Assignment in Ag Ed 148
Assignment in Ag Ed 148
Assignment in Ag Ed 148
deliciosa, the Swiss cheese plant, is a species of flowering plant native to tropical forests of
southern Mexico, south to Panama. It has been introduced to many tropical areas, and has become
a mildly invasive species in Hawaii, Seychelles, Ascension Island and the Society Islands.
Parlor palm
Chamaedorea elegans, the neanthe bella palm or parlour palm, is a species of small palm tree native
to the rainforests in Southern Mexico and Guatemala. The parlor palm is one of the most heavily
sold houseplant palms in the world. It is one of several species with leaves that are harvested as
Disease: Parlor palms are vulnerable to pests including aphids, mealy bugs, scale, and whitefly.
3 If possible, identify the infestation as early as possible and treat it with the least toxic option.
Fungal leaf spots and root rot can occur from moisture issues such as overwatering.
Ficus elastica
the rubber fig, rubber bush, rubber tree, rubber plant, or Indian rubber bush, Indian rubber tree, is a
species of plant in the fig genus, native to eastern parts of South Asia and southeast Asia.
Disease: angular lesions on many other Ficus species (Figure 4). These lesions are water soaked and
randomly spaced on the leaves. Factors favoring the disease: The warm temperatures and high humidity
commonly seen during summer favor the pathogen.
Aloe vera
is a succulent plant species of the genus Aloe. The name comes from two root words: "aloeh" is an
Arabic word meaning bitter, and "vera" is Latin for "truth." An evergreen perennial, it originates from
the Arabian Peninsula, but grows wild in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates around the world.
Disease: Common diseases in these plants include root rot, fungal stem rot, soft rot and leaf rot. Leaf
spots usually result from too much water. Aloe rust causes black spots. The blackened area oxidizes and
seals itself from the rest of the plant, and the discoloration does not spread.
Phothos plant
Epipremnum aureum is a species of flowering plant in the arum family Araceae, native to Mo'orea in
the Society Islands of French Polynesia.
Disease: Water-soaked spots with yellow halos spread rapidly on leaves. Centers of the spots fall out
under wet conditions
Snake plants
Dracaena trifasciata is a species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae, native to tropical
West Africa from Nigeria east to the Congo. It is most commonly known as the snake plant, Saint
George's sword, mother-in-law's tongue, and viper's bowstring hemp, among other names.
Disease: Snake plants are susceptible to infestations of mealybugs and spider mites.
Zz plants
Zamioculcas is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae, containing the single species
Zamioculcas zamiifolia. It is a tropical perennial plant native to eastern Africa, from southern Kenya
to northeastern South Africa.
Disease: Keep an eye out for spider mites, aphids, scale, thrips, whitefly, blackfly, vine weevils &
is a genus of perennial shrubs and trees in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Agavoideae. Its 40–
50 species are notable for their rosettes of evergreen, tough, sword-shaped leaves and large terminal
panicles of white or whitish flowers. They are native to the hot and dry parts of the Americas and the
is a genus of about 120 species of trees and succulent shrubs. The formerly accepted genera
Pleomele and Sansevieria are now included in Dracaena.
Disease: Tan or brown coloring on the white areas of leaves and dead or yellow leaf tips may
indicate fluoride toxicity or alkaline soil.
Lavender plant
Lavandula is a genus of 47 known species of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. It is
native to the Old World and is found in Cape Verde and the Canary Islands, and from Europe across
to northern and eastern Africa, the Mediterranean, southwest Asia to southeast India.
Disease: Wet Feet This isn't a disease but it spells a far greater hazard for lavender plants than the
other two put together.
Jasmine plants
is a genus of shrubs and vines in the olive family. It contains around 200 species native to tropical
and warm temperate regions of Eurasia and Oceania. Jasmines are widely cultivated for the
characteristic fragrance of their flowers.
Disease: The most common diseases of jasmine are blight, rust and Fusarium wilt, all of which affect
numerous other varieties of plants. These are primarily diseases of the leaves and stems which leave
necrotic areas, discolored halos or patches, wilted leaves, streaked stems and occasionally spread to
young vegetation.
Spider plants
Chlorophytum comosum, usually called spider plant but also known as spider ivy, ribbon plant, and
hen and chickens is a species of perennial flowering plant. It is native to tropical and southern Africa,
but has become naturalized in other parts of the world, including western Australia
Disease: There really aren't many common spider plant diseases. It is possible for them to suffer from
fungal leaf rot and fungal root rot. Root rot can usually be traced to too much watering and/or soil that
doesn't drain freely enough.
