Ott Services in India: U K Srivastava
Ott Services in India: U K Srivastava
Ott Services in India: U K Srivastava
Principal Advisor (Network, Spectrum & Licensing)
TRAI, India
Some Relevant Quotes
“Laws should be like clothes. They should be made to fit the people
they are meant to serve”
What is Over-The-Top
• Applications and services which are accessible over
the internet and ride on operators’ networks
offering internet access services
• Three types of OTT– Communications, Video
content, Application eco system.
• Two broad categories of services– communications
& non-communications
• Three broad public policy issues- Regulatory
imbalances; impact on economy & Security issues. 3
Growth of OTT….
• The rapid growth of OTT services has raised a
number of national policy issues relating to
regulatory imbalances & security concerns that
need to be addressed.
• The regulatory imbalances need examination at
various levels by different agencies of
• In addition, public safety and privacy issues
require attention.
International Messaging
Traffic- SMS vs OTT
Network Operators’ Revenues
Lost to OTT Players
Issues related to security, safety and
privacy of the consumer
International Legislations
• Specific • OTT providers • OTT only • New FCC draft • OTT allowed
licenses for are blocked allowed if rules was only to work
VoIP when offering they work released on with licensed
connecting to voice services with licensed March 12, telecom
PSTN that connect telecom 2015 (will companies
to the PSTN companies take few years
to be
Present Status in India
Government formed committee on
Net neutrality including OTT
(iii) In case of VoIP OTT communication services, there exists a regulatory
arbitrage wherein such services also bypass the existing licensing and
regulatory regime creating a non-level playing field between TSPs and OTT
providers both competing for the same service provision. Public policy
response requires that regulatory arbitrage does not dictate winners and
losers in a competitive market for service provision.
(iv)The existence of a pricing arbitrage in VoIP OTT communication services
requires a graduated and calibrated public policy response. In case of OTT
VoIP international calling services, a liberal approach may be adopted.
However, in case of domestic calls (local and national), communication
services by TSPs and OTT communication services may be treated similarly
from a regulatory angle for the present. The nature of regulatory similarity,
the calibration of regulatory response and its phasing can be appropriately
determined after public consultations and TRAI’s recommendations to this
Consultation papers issued by TRAI