AESA BASED IPM Package No. 23
AESA BASED IPM Package No. 23
AESA BASED IPM Package No. 23
AESA based IPM – Okra
Back cover picture NIPHM PGDPHM students taking AESA observations in okra
Copies: 500
For internal circulation only. Not for sale.
Avinash K Srivastava
Additional Secretary
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
(Department of Agriculture & Cooperation)
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi - 110 001
Intensive agricultural practices relying heavily on chemical pesticides are a ma-
jor cause of wide spread ecological imbalances resulting in serious problems of
insecticide resistance, pest resurgence and pesticide residues. There is a growing
awareness world over on the need for promoting environmentally sustainable ag-
riculture practices.
Joint Secretary
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
(Department of Agriculture & Cooperation)
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
The resource persons of NIPHM and DPPQ&S have made sincere efforts
in revising IPM packages for different crops by incorporating agro-ecosystem
analysis, ecological engineering, pesticide application techniques and other IPM
options with the active cooperation of crop based plant protection scientists work-
ing in state Agricultural Universities and ICAR institutions. I hope this IPM package
will serve as a ready reference for extension functionaries of Central / State Gov-
ernments, NGOs and progressive farmers in adopting sustainable plant protection
strategies by minimizing the dependence on chemical pesticides.
Need for environmentally sustainable agricultural practices is recognised worldwide
in view of the wide spread ecological imbalances caused by highly intensive agri-
cultural systems. In order to address the adverse impacts of chemical pesticides on
agro-ecosystems, Integrated Pest Management has evolved further from ETL based
approach to Agro-ecosystem Analysis based Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
I. Pests ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
A. Pests of National Significance ...................................................... 1
1. Insect and mite pests ........................................................... 1
2. Diseases .................................................................................................. 1
3. Weeds ......................................................................................................... 1
B. Pests of Regional Significance ...................................................... 2
1. Insect pests ........................................................................................ 2
2. Diseases .................................................................................................. 2
3. Nematodes ......................................................................................... 2
II. Agro-ecosystem analysis (AESA) based IPM ..................................... 2
A. AESA .................................................................................................................................. 2
B. Field scouting ....................................................................................................... 1
C. Surveillance through pheromone trap
catches for Earias and Helicoverpa ....................................... 11
D. Yellow pan water trap/sticky traps ......................................... 11
E. Light traps ................................................................................................................ 11
F. Nematode sampling ..................................................................................... 11
III. Ecological engineering for pest management ............................ 12
A. Resistant/tolerant varieties .............................................................. 17
IV. Crop stage-wise IPM ......................................................................................................... 17
V. Insecticide resistance and its management ...................................... 26
VI. Nutritional deficiencies/disorders ............................................................... 28
VII. Description of common weeds ....................................................................... 30
VIII. Description of insect, mite and nematode pests ................. 34
IX. Description of diseases ................................................................................................ 48
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
Broadleaf weeds
3.2.1 Lamb’s quarter: Chenopodium album L. (Chenopodiaceae)
3.2.2 Scarlet Pimpernel: Anagallis arvensis L. (Primulaceae)
3.2.3 Sweet clover: Melilotus indica (L.) All. (Fabaceae)
3.2.4 Fine leaf fumitory: Fumaria parviflora Lam. (Fumariaceae)
3.2.5 Corn spurry: Spergula arvensis L. (Caryophylliaceae)
Grassy weeds
3.2.6 Blue grass: Poa annua L. (Poaceae)
3.2.7 Canary grass: Phalaris minor Retz. (Poaceae)
B. Pest of Regional significance
1. Insect pests
1.1 Red cotton bug: Dysdercus cingulatus (Fabricius)
(Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae)
1.2 Ash/gray weevils: Myllocerus subfaciatus Guerin
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
1.3 Stem fly: Melanagromyza hibisci Spencer (Diptera:
2. Diseases
2.1 Wilt: Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Vasinfectum Schlecht
2.2 Collor rot: Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid
3. Nematodes
3.1 Root-knot nematode: Meloidogyne spp.
3.2 Reniform nematode: Rotylenchulus reniformis (Linford &
II Agro-ecosystem Analysis (AESA) based IPM
The integrated pest management (IPM) has been evolving over the decades to
address the deleterious impacts of synthetic chemical pesticides on environment
ultimately affecting the interests of the farmers. The economic threshold level (ETL)
was the basis for several decades but in modern IPM (FAO 2002) emphasis is given
to AESA where farmers take decisions based on larger range of field observations.
The health of a plant is determined by its environment which includes physical
factors (i.e. soil, rain, sunshine hours, wind etc.) and biological factors (i.e. pests,
diseases and weeds). All these factors can play a role in the balance which exists
between herbivore insects and their natural enemies. Understanding the intricate
interactions in an ecosystem can play a critical role in pest management.
Decision making in pest management requires a thorough analysis of the
agro-ecosystem. Farmer has to learn how to observe the crop, how to analyze the
field situation and how to make proper decisions for their crop management. This
AESA based IPM – Okra
process is called the AESA. Participants of AESA will have to make a drawing on a
large piece of paper (60 x 80 cm), to include all their observations. The advantage of
using a drawing is that it requires the participants/farmers to observe closely and
intensively. It is a focal point for the analysis and for the discussions that follow, and
the drawing can be kept as a record.
AESA is an approach, which can be gainfully employed by extension
functionaries and farmers to analyze the field situations with regards to pests,
defenders, soil conditions, plant health and the influence of climatic factors and
their relationship for growing a healthy crop. The basic components of AESA are
• Plant health at different stages
• Built-in compensation abilities of plants
• Pest and defender population dynamics
• Soil conditions
• Climatic factors
• Farmers past experience
Principles of AESA based Integrated Pest Management (IPM):
Grow a healthy crop
• Select a variety resistant/tolerant to major pests
• Treat the seed with recommended pesticides especially biopesticides
• Select healthy seeds and seedlings
• Follow proper spacing
• Soil health improvement (mulching and green manuring)
• Nutrient management especially organic manures and biofertilizers
based on the soil test results. If the dosage of nitrogenous fertilizers is
too high the crop becomes too succulent and therefore susceptible to
insects and diseases. If the dosage is too low, the crop growth is retarded.