Gardenia plant
is a genus of flowering plants in the coffee family, Rubiaceae, native to the tropical and subtropical
regions of Africa, Asia, Madagascar and Pacific Islands, and Australia. The genus was named by Carl
Linnaeus and John Ellis after Dr. Alexander Garden, a Scottish-born American naturalist.
Disease: Proper watering and pruning further helps to keep gardenia plant diseases in check.
Rubber plants
Ficus elastica, the rubber fig, rubber bush, rubber tree, rubber plant, or Indian rubber bush, Indian
rubber tree, is a species of plant in the fig genus, native to eastern parts of South Asia and southeast
Asia. It has become naturalized in Sri Lanka, the West Indies, and the US State of Florida.
Disease: Rubber Plant Bugs: Fighting Pests On A Rubber Plant · Rubber tree (Ficus elastica) is an
impressive plant with huge, shiny leaves, but this cold- sensitive .
Phoenix roebelenii, with common names of dwarf date palm, pygmy date palm, miniature date palm
or robellini palm, is a species of date palm native to southeastern Asia, from southwestern China,
northern Laos and northern Vietnam. The Latin specific epithet roebelenii honours the orchid
collector Carl Roebelen.
Disease: Pygmy date palms are relatively resistant to diseases, but two diseases are fairly common in
this species. Ganoderma butt rot, a soil-borne fungal disease caused by Ganoderma zonatum, causes
decay in the bottom couple of feet of the trunk (Figure 8). ... In severe cases, this disease can kill
the palm.
Boston fern
Nephrolepis exaltata, known as the sword fern or Boston fern, is a species of fern in the family
Lomariopsidaceae native to tropical regions throughout the world. This evergreen plant can reach as
high as 40–90 centimetres, and in extreme cases up to 1.5 metres.
Disease: Small dark green spots form at the base of fronds. Spots turn brown to black as they
Bamboo palm
(Chamaedorea seifrizii) is an exception to this rule and will grow in low light conditions, although
they will grow taller with more light.
Disease: Rot issues – Root rots and heart rots also affect bamboo. Heart rot is a fungus living inside the
stems and can occur in any part of the stem. Root rot affects the roots and lower part of the stem. Either
type of rot may be accompanied by mushrooms growing on the bamboo or on the soil at the base of the
Nephrolepis obliterata, the Kimberley Queen fern, is a species of fern in the family
Lomariopsidaceae. This fern originated in Australia, but is relatively easy to cultivate indoors
Disease: Possible Problems. A 'Kimberly Queen' fern is usually free of plant diseases when grown in well-
drained soil that's never allowed to remain soggy. But several pests can infest the plant, including
mealybugs, which are fluffy and white, and feed on the fronds.
Aspidistra elatior, the cast-iron-plant or bar-room plant, also known in Japanese as haran or baran is
a species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae, native to Japan and Taiwan.
Disease: Any pruning for cast iron plant is either cosmetic or removes pests.
is a genus of tropical flowering plants in the family Araceae. It is native to the New World Tropics
from Mexico and the West Indies south to Argentina. Some species are widely cultivated as
ornamental plants, especially as houseplants, and have become naturalized on a few tropical
Disease: Large gray-brown, oval leaf spots form at leaf tips or margins. Fungal fruiting structures
form in concentric rings within the spots on the underside of the leaf.
Ivy plant
Hedera, commonly called ivy, is a genus of 12–15 species of evergreen climbing or ground-creeping
woody plants in the family Araliaceae, native to western, central and southern Europe, Macaronesia,
northwestern Africa and across central-southern Asia east to Japan and Taiwan.
Disease: Circular, dark-brown to black spots with yellow halos develop on leaves. Leaves yellow, die,
and fall.
Lucky bamboo
If you are giving lucky bamboo as a gift, the number of stalks given determines the type of blessing being
bestowed. Two stalks are sent as an expression of love, and are also said to double your luck. Three
stalks bring three kinds of luck: happiness, long life, and wealth. Four stalks are never given.
Disease: Decay rot and Armillaria root rot are fungal diseases affecting woody plants such as bamboo.
Armillaria fungus, also known as oak root fungus, infects plant roots in moist or poorly drained soil. It
causes leaf discoloration, premature leaf dropping and eventual death.
