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Policy Brief: Improving Health Workforce Planning and Management

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Improving Health Workforce Planning and Management


The workload of health care professionals affects the quality of health care services they provide to
communities. Workload pressures, especially at primary care facilities, are influenced by various factors such
as health workforce supply, utilization rates of health care services, and other health care activities
undertaken by the facility. In the advent of universal health coverage (UHC), the demand for health care
services is expected to increase. The Department of Health (DOH) will need to consider how to strengthen
local planning and management of human resources for health (HRH) to ensure that primary care facilities
are adequately staffed with trained health care workers who can provide quality health care services and
meet the population’s health needs. This policy brief explores approaches that the DOH can adopt to
support local planning and management of HRH; and ensure that an appropriate mix of health care
professionals are available at the primary health care level to deliver essential health care services to the

In the Philippines, basic public health services are delivered through primary care facilities, such as the Rural
Health Units (RHUs)/Main Center (MC) and Barangay Health Stations (BHS). In 2016, there were 2,590
RHUs/MCs and 20,065 BHS, but, according to DOH estimates, the country still lacked 696 BHSs and 2,600
RHUs.1 Most regions had adequate numbers of BHSs except for the National Capital Region (NCR), Regions 3,
4A, 5, 8 and Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).2 For RHUs, only the Cordillera
Administrative Region (CAR) met the recommended number based on the 1:20,000 ratio for RHUs. Wide
variations in the number of BHSs and RHUs existed in Regions 2 and Region 4A. Although NCR lacked BHSs,
private clinics proliferated in the region.

Primary care facilities are managed by a team of health care professionals composed of a doctor, public
health nurse, midwife, dentist, medical technologist, and sanitary engineer or inspector. Determining the
number of health staff needed per facility is based on a standard HRH to population ratio of: 1 RHU/MC
physician to 20,000 population, 1 public health nurse (PHN) to 10,000 population, 1 Rural Health Midwife
(RHM) to 5,000 population, and 1 dentist to 50,000 population.3 Current HRH densities are low, with
RHU/MC Physicians, PHNs, Rural Health Midwifes, and dentists falling below the recommended ratios.

Overall, the Philippines has a current summary ratio of 19.7 HRH to 10,000 population. Compared with the
ratio of 44.5 health workers per 10,000 population recommended by the WHO, the Philippines is below the
suggested benchmark. Translated into shortages, these HRH density ratios indicate a shortage of 2,031
RHU/MC Physicians, 4,467 public health nurses (PHN), 3,966 rural health midwives (RHM), and 148 public
health dentists.4

Among the 17 regions in the country, only NCR and CAR have met the appropriate number of doctors based
on the recommended standards.5 Seven regions (CAR, Ilocos, Cagayan Valley, MIMAROPA, Western Visayas,
Northern Mindanao and Caraga) had adequate number of RHMs and three regions (NCR, Ilocos and Caraga)
had adequate number of public health dentists. None of the regions had the adequate number of nurses.

Limitations in the use of HRH to population ratios as a basis for determining HRH staffing needs exist.
Although the approach is a quick and simple method of benchmarking HRH sufficiency, it does not take into
account other variables aside from population size that are known to have an impact on health worker
performance in improving health outcomes, such as: epidemiology and burden of disease, patterns of
service and provider utilization, organizational efficiency, health policies, regulations and standards, and
distribution of the health workforce by occupation, among others.6,7 It also does not consider the workload
pressures of RHU staff in providing health care services. With the increasing number of public health
programs required to be implemented by the RHU staff and the support activities necessary to operate
these services, workload pressures are critical in HRH planning and determining staffing requirements.

Health seeking behavior of the population differs and is influenced by various socio-economic factors such as
sex, age, social status, type of illness, access to services and perceived quality of service8 such as proximity,
affordability, prompt attention, and ready available drugs.9 The health seeking behaviors of the people in the
community served, would need to be considered in HRH planning, training, deployment and distribution to
ensure that the appropriate health care professional is available and accessible to respond to community
health needs.

