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Dushyanta's Character Abhijnana Shakuntalam

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Abhinama Shakuntala .

. Characte1 of Dushypto

The hero o Abhmama Shalkunla, Dushyanta the ,

King o Hastimapa who belenged to Pum
dynasty rom
umar oim has beem Tepreseted m the classe
l d o f dhigodata Mayak He perPaetly Pts im bhe
classiealdefentien ofhero as lad doum
Dhananjga's Dasrupaka A hero Sheud be uel-bred,
charmimg liberal,
clevr, affable, popular, Uigt,
elo qaent of exalte d lineaR esolate an dYong ,

endowed t h inte ligence
enetgy, wisdom , Skilled
in arts proud hesoic, mghty
wtth Co des
TgorouS , PomilioM
1-9t a obse ver of the lau

the pla ro the begimmng ond

Onwsds, Dushyonta's mobt
ment is Prom Vira- asa
toSrmgasa-raso rom the world of materia
ealiby to
the ideál wrld of beauty and spiritual
talues, He has beem on a huntmg trip_ amd his ehase
f a a deer, brmgs him to the the threshold of the
kingdemof imno Cence His portraya wth strowg physiql,-
hadSomemaslulat body tinged wth his volou and
ohivalry1he ascektés are Conlent that he is the
only peSo topreteet the peace of the hermitae
Pom the demens and imunders,And he qpite Suecessum
perfos me d hisTespomgi biUty to depend them Evem Lovd
ndra Seeks his hel in Sabiugating de mons
The c'le brotd of the demon Kalamem

Love bei Centra the me oPthe

play, Dushy awta
is he enhorent to CarryE fo w d . Obsenta
5eree beauty sp Shakunalo, he falls i oue with hev
at the irstE siaRt. Ate mav he i the Conduet
Gandhor tbya maT , he Teturns tohis
DushyamtA , a Commoi S3Pur of ast þerfo rme d oa lot as a freat painter
to paint apertmit of Shakumtada Tke uali Rty ef
his paiinr is so

higk amddelicate that bot the uidusalka amd Mirakes are deluded b
the bertYait, becauge
Shakuntala pau° d appearS fo be albe, So Tralistec
the pertsait is. vg add T]
Unde Sge DuTeasa'S CAAYSR Om Shelkumtala , Dushyanta
has Pogotto all about hert and the marfi an The i
to shakuntala s the oy
of DukyanBa,give »
Symbel thei wieh s lest ond Shakuntake
becomasS helpless When Duskyamto ene m% ors he
he s oue«bri ome with Tmose
ate geting hein
An hene he eorPky e grous imto aheautndy loue
Samsler't Scholar,Gajendragad ka states
The great proble me that Kasidasa Sets be Pore him
in writing this drama w y to trace the deue lo þmen
into of love thad
o eardhlyloue aheavenly loue 2
S self centred mto loue tha is um eYsa,

King DuhyawBa fol ouy the path of Dhon ma? path

all o Comp ssem dhelpfal] aess ng
Thaug he is ull ofhunting, be i s auo TR o
the mecessity to Sale guard the tranqpil Rnisonmemt O
The e sheuld be 0
the hetmitage . He Teratks
imco enence to the_reshdemts of tha henmita qe ."
wke the asceties pleadtheking to preteek the
herm tagR Prom the demens he atonce agsees to thei plea,

theugk he ha oCouYSe, the_passion o loue imhis

oimd o Shosmtala haATÇT add T
Dushyanta hos been represented as o

wondePul oves o movies a chaste gialthroug

ts ondy_ for ashot peiod
Gan dhaTUya. wiane
thak he orgets Shaluntada, thats too nder the shel})

e CuTSe Throu botrail of Duhyomta,

in tha
he hero
trats op a classiea bero
Kalidaso Shot
Nabya Shasba

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