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January 2010 MS - C1 OCR MEI

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4751 Mark Scheme

4751 (C1) Introduction to Advanced Mathematics

1 [a =]2c 2 − b www o.e. 3 M1 for each of 3 complete correct
steps, ft from previous error if
equivalent difficulty
2 condone ‘=’ used for first two Ms
5 x − 3 < 2 x + 10 M1 M0 for just 5x – 3 < 2(x + 5)
3 x < 13
M1 or −13 < −3x or ft
x< o.e.
3 M1 or ft; isw further simplification of 13/3;
M0 for just x < 4.3

3 (i) (4, 0) 1 allow y = 0, x = 4

bod B1 for x = 4 but do not isw:
0 for (0, 4) seen
0 for (4, 0) and (0, 10) both given
(choice) unless (4, 0) clearly identified
as the x-axis intercept

3 (ii) 5x + 2(5 − x) = 20 o.e. M1 for subst or for multn to make coeffts

same and appropriate addn/subtn;
condone one error

(10/3, 5/3) www isw A2 or A1 for x = 10/3 and A1 for y = 5/3

o.e. isw; condone 3.33 or better and 1.67
or better

A1 for (3.3, 1.7)

4 (i) translation B1 0 for shift/move

 −4 
by   or 4 [units] to left B1 or 4 units in negative x direction o.e.
 0

4 (ii) sketch of parabola right way up and B1 mark intent for both marks
with minimum on negative y-axis

min at (0, −4) and graph through −2 B1 must be labelled or shown nearby
and 2 on x-axis

5 (i) 1 1 2 1
or ± M1 for 1 o.e. or for 144 = 12 soi
12 12 144 2

5 (ii) denominator = 18 B1 B0 if 36 after addition

numerator = 5 − 7 + 4 5 + 7 ) M1 for M1, allow in separate fractions

= 25 + 3 7 as final answer 25 + 3 7
A1 allow B3 for as final answer


4751 Mark Scheme January 2010

6 (i) cubic correct way up and with two B1
turning pts

touching x-axis at −1, and through it at B1 intns must be shown labelled or worked
2.5 and no other intersections out nearby

y- axis intersection at −5 B1

6 (ii) 2x3 − x2 − 8x − 5 2 B1 for 3 terms correct or M1 for correct

expansion of product of two of the given

7 attempt at f(−3) M1 or M1 for long division by (x + 3) as far

−27 + 18 − 15 + k = 6 A1 as obtaining x2 −x and A1 for obtaining
remainder as k – 24 (but see below)
k = 30 A1
equating coefficients method:
M2 for (x + 3)(x2 – x + 8) [+6] o.e.
(from inspection or division) eg M2 for
obtaining x2 – x + 8 as quotient in

8 75 125 4 125
x3 + 15 x + + 3 www isw B1 for both of x3 and or 125x-3 isw
x x x3
or x3 + 15x + 75x-1 + 125x-3 www isw

M1 for 1 3 3 1 soi; A1 for each of 15x

and or 75x-1 isw

SC2 for completely correct unsimplified


4751 Mark Scheme January 2010

9 x2 − 5x + 7 = 3x − 10 M1 or attempt to subst (y + 10)/3 for x

x2 − 8x + 17 [= 0] o.e or M1 condone one error; allow M1 for

y2− 4y + 13 [= 0] o.e x2 − 8x = −17 [oe for y] only if they go
on to completing square method

use of b2 − 4ac with numbers subst M1 or (x − 4)2 = 16 − 17 or (x − 4)2 + 1 = 0

(condone one error in substitution) (condone one error)
(may be in quadratic formula)

b2 − 4ac = 64 − 68 or −4 cao A1 or (x − 4)2 = −1 or x = 4 ± −1

[or 16 – 52 or −36 if y used] [or (y – 2)2 = −9 or y = 2 ± −9 ]

[< 0] so no [real] roots [so line and A1 or conclusion from comp. square; needs
curve do not intersect] to be explicit correct conclusion and
correct ft; allow ‘< 0 so no intersection’
o.e.; allow ‘−4 so no roots’ etc

allow A2 for full argument from sum of

two squares = 0; A1 for weaker correct

some may use the condition b2 < 4ac for

no real roots; allow equivalent marks,
with first A1 for 64 < 68 o.e.

10 (i) 5−3  2  M1 NB needs to be obtained independently

grad CD =  = o.e. isw
3 − ( −1)  4
of grad AB

3 − ( −1) 4
grad AB = or isw M1
6 − ( −2 ) 8
same gradient so parallel www A1 must be explicit conclusion mentioning
‘same gradient’ or ‘parallel’

if M0, allow B1 for 'parallel lines have

same gradient' o.e.

