with values in the left column and corresponding probability mass in the right column.
Returns #N/A if there are too few or too many arguments.
Returns #NAME! if the argument is text and the name is undefined.
Returns #NUM! if a probability is negative or if the probabilities do not sum to one.
Returns #REF! if the number of columns in the table reference is not two.
Returns #VALUE! if the argument is not a reference, if the argument is a defined name but not for
a reference, or if any cell of the table contains text or is blank.
A corporate planner thinks that uncertain market revenue, X, can be approximated by three
possible values and their associated probabilities: P(X=10000) = 0.25, P(X=12000) = 0.50, and
P(X=15000) = 0.25. The values and probabilities are entered into spreadsheet cells A2:B4.
Related Function
FastDiscrete: Same as RandDiscrete without any error checking of the arguments.
10.11 Random Number Generator Functions 131
Probability Mass, P(X=x)
$8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 $16,000
Market Revenue, x
Cumulative Probability, P(X<=x)
$8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 $16,000
Market Revenue, x
132 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
Returns a random value from an exponential distribution. This function can model the uncertain
time interval between successive arrivals at a queuing system or the uncertain time required to
serve a customer.
Lambda is the mean number of occurrences per unit of time.
Returns #N/A if there are too few or too many arguments.
Returns #NAME! if the argument is text and the name is undefined.
Returns #NUM! if lambda is negative or zero.
Returns #VALUE! if the argument is a defined name of a cell and the cell is blank or contains text.
Cars arrive at a toll plaza with a mean rate of 3 cars per minute. The uncertain time between
successive arrivals, measured in minutes, is =RandExponential(3). The average value returned by
repeated recalculation of RandExponential(3) is 0.333.
10.11 Random Number Generator Functions 133
Probability Density, f(x)
0 1 2 3
Tim e Be tw e e n Succe s s ive Arrivals in M inute s , x
Cumulative Probability, P(X<=x)
0 1 2 3
Tim e Be tw e e n Succe s s ive Arrivals in M inute s , x
A bank teller requires an average of two minutes to serve a customer. The uncertain customer
service time, measured in minutes, is =RandExponential(0.5). The average value returned by
repeated recalculation of RandExponential(0.5) is 2.
Related Functions
FastExponential: Same as RandExponential without any error checking of the arguments.
LN(RAND())/lambda: Excel's inverse of the exponential, or
LN(RandUniform(0,1))/lambda to use the SimVoi Seed feature.
RandPoisson: Counts number of occurrences for a Poisson process.
134 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
Returns a uniformly distributed random integer between two integers you specify.
Bottom is the smallest integer RandInteger will return.
Top is the largest integer RandInteger will return.
Returns #N/A if there are too few or too many arguments.
Returns #NAME! if an argument is text and the name is undefined.
Returns #NUM! if top is less than or equal to bottom.
Returns #VALUE! if bottom or top is not an integer or if an argument is a defined name of a cell
and the cell is blank or contains text.
The number of orders a particular customer will place next year is between 7 and 11, with no
number more likely than the others. The uncertain number of orders is =RandInteger(7,11).
10.11 Random Number Generator Functions 135
Probability, P(X=x)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Number of Orders Next Year, x
Cumulative Probability, P(X<=x)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Number of Orders Next Year, x
Related Function
FastInteger: Same as RandInteger without any error checking of the arguments.
RandBetween(bottom,top): Excel’s function for uniformly distributed integers, without SimVoi’s
capability of setting the seed.
136 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
Returns a random value from a lognormal distribution.
Returns a random value from a normal distribution. This function can model a variety of
phenomena where the values follow the familiar bell-shaped curve, and it has wide application in
statistical quality control and statistical sampling.
Mean is the arithmetic mean of the normal distribution.
Standard_dev is the standard deviation of the normal distribution.
Returns #N/A if there are too few or too many arguments.
Returns #NAME! if an argument is text and the name is undefined.
Returns #NUM! if standard_dev is negative.
Returns #VALUE! if an argument is a defined name of a cell and the cell is blank or contains text.
The total market for a product is approximately normally distributed with mean 60,000 units and
standard deviation 5,000 units. The uncertain total market is =RandNormal(60000,5000).
10.11 Random Number Generator Functions 137
Probability Density, f(x)
40000 45000 50000 55000 60000 65000 70000 75000 80000
Total M ark e t Size , x
Cumulative Probability, P(X<=x)
40000 45000 50000 55000 60000 65000 70000 75000 80000
Total M ark e t Size , x
Related Function
FastNormal: Same as RandNormal without any error checking of the arguments.
NormInv(RAND(),mean,standard_dev): Excel's inverse of the normal, or
NormInv(RandUniform(0,1),mean,standard_dev) to use the SimVoi Seed feature.
138 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
Returns a random value from a Poisson distribution. This function can model the uncertain
number of occurrences during a specified time interval, for example, the number of arrivals at a
service facility during an hour. The possible values of RandPoisson are the non-negative integers,
0, 1, 2, ... .
