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The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown On Internet Use and Escapism in Adolescents

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Revista de Psicología Clínica con Niños y Adolescentes Copyright© 2020 RPCNA

Vol. 7 nº. 3- Septiembre 2020 - pp 59-65 www.revistapcna.com - ISSN 2340-8340

doi: 10.21134/rpcna.2020.mon.2056

Revista de Psicología Clínica con Niños y Adolescentes

The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on internet

use and escapism in adolescents
Blossom Fernandes1, Urmi Nanda Biswas2, Roseann Tan-Mansukhani3, Alma Vallejo4, & Cecilia A. Essau5
Durham University, United Kingdom
The M. S. University of Baroda, India
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
Universidad Veracruzana, México
University of Roehampton, United Kingdom

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on everyday functioning, considerable measures being taken to reduce the spread of the virus.
Schools and social avenues have been placed on prolonged lockdowns, with people continuing to maintain physical distance. Adolescents and young
people have had to endure significant stress alongside dealing with developmental characteristics. Amidst all of this, studies report an increase in gam-
ing addiction and internet use with detrimental impact on psychosocial well-being. The aim of the present study was to examine the impact of lockdown
on internet use in adolescents, comparing their habits from before the pandemic. Furthermore, this research aimed to investigate the relationship be-
tween gaming addiction, internet use and COVID-19 worries. Adolescents from several countries (e.g., India, Malaysia, Mexico and the UK) completed
online questionnaires, shared via social media and youth networks. These measures included questions on internet, social media, gaming, depression,
loneliness, escapism and COVID-19. Results show that adolescents generally have increased their use of social media sites and streaming services.
Further, those who scored highly on gaming addiction, compulsive internet use and social media use also reported high scores of depression, loneliness,
escapism, poor sleep quality and anxiety related to the pandemic. Our findings indicate that, regardless of country of residence, the COVID-19 outbreak
has had a significant effect on adolescent internet use and psychosocial well-being. The need to address pandemic related distress to reduce the effect
of maladaptive coping strategies is highlighted.
Keywords: Internet use, gaming addiction, social media, depression, adolescents, COVID-19.

El impacto del confinamiento por el COVID-19 en el uso de internet y la evasión en los adolescentes. La pandemia del COVID-19 ha tenido un impac-
to significativo en el funcionamiento diario, tomándose medidas importantes para reducir la propagación del virus. Las escuelas y los espacios públicos
se han cerrado durante largos periodos, y la distancia física se ha impuesto. Los adolescentes y jóvenes han tenido que soportar un estrés significativo
al tiempo que lidiar con las situaciones propias de su desarrollo. Los estudios informan de un aumento en la adicción al juego y al uso de Internet con
un impacto perjudicial en el bienestar psicosocial. El objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar el impacto del confinamiento en el uso de Internet en
los adolescentes, comparando sus hábitos con antes de la pandemia. Además, se estudia la relación entre la adicción al juego, el uso de Internet y las
preocupaciones por el COVID-19. Adolescentes de varios países (India, Malasia, México y Reino Unido) completaron los cuestionarios online, que se
distribuyeron a través de redes sociales y redes de jóvenes. Se incluyeron preguntas sobre Internet, redes sociales, juego, depresión, soledad, aversión y
COVID-19. Los resultados muestran que los adolescentes en general han aumentado el uso de redes sociales y de servicios de transmisión. Además, los
que obtuvieron puntuaciones altas en adicción al juego, uso compulsivo de Internet y uso de redes sociales también informaron de puntuaciones altas en
depresión, soledad, aversión, mala calidad del sueño y ansiedad relacionada con la pandemia. Nuestros hallazgos indican que, independientemente del
país de residencia, el confinamiento por COVID-19 ha tenido un efecto significativo en el uso de Internet y en el bienestar psicosocial de los adolescen-
tes. Se destaca la necesidad de abordar el distrés relacionado con la pandemia para reducir el efecto de las estrategias de afrontamiento desadaptativas.
Palabras clave: uso de internet, adicción al juego, redes sociales, depresión, adolescentes, COVID-19.