Health care utilization is an important indicator in the use of health services by the community to prevent or
cure health problems, promote the maintenance of health and well-being, or obtain health information.10
Several factors predisposes a population to increase or decrease its use of the health care services such as
socio-economic status, physician supply, risk behaviors of a population and health status,11 provider factors
and perception of quality, which push patients to seek health care from lower level to higher level facilities,12
and health service related factors.13 Evidence, therefore, from health service utilization are important inputs
to planning human resources, physical capital and consumables for the provision of quality health care

The effective and efficient management of daily activities of the health workforce and time applied to the
provision of health care service also contribute to building the quality of health care services given by the
primary care facilities. Thus, it is important to consider how daily activities are done by health workers and
the amount of time they use in the provision of services to input into HRH planning. Regional differences in
the health situations also inputs to the menu of services offered by primary care facilities. In order to ensure
a responsive health care team to provide services appropriate to the needs of the community, health
situations need to be considered as a basis to determining staffing levels.

Workload Indicators for Staffing Needs

Workload Indicators for Staffing Needs (WISN) is a planning tool developed by the World Health
Organization (WHO), which offers an objective and systematic method to estimate health workforce
requirements.14 The WISN tool helps determine the number of health workers of a specific type that is
needed to appropriately manage the workload of a given health facility. WISN assesses workload pressure of
health workers using actual data from the health information system. Taking account of the different health
service packages and complexity of care in health facility settings, it provides critical information to enable
health managers to address gaps in workforce availability.

WISN has been implemented in various countries to establish evidence-based staffing norms for their
countries. Based on an assessment of workload pressures, WISN enables health managers to use results to
establish staffing models in line with desired health reforms in their countries and improve planning and
distribution of their health workforce. Implementing WISN involves the establishment of a technical task

force, responsible for developing a WISN strategic and implementation plan and coordinating activities.
Users of WISN set activity standards based on actual tasks conducted by the primary level facility, conduct
trainings for the application of WISN, collect data, validate quality of the data collected, and develop staffing
norms based on the results.

In 2018, the DOH, through the USAID HRH2030 Philippines project, implemented the WISN methodology in
nine regions, focusing on tuberculosis, maternal and child health, and family planning services.15 Through
WISN, the workload pressures of four cadres in the delivery of primary health care services were analyzed in
rural and urban areas. WISN point persons were oriented in the methodology and trained in the use of the
tool. Five variables - available working time, workload components per workload group, activity standards,
annual workload data and current staffing, were used in the calculations. Staffing needs and standard
workloads based on the specific tasks undertaken by the RHU staff, were used to estimate the standard
workload for each staff category per facility and the total time required to carry out these activities.

WISN results indicated that none of the RHUs were operating at optimal levels, with 85% indicating staff
underutilization. Only 15% of RHUs/CHOs had significant shortages. Differences in the provision of services
were noted, indicating a lack of standards in service delivery. Majority of the physicians had very high
workloads but performed only minimal tasks such as consultations and referrals. Nurses, on the other hand,
had high workload and difficult technical tasks, much of which was due to work outside of their scopes of
practice and not directly related to the provision of health care services.” Medical technologists had low
workload pressures because most of the facilities only offered minimal laboratory services. Analysis of
workload and activity standards at the RHUs indicated inefficient distribution of tasks among RHU staff.
Health interventions were not well defined and specific health staff responsible for providing these services
were not identified.

The WISN results enabled health managers to identify strategies to improve HRH staffing that will result in
service delivery enhancements. For example, a full-time midwife and nurse could be assigned to the BHSs to
improve access and coverage of services to the community. An administrative position could be created to
be responsible for record keeping, to enable RHU staff to focus more on service activities. A policy to guide
on task shifting and sharing without adequate training and supervision could be put in place to ensure
coordination and efficiency of services. The WISN study also identified the need to strengthen capacities of
facility managers in resource management, supportive supervision, and service efficiency at all levels of care.

The use of the WISN methodology effectively captures the critical elements of health service provision and
management, such as workload pressures and activity standards to determine staffing needs. The
methodology may be applied to any primary care facility and can be undertaken by trained local health staff
at the primary health care facilities. The health workforce will be able to assess their own workloads and
determine activity standards based on the actual tasks undertaken. After analysis of data collected, results
can advise the need for additional staff or re-assign tasks to better manage workload. Staffing norms may be
determined based on WISN results, which can model the number and type of health staff needed to manage
a specific menu of health services. WISN can be used to calculate the required human resources for future
models based on assumptions, such as the results of staff training, demographic changes, and disease
profiles and staff turnover.16 Applied across primary care facilities, the methodology has potential to
systematically address inequity issues on staffing.