So, the farmers should apply an adequate for best results. The phosphatic
fertilizers should not be applied each and every season as the residual
phosphate of the previous season will be available for the current season
• Proper irrigation
• Crop rotation
Observe the field regularly (climatic factors, soil and biotic factors)
Farmers should
• Monitor the field situation at least once a week (soil, water, plants, pests,
natural enemies, weather factors etc.)
• Make decisions based on the field situation and P: D ratio
• Take direct action when needed (e.g. collect egg masses, remove infested
plants etc.)
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
appropriate pest management decisions. Sweep net, visual counts etc. can be
adopted to arrive at the numbers of pests and defenders. The P: D ratio can vary
depending on the feeding potential of natural enemy as well as the type of pest.
The natural enemies of okra pests can be divided into 3 categories 1. parasitoids;
2. predators; and 3. pathogens. The important natural enemies in okra are given
ecological engineering table on page number 15-17
Model agro-ecosystem analysis chart
AESA based IPM – Okra
Predators/ Feeding potential/ Egg laying capacity
Predatory rate of adult coccinellid on aphids is 50 aphids per
Hover fly
Each larva can consume 100 aphids, 329 pupa of whitefly and
288 nymphs of jassids during entire larval period.
Predatory rate of adult is 20-35 phytophagous mites/female/
Predatory mite
Egg laying capacity is 100-200 eggs/female. 1-8 eggs/larva
Bracon hebetor
AESA based IPM – Okra
Egg laying capacity is 20-200 eggs/female.
Trichogramma sp
Decision making
Farmers become experts in crop management
Farmers have to make timely decisions about the management of their crops.
AESA farmers have learned to make these decisions based on observations and
analysis viz. abiotic and biotic factors of the crop ecosystem. The past experience
of the farmers should also be considered for decision making. However, as field
conditions continue to change and new technologies become available, farmers
need to continue improving their skills and knowledge.
• Farmers are capable of improving farming practices by experimentation
• Farmers can share their knowledge with other farmers
AESA methodology
• Go to the field in groups (about 5 farmers per group). Walk across the
field and choose 20 plants/acre randomly. Observe keenly each of these
plants and record your observations:
• Plant: Observe the plant height, number of branches, crop
stage, deficiency symptoms etc.
• Pests: Observe and count pests at different places on the plant.
• Defenders (natural enemies): Observe and count parasitoids
and predators.
• Diseases: Observe leaves and stems and identify any visible
disease symptoms and severity.
• Rats: Count number of plants affected by rats.
• Weeds: Observe weeds in the field and their intensity.
• Water: Observe the water situation of the field.
• Weather: Observe the weather condition.
• While walking in the field, manually collect insects in plastic bags. Use a
sweep net to collect additional insects. Collect plant parts with disease
• Find a shady place to sit as a group in a small circle for drawing and
• If needed, kill the insects with some chloroform (if available) on a piece
of cotton.
AESA based IPM – Okra
• Each group will first identify the pests, defenders and diseases collected.
• Each group will then analyze the field situation in detail and present
their observations and analysis in a drawing (the AESA drawing).
• Each drawing will show a plant representing the field situation. The
weather condition, water level, disease symptoms, etc. will be shown
in the drawing. Pest insects will be drawn on one side. Defenders
(beneficial insects) will be drawn on another side. Write the number
next to each insect. Indicate the plant part where the pests and
defenders were found. Try to show the interaction between pests and
• Each group will discuss the situation and make a crop management
• The small groups then join each other and a member of each group will
now present their analysis in front of all participants.
• The facilitator will facilitate the discussion by asking guiding questions
and makes sure that all participants (also shy or illiterate persons) are
actively involved in this process.
• Formulate a common conclusion. The whole group should support the
decision on what field management is required in the AESA plot.
• Make sure that the required activities (based on the decision) will be
carried out.
• Keep the drawing for comparison purpose in the following weeks.
Data recording
Farmers should record data in a notebook and drawing on a chart
• Keep records of what has happened
• Help us making an analysis and draw conclusions
Data to be recorded
• Plant growth (weekly)
• Height of plant
• Number of leaves
• Crop situation (e.g. for AESA)
• Plant health
• Pests, diseases, weeds
• Natural enemies
• Soil condition
• Irrigation
• Weather conditions
• Input costs
AESA based IPM – Okra
• Seeds
• Fertilizer
• Pesticides
• Labour
• Harvest
• Yield (kg/acre)
• Price of produce (Rs./kg)
Some questions that can be used during the discussion
• Summarize the present situation of the field?
• What crop management aspect is most important at this moment?
• Is there a big change in crop situation compared to last visit? What kind
of change?
• Is there any serious pest or disease outbreak?
• What is the situation of the beneficial insects?
• Is there a balance in the field between pests and defenders?
• Were you able to identify all pests and diseases?
• Do you think the crop is healthy?
• What management practices are needed at this moment?
• When will it be done? Who will do it? Make sure that responsibilities for
all activities are being discussed.
• Are you expecting any problems to emerge during the coming week
such as congenial weather conditions for pest buildup?
• What problems? How can we avoid it? How can we be prepared?
• Summarize the actions to be taken.
AESA based IPM – Okra
density of insects cannot be predicted at all. In ETL the due recognition of the role
of natural enemies in decreasing pest population is ignored. Farmers cannot base
their decisions on just a simple count of pests. They will have to consider many
other aspects of the crop (crop ecology, growth stage, natural enemies, weather
condition, etc.) and their own economic and social situation before they can make
the right crop management decisions. In ETL based IPM, natural enemies, plant
compensation ability and abiotic factors are not considered. In AESA based IPM
emphasis is given to natural enemies, plant compensation ability, abiotic factors
and P: D ratio.