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, government in many 19. This lockdown involved closure of educational institutions and
countries have imposed a lockdown to contain the spread of COVID- social establishments to limit movement. Isolation and contact

Corresponding author
Blossom Fernandes
Department of Psychology, Durham University
Durham DH1 3 LE, United Kingdom
E.mail: blossom.a.fernandes@durham.ac.uk

The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on internet use and escapism in adolescents

60 Impact of Covid-19 on adolescent’s internet use

restriction enforce a significant change to children and adolescent’s among adolescents, there is also an increase in alcohol and substance
daily routine and psychological well-being (Fegert et al., 2020). misuse (Sun et al., 2020). Sun and colleagues (2020) further found
The full impact of this preventative measure is yet to be known, that the pandemic not only exacerbated symptoms of anxiety and
however studies are only now beginning to highlight the conse- depression but also influenced relapse from abstinence from various
quences of this on adolescents mental health (Fegert, Vitiello, Plener, substances. Regardless of the pandemic, an earlier study in US shows
& Clemens, 2020). Hence concerns are now rising of psychological that internet addiction and alcohol misuse is particularly prevalent
adjustment linked to increased internet usage. Studies from Wuhan among school aged adolescents (Ko et al., 2008).
(China), where the virus emerged, show that children and adolescents These studies show that young adults are susceptible to internet
are therefore facing the consequences of lockdown, one of which is addiction across different parts of the globe (Tang et al., 2017). How-
being sedentary (Xiang, Zhang, & Kuwahara, 2020) and engaging in ever, the impact of COVID-19 on online behaviours and mental health
problematic internet use as a method of coping and escapism (Király is yet unclear. Gao et al. (2017) suggest that investigating such escap-
et al., 2020). ism from one country alone is limiting when generalising results, thus
Even before the government imposed on the lockdown to con- we aim to focus on the impact of social media usage in developing
tain the spread of COVID-19, studies have reported high use of social countries such as India, Mexico, Philippines and Malaysia where grow-
media and internet among adolescents (Kirkaburun & Griffiths, ing economies and increased smartphone usage are associated with
2018), which are to cope with low mood and difficult thoughts as a emotional problems (Nayak, 2018; Ayandele et al., 2020). Moreover,
form of escapism (Király et al., 2020). Escapism refers to a form of there are reports of an increase in the use of social media to acquire
avoidant coping aimed at dealing with stress by escaping unsatisfying further information about the pandemic, for medical advice and news
life circumstances (Henning & Voderer, 2001). Studies like this report (Olapegba et al., 2020). This study will therefore focus on online and
using social media platforms such as Instagram as a form of escap- smartphone use and its links to mental health among youth UK, India,
ism. Moreover, recent studies have shown an increase in nomophobia Mexico, the Philippines, and Malaysia. More specifically, the current
in Turkish youths (Durak, 2019; Gurbuz & Ozkan, 2020), which is project will aim to compare addictive internet / smartphone related
