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Risk Assessment: Camp and Site Activities Affected by Covid-19 Outbreak

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Health, Safety and Environment Department


RA DONE BY: Committee

1. Abdelmoneim Abouharoun 8. Ashraf Zafrul
2. Edward De Vera
3. Malik Hussain
4. Muhammed Yaser
5. Jaime Tagara
6. Noel Lumapag
7. Asif Shams


Follow-up by

Workplace Activity/ Risk Issue (Possible Incident) (What can go wrong)

Improve existing controls / Implement Whom Controls Implemented

Item # Process/ Equipment/ Hazard (Accident/ill health to persons, fore or propert Existing Controls Severity Likelihood Risk Grade Severity Likelihood Risk Grade

New Controls (Dept./Person In- Yes/No

Materials loss)


- Reporting employees who are showing symptoms such as fever or high body

temperature, coughing, difficulty of breathing or chest pain. Sending them to

clinic or nearest hospital immediately.

- Transmission of COVID-19 through gatherings, - Body temperature monitoring through Thermal Scanner or other devices to

walking by or simply being in the same room with monitor the body temperature of each employee at camp/accommodation.

the person who's experiencing symptoms of - Awareness and implementation of Quaratine Procedure for all employees

COVID-19 (fever, cough, difficulty in breathing) who came back from vacation.

- Transmission through droplets from a close - Implementing safe distancing (atleast 1 meter) on camp/accomodation, - Implement self-quarantine (staying
- Health Hazard
contact with a possible COVID-19 infected person. workplace area, Mess Hall, Rest Shelters and other Welfare Facilities to avoid inside their respective room and only
- Transmission of COVID-19 through usage of spreading of the virus. going out for necessary activities) for
(Respiratory illness

1 Staying at caused by COVID-19 common drinking water station such as - No Hand Shake Policy. 5 2 10 all employees at camp/accomodation. Camp Supervisor / Yes 5 1 5

camp/accommodation Infection that may igloo/water dispenser. - Suspension of meetings/gatherings for certain period of time. - Provision of individual bottled PMT / HSE

- Unsanitized things such as door knobs, tables, - Conduct regular housekeeping and sanitation for all area. Provision of Hand drinking water to avoid usage of

lead to fatality)

chairs, floors and other part of the room or welfare Sanitizer / Alcohol / Hand Wash Materials. Inlcuding proper sanitation/pest common water containers that can

facilities. control and cleaning/disinfecting of camp premises and welfare facilities. cause transmission of the coronavirus.

- Lack of sufficient numbers of cleaners and - Provide sufficient numbers of cleaners to cover all area and sanitize all parts

cleaning materials. of the camp/accommodation.

- Lack of awareness on how to protect yourself - Provision of adequate PPE's (N95 face mask & disposable hand gloves).

against the infection of COVID-19. - Conduct awareness on how to protect yourself against the infection of COVID-

19 through campaign (posters, distribution of brochure, HSE Messages).

- Communicating and implementing COVID-19 Guidelines (Either from ZP HSE

HQ, CLPD or from client).

- Reporting employees who are showing symptoms such as fever or high body

- Suspension of work for 14 days or

- Transmission of COVID-19 through gatherings or temperature, coughing, difficulty of breathing or chest pain. Sending them to

deploy skeletal force (reducing

simply being in the same vehicle with workers clinic or nearest hospital immediately.

Transportation from numbers of employees at work) in

- Health Hazard who's experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, - No Hand Shake Policy.

camp to site and vise order to continue with the operation.

(Respiratory illness cough, difficulty in breathing) - Conduct regular housekeeping and sanitation for all transport vehicle

versa using - Additional transport vehicle shall be Camp Supervisor /

2 caused by COVID-19 - Transmission through droplets from a close (company owned or personal). 5 3 15 Yes 5 1 5

transportation vehicle Infection that may contact with a possible COVID-19 infected person. - Provision of adequate PPE's (N95 face mask & disposable hand gloves). provided to prevent overcrowding PMT / HSE

such as coaster/bus and lead to fatality) - Unsanitized parts of the vehicle. - Conduct awareness on how to protect yourself against the infection of COVID- maintain the social distancing inside

personal vehicle the vehicle

- Lack of awareness on how to protect yourself 19 through campaign (posters, distribution of brochure, HSE Messages).