AESA and farmer field school (FFS)
AESA is a season-long training activity that takes place in the farmer field. It is
season-long so that it covers all the different developmental stages of the crop
and their related management practices. The process is always learner-centered,
participatory and relying on an experiential learning approach and therefore it has
become an integral part of FFS.
Farmers can learn from AESA
• Identification of pests and their nature of
• Identification of natural enemies
• Management of pests
• Water and nutrient management
• Influence of weather factors on pest
• Role of natural enemies in pest management
AESA based IPM – Okra
B. Field scouting
AESA requires skill. So only the trained farmers can undertake their exercise.
However, other farmers also can do field scouting in their own fields at regular
intervals to monitor the major pest situation.
Surveillance on pest occurrence at the main field should commence soon after
crop establishment after transplanting and at weekly intervals thereafter. In each
of the fields, select five spots randomly. Select five random plants at each spot for
recording counts of insects as per procedure finalized for individual insects.
For Sucking pests:
For aphids, whitefly, jassids and mites: Count and record the number of both
nymphs and adults on five randomly selected leaves/plant.
For Helicoverpa and Earias: Total number of fruits, damaged fruits due to
Helicoverpa armigera and Earias spp. and number of larvae on individual plants
should be counted and recorded.
C. Surveillance through pheromone trap catches for Earias and Helicoverpa:
Pheromone traps for two insects viz., Helicoverpa armigera and Earias @ 4-5/acre
have to be installed. Install the traps for each species separated by a distance of >75
feet in the vicinity of the selected fixed field. Fix the traps to the supporting pole at
a height of one foot above the plant canopy. Change of lures should be made at
2-3 weeks interval (regular interval). During each week of surveillance, the number
of moths/trap should be counted and entered.
Procedure for observation: Total number of moths of Helicoverpa armigera and
Earias/trap/week should be recorded year round. The trapped moths should be
destroyed and removed after each recording.
D. Yellow pan water trap/ sticky traps
Set up yellow pan water trap/ sticky traps 15 cm above the canopy for monitoring
whitefly, aphids, jassids @ 4-5 traps/acre. Locally available empty tins can be
painted yellow coated with grease/Vaseline/castor oil on outer surface may also be
used as yellow sticky trap.
E. Light traps
Set up light traps @1 trap/acre 15 cm above the crop canopy for monitoring and
mass trapping insects. Light traps with exit option for natural enemies of smaller
size should be installed and operate between 6 pm and 11 pm. Light trap catches
should be counted and kill the pests and release the natural enemies.
F. Nematode sampling
Collect 100 to 300 cm3 (200-300 g) soil sample. Mix soil sample and pass through
a coarse sieve to remove rocks, roots, etc. Take a 600 cc subsample of soil, pack
lightly into a beaker uniformly. Place soil in one of the buckets or pans half filled
with water. Mix soil and water by stirring with hand or paddle; allow to stand until
water almost stops swirling. Pour all but heavy sediment through 20-mesh sieve
into second bucket; discard residue in first bucket; discard material caught on sieve.
Stir material in second bucket; allow to stand until water almost stops swirling.
AESA based IPM – Okra
Pour all but heavy sediment through 200-mesh sieve into first bucket; discard
residue in second bucket. Backwash material caught on 200-mesh sieve (which
includes large nematodes) into 250-ml beaker. Stir material in first bucket; allow to
stand until water almost stops swirling. Pour all but heavy sediment through 325-
mesh sieve into second bucket; discard residue in first bucket. Backwash material
caught on 325-mesh sieve (which includes small to mid-sized nematodes and silty
material) into 250-ml beaker. More than 90% of the live nematodes are recovered
in the first 5-8 mm of water drawn from the rubber tubing and the sample is placed
in a shallow dish for examination.
III. Ecological engineering for pest management
Ecological engineering for pest management has recently emerged as a paradigm
for considering pest management approaches that rely on the use of cultural
techniques to effect habitat manipulation and to enhance biological control.
The cultural practices are informed by ecological knowledge rather than on
high technology approaches such as synthetic pesticides and genetically
engineered crops.
Natural enemies may require
1. Food in the form of pollen and nectar for adult natural enemies.
2. Shelters such as overwintering sites, moderate microclimate, etc are
3. Natural enemies may also require alternate host when primary host are
not present.
Ecological engineering for pest management – Above ground:
• Raising the flowering plants / compatible cash crops along the field border
by arranging shorter plants towards main crop and taller plants towards
the border to attract natural enemies as well as to avoid immigrating pest
• Growing flowering plants on the internal bunds inside the field
• Not to uproot weed plants those are growing naturally like Tridax
procumbens, Ageratum sp., Alternanthera sp., etc. which act as nectar source
for natural enemies,
• Not to apply broad spectrum chemical pesticides, when the P: D is favourable.
The plant compensation ability should also be considered before applying
chemical pesticides.
Ecological engineering for pest management – Below ground:
• Crop rotations with leguminous plants which enhance nitrogen content.
• Keeping soils covered year-round with living vegetation and/or crop residue.
• Adding organic matter in the form of farm yard manure (FYM), Vermicompost,
crop residue which enhance below ground biodiversity.
• Reducing tillage intensity so that hibernating natural enemies can be saved.
• Applying balanced dose of nutrients using biofertilizers.
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
Parasitoids: Lymaenon empoascae (egg),
Anagrus flaveolus, Stethynium triclavatum
• Sunflower family, alfalfa
(damsel bug and minute
Predators: Ladybird beetle, ants Distina pirate bug)
albino, Chrysoperla spp., mired bug • Carrot family, buckwheat,
(Dicyphus hesperus), big-eyed bug, alfalfa, corn, and shrubs
(Geocoris sp) etc. (minute pirate bug)
Parasitoid: Aphidius colemani • Carrot family, sunflower
Predators: Anthocorid bugs/pirate bugs family, marigold, buckwheat,
(Orius spp.), mirid bugs, syrphid/hover spearmint (syrphid fly,
flies, green lacewings (Mallada basalis and lacewing, minute pirate bug,
Chrysoperla carnea), predatory coccinellids damsel bug and ladybird
(Stethorus punctillum), staphylinid beetle beetle)
(Oligota spp.), cecidomyiid fly (Aphidoletis • French bean (predatory
aphidimyza), gall midge (Feltiella minuta), thrips)
earwigs, ground beetles, rove beetles,
spiders, wasps etc.