The government of the Philippines has enacted several policies that govern HRH staffing of health facilities.
These policies indicate staffing standards and guidelines for HRH, as follows:

At the national level, the Republic Act 11223 or the Universal Health Care law17 includes provisions on
managing and developing HRH. Chapter 6 of the law provides for the formulation of a National Health
Human Resource Masterplan that outlines appropriate generation, recruitment, retraining, regulation,
retention and reassessment of the health workforce based on population health needs. It provides for the
creation of a national health workforce support system that aids local public health systems in addressing
their human resource needs. Scholarships and training programs will be expanded for existing and new allied
and health-related degrees to produce appropriate type and number of health care professionals for the
country. Return Service Agreements are required to ensure availability of health workers to serve priority
areas in the public sector for at least three years.

The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) also issues policies through the General Appropriations
Act (GAA) and corresponding DBM Circulars related to the creation of permanent plantilla positions in
government institutions, including health facilities. It outlines the approved structures of government
offices, its functions, positions and salary grades of employees which will be funded by government and
corresponding budget allocations. Recent re-organization of the DOH has re-configured the number and
roles of different units under the agency.

The DOH has several policies that mandate the development of staffing standards to address HRH inequities
at health care facilities. Under Executive Order No. 102, “Redirecting the Functions and Operations of the
Department of Health,” the DOH is given the role as lead agency in ensuring equity, access and quality of
health care services through policy formulation, standards development and regulation and function to
formulate policies and standards for health that will govern the health sector. As a regulatory agency, the
DOH requires staffing standards for licensing of health care facilities. Administrative Order 2012-0012 Rules
and Regulations Governing the New Classification of Hospitals and Other Health Facilities in the
Philippines outlines the licensing requirements for health care facilities based on the classification of
hospitals (general or specialty) or services offered (e.g. primary care, custodial care, diagnostic/therapeutic
and specialized out-patient). Each category includes standards for personnel, physical facilities, equipment
and instruments, service delivery, quality improvement activities, information management, and
environmental management. In addition, the DOH sets HRH requirements for the certification of primary
health facilities to provide Basic Emergency Maternal, Neonatal and Obstetrics and Comprehensive
Emergency Maternal, Neonatal and Obstetrics. HRH qualifications are also required by the Philippines Health
Insurance Corporation (PHIC) for health care professionals wanting to reimburse payment for their services.

At the LGU level, DOH also uses standard ratios for physicians, nurses, midwives, and dentists working in a
primary health care facility that are used as a norm by both the DOH and the LGUs in identifying staffing
needs at the primary care facilities. Although these standards are not contained in any DOH national
issuance, the norms are indicated in several planning documents such as the National Objectives for Health
2017 – 2022.

RA 11223 and EO 102 provide DOH with the policy mandate to create appropriate staffing standards at the
primary care level to achieve UHC. Increasing the health workforce for UHC implies a large investment that
may need to be funded by the DBM from the GAA. With the proposed menu of services to be provided
under the UHC, staffing requirements in various health facilities would need to be well planned and
managed. The method of determining staffing needs in HRH planning and management would need to
consider new workloads and activities that the primary care facilities will undertake under the UHC Law.


To achieve UHC, the DOH must ensure that quality health care services are equitably delivered by capable
health workers in all primary care facilities. Given the essential health packages to be provided under the
UHC, it will be essential to improve the efficiency of health services delivered by the health workforce
through appropriate HRH planning and management that result in high-quality health service delivery that is
responsive to community health needs.

There are three proposed policy alternatives that the DOH may consider implementing in the next five years
in the country.

LGUs to determine staffing needs at primary care facilities based on local health needs
This policy option represents the current method by which DOH and LGUs address staffing inequities at the
primary care level. Under this option, the responsibility for determining staffing needs at primary care
facilities rests upon the LGU. The LGUs are mandated by law to be responsible for human resources and
development in their respective units as stated in the Local Government Code of 1991, Title III human
resource development, Section 77.18 Under the law, the chief executive of every local government unit, in
keeping with his or her responsibilities for human resources and development, takes all personnel action in
accordance with the constitutional provisions on civil service and policies of the Civil Service Commission.

