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This Study Resource Was: Tarea 8: Compitiendo Globalmente

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Tarea 8 : Compitiendo


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1. True or false: Organizations expand abroad to create value that substitutes for what
they could create at home.
aC s
v i y re

2. True or false: To keep costs similar across markets, organizations following

development strategies generally choose between concentrating production in one or a
few locations and exporting to different national markets.
ed d
ar stu

3. True or false: Another way to think of development strategy is as a process of

arbitraging knowledge across countries.
sh is

4. True or false: The first step in choosing the right location is to cover multiple
geographic levels of analysis.

5. True or false: David Collis suggested that the AAA Triangle framework developed by
Ghemawat could have a potential for a fourth A: Agglomeration.

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6. An organization that competes globally needs a global strategy: an approach to
value creation that capitalizes on _ventaja competitiva___ across geographic markets.

7. Global strategies can be as diverse as the firms that craft them, but they generally
boil down to what three options?

Precios de los competidores, mercados financieros y ubicación geográfica.

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eH w
8. Global value creation depends on:

rs e
__ a. reducing the gap between the price customers are willing to pay for
a product and the cost an organization incurs to produce it.
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__ b. reducing the gap between the price competitors charge for a
product and the cost an organization incurs to produce it.

__ c. growing the wedge, relative to competitors, between the price

aC s

customers are willing to pay for a product and the cost an organization
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incurs to produce it.

__ d. increasing the gap between the price charged to customers by the
organization and the price competitors charge to customers.
ed d
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9. When exploring what happens after a firm selects a global strategy, global
managers can find guidance in what two simple but powerful questions?
sh is

Una visión compartida es fundamental debido a que saber cómo evolucionarán las

necesidades de los clientes ayudará a afrontar de una mejor manera el desarrollo

estratégico, de cómo la empresa tendría que competir en el futuro, cuales deberán ser
los cambios que los líderes deben realizar en las decisiones para poder seguir teniendo
éxito y motivar a sus empleados al mismo tiempo.

10. Most globally diversified organizations:

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__ a. trade at a greater premium in financial markets than do industrially
diversified firms.
__ b. trade at a greater discount in financial markets than do industrially
diversified firms.
__ c. are more successful abroad than they are at home.
__ d. trade at a discount in financial markets unless they are also
industrially diversified.

11. A cohesive set of location choices, enacted over time, that allows an organization to
maximize the value creation and value capture of each location decision is known as
a(n) ____cultura___________________

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12. The situation in which organizations with the greatest advantage at home are often
also those most likely to fail when expanding abroad is known as:

eH w
__ a. the liability of being a foreigner.

__ b. rs e the curse of the pioneer.
__ c. the paradox of being consistent.
ou urc
__ d. the downside of globalization.
aC s
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13. A ___global_______ strategy can leverage similarities across country markets or

leverage differences across markets without changing the organization’s primary
business model.
ed d
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14. An organization that is assessing whether to enter new geographic markets needs to
know all of the following EXCEPT:
sh is

__ a. the implication of any adjustments of its business model on its


source(s) of competitive advantage.

__ b. which parts of its business model can be adjusted to fit new
__ c. the cost structure of each of the parts of its business model and
how it can be minimized.
__ d. which environmental traits its business model cannot function

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15. An appliance manufacturer that uses a flexible production line to customize its
refrigerators for the different preferences of consumers in several different nations is
using which kind of strategy?

Desarrollo, ya que necesita implementar nuevas formas de venta hacia el lugar al que
va dirigido, no todos los clientes se manejan o necesitan la misma promoción de venta
ya que no son atraídos dependiendo sus costumbres o ideas a las que están

16. To create and capture value from global expansion, an organization needs a global
strategy that:

__ a. leverages or builds on the organization’s home-market competitive

advantage in new countries or geographic regions.

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__ b. minimizes costs across the countries or economic regions that it

competes in.

eH w
__ c. ignores differences across geographic markets.

rs e
__ d. involves entry only into geographic markets that are the same as
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the organization’s home-market.

17. Offshoring creates value by combining organizational capabilities with the

aC s

comparative advantages of different countries, but offshoring carries what risk?

v i y re

ed d
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18. ________ strategy aggregates demand across multiple country markets and is most

common in high-end and luxury consumer goods.

__ a. Development
__ b. Deepening
__ c. Diversifying
__ d. Deployment

19. What are the three types of links that connect each task or activity in a value chain
to other tasks and activities?

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Enlace interno, enlace externo y enlace dinámico.

20. An organization that diversifies geographically to obtain new capabilities, such as

unique knowledge that helps it improve its products or services, is following what type of

__ a. Deployment
__ b. Deepening
__ c. Development
__ d. Diversifying

21. What are the four dimensions of location strategy that together shape how much

value an organization can create and capture in new locations?

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Ajuste empresarial, efecto competitivo, características de la ubicación, incentivos

eH w

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22. Successful __________ strategies require organizations to align their reporting

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structures and management incentives carefully to ensure that local innovations are
identified and developed and that their potential for global success is communicated
clearly to headquarters.
ed d

__ a. localization
ar stu

__ b. development
__ c. deepening
__ d. globalization
sh is

23. Competition shapes location choices at what two levels?

La coherencia en relación con las aspiraciones son las que motivan y contribuyen en
tomar decisiones para dar sentido a su empresa.