referred to as fear of being without a mobile phone, a term coined behaviours before and during the coronavirus pandemic. ​
by YouGov UK (2008, 2017) following increased reports of anxiety
disorders as a result of smartphone overuse in the UK. G ​ ao and col- Method
leagues (2017) report that escapism is linked with social media addic-
tion. In the United States of America (US), media companies note Participants
an increase in social media, gaming and TV use (Wiederhold, 2020)
and these young consumers in both the US and the United Kingdom A total of 192 youth used the link, out of which 188 agreed to
(UK) are showing increasing concerns about current political affairs participate and continued to complete the survey. A further 3 had sig-
(Globalwide Index, 2020). nificantly missed completing the questionnaire, therefore the sample
The affordability and ease of internet access across the globe, is consisted of 185 adolescents, with a mean age 21.59 years (SD = 2.60).
associated with several health issues. Pathological use of internet, or The participants were from largely Mexico, India, Philippines, Malay-
internet addiction is shown to affect quality of sleep, with dependence
on internet being significantly associated with sleep deprivation (Xan- Table 1. Demographic characteristics of the sample
idis & Brignell, 2016). This finding is supported by a meta-analysis of
studies consistently reporting that addiction to the internet is linked Frequency % X2
with sleep deprivation and further poor quality of sleep (Alimoradi et Gender (% females) 121 65.76 13.37
al., 2019). In particular, it appears social media addiction and gaming Country of Residence
addiction is linked with sleep deprivation and emotional problems, India 38 20.65
Indonesia 6 3.26
such as anxiety, depression and stress (Wong et al., 2020).
Malaysia 25 13.59
Anxiety and depression is consistently linked to internet addic-
Mexico 14 7.61
tion, for example internet addiction in adolescents predicted social
Philippines 20 10.87
anxiety and depression, but also self-esteem (Tian, Qin, Cao, &
UK 40 21.74
Gao, 2020). This unhealthy internet use in adolescents is shown to
Unknown 41 22.28
increase loneliness over time (Yao & Zhong, 2014). Yao and Zhong
Education level 85.65**
(2014) claim that internet addiction is a mechanism to reduce lone- School 42 22.70
liness, social anxiety and depression, whereby pathological internet College 45 24.30
use is manifested as a result of depression. This is supported by results University 75 40.76
showing loneliness and social media predicting internet addiction in Other/prefer not to say 23 12.24
young Indian students (Singh, Khess, KJ, Ali, & Gujar, 2020). Sim- Employment status 80.62**
ilarly among young Bangladeshi and Iranian students, loneliness, Full - time 25 13.52
depression, anxiety and stress was significantly correlated with inter- Part - time 4 2.16
net addiction (Mamun et al., 2020; Ostovar et al., 2016). Moreover, a Student 128 69.19
recent study conducted among adolescents in Italy and the US showed Unemployed 2 1.08
that internet addiction is significantly associated with decreased low Prefer not to say/other 26 14.05
self-esteem and life satisfaction (Błachnio, Przepiorka, Benvenuti, Live with 97.11*
Mazzoni, & Seidman, 2019). Family members 112 60.54
More recently, findings from China during the COVID-19 pan- Non-family members 73 39.46
demic reported that alongside increased pathological internet use Note: **p < .01; *p < .05
Blossom Fernandes, Urmi Nanda Biswas, Roseann Tan-Mansukhani, Alma Vallejo, & Cecilia A. Essau 61