Mean is the mean number of occurrences per unit of time.
Returns #N/A if there are too few or too many arguments.
Returns #NAME! if the argument is text and the name is undefined.
Returns #NUM! if mean is negative or zero.
Returns #VALUE! if mean is a defined name of a cell and the cell is blank or contains text.
Cars arrive at a toll plaza with a mean rate of 3 cars per minute. The uncertain number of arrivals
in a minute is =RandPoisson(3). The average value returned by repeated recalculation of
RandPoisson(3) is 3.
10.11 Random Number Generator Functions 139
Probability, P(X=x)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Arrivals in a Minute, x
Cumulative Probability, P(X<=x)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Arrivals in a Minute, x
A bank teller requires an average of two minutes to serve a customer. The uncertain number of
customers served in a minute is =RandPoisson(0.5). The average value returned by repeated
recalculation of RandPoisson(0.5) is 0.5.
Related Functions
FastPoisson: Same as RandPoisson without any error checking of the arguments.
RandExponential: Describes time between occurrences for a Poisson process.
140 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
Returns a random sample without replacement from a population.
To use this random number generator function, select a number of cells equal to the sample size,
either in a single column or in a single row. Type =RandSample( followed by a reference to the
cells containing the population values, enclosed in parentheses. After typing the ending
parentheses, do not press Enter. Instead, hold down the Control and Shift keys while you press
Enter, thus "array entering" the function.
The population argument is a reference to a range of values in a single column.
Returns #N/A if the population range is not part of a single column.
Returns #REF! if the function is not entered into two adjacent cells.
Type population values into cells A2:A6. For a sample of size 3, select cells B2:B4, and type
=RandSample(A2:A6) but don't press Enter. Hold down Control and Shift while you press Enter.
Press F9 to recalculate for a different sample.
1 Population Data Sample
2 29 73
3 73 57
4 13 29
5 44
6 57
Related Functions
FastColumnSample: Same as RandSample for two adjacent cells in the same column, without any
error checking of arguments.
FastRowSample: Same as RandSample for two adjacent cells in the same row, without any error
checking of arguments.
10.11 Random Number Generator Functions 141
Returns a random value from a triangular probability density function. This function can model an
uncertain quantity where the most likely value (mode) has the largest probability of occurrence,
the minimum and maximum possible values have essentially zero probability of occurrence, and
the probability density function is linear between the minimum and the mode and between the
mode and the maximum. This function can also model a ramp density function where the
minimum equals the mode or the mode equals the maximum.
Minimum is the smallest value RandTriangular will return.
Most_likely is the most likely value RandTriangular will return.
Maximum is the largest value RandTriangular will return.
Returns #N/A if there are too few or too many arguments.
Returns #NAME! if an argument is text and the name is undefined.
Returns #NUM! if minimum is greater than or equal to maximum, if most_likely is less than
minimum, or if most_likely is greater than maximum.
Returns #VALUE! if an argument is a defined name of a cell and the cell is blank or contains text.
The minimum time required to complete a particular task that is part of a large project is 2 hours,
the most likely time required is 4 hours, and the maximum time required is 10 hours.
The function returning the uncertain time required for the task is entered into a cell:
The probability density chart shows the difference between the RandTriangular function with its
two linear segments and the smoother RandTriBeta function.
Related Function
FastTriangular: Same as RandTriangular without any error checking of arguments.
142 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
Returns a random value from a beta probability density function. This function can model an
uncertain quantity where the most likely value (mode) has the largest probability of occurrence,
and the minimum and maximum possible values have essentially zero probability of occurrence.
The probability density function is a smooth curve between the minimum and the maximum with
its highest point at the mode.
Minimum is the smallest value RandTriBeta will return.
Most_likely is the most likely value RandTriBeta will return.
Maximum is the largest value RandTriBeta will return.
Shape is an optional parameter which determines the peakedness of the density function. If a value
for Shape is omitted, RandTriBeta uses the value Shape = 4.
Returns #N/A if there are too few or too many arguments.
Returns #NAME! if an argument is text and the name is undefined.
Returns #NUM! if minimum is greater than or equal to maximum, if most_likely is less than
minimum, or if most_likely is greater than maximum.
Returns #VALUE! if an argument is a defined name of a cell and the cell is blank or contains text.
Related Function
FastTriBeta: Same as RandTriBeta without any error checking of arguments.
The minimum time required to complete a particular task that is part of a large project is 2 hours,
the most likely time required is 4 hours, and the maximum time required is 10 hours.
The function returning the uncertain time required for the task is entered into a cell: =
RandTriBeta (2,4,10).
The charts show the shapes of RandTriBeta(2,4,10) where the solid line uses the default shape
value 4. The flatter dotted line shows RandTriBeta(2,4,10,2), and the peaked dashed line shows
144 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
Returns a pair of random values from a bivariate normal probability density function with
specified correlation, where each marginal distribution is truncated.