• Strips of rye grass, cover
crops and mulch beds (rove
• Mustard, sweet clove, dill
(aphid midge, Aphiodoletes
• Nectar rich plants with small
flowers i.e. anise, caraway,
dill, parsley, mustard (aphid
parasitoid and braconid
• Sunflower, buckwheat and
cowpea (braconid wasp)
Parasitoids: Encarsia sp, Eretmocerus sp,
Chrysocharis pentheus
• Carrot family, sunflower
family, marigold, buckwheat,
Predators: Mirid bug (Dicyphus hesperus), spearmint (syrphid fly,
dragonfly, spider, robber fly, praying lacewing, minute pirate bug,
mantis, fire ants, coccinellids, lace wings, damsel bug and ladybird
big eyed bugs (Geocoris sp) etc. beetle)
Spider mites
Predators: Anthocorid bugs (Orius spp.),
mirid bugs, syrphid/hover flies, green
• Carrot family, bishop’s weed
(spider mite destroyer)
lacewings (Mallada basalis and
Chrysoperla carnea), predatory mites • Sunflower family, marigold,
(Amblyseius alstoniae, A. womersleyi, A. buckwheat, spearmint (lady
fallacies and Phytoseiulus persimilis), beetle)
AESA based IPM – Okra
A. Resistant/tolerant varieties
Pest/disease Tolerant/Resistant Variety*
Yellow vein mosaic Pusa Sawani, Pusa A 4, Arka Abhay, Arka Anamika,
virus Varsha Uphar, Hisar Unnat, Hisar Naveen, HBH-142 (F1
hybrid), Gujarat Anand Okra-5, CO 1, CO 3, COBhH 1,
Azad Bhindi -1, Azad Bhindi-3
Aphid Pusa A 4, Gujarat Anand Okra-5
*For detailed and updated information nearest KVK, SAU / ICAR Institute
may be contacted
IV. Crop stage–wise IPM
Management Activity
Nutrients • Add well decomposed FYM @ 8-10
t/acre or vermicompost @ 5 t/acre
treated with Trichoderma spp. and/or
Pseudomonas sp @ 2 kg/acre. Incorporate
at the time of field preparation at 1 week
(vermicompost) or 2 to 3 weeks (FYM)
before transplanting
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
Biological control:
• Conserve predators such as anthocorid
bugs/minute pirate bugs (Orius spp.), mirid
bugs, syrphid/hover flies, green lacewings
(Mallada basalis and Chrysoperla carnea),
predatory mites (Amblyseius alstoniae, A.
womersleyi, A. fallacies and Phytoseiulus
persimilis), predatory coccinellid beetle
(Stethorus punctillum), staphylinid beetles
(Oligota spp.), cecidomyiid (Anthrocnodax
occidentalis), gall midge (Feltiella minuta)
Chemical control:
• Spray dicofol 18.5% EC @ 540-1080 ml
in 200-400 l of water/acre or fenazaquin
10% EC @ 500 ml in 200 l of water/acre or
fenpropathrin 30% EC @ 100-136 ml in 300-
400 l of warer/acre or spiromesifen 22.9%
SC @ 160-200 ml in 200 l of water/acre or
quinalphos 25% EC @ 400 ml in 200-400 l of
Nematodes Cultural control:
• Crop rotation with cereal crops
• Intercropping of marigold with okra
reduces nematode population
• Nursery should be raised in nematode free
sites or fumigated or solarized beds.
Cercospora leaf spots Cultural control:
• Removal and proper disposal and burning
the infected leaves
Powdery mildew Cultural control:
• Monitor the adjacent field for infection
• Maintain proper plant spacing for reducing
the relative humidity
Biological control:
• Spray azadirachtin 0.03% (300 ppm) neem
oil based EC @ 800-1000 ml in 200 l of
Chemical control:
• Spray sulphur 80% WP @ 1252g in 300-400 l
of water/acre or dinocap 48% EC @ 90 ml in
300 l of water/acre
AESA based IPM – Okra
Reproductive stage
Nutrients • The third dose (33.3%) of N to be applied at
45 days after transplanting.
• Micronutrient deficiency should be
corrected by foliar spray of particular
Weeds • Left over weeds should be removed from
the field to avoid further spread of weed
Gram pod borer Cultural control:
• Field sanitation and rogueing
• Ocimum/Basil acts as repellent plants
• Setting up light traps @ 1/acre for adults
• Erecting of bird perches @ 40/acre for
encouraging predatory birds such as king
crow, mynah, drongo etc.
• Use of ovipositional trap crops such as
marigold @ 100 plants/acre and collection
of larvae from flowers
• Installing pheromone traps @ 4-5/acre (ETL
10 moths/trap/day)
Biological control:
• Spraying NSKE 5 % against eggs and first
instar larva or azadirachtin 0.03% (300
ppm) neem oil based WSP @ 1000-2000 ml
in 200-400 l of water/acre or azadirachtin
5% W/W neem extract concentrate @ 80 ml
in 160 l of water/acre
• Spraying NPV @ 250 LE/acre in
combination with jaggery 1 kg, sandovit
100 ml or Robin Blue 50 g thrice at 10-15
days interval on observing the eggs or first
instar larvae in the evening hours.
• Conserve parasitoids such as
Trichogramma chilonis (egg), Tetrastichus
spp. (egg), Chelonus spp. (egg-larval),
and Telenomus spp. (egg), Netelia product
(larval), Carcelia spp. (larval-pupal),
Chaetopthalmus (larval), Campoletis
chlorideae (larval), and Bracon spp. (larval)
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
where the insect has not been exposed to the latter product.