- Transportation can be done in two

against the infection of COVID-19. - Communicating and implementing COVID-19 Guidelines (Either from ZP HSE


HQ, CLPD or from client).

- Reporting employees who are showing symptoms such as fever or high body

temperature, coughing, difficulty of breathing or chest pain. Sending them to

clinic or nearest hospital immediately.

- Transmission of COVID-19 through gatherings or - Body temperature monitoring through Thermal Scanner or other devices to

simply being in the same place/area (entrance or monitor the body temperature of each employee entering/leaving the site or

exit gate) with workers who's experiencing at camp.

- Health Hazard symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, difficulty in - Awareness and implementation of Quaratine Procedure for all employees

- Suspension of work for 14 days or

(Respiratory illness breathing) who came back from vacation.

3 Entering and leaving the caused by COVID-19 - Transmission through droplets from a close - No Hand Shake Policy. 5 3 15 deploy skeletal force (reducing PMT / HSE Yes 5 1 5

project site numbers of employees at work) in

Infection that may contact with a possible COVID-19 infected person. - Conduct regular housekeeping and sanitation for all access/egress points as

order to continue with the operation.

lead to fatality) - Unsanitized parts of the Log-in/Log-out devices well as Log-in/Log-out devices. If possible, deactivate Log-in/Log-out devices

such as biometrics. such as biometrics.

- Lack of awareness on how to protect yourself - Provision of adequate PPE's (N95 face mask & disposable hand gloves).

against the infection of COVID-19. - Conduct awareness on how to protect yourself against the infection of COVID-

19 through campaign (posters, distribution of brochure, HSE Messages).

- Communicating and implementing COVID-19 Guidelines (Either from ZP HSE

HQ, CLPD or from client).

- Reporting employees who are showing symptoms such as fever or high body

temperature, coughing, difficulty of breathing or chest pain. Sending them to

clinic or nearest hospital immediately.

- Body temperature monitoring through Thermal Scanner or other devices to

- Transmission of COVID-19 through,

monitor the body temperature of each employee entering the site or at camp.

meetings/gatherings, walking by or simply being in - Awareness and implementation of Quaratine Procedure for all employees

the same room with the person who's

who came back from vacation.

experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, - Implementing safe distancing (atleast 1 meter) on workplace area, Mess Hall, - Suspension of work for 14 days or

difficulty in breathing)

Rest Shelters and other Welfare Facilities to avoid spreading of the virus. deploy skeletal force (reducing

- Health Hazard - Transmission through droplets from a close

- No Hand Shake Policy. numbers of employees at work) in

(Respiratory illness contact with a possible COVID-19 infected person.

Usual Site Activities - Suspension of meetings/gatherings for certain period of time. order to continue with the operation.

4 caused by COVID-19 - Transmission of COVID-19 through usage of 5 3 15 PMT / HSE Yes 5 1 5

- Suspension of Toolbox Talk and Awareness Training Sessions for a certain - Provision of individual bottled

Infection that may common drinking water station such as

period of time. drinking water to avoid usage of

lead to fatality) igloo/water dispenser.

- Unsanitized part of the vehicle/equipment (door, - Conduct regular housekeeping and sanitation for all area. Provision of Hand common water containers that can

Sanitizer / Alcohol / Hand Wash Materials. Inlcuding proper sanitation/pest cause transmission of the coronavirus.

steering wheel, shift stick, handle, etc.) and

control and cleaning/disinfecting of welfare facilities, as well as

offices/storage area.

vehicles/equipments used at site.