LGU policies on local HRH vary depending on the local health needs and development priorities of the local
chief executive. The number of employees hired are determined by the province or municipal local
government unit based on the available internal revenue allocation (IRA) received by the LGU and the
budget cap on appropriations for employee’s salaries.19 The budget cap on appropriations for employees’
salaries for 1st to 3rd class LGUs is set at 45% of the IRA while 4th to 6th class LGUs have a budget cap of 55%.20
Wages are based on the salary grades determined by the National Salary Standardization law. The Provincial
or Municipality Annual Investment Plan (AIP) presents the proposed budget allocations for the year. This
plan includes both the proposed budget allocations for personnel services (PS) and maintenance and other
operating expenses (MOOE) of the LGU.

Although provided with the autonomy to manage their own HR systems, spending limits for local personnel
set by the Local Government Code often prevents LGUs from hiring enough health workers for their locality.
On average, each RHU has one physician, two nurses, five midwives and 0.6 medical technologist.21 In view
of the budget limitations, especially for GIDA where IRA is low, LGUs are constrained from providing needed
investments in HRH. Support in the form of HRH deployments, financial incentives, and drug supplies are
often provided by the National Government to supplement these limited resources.

The wide variation in the IRA and budget caps of LGUs, especially among 4th to 6th class provinces and
municipalities may limit the LGU’s ability to hire the appropriate number and mix of health care
professionals needed to address the health care needs of their communities. Given these variations and
limitations, this option may not meet the equity goal of the policy as LGUs may be unable to meet the DOH
staffing standards for primary care facilities and workload pressures among health staff may remain uneven.

This option may likewise be unable to improve the efficiency of health service delivery. Gaps in the number
and mix of health staff at the primary care facilities may cause imbalances in the workload of the health
staff, leading to inefficiencies in the delivery of health care services. Using health needs as a basis for
determining staffing requirements without considering activities of the primary care facility, workload of
health staff, service utilization rates and health seeking behavior of the community, may be ineffective in
addressing staffing needs for quality health service delivery.

The lack of HRH planning tools to appropriately determine staffing requirements based on health needs may
likewise continue to have an impact on the availability, accessibility, and quality of health care services

provided by LGUs to their communities. Most often, LGUs do not have easy access to technical tools that will
help them analyze their own HRH situations, determine HRH needs, and develop plans to address staffing
gaps. Thus, this option may not be technically feasible as a method to determine staffing needs without the
use of appropriate HRH planning tools.

This option is financially and politically feasible since its implementation will not require additional
investments from the LGU and can work within the set development priorities of the LGU.

DOH strengthens the capacity of LGUs to determine HRH staffing needs.

Under this option, the DOH can initiate a more enabling environment for HRH planning and management by
introducing LGUs to approaches and tools that they can adopt in planning for and managing their local
health workforce, such as the needs based, utilization-based or demand-based, service target-based or
adjusted service target approaches. HRH planning tools are available on-line and may be accessed by the
LGUs. Studies have indicated the use of these tools in estimating and projecting HRH requirements.
However, information on its application at primary care facilities in the country are limited. Although the
DOH had previously assisted LGUs in planning exercises, most of the tools were focused on planning health
service deliveries which either did not include HRH requirements, formed only a minor component of the
plan or followed licensing requirements.

Under this option, the DOH can advocate to the LGUs the use of any of the planning methods to estimate
staffing requirements for health facilities for optimal use of HRH. Capacity strengthening interventions will
be made to support and empower health facility managers and local government officials in adopting any of
the methods. The policy option can likewise include incentive schemes to encourage LGUs to adopt planning
and management approaches to the design of staffing patterns for their health facilities.

This policy option builds on the role of local governments in designing and implementing its staffing pattern
based on service requirements and financial capability, 22 thus it might be more palatable to the local
governments. Also, the option offers capacity building and technical assistance to empower LGUs and facility
managers from DOH, which will have no cost to LGUs but will strengthen their local governance of HRH.