10.11 Random Number Generator Functions 145
Returns a random value from a truncated log normal probability density function. This function
can model an uncertain quantity with a positively-skewed density function where extreme values
in the tails of the distribution are not desired. Subranges of the truncated UQ have the same
relative probabilities as the same subranges of the original log normal distribution.
Mean and StDev are the parameters for the original log normal distribution.
MinValue is the smallest value RandTruncLogNormal will return.
MaxValue is the largest value RandTruncLogNormal will return.
MinValue and MaxValue are optional arguments.
Returns a random value from a truncated normal probability density function. This function can
model an uncertain quantity with a bell-shaped density function where extreme values in the tails
of the distribution are not desired. Subranges of the truncated UQ have the same relative
probabilities as the same subranges of the original normal distribution.
Mean and StDev are the parameters for the original normal distribution.
MinValue is the smallest value RandTruncNormal will return.
MaxValue is the largest value RandTruncNormal will return.
MinValue and MaxValue are optional arguments.
Returns #N/A if a value between MinValue and MaxValue is not found after 10,000 attempts.
Returns #NUM! if MinValue is greater than or equal to MaxValue.
Returns #VALUE! if an argument cannot be interpreted as a numeric value.
146 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
Related Function
FastTruncNormal: Same as RandTruncNormal, but with error checking only for maximum of
10,000 attempts.
An uncertain quantity has a normal distribution with mean = 100 and standard deviation = 10, but
values are restricted between 90 and 120.
The function returning the uncertain quantity is entered into a cell: = RandTruncNormal
Figure 10.45 shows the original normal density function with mean = 100 and standard deviation
= 10. The density function is rescaled so that the total area under the curve between 90 and 120 is
equal to one. The corresponding cumulative distributions are shown in Figure 10.46.
For example, with the original normal density function, P(100<=X<=110) = 0.341, and
P(110<=X<=120) = 0.136. The ratio of P(100<=X<=110) to P(110<=X<=120) is 0.341/0.136 =
2.512. Thus, a value in the range 100 to 110 is approximately 2.5 times as likely as a value in the
range 110 to 120.
With the truncated normal density function, P(100<=X<=110) = 0.417, and P(110<=X<=120) =
0.166. The ratio of P(100<=X<=110) to P(110<=X<=120) is 0. 417/0.166 = 2.512. Thus, a value
in the range 100 to 110 is still approximately 2.5 times as likely as a value in the range 110 to 120.
10.11 Random Number Generator Functions 147
Cumulative Probability, P(X<=x)
70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Value, x
Returns a uniformly distributed random value between two values you specify. As a special case,
RandUniform(0,1) is the same as Excel's built-in RAND() function.
Minimum is the smallest value RandUniform will return.
Maximum is the largest value RandUniform will return.
Returns #N/A if there are too few or too many arguments.
148 Chapter 10 Monte Carlo Simulation Using SimVoi
A corporate planner thinks that the company's product will garner between 10% and 15% of the
total market, with all possible percentages equally likely in the specified range. The uncertain
market proportion is =RandUniform(0.10,0.15).
Probability Density, f(x)
0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17
Proportion of Total M ark e t Capture d, x
Cumulative Probability, P(X<=x)
0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17
Proportion of Total Market Captured, x
Related Function
FASTUNIFORM: Same as RandUniform without any error checking of the arguments.
10.12 SimVoi Technical Details 149
RandSample(population) uses RandSeed for each of the cells that were selected when the function
was array-entered, avoiding population values that have already been selected, thus providing
sampling without replacement.
RandTriangular(minimum,most_likely,maximum) uses RandSeed once. The triangular density
function has two linear segments, so the cumulative distribution has two quadratic segments. The
returned value is determined by interpolation on the appropriate quadratic segment.
RandTriBeta(minimum,most_likely,maximum,[shape]) uses several formulas to transform min-
mode-max into the beta function alpha and beta parameters and then uses RandSeed as the
cumulative probability in Excel's built-in BETAINV function.
RandTruncBiVarNormal(mean1,stdev1,mean2,stdev2,correl12,[min1],[max1],[min2], [max2])
uses values of RandBiVarNormal until normal values are found between the pairs of min and max
values or until it has made 10,000 attempts.
RandTruncLogNormal(Mean,StDev,MinValue,MaxValue)) uses values of RandNormal until a log
normal value is found between MinValue and MaxValue or until it has made 10,000 attempts.
RandTruncNormal(Mean,StDev,MinValue,MaxValue)) uses values of RandNormal until a value
is found between MinValue and MaxValue or until it has made 10,000 attempts.
RandUniform(minimum,maximum) returns minimum + RandSeed*(maximum-minimum).
RandUniform(0,1) is equivalent to Excel's built-in RAND() function.
SimVoi includes a Fast... version of each of the seventeen functions, e.g., FastBinomial,
FastCumulative, etc. The Fast... functions are identical to the Rand... functions except there is no
error checking of arguments.