- Lack of awareness on how to protect yourself

- Provision of adequate PPE's (N95 face mask & disposable hand gloves).

against the infection of COVID-19.

- Conduct awareness on how to protect yourself against the infection of COVID-

19 through campaign (posters, distribution of brochure, HSE Messages).

- Communicating and implementing COVID-19 Guidelines (Either from ZP HSE

HQ, CLPD or from client).

- Reporting employees who are showing symptoms such as fever or high body

temperature, coughing, difficulty of breathing or chest pain. Sending them to

- Transmission of COVID-19 through gatherings,

clinic or nearest hospital immediately.

walking by or simply being in the same activity

- Body temperature monitoring through Thermal Scanner or other devices to

area with the person who's experiencing

monitor the body temperature of each employee entering the site or at camp.
- Implementing safe distancing (atleast 1 meter) on workplace area, Mess Hall, - Suspension of work for 14 days or
symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, difficulty in
Rest Shelters and other Welfare Facilities to avoid spreading of the virus. deploy skeletal force (reducing

- Health Hazard - Transmission through droplets from a close

- Suspension of meetings/gatherings for certain period of time. numbers of employees at work) in

(Respiratory illness contact with a possible COVID-19 infected person.

Housekeeping and - No Hand Shake Policy. order to continue with the operation.

5 caused by COVID-19 - Transmission of COVID-19 through usage of 5 3 15 PMT / HSE Yes 5 1 5

Waste Management - Conduct regular housekeeping and sanitation for all area. Provision of Hand - Provision of individual bottled

Infection that may common drinking water station such as

Sanitizer / Alcohol / Hand Wash Materials. Inlcuding proper sanitation/pest drinking water to avoid usage of

lead to fatality) igloo/water dispenser.

control and cleaning/disinfecting of offices, workplace area, welfare facilities, common water containers that can

- Unsanitized part of the offices, welfare facilities

as well as vehicles used at site. cause transmission of the coronavirus.

and equipments that is being used by several

- Provision of adequate PPE's (N95 face mask & disposable hand gloves).


- Conduct awareness on how to protect yourself against the infection of COVID-

- Lack of awareness on how to protect yourself

19 through campaign (posters, distribution of brochure, HSE Messages).

against the infection of COVID-19.

- Communicating and implementing COVID-19 Guidelines (Either from ZP HSE

HQ, CLPD or from client).

- Reporting employees who are showing symptoms such as fever or high body

- Transmission of COVID-19 through gatherings, temperature, coughing, difficulty of breathing or chest pain. Sending them to

walking by or simply being in the same room or clinic or nearest hospital immediately.

activity area with the person/co-workers who's - Body temperature monitoring through Thermal Scanner or other devices to - Suspension of work for 14 days or

experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, monitor the body temperature of each employee entering the site or at camp. deploy skeletal force (reducing

difficulty in breathing) - Implementing safe distancing (atleast 1 meter) on workplace area, Mess Hall, numbers of employees at work) in

- Health Hazard - Transmission through droplets from a close Rest Shelters and other Welfare Facilities to avoid spreading of the virus. order to continue with the operation.

Taking breaks (lunch

(Respiratory illness contact with a possible COVID-19 infected person. - No Hand Shake Policy. - Additional Mess Hall or Rest Shelters

break or in-breaks) at

6 caused by COVID-19 - Transmission of COVID-19 through usage of - Conduct regular housekeeping and sanitation for all area. Provision of Hand 5 3 15 shall be provided to maintain the PMT / HSE Yes 5 1 5

Mess Hall or Rest

Infection that may common drinking water station such as Sanitizer / Alcohol / Hand Wash Materials. Inlcuding proper sanitation/pest social distancing.

Shelters (camp or site). lead to fatality) igloo/water dispenser. control and cleaning/disinfecting of offices, workplace area, welfare facilities, - Provision of individual bottled

- Unsanitized part of the offices, welfare facilities as well as vehicles used at site. drinking water to avoid usage of

and equipments that is being used by several - Provision of adequate PPE's (N95 face mask & disposable hand gloves). common water containers that can

workers. - Conduct awareness on how to protect yourself against the infection of COVID- cause transmission of the coronavirus.