Under this option, strengthening the HRH planning and management practices of LGUs will lead to better
equity in communities’ access to health services. It can likewise foster efficient health service delivery as the
health workforce will be optimized. However, the DOH cannot direct, and can only influence, local
governments in how they staff their health facilities. This policy option anchors to the awards system
provided by the Seal of Good Local Governance Act and the Philippine Quality Act. Therefore, LGU
compliance is optional, and adoption could be varied. Although technically feasible, strengthening the
capacity of all LGUs will require DOH to allot resources (time, finance, human capital) to conduct the
necessary activities, like advocacy strategies to initiate LGU buy-in, actual capacity development
interventions, and follow-up activities.

DOH adopts WISN as the primary method for determining staffing needs of primary care facilities for UHC
Under this alternative, the DOH adopts a multicomponent approach for scaling up the use of WISN nationally
to determine HRH staffing needs at primary care facilities. WISN is a planning tool developed by the World
Health Organization (WHO), which offers an objective and systematic method to estimate health workforce
requirements.23 It helps determine the number of health workers of a specific type that is needed to
appropriately manage the workload of specific health facility. WISN assesses workload pressure of health
workers using actual data from the health information system. It takes account of the different health
service packages and complexity of care in health facility settings. The tool also provides critical information
to enable health managers to address gaps in workforce availability.

WISN has also been successfully implemented in various countries to establish evidence-based staffing
norms for their countries. Based on an assessment of workload pressures, WISN enables health managers to
use results to establish staffing models and management strategies in line with desired health reforms in
their countries and improve planning and distribution of their health workforce. Implementing WISN
involves the establishment of a technical task force, responsible to carry out the methodology, including
managing clinical experts, collecting and analyzing data. Clinical experts set activity standards based on
actual tasks conducted by the primary level facility. A steering committee is also established to review WISN
results and make decisions to better plan and manage the workforce.

The DOH can issue a national policy to adopt WISN as a method to determine staffing needs at primary care
facilities and to inform policies on HRH distribution and deployment. This policy would seek to set the norm
for HRH planning at the central level and encourage LGUs to do the same. However, the policy cannot
mandate LGUs to adopt WISN and so the DOH would need to do more to incentivize LGUs to adopt WISN.

For example, the DOH can issue an AO to require the use of WISN results to determine HRH deployment
needs and inform local requests for national health workforce support. This would encourage LGUs to adopt
WISN as a tool to determine staffing needs at primary care facilities so that they could continue to receive
supplemental HRH support from the DOH. To strengthen the capacity of LGUs to use WISN, DOH can provide
technical support to LGUs on its use. As LGUs apply WISN and begin to see the benefits of it in optimizing
HRH, they will continue using it to plan and manage HRH, creating a virtuous cycle of improvement. Training
budgets from the GAA may be needed to cascade the use of WISN at regional, provincial and municipal
levels. Finally, the DOH can incentivize LGUs to adopt WISN by including it as an indicator in the LGU
scorecard and Seal of Good Governance.

The health workforce will be able to assess their own workloads and determine activity standards based on
the actual tasks they undertake. After analysis of data collected, results can advise the need for additional
staff or re-assign tasks to better manage workload. Staffing norms may be determined based on WISN
results. It can also model the number and type of health staff needed to manage a specific menu or package
of health services under the UHC. WISN can also be used to calculate the required human resources for
future models based on some assumptions such as the results of staff training, demographic changes, and
disease profiles and staff turnover.24 WISN results may inform Local Investment Plan for Health (LIPH) of
LGUs and the Health Care Provider Networks to be established. Applied across primary care facilities the
methodology has the potential to systematically address inequity issues on staffing.

Costs to apply WISN at primary care facilities may be minimal. Initial investments in the training of local
health managers may be needed to guide them in its use. However, continued use over the long run, may
cost lesser since capacities of local health staff as technical experts in the use of the tool will be available in
all primary care facilities.

This option may not be politically feasible with LGUs as they may resist the requirement to conduct WISN to
obtain deployed HRH. However, it could be acceptable to LGUs and HRH managers as a useful tool to assist
with HRH planning and management.