Causes of resistance development: The causes and rate at which insecticide
resistance develops depend on several factors, including the initial frequency of
resistance alleles present in the population, how rapidly the insects reproduce,
the insects’ level of resistance, the migration and host range of the insects, the
insecticide’s persistence and specificity, and the rate, timing and number of
applications of insecticide made. For instance, insect pests that survive in large
populations and breed quickly are at greater advantage of evolving insecticide,
especially when insecticides are misused or over-used.
General strategy for insecticide resistance management: The best strategy
to avoid insecticide resistance is prevention and including insecticide resistance
management tactics as part of a larger integrated pest management (IPM)
1) Monitor pests: Monitor insect population development in fields to determine if
and when control measures are warranted. Monitor and consider natural enemies
when making control decisions. After treatment, continue monitoring to assess
pest populations and their control.
2) Focus on AESA: Insecticides should be used only as a last resort when all other
non-chemical management options are exhausted and P: D ratio is above 2: 1.
Apply biopesticides/chemical insecticides judiciously after observing unfavourable
P: D ratio and when the pests are in most vulnerable life stage. Use application rates
and intervals as per label claim.
3) Ecological engineering for pest management: Flowering plants that attract
natural enemies as well as plants that repel pests can be grown as border/
4) Take an integrated approach to managing pests: Use as many different
control measures as possible viz., cultural, mechanical, physical, biological etc.
Select insecticides with care and consider the impact on future pest populations
and the environment. Avoid broad-spectrum insecticides when a narrow-spectrum
or more specific insecticide will work. More preference should be given to green
labeled insecticides.
5) Mix and apply carefully: While applying insecticides care should be taken
for proper application of insecticides in terms of dose, volume, timing, coverage,
application techniques as per label claim.
6) Alternate different insecticide classes: Avoid the repeated use of the same
insecticide, insecticides in the same chemical class, or insecticides in different
classes with same mode of action and rotate/alternate insecticide classes and
modes of action.
7) Preserve susceptible genes: Preserve susceptible individuals within the target
population by providing unsprayed areas within treated fields, adjacent “refuge”
fields, or habitat attractions within a treated field that facilitate immigration. These
susceptible individuals may outcompete and interbreed with resistant individuals,
diluting the resistant genes and therefore the impact of resistance.
AESA based IPM – Okra
6. Zinc: Number of leaves are low. Leaves are smaller. Leaves are mottled. Stem
is thin.
Correction measures: Broadcasting of zinc sulphate @ 4.5 - 9.0 kg/acre along with
NPK fertilizers. band placement of zinc sulphate @
2.2 - 4.5 kg/acre along with NPK fertilizers. Foliar
spray with zinc sulphate @ 0.7 kg Zn/acre. Foliar
spray with Zn- EDTA @ 0.17 kg Zn / ha. Foliar spray
with zinc sulphate @ 0.56 - 1.1 kg Zn/ ha. Foliar
spray with zinc sulphate @ 1.4 Zn /acre.
AESA based IPM – Okra
7. Boron: Leaves become brittle; stunted plant growth, young leaves become
smaller in size; malformed fruits
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
4. Common purselane, Portulaca oleracea L. Portualacaceae
An annual glabrous herb with prostrate and succulent
stem. Leaves spatulate, flattened, apex round nearly
truncate. Flowers 3-10 mm diameter and yellow. Fruits
capsules ovoid, 4-9 mm diameter. Seeds black or dark
brown, orbiculate or elongate, flattened, 0.6-1.1 mm;
surface cells sooth, granular, or stellate, with rounded
5. False amaranth, Digera arvensis Forssk. Amaranthaceae
An annual herb, 30-60 cm high with spreading
branches. Leaves variable, 2-7.5 cm long and 1.3-4.5
cm wide, ovate or elliptic, acute or rounded at the apex,
sometimes with reddish margins, glabrous. Flowers
pink, borne in threes axillary, pedunculate spikes, 2.5-
12.5 cm long. Fruits globose, approximately 0.3 cm in
diameter having yellowish-brown.
6. Rabbit/crow foot grass, Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) Willd Poaceae
Annual, very variable, grass, 10-44 cm high. Stem erect or creeping culms, rooting
from the profusely branched nodes. Leaves are linear, tapering to a fine point, 2-10
cm long and 0.2-0.4 cm wide, flat, glaucous, glabrous
or hispid; leaf sheaths striate, the lower whitish; ligules
membranous, very short. Inflorescence comprised of
2-6 digitate spikes, 0.5-4 cm long, olive-grey; spikelets
2-5 flowered, spreading at right angles, pendulous,
strongly striate. Grain 0.5-1 mm long, subglobose,
reddish, very rugose.
7. Crabgrass, Digiteria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. Poaceae
A prostrate or ascending annual grass with spreading,
branched stem having rooting at nodes. Leaves are
3-20 cm long, 3-10 mm wide, with hairs on both the
surfaces. Stem sheaths hairy and closed. Leaves and
sheaths may turn dark red or maroon with age. Seed
head composed of 4-6 branches (spikes) at the top
of the stems, each approximately 3-15 cm long. Fruit
caryopsis shiny, yellowish-brown, 2-3 mm long.
8. Barnyard grass, Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv. Poaceae
Robust, tufted annual grass, erect or at the base decumbent and rooting at the nodes,
20-150 cm tall. Culms cylindrical, glabrous, filled with
white spongy pith. Leaf sheaths glabrous and 9-13 cm
long. Leaf blades merging into the sheath, linear, with
a broad, rounded base and acute top; rough margined,
glabrous or at the base with a few long hairs, smooth
or the upper surface minutely bristly. Inflorescence is
an apical panicle of 5-40 spikes
AESA based IPM – Okra
like racemes. Fruit are caryopsis ovoid to obovoid, compressed, 1.5-2 mm long.
9. Purple nutsedge, Cyperus rotundus L. Cypraceae
A perennial sedge, hard, fragrant, globose-ovoid tubers, up to 1.2 cm long and 0.
