What Are The Best Features of Alt. Assessment? Explain
What Are The Best Features of Alt. Assessment? Explain
What Are The Best Features of Alt. Assessment? Explain
A. Explanation
2. “Alternative assessment are used to determine what the students can or cannot do,
not on what they do or do not know.” elaborate.
Alternative assessment is compatible with the constructivist theory, which views
learners as active constructors of knowledge. Meaning cannot be imparted from
teacher to student rather meaning is made, not given - a personal and
social construction of meaning. It tends to evaluate applied proficiency rather than
measuring knowledge.
The Completion
Topic : Philippine Folkdances
How will I apply this?
Guiding principle in using Alternative
Assessment (Bringham Young
Define the instructional outcome you Students should be able to:
want to assess as clearly and * perform the basic steps in different
unambiguously as possible in terms Philippine folkdances such as Rural,
of both the subject-matter content and Maria Clara and Ethnic.
the set of skills or operations that a *Differentiate the three Phil. Dances.
skillful performer would exhibit.
Distinguish between those outcomes Students will identify and compare and
that can validly be assessed solely by contrast the three dances. ( pen and
performance assessments and those paper)
that can be assessed just as Students will perform the basic steps and
effectively by objective measures. later on perform a whole dance.
Create tasks that elicit evidence of Students will be grouped to dance for the
the student’s ability to perform the Rural category, Maria Clara and ethnic.
targeted skill.
Decide what kinds of teacher The teacher will perform the basic steps
guidance can be used while still first and the students will follow.
allowing students the freedom to Afterwards the teacher will only
learn and do it their own way. supervise as the students make their own
choreography of the dance.
Try out the assessment and make The teacher will provide feedback from
revisions as necessary. time to time and give rubrics to follow.
Let’s Reflect!
1. I realized that teachers need to invest effort and time to step the game up and
challenge the current assessment paradigm. We need to question the traditional school
structures and assessment practices that limit the possibilities of children. It is
important to remember that if we have 40 children in the classroom, we have 40
different minds and needs that we have to cater, tailored to his or her individual
abilities, needs, strengths, and weaknesses. Standardized evaluations do not offer such
information; alternative assessment tools do.
2.As a future teacher , I can apply the concepts I learned through creating different
platforms and avenues in the classroom through the use of projects such as portfolios
and reading logs, which enable them to keep track of their own learning that has the
potential to create a positive experience for students and, in turn, produce positive
Let’s Create!
I think most of us probably remember a teacher centered classroom. This is
probably what we are familiar with. I remember the teacher is up front in the center,
the students wherein nice, neat rows, not allowed to talk to each other. And the
teacher, the source of authority. Downloading information to the kids. And giving a
multiple choice test or true or false test. Design how much content we can remember.
This is the traditional way of teaching and testing. But in this paper lets try to put
traditional and alternative assessment in juxtaposition.
Assessment is one of the crucial components of the instruction. People within the
educational community differ in the idea of implementing assessment strategies.
While some believe traditional assessment methods are more effective, others think
that alternative assessment tools are superior. Assessment and testing considerably
differ from each other.Testing is formal and often standardized, while assessment is
based on a collection of information about what students know and what they are able
to do. Based on the words of Law and Eckes (1995), students are given the exact
procedures for administering and scoring in testing. In assessment, on the other hand,
there are multiple ways and methods of collecting information at different times and
contexts.Implementing alternative assessment measures in the classroom has the
potential to create a positive experiences among the students and and result to positive
attitudes. The heart of alternative assessment is valuing students from their point of
view and encouraging them to be aware of what they have learned and take a greater
responsibility for their own learning.
In order to cater the needs of students in this ever changing world educators must
access and use research to improve practice and student learning and assessment. Use
the latest and the best methods and strategies and must differentiate instruction to
meet students’ needs. Traditional methods and testing has its own beauty, but we
cannot deny that alternative assessment capsized the whole deal. It is not simply
design to memorize facts but to apply it in the real world. Giving the students the
opportunity to grow, and succeed beyond standardized tests.
Reference/s used:
The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET July 2003 ISSN:
1303-6521 volume 2 Issue 3 Article 2
1. Choose one of the identified models of alternative asseesment and discuss. Focus
on its contextual aspect in your learning area.
Authentic assessment allows a range of skills to be developed because of the real
world demands of the task. Trying to make ‘real world’ assessments may imply that
schools exist to ‘train’ students rather than to encourage free thinking individuals.
Remember though, it is possible to be both relevant to the real world and
academically sound. Part of the solution is to offer tasks that allow and encourage
creativity rather than fixed solutions.
2. Explain the implication. How does it affect you vision on assessment?
It is critical among educators to fully understand alternative assessment methods,
the means of implementing it and the benefits to both students and them.If such
assessment implemented effectively it can provide positive experiences for
students.Self-reflection by students make them more active and responsible for their
learning and make the relationship between teachers and students more healthy and
3. Authentic assessment gives emphasis on the the real - world task it gives among
students. Why is it important?
This type of assessment does not usually just focus in on a small area of abstract
knowledge. Example, a teacher student might be asked to deliver an actual lesson or
act as a teacher in a role play situation rather than undertaking an exam or a music
production student might be asked to support a live event, and be judged of their
performance in a live situation. The answer is in the statement itself, authentic
assessment means providing assessment opportunities which are like tasks in the ‘real
world’. The learning made among the students will be more meaningful.
Let’s reflect!
2. As a future teacher, I can apply the concepts I learned through truly understanding
what children are capable of as learners. To know as much as possible about each my
students to offer him or her the very best education, tailored to his or her individual
need, abilities, strengths and weaknesses.
Let’s create : show the commonalities and differences of the three models of
alternative assessemnt.
*Providing assessment ASSESSMENT
opportunities which tasks *goal free evaluation
are like in real world. *you need to have a *this type of assessment is
*feedback is needed benchmark structured using “effects”
*Can sometimes be biased *fully supported to *focus on the means no
*needs rubrics develop the skills. really on the result
What the three have in
2. How important are alternative assessment methods? What are the advantages of
using it in assessing skills, products and disposition learning targets?
Skills, product and disposition learning targets require alternative solution. That’s
the only way you can truly assess the students in this category. Alternative assessment
in this learning targets is more than testing students and assigning grades. It is a
system that provides feedback about student learning.
Graphical Presentation
A. Type
B. Methods used to assess
Let’s reflect
After learning the lesson:
1. I realized that guided by learning targets teachers make informed decisions about
how and when to differentiate instruction to challenge and engage all students in
important and meaningful work.
2. As a future teacher, I can apply the concepts I learned through planning further
steps for the improvement of my teaching and learning of my students and assessing
them fairly, and share information with relevant stakeholders. Also, through the use of
learning taxonomy. Its purpose is to help me classify my course learning objectives
and select learning activities and assessments that are aligned toward those learning
Let’s Create !