Pencil Cactus
Euphorbia tirucalli is a tree that grows in semi-arid tropical climates. A hydrocarbon plant, it
produces a poisonous latex that can cause temporary blindness.
Disease: Pencil cacti are susceptible to phomopsis, which results in "gray warts" on the stem. Edema
also causes warty like appendages, but this is usually the result of irregular watering. Edema is not a
fungal disease, but a physiological disorder that could disappear with proper care.
Paddle plants
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora is a species of flowering plant native to Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa and
Disease: White fuzzy lumps on paddle cactus are cochineal ( coach-en-ee-al) scale, a parasite that
pierces the plant's skin and consumes its juices. It's used to make carmine dye.
Green prince
Echeveria Green Prince Care: Growing The Green Prince Plant ... The Echeveria Green Prince is a
succulent plant from the Echeveria [ech-e-ver'-i-a] genus .
Disease: Succulent plants: See common pests, diseases and problems; find out how to identify ...
When transitioning from green to red (or vice-versa), leaves may appear blotchy.
String of bananas
Curio rowleyanus, syn. Senecio rowleyanus, is a flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae. It is a
creeping, perennial, succulent vine native to the drier parts of southwest Africa. In its natural
environment its stems trail on the ground, rooting where they touch and forming dense mats.
Disease: Common diseases associated with String of Bananas are root rot, botrytis & southern blight -
click here to learn more about these issues.
is a beautiful evergreen gray succulent that turns pink and purple under full sun. It has pink flowers
with yellow interiors that bloom in the summer.
Disease: After taking your succulent out of the ground, gently brush the soil off the roots.
Spider plants
Chlorophytum comosum, usually called spider plant but also known as spider ivy, ribbon plant, and
hen and chickens is a species of perennial flowering plant. It is native to tropical and southern Africa,
but has become naturalized in other parts of the world, including western Australia.
Disease: Bacterial leaf blight starts out as light lesions on the leaf tips which gradually turn brown.
Bacterial leaf spot and tip burn occurs in hot, humid conditions and is characterized by yellowing in the
leaf margin and browning edges.
Chinese evergreen
Aglaonema is a genus of flowering plants in the arum family, Araceae. They are native to tropical
and subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea. They are known commonly as Chinese evergreens.
Disease: Too much or too little water plus insects and mites are the main problems. Root rot usually
results from a soil mix that does not drain quickly or overly frequent watering. Spider mites, scales,
mealybugs and aphids can all infest Chinese evergreen as they do many indoor foliage plants.
English ivy
Hedera helix, the common ivy, English ivy, European ivy, or just ivy, is a species of flowering plant of
the ivy genus in the family Araliaceae, native to most of Europe and western Asia.
Disease: Fungal Diseases of English Ivy · Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot.
Golden pothos
Epipremnum aureum is a species of flowering plant in the arum family Araceae, native to Mo'orea in
the Society Islands of French Polynesia.
Disease: When pothos leaves yellow, it can signal serious problems like the fungal diseases pythium
root rot and bacterial leaf spot.
Areca palm
Dypsis lutescens, also known as golden cane palm, areca palm, yellow palm, or butterfly palm, is a
species of flowering plant in the family Arecaceae, native to Madagascar and naturalized in the
Disease: This disease is caused by the fungus, Ganoderma zonatum, which can infect many types of
Chrysanthemums, sometimes called mums or chrysanths, are flowering plants of the genus
Chrysanthemum in the family Asteraceae. They are native to East Asia and northeastern Europe.
Most species originate from East Asia and the center of diversity is in China. Countless horticultural
varieties and cultivars
Peace lily
Gerbera daisy
Gerbera L. is a genus of plants in the Asteraceae. It was named in honour of German botanist and
medical doctor Traugott Gerber who travelled extensively in Russia and was a friend of Carl
Linnaeus. Gerbera is native to tropical regions of South America, Africa and Asia.
Disease: Bacterial leaf spot and blight · Botrytis blight ( gray mold) · Leaf spots.
Rhapis palm
Rhapis excelsa, also known as broadleaf lady palm or bamboo palm, is a species of fan palm in the
genus Rhapis, probably native to southern China and Taiwan. It is not known in the wild; all known
plants come from cultivated groups in China.
Disease: The only type of disease that rhapis excelsa is susceptible to is root rot. The following
pathogens can infect your lady palm's root system and cause the plant to die: Fusarium oxysporum
String of pearls
Curio rowleyanus, syn. Senecio rowleyanus, is a flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae. It is a
creeping, perennial, succulent vine native to the drier parts of southwest Africa. In its natural
environment its stems trail on the ground, rooting where they touch and forming dense mats.