3-0.7 cm in diameter; culms solitary or few together, sparsely tufted, erect, 10-75
cm tall, 3-angled at top. Leaves narrowly linear,
sometimes longer than stem, 0.4-0.8 cm wide,
dark green above, pale beneath. Inflorescence is
a simple or compound umbel, rays 2-8, each up to
7.5 cm long, bearing short spikes of 3-10 spreading,
red-brown spikelets. Nuts oblong to ovate-oblong,
3-sided, 1.3-1.5 mm long and 0.5-0.7 mm wide,
maturing brown.
10. Flat sedge, Cyperus iria L. Cypraceae
Annual sedge, sometimes behaving as a perennial
with 8 to 60 cm high. The culms are tufted, triangular,
smooth, green and 0.6-3.0 mm thick. The roots are
numerous, short and yellowish-red. Leaves are linear-
lanceolate, usually all shorter than the culm, 1-8 mm
wide, flat, and rough on the margin and major ribs; leaf
sheaths are green to reddish-brown, membraneous
and envelope the culm at the base. Inflorescence is
simple or compound, usually open, 1-20 cm long and 1-20 cm wide, with groups of
spikes which are either attached directly to stem or on 0.5-15.0 cm long peduncles
(rays). Spikelets are erect-spreading, crowded, 6-24-flowered, 2-13 mm long, 1.5-
2.0 mm wide, golden to yellowish green. Nutlet, 1.0-1.5 mm long, 0.6-0.7 mm wide,
obovate, triangular in cross section, dark-brown to almost black; the surface is
almost smooth.
Major rabi weeds
1. Lambs quarter, Chenopodium album L. Chenopodiaceae
It is an annual weed found in agricultural fields. It is a polymorphous, non-aromatic,
erect herb, 0.3-3 m tall with angled stems that are often striped green, red or purple.
Leaves are variable in size and shape, lower leaves are toothed or irregularly lobes,
10-15 cm long, with petioles often as long as leaf blades. Flowers are green, borne
in clusters forming a compact or loosely panicled axillary spike. Fruits utricle, seeds
round, compressed, black and shining.
AESA based IPM – Okra
2. Scarlet pimpernel, Anagallis arvensis Primulaceae L
A low-growing annual, up to 30 cm tall with branched or erect herbaceous, 4-an-
gled, glabrous to pubescent stem. Sometimes rooting
observed at the nodes. Leaves are opposite, entire,
sessile, ovate variously pubescent, margins somewhat
tuberculate. Flowers are bright blue, solitary aris-
ing from the area between the stem and leaves (leaf
axils) and occur on relatively long stalks (pedicels).
Fruits capsule, globose, seeds1.3 mm long, trigonous,
3. Sweet clover, Melilotus indica (L.) All. Fabaceae
It is a sweet-smelling erect herb, up to 10-60 cm high with hairless, spreading or
erect stem. Leaves odd-1-pinnate; leaflets 1-2.5 cm,
inverted, lance-shaped to wedge-shaped, generally
sharply toothed on the broader part. Flowers yellow;
appear in slender, compact racemes that are 1-2
inches in length. Plant bear papery, small, round, 2-
3 mm long, yellow or grey, reticulately wrinkled and
slightly hairy pods. Seeds 2 mm long; 1.5 mm wide;
broadly oval, one side plane, the other side rounded;
yellowish green; roughened by minute tubercles.
4. Fine leaf fumitory, Fumaria parviflora Lam. Fumariaceae
Annual herb, up to 60 cm tall. Stem Slender, much branched and succulent. Leaves
2-3 pinnatisect, 2-5 cm long, segments
linear oblanceolate, apiculate. Flowers
Purplish-red, spurred, in terminal or
leaf opposed bracteate racemes. Fruits
are rounded nuts, 2-3 mm in diameter,
wrinkled when dry.
5. Corn spurry, Spergula arvensis L. Caryophyllaceae
A diffuse annual herb. Stem branched from the root, grooved. Leaves are in pseudo
whorls, fleshy, linear-subulate, spreading.
Flowers small, white. Fruits capsule
rounded, five valved. Seeds are circular,
thick lens shaped in cross section; margins
winged with one small notch. Seeds are
greyish black to black with margins usually
light brown.
6. Bluegrass, Poa annua L. Poaceae
Annual cool-season grass grows 6 to 8 inches high when left
unmowed. It has light green flattened stems that are bent
at the base and often rooted at the lower stem joint. Leaf
blades are often crinkled part way down and vary from 1 to
3 inches long with typical Poa boat-shaped leaf tips- a key
AESA based IPM – Okra
characteristic of annual bluegrass. Inflorescence is branched with three to eight
flattened florets in each spikelet.
7. Canary grass, Phalaris minor Retz. Poaceae
A tufted annual bunchgrass, up to 1.8 meters in height.
Stem is erect or horizontal with long, linear leaves.
Ligule is an oblong hyaline membrane, about 2-5 mm
long, often truncate and/or fringed; auricles absent,
sheath smooth. Panicle more or less protruding or
entirely protruding from the uppermost swollen leaf
sheath, ovate to oblong, 5-8 cm long, green. Spikelets
green, broadly lanceolate on short pedicels, shining, 4
-6 mm long, strongly laterally compressed.
AESA based IPM – Okra
Biology: E. vitella
Egg: Sculptured egg and sky blue in Colour.
Larva: Brownish with white streaks dorsally and pale yellow
Pupa: Brown and boat shaped.
Adult: Forewing – pale with a wedge shaped green band in the
Life cycle:
2, 3, and 4.
Damage symptoms:
• Terminal shoots wither and droop
• Shedding of buds and flowers
• Bore hole in fruits and feed
• Deformed fruits
1. 2.
AESA based IPM – Okra
1. Trichogramma spp. 2. Bracon spp. 3. Elasmus sp
1. Lacewing 2. Ladybird beetle 3. Spider 4. Fire ant
9. Black drongo 10. Wasp 11. Common mynah 12. Big-eyed bug
(King crow) (Geocoris sp)
AESA based IPM – Okra
Egg: The spherical, yellowish eggs are laid singly on tender parts and buds of
plants. The egg period lasts for 2-4 days.