To determine the most feasible policy option that will address staffing inequity especially in GIDA for
Universal Health Care, each policy alternative is evaluated based on a set of criteria aimed to meet the policy
goals. Five criteria are selected: equity, efficiency, technical feasibility, financial feasibility, and political

 Equity is defined in terms of the ability of the policy alternative to address unequal variations in
workload and availability of health services in primary care facilities.
 Efficiency is defined as the ability to match workload with the demand for health services and
accomplish tasks or activities with the least amount of time and effort.
 Technical feasibility is defined in terms of the health system’s technical capability to implement the
policy alternative.
 Financial feasibility is defined as the least cost to government and long-term financial sustainability.
 Political feasibility refers to the expected level of acceptance of the policy option by decision-

Policy options are scored on each criterion and assigned a score between 1-3. The score of “1” means that
the policy alternative is least likely to achieve the policy goals. The score of “2” means that the policy
alternative is likely to achieve the policy goals, but some factors may inhibit its achievement. The score of
“3” means that the policy option will most likely achieve the policy goals. Table 1 below presents the
evaluation of the policy alternatives based on equity, efficiency and feasibility.

Table 1. Criteria for the Assessment of Policy Alternatives for Equity, Efficiency and Feasibility

Policy Alternatives
LGUs to DOH strengthens WISN results to
Policy Goals Definition determine LGU capacities to determine
staffing needs determine HRH staffing needs
staffing needs
Ability to address variations
Equity 1 3 3
in workload and access
Ability to accomplish
Efficiency tasks/activities with the 1 2 3
least time and effort
Degree of the proposed
technical system being 2 2 3
easily done
Possibility that the proposed
activity or alternative will be 3 2 2
Acceptability of the policy
alternative to the decision- 3 3 2
TOTAL 10 12 13

Option 1, LGUs to determine staffing needs at primary care facilities based on health needs, may not
achieve equity goals of the policy since LGUs have varied IRA allocations and HR systems that influence hiring
of health care professionals. Limitations on the budget cap for personnel services may result in reduced
numbers and high workloads of the health workforce. The option may not achieve the efficiency goal of the
policy because of the possible imbalances in workload brought on by variations in LGU capacities to address
staffing shortages at primary care facilities. Technical feasibility may also vary among LGUs because of the
different HR systems and methods that LGUs use. This option is financially feasible since no additional costs
will be required to determine staffing needs. It may also be a popular option to LGUs since local autonomy is
recognized and cost is dependent on availability of LGU funds.

Option 2, DOH strengthens the capacity of LGUs to determine HRH staffing needs, may achieve equity since
planning tools chosen by the LGUs will be able to assist them in determining staffing needs at the primary
care level. However, since the LGUs have a range of HRH planning approaches to choose from, the basis for
determining staffing needs may differ and staffing standards may not be comparable across LGUs. These
varying approaches to HRH planning selected by LGUs may not necessarily result in efficient determination
of staffing needs expected to provide quality health care services. Some costs would be incurred to train and
orient LGUs on the selected planning tool. Since selection of the HRH planning approach is dependent on the
decision of the LGU, this option may be politically acceptable to the decision-maker.

Option 3, DOH adopts WISN as the primary method for determining staffing needs of primary care
facilities for UHC, may achieve equity and address staffing gaps more precisely, since the approach would be
conducted in all primary care facilities to determine the number and mix of health staff. Applied as a
standard to all health centers, WISN can enable health managers to determine staffing needs that will
deliver quality health care, which is at par with other health facilities. The option can also achieve efficiency
since factors that influence demand for health services are considered in determining staffing needs. It can
likewise be effective in identifying appropriate HRH since context and service utilization is considered in HRH

The option has high technical feasibility since the WISN tool is an available application which can easily
calculate and evaluate staffing needs based on workloads with limited training. It provides an organized and
systematic process in determining staffing needs, which may be replicated and sustained by local technical
experts and committees. Initial investments for training may be needed at the start of implementation, but
after training, the facility would be able to continue applying the method with limited technical assistance
from the DOH. This option may not be politically feasible with LGUs, however, they may resist the
requirement to conduct WISN to obtain deployed HRH.

Of the 3 options, the use of WISN seems to be the most equitable and efficient in determining staffing needs
since it considers the context in which health services are delivered. Staffing needs are based on workload,
which enable an efficient distribution of tasks among health care workers. The methodology may require
training of health managers in the use of WISN, which will require financial investments, but once
committees are organized, activity standards are set, and the WISN tool is used, staffing needs at the
primary care level can be objectively determined and provide the necessary evidence for HRH planning. The
use of WISN in determining staffing needs may not be acceptable to LGUs since the analysis may result in the
need for additional personnel. However, findings may also be used to advocate for additional HRH budgetary

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