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Design and Implementation of SMQTT For Iot Applications: Abstract

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Dhanshri Kolhe et. al.

/ International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering

Vol. 5 , Issue. 3, 2018, ISSN 2349-0780

Design and Implementation of SMQTT for IoT

Dhanshri Kolhe Prof. Smita Kapse
dhanshrikolhe5@gmail.com kawadesmita@gmail.com
Department of computer science Department of computer science
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering,
Nagpur Nagpur

Abstract: heterogeneity of devices, device identity, device

management, secure device to device communication
In the IoT world, establishing a strong mobile network (D2D), etc. To enable the integration and management
architecture will be critical for organizations to bring of heterogeneous IoT devices, architectures such as
together people, processes, data and things. Among Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN), Sensor Web
the various available protocols and standards to Enablement (SWE), etc., are proposed. Here, security
network IoT entities, the Message Queue Telemetric of devices (such as identity theft, data integrity), D2D
Transport (MQTT) is already a reference solution. It communication, etc., are not addressed rigorously.
provides a publish/subscribe messaging transport Further most of the privacy and security features
specifically designed to be used in devices with limited proposed by them are at a nascent level. To address
resources over constrained networks. A message this cryptography techniques based on Public Key
broker is an imperative component in IoT systems, and Infrastructure (PKI), Identity based encryption (IBE),
it works as a gateway between IoT devices and etc., are proposed for secure IoT communication.
application platforms. With the growth of IoT devices Though current techniques serve the purpose of basic
today, these systems can easily overwhelm message security primitives for D2D communications, they do
brokers unless the software can fully utilize hardware not address at the protocol level. Communication
resources such as multi-core facility. In this paper protocols exists such as Constrained Application
proposed system is designed to Implement the SMQTT Protocol (CoAP, UDP based), Message Queue
protocol for secure data transfer between entities. Telemetry Transport (MQTT, TCP based), MQTT-SN
Using IomaTic as a development platform system (UDP based), etc. which are deployed for IoT at
demonstrate the proof of concept and its different layers have limited or devoid of security
implementation. features. Hence these protocols need to address
security issues for IoT.
Keywords: MQTT, D2D, IoT, Cryptography,
IomaTic Moreover, MQTT and MQTT-SN are more
prevalent than CoAP and find applications in the area
of social networks, Vehicle to Vehicle communication
I. INTRODUCTION (V2V) and sensor networks. Hence in proposed work
MQTT and MQTT-SN for IoT w.r.t security. Note that
Innovations in digital things, Information it is the user’s responsibility to address security issues
Communication Technology and IPV6 (Internet for MQTT and MQTT-SN.
protocol) are enabling rapid deployment of Internet of
Things (IoT) around the globe. It is estimated that In this direction, it is suggested to enable
trillions of IoT devices are going to be deployed in security forMQTT by envisaging SSL/TLS with
next five years. IoT Applications are immense in certificates and session key management. However,
number and utilized to provide solutions for multitude for IoT due to multitude of heterogeneous devices,
of diversified problems. Though IoT has lot of storing and managing the certificates and key
potentials in the digital world, during its deployment, exchanges for every session is cumbersome and also
it encounters several issues with respect to (w.r.t)
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Dhanshri Kolhe et. al. / International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering

Vol. 5 , Issue. 3, 2018, ISSN 2349-0780

SSL/TLS suffers from attacks such as BEAST, Proposed system is also to adopt new advancing
CRIME, RC4, Heartbleed, etc. Thus, a scalable, technology, “Lightweight Cryptography”, in the IoT.
lightweight and robust security mechanism is required System describes two reasons that support this
for MQTT and its variants for deploying in IoT. proposal. In order to achieve end-to-end security, end
nodes have an implementation of a symmetric key
Hence in this direction, we propose a Secure algorithm. For the low resource-devices, e.g. battery-
MQTT (SMQTT) which augments security feature for powered devices, the cryptographic operation with a
the existing MQTT protocol and its variants based on limited amount of energy consumption is important.
lightweight Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) over Application of the lightweight symmetric key
elliptic curves. The advantage of using ABE is because algorithm allows lower energy consumption for end
of its inherent design which supports broadcast devices.
encryption (with one encryption, message is delivered The footprint of the lightweight cryptographic
to multiple intended users) and thus suitable for IoT primitives is smaller than the conventional
applications. ABE are of two types: (i). Ciphertext cryptographic ones. The lightweight cryptographic
Policy based ABE (CP-ABE) and (ii). Key Policy primitives would open possibilities of more network
based ABE (KPABE). In general, each of these connections with lower resource devices. A
schemes are different w.r.t the access policy, key comparison of the lightweight properties with the
management and are suitable for different kinds of conventional cryptographic primitives is shown in
applications. Thus as part of our study, we analyse Appendix. The comparison in Appendix focuses on
suitability of these schemes for SMQTT from IoT hardware properties. Some end nodes might be able to
perspective. To the best of our knowledge, we have embed general-purpose micro-processors and software
not seen any security requirements and solutions of properties are considered important in such platforms.
secure MQTT for heterogeneous IoT devices. The However, lowest cost devices can embed only
proposed security feature is efficient, robust and application-specific ICs due to limited cost and power
scalable. consumption, where hardware properties are crucially
The main objective of proposed work is to
develop a mechanism that allows the system to Proposed system has been designed by keeping
transfer information between multiple IoT devices temperature sensor monitoring and remote home
or between device to server in secure way using appliances control over TCP/IP network. System
modified version of MQTT protocol called secure has been designed in three different modules.
MQTT. Below points describes the different
objective considerations. 3.1 Client / Publisher Hardware:
A IomaTic Development board-based
• To deploy a MQTT server and create a web implementation which use ESP8266 as a wi-fi
communication between IoT board server. communication module, DHT11 as a temperature
• To develop a MQTT protocol in embedded monitoring system, relay switching unit for
environment for rapid communication. appliances tripping, LCD screen for information
• Design an application to monitor and control monitoring and finally Atmega328P as a
the things through MQTT protocol. microcontroller for logic processing. This part
• Modifying the communication by securing the connects to broker as a client and send
MQTT communication using encryption temperature information to server secondly it
methods. accepts from server to operation appliances
connected to the relay unit. It also utilizes the

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Dhanshri Kolhe et. al. / International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering

Vol. 5 , Issue. 3, 2018, ISSN 2349-0780

encryption algorithms to securely transmit the It takes the ease of Arduino programming IDE
messages. and the power of open source Arduino Uno board,
clubbed together with tons of on-board
3.2 Broker / Server: component and modules makes it perfect solution
for the beginners who are willing to learn IoT and
This is a TCP/IP based MQTT broker or server
the experts who are ready to deploy IoT as
which is responsible to accept network connection
applications or product.
request from publisher and subscriber. This will
transmit messages between connected client either
as a publisher or the subscriber. It mainly works
as a post master between subscriber and publisher.
3.3 Client / Subscriber:
A client program which connect to server and
subscribe itself to receive temperature in
formation and graphically display it to user. It also
allows user to control connected appliances using
graphical user interface. Fig. 3.1 IomaTic Development Board
Unique Arduino and Atmega328p based
development board having on-board components
like SIM 808 with SIM slot, GPS, Bluetooth,
Server / Broker ESP8266, DHT11, buzzer, 16x2 and 16x4 LCD

support, 30amp. Relay, serial interface, mini USB



programming port, connectors for different


configurable IOs, multilevel voltage out like 12v,

5v, 3.3v so you can connect any sensor directly to
Secure Messenging
board, configuration DIP switches to control
Client / Subscriber Client / Publisher
Enc / Dec
components or modules power state and LED
Enc / Dec
indications for different modules. To control these
Fig. 3.0 Proposed architecture entire modules and to develop IoT applications,
IomaTic board comes up with different sample
Fig. 3.0 describes the overall system architecture codes and almost 40+ ready to deploy application
of the implementation. MQTT is mainly used for where at single click IomaTic board can be
unidirectional communication that is to publish converted in to real life applications that to free of
the information to multiple channels at a time cost.
over TCP/IP Communication. In proposed system IV. IMPLEMENTATION
bidirectional Communication is established over
TCP/IP socket connection in order to fetch the
topic information and send the control command
to the hardware or publisher.

Proposed system implemented over

IomaTic where, IomaTic is first of its kind,
complete IoT application development platform.
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Vol. 5 , Issue. 3, 2018, ISSN 2349-0780

communication and execution result between all

entities in proposed system. Subscriber show the
received information form hardware, hardware
publisher shows the temperature information and
control the devices and finally server shows
overall information exchange and packet detail.


Since MQTT, the lightweight messaging

publish/subscribe protocol can be used to share
any dynamic data, the sharing of data, e.g., flood
Fig 4.1 (A) Subscriber monitoring data, earthquake data, or traffic data
via MQTT protocol, can be used to improve the
way of human life. However, there are variety of
topic naming when the publishers shared their
data over the MQTT protocol. To create the
standard of topic naming MTNC was proposed in
our previous work. In this work we implement the
secure MQTT and tested it over wi-fi network
using IomaTic development platform. With the
help of socket programming in TCP/IP mode
system generates the result as expected

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