sia and the UK (Table 1). The majority of the participants were college Scale (RSE; Rosenberg, 1965); this is the most commonly used and
and university students and primarily lived with their families. The well-validated measure of global self-esteem. This scale is set on
results from the Chi-square statistic in table 1 shows that education, a 4-point scale ranging from 1 = ‘strongly disagree’ to 4 = ‘strongly
employment and living arrangements were significantly related to the agree’. We found modest reliability scores for this measure in this
country of residence. study (α = .70).

Instruments Procedure

Participants were asked about how often they use certain applica- The study was approved by Durham University’s Psychology ethics
tions (apps) on their devices. These apps were grouped in categories committee and was carried out in accordance with the 1975 Helsinki
of streaming services (e.g., Netflix, Amazon Prime), shopping apps declaration. The questionnaire was published online in Qualtrics, a
(e.g., Wish, Amazon), social media apps (e.g., Instagram, Snapchat), platform which allows questionnaire data to be collected online using
gaming (e.g., Minecraft, Nintendo) and well-being (e.g., Headspace, an anonymous link. Participants were recruited online and the link
MyFitnessPal). The use of frequency was stated in hours before and to complete the questionnaire was shared on various social media
now during the pandemic (see table 4). We also asked participants networks and student groups (e.g., Twitter, Facebook). All the par-
questions about their concerns over coronavirus and the pandemic ticipants voluntarily consented to completing the questionnaire; they
(see table 2). Similar to the items used by Kim et al. (2016), these were aware that their participation was completely anonymous as no
were 4 items and set on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 = ‘never personally identifying information was collected.
thought about it’ to 5 = ‘worried about it all the time’. Alongside this,
the following measures were used. Statistical analysis
The Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS) (Meerkerk, Van Den
Eijnden, Vermulst, & Garretsen, 2009) was used to measure internet In order to analyse the data, preliminary analyses involved look-
addiction. Internet addiction is often seen as addiction to certain ing at the descriptive statistics (including mean, standard deviations,
online activities rather than addiction to internet itself (Meerkerk et frequencies and percentages) and the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality.
al., 2009). This scale is made up of 14 items with a 5-point Likert scale The output from this shows that the data violated norms of assump-
(ranging from 0 = ‘never’, to 4 = ‘very often’). Results from reliability tion for most variables, this also was found for questions related to
analysis show strong Cronbach’s alpha (α = .91) for this measure in COVID-19 directly. Therefore, Mann Whitney U tests were used to
this study. compare mean differences between gender and age groups. Wilcoxon
Kessler Psychological Distress scale (K10; Kessler et al., 2002) was Signed rank test was used to measure statistical differences in inter-
used to measure depression in young people. The scale which was net use and well-being. Further Spearman’s rho correlation tests were
initially developed to assess psychological distress is also considered conducted using SPSS 27.0. A multiple regression analysis assessed
a measure of depression (Fassaert et al., 2009). The measure which the relative impact of social media use and compulsive internet use
consists of 10 items is based on a 5-point Likert scale (ranging from 1 variables as predictors of escapism and other problem behaviours
= ‘a little of the time’, to 5 = ‘all of the time’). Strong internal reliability after controlling for age and sex.
was found in this study for this scale (α = .91).
Social Media Use Questionnaire (SMUQ; Xanidis & Brignell, Table 2. Mean differences (standard deviations) for COVID-19 related
2015) measures pathological use of social media and its impact on questions based on gender
emotional well-being. This scale is based on 9 items set on a 5-point
Likert scale (ranging from 0 = ‘never’, to 5 = ‘always’). The internal Overall Female Male z
reliability of SMUQ in this study was good (α = .86). COVID-19 Q1 2.48 (1.12) 2.41 (1.10) 2.75 (1.16) -1.08
Escapism Scale (Gao et al.2017) was adapted to measure escap- COVID-19 Q2 2.63 (1.69) 2.63 (1.16) 2.75 (1.16) -.23
ism from the real-world using internet services or apps on individual COVID-19 Q3 2.99 (1.10) 2.92 (1.11) 3.21 (.98) -.99
COVID-19 Q4 2.60 (1.16) 2.55 (1.16) 2.41 (1.10) -.53
devices (see appendix). This short scale consists of four items and is
based on a 4-point Likert scale (ranging from 1 = ‘Strongly disagree, Note:
to 4 = ‘Strongly agree’). Strong internal reliability was found in this Covid-19 Q1= Did you worry about being infected with COVID-19 when
study for this scale (α = .92). the first patient with COVID-19 had a definitive diagnosis?
Covid-19 Q2= Did you worry about being infected with COVID-19 when
A short-form UCLA Loneliness scale (ULS-8) was used to assess
the first patient with COVID-19 died?
loneliness in young people. It contains the 8 items selected from the Covid-19 Q3= If you have not contracted coronavirus, do you worry about
revised UCLA Loneliness Scale of Hays and DiMatteo (1987). The being infected with COVID-19 when the number of patients continued to
scale utilised a 4-point Likert scale with values ranging from 1 = rise?
‘never’ to 4 = ‘always’. In this study, the internal reliability of the ULS-8 Covid-19 Q4= Do you worry about being infected with COVID-19 even if
the COVID-19 outbreak ends?
was α = .69.
A 7-item Game Addiction Scale (GAS; Lemmens, Valkenburg, &
Peter, 2009) was used to measure gaming in adolescents. As the title Results
suggest the scale has 7 items and is based on a 5-point Likert scale
(ranging from 0 = ‘never’, to 5 = ‘often’). In this study good internal Table 2 shows the percentages of participants who reported worry
reliability scores were found for this measure (α = .89). related to COVID-19. The most common worry was related to being
A short version of the Rosenbaum Self-esteem Scale was used to infected with COVID-19 as number of cases continued to rise com-
measure self-esteem (Lewinsohn, Hoberman, & Rosenbaum, 1988). pared to when the first few cases were diagnosed. There were no fur-
The 3 items were extracted from the original Rosenberg Self-Esteem ther differences between gender and age groups. The mean scores
62 Impact of Covid-19 on adolescent’s internet use

