This document defines and describes different types of gear trains:
1) A gear train transmits power from one shaft to another using two or more meshing gears. There are four main types: simple, compound, reverted, and epicyclic.
2) A simple gear train has only one gear on each shaft. A compound gear train has more than one gear on a shaft to bridge space between driver and driven gears.
3) A reverted gear train has coaxial first and last gears, causing the first gear to drive the last in the same direction. An epicyclic gear train allows the gear axes to move relative to a fixed axis, like in a planet gear system.
This document defines and describes different types of gear trains:
1) A gear train transmits power from one shaft to another using two or more meshing gears. There are four main types: simple, compound, reverted, and epicyclic.
2) A simple gear train has only one gear on each shaft. A compound gear train has more than one gear on a shaft to bridge space between driver and driven gears.
3) A reverted gear train has coaxial first and last gears, causing the first gear to drive the last in the same direction. An epicyclic gear train allows the gear axes to move relative to a fixed axis, like in a planet gear system.
This document defines and describes different types of gear trains:
1) A gear train transmits power from one shaft to another using two or more meshing gears. There are four main types: simple, compound, reverted, and epicyclic.
2) A simple gear train has only one gear on each shaft. A compound gear train has more than one gear on a shaft to bridge space between driver and driven gears.
3) A reverted gear train has coaxial first and last gears, causing the first gear to drive the last in the same direction. An epicyclic gear train allows the gear axes to move relative to a fixed axis, like in a planet gear system.
This document defines and describes different types of gear trains:
1) A gear train transmits power from one shaft to another using two or more meshing gears. There are four main types: simple, compound, reverted, and epicyclic.
2) A simple gear train has only one gear on each shaft. A compound gear train has more than one gear on a shaft to bridge space between driver and driven gears.
3) A reverted gear train has coaxial first and last gears, causing the first gear to drive the last in the same direction. An epicyclic gear train allows the gear axes to move relative to a fixed axis, like in a planet gear system.
The key takeaways are the different types of gear trains: simple, compound, reverted and epicyclic gear trains.
The different types of gear trains are: simple, compound, reverted and epicyclic gear trains.
A simple gear train is when there is only one gear on each shaft that mesh with each other to transmit power from one shaft to another.
Gear Train
Gear Train Definition: When two or more gears are made to mesh with each other to transmit power from one shaft to another, such a combination is called ‘gear train or train of toothed wheels’.
Types of gear trains:
1. Simple gear train, 2. Compound gear train, 3. Reverted gear train, and 4. Epicyclic gear train. Simple gear train Definition: When there is only one gear on each shaft as shown in fig., it is known as simple gear train.
When the distance between
two shafts is small, the two gears 1 and 2 are made to mesh with each other to transmit motion from one shaft to other as shown in fig. Since the gear 1 drives 2, therefore gear 1 is called the driver and the gear 2 is called Compound gear train Definition: When there are more than one gear a shaft as shown in fig., it is known as compound gear train.
Compound gear trains are useful
in bridging over the space between the driver and the driven. Reverted gear train Definition: When the axes of the first gear and the last gear are co-axial, then the gear train is known as reverted gear train as shown in figure.
Here the gear 1 drives the gear 2 in
the opposite direction. S i n c e t h e g e a r 2 a n d 3 f o r m a compound gear and the gear 3 will rotate in the same direction as of gear 2. the gear 3 will drive the gear 4 in the same direction as of gear 1. hence the motion of the first gear Epicyclic gear train In an epicyclic gear train, the axes of the shafts, over which the gears are mounted, may move relative to a fixed axis. A simple epicyclic gear train is shown in figure. When a gear 1 and arm 3 and gear 2 and arm 3 have a common axis. If the arm is fixed, the gear train is simple and gear 1 can drive gear 2 or vice-versa, but is gear 1 is fixed and the arm is rotated about the axis then the gear 2 is forced to rotate upon and around the gear 1. Such a motion is called epicyclic. Compound Epicyclic gear train-sun and planet gear