10 (ii) [BC2=] 32 + 22 M1 accept (6 − 3)2 + (3 − 5)2 o.e.

[BC2 =] 13 A1 or [BC =] 13
showing AD2 = 12 + 42 [=17] [≠BC2] A1
isw or [AD =] 17

or equivalent marks for finding AD or

AD2 first

alt method: showing AC ≠ BD – mark



4751 Mark Scheme January 2010

10 (iii) [BD eqn is] y = 3 M1 eg allow for ‘at M, y = 3’ or for 3 subst
in eqn of AC

eqn of AC is y – 5 =6/5× (x – 3) o.e M2 or M1 for grad AC = 6/5 o.e. (accept

[ y = 1.2x + 1.4 o.e.] unsimplified) and M1 for using their
grad of AC with coords of A(−2, −1) or
C (3, 5) in eqn of line or M1 for
‘stepping’ method to reach M

M is (4/3, 3) o.e. isw A1 allow : at M, x = 16/12 o.e. [eg =4/3] isw

A0 for 1.3 without a fraction answer

10 (iv) midpt of BD = (5/2, 3) or equivalent M1 or showing BM ≠ MD oe

simplified form cao [BM = 14/3, MD = 7/3]

M1 or showing AM ≠ MC or AM2 ≠ MC2

midpt AC = (1/2, 2) or equivalent
simplified form cao
or ‘M is 2/3 of way from A to C’

conclusion ‘neither diagonal bisects A1 in these methods A1 is dependent on

the other’ coords of M having been obtained in
part (iii) or in this part; the coordinates
of M need not be correct; it is also
dependent on midpts of both AC and BD
attempted, at least one correct

alt method: show that mid point of BD

does not lie on AC (M1) and vice-versa
(M1), A1 for both and conclusion


4751 Mark Scheme January 2010

11 (i) centre C' = (3, −2) 1

radius 5 1 0 for ±5 or −5

11 (ii) showing (6 − 3)2 + (−6 + 2)2 = 25 B1 interim step needed

   −3  or B1 each for two of: showing

showing that AC ′ = C ′B =   o.e. B2 midpoint of AB = (3, −2); showing
4 B (0, 2) is on circle; showing AB = 10

or B2 for showing midpoint of

AB = (3, −2) and saying this is centre of

or B1 for finding eqn of AB as

y = −4/3 x + 2 o.e. and B1 for finding
one of its intersections with the circle is
(0, 2)

or B1 for showing C′B = 5 and B1 for

showing AB = 10 or that AC′ and BC′
have the same gradient

or B1 for showing that AC′ and BC′

have the same gradient and B1 for
showing that B (0, 2) is on the circle

11 (iii) grad AC' or AB = −4/3 o.e. M1 or ft from their C', must be evaluated

grad tgt = −1/their AC' grad M1 may be seen in eqn for tgt; allow M2 for
grad tgt = ¾ oe soi as first step

y −(−6) = their m(x − 6) o.e. M1 or M1 for y = their m × x + c then subst

(6, −6)

y = 0.75x − 10.5 o.e. isw A1 eg A1 for 4y = 3x – 42

allow B4 for correct equation www isw

11 (iv) centre C is at (12, −14) cao B2 B1 for each coord

circle is (x − 12)2 + (y + 14)2 = 100 B1 ft their C if at least one coord correct


4751 Mark Scheme January 2010

12 (i) 10 1

12 (ii) [x =] 5 or ft their (i) ÷ 2 1 not necessarily ft from (i) eg they may

start again with calculus to get x = 5

ht = 5[m] cao 1

12 (iii) d = 7/2 o.e. M1 or ft their (ii) − 1.5 or their (i) ÷ 2 − 1.5

[y =] 1/5 × 3.5 × (10 − 3.5) o.e. or ft M1 or 7 – 1/5 × 3.52 or ft

= 91/20 o.e. cao isw A1 or showing y – 4 = 11/20 o.e. cao

12 (iv) 4.5 = 1/5 × x(10 − x) o.e. M1

22.5 = x(10 − x) o.e. M1 eg 4.5 = x(2 – 0.2x) etc

2x2 − 20x + 45 [= 0] o.e. eg A1 cao; accept versions with fractional

x2 – 10x + 22.5 [=0] or (x – 5)2 = 2.5 coefficients of x2, isw

20 ± 40 1
[ x =] or 5 ± 10 o.e. M1 or x − 5 = [ ± ] 2.5 o.e.; ft their
4 2
quadratic eqn provided at least M1
gained already; condone one error in
formula or substitution; need not be
simplified or be real
width = 10 o.e. eg 2 2.5 cao accept simple equivalents only

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