Landscape Restoration in Kenya: Is It Worth Restoring Degraded Landscapes?
Landscape Restoration in Kenya: Is It Worth Restoring Degraded Landscapes?
Landscape Restoration in Kenya: Is It Worth Restoring Degraded Landscapes?
such as water, food, medicine, fuel wood, fodder, timber, biodiversity, watershed to restore a total of 5.1 million ha of its degraded landscapes by 2030 as a
protection, soil protection, and mitigation of global change and thus increases contribution to the global effort to mitigate climate change.
the risks of natural calamities such as drought especially in dryland ecosystems.
The impacts of forest and land degradation are substantial if indirect benefits Forest landscape restoration (FLR) involves investments and the costs and
are included. The immediate cost of the 2009 to2011 droughts in Kenya was benefits associated with these ventures are yet to be defined in monetary terms Roadside planting BENEFITS
estimated at over 12 billion USD, not including its subsequent destructive effects for Kenya’s forests, croplands and rangelands6. This kind of information (on
on the economy3. A rapid assessment of returns on rangeland management by likely costs and benefits of restoration efforts) is crucial to inform all stakeholders COSTS
rangeland users during 2014 indicated a possible return of 90:1 in the event of a
Grass reseeding in rangelands
(including the government, private sector, individual farmers, etc.) on the best
drought and 24:1 under non-drought conditions4. bet for achieving restoration goals. The analysis in this briefing paper is derived Un-stocked plantations fully stocked Cypress plantations
Restoration Interventions
1 Gibbs, H.K and Salmon, J.M. Mapping the World’s degraded lands. Applied Geography from a study carried out on behalf of Kenya Forest Service to support the
2 Mulinge, W., Gicheru, P., Murithi, F., Maingi, P., Kihiu, E., Kirui, O. K., & Mirzabaev, A. (2016). development of National Forest and Landscape Restoration Strategy process. Enrichment planting in degraded natural forests
Economics of land degradation and improvement in Kenya. In Economics of Land Degradation and resilience. Angle Journal. KING-OKUMU, C. & TEPO, M. 2018 unpublished Assessing returns on
locally determined investments in drought preparedness in Sub-Saharan Africa (draft under review).
Improvement–A Global Assessment for Sustainable Development (pp. 471-498). Springer, Cham.
3 PDNA 2012. Kenya Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) for the 2008-2011 Drought. Republic 5
Commercial Gmelina arborea plantations
of Kenya with technical support from the European Union, United Nations, and World Bank and 6 See Kenya’s national communication on water and ecosystems to the UNFCCC
financial support from the European Union and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Nairobi Work Programme
4 King-Okumu (2015) Rapid assessment of investments in natural resource stewardship in ad/257_267_131301063961586743-Kenya%20submission%20NWP_%20ecosystems%20and%20 Silvo-pastoral systemgrass reseeding and Acacia spp
comparison to the value of returns. Ada Working Paper water%20resources.pdf and methodological guidance in King-Okumu and Elhadi (forthcoming) in
php/component/k2/item/316-rapid-assessment-of-returns-on-investments-in-natural-resource- Wasonga Ed. Healthy Rangelands Book, IUCN
stewardship TARI, D., KING-OKUMU, C. & JARSO, I. 2015. Strengthening Local Customary also see: KING-OKUMU, C. 2015. A framework to assess returns on investments in the dryland Improved Natural regeneration
Institutions: A Case Study in Isiolo County, Northern Kenya Nairobi: Ada Consortiumj. TOULMIN, C., systems of Northern Kenya. IIED. & KING-OKUMU, C., WASONGA, O. V., JARSO, I. & SALAH, Y. M.
S. 2016. Direct use values of climate-dependent ecosystem services in Isiolo County, Kenya. IIED.
HESSE, C., TARI, D. & KING-OKUMU, C. 2015. Investing in institutional ‘software’ to build climate
Intensive Agroforestry of Grevillea, Maize and fruit trees
2. What restoration interventions are more viable in Kenya? Intensive Agroforestry of Melia with Cowpeas
3. Are landscape restoration interventions viable to individual 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000
Benefits/Costs (KES)
farmers and society at large?
Figure 1: Discounted benefits and costs of restoration (KES)/ha at 7%
4. Restoration of 5.1million hectares of degraded landscapes also a need to analyze which segments of society will benefit and whether
will yield KES 7.6trillion in net material benefits to various or not the benefits will reach the most vulnerable people in drought-
stakeholders, providing, direct additional income opportunities for affected regions in order to build the resilience of the society as a whole.
rural communities besides societal benefits over 30-year period.
Every shilling invested will yield KES 4.00. 2. Implement mechanisms that incentivize restoration by land
5. Restoration of degraded landscapes will increase the supply of Restoration of degraded landscapes at private and public levels will yield
water for domestic, industrial and irrigated agriculture, conserve many societal and global benefits, where beneficiaries do not incur costs of
biodiversity and minimize natural calamities7. restoration directly. The government should motivate restoration activities
6. In addition to considering the financial viability for farmers, there is by developing a mechanism for support e.g. through tax incentives or
a need to consider the social returns on the investments and the subsidize the costs of inputs, such as seeds and tree seedling production,
relevance of some interventions to ending drought emergencies and facilitation of cross-border dialogue between resource user groups. In
in Kenya. large restoration efforts with high public benefits, it would be desirable to
design and implement a payment scheme to motivate and incentivize the
Note: All potential benefits from restoration activities were not institutions or investors.
estimated, and if all direct and indirect impacts are considered the
overall benefits of restoration are massive. 3. Build capacity for large scale restoration
It is important to recognize the critical role of good governance in the
overall restoration strategy. There is need to have a coordinated approach
2.2 Recommendations from the economic analysis of FLR that minimize institutional conflicts and risks. Another barrier which needs
options in Kenya to be surmounted is the paucity of data for decision making. During the
course of this study, we experienced challenges on data and there is need
1. Establish national coordinated strategy for FLR to develop both the rapid assessment approach10 and also the long-term
The FLR is multi-agency, multi-stakeholder undertaking across different framework for collecting costs and benefits of restoration11 so that we can
landscapes, tenures and likely to impact different land use sectors predict outcomes with certainty. We also need to develop capacity in the
hence this requires coordination. In addition, the government in use ecosystem modelling tools to support investments in forest landscape
consultation with stakeholders should define priority areas where these restoration.
interventions/options will be implemented at so as to maximize on
environmental and social benefits and minimize conflicts with other land
uses such as agriculture. This criterion should be based on maximum
restoration benefits to society with the lowest costs. For this process to 10 E.g. as in King (2015) and other references above
have higher societal benefits, all agencies (environment, agriculture and 11 Described in KING-OKUMU, C. 2015. A framework to assess returns on investments in the
dryland systems of Northern Kenya. IIED. And King-Okumu and Elhadi (forthcoming) in Wasonga
livestock) should harmonize their plans and minimize conflict. There is Ed. Healthy Rangelands Book, IUCN