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24. What is the most common deepening strategy that turns on reducing costs?

__ a. Locating production, research and development, or advertising

activities within each host country market
__ b. Flexing market power
__ c. Moving activities to low-cost, offshore locations
__ d. Adapting the product to local tastes

25. A deepening strategy based on increasing customer willingness to pay can be

accomplished with all of the following mechanisms EXCEPT:

__ a. flexing market power.

__ b. leveraging a multinational presence.
__ c. aggregating production to create economies of scope and scale.

er as
__ d. adapting to local demand.

eH w
rs e
26. Which of the following is NOT one of the seven critical dimensions that managers
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should consider when selecting among the three basic global strategies?

__ a. The goal the organization wants to pursue


__ b. The level of profitability to be achieved

aC s

__ c. The value chain to be used to produce the product

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__ d. The capabilities that the organization possesses or hopes to

ed d
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27. Performing activities outside the boundaries of the organization is known as:

__ a. offshoring.
sh is

__ b. internalizing.

__ c. outsourcing.
__ d. internationalizing.

28. Which of the following is not a hybrid ownership form?

__ a. Joint venture
__ b. Alliance
__ c. Franchising
__ d. Wholly owned subsidiary

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29. Pear, a consumer electronics company based in the United States, designs and
sells technologically advanced smartphones. Over time, it has outsourced manufacturing
to a Chinese company. Short product life cycles and frequent changes to product
specifications have forced Pear to establish standardized weekly updates from its US-
based R&D unit that designs the smartphones to the manufacturing company in China.
Which of the following would NOT generally be a strategic consideration for this

__ a. Internal links between R and D and production

__ b. Dynamic links between R and D and production
__ c. Interaction protocols between R and D and production
__ d. External links between R and D and production

30. The three categories of location characteristics include all of the following EXCEPT:

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__ a. natural endowments.

__ b. institutional environments.

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__ c. the presence or absence of clusters of same-industry organizations.

__ d.
rs e the amount of host country experience the firm has accumulated.
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31. The decision regarding the optimal time of entry can be recast into a location
framework involving four clocks, including all of the following EXCEPT the:
aC s
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__ a. location clock.
__ b. ownership clock.
__ c. competitive clock.
ed d

__ d. firm clock.
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32. The benefits of entering late into a location include:


__ a. securing key suppliers and customers.

__ b. building brand recognition.
__ c. the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others.
__ d. avoiding the standards and rules that govern an industry.

33. Organizations that follow deployment strategies are often positioned to expand
quickly because:

__ a. their business model is standardized.

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__ b. their business model emphasizes adaptation to local differences.
__ c. their competitors are slow to respond.
__ d. they do not suffer from slack resources.

34. IKEA offers the same products, such as Kivik sofas or Billy bookcases, in 46
countries across four continents. It offers furniture assembly services to US customers,
although it does not offer such services in most of the other nations in which it operates.
This example suggests that IKEA engages in which of the following strategies?

__ a. Development
__ b. Deployment
__ c. Deepening
__ d. Arbitrage

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eH w
35. An organization that aims to differentiate products and services across country

markets is following what kind of strategy?
rs e
__ a. Global
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__ b. Transitional
__ c. International

__ d. Multinational
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36. An organization that attempts to create value mainly by adapting ideas and products
ed d

that come from the firm’s headquarters is following what kind of strategy?
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__ a. Network
__ b. Transnational
sh is

__ c. International
__ d. Multinational

37. The AAA Triangle framework developed by Ghemawat defines strategies for global
value creation by all of the following dimensions EXCEPT:

__ a. adaptation.
__ b. accommodation.
__ c. aggregation.
__ d. arbitrage.

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38. In the AAA Triangle framework developed by Ghemawat, which of the following is
the strategy of choice for organizations whose goal is to raise revenues and market
share by optimizing their products and services for local markets?

__ a. Adaptation
__ b. Accommodation
__ c. Aggregation
__ d. Arbitrage

39. Ghemawat’s CAGE framework includes all of the following dimensions EXCEPT:

__ a. cultural.
__ b. administrative.
__ c. geographic.

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__ d. environmental.

eH w
rs e
40. A recent start-up company, which we will call Dronegistics, has developed an
ou urc
innovative unmanned aerial vehicle, or drone. The company plans to sell its drones to
companies who would use them to make commercial deliveries within congested urban
areas. Dronegistics has identified several markets in Asia as having high commercial

potential. Japan and Singapore are perceived to have the strongest market potential
currently, but mainland China, Thailand, and Malaysia are perceived to have strong and
aC s

growing potential over time, even if their potential may not be as strong currently. Despite
v i y re

expectations that several other firms will introduce competitive products in the near
future, which will have an impact on the attractiveness for later entrants, Dronegistics
lacks the experience and resources to enter more than one Asian market at a time. The
decision-making challenge facing Dronegistics incorporates all of the following location
ed d

clocks associated with timing decisions EXCEPT the:

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__ a. firm clock.
__ b. location clock.
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__ c. incentives clock.

__ d. competitive clock.

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