Red Blood Cells
Red Blood Cells
Red Blood Cells
Erythrocytes (red blood cells or RBCs) are anucleate, biconcave cells, filled with hemoglobin, that transport
oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and tissues. They are produced in the red bone marrow by a
process called erythropoiesis. RBCs don’t have mitochondria so only glycolysis take place in these cells.
These cells have enzymes required for glycolysis.
RBCs have bioconcave structure i.e. periphery is thicker than central part. The biconcave disk provide
important functions including:
RBCs have lipid bilayer membrane. Some peripheral proteins are present under interior surface of RBCs.
These peripheral proteins called spectrins make a network and these networks are attached with the
help of other proteins ankyrins, to integral proteins of RBC membrane. These networks hold the RBC
membrane tightly to the interior of RBC.
If a person inherits defective gene for ankyrins and spectrins, such RBCs with mutant networks lose their
membrane and become spherical. This disorder is called hereditary spherocytosis.
If this problem is mild, the disease is called hereditary elliptocytosis.
During synthesis of Hb, the first molecule produced from erythroblast is pyrrole ring.
In the center of protoporphyrin ring, iron is placed which is known as heme. Next, synthesis of globin
chain takes place and the molecule is called hemoglobin monomer.
Erythropoietin can produce four types of globin chains (alpha, beta, gamma and delta).
96% of Hb is Hb-A which is composed of two alpha globin chains and two beta globin chains
HbA2 is composed of two alpha globin chains and two delta globin chains.
HbF (fetal hemoglobin) is composed of two alpha globin chains and two gamma globin chains. HbF have
stronger affinity for oxygen so it can pull oxygen from maternal circulation to fetal circulation.
The disorder in which there is quantitative problems with production of globin chains is called
A and B antigens are present in environment as food and microbes. When A antigen enters the body of a
person having blood group A, he will recognize it as self and will not make antibodies-A. But when a B
antigen enters the body of a person having a blood group B, he will produce antibodies-B. And hence,
we can say that a person with blood group A has antibodies-B.
Rh+ (having Rh Antigen)
Rh antigen is not present in environment or microbes, so they don’t normally enter our body.
Person who is Rh- doesnot normally have anti-Rh antibodies but when Rh+ RBCs comes into the body,
then that person can make anti-Rh antibodies.
The condition arises when mother is Rh- and the fetus is Rh+. Just after delivery, a small amount of fetal
blood goes to maternal blood and mother develops anti-Rh antibodies. The first baby is born without
complications but complications arise in later fetuses.
During 2nd pregnancy, if again the baby is Rh+, anti-Rh antibodies can come to fetus and destroy it.
When this baby is born, the baby will have severe anemia. After birth of 2nd baby, some more fetal blood
reaches maternal blood and more antibodies are made.
In 3rd pregnancy, the Rh+ baby’s RBCs are lost severely due to which baby have excessive hematopoiesis
and the baby’s liver and spleen enlarge. Baby has severe anemia and large amount of bilirubin is
produced which goes to the brain and destroy cortex and basal ganglia.
In 4th pregnancy, mother has a lot of anti-Rh antibodies due to which much of baby’s RBCs are
destroyed. Baby will have the following problems:
Hematopoiesis in liver and spleen is different than bone marrow. Bone marrow allows only mature
products to go into circulation. The liver and spleen may also allow precursor cells to go into circulation.
When this defective baby is born, he will have a lot of erythroblasts in the blood and hence this disease
is called erythroblastosis fetalis.
Commercially available anti-Rh antibodies injection with the name RhoGAM is used to treat
Erythroblastosis foetalis. As soon as Rh- mother gives birth, the baby’s blood is checked. If the baby is
Rh+, the mother is injected with RhoGAM within 72 hours after birth. This injection kill fetal RBCs
circulating in maternal blood and second delivery takes place without complications.