Disease: Overwatering, underwatering, wrong potting mix, improper sunlight, and insects or pests all
can damage your string of pearls.
Portulacaria afra
is a small-leaved succulent plant found in South Africa. These succulents commonly have a reddish
stem and leaves that are green, but also a variegated cultivar is often seen in cultivation. They are
simple to care for and make easy houseplants for a sunny location.
Disease: Under-watering symptoms include shrivelling leaves and stems, little to no growth, gradual
decline; these issues are usually caused by too much light or heat,
Echeveria's ancestors came from the Mexican desert, where botanist Antansio Echeveria discovered
the succulent in the 19th century.
Disease: A microscopic mite causes bubbly, tumorlike growth on aloes, especially along leaf
margins and flower spikes, and where leaves meet the stem.
Jade plants
Crassula ovata, commonly known as jade plant, lucky plant, money plant or money tree, is a
succulent plant with small pink or white flowers that is native to the KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern
Cape provinces of South Africa, and Mozambique; it is common as a houseplant worldwide.
Disease: Excess water can cause a condition called oedema, where roots take up water faster than it
can be used.
Wax agave
Echeveria agavoides, or lipstick echeveria, is a species of flowering plant in the family Crassulaceae,
native to rocky areas of Mexico, notably the states of San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, Guanajuato and
Disease: Mid to late summer crown rot of agave plants can be common in cooler climates and
potted plants.
Opuntia ficus-indica, the Indian fig opuntia, fig opuntia or prickly pear, is a species of cactus that has
long been a domesticated crop plant grown in agricultural economies throughout arid and semiarid
parts of the world. O. ficus-indica is the most widespread and most commercially important cactus.
Disease: Several different fungal diseases attack the fruits and pads of Indian fig cactus. The shoestring
root rot fungus, also called Armillaria fungus, affects Indian fig. Alternaria causes the whole fruit or pad to
dry up. To control these fungi, prevention is your best bet.
Donkeys tails
Sedum morganianum, the donkey tail or burro's tail, is a species of flowering plant in the family
Crassulaceae, native to southern Mexico and Honduras. It is a succulent perennial producing trailing
stems up to 60 cm long, with fleshy blue-green leaves and terminal pink to red flowers in summer.
Disease: This plant has few pest problems (mealybugs occasionally infest the stems), and root rot due to
overwatering is the most common issue. Wilting or soft leaves may indicate too much soil
moisture. Burro's tail is easily grown as a houseplant.
Hen and chicks is a common name for a group of small succulent plants, a term that indicates a
plant that possesses enlarged parts to store water. It belongs to the flowering plant family
Crassulaceae, native to southern Europe and northern Africa.
Disease: usually grow problem-free, unless they are exposed to too much moisture. Crown rot will occur
in wet soils. Some varieties can get Endophyllum rust, a fungus disease. Both problems can be prevented
if grown in dry conditions.
Dragon tree
Dracaena draco, the Canary Islands dragon tree or drago, is a subtropical tree in the genus Dracaena,
native to the Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Madeira, western Morocco, and is thought to be introduced
in the Azores. It is the natural symbol of the island of Tenerife, together with the blue chaffinch.
Disease: Anthracnose, stem canker and the cactus viral disease are the most frequently
reported diseases of dragon fruit.
SUBJECT: Ag Ed 148
Disease: Sago palm diseases include Phytophthora fungi. It invades the roots and root crowns of
the plant causing root rot.
Ficus benjamina, commonly known as weeping fig, benjamin fig or ficus tree, and often sold in stores
as just ficus, is a species of flowering plant in the family Moraceae, native to Asia and Australia.
Disease: Tip Blight. Phomes tip blight is a weak pathogen that affects the tips of young twigs and
new shoots, causing their tops to brown and die.
Philodendron hederaceum, the heartleaf philodendron is a species of flowering plant in the family
Araceae, native to Central America and the Caribbean.
Disease: Xanthomonas Leaf Spot and Tipburn ... Red-edge leaf spot bacteria (Xanthomonas
campestris pv. dieffenbachia) attack philodendron leaves through wounds
Inch plant
Waffe plant
The purple waffle plant, also known as red ivy, is a tropical perennial commonly grown as a houseplant or
as an outdoor annual.
Disease: Leaf drooping and yellowing are the two common diseases/disorders that are seen in
purple waffles.