Larva: Caterpillars are of varying colour, initially brown and later turn greenish
with darker broken lines along the side of the body. The larval period lasts for
18-25 days. Body covered with radiating hairs. When full grown, they measure
3.7 to 5 cm in length. The full grown caterpillar pupates in the soil in an earthen
cell and emerges in 16-21 days.
Pupa: Pupation takes place inside the soil. Pupal stage lasts 7-15 days.
AESA based IPM – Okra
Life cycle:
Damage symptoms:
In early stages, the caterpillars are gregarious and scrape the chlorophyll
content of leaf lamina giving it a papery white appearance. Later they become
voracious feeders making irregular holes on the leaves.
• Irregular holes on leaves initially and later skeletonisation leaving only
veins and petioles
• Heavy defoliation.
• Bored fruits with irregular holes
• Fed leaves, shoots and buds.
• The activity of Helicoverpa starts on green gram, summer vegetables and
maize and continues their generation by Aug-Sept months
synchronizing with main crop.
AESA based IPM – Okra
1. Tetrastichus spp. 2. Chelonus spp.
AESA based IPM – Okra
3) Leaf hoppers:
It is distributed throughout the country. Both nymphs and adults suck the sap
from underside of leaves injecting toxic saliva
Life cycle:
Damage symptoms:
• Characteristic hopper burn symptom.
• Infested leaves crinkle and show characteristic browning
• Attacked plants stunted, fail to bear fruits.
1. 2.
1. Dicyphus hesperus
(mirid bug)
AESA based IPM – Okra
4) Whitefly:
Nymph: Greenish yellow, oval in outline,
Pupa: Puparia oval in shape, present on the under surface of the leaves.
Adult: Minute insects with yellow body covered with a white waxy bloom.
Life cycle:
1. B0%80%EB%A3%A8%EC%9D%
Damage symptoms:
Chlorotic spots on the leaves which latter coalesce forming irregular yellowing
of leaf tissue which extends from veins to the outer edges of the leaves
• Severe infestation results in premature defoliation
• Development of sooty mould
• Shedding of buds and bolls and poor boll opening
• It also transmits the leaf curl virus diseases of cotton.
AESA based IPM – Okra
1. Encarsia formosa 2. Eretmocerus spp. 3. Chrysocharis pentheus
1. Dicyphus Hesperus (mirid bug), 2. Lacewing, 3. Ladybird beetle,
4. Big-eyed bugs (Geocoris sp)
*For management refer to page number 21
Damage symptoms:
• Affected leaves become reddish brown and bronzy
• Severe infestation larvae silken webbing on the leaves
AESA based IPM – Okra
1. Predatory mite 2. Predatory thrips 3. Oligota spp.
7. Spider
• Most species of plant parasitic nematodes have a relatively simple life cycle
consisting of the egg, four larval stages and the adult male and female.
• Development of the first stage larvae occurs within the egg where the first
molt occurs. Second stage larvae hatch from eggs to find and infect plant
roots or in some cases foliar tissues.
• Under suitable environmental conditions, the eggs hatch and new larvae
emerge to complete the life cycle within 4 to 8 weeks depending on
• Nematode development is generally most rapid within an optimal soil
temperature range of 70 to 80°F.
AESA based IPM – Okra
Life cycle:
Life stages are microscopic in size
Damage symptoms:
• Roots branch profusely starting from the gall tissue causing a ‘beard
root’ symptom
• In severely infected plants the root system is reduced and the rootlets
are almost completely absent. The roots are seriously hampered in their
function of uptake and transport of water and nutrients
• Plants wilt during the hot part of day, especially under dry conditions
and are often stunted
AESA based IPM – Okra
1. 2.
Survival and spread:
Primary: Cysts and egg masses in infected plant debris and soil or collateral
and other hosts like Solonaceous, Malvaceous and Leguminaceous plants act
as sources of inoculum
Secondary: Autonomous second stage juveniles that may also be water
Favourable conditions:
• Loamy light soils
*For management refer to page number18,24
AESA based IPM – Okra
Symptoms of damage: Adults and nymphs suck sap from leaves, fruits, and
seeds. Vitality of the plant is lowered, in genera. Affected fruits stained with
insects excreta. Fruit rotting occurs due to infection of secondary bacteria.
1. Spider, 2. Fire ant, 3. Earwig, 4. Ground beetle, 5. Dragon fly, 6. Robber
fly, 7. Reduviid bug, 8. Praying mantis, 9. Black drongo (King crow),
10. Wasp, 11. Common mynah, 12. Big-eyed bug (Geocoris sp)
8) Aphids:
Nymphs: Yellowish or greenish brown found on the undersurface of leaves.
Adults: Greenish brown, soft bodied and small insects
Life cycle:
Damage symptoms:
• Infesting tender shoots and under surface of the leaves.
• Stunted growth
AESA based IPM – Okra
1. 2.
1 and 2.
1. Aphidius colemani
1. Cecidomyiid fly (Aphidoletis aphidimyza)
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
Favourable conditions:
• High humidity, high soil moisture, cloudiness and low temperatures
below 24° C for few days are ideal for infection and development of
• Crowded seedlings, dampness due to high rainfall, poor drainage and
excess of soil solutes hamper plant growth and increase the pathogenic
Survival and spread:
Primary: Soil, Seed, Water
Secondary: Conidia through rain splash or wind
*For management refer to page number 18
AESA based IPM – Okra
Diseases life cycle
1. Damping off: Pythium debaryanum R. Hesse
AESA based IPM – Okra
X. Safety measures
A) at the time of the harvest
For vegetable use, the fruits should be picked about one week after anthesis. In the
vegetable crop, the picking of young fruits permits sustained vegetative growth
prolonging the harvest. Okra pods are ready for harvest when they are about 2-4
inches or 4-9 cm long or while the pod is soft and tip snaps. The pods are bright
green, fleshy and seeds are small. The pods should be gathered everyday. They are
usually handpicked and sharp knives are used to cut them from the stalks to avoid
fruit damage such as bruises and discoloration. About 1 cm of stem should remain
attached to the pod.