- Lack of awareness on how to protect yourself 19 through campaign (posters, distribution of brochure, HSE Messages).

against the infection of COVID-19. - Communicating and implementing COVID-19 Guidelines (Either from ZP HSE

HQ, CLPD or from client).

- Reporting employees who are showing symptoms such as fever or high body

temperature, coughing, difficulty of breathing or chest pain. Sending them to

- Transmission of COVID-19 through gatherings or clinic or nearest hospital immediately.

simply being in the same Welfare Facility with

- Implementing safe distancing (atleast 1 meter) on Welfare Facilities to avoid

workers who's experiencing symptoms of COVID- - Suspension of work for 14 days or

spreading of the virus.

19 (fever, cough, difficulty in breathing) deploy skeletal force (reducing

- Health Hazard - No Hand Shake Policy.

Using Welfare Facilities (Respiratory illness - Transmission through droplets from a close - Conduct regular housekeeping and sanitation for all Welfare Facilities. numbers of employees at work) in

7 such as toilet, wash caused by COVID-19 contact with a possible COVID-19 infected person. Provision of Hand Sanitizer / Alcohol / Hand Wash Materials. Inlcuding proper 5 3 15 order to continue with the operation. Camp Supervisor / Yes 5 1 5

room and drinking water Infection that may - Transmission of COVID-19 through usage of sanitation/pest control and cleaning/disinfecting of all area. - Provision of individual bottled PMT / HSE

station common drinking water station such as drinking water to avoid usage of

lead to fatality) - No Hand Shake Policy.

igloo/water dispenser. common water containers that can

- Unsanitized parts of the Welfare Facility. cause transmission of the coronavirus.
- Provision of adequate PPE's (N95 face mask & disposable hand gloves).
- Conduct awareness on how to protect yourself against the infection of COVID-
- Lack of awareness on how to protect yourself

19 through campaign (posters, distribution of brochure, HSE Messages).

against the infection of COVID-19.

- Communicating and implementing COVID-19 Guidelines (Either from ZP HSE

HQ, CLPD or from client).

- Transmission of COVID-19 through gatherings or - Reporting employees who are showing symptoms such as fever or high body

temperature, coughing, difficulty of breathing or chest pain. Sending them to

simply being in the same Masjid/Mosque with

clinic or nearest hospital immediately.

workers who's experiencing symptoms of COVID- - Suspension of work for 14 days or

- Prayer Time precautionary measures (Highly recommending individual prayer

19 (fever, cough, difficulty in breathing) deploy skeletal force (reducing

- Health Hazard by not going to the Mosque/Masjid).

Prayer Time at - Transmission through droplets from a close numbers of employees at work) in

(Respiratory illness - If going to Masjid/Mosque cannot be avoided, implement safe distancing

8 Masjid/Mosque (at site caused by COVID-19 contact with a possible COVID-19 infected person. (atleast 1 meter) to avoid spreading of the virus. 5 3 15 order to continue with the operation. Camp Supervisor / Yes 5 1 5

or - Transmission of COVID-19 through usage of - Provision of individual bottled PMT / HSE

camp/accommodation) Infection that may common drinking water station such as - No Hand Shake Policy. drinking water to avoid usage of

lead to fatality) - Provision of adequate PPE's (N95 face mask & disposable hand gloves).

igloo/water dispenser. common water containers that can

- Conduct awareness on how to protect yourself against the infection of COVID-

- Unsanitized parts of the Masjid/Mosque. cause transmission of the coronavirus.

19 through campaign (posters, distribution of brochure, HSE Messages).

- Lack of awareness on how to protect yourself

- Communicating and implementing COVID-19 Guidelines (Either from ZP HSE

against the infection of COVID-19.

HQ, CLPD or from client).

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