show that for depression (Table 6) fall within the mild category of The next step of the analysis involved multiple linear regression,
having depressive symptoms. Table 4 shows the difference in internet to examine the impact of COVID-19 and compulsive internet use on
use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. These results show adolescent mood. The results from this analysis show that COVID
that use of social media, streaming services and gaming sites and apps related worries, alongside compulsive internet use, social media use
significantly increased during lockdown and can be further seen in and gaming addiction, together predicted scores of escapism (F (7.57)
Figure 1. On the contrary, sites and apps related to online shopping = 10.32, p < .001, R2 = .59), depression (F (5,57) = 8.89, p < .001, R2 =
were significantly decreased amongst adolescents. There was no sig- .60) and loneliness (F (7, 56) = 6.18, p < .001, R2 = .69) in adolescents.
nificant increase in the use of well-being sites. More specifically gaming addiction significantly contributed further
Our analyses on substance use showed that during lockdown adoles- to scores of escapism (β = .47, p <.001), loneliness (β = .33, p <.01) and
cents smoked significantly increased (see table 5). The number of times depression (β = .41, p <.01). Taken together these findings highlight
that adolescents consumed alcohol and other substances (including mar- the increasing use of social media in the lives of adolescent, and its
ijuana) also showed some increase during compared to before COVID- detrimental impact on their well-being.
19, however this comparison did not show any significant differences.
Table 5. Substance use before and during lockdown (N = 185)
Table 3. Mean differences (standard deviations) for COVID-19 related
questions based on age groups Before During Positive Negative
COVID–19 COVID–19 Rank Rank
Overall 16-20 years 21-25 years z
Alcohol use 1.20 (.47) 1.22 (.48) 11.00 13.56 -.54
COVID-19 Q1 2.48 (1.12) 2.59 (1.23) 2.29 (1.02) -.78
Smoking/ 1.19 (.59) 1.53 (.86) 23.70 28.50 -3.84**
COVID-19 Q2 2.63 (1.69) 2.59 (1.12) 2.46 (1.12) -.50
COVID-19 Q3 2.99 (1.10) 3.06 (1.20) 2.94 (1.01) -.29
Other 1.08 (.35) 1.13 (.48) 5.29 4.00 -1.81
COVID-19 Q4 2.60 (1.16) 2.94 (1.20) 2.48 (1.18) -1.34
Note: (Inc. Marijuana)
Covid-19 Q1= Did you worry about being infected with COVID-19 when
the first patient with COVID-19 had a definitive diagnosis? Note: **p<.001
Covid-19 Q2= Did you worry about being infected with COVID-19 when
the first patient with COVID-19 died?
Covid-19 Q3= If you have not contracted coronavirus, do you worry about
being infected with COVID-19 when the number of patients continued to rise? The aim of our study was to examine the impact of COVID-19
Covid-19 Q4= Do you worry about being infected with COVID-19 even if pandemic on adolescents’ online behaviours. More generally the
the COVID-19 outbreak ends? objective was to explore differences in online habits before and since
the government issued lockdown to control the spread of the coro-
Table 4. Duration (in hours) spent on specific online websites before and navirus. These results show a significant increase in social media
during COVID-19 related lockdown (N = 185) and streaming services during the pandemic. Given that adolescents
usually place elevated value on peer interactions (Blakemore, 2008),
Before During Positive Negative there is a far greater need to maintain social connections despite the
COVID–19 COVID–19 Rank Rank
COVID-19 lockdown. They are far more susceptible to peer influ-
Social media sites 5.37 (3.72) 7.81 (6.86) 17.23 10.06 -2.75*
ence and peer expectation, which often heightens their risk taking
Gaming .73 (6.86) 1.54 (2.13) 10.00 .00 -3.87** behaviours, however these behaviours are only exacerbated in stress-
Streaming services 5.07 (5.54) 6.09 (5.38) 11.21 10.13 -2.61* ful times (Andrews, Foulkes, & Blakemore, 2020; Wetherill & Tapert,
Shopping sites 1.08 (4.70) .69 (1.17) 2.00 8.43 -3.30** 2013). The results from this study showed that adolescents increased
Well-being sites .46 (1.16) .53 (1.18) 4.50 9.00 -1.61 their use of social media contact across different parts of the globe,
with many teens reporting use of social media (Instagram, Snapchat
Note: **p < .001; *p < .01
and TikTok) to stay in touch with their peers. This could likely help
adolescents and young people stay connected and cope with the pan-
Table 5 shows the correlations between internet use and well-be- demic (Ellis, Dumas, & Forbes, 2020).
ing during lockdown. The results revealed a significant relationship In line with previous studies, these findings also revealed a strong
between compulsive internet use, social media use and gaming addic- relationship between compulsive online behaviours, symptoms of
tion. These variables also showed significant positively correlation depression and loneliness. For example, a study looking at psychoso-
with scores of loneliness and depression. Sleep quality was significantly cial factors of internet addiction in Iran found internet addiction to
negatively associated with compulsive internet use, social media use, be co-morbid with depression and loneliness (Mamun et al., 2020).
gaming addiction and loneliness. This finding suggested that adoles- Mamun et al. (2020) suggests that being addicted to the internet
cents who reported having a good quality sleep spent less time on increases the likelihood of anxious and depressive symptoms. Likewise,
internet/social media and were also feeling less lonely. Sleep quality Błachnio and colleagues (2019) reported that regardless of country of
was also negatively related to higher scores of escapism. High scores of residence, addiction to the internet and social media in particular is
loneliness and depression were also negatively correlated with self-es- associated with depression and lower life satisfaction. Nonetheless the
teem. An interesting finding was that worries about COVID-19 were coronavirus epidemic caused social isolation is more likely associated
significantly positively related to scores of compulsive internet use, with smartphone and internet addiction, which further heightens anx-
social media use, gaming addiction, escapism, loneliness and depres- iety and depressive symptoms in adolescents (Duan et al., 2020).
sion. These results also show that high scores of COVID-related worry Our results also showed that concerns over the COVID pandemic
was significantly related to poor sleep quality in adolescents. and compulsive internet use significantly predicted high scores of
Blossom Fernandes, Urmi Nanda Biswas, Roseann Tan-Mansukhani, Alma Vallejo, & Cecilia A. Essau 63

Table 6. Correlations between internet use and well-being during lockdown

M (SD) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 CIU 26.80 (3.33) -
2 Social media Use 12.97 (7.05) .78** -
3 Gaming 12.98 (6.04) .40** .41** -
4 Escapism 9.27 (3.33) .44** .40** .41** -
5 Loneliness 18.00 (4.31) .25* .26** .40** .43** -
6 Depression 24.23 (8.11) .45** .46** .28** .38** .26** -
7 Self - esteem 8.93 (1.87) .03 .07 -.14 -.17 -.23** -.21* -
8 Sleep quality 3.48 (1.03) -.29** -.21* -.29** -.29** -.29** -.14 .11 -
9 COVID-19 Q1 2.48 (1.12) .29* .26* .22* .27* .44 .24* .06 -.24* -
10 COVID-19 Q2 2.63 (1.69) .33** .32** .26* .34** .08 .29** -.02 -.18 .84** -
11 COVID-19 Q3 2.99 (1.10) .38** .34** .32** .40** .22* .48** -.07 -.36** .56** .65** -
12 COVID-19 Q4 2.60 (1.16) .39** .29** .19 .40** .30** .40 -.14 -.29** .52** .61** .71** -

Note. **p < .001; *p < . 05; CIU = Compulsive Internet Use
COVIDd-19 Q1= Did you worry about being infected with COVID-19 when the first patient with COVID-19 had a definitive diagnosis?
COVID-19 Q2= Did you worry about being infected with COVID-19 when the first patient with COVID-19 died?
COVID-19 Q3= If you have not contracted coronavirus, do you worry about being infected with COVID-19 when the number of patients continued to rise?
COVID-19 Q4= Do you worry about being infected with COVID-19 even if the COVID-19 outbreak ends?