B) post-harvest storage
Okra should not be stored more than 36 hours after packing (deterioration already
starts at this time). Do not put ice on top of the packages because it causes water
spots on the pods and decay. Optimum transport/storage temperature is 10-12°C
if temperature is below 10-12 °C, chilling injury develops, pitting, discoloration
and excessive decay also will result. Okra can be stored together with snap beans,
cucumber, eggplant, pepper, potato, squash, sweet potato, and watermelons
(because these commodities have the same temperature requirements as that of
okra). Okra is not compatible for storage with tomatoes and muskmelons. These
crops are ethylene producers while okra is ethylene sensitive. Exposure of okra to
ethylene causes toughening and yellowing of pods and browning of skin.
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
XII. Safety parameters in pesticides usage
S. Pesticide Classification Colour of WHO First Aid measures Symptoms poisoning Treatment of poisoning Waiting
No as per toxicity classification period
insecticide triangle of hazard from last
rules application
to harvest
1. Malathion Moderately Class III Mild-anorexia, headache, For extreme symptoms of OP poisoning,
AESA based IPM – Okra
toxic slightly dizziness, weakness, anxiety, injection of atropine (2-4 mg for adults,
hazardous tremors of tongue and eyelids, 0.5-1.0 mg for children) is recommended. --
miosis, impairment of visual Repeated at 5-10 minute intervals until
acuity signs of atropinization occur.
2. Carbofuran Extremely Class I b Constriction of pupils, Atropine injection-1-4 mg. repeat 2 mg
toxic highly salivation, profuse sweating, when symptoms begin to recur (15-16 min
hazardous muscle incordination, nausea, interval) excessive salivation- good sign, --
vomiting,diarrhea, epigastric more atropine needed chest
pain, tightness in t
Synthetic pyrathroids
3 Cyperme- Highly toxic Class II Headache, palpitation, nausea, No specific antidote. Treatment is
thrin Moderately vomiting, flushed face, irritation essentially symptomatic.
hazardous of nose,throat, eyes and skin, 3
allergic manifestation etc.
4 Fenvalerate Do not induce Ingestion may cause If on skin, after drying apply vitamin E
vomiting unless nonspecific discomfort, such cream or oil if
told to do so by a as nausea, vomiting, headache, available. If not available, apply vegetable
doctor, do not give or weakness; temporary oil liberally over
anything by mouth nervous painful areas. The oil or cream may be used 7
to an unconscious system effects such as muscular repeatedly
person weakness, until relief is achieved
tremors and
5 Lambda- Do not induce Toxic if swallowed or inhaled. There is no specific antidote. Treatment is
cyhalothrin vomiting unless Irritating to eyes and skin. essentially symptomatic.
told to do so by a Vapors may cause drowsiness 5
doctor, do not give
6 Thiametho- Have person sip No specific antidote. Treatment is
xam a glass of water if essentially symptomatic.
able to swallow.
Do not induce
vomiting unless
told to do so by
a poison control 5
center or doctor.
Do not give
anything by mouth
to an unconscious
7 Imidacloprid Highly toxic Have person sip Harmful if swallowed, absorbed No specific antidote. Treatment is
a glass of water if through skin or inhaled. Avoid essentially symptomatic.
able to swallow. breathing vapor or spray mist.
Do not induce Causes moderate eye irritation.
vomiting unless
told to do so by a 3
doctor, do not give
anything by mouth
to an unconscious
AESA based IPM – Okra
8 Emamectin Have person sip Pupil dilation, muscular Administer repeatedly medical charcoal in
benzoate a glass of water if incooridnation, muscular large quantity of water or ipecac
able to swallow. tremors
Do not induce
vomiting unless
told to do so by a 5
doctor, do not give
anything by mouth
to an unconscious
AESA based IPM – Okra
Insect growth regulators
9 Pyriproxy- Do not induce May cause irritation of the eyes, No specific antidote. Treatment is
fen vomiting unless nose, respiratory tract and skin. essentially symptomatic
told to do so by a Prolonged and repeated
doctor, do not give exposure may cause headache
anything by mouth and dizziness
to an unconscious
Anthranilic diamides
10 Chloranthra- When used as
niliprole directed this product
does not present a 5
hazard to humans or
domestic animals
11 Wettable Slightly toxic Headache, palpitation, nausea, No specific antidote. Treatment is
sulphur vomiting, flushed face, irritation essentially symptomatic
of nose,throat, eyes and skin --
12 Dinocap Moderately Class III Headache, palpitation, nausea, No specific antidote. Treatment is
toxic slightly vomiting, flushed face, irritation essentially symptomatic.
hazardous of nose, throat, eyes and skin --
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
• Operating speed:
2/3rd throttle
• Battery operated
low volume
sprayer (Droplets
of small size)
Spinning disc
locust and
• Fogging machine
and ENV (Exhaust
spatial fungicides nozzle vehicle)
application (Droplets of very
(migratory small size)
Pests) • Hot tube nozzle
Category C: Weeds
Weedicide • Lever operated
knapsack sprayer
application (Droplets of big
• Flat fan or floodjet
nozzle @ 15 to 20
• Lever operating
speed = 7 to 10
Weedicide • Trolley mounted
low volume
application sprayer (Droplets
of small size)
• Battery operated
low volume
sprayer (Droplets
of small size)
AESA based IPM – Okra
AESA based IPM – Okra
XVI. References:
Parasitoids and predators of Earias spp.
Parasitoids of Earias sp.:
NHM manual for post harvest management and integrated pest management:
AVRDC the world vegetable center:
FAO Regional Vegetable IPM Programme in South & Southeast Asia: http://www.
Indian Institute of Horticultural Research:
Acharya N. G. Agricultural University, Hyderabad:
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad:
Jawarharlal Nehru Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur:
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana:
Important Natural Enemies of Okra Insect Pests
Good insectary plants belonging to Compositae,
Leguminaceae, Umbelliferae, Brassicaceae etc. families