depression, loneliness and escapism. The average scores of depres- distress (Ko & Yen, 2020). Studies show that peer interaction is highly
sion suggests that adolescents are experiencing mild symptoms which valued amongst adolescents (Andrews et al., 2020), particularly when
maybe directly linked with the lockdown (Király et al., 2020), in com- considering their engagement with online activities and social media
bination with increased internet and social media use. According to to maintain interaction (Ellis et al., 2020). Finally, this study did not
Duan et al. (2020) adolescents in Hubei province of China, where the examine peer relationships specifically, considering this alongside
population experienced the first outbreak of COVID-19, adolescent internet and gaming addiction could provide a glimpse into the rela-
depressive symptoms were directly linked with anxiety which stems tionship between these two factors. The COVID-19 pandemic may
from fear of outbreak and fear of infection. This offers further support have a significant impact on adolescent wellbeing and internet use;
to our finding of COVID-19 worries strongly correlating with symp- however, these behaviours may impact further by their evolving rela-
toms of depression. tionship with their peers.
Furthermore, high scores of gaming addiction also contributed To conclude, the main objective of this study was to examine
towards escapism, loneliness, and symptoms of depression. Sup- the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on online behaviours and how
porting the findings of Wong et al. (2020), these results suggest that this may have changed from before the pandemic in adolescents. As
increased use of internet gaming is linked with poor psychological adolescents have been susceptible to internet addiction before lock-
adjustment, and also quality of sleep. Increase in gaming has been down was reported (Ko et al., 2008), we wanted to examine whether
observed in Europe and the United States of America, with adoles- the pandemic would have a detrimental effect on this. Further we
cents using this to cope with the psychological distress of the pan- wanted to explore the relationship between these online behaviours
demic (Ko & Yen, 2020). Escapism is closely correlated with gaming and psychological well-being. Given the ongoing pandemic, these
addiction, which suggests that escapism acts as a coping mechanism findings revealed a greater increase in social media use and streaming
for gaming behaviour (Yee, 2006) and something that may further services. Moreover, these results showed that compulsive internet use
relieve stress for a short period (Balhara, Kattula, Singh, Chukkali, & and increased social media use was strongly associated with worries of
Bhargava, 2020); this may be relevant particularly during the COVID- COVID-19 and symptoms of depression. Those scoring high on gam-
19 pandemic (Király et al., 2020). ing addiction also reported increased symptoms of depression, loneli-
Despite highlighting some important findings regarding the ness and escapism. Taken together these results highlight that adoles-
implication of pandemic on internet use, this study does have lim- cents who rely on maladaptive coping strategies, such as gaming and
itations. Firstly, the response rate for completing the questionnaire compulsive use internet, to manage distress and anxiety are likely to
was lower than expected, with delays in completing the question- have a negative effect on their mental health and even quality of sleep.
naire. There could be several reasons for this, including difficulties
gaining access to individuals from this age group. However, according Conflict of Interest
to Wright (2005) invitation emails to participate in the study may be
rejected if the site is not trusted by participants, with researchers sig- The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
nificantly experiencing this. Secondly, as the study did not assess any
pre-existing conditions within the adolescent participants, consider- Funding
ing the pandemic, the impact of this needs to be examined further
and should be considered in future studies. In particular, gaming and This research did not receive any specific grant from any funding
internet addictions which may exacerbate during times of increased agencies.
64 Impact of Covid-19 on adolescent’s internet use

Acknowledgement Fegert, J. M., Vitiello, B., Plener, P. L., & Clemens, V. (2020). Challenges and
burden of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic for child and
The authors are grateful to all those who participated in the study. adolescent mental health: a narrative review to highlight clinical and
research needs in the acute phase and the long return to normality. Child
Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health, 14, 20. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13034-
Gao, W., Liu, Z., & Li, J. (2017). How does social presence influence SNS addic-
References tion? A belongingness theory perspective. Computers in